MERCURYTHAT the Rothschilds controlled Mercury is a fact which cannot be denied in the face of the statement to that effect in the Jewish Encyclopædia (B., Vol. V., p. 384). Nathan Rothschild sent Lionel to Madrid and the latter obtained the lease of the Almaden mines in Spain in 1832, and received the Order of Isabella the Catholic from the Queen Regent of that country! This mining concession was obtained by the House of Rothschild in consideration of a loan of 15 million francs to the Spanish Government at a low rate of interest. In a few years, the income from these mines was anything between 1¼ million to 2 million francs. Thus the Quicksilver monopoly was established, the Vienna House having previously purchased the Austrian mines of Idria. The Rothschilds doubled the price of mercury, and their monopoly lasted until 1863 by which time Mercury was discovered in the United States of America. In the years 1835 to 1837, the Rothschilds were in a somewhat desperate position because of these quicksilver interests in Spain. Don Carlos was fighting to gain the throne from the Queen Regent and was threatening the safety of the Almaden mines. The Rothschilds, whose agent in Madrid, the Jew Mendizabal was the Queen Regent’s Finance Minister, supported the Queen Regent, but were hampered by the facts that they had little faith in Spain’s credit and that their Austrian patron, the Chancellor Metternich, strongly favoured the cause of Don Carlos. The Rothschilds therefore actually “made great efforts to secure the armed intervention of England and France” and were successful in that the French lent the Queen Regent the services of the Foreign Legion, whilst Britain raised a volunteer force which was financed by Nathan Rothschild. (A, Vol. II., p. 124). As in 1940, the French and British were sent to fight the Jews’ battles. At last, to please Metternich, the Rothschilds pretended that the Spanish Government had been guilty of bad faith, and they “beared” the Spanish funds in Paris and London bringing them down from 70 to 37. In spite of all this, Don Carlos’s inadequacy led to his defeat in the field, and the Rothschild mines were safe again. NICKELThe principal supplies of Nickel, used for hardening purposes in steel manufacture, and for which there is no known substitute, were in Canada, New Caledonia and Norway. The Canadian supplies are controlled by the Jew Lord Melchett, and the New Caledonian mines by the Paris Rothschilds. What this means exactly is exemplified by a curious occurrence in the Great War 1914-18. Nickel had been declared contraband by the British who cut off Germany’s supplies from Canada. However, on 1st October, 1914, a Norwegian steamer loaded with 2,500 tons of the metal from New Caledonia and consigned to Krupp in Germany was stopped by the French Navy and taken to Brest as a prize of war. Immediately an order came from Paris to release the ship, which was then allowed to proceed to Hamburg! The French did not declare nickel to be contraband until May, 1915, by which time Germany had made sure of her supplies, supplementing them by bringing over from America a further 400 tons in the submarine Deutschland; this nickel must have been purchased in the United States from New Caledonia by arrangement (Z, pp. 166-7). Who made the arrangement? Who ordered the Norwegian steamer at Brest to be released? One guess will suffice as an answer to both questions. The French Rothschild Company was called Le Nickel, and had on its Board of Directors two Germans closely associated with Krupp and with the Metallgesellschaft of Frankfort, of which the Kaiser was a large shareholder. That is what Rothschild control signified. Since then, Finland promises to be the future chief source of Nickel, and the potentialities of the new mines in the arctic region of Petsamo in that country are enormous. These mines are owned by the Jew Lord Melchett’s International Nickel Co. of Canada. Their existence will no doubt influence the amount of actual help to Finland which will be rendered by Britain against the Soviets’ cowardly attack, but the intelligent reader will not allow himself to lose sympathy with the gallant Finns on that account. COPPERFrom the beginning of this century, the Rothschilds have had an important share in the Rio Tinto Mines in southern Spain, and the Trust Deed (dated 1931) for the Company’s Debentures is in favour of L. N. & A. G. Rothschild. These mines also produce Sulphur; Rear-Admiral Consett in his Triumph of Unarmed Forces (1923), p. 228, shows how the Rio Tinto Company during the World War 1914-18 sent to Denmark enormous amounts of pyrites containing sulphur for the purpose of mixing with raw phosphatic materials from North Africa to make fertiliser, obviously for German use. According to the Jewish Encyclopædia (B, Vol. V., p. 384) the world control of Copper was (in 1903) in the hands of the Jew firms Lewisohn Bros. & Guggenheim Sons. LEADAmong the most important Lead-mines in the world are those of the Spanish Company Societe Miniere de Penarroya which produces one-eighth of the world’s total. Since 1883, the Paris Rothschilds controlled the Company and in 1909 they allied themselves with the Frankfort Metallgesellschaft (which meant Krupp and the Kaiser, as stated previously in this Chapter). This arrangement continued until 31st December, 1916, and must have been most profitable for Rothschild Freres during the first two years of the war, when they sent 150,000 tons to Germany, via Switzerland. (Z, p. 167). OILThe story of Rothschild Oil-interests can be largely told by means of extracts from well-authenticated sources.
The Jewish Encyclopædia (B, Vol. X., p. 496), says that the interest of the Rothschilds in the Baku Oil-wells made them the chief competitor of Standard Oil Company. In a letter dated 14th March 1901, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice wrote of “Baku, an enormous town in a desert, breeding petroleum, once the home and temple of fire-worshippers—now mostly owned by the Rothschilds.” (D, Vol. I., p. 338). Then appears Deterding on the scene, an official of the Royal Dutch Company, later to become Sir Henri Deterding; this man is described by W. Thompson in an article “World Oil-War or Entente,” published in Asia, May 1923, pp. 236-8, as “a Jew by race”; whilst the News of the World, 5th February, 1939, said he was “of Jewish descent.”
The Jew Marcus Samuel “built an experimental oil-tanker with money borrowed from the Rothschilds of Paris.” (Z.2, p. 21). The Royal Dutch Company allied itself with the Shell Transport of Marcus Samuel (afterwards Viscount Bearsted), in 1897, and later, in 1902 with a sales firm, the Asiatic Petroleum Company. “As before, Samuel got the House of Rothschild to finance the companies.” (Z.2, p. 23)
The Rothschilds were always hostile to the Tsars of Russia who were the only European monarchs to protect their people from the Jews by refusing to give them the status of Russians in Russia. They must, therefore, like Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co., have been interested in the success of Kerensky’s revolution; but it is impossible that the Rothschilds could have desired the success of the Bolshevik revolution which came next, because of the losses they would, and did, sustain in the Russian Oil-fields which were ultimately confiscated by the Soviet Government. In the hope of recovering these oil-fields, the Rothschilds believing that the Bolsheviks would collapse, increased their holdings of Russian Oil-fields by further purchases made through Deterding, buying them at knock-down figures. We may be sure that they supported the counterrevolutionary attempts of Generals Wrangel, Deniken, and Admiral Kolchak, which all failed. It is interesting to note that the Brigadier-General of the British Military Mission to aid Denikin (1919-1920) and the Commanding Officer of the British Mission with Wrangel’s forces (1920) was Sir J. Percy whose real name is Baumgartner and married to a Jewess, and the British High Commissioner in South Russia (1919-20) was Sir H. J. Mackinder, ex-Director of the London School of Economics, and also married to a Jewess! Deterding himself married the daughter of a Russian “White” General. The Royal Dutch Company which so strongly represents the Rothschilds also controls the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company, which has two peculiarities:— 1. It hardly ever is able to find Oil in British territories, although its concessions range all over the Empire’s Crown Colonies, besides South Africa, Egypt and Palestine. 2. There is little that is Anglo-Saxon in the composition of its Directorate. It is strongly Jewish, and is part owner of the Consolidated Petroleum Co. and the Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co. which in turn controls the Shell-Mex Companies of Argentine, Chile and Uruguay. The number of books written about “Oil-wars” is Legion; and it will be noted that in all the international crises caused by conflicting interests chiefly between American Standard Oil and the European Royal Dutch, the Rothschilds have held strong position in the latter Company. Under the Rothschild Paris regime, France found that she had neglected her Colonial oil-fields and suffered for it in the Great War 1914-18. Why was this allowed? R. Neumann blandly explains in his book Zaharoff: the Armaments King (1935), p. 210:—“It was known that it was in the interests of the foreign oil trust that France should not discover any oil-wells in her own soil or in any of her colonial territories, for then she would remain permanently under the control of the foreign oil producers.” And there you have also the explanation of the curious non-discovery of Oil in British territories. It is, however, so necessary for the Jews to have Hitlerism destroyed, that we should not be surprised to hear of many wonderful new discoveries of Oil in British and French possessions, although such discoveries must not be expected until the highest prices have been wrung out of the taxpayers of both countries for the benefit of the oil-fields already working. Among the major Oil-Wars we note the following theatres:— 1. Mexico. Here the game was the corruption of successive Presidents by the two belligerents (Standard Oil and Deterding), or, where that did not work, they resorted to the financing of revolutions against such Presidents of the forcing of “incidents” rendering “necessary” the landing of armed forces. One side was just as bad as the other, and thus they made of Mexico a shuttlecock, caring nothing for the welfare of the Mexican people and rendering good government there an impossibility. 2. Venezuela. The Oil-war in this country consisted chiefly in a duel of bribery of President Gomez from 1928 onward, the belligerents being Standard Oil and Deterding. This oil-war completely prevented good government in Venezuela, and made it possible for Gomez to reign as a most barbarous dictator to the intense suffering of the Venezuelan people. 3. Asia Minor. The Turko-Greek war (1920) in this country was really an oil-war, Greece being backed by “Britain” and Turkey by “France.” When Turkey won, we sent her an ultimatum to yield to us the Oil-field, but then the U.S.A. stepped in and obtained a concession for oil which made Turkey her ally! Britain’s reply to that situation was to begin to jib at paying her War-debts to the U.S.A. and that brought the U.S.A. to heel. The dispute was referred to the League of Nations, and Iraq gained the oil-field under a 25 years’ British Mandate. |