Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One: The History Of Soviet Remote Viewing 2 Chapter 2: Us Psi-Spies: Remote Viewing Is Born 33 Chapter 3:The Scientific Basis Of Rv 65 Chapter 4: Paranormal Science 93 Chapter 5: How To Teach Yourself Remote Viewing 127 Chapter 6: The Cinema Method 172 Chapter 7: Memes: New Mental Software To Operate Rv Programmes ....201 Chapter 8: Remote Viewing Of Distant Locations, 250 Chapter 9: New Developments In X-File Paranormal Technology 280 Chapter 10: Remote Sensing 296 Chapter 11: Remote Influencing 313 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER ONE: THE HISTORY OF SOVIET REMOTE VIEWING INTRODUCTION Strange psychic doorways were opened by the Soviet Union during the height of the cold war, in search of new weapons to fight their American enemies. In their search for state-of-the-art weapons, the Soviet Union began a large scale research and development program into the military use of Psi. What is Psi? The Soviets discovered that the psychic energy used in the past for laying a curse upon your enemy, and second sight, the ability to psychically see distant locations and the future, was indeed a reality. At this juncture, reality becomes stranger than fiction. Many science fiction writers have invented stories about telepaths and psychic warfare. None of these science fiction writers have developed a story line which touches the actual depth of research; with the subsequent deployment of psychic warriors, capable of clairvoyantly seeing what was occurring in top secret military sites, reading the minds of their enemies, and even being able to hypnotise or telepathically kill a person from thousands of miles away. During the cold war, the Soviet Union discovered paranormal warfare and developed it to a level, which has been kept totally secret by the Western intelligence agencies, for fear of causing panic. Instead the paranormal has surrounded by disinformation and has been denigrated as having no basis in fact, merely being an invention of human imagination. All this was to hide the real facts, that millions of dollars, and billions of rubles, have been spent by the superpowers on Psi-warfare. Which today is the most top-secret class of weapons used by not only the Russians and Americans, but increasingly, by the Chinese, REMOTE VIEWING Japanese, British, Czechs and Israelis. A fact which was divulged by the ex-military U.S. remote viewer, David Morehouse in Sightings magazine. REMOTE VIEWING -PSYCHIC SPYING What is remote viewing? During the cold war, the Soviets discovered that a spy, could be trained to psychically project his awareness at a distant American, Nato, or Chinese, military facility and accurately see in their mind's eye, a detailed picture of that top-secret facility. Psychic spying was born. The Americans later renamed this psychic spying technique, which was originally invented by the Russians, as remote viewing. This book is a simple guide to remote viewing, which covers not only the history of remote viewing, but the first published description about the detailed instructions need to begin remote viewing. For the first time a detailed expose of the Russian effort to develop paranormal warfare is discussed. It is revealed how the Soviets spent the second largest part of their defence budget on Psychotronics, the offensive use of Psi-energy and mind control technology. The Daily Express on September the 25th 1997 ran the story: 'Reds planned psycho-wars. The KGB and the Red Army carried out experiments aimed at using hypnotic warfare against the West, it emerged yesterday. Revelations include a prototype satellite releasing electronic mind-bending signals to "control and correct the behaviour of the population'' over an area the size of England. Research into psycho-warfare was conducted in more than twenty institutes led by the Siberian scientific community of Novosibirsk, and only stopped in 1991. However fears were voiced yesterday that the technology could fall into the hands of the powerful Russian mafia. The research was disclosed by the Izvestia newspaper under the headline They Could Produce Zombies in the USSR. It is clear large-scale experiments were carried out on ordinary Russians and soldiers.' Appendix 3, looks at his technology. Amongst their successes was the development of remote viewing. REMOTE VIEWING The CIA became so concerned about this effort, that in the early seventies, they commissioned Ingo Swann, a famous clairvoyant and high level Scientologist to develop an RV programme for the US military at Fort Meade Maryland. Details of this programme were revealed by US newspapers when the CIA went public on their remote viewing programme. In November 1995, ABC's Night line and the Washington Post ran stories on the U.S. psychic-spying program. It was revealed that the first US trainees were called the 'Naturals'. They included Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle, later military remote viewers were Lyn Buchanan and Major Ed Dames. The remote viewers came under the directorship of the Defence Intelligence Agency and were used to psychically spy on the Russians. The following is the true story of the inner space arms race. RUSSIAN PSYCHIC VIEWING AND PSYCHOTRONICS It seems hard to believe the idea that the superpowers used psychic spying. How could this be possible, when as we all know, the paranormal does not exist - or so we have all been told. If it is true that for decades that Psi-warfare has been developed and then deployed, then a massive campaign of disinformation is camouflaging the real truth of the inner space arms race. Remote viewing (RV) the American name for the ability to clairvoyantly see distant locations, is the state-of-the-art psychic spying technology used by the superpowers during the cold war. At the height of the cold war, a new twist to weapons development occurred, the paranormal warfare arms race. To those of you unaware of what paranormal warfare means, it is the scientific training of latent paranormal abilities we all have. Remote viewing, the ability to project awareness to distant locations by psychic means, was the first of these military paranormal technologies developed under strictest secrecy in the former Soviet Union. They discovered that clairvoyance, the ability to use second sight to see things in the mind's eye, could be used to enable 'psychic spies' the ability to gain information about top-secret REMOTE VIEWING US sites. This was done by projecting their awareness to these bases and psychically viewing personnel and hardware. This technique was later named remote viewing by the Americans. Top secret documents, now available under the US Freedom of Information Act, give threat assessments of Soviet paranormal warfare and explain in detail the threat posed by Russian Psi used for psychic spying and for offensive purposes, such as making people ill by telepathic means. Leonid I Brezhnev, the former President of the Soviet Union, in 1975, gave a speech, which was mentioned in the New York Times, in which he urged the United States to agree to a ban on the research and development of new kinds of weapons more terrible than anything the world had known. These Psychotronic weapons, were anew class of Psi-weapons that effected the minds of the victims. PSYCHIC SPYING In this book the author will explain the science of how psychic spying and paranormal warfare techniques work and the means by which remote viewing may be self-taught. As the only scientist working outside of the military, the author is one of the few people at liberty to talk about this subject. My life has been constantly threatened, so anxious were British intelligence to keep the truth from the public. It appears the U.K. establishement is terrified of the public learning about the science of Psi-warfare. Since the stone age, the clairvoyant ability has been nurtured in mankind. The ability to mentally project awareness to find game, would have enabled our ancestors to find food, even in times of draught. Paranormally gifted humans survived, while their less able fellows died. By this means a strong paranormal ability was nurtured in man. Modern society suppressed this talent. During the bleak days of superpower rivalry, the Russians began to explore the territory of Psi-phenomenon in search of new silent, stealthy, paranormal weapons. If ESP and telepathy could be harnessed, they would offer the ultimate spying technology. Harnessing telekinesis and mind over matter, REMOTE VIEWING offered the potential for remotely influencing (RI) people by telepathic hypnosis and the holy grail of paranormal warfare, remote killing, the ability to make your enemy die by psychic attack. In reality the Russians were developing a scientific form of Voodoo. In the early 1960s the Stalinist taboo, that prohibited paranormal research was lifted. KGB and GRU leaders began a scientific exploration of the weapons potential of psychic energy. Groups of scientists at many research institutes began to investigate and later harness psychic energy. The aim of this research was to produce deadly new exotic weapons that could tip the balance of power during the cold war. Yuri Andropov, head of the KGB from 1967 to 1982, who later became the Premier of the USSR, issued the command to implement a Paranormal warfare programme in order to develop anew form of strategic weapon systems that could augment nuclear weapons. In the early 1960s this was but a dream. ESP There had been massive interest in ESP and spiritualism throughout the century. Dr J. B. Rhine, whose famous work at Duke University in the USA gave ESP a formal scientific base, led the field in telepathy and ESP research in the West. Soviet scientists took his research many steps further, they had little interest in proving ESP existed, that was taken as proven. What they worked on was the use of telepathy and ESP for psychic spying on US secret bases and the psychic interrogation of NATO commanders by use of scanning (military telepathy used to force information from another person's brain). The use of ESP and telepathy to scan through an enemy's brain and learn the secrets their mind held, was one of the main thrusts of their initial research. To this end, the KGB scoured the Soviet Union for psychics. Children who displayed powerful psychic abilities were especially valuable, as were shamans from Siberia and the eastern central Asian territories. Soviet psychotronics: a state of mind, an article in Military Intelligence, REMOTE VIEWING October to December 1986, by Richard Groller, mentions the massive Soviet research effort focussed on developing the ability to control peoples' minds by an amalgam of Psi and electronics.. PSYCHOTRONIC BOOSTING OF PSYCHIC SPYING The reader will be amazed that such things exist. Who would believe that the Soviet Union and the United States, could actually explore the paranormal in search of new military technology for decades in almost absolute secrecy. Believe it or not, the Russians made every effort to develop Psi-warfare, as they knew that if they could master this new form of warfare, they could literally control the minds and wills of their enemies. Brezhnev was warning America that the USSR had the means to end the cold war by psychic means. Why the Russians fell from superpower status, was product of their own success in the realm of Psi research, which is a story we will have to leave for later. Unfettered by moral or ethical constraints, the Soviets began the search for finding specialised techniques for developing psychic spying, ESP and Telepathy, what the Americans would later call RV protocols, which involved Psi powers being amplified by hypnosis, drugs, invasive brain surgery and high power magnetic fields. Dr A.V. Kalinets-Bryukhanov, president of the All Union Scientific Research Association, revealed in Ukranian Ufolog, that a top secret KGB project at the Filatov Eye Institute in Odessa, had looked into psychotronic amplification of clairvoyance. In Soviet terminology, psychotronic means the use of Psi energy for purposeful means, such as psychic spying or telepathic hypnosis. RI. Kalinets-Bryukhanov was part of the research team that looked into artificially stimulating remote viewing. It was found that natural clairvoyants changed the magnetic field around them and that of the Earth in their immediate vicinity. If this frequency of magnetic field could be artificially generated in the brain, then the Russians thought they might stimulate clairvoyance in their test subjects. Animal brains were bombarded with these specific magnetic fields that were found around clairvoyants. It was found that the animals developed clairvoyance and could psychically view what was going on behind solid REMOTE VIEWING walls. Unfortunately the high power magnetic fields soon disintegrated the animals brains and they died. Condemned prisoners were used for human experiments with the same results. Something about the natural clairvoyant seemed to guard them against the brain death, untrained humans died from the same fields. It showed to the Russians that what would later be called remote viewing by the Americans, was a field phenomena dependent on magnetic, electric, electromagnetic and even more esoteric fields unknown to western science. EYELESS SIGHT Imagine the blind being able to see using second sight. Strange as this may seem, the Russians trained their blind to develop eyeless sight - psychic viewing. The Odessa institute had carried on with eyeless sight research pioneered by parapsychologist Dr. A. N. Leontyev, in the 1950's, their approach was to undertake psychic viewing experiments with blind patients. Russian research was centred on training the blind to attain deeply relaxed states, from which visualisation of the body's energy fields, led to something called eyeless sight. Coloured paper was passed beneath their finger tips. It was found they could distinguish between black and white and red and green paper, even though they were completely blind. This progressed into picture reading, the ability to run the hand over a photograph and state what the photo showed. These techniques evolved into teaching the blind to travel in their mind's eye to distant rooms and places they had never been before. Once there, they could describe the locations layout, the blind had been trained to be clairvoyant, they were psychically viewing. This eyeless sight was called bio-introscopy in the Soviet Union. It was found that the colour of an object could be determined even after it had been removed. Soviet research showed that the object left a colour trace of itself in the air. A Ivanov's paper on: Soviet Experiments in Eyeless Vision, in the 1964 International Journal of Parapsychology, revealed to the Western world this remarkable work. This led the Soviets to studying how energy fields were imprinted on matter and vice versa. Much research was carried out on how to place harmful energy fields REMOTE VIEWING onto objects. These biophysically poisoned objects were then given to enemies to make them ill, or to infect them with subliminal commands, more on this later. Eyeless sight led the KGB funded scientists, to training methods able to develop clairvoyance in their psychic spies. It was found that a deeply relaxed state was needed. Further to this, visualisation of biological energy fields, the so called biophysical fields around the human body, was necessary for efficient psychic spying. The first popular reports of this research were given in the book Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Sheila Ostrander and Lyn Schroeder, released in 1971. This book was the definitive work on Soviet psychical research. MILITARY PSI To convince hard nosed military men, that psychic warfare can win wars would appear to be a forlorn task. In fact, some of the leading minds in the Russian military, convinced their leaders to spend fortunes on this effort. The Russians have always been more advanced than their American counterparts in the study of paranormal warfare, which includes not only psychic spying (RV), but remote sensing, the ability to enter enemy personnel's mind and scan their brain for information. KGB operatives were told to pick up people displaying paranormal abilities and to forcibly take them away, for use in their vast parapsychological research projects. One of the leading Psi-spy complexes was codenamed 'Black Box', atop secret research facility north east of Leningrad. This was mentioned in depth in an article in the Fortean Times in 1996. PSYCHIC BUGGING It is rumoured that Russian telepaths could by the early eighties scan any US military leader at will. 'Russians are the only people we know of who tried bugging telepathy', stated the top American/Canadian psychic investigators, Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Shroeder. By introducing a third telepath, who knew when psychic information in the REMOTE VIEWING form of a telepathic conversation, flowed between two other telepaths, the Russians found the ESP data stream could not only be broken into, but it could be changed by the third telepath who could substitute new ideas and words, in effect corrupting the telepathic message. By this method, the Russians learnt how to hack into telepathic conversations and to then proceed to substitute fallacious messages and images. Psychic bugging was born. Research into psycho-warfare was conducted in more than 20 institutes, led by the Siberian scientific community of Novosibirsk. Andropov commanded the scientists to forget moral considerations about killing or injuring research subjects in the race to perfect paranormal warfare. Over 500 million rubbles was placed into this project by the Military-Industrial Commiddion and the KGB. This is an underestimate, as funding for the psychotronic weapon development was only surpassed by the nuclear weapon programme that deployed 40.000 nuclear weapons into the field. Research was ultra-clandestine. The lab at Odessa State University was hidden underground in the sub-subbasement beneath the old botanical gardens in the university. Only secret couriers knew how to access these paranormal warfare institutes. KGB and GRU guards made sure these highly secret research centres had no unwanted visitors. In utmost secrecy, new lines of research were followed which would seem bizarre, or off-the-wall to western scientists such as myself. Psychotronics, the applications of psychic energy were followed with the aim of remote killing. Remote viewing, the ability to psychically spy on your enemy and his top secret bases, was seen as the targeting mechanism for much more lethal paranormal weapon systems. Psychotronics was the catch all title for a multitude of Psi-weapons which ranged from microwave devices to psychic remote killing. John D Lamothe, in a Defence Intelligence Agency report in 1972, entitled Controlled offensive behaviour-USSR, mentions in his US military report about Soviet Psi research and development. To perfect their psychic spying, the Soviets developed practical reliable forms of ESP, clairvoyance and telepathy for espionage, surveillance 10 REMOTE VIEWING and industrial spying. Results were outstanding, a spy's holy grail, by which means secret underground bases such as: Dulce, Area 51 and Pine Gap, could be mapped, documents within U.S. top-secret files and computer systems read. Information gained by psychic means about distant places, people and equipment, enabled the Russian remote viewers to invisibly and silently uncover US, Nato and China's secrets without risk to life. Enemy agents could be tracked in the field by Psychic Spying. This led to the Soviets developing protocols to read telepathically the minds' of foreign agents, generals and scientists. This is a technique called telepathic scanning and is part of remote sensing, the ability to remotely view people, a fictional example of which is shown on the television programme Millennium. Soviet researchers found ways to bug telepathic conversations and tap into the minds' of other remote viewers. This led to psychic shielding of their own secret bases against Western remote viewers. PSYCHIC PROOF BASES When the fact of psychic spying is established. How does one keep ones own facilities safe from psychic spies? It was the Russians who were the first discoverers of electronic devices to block out remote viewing from their own bases. They found that Tesla coils interfered with psychic spying. Nicola Tesla was a genius who invented new forms of electrical equipment, toward the end of the last century. Many of his inventions were so far ahead of their time that they were not fully understood until the Russians began to explore his work in the 1960s. Two Tesla coils, which were out of phase, were found to be able to suck the awareness of a remote viewer into an energy bottle where they could be captured. These anti-RV devices are now widely deployed in the top-secret bases, of not only Russian but, U.S. underground military and research facilities. US intelligence sources have alluded to the fact that by the end of the century they will have totally effective anti-RV devices in all their top secret installations - so concerned are they of the effectiveness of remote viewing and remote influencing. David Morehouse talks of these devices in his book: Psychic Warrior. 11 REMOTE VIEWING After the invention of anti-RV devices, exotic biophysical defensive fields were developed to psychically protect Russian leaders and to kill or harm foreign remote viewers that trespassed into the Soviet Union. Soviet Psi researcher, Dr Abraham Shifrin, states that since 1963, he had worked in a classified paranormal warfare research centre in Kazakhstan run by the Moscow Institute for Information Transmission, run by Dr Solomon Gellerstein. In this insititute they worked on all manner of Psi-weapons, including biophysical fields, the so called psychic force. PSYCHIC SPYING IN WARFARE Nothing proves the use of new weapons like using them in actual wars. It was not long before the Soviets began to explore the military uses of psychic spying. Central Asian remote viewers were able to describe by psychic spying, minute details of Soviet missile sites hundred of miles away. Soviet army specialists were trained in psychic spying to anticipate troop movements. Russian remote viewers from the institute worked with troops in actual combat and in war games to clairvoyantly find the enemy and when and where they would attack. Psychic spies were used in Afghanistan to locate the elusive Mujahedin. Hidden in mountain locations, the Afghan fighters were psychically hunted, as finding them by conventional means was very difficult. GRU and KGB remote viewers were trained to pinpoint map locations of Mujahedin strongholds, so Spetsnaz special forces could be airlifted to those locations. Once there, helicopter gun ships and aircraft could napalm, rocket and strafe the Mujahedin, followed by Spetsnaz special forces search and destroy missions to kill the survivors. Fate magazine, in February 1994, had an article on Soviet Psychic Warfare, by Paul Stonehill, which touched on this whole subject. The full story remains buried in the Kremlin's archives on Psi-warfare. 12 REMOTE VIEWING AMPLIFYING PSI How can one build bigger and better weapons has long been the motive behind human technology. When the Russians discovered that Psi-warfare actually existed, they searched for ways to boost the weak Psi-faculty so it could be developed into a weapon for causing harm to the enemy. Russian research found that the theta state of consciousness, found in dreaming sleep was best for Psychic spying. Hypnosis, drugs and meditation approaches were tried out to inculcate this state of consciousness. It was found that auto-visualisation of the brain, was very effective in inducing the states needed for remote viewing. Tesla coils tuned to radiate ELF waves at 7.8 cycles per second, the Earth's natural frequency, were found to amplify psychic spying tremendously. Psychotronic augmented psychic spying, enabled Soviet remote viewers to obtain almost picture-perfect psychic spying. Brain implants to switch the brain stress system, the bodies anxiety generator, off, were found to be very effective, as were drug regimens and hypnotic suggestion. Magnetic fields at 7.8 Hertz were found to be almost as good as the Tesla coils. Aided by a vast array of high-tech brain state modifiying systems, the Russians then began to uncover the secrets of the energy field around the body that served as the vehicle for psychic spying. Exploring the body's biophysical fields, the Russians mapped out the neural currents in the brain. They found that in the normal waking state a negative to positive current runs from the front of the brain to the back. By passing a low-voltage current from the front of the brain to the back, one can vary the waking state of the paranormal warfare officer. By artificially lowering the negative potential with respect to the back of the brain, the remote viewer can be dropped into a theta state. Use of this methodology enabled the Russians to control the brain state of their remote viewers to any frequency they desired. More importantly the Soviet scientists found they could also lower their remote viewers into the delta state found in deep dreamless sleep. Delta was the doorway to telepathic influencing, telekinesis and remote killing, the psychic 13 REMOTE VIEWING killing of an enemy. In the delta state all manner of Psi marvels such as telekinesis, moving things by the power of the mind, become possible. Psychotronics which can be used to change the consciousness of large numbers of people, by use of remote influencing, needs the Psi-adept to be in the delta state. Only the Russians ever safely developed delta state Psi-warfare, the ultimate in weapon systems. Other countries have tried to develop this delta induced high-level Psi-warfare, but have only succeeded in burning out their Psi-adepts. As a scientist, I found this all hard to swallow when I first learnt of it. My research into the scientific basis of this biophysical technology convinced me that the Russians had entered into a new territory of warfare. They had begun the inner space arms race. Which the Russians had then developed to undreamed of levels of power. Biophysical warfare was the second cross-roads human civilisation had to cross, at its peril, the first being nuclear warfare. Inner space weapon systems have the potential to kill, or even to drive mad entire populations by means of biophysical and electronic technology unknown to the West in the 1970s. In 1971 book: The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries: A First Hand Report on the Latest Breakthroughs in Russian Parapsychological Research, by Henry Gris and William Dick, mention is made of Soviet advances in this field and the dangers they pose to America.. KIRLIAN FIELDS AND PSYCHIC SPYING Could their possibly be an energy field around humans? Russian not only discovered that there was, but found that they could photograph its effects .Energy fields that surround humans were first discovered by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian. Photographing the biophysical fields around the body has its roots back in 1939 in Krasnodar, capital city of the Kuban region in the South of Russia. Kirlian found that photography of biophysical fields around the body could be achieved with high frequency electrical fields and a spark generator which oscillates at 75 to 200 kilohertz. The generator causes a high-frequency field to emanate between two clamps which hold the sample and a 14 REMOTE VIEWING photographic paper. The high frequency electrostatic field causes the biophysical field to resonate and become excited. Once excited, the biophysical field around the living object (hand or leaf) gives of photons. The 75 to 200 kilohertz electric field causes photons of light to be radiated by the living tissue, which fall on the photographic paper and produce images of the biophysical excitation. They are not actual pictures of the biophysical field, but secondary effects, rather like the wake of a boat through the water. Kirlian photographs of leaves which had sections cut out, revealed entire biophysical fields that showed the entire leaf as if it was uncut. It was as if the biophysical field was the energetic blueprint for the leaf. The Literary Gazette in 1953, published one of the ground breaking articles that brought the Kirlians' work to the notice of a wider public. From this early work Kirlian photography has mushroomed to the point that many new age shops offer the service of Kirlian photography. THE TELEPATHIC KNOCKOUT It seems scarcely credible that the Soviets trained their telepaths to be able to knock a person out simply by projecting a psychic punch at the victim. In fact, the Soviets put a vast amount of time and money into exactly this. Objective study of the biophysical fields around psychic viewers led the Soviets into mapping out the biophysical field phenomena that underlied remote viewing. It was found that the biophysical field of the remote viewer flared out when he or she was lowered into the theta state. At the Schumann resonance point of 7.8 Hz, the Earth's natural frequency, the human biophysical field seemed to merge with its surroundings and vanish for a split second. When it came back into being, it was many times larger than normal. While remote viewing, this biophysical field seemed to grow smaller, as if part of it was at the place being remotely viewed. On familiar territory, the Russians discovered that remote viewing was just a symptom of Out of Body Experience (OOBE) caused by biophysical translocation. In simple language, the biophysical body moved to the distant location picked up information, then returned to the physical body to 15 REMOTE VIEWING transfer this information to the brain. With Kirlian type scanners, the Russians found that psychic viewing was a biophysical phenomena. If the biophysical fields could be controlled, not only psychic viewing was possible, but the telepathic knockout, the ability to render the person you were remotely viewing unconscious by psychic means. In Dr. Vasiliev's Experiments in Mental Suggestion, published in 1962, voluminous data is recorded by the Russian scientist, on Soviet experiments in sleep-wake hypnosis, the telepathic knockout. Soviet scientists had discovered that hypnosis could be examined by its effect on the biophysical energy body, which could be detected using Kirlian photography. It was found that when a paranormal warfare expert remotely viewed another person, there was a change in the biophysical energy field of the remote viewer and the person being psychically spied upon. Pulsed, extremely low frequency (ELF) fields had been found to put people into a trance. Russian scientists found that if the remote viewer could mimic this ELF oscillation in his or her biophysical body, then place this field over another person, the person would fall unconscious. The telepathic knockout was born. Training the Russian remote viewer to mimic pulsed ELF by use of Kirlian photography biofeedback; the trainee watched the picture of his biophysical body whilst it was exposed to pulsed ELF, then he or she would try to copy this effect. Many months of training, looking at Kirlian photography of their own biophysical field, enabled the Russian psychic viewer to control the biophysical body used for psychic spying. This technique was using biofeedback to train the Russian psychic to become a remote influencer. PSYCHIC BATTERIES Would it be possible to store psychic energy like electricity, was the question Soviet scientists asked themselves? With hard evidence from Kirlian photography and a wide variety of other electronic scanners designed to study the body's biophysical field, which comprised: biomagnetic, bioelectric and bioplasmic components, the Soviet 16 REMOTE VIEWING physicists were given experimental data needed for a new physics of the paranormal. Dr. A. Akimov, former director of the Soviets' Centre for Non-traditional Technologies disclosed that Russian research had discovered a new class of physical fields and particles. They had also elucidated the effect they exerted on living and non-living organisms and inanimate objects. New names such as "spinor," "torsionic," and "microleptonnic," were used to define these new classes of physical field. Scientists in the West, who have little appreciation of the remarkable advances made by the Soviets called them "scalar," fields. In later chapters as we examine the biophysical fields used for psychic spying, we will discuss just what these biophysical fields do. Russian psychotronic generators which stored "torsionic radiation," were found to cause destruction of the brain's neural network and the biophysical field around the brain that constitutes our mind and psyche - mind zappers were born. The discovery that psychotronic generators could store biophysical energy, meant that Russian psychic viewers could link themselves to psychic amplifiers that boosted their paranormal powers to near miraculous heights. Psychotronic generators, devices which store Psi-energy, were discovered by a Czech called Robert Pavlita. It was found by Czech researchers that biophysical energy is the field effect behind psychokinesis and remote viewing. The psychotronic generator was discovered in ancient alchemical texts, Pavlita set about using modern technology to improve on this psychic battery effect. Psychotronic generators draw biophysical fields from a person, store this field and then can be used to carry out psychic effects. The Czechs found two types of psychotronic generator, cosmic generators of which the Egyptian pyramids comprise this form and the biological generators of which Wilhelm Reich, and his Orgone generator belong. Wilhelm Reich, a pupil of Sigmund Freud, found that boxes with alternate layers of wool, then steel wool, could store biophysical energy. His seminal work in the 1950s led the Soviet researchers into bettering these early 17 REMOTE VIEWING biological psychotronic generators. In Psychic Discoveries: The Iron Curtain Lifted, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, the whole subject of psychotronic generators is covered in depth. These generators can carry out three different effects depending on their type. The first type of Psychotronic generator, once charged, carry out the effect they were designed to do independent of outside agencies. The second type need to be continually charged and directed by human touch and gaze. The third class can be charged from plants and animals. Soviet scientists looked into the uses of psychotronic generators to psychically amplify paranormal warfare experts such as Russian remote viewers. Work at the Metronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow studied Pavlita and his psychotronic generators. Remote viewers were hooked up to these psychotronic generators and research begun in earnest into ways of boosting the remote viewers' powers. Psychotronically boosted Russian remote viewers were found to be capable of enhancing the telepathic knockout, refined versions of which are now called remote influencing. The telepathic knockout was developed to include remote influencing. The technique of remote influencing was developed from 'Sleep-Wake hypnosis' which was discovered by the Russians in the 1930s; it being the ability to hypnotise people from a distance. 'Sleep-Wake Hypnosis' allowed a hypnotist to transfer hypnotic commands telepathically to a subject, whether they were a few feet, or even a thousand mile away. Remote influencing is the basis of hypnosis. A Ukrainian, Albert Ignatenko demonstrated (on the Paranormal World of Paul McKenna, ITV UK) that he could raise or lower the pulse rate of people who were remote from him. This was a dramatic demonstration of remote influencing. This technique was developed from the methodology where Russian remote influencers were trained to stop the hearts of test animals. The ability to hypnotise people at a distance and plant suggestions in their brains enabled the Russians to remotely influence their enemies. Years of research along these lines led to the development of the remote killing ability, the power to make your enemy drop dead by telepathic means. Vladimir 18 REMOTE VIEWING Zironosvky, taunted the West by stating on BBC television, that Russia had psychics who could remotely kill anyone up to a thousand kilometres away. Russian boasts that they could remotely kill anyone may indeed be based on fact! PSYCHOTRONIC MIND CONTROL The western reader will find it unbelievable that the Soviets built the world's largest transmitter to beam mind control waves at the West. In Cyril Smith's book: Electromagnetic Man, the secret of this awesome mind control transmitter, code named 'Woodpecker', is revealed. Edward Naumov, a leading Russian parapsychologist is on record as stating, "A psychotronic generator can influence an individual, or a whole crowd of people. It can effect a person's psyche mentally or emotionally. It can effect memory and attention span. A psychotronic device can cause physical fatigue, disorientation, and alter a person's behaviour." Isvestia a top Russian newspaper, had an article in the September 24th, 1997, edition, headlined: They Could Produce Zombies in the USSR. The article outlined the KGB and Red Army's experiments aimed at using hypnotic warfare against the West. Psychotronic satellites capable of releasing electronic mind-bending signals to control and correct the behaviour of the 'population' over an area the size of England were revealed. The Russian 'Woodpecker', psychotronic mind-control array of transmitters was the most powerful non-ionising transmitter in the world and powered by the Chernobyl nuclear power complex, the largest in the world, was alleged to have changed the mind-state of the entire western population. Its signals turned them over a period of decades, from sane people, to unstable and mentally disturbed - all by means of psychotronic modification. To begin this story, a strange signal which disrupted short-wave transmissions around the world (and which persisted even until the collapse of the Soviet Union) was nicknamed 'Woodpecker', due to its 19 REMOTE VIEWING pulse modulation of 10 Hz was detected in the early eighties. It emitted a peak estimated power of 14 million watts per pulse at frequencies between 3.26 and 17.54 MHz, making it the most powerful man-made non-nuclear non-ionising radiation source on the planet. Seven awesome transmitters near Kiev, powered by the Chernobyl nuclear power complex, beamed 'Woodpecker', psychotronic emissions in the direction of Western Europe, Australia, North America and the Middle East... but not the USSR These emissions permeated all obstacles and were conducted into homes via the power lines of that nation's national grid. They were capable of penetrating underwater and even into shielded bunkers. With this development the Soviets had discovered a method of affecting the neurological functioning of entire populations. 'Woodpecker', had been designed to alter the brain functions of NATO populations by using ELF modulated signals. It was found that these extremely long frequency waves could penetrate the skull and change behaviour in the brain, when broadcast at test victims. Of particular interest to the KGB scientists were the brain wave maps of pathological criminals, hopelessly depressed mental patients and socio-psychopaths who had no regard for anyone but themselves. The Soviets hoped to permanently rewire the neural networks in the brains of the entire Western population, thereby destroying their social cohesiveness, by beaming the brain frequencies of insane criminals at NATO. This ELF barrage was intended to make these aberrant mental states much more common in Western populations. Year after year, these pathological ELF modulated psychotronic emissions were beamed at the West. In time, the constant EM stimulation of peoples' brains resulted in permanent adverse effects on the social fabric of the West. In effect, these mind control commands became memes (mental and behavioural viruses) which spread throughout the entire western population. 20 REMOTE VIEWING Dr Robert Beck, a Los Angeles physicist and former member of a top-secret U.S. mind control programme, claimed, "It's highly likely that the 'Woodpecker', signal is causing neurological changes in 30% of the population." The intended net result of this strategic psychotronic weapon system was that it would make Western society more likely to implode, becoming more selfish and much less effective at fighting external enemies, turning instead against itself. A recent WHO (World Health Organisation) report stated that by 2020, one quarter of the world's population would be insane. So successful was the mass brain-remodelling of American and UK societies that the UK military machine began to regard its own populations as the enemy. UK police chiefs spend much computer time modelling how to control rioting populations and how trap them in their own streets, where heavily armed riot police can beat them into submission, while MI5 use Soviet style microwave weapons on vagrants, middle class activists and UFO and Paranormal researchers -it seems the Soviets succeeded. A hidden agenda for the 'Woodpecker', psychotronic device was to so damage the brains of Western people so that they could be easily remotely influenced. It was found by the Soviets that the incessant bombardment by 'Woodpecker', so weakened the Western leadership, that they could be easily remotely influenced. PSYCHIC KILLING -REMOTE KILLING Would it be ever possible to use telepathy to kill. This seemed far fetched. Maybe in the future we might discover this new Psi-weapon. In fact as we have seen, Vladimir Zirnonovsky has boasted publicly on BBC2 that the Russians possess this Psi-weapon. In fact, the Soviets discovered how to remotely kill decades ago. Dr Nikolai Khoklov, a former KGB agent who defected to the West, was hired by the CIA in 1976 to uncover paranormal warfare research in the USSR. He found 21 REMOTE VIEWING evidence of negative psychic research at twenty top-secret state-of-the-art underground laboratories, staffed with hundreds of the Soviet Union' s leading scientists. The Isvetsia newspaper story mentioned above, corroborated this by announcing research into psycho-warfare was conducted in more than twenty institutes, led by the Siberian scientific community of Novosibirsk which only stopped in 1991. Research included the telepathic knockout technique being used by Russian paranormal warfare experts to stop the hearts of laboratory animals. Russian paranormal adepts trained in this remote killing technique by raising or lowering the heart rate of a test subject in a separate room, just by the use of remote influencing mind over matter powers. The Russian research institutes investigated telepathy in a rigorous way. In one experiment, new-born rabbits were separated from their mothers. The mother rabbits were hooked up to ECG and EEG monitors. Then the new-born rabbits were killed. It was found that the stress levels of the mother rabbits were raised dramatically, even though the new born rabbits were killed in another location. Telepathic biological links between mother and offspring were therefore shown to exist. To test whether water blocked out the telepathic signal, the mother rabbits were transported on to nuclear submarines. These rabbits were found to 'know' when their offspring were killed, even though deep underwater. This experiment showed that hundreds of feet of sea water could not block out the Psi-effect. Psychotronic devices were designed to kill or disable humans, then tested out on enemies of the state. Telekinetic experiments were carried out to see how much damage a paranormal adept could cause to an untrained victim by use of mind over matter. Condemned prisoners had brain capillaries ruptured by telekinesis causing massive embolisms in their brains. Telekinesis was also used to stop their hearts so they had a heart attack. It is alleged, that a group of Russian paranormal warfare experts used telekinesis to break the spine of an experimental victim. If 22 REMOTE VIEWING the force of the mind can be harnessed in this way, a new and fearsome weapon, akin to, the Star Wars infamous Jedi Knight, Darth Vader's use of the dark side of the Force, has come into existence. Solid evidence derived from these heinous experiments enabled the Russian scientists to establish that the human brain receives and transmits signals, both electromagnetic and biophysical. By use of EEGs to record brain frequencies and Kirlian detectors to show the changes caused by this specific brain frequency in the biophysical field and vice versa, the Russians created entire maps of brain frequencies pertinent to paranormal warfare. Russian remote viewers who were chosen because of their high latent psychic abilities, could now be programmed with the specific brain frequencies needed for psychic spying. Hooked up to theta inducing electronics, the biophysical body of the Russian paranormal officer was boosted to a high psionic level, while the brain waves of the remote viewer were modified for optimum psychic spying capabilities. This high-tech state-of-the-art approach to remote viewing, enabled the Russians to achieve almost picture-perfect psychic spying. Remote viewing was not only used for psychic spying, but more importantly it was used as a targeting mechanism for psychotronic warfare. Remote influencing of the person being psychically spied upon became standard procedure. Planting new thoughts and suggestions in the minds of US and Nato personnel became one of the new strategic weapon systems of the Soviet Union and was the reason that paranormal warfare became the second largest funded project, after strategic nuclear weapons. Remote: influencing and killing was practised in Afghanistan, against Mujahedin leaders, as was the widespread use of psychotronic behaviour modification technologies on the Russian troops to make them fight more ferociously. Russian remote viewers, unlike their western counterparts who appeared in the 1970s, had a large array of psychotronic devices that 23 REMOTE VIEWING they were hooked up to. US intelligence was aware of the massive expenditure on psychic warfare, but lacked the science to understand what the Soviets had discovered. A standard RV operation for a Russian paranormal warfare expert would be hooking themselves up to a psychotronic device called a theta-delta gun, which by reversing polarity in the brain, placed the Psi-adept in the deep hypnotic-like state needed for psychotronic warfare. An ELF signal was broadcast into the brain of the Psi-adept that reproduced the perfect brain state for remote viewing. A room-sized psychotronic generator would then pump biophysical energy into the Russian Psi-adept, boosting that person's biophysical field so it could overpower any normal person's biophysical field. The target to be remotely viewed was then shown on a screen to the paranormal warfare expert. Once the target had been located by psychic spying, the ELF induced brain wave entrainment was modified to the frequency that had been mapped as optimum for remote influencing. A list of hypnotic commands was then shown to the paranormal warfare expert, so that he or she could reprogram the brain of the person being remotely: viewed and influenced. If the person was to be remotely killed, the ELF frequency for this paranormal ability was entrained in the Psi-adept enabling their power of telekinesis to be locked on to the body of the victim. With a psychotronic generator to power the Psi-adepts biophysical body, telekinesis to cause a brain embolism in the victim, or to telepathically knock them out, to enhance RI programming, was made possible, even over distances of thousands of miles. If the person was to be made ill, the specific frequencies that enabled the Psi-adept to broadcast negative illness inducing psionic energy, was fed into their brain. Boosted by the psychotronic amplifier they were hooked up to, the Russian paranormal warfare expert acted as a transmitter for negative energy, that used remote viewing as the target locator to focus this negative energy on the victim. 24 REMOTE VIEWING This may all seem incredible to the western reader, The CIA found it impossible to believe. Lacking the scientific knowledge of the paranormal that the Russians had developed, these paranormal warfare devices seemed to be Soviet disinformation. John B. Alexander, the USA's foremost expert on Psi-warfare, details the harsh facts of Soviet Psi-killing in his: New Mental Battlefield, published in Military Review published in 1980. Decades ahead of his time, Colonel John B. Alexander, was one of the few people to appreciate the threat posed by paranormal warfare to the USA and its allies. PSI IN PRESENT DAY RUSSIA Remotely viewing of the present day Russian leadership shows that President Yeltsin, General Lebed, and other leading lights in the Russian Federation, are protected by psychic shields of an exotic and dangerous nature. Any remote viewer trying to remotely influence them is attacked by the biophysical logic bombs in these Russian psychic shields. A biophysical logic bomb is a thoughtform, which as a mental virus infects the victim, causing death or madness. On the ABC network, US television had KGB General Kalugin as a guest. He stated that during the coup that brought down the USSR he received a telephone call from a contact in a Ukrainian military lab used for paranormal warfare, that Psychotronic generators and paranormal warfare experts were using remote influencing against Boris Yeltsin to undermine his health, so as to affect his heart to remotely kill him. Kalugin stated: "For the first time in my life, I took it (paranormal warfare) seriously." After the coup Yeltsin suffered a heart attack. After his heart attack, Yeltsin has been treated by top Russian healers such as Djuna Davitashvili. Pro-democracy Psi-adepts were asked to create the psychic shield around Yeltsin. Remote influencers and psychic telepaths capable of scanning enemy paranormal warfare experts, or fellow Russians, keep Yeltsin and his chosen few, protected from remote influencers and killers. They also use psychic scanning to protect the President's offices and home from Psi-attack and electronic bugs. 25 REMOTE VIEWING Russian researchers used remote viewing to explore reality and more importantly, to change reality. In the West, remote viewing is seen as the directed use of clairvoyance to enable psychic spying of distant locations and people. Invented in the Soviet Union, remote viewing was seen as an adjunct and targeting system for psychotronic warfare, the use of Psi-energy to alter reality. Psychic spying is therefore only the tip of the iceberg of Soviet research. Psychotronics was used to effect political opinion. Anatoly Kashpirovsky, a Psi-adept, and ultra nationalist, won a seat in the Russian Parliament it is alleged by use of remote influencing. When he lost his seat in the 1996 election, Kashpirovsky threatened to psychically render impotent any government employee that tried to evict him from his government apartment (that came with the post of MP). Many KGB paranormal weapons experts went into deep cover in foreign countries to act as Special Forces Psi-warriors. Located in the enemy country, they could use their psychotronics to attack the enemy by use of remote influencing and killing, all at close quarters. When World War Three began, they were commanded to psychically locate the top leaders of that country and using remote influencing, reprogram the brains of the leadership to follow the orders of the Psi-adept. By this means of remote influencing, the Soviet Union could remotely influence the Chinese and Nato leadership - if need be - to lose the war by making the wrong decisions, on a consistent planned basis, as psychically commanded by the Psi-Adept working under KGB directives. The leadership could also be remotely killed if need be. This 'Anti-Haig' strategy, meant that unlike the First World War, where the soldiers got slaughtered in the trenches, while field Marshal Haig sipped champagne miles behind the lines, in the Third world War, the command leadership would be targeted by paranormal warfare. The generals, politicians and inner elite, would die-like-flies, or be rendered mad and a danger to their own forces. With the end of the Cold War, these Psi-warriors and the paranormal warfare experts in Russia, have now been redirected to the corporate 26 REMOTE VIEWING theatre and are focusing on economic espionage. They are also being used to remotely view government meetings in foreign countries and to remotely influence politicians and power brokers to manipulate the stock market and improve business opportunities for KGB run organisations. Many of Russia's top Psi-masters have now hired themselves out and are working independently. The Sony Corporation is alleged to have bought much of this psychotronic technology and hired leading Psi-warfare experts such as Ivan Sokalov, as stated by David Morehouse in Sightings magazine. Since Russia has thousands of Psi-masters, while the rest of the world may have a handfull in total, the stage is set for a Russian renaissance. This is as long as the resurgence of communism is kept at bay. Russia is beginning to ally itself with the USA, which can smooth the way for a new democratic Russia. A combining of Russia's Psi-masters and America's overwhelming dominance in every other field, would indeed be a winning combination which would stop China from becoming a threat to the free world. ESP IN THE SOVIET UNION The reader has been convinced by Western scientists that the paranormal could not possibly exist. It may therefore come as a shock, that the ultra-materialistic Soviet Union, which trained a whole cadre of scientists, would look at the whole subject of ESP and in fact try and use it for military purposes. ESP and telepathy are an acknowledged fact in Russia. During the 1970s and 1980s, Russian remote viewers used to systematically remotely view western leaders, intelligence chiefs and military leaders. By remotely viewing a person, it is not only possible to find their location, so they can be targeted with more conventional weapons, the target can also be scanned. Remote viewing gives the operator the ability to scan the brain and mind of the person being psychically spied upon. By using advanced Russian protocols, it is possible to fool the person being telepathically scanned, into thinking they are asking themselves the questions being placed in their minds by the Russian 27 REMOTE VIEWING telepath. In this way, the most secret information can be extracted from the target. Whole groups of trained telepaths were used by the KGB to scan Western and Chinese leaders. Remote sensing, as this branch of psychic spying is now called, is used in economic espionage by the KGB led business organisations operating in Russia. Articles such as Douglas Starr and E Patrick McQuaid's: Psi Soldiers in the Kremlin, in the August 1985, Omni magazine mentioned this topic. PSYCHIC VIEWING THE DEAD The unusual idea of psychic viewing may shock or bewilder, but the concept that one can remotely view the death experience stretches the bounds of credulity. This is exactly what Eastern Block Psi researchers have been studying for decades. Experiments in remote sensing led the Russians into investigating whether they could keep a psychic link with a dying person, to scan their souls after death. Dr Rejdak, outlines in the book: Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain Revealed, the work of his teacher Bretislav Kafka, an acclaimed sculptor and hypnotist who looked into the death experience. The Czechs and later the Russians, found that death has two stages, In the first stage, the body is declared dead, the second stage occurs when the biophysical body is released from the physical vehicle. It appears as if an ectoplasmic-like soul fluid moves up from the feet and hands of the dead person, passing through the body to accumulate in the head. It was found that the dead person experiences a state of bliss, after which they are cosmically judged, as their entire life flashed before their awareness. Sudden death seems to trap the biophysical body in the body. When the biophysical body is at last released. There can be problems, as it may get stuck in a perceptual loop, where the dead soul reviews its violent death, then flicks back to the start of the episode and repeats this violent death endlessly. This explains the ghost concept, as biophysical revenants trapped in an endless cycle of repeating the events that caused their death. KGB scientists came up with the idea of remotely viewing dead people to scan them for information, an idea the CIA was to duplicate in their remote viewing experiments. 28 REMOTE VIEWING THE SCIENCE OF CURSES We all know that curses are supposed to bring us bad luck. Russian researchers took this idea to its logical conclusion and used curses for a new generation of Psi-weapons. KGB scientists having proved that Psi-energy acted as the medium for remote vieiwng, began to experiment with directing Psi-energy. Dr Abraham Shifrin, who worked in a Psi institute in Kazakhstan, under the directorship of Dr Solomon Gellerstein, studied how to store this Psi-energy in psychic accumulators. They studied how Siberian and Altai shamans and witch doctors, cursed or blessed talismans and amulets. In their research they learnt how to charge Russian souvenirs, such as Russian dolls, which were then given to unsuspecting victims. Depression and mental problems were easily passed on by these negatively charged objects and in some cases health was adversely effected. Dr Boris Ivanov worked on "charging" water with Psi-energy at the Popov lab in the USSR It was found that a paranormal warfare expert hooked up to psychotronic amplification could charge water with negative Psi-energy that could shrivel plants or cause cancer. US test subjects were tested with this negatively charged water which was added to their drinks at state functions. In Leningrad, Dr Pavel Gulyaiev found a way to scan another person's electromagnetic field at a distance, then to impose another field onto that person to control behaviour and make them ill. The neurology Institute of Kharkov University experimented on dead rats, which had their brains removed and placed in solutions that kept them partially alive. Remote viewers and sensors transmitted emotions, thoughts, mental calculations and commands. The rats brains responded to this telepathic link until they died. This gave the KGB scientists the idea to train their remote viewers and psychotronics experts to remotely view a target and then to transmit 29 REMOTE VIEWING negative-Psi-energy at the person to make them ill. It was found that this barrage of negative Psi-energy also made it much easier to remotely influence the target. The negative Psi-energy acted as a shock to the target's system, that facilitated the remote influencer being able to telepathically hypnotise the victim. SOVIET MIND CONTROL The history of mind control really begins with Soviet experiments carried out by Pavlov in the 1930s to modify behaviour. The salivating dog experiments are the most well known, but Pavlov's research laid the ground work for NKVD and later KGB brainwashing techniques: sleep deprivation, systematic beatings, verbal indoctrination, being the least unpleasant of a 'scientific' approach to behavioural modification by mind control. Pavlov's work on the conditioned salivating reflex in dogs gave clues on how to brainwash people. When the dogs were castrated it was found that it was much easier to modify their behaviour. Physical trauma made the brainwashing process much quicker and effective. In remote influeincing, the Russian researchers found that if psychically induced trauma could be induced by projecting negative Psi-energy at the target, then telepathic brainwashing could be made more efficient. In Jim Schnabel's excellent book: Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, he outlines at length the Soviet use of psychic cursing - evil rays. In Russia paranormal warfare is seen as a strategic weapon system and the ability to telepathically hypnotise and brainwash foreign politicians, power brokers and military leaders, enabled the Soviets to project power globally. Unlike the U.S. carrier battle groups, which served the same purpose, to project U.S. aims globally by use of military power, the Russian paranormal warfare experts were silent invisible and impossible to detect. The thrust of modern Russian psychotronic research is toward remote influence, telekinesis and biological-telekinesis. Dr Edwin May, head of the U.S. government Psi-project Stargate, and Soviet parapsychologist 30 REMOTE VIEWING Dr. Larrissa Vilenskaya, in their overview: 'Influence at a distance. PK and Bio-PK', state that influencing the human brain telepathically with positive and negative Psi-energy, and emotions, changing RNA in lab cultures by use of remote influencing, the growth of plants using telekinesis coupled with the healing effect of RI on humans and animals, is part of present day Russian research. All of this research is aimed at honing remote influencing and telekinesis to new levels of power and proficiency. RUSSIA TODAY In post communist Russia, paranormal research is one of the main priorities of the security service as it is relatively cheap and very effective. It offers Russia a second strategic weapons system that does not rely on nuclear weapons. Deputy Chief of President Yeltsin's security service had become a "modern Rasputin," the May 4th edition of Moscow News reported. General Georgi G. Rogozin, approves the horoscopes cast regularly for the country's top officials, communicates, with the cosmos on budgetary and financial matters, rotates tables and saucers right in his study and creates a powerful power field around the president. He also checks the decisions of the Supreme Personnel Commission by the tables of the Kabala. With the paranormal being so highly favoured by the Russian government, it seems that the fifty year or more, Psi-warfare lead that Russia had built up, will continue to give this country a strategic advantage no other nation has at its disposal. Sony bought Psychotronic research from the Russians and have had a paranormal research institute operating in Tokyo for more than five years. The Aum sect, which used Sarin nerve gas in the Tokyo underground, used its 50,000 Russian converts to steal as much psychotronic Russian research as was humanely possible. Instability in Russian has meant that Psychotronic research has leaked out to other countries and it is rumoured that the Russian Mafia wish to deploy psychotronic weapons and experts for private gain. It seem the inner space arms race has spilled out from the 31 REMOTE VIEWING super secret research labs into corporate and criminal organisations. The authors guess is that Russian psychotronic technology will shape the twenty first century rather like nuclear technology shaped the latter half of the twentieth century. In the next part of the chapter, we look at the US paranormal mobilisation, the other half of the inner space arms race. 32 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 2: US PSI-SPIES: REMOTE VIEWING IS BORN News of the massive Russian paranormal warfare research projects eventually filtered out to the West. Sheila Ostrander and Lyn Shroeders' seminal work on this subject: Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, published in 1970. introduced the U.S. public to Soviet paranormal warfare. Growing U.S. intelligence interest was mirrored in a Defence Intelligence Agency Report: Controlled Offensive Behaviour - USSR published in 1972. This discussed, the Soviets psychic spies might be fully capable of: reading top secret U.S. documents, movements of carrier battle groups, armoured columns and even the secrets that lay within American military installations. It was thought by CIA analysts, that the Soviets might have the capability of telepathically controlling the thoughts of leading U.S. military and political leaders, as well as being able to remotely kill U.S. citizens. Telekinesis could also disable U.S. hardware such as computers, nuclear weapon systems and space vehicles. The report stated: "The major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetics, and bionics are said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB." The CIA and the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), part of the U.S. military, had begun to take the Russian research seriously. "Between 1969 and 1971, American intelligence sources began discovering and confirming that the Soviet Union was deeply engaged in so-called 'psychic research'. By 1970, it was discovered that the Soviets were spending approximately 60 million rubbles per year on it, and over 300 million by 1975," writes Ingo Swann, one of the first U.S. Psi-Spies involved in the U.S. remote viewing project. 33 REMOTE VIEWING Project Grill Flame was implemented to begin research by the U.S. military into remote viewing. There followed many different projects, including: Centre Lane, Sun Streak and Star Gate... THE EIGHT MARTINI EFFECT Ingo Swann contacted the U.S. military to train U.S. Psi-spies. As a leading clairvoyant, the U.S. authorities had tested Swann for remote viewing abilities which were eventually demonstrated to be of a high order. Such was Swann's remote viewing skill that after spectacular demonstrations, the CIAhandlers had to have eight martinis to calm their nerves. Uncannily accurate remote viewing was therefore nicknamed by the CIA, 'the eight martini effect'. According to the Night Line TV show on remote viewing on November 28th 1995, a CIA spokesman called Norman Jackson, a former CIA Technical Advisor to John McMahon, Deputy Director, on the use of remote viewing programs in the 1980s. "Eight martini results is an in house term for remote viewing data so good it cracks everyone's sense of reality. Ingo Swann talks of an incident that occurred between 1975/76, which is an interview on 'Dreamland' transcribed organisation: University of Wisconsin December 12 1996 (sic; literal transcription). He was asked to remotely view Soviet submarines, "This was one of those 'big tests' things that went on, with witnesses and the room was filled with top brass. Oh my god. Hal I don't know what to do, I think that this submarine has shot down a UFO or the UFO fired on her. What shall I do? And Puthoff was as pale as anything you know, and he looked at me and whispered. "Oh Christ. It is your show. You do what you think you should do" So, I sketched out this picture of this UFO and this brass (two or three star general) sitting on my right grabbed it and said, "What's that, Mr Swann?" I said, "Sir, I think it is rather obvious what that is." And he took the paper and stood up, and when he stood up, everybody else stood up, except me and Puthoff, and walked out of the room, so did the others. So Puthoff and I went back to the hotel and I said, "Oh 34 REMOTE VIEWING Christ, We've blown the program". So we went out and got drunk on Margaritas and things like that and went back. Three days later Puthoff go a call. The call said, "OK, how much money do you want?'' US PARANOIA AT THE SOVIET PSI PROJECT It was fear of the Soviet research and deployment into paranormal weapons that forced the CIA and the Defence intelligence agency to seriously look into the whole subject of military Psi. To continue the story in Swann's words: " The Soviets were not conducting research into what the West means by psychic research.. The term for their general concept of the research was 'psychotronics'." Developing this line of research led to Psi-able operators fusing their biophysical fields to form group minds. In the 1996 Fortean Times, an article on remote viewing covered U.S. interest in this area, which was stimulated by information that they received in 1973, about the top-secret 'Black Box', psychical research base to the north east of Leningrad. The Russian's advances in ESP and telekinesis seemed to be leading them toward the ability to cause physical effects. This frightened the U.S. missile command, as the ability of Russian psychics to disable U.S. ballistic missiles in their silos, or in flight, could destroy the American deterrent capability. In 1975, a nuclear engineer called Thomas Bearden, was used by the U.S. army, to research into this area of Russian psychical research, called Psychotronics. This area of group augmented telepathic telekinesis follows on from the merging of telepaths' minds; a large number of Russian telepaths could create thought-forms out of the collective unconscious and cause materialisation. Both superpowers became interested in telekinesis due to its military implications. Telekinetic effects may be small, but it does not take much force to ruin a circuit board in a missile guidance system, or tear open a capillary in the brain. 35 REMOTE VIEWING AMERICA GEARS UP FOR PSYCHIC WAR Forced into Psi-warfare by the Soviet efforts, U.S. research in the early seventies was very small compared, to the Soviet Union's huge investment in numerous Psi-warfare research institutes. In reality, remote viewing research in the USA was limited. This was due to the Western scientific community's vilification of anything to do with the paranormal. Soviet, Czech and Chinese, paranormal warfare projects forced the CIA reluctantly, to start their own Psi-spy programme. The number of scientists willing to help the CIA was very limited due to the poor standing of psychic research in the West. Two physicists, Russell Targ and Dr. Hal Puthoff, agreed to help the CIA. They began remote viewing research with Ingo Swann at Stanford Research Institute in California. On June the 6th 1972, the first psychic experiments were begun with Ingo Swann. Swann succeeded in psychically influencing a magnetometer which Puthoff tested him with. There followed a series of remote viewing experiments on Ingo Swann, which proved hit and miss. In Jim Schnabel's definitive book: Remote Viewers, he mentions that in 1973, Swann demanded that geographical co-ordinates of the sites to be remotely viewed were given to him, rather than blind locations such as X. Targ and Puthoff, were not pleased, but were forced into accepting co-ordinate remote viewing (CRV). Remote viewing was a term coined by Targ and Puthoff. The Russians had the psychotronic label for their psychic studies. U.S. remote viewing was a synergy created between telepathy and clairvoyance. It is like a psychic version of eye spy with my little eye, something beginning with the map co-ordinates...? The monitor in this psychic spying game travels mentally to that specific location and the remote viewer attempts to obtain a mental image of that location and then sketches what he sees. With this new form of remote viewing, Ingo Swarm's efficiency increased to meaningful levels, where the CIA became interested enough to increase their initial funding of the SRI project. 36 REMOTE VIEWING AMERICA'S SUPER PSYCHIC SPY During these early experiments with Swann, a New York artist, Puthoff got a call from a retired police officer, called Pat Price. When Price was tested, he gave a detailed description of a secret U.S. military underground base to Richard Kennett, their CIA liaison. At first, Kennett thought Price had failed, he had given the approximate coordinates of his summer cabin in West Virginia. When Kennett drove to his cabin somewhat later, he found the location that Price had described in detail was nearby to his holiday home. The 'Sugar Grove', National Security Agency (NSA) underground spy satellite, communication and telephone interception centre, had been described perfectly. Price had even named three of the senior officers that worked there. This started a very serious Defence Investigation Agency probe into Puthoff, Targ and Price. Suspected of being communist spies, the entire project was examined with a fine tooth comb, as the Pentagon did not believe Price could have got such detailed information about the NSA base by psychic means. When no evidence could be found, the heat died down. Price offered the CIA a detailed remote viewing of the Russian counterpart to the NSA base, to soothe the CIA's discomfiture. He pinpointed the Russian base at Mount Narodnyna in a remote part of the northern Ural Mountains. He described the underground base, its high proportion of female personnel, radar dishes... The CIA were delighted. Rivalry developed between Price and Swann, which was made worse by the fact that Price was acknowledged as the best remote viewer. Price was asked by the CIA to remotely view the Semipalatinsk military research facility. He successfully described sixty foot diameter steel spheres and extremely large cranes, constructed with the use of sophisticated welding techniques to seal these nuclear bomb containers together. Satellite photos showed that Price's remote viewing was correct. It was assumed the Semipalatinsk complex was an exotic high energy beam weapon using nuclear explosions to power the proton or neutron beam weapon. 37 REMOTE VIEWING KGB ASSASSINATION? We all know intelligence agencies murder threats to their power. Such was the power of Price's remote viewing that he could read numbers and words at the site he was studying. Pat Price's death in 1975 under mysterious circumstances was highly controversial. It was alleged at the time that the Soviets poisoned Price, most likely with a mycotoxin. It would have been a top priority for the KGB to eliminate Price as his phenomenal remote viewing abilities would have posed a significant danger to the USSR's paranormal warfare build up. He may also have been the victim of an elite group of Russian Psi-warriors trained to remotely kill enemies of the Soviet Union. Whatever the true reason, Price the leading U.S. Psi-spy, was the first casualty of the inner space arms race. In the final chapter of this book, for the first time ever, the secret of remote killing is revealed. REMOTE VIEWING RIVALRY In the autumn of 1972, Yuri Geller visited SRI. He was tested by Targ and Puthoff. His talent was alleged to be quixotic - hard to pin down. Eventually when Geller left SRI and moved to Mexico, his remote viewing talent was used by the CIA to spot KGB dead drop sites in Mexico City for the CIA. Geller allegedly used his remote viewing ability to allegedly help the FBI and to find oil and minerals for companies in South America and the Western Pacific. Not to be outdone, Swann convinced Puthoff and Targ, that he could train anyone to remotely view. The aim was to train military personnel with security clearance, rather than psychics who had none. Military top brass who came to inspect the remote viewing research were persuaded by Swann to take part in remote viewing training. After their training, these high ranking military officers discovered they could remotely view top-secret files. This convinced the military that remote viewing was for them. Intelligence operatives from the CIA, DIA, NSA and other shadowy organisations came a calling. Such was the enthusiasm 38 REMOTE VIEWING of the military and intelligence community that they decided to fund a twenty year long top-secret programme to train military remote viewers. This programme was called Star Gate. Ingo Swann used his co-ordinate remote viewing system and its protocols in these early experiments and to help train the new breed of military remote viewers. These are the basis for the commercially available U.S. courses sold in the USA today. Course which now cost $1000-7000 per week. PROJECT GRILL FLAME Documents obtained from US intelligence, released in part in Lobster magazine, show that Grill Flame was the operational wing of the overall STAR GATE program which could be traced back to 1977, when the US Army began to assess what information the Soviets could gather by means of remote viewing. In the late seventies the military set up a small remote viewing programme. Taking orders from the Army's assistant chief of intelligence in the Pentagon, only a few dozen officials in the intelligence community knew about this top-secret project code named Grill Flame. Mel Riley, was one of the first military remote viewers to be initiated into the programme. In 1979, one of his first important remote viewing targets was a Chinese nuclear weapon test near Lop Nor. He remotely viewed an airborne nuclear weapon drop by the Chinese, in which the weapon exploded, but failed to go into a nuclear chain reaction. He also reported that it was much more sophisticated in its construction and made use of enrichment processes the intelligence people had not expected from China. Six people, most of them army personnel, were tested by SRI for the Grill Flame project and all were found to be suitable for remote viewing. They were Mel Riley, Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, Fern Gauvin, Hartley Trent and Nancy Stern. 39 REMOTE VIEWING Based at Fort Meade in Maryland, the home of the largest U.S. intelligence branch, the National Security Agency (NSA), this unit carried out remote viewing against Soviet and Chinese bases. In late 1978 it was tasked to be used for offensive Psi-spying, to be at the beck and call of anyone in the U.S. intelligence community that had high-access. General Thompson, in over all command of the unit, increased funding so that: Mel Riley, Joe McMoneagle and Ken Bell could work full time on remote viewing. This trio was called the "Special Action Branch". As mentioned previously, it was in the Summer of 1979 that Mel Riley remotely viewed the "hourglass", shaped Chinese nuclear weapon at Lop Nor. They also looked at a Russian nuclear facility during which a greenish glow was seen to emanate from the nuclear reactor when Joe McMoneagle was remote viewing. It was discovered that Joe sensed radioactivity as a green glow when he was remotely viewing. He was also tasked by the NSA to remotely view a U.S. consulate in the Mediterranean theatre from which the Russians were extracting information. McMoneagle correctly remotely viewed a Russian listening post opposite the consulate, the location of the Soviet's electronic bug in the consulate - he even psychically spied upon a NSA counterespionage team in a room beneath the Russians. In 1979. McMoneagle remotely viewed the greenish glow around a nuclear weapon on the sea bed of the coast of Spain. This was rumoured to have fallen of an American nuclear bomber. The group were tasked to remotely view the impact site of Sky lab. When the space station finally decayed in its orbit and fell to Earth, it struck Western Australia; McMoneagle had predicted this general area in his remote viewing. Ken Bell successfully found a downed U.S. helicopter in a remote part of Peru. He was distraught to remotely view the burnt and broken corpses of the pilot and copilot. 40 REMOTE VIEWING PSYCHIC INTERROGATION -REMOTE SENSING Science fiction programmes such as Babylon 5 have military telepaths such as the Psi-corp, who can scan peoples' minds at will. We all know this is fiction, or is it? As we saw in the last section on the Russians, they spent billions of rubbles developing ESP. It could not be possible that the Americans developed the same telepathic scanning technology? In fact human targets were remotely viewed for the U.S. intelligence community. In the book Remote Viewers, it documents that the Grill Flame group successfully psychically interrogated an agent in an Eastern European country who the CIA were suspicious of, but the 'Agency' needed the right questions to ask, so they could discover his misdeeds, during his yearly polygraph test. McMoneagle remotely viewed the agent had received a large amount of money. During his lie-detector test, the agent, when questioned about the money, blurted out, "How could you have known that!" In 1980 the CIA asked Ken Bell to help them with a suspected KGB agent who had been detained by BOSS (South African intelligence) in South Africa. The KGB agent was proving difficult to break. Bell remotely viewed the KGB suspect and began to telepathically interrogate the man. During this psychic interrogation, Bell asked the man questions which were telepathically transmitted to the Russian and which appeared in the man's thoughts, as if he was asking himself those questions. This method of using remote viewing to telepathically enter the brains of other people, is called remote sensing (RS). RS can be thought of as the basis for ESP and telepathy. During this psychic interrogation, the remote viewer discovered that the suspected KGB spy was using a pocket calculator specially modified to decode messages from the KGB. One of the BOSS agents had taken the calculator home. When the calculator was recovered and examined, it enabled the South African intelligence to prove the man was KGB. 41 REMOTE VIEWING SEEING INTO THE FUTURE USING REMOTE VIEWING A co-ordinated effort to develop the ability to look into the future funded by the CIA seems preposterous. Yet that is exactly what occurred at SRI. According to Hall Puthoff and Russell Targ's precognitive remote viewing protocols, 1976, methods were developed to enable remote viewers to look into the future. It was during this time that the group started using precognitive remote viewing, which is a specialised version of clairvoyance, to check on the future of the U.S. embassy which was being built in Moscow. They found it difficult to see that building in the future, which cast doubt on their remote viewing ability. When asked to remotely view the building as it would be in the mid-eighties, it was found that they could not agree on the same thing - they all got different remote viewings. What actually occurred was that the Russian construction teams had planted so many bugs in the structure (discovered by a giant X-ray machine brought in by the Americans), even using the steel supports as antennae, that eventually the whole construction had to be demolished. The U.S. government decided in the end, to demolish the top two floors and build four secure floors atop of the bug ridden structure. This explained why the U.S. remote viewers could not home in on the building in the future, it had no future, as it was almost completely demolished. PSYCHIC SPYING ON TOP SECRET PROJECTS A psychic spying method able to be used to learn about top secret projects was the aim of CIA and DIA research. To test out the powers of the U.S. remote viewers, they were also tasked to psychically spy on U.S. top-secret projects. McMoneagle remotely viewed a new experimental XM-1 tank in a hanger, correctly describing its special armour, main gun and targeting system and a detailed diagram of the tank, which was later to be the Ml main battle tank used by the U.S. army in the Gulf War. Riley psychically spied on the bat-like B1 stealth bomber, years before it was made public. Results like this proved remote viewing was a very powerful intelligence asset. 42 REMOTE VIEWING Unfortunately, the remote viewing groups warnings that Psi-poisoned gifts from the Russians to U.S. diplomats should be removed, or at the very least be put in isolated rooms, fell on deaf ears and at worst generated ridicule. Mainstream U.S. society was not ready for the truth that the Soviet Union had developed a whole new branch of warfare -paranormal weapons. In their psychic spying, the U.S. remote viewing group (this team of six remote viewers nicknamed the 'Naturals') studied the new main Soviet battle tank the T-72. They also remotely viewed how one of these T-72s was stolen by the CIA from out of Eastern Europe and brought to the USA by freighter. McMoneagle's greatest display of remote viewing was when he investigated a naval facility at Severodvinsk, on the White Sea near the Arctic Circle. Within a huge building in the facility, McMoneagle discovered a giant submarine, the size of a first world war battleship. McMoneagle, with the aid of Hartleigh Trent, sketched the submarine which had twenty canted tubes for ballistic missiles, a double hull and a new type of drive mechanism. This Russian super-ballistic submarine was the real life version of the vessel the author Tom Clancy, wrote about in his best selling book, Red October. During one remote viewing session, McMoneagle saw the Russians dynamiting a channel from the building, which was one hundred yards from the waters edge to, the sea. Satellite photos confirmed the Typhoon class submarine at the dockside, some four months after McMoneagle's last remote viewing. His spectacular remote viewing ability which enabled him in his own words, "It is actually possible to gain access to the insides of filing cabinets, desk drawers, rooms, buildings in restricted areas of other countries for espionage purposes". The incident with the Typhoon submarine and his picture-perfect remote viewing of other sites demonstrated that Joe McMoneagle was the finest remote viewer in the team. In fact he was one of the U.S. government's premier Psi-spies. When this army intelligence, officer, left Star Gate in 1984, he was 43 REMOTE VIEWING awarded a Legion of Merit Award, for providing information on 150 targets that were unavailable from other sources. His excellent book: Remote Viewing: A Fascinating, Untapped Resource of the Mind. The group also psychically spied on: the ultra-secret nuclear testing base at Semipalatinsk, as well as looking for the crash site of a wrecked Soviet Tu-95 bomber. Their real test was to come with the task of remote viewing the whereabouts of U.S. hostages in Iran, who were captured in 1979. In April 1980, Hartleigh Trent remotely viewed U.S. special forces rappelling out of helicopters in Iran. Day after day they used remote viewing to keep psychic tabs on the U.S. hostages. When President Carter, on April 25th 1980, stated that the rescue mission had been a debacle, INSCOM analyst and U.S. remote viewer Nancy Stern, left the Grill Flame project, followed shortly by Fern Gauvin. By early 1981 the entire Grill Flame team was beginning to disperse. Bell and Riley, to the regular army and normal military work, McMoneagle was nearing retirement. The need for new blood from SRI to bolster the U.S. remote viewing programme was growing. REMOTE VIEWING EXPANDS IN SCOPE Methods to improve remote viewing were constantly developed at SRI. CIA reports for their Research and Development Office declassified in 1995 reveal these perceptual augmentation techniques. Targ and Puthoff at SRI, had by this time defined many protocols for remote viewing, their scientific version of clairvoyance. There were also different types of remote viewing. Outbound remote viewing, which consisted of an 'outbound' experimenter visiting the target site, while the remote viewer tried to visualise the experimenter's surroundings. Then the remote viewer was taken to the target site to get an actual look at what he had been remotely viewing. Co-ordinate remote viewing (CRV), where the remote viewer psychically spied upon the target given by a set of co-ordinates. This involved a set of protocols for remote viewing which were carried out from a normal state of consciousness called the beta state. The technique favoured by Fort Meade military 44 REMOTE VIEWING remote viewers was called extended remote viewing (ERV). This was a method of remote viewing where the remote viewer practised psychic spying from a deeper level of consciousness called the theta state, normally found in dreaming. Biofeedback and EEG machines were used to train the remote viewer to get into the theta state. A special room to cut out external stimuli was also used in training and in some sessions to facilitate ERV. This advanced form of remote viewing was the technique the Russian remote viewers were trained in, as the theta state was the doorway to psychotronic warfare. The U.S. remote viewers were to experiment in this area, but as we shall see, lacking the firm scientific understanding of the paranormal that the Russians had developed, they were to vitiate their research by incorporating occult techniques, which by their nature were unscientific. JIMMY CARTER REVEALS THE US REMOTE VIEWING PROGRAMME Gary Langford and Frances Bryan, talented remote viewers at SRI used the above techniques in May 1978 to find a crashed Soviet Tupolev-22 bomber which had crashed in Zaire. It was mention of this incident by Jimmy Carter in 1995, that first revealed to the press the facts of remote viewing. During a conference in South Africa, Jimmy Carter was asked what was the most memorable event in his presidency. He replied that the use of remote viewing to find the new Tupolev-22 bomber which had crashed in Zaire, was the most amazing event in his presidency. When given the co-ordinates of the crash site, by the U.S. remote viewers, satellite and later ground surveillance, found the bomber before the Soviets could recover it. Shocked and stunned that psychic spying even existed, the Carter statement, released on Reuters on September 1995: "Carter says psychic found lost plane for CIA," caused the CIA to release information on the U.S. top-secret remote viewing programme. An event U.S. intelligence agencies have been regretting ever since. 45 REMOTE VIEWING THE REMOTE VIEWING STORY UNFOLDS Swann used his own invention, the co-ordinate remote viewing method. In one notorious remote viewing session, Ingo Swann psychically spied on a location in the Soviet Union which was used for biological-weapons research on unwilling human victims. This remote viewing site could have been the biological-warfare complex at Obolensk, in a forest to the south of Moscow. By this method, Ingo Swann catalogued a number of such biological-weapons sites at Stepnogorsk, an island in the Aral Sea called Vozrozhdeniye, Berdsk and the city of Sverdlovsk, which in 1979 had a deadly accident with anthrax spores that killed hundreds of Russians. Langford and Swann, also tested these techniques out on underwater Atlantic ridges looking for Russian ballistic missile submarines. PSYCHICALLY FINDING NUCLEAR MISSILES SRI and the Fort Meade military remote viewers worked together on many projects, for example, as mentioned before, Langford and McMoneagle both used remote viewing to study the new Soviet Typhoon ballistic submarine being built in secret at Severodvinsk in 1979. According to Dale Graff's: Operational project summary selectively released by the CIA, the strategic use of remote viewing was made plain by the SRI remote viewers being used by the Air Force to look for the sites of the new MX ballistic missile sites. Soviet missiles were becoming so accurate, that in a first strike, it was mooted that they could destroy nearly all U.S. land based nuclear ballistic missiles. In 1979 the Air force had come up with the MX missile plan in which mobile nuclear missiles were transported on a special railroad thirty miles long, between 23 specially hardened silos. There would be two hundred MX missiles, which would mean the Soviets would have to target two missiles per silo, on each of the two hundred missiles twenty three separate hardened silos, this would need a total of 9,200 Russian 46 REMOTE VIEWING warheads. This was thought to be too many nuclear weapons for the Soviets to be able to deploy. With the fall of the Soviet Union it was found that the Russians had 40,000 nuclear warheads - many of them were only theatre tactical nuclear weapons, with out the launch systems to reach the USA. It is likely though, that the Soviet Union could have deployed ten thousand nuclear weapon for a strategic first strike. SRI was tasked by the Air Force to see if remote viewing could be used to pinpoint the missiles in their specific silos. Two thousand students at SRI were tested for remote viewing abilities. Groups of Psi-able students were tasked to find the silos, in a shell-game simulation. They had a ten percent accuracy. Mary Long, the remote viewing prodigy of the group, could get eighty percent accuracy in her remote viewing of MX missile sites. The Air Force were not pleased at this result, as it cast doubt on the efficacy of their plan. Since the Soviets were far more advanced than the USA in paranormal warfare, they probably had groups of remote viewers with Mary Long-like abilities. In the end, only fifty MX missiles were built and these were housed in old Minuteman silos, at Warren AFB in Wyoming and Colorado. REMOTE VIEWING A NUCLEAR MISSILE LAUNCH Research in remote viewing at SRI looked into whether Ingo Swann could determine the moment a rocket motor was fired. In another case, he was asked to see whether he could detect the event, and time, of a nuclear weapon detonation in Nevada. Using remote viewing, Swann could detect both of these events. Precognitive remote viewing was studied where the SRI team looked at events in the future, such as the lottery. It was found that the remote viewers see probable futures, but found it impossible to pin down exact future events such as the numbers of the lottery. SRI research studied long distance outbound remote viewing, looking for kidnap victims, terrorist bombs, with much work being carried out on high-tech targets such as nuclear facilities and Soviet aircraft design 47 REMOTE VIEWING bureaux, such as Mikoyan and Sukhoi. This was to train the remote viewing unit in the technical mind set needed to psychically spy on the Soviets and Chinese. OUT OF BODY REMOTE VIEWING CIA sponsored research, enabled Puthoff, to make a study of the brains of remote viewers, to see if any neurophysiological changes could be found. Los Alamos National Laboratory, gave the remote viewers at SRI brain scans using super conducting magnetoencephalographs. Puthoff and the CIA were keen to find the part of the brain involved with Psi-activity. It was found the temporal lobes of the brain, which are to the front and side of the cortex, the top spongy grey matter of the brain, (see Fig 1: The Human Brain) were involved in remote viewing. loe McMoneagle was tested for Out Of Body remote viewing (OOBRV). In the experiment McMoneagle was to travel along a corridor and into a locked room, to carry out OOBRV at a target placed in that room. During the experiment, McMoneagle's biophysical body travelled to the target room, in the process a computer in a nearby room crashed. When Puthoff, asked McMoneagle, to consciously make the computer crash, he failed. Puthoff and Targ, at an American Association of Science conference in 1979, referred to this events as: "low level perturbation of equipment observable during remote viewing," - mind over matter. PSYCHIC TREES A substantial body of historical evidence has shown that trees can pick up psychic emanations. No scientist would ever expect the CIA to have researched the subject. In the early 1980s, SRI research, looked at Michael Persinger's research (an experimental psychologist at Laurentian University in Canada) into Russian research by Kogan and Vasiliev, in which the Russians postulated ELF field effects were involved on Psi-activity. Puthoff and a SRI researcher Marcia Adams, used a tree as an ELF antennae, by which means they monitored ELF 48 REMOTE VIEWING readings and correlated them against remote viewing efficiency. They found that remote viewing efficiency improved when the Earth's magnetic field was not being disturbed by the Sun's magnetic storms, but that the SRI remote viewers could still function no matter what the conditions. CHINESE PSI In Research in Parapsychology, 1986, it states Puthoff also looked at Chinese research, which showed that objects glowed when a remote viewer looked at them. In 1982 Puthoff examined this effect, with photo multipliers aimed at a picture of the target to be remotely viewed. Photographic transparencies of the target site the remote viewer was studying, were placed before these photo multipliers and analysed for transient light emission. It was found that a glow appeared around these transparencies, but also a transient pulse of light emission occurred, so no firm conclusion could be made. It did appear that the biophysical body of the remote viewer caused photonic emission in the target it was analysing. Chinese research showed that Chinese characters, which were remotely viewed by Chinese remote viewers, glowed when psychically observed. Only those characters correctly observed gave off low level light emissions. AMPLIFYING RV Can remote viewing be amplified? In the spring edition, volume 10, of the Journal of Scientific Exploration the subject is discussed. At this time, Ingo Swann was working for Jack Vorona of the DIA and General Ed Thompson, who was in overall charge of the U.S. military remote viewing project at Fort Meade, to improve the signal to noise ratio of remote viewing. Puthoff had found that two thirds of the data gained by remote viewing was correct. Ways were looked at to improve the signal to noise ratio of remote viewing. Amongst these methods, were using groups of remote viewers to pick the remote viewing signal out of the noise. It was for this reason that military remote viewers worked in groups on the remote viewing target. Researchers also found that 49 REMOTE VIEWING strong emotional links also boosted remote viewing. The Russians as explained, looked at this effect by killing baby rabbits and looking for brain wave changes at the time of death in the rabbits' mother. Extended remote viewing where the operator is in the theta state, was found to significantly improve the signal to noise ratio. Hypnotic remote viewing is the 1990s technique to get picture perfect remote viewing and is one of the techniques being studied in the USA Russian techniques to boost Psi-activity using drugs and electronic stimulation of brain function for Psi-activity, were, and are, being looked at. Techniques used by U.S. remote viewers in these early days of remote viewing, were to lock their thoughts up in a 'mental suitcase', ultra quiet remote viewing rooms, including sensory deprivation tanks, alpha and theta inducing mind machines - now sold to the public - as well as biofeedback using EEG machines, to enable the remote viewer to get in the groove for remote viewing, by entering theta. Ingo Swann, became interested in teaching pupils how to distinguish signal, from noise, in remote viewing. It was found that if one allowed ones first impressions to be recorded and did not try to analyse them, the remote viewing information was of high accuracy. When the remote viewer tried to analyse what he or she was seeing, accuracy plummeted. This phenomena was called analytical overlay (AOL). Within the first two seconds of studying an event, or part of the target, accuracy was high, once the remote viewer tried to analyse the image or information, the remote viewing became garbled or wrong. Puthoff postulated that the left hemisphere of the brain was not involved in Psi-activity. Since the left part of our brains is involved in analytical, mathematical and alphanumeric data, it was theorised that this part of our brain gets in the way of the deeper, non-language based parts of the brain, involved in remote viewing. Rather like a person with a brain damaged left hemisphere, who can see and draw pictures, but cannot label them accurately. Swann developed remote viewing protocols that concentrated on raw data from the sensorium of remote viewing and in later parts of the session, to bring in analytical information, when it 50 REMOTE VIEWING was more likely to be right. In this way, Swann assumed that the brain could be trained to evaluate Psi-data in the correct manner. In effect, he was rewiring the neural network of the brain to enable remote viewing. INGO SWANN'S REMOTE VIEWING PROTOCOLS Puthoff and Swann have stated that to boost this 'signal line' of Psi-data into conscious perception, Swann began to develop remote viewing protocols to build on this sixth sense of remote viewing. His greatest achievement in his own mind, was to discover the Stage One protocol. It was found that if one doodled the first thing that came into ones mind after being given the co-ordinates of the remote viewing target, the essence of the target could be seen in this ideogram. As the session developed, visual imagery could be brought in and finally analytical information. Analytical information such as I think its... was to be strongly avoided, until the final part of the remote viewing session. In Swann's Stage Two protocol, visual and sensory data could be allowed into ones consciousness. Discarding any analytical mental processes, the raw data of ones sensorium of remote viewing perceptions was to be beheld, with no conscious thought about what it may be, or may not be. Stage Three involved 'dimensionals,' in which an overview of remote viewing perceptions was put into a bigger picture, which could involve drawing numerous pictures of what one was remote viewing. After another year or more of remote viewing research, Swann developed the Stage Four protocol, in which he made columns and lists of the emotional impact of things that had come from the remote viewing session. The aesthetic impact of things that had come from the remote viewing session. Then tangibles and intangibles, that one was aware of in the remote viewing target, such as 'wooden' and 'pastoral', respectively. Analytic information could then be brought in for the final 'analytical sketch', which was a coming together of all the information acquired in the remote viewing session. 51 REMOTE VIEWING These first four protocols were the only ones used in the early days by Swann but were later elaborated to Stage Five, where ways of improving remote viewing resolution were looked at. Then Stage Six, where the three dimensional representation of the target was explored, by making models of the remote viewing target. These CRV protocols form the basis for all remote viewing taught in the USA Unlike their American counterparts, the Russians took a different approach to remote viewing, seeing it as a neurological and biophysical state, they explored ways of stimulating remote viewing consciousness by psychotronic means. This enabled the Russians to quickly stumble upon remote influencing, which took the Americans decades to sucessfully achieve. Swann found that Anomalous Overlay AOL, having a clear idea or assumption of what one was remote viewing, could interfere with remote viewing in a number of ways. Pea cocking, was defined as jumping from one wrong assumption to the next, in an AOL cascade. Together with burnout, too much remote viewing, that left the person tired and listless. The confusion break, when the remote viewers had a type of writer's block, where they had information coming in, but could not write it down, were major problems in remote viewing The strangest type of problem Puthoff and Swann came across, was telepathic overlay, where the image that was in the monitor's mind would swamp out the real target and could influence other remote viewers psychically spying on the target. Bizarre phenomena such as an old photo of the target that was out of date, would also interfere with the correct remote viewing of the present day target. Puthoff theorised that remote viewing was a form of subliminal perception. Rather like the image flashed on the screen too fast to be consciously seen, but never the less perceived by the subconscious, subliminal imagery seemed to be the way remote viewing data was being picked up. It seemed as if the remote viewer was travelling to the target for the briefest of moments, picking up a subliminal perception 52 REMOTE VIEWING of the target, then alighting back in to his body. As the remote viewing process was repeated, the remote viewer went back to the target and slowly built a picture of what he was psychically seeing, as a set of subliminal images and perceptions, that slowly, tenuously, slipped into conscious awareness. In later chapters, we will discuss how this U.S. research fits into an overall theory of how remote viewing works - a physics of the paranormal. PSYCHIC FRICTION By the early eighties, character clashes amongst the SRI researchers and remote viewers were becoming acrimonious. Russell Targ, had his payments stopped from the Grill Flame funds, by the DIA, for alleged sloppiness. Targ left SRI in 1983 and with a SRI remote viewer called Keith Harary, went into business on their own. In the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, October, volume 86, it discusses their joint venture to analyse by use of remote viewing, the silver-futures options for customers, which initially proved spectacularly successful, but again bitter acrimony was the end result. It seemed opening the door to the Pandora's box of remote viewing led to bitter emotional and character clashes. REMOTE VIEWING MOVES TO WIDER CIRCLES Remote viewing spread to the FBI, where a psychic called Noreen Renier, during a lecture in 1981 at the FBI's training centre at Quantico in Virginia, predicted President Reagan would be the subject of an assassination attempt that spring - which turned out to be correct. The White House was very pro-paranormal, Ronald and Nancy Reagan consulted astrologer Joan Quigley. Freelance Psi-spies such as Alex Tannous, were also kept busy by the CIA. When the CIA's station chief in Beirut, William Buckley, was kidnapped by Moslem terrorists, the Agency's Directorate of Operations asked Tannous to remotely view the captive. When Tannous reported, the route of the kidnapping and that Buckley had been tortured to death by the terrorists, the CIA were 53 REMOTE VIEWING not happy to hear his news - especially since it turned out to be true. His group of private Psi-spies were also used by the Secret Service to find an assassin code named the 'Cat', who was targeting Ronald Reagan. A massive boost to official remote viewing deployment in the U.S. Army came with the appointment in 1981, of the new Intelligence Security Command (INSCOM) commander, General Stubblebine. A true believer of the merits of paranormal warfare, Stubblebine had pushed through neuro-linguistic programming in the management development of staff officers and training at the Monroe Institute, to teach out of body consciousness. The military, under Major General Stubblebine, with the help of Jack Vorona of the DIA, and the technical expertise of Hal Puthoff, pushed forward the remote viewing project at Fort Meade. According to the general's speech at the new age Treat IV conference, Sergeant Lyn Buchanan was recruited when it was found that he had psychokinetic abilities that could interfere with computers, rather like McMoneagle had demonstrated with his OOBRV. A staff colonel called John Alexander, oversaw many of these INSCOM projects for Stubblebine. Alexander was a true visionary and had published a seminal article in Military Review called: 'The New Mental Battlefield', which described Warsaw Pact psychotronic weapons and how they might be used against the USA. Colonel Alexander would in later years become the leading powerhouse behind American remote influencing research. Another innovation according to the Washington Post, (Sally Squires, April 17th, 1988, The Pentagon's twilight zone) was an Army War College, called Task Force Delta, which looked at the development of paranormal warrior-monks called the 'First Earth Battalion'. According documents in my possession, Jack Houck, a defence consultant and the U.S. expert on psychokinesis, introduced Stubblebine and Alexander to spoon bending at one of his parties, which are still run today and have numbered over three hundred. Stubblebine introduced 54 REMOTE VIEWING INSCOM officers to psychokinesis and spoon bending, as well as showing General Thompson, Directorate Chief at the DIA and Deputy Director of the CIA John McMahon, the reality of telekinesis. In 1983 the Grill Flame remote viewers moved to INSCOM and came under the direct control of Stubblebine, in the process receiving a new code name of 'Centre Lane'. REAGAN'S PSI-WARRIORS Secret warriors inside the covert military operations of the Reagan era, by Steven Emerson outlines the following incident: when Brigadier-general James Dozier was kidnapped, by the Italian Red Brigade, the team at Fort Meade were asked to find him. Langford had predicted the blue van that was involved in the kidnapping. McMoneagle gave an exact description of the second floor room in Padua, in which Dozier was being held, while another remote viewer called Ted Wheatley, had found the exact town previous to this. The Fort Meade remote viewers also looked at other terrorists and they even psychically spied upon General Manuel Noriega, the Panamanian Dictator. Remote Viewers by Jim Schnabel states that: in 1983 and 1984 new blood was introduced by Stubblebine, into the Fort Meade group, including Lyn Buchanan and Ed Dames. They were all to be trained by Ingo Swann. At the Monroe Institute, the new remote viewers were shown the Hemi-Sync device that played two different frequencies into each ear, the difference between the frequencies was around 10 Hz. This beat frequency was thought to induce altered states of consciousness and the Monroe Institute specialised in inducing out of body experiences (OOBEs). Ingo Swann training enabled the new U.S. military remote viewers not only to learn CRV, but to experience bilocation. This technique was seen as the first major step in Russian remote viewing training, as it enabled the remote viewer to actually perceive the target as if one was actually there. In U.S. remote viewing training, bilocation was seen as 55 REMOTE VIEWING the pinnacle of remote viewing, a peak experience to be enjoyed when it occurred. Of all Swann's trainees, Tom Nance was the finest and could make actual models of what he was remotely viewing, the Stage Six of Swann's training. CENTER LANE CHANGES TO SUN STREAK Stubblebine' replacement by Major General Harry Soyster, put the Fort Meade group into a strong decline and it was transferred to the DIA. The remote viewing group's 'Centre Lane' designation was changed to 'Sun Streak', by the DIA. While the Army's remote viewing group fell on hard times, the SRI group blossomed and did remote viewing work for all branches of the U.S. government. Ten million dollars was given to SRI to fund research on the neurophysiology of remote viewing and Psi-abilities, such as psychokinesis. SOVIET REMOTE KILLING Most of the old experienced remote viewers died from cancer or heart attacks, even McMoneagle had a massive coronary heart attack that nearly killed him in lune 1985. The American remote viewers were oblivious of the massive remote influencing and killing potential of the Soviet Union's thousands of KGB trained paranormal warfare experts. U.S. remote viewers were seen as a danger to the Soviet's paranormal warfare capability. A paranormal first strike to take out U.S. remote viewers would have been seen as a legitimate military operation by the KGB. Since the U.S. did not possess any remote killers, it would be a relatively safe, with no chance of a Psi-counterstrike. Though no hard evidence shows this to be true, the massive Soviet capability in Psi-warfare lends credence to the first strike scenario. REMOTE VIEWING MISSIONS The CIA's 1995 Operational project summary, by Dale Graff, outlines The new military U.S. remote viewing unit used CRV and ERV to pinpoint the location of Colonel Muammar Quaddafi of Libya, prior 56 REMOTE VIEWING to the bombing raid carried out by U.S. forces. Ken Bell, one of the older U.S. remote viewers, now in another posting, even telephoned to give the location of a crashed U.S. Fill fighter bomber, used in the raid, which was now on the bottom of the Gulf of Sidra. In 1989 the unit used remote viewing to pinpoint the location of General Manuel Noriega, after he had run to ground afterthe U.S. invasion of Panama. ' Sun Streak' was tasked to remote viewing of high-tech Soviet weapons. In 1987 they psychically spied upon the Dushanbe satellite tracking, communication and strategic laser, complex in the USSR Mel Riley and Paul Smith, were among the unit's remote viewers who looked for the location of Terry Waite and the other captives in the Lebanon. They located Chinese Silkworm missile emplacements in Iran, toward the end of the Iran-Iraq war. In 1988 and 1989 the unit helped the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) look for drug: routes, vessels and lords. They also psychically searched for U.S. POWs abandoned to their fate in Vietnam after the war. OCCULT REMOTE VIEWING With a new DIA operations officer, Fern Gauvin, more exotic and occult techniques were practised at Fort Meade. Up until then, CRV and ERV were the only techniques regularly practised. Now channelling, allowing ones body to be taken over by a spirit, was added to the portfolio of paranormal techniques. Written remote viewing (WRV), where the spirit wrote down the answer to what ever you were remotely viewing, enabled Angela Dellafiora, to find a rogue U.S. Customs Service officer, called Charles Jordan in Lovell Wyoming. She predicted how Quaddafi would transport chemical weapons from the facility at Rabta, on to a ship. Then to move the ship on to another location, to avoid U.S. surveillance and a presumed bombing raid. Angela even predicted a hijacking in Rome, or Athens, of U.S. airline passengers by Moslem terrorists. The channelling of information by discarnate spirits to enable remote viewing has a long history. Helen Duncan was a psychic who publically stated at a seance that a British 57 REMOTE VIEWING battleshiphad been sunk during the height of the second world war. She was promptly jailed by the British authorities. It is known that Churchill used psychic warfare during the second world war and was terrified that vital defence information may have been leaked by Helen Duncan if she was allowed to continue. A front page article in the Times in January, revealed that pressure is being put on the government to pardon Helen Duncan, Britain's first convicted psychic viewer. Until this very day, psychic viewing is looked on by the British establishment with horror. A country such as the UK, obsessed with secrecy, cannot allow remote viewing to become public knowledge - as the author has found ot his cost. THE BLACK SHEEP OF THE REMOTE VIEWING PROGRAMME The book Psychic Warrior, reveals that in 1988, the author, David Morehouse joined the military remote viewing unit. After getting shot on his helmet in a training exercise in Jordan, this special forces officer began to have visions. When he went to see medical personnel, he was seconded in to the remote viewing unit at Fort Meade. In the same year, the new secretary of defence, Frank Carlucci, announced a thirty three billion dollar defence cut. A Pentagon Inspector General's team, arrived at Fort Meade and closely examined the work the US military remote viewers had been undertaking. Numerous files were shredded before the Inspector General's team could examine them, remote viewers were told to avoid the inspectors. Not surprisingly, the Pentagon Inspector General's recommended that the remote viewing unit be shut down. Many of the personnel left. Ingo Swannleft SRI in 1988. Ed Dames, left the unit in the summer of 1988, Mel Riley retired in 1990. The unit survived, but only four remote viewers were left at Fort Meade when the Gulf War started in 1991. They were tasked to find mobile 'SCUD' missile launchers in the western desert of Iraq. Ken Bell and Joe McMoneagle, acting as private contractors, aided in this 58 REMOTE VIEWING psychic hunt for the 'SCUDs'. Toward the end of the Gulf War, David Morehouse and two other independent remote viewers, were tasked by the DIA to examine the Iraqi army units which were torching the oil wells in Kuwait. Morehouse claims he saw the Iraqis releasing toxic agents into the conflagration. According to Morehouse's remote viewing, these nerve agents, mycotoxins and bacteriological weapons, were spread at low concentration to give U.S. and UK troops chronic poisoning, that would not show up at the time, but would disable or kill these soldiers years later. This was the event that would cause Gulf War Syndrome, Morehouse stated. Acute poisoning which would have killed U.S. and allied troops on the battlefield, would have forced the USA to respond with nuclear weapons. Iraqi forces would therefore have only have the option of low level chemical and biological weapon response. If Saddam Hussein actually ordered this attack, as Morehouse states, he is responsible for over ten thousand U.S. deaths from Gulf War Syndrome. To add to this horror, nearly one hundred thousand ex-servicemen and women, are now severely ill, many having children with birth defects. THE TWILIGHT YEARS OF MILITARY RV. The 'Sun Streak'project was now changed to the 'StarGate'designation. In 1994 the American Institute for Research (AIR) was asked by the CIA to evaluate the remote viewing programme. David Goslin who headed the AIR team concluded, that remote viewing evidence looked at for the 1993-1994 period, showed that remote viewing was not useful. In 1995 the CIA released information on the remote viewing programme it had decided to discontinue. A November the 29th Associated Press wire story stated: "CIA confirms U.S. used 'psychic' spies. Project ' Star Gate' employed psychics to hunt down Libyan leader Moammmar Gadhafi, find plutonium in North Korea and help drug enforcement agencies." 59 REMOTE VIEWING The work of Dr Jessica Utts, a Professor of statistics at Stanford, who had scientifically proved that remote viewing phenomena existed, was significant in shedding light on this turn of events. For it showed that science as we know it, is crucially flawed. It is as if, we have developed atomic energy, yet have less knowledge than our caveman ancestors of the essential nature of reality. Only the Russians, as discussed earlier, have made large inroads into the study of Psi-phenomena. The sceptics rebutted the Utts paper and have denied any paranormal phenomena could possibly exist. The US remote viewing programme was run down by 1985. This might be more comfortable to the scientific community, but remote viewing (inside source) is still being developed by the military, now in absolute secrecy. DIA personnel and other secret groups in the U.S. military, are now developing paranormal warfare along similar lines to the Russian research. In the case of the USA this research is not for world domination, but to protect democracy against the Chinese paranormal warfare projects, such as remote influencing and other even more alien enemies, to whom Psi-warfare is one of the few things they fear. U.S. remote influencing is one of the key defensive and offensive weapons the free world possesses. A May 1992 Defenso Intelligence Agency Report on the scope and thrust of the Chinese parapsychological effort, shows a 5-10 year intelligence gap in this area. To mask this development of remote viewing research into the area of RI, which would not be publicly acceptable - even though Chinese and Japanese paranormal warfare is being undertaken on a large scale (as stated by Sightings magazine's interview with David Morehouse). The U.S. military's official position on remote viewing was stated by CIA spokesperson, David Christian, who accepted that no further official US research into remote viewing was warranted: "We think the intelligence community shouldn't pursue research on this and that it is best left to the private sector." Staged release of remote viewing information was a carefully planned campaign of disinformation to mask the continued and accelerated study of the Psi-warfare. Programmes such as: 'The 60 REMOTE VIEWING Real X Files,' (shown on Channel 4 UK) created by Jim Schnabel. who has contacts with U.S. intelligence, enabled the journalist to put forward the first televised study of U.S. remote viewing. Twenty million dollars was declared to be the amount spent on remote viewing and its accuracy was alleged to be only 15%. In fact remote viewing experts state that the accuracy of remote viewing was 60% to 85%. This enforced disclosure of remote viewing and the web of disinformation and obfuscation, was all set in motion by the chance remark by ex-president Jimmy Carter, made in the South African conference in 1995, mentioned previously, where he publicly announced psychic spies existed. PRESENT DAY PSI RESEARCH While the remote viewing programmes have been very publicly closed down, in fact new, top-secret programmes have been instituted. Milton Friedman, a speech writer for President Ford, and with inside knowledge, states that the FBI are training agents to use remote viewing techniques, an example being the Oklahoma City bombing incident. Remote viewing and paranormal warfare budgets are very large, many times more than the $20 dollars which the CIA have declared. Remote viewing information is described as, "critical, crucial, vital and unavailable from any other source." The highest ranks of the military are involved in the new research. Courtney Brown, a pupil of ED Dames, has written in his book Cosmic Voyage, that covert agencies are using remote viewing to deal with the UFO and alien problem. As a scientist, the author cannot agree with such statements without hard evidence, but books such as Jim Marrs Alien Agenda, show how the U.S. remote viewers were obsessed with the alien question and used remote viewing to hunt for UFOs. It is obvious from the U.S. remote viewers that they believe that the very highest echelons of the U.S. military are privy to information on the 'alien question', which they do not reveal to the general public. 61 REMOTE VIEWING U.S. research into remote manipulating and influencing, so worried David Morehouse, that he states this is the reason he left the remote viewing unit, which he affirms in his book Psychic Warrior. U.S. military sources have stated Morehouse was conditionally discharged for divulging information about the top-secret U.S. remote viewing programmes. Remote influencing, is the advanced form of Psi, which is a development form remote viewing technology. Which concentrates on the telepathic knockout which the Russians are expert in and the use of 'Sleep-Wake' hypnosis to control people at a distance, or plant suggestions in their brains, has obvious military value. Lobster magazine asserts that remote viewing and RI research is headed by Col John Alexander, the former Director of Non Lethal Weapons at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, who remains advisory head of Nato's Non Lethal Defenso initiative. Alexander is dedicated to the development of superhuman soldiers, he likens to JEDI Knights (Project JEDI). He was the assistant to General Stubblebine, in the 'Grill Flame' U.S. remote viewing programme. One of America's leading experts on paranormal warfare, Alexander foresaw the danger Psi-warfare posed - when most so called experts ridiculed the very idea. He has been the prime mover in shaping DIA Psi-warfare for the twenty first century. The Sony Corporation having bought psychotronic warfare technology from the Russians, have brought Psi-warfare into the corporate arena. They have also hired one of Russia's top psychic warfare experts, Ivan Sokalov, according to David Morehouse in Sightings magazine. Any U.S. firm that is not aware of psychotronic warfare in the twentieth century will be at risk. Russian research found they could remotely influence the decision makers in foreign governments. Japanese research seems to indicate they wish to use psychotronic technology in the business world to further Japanese interests. U.S. firms that are ignorant of psychotronics can be remotely influenced so that foreign competitors have the upper hand. Similarly, the Chinese are developing thousands of military remote influencers who are being used against the USA and the West. Remote influencing of western 62 REMOTE VIEWING politicians would mean the Chinese could control the behaviour of the West's decision makers. When China invades Taiwan, as it has openly stated, remote influencing would enable the Chinese to telepathically hypnotise the U.S. President and European leaders, so that they would refuse to come to the aid of Taiwan. Faced with these scenarios, which seem off-the-wall, to the uninitiated, Alexander has spearheaded U.S. countermeasures. Alexander is also CO-President of Psi Tech, Major Ed Dames (ret), being the other CO-president, this occurring after Major General Stubblebine (ret), stepped down as president. This is a U.S. firm which acts as a commercial arm of military remote viewing and was used during the gulf war to locate 'SCUD' missile launchers - they also tried to remotely influence and locate Saddam Hussein. Their remote influencing of Saddam Hussein failed because the dictator had tapped into dark forces, that Western remote viewers were unaware of. Russian psychotronic experts being generations ahead of the West, discovered these dark forces to their cost. The resulting Psi-Armageddon, caused the Soviet Union to break up, a product of its advanced Psi-warfare programme which backfired disastrously, remote influencing Gorbachov into a series of fool hardy mistakes that brought chaos to the communist empire. Few people understand the power of Psi, in effect consigning the paranormal to mental aberration or hallucination. Alexander convinced the DIA to help fund a private programme which would not be eligible for the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. One of these new top-secret institutes he heads up, is multimillionaire R Biglow's Nevada based National Institute for Discovery Science. Bigelow is recruiting leading researchers in UFOs, remote viewing and other fringe sciences, with an aim to developing a biophysical research programme that can match the Russians - who still lead the world in this area. Colonel Alexander is a leading proponent of this type of Non Lethal Warfare and advises NATO on its uses. 63 REMOTE VIEWING Alexander is also very interested in the UFO field, his wife being a UFO researcher. When the key man in U.S Psi-warfare takes such an avid interest in UFOs, it indicates very highly placed members of the U.S. government take the alien question very seriously. To back this up, remote viewing was used by the CIA and DIA, to study the alien races that the US government had made contact with. Most of this research is classified above top-secret. In Nexus Magazine it was revealed that a staged release of information of remote viewing and UFOs by the US military/intelligence community was as follows. Stage 1 declared that the CIA had for decades had remote viewing capability. Stage 2 declared that DIA, NSA and INSCOM (Army Intelligence and Security Command), used remote viewing to locate aliens in Earth's biosphere, concentrating on human-like aliens and the 'Greys'. Knowledgeable sources have stated that Stage 3 will give information on the alien races gleaned by the use of military remote viewing. If this is indeed true, U.S. Psi-spies were not only spying on the Russians and Chinese but were involved with remotely viewing a much more dangerous threat, one that came from alien races. At the end of the millennium, it seems that the USA has indeed entered a new age. One in which American Psi-spies stand between democracy and foreign powers, which by the use of remote viewing, remote sensing and remote influencing, can modify the decisions and behaviour of the politicians democracy depends on. With the end of the cold war, the inner space arms race has not died down, but instead spread further afield. 64 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 3: THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF RV If remote viewing is to work, something must leave the body, so remote locations can be looked at. Remote viewing uses the energy field around the human form, the biophysical field, to manifest perception outside the body. As we have seen, the Russians have been the world experts in the area of biophysics since the late fifties. Russian research in this area has concentrated on the military use of biophysical energy fields, and their uses such as telekinesis. The Russians have done much research in the search for Psi-genes that promote and mediate remote viewing. Their greatest achievements lay in the discovery of the biophysical fields involved in psychotronics. This has led to the Russians developing a biological basis of remote viewing. BIOPHYSICS In the past ten years, advances in developmental cell biology have enabled the author to link developmental biology with physics, to enable the science of biophysics to include Psi. A science that can now explain how remote viewing works. Remote viewing uses biophysical fields to enable perception to occur outside of the physical body by means of a sixth sense. This sixth sense is a biophysical awareness that is the basis for out of body experiences, reincarnation, clairvoyance or remote viewing, ESP, telepathy.... It is well known that the physical body is surrounded by a mantle of electromagnetic energy. Our eyes pick up this low level light emission, though 90% of this information is filtered out in the thalamus area of the brain. This is the part of the brain deals with attention (Fig 2: The Thalamus) and is located in the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system of the brain is that area, which looks after our emotions, decision making, memory... What information gets through this 65 REMOTE VIEWING thalamus mental filter, is fitted into a visual mental model which we see as reality. By learning remote viewing, the advanced mental training enables the remote viewer to clear the neural and mental blockages, that make ordinary people perceive but a pale shadow of the real world. Children are taught to see the world as their parents and teachers do, in the process they condition themselves to block out imagery that does not conform to the norm, such as auras around people, imaginary friends (which may be biophysical entities), empathic awareness and the ability to read body language, that enables the child to know how another person is feeling. Once one can unfilter visual perception using remote viewing training programmes, auras, the emission of visible light, around people can be seen. Stimulation of the brain by the use of auto-visualisation can effect brain function, so that deeper more relaxed states of mind can be achieved, which are the gateway to remote viewing. The Russians discovered that visualising a set of physical actions, such as gymnastics or shot putting in ones mind's eye, enabled the Soviet athlete to train their body to better accomplish the athletic event. They also discovered that auto-visualisation of the immune system could boost its efficiency. A U.S. medical doctors called Dr. Carl Simonton, developed this methodology. He taught cancer patients to visualise their immune system's white blood cells, eating cancer cells. Auto-visualisation was found to increase the life expectancy of these terminal cancer patients. My research has found that auto-visualisation of the brain itself, can alter consciousness and develop remote viewing abilities, without recourse to expensive biofeedback and EEG machines, as used by the U.S. military for remote viewing. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS The EM field around the body consists of infrared and visual range radiation, with other fields such as electric fields and magnetic fields. My research interest has been in the biological and biophysical basis of paranormal phenomena. Since the body has an intrinsic EM mantle, 66 REMOTE VIEWING could this EM field be projected outside the body. Dr. Ross Adey, a scientist at Loma Linda University Medical School, in Loma Linda, California, carried out research on how the human brain could be controlled by the use of pulse modulated microwaves. These non lethal weapons are now used to control the behaviour of people from a distance by British intelligence agencies. Research in this area of microwave mind control was begun by the Russians in 1953, the U.S. embassy in Moscow was bombarded with microwaves, half of the staff developed a rare blood disease similar to leukaemia. One third of them subsequently died of cancer, the U.S. ambassador being one of he victims. U.S. research by Dr. Ross Adey has given us a pathway by which EM fields can directly effect the brain and body. Research shows that tiny levels of microwave radiation, if they carry extremely low frequency (ELF) waves can kill, make the victim mad, or change their behaviour, Could information gleaned by roving biophysical EM field effects be the basis for remote viewing? These EM fields could be picking up information, then transferring them to the brain by the above mechanism. Could remote viewing be a case of mental radio? One mind picking up what another mind is seeing, in this case the monitor, by mechanisms similar to a wireless tuning into a radio station. Russian research as we have seen, pointed to ELF waves being the carrier for remote viewing information. These ELF waves of frequencies of below 20 cycles per second, can pass through the cranium and be picked up by the brain. This effect is the basis for all the microwave mind control devices used by British intelligence personnel on the general public. Remote viewing could well work on an analogous mechanism. It seems a valid basis for remote viewing. Unfortunately it is not the whole picture. Remote viewing operators can psychically travel to distant star systems. U.S. remote viewers spent most of their spare time remote viewing aliens, their home worlds and their bases on the Moon and Mars. Since electromagnetic radiation is limited by the speed of light, these remote viewing trips to outer space should be limited to the 67 REMOTE VIEWING distance light can travel while one is remotely viewing. Since light takes eight minutes to reach us from the Sun, the time delays in remote viewing should run into many minutes when we try and psychically view planets which are distant from us. Remotely viewing different star systems should be impossible as it takes light years to arrive form the nearest star system. The Sunday Times reported that: Ingo Swann, in a remote viewing session, was asked to look at Jupiter. He reported that the planet had a ring around it. At the time this was thought to be incorrect. Swann assumed his 'discovery' was a mistaken view of Saturn. The SRI scientist Dr Hal Puthoff, counted it as an error in an account of their findings in 1977. Two years later, Voyager 1, when it flew past Jupiter, sent back pictures showing the planet did indeed have a ring around it. No time delay in remote viewing Jupiter was noticed. This indicates that electromagnetic radiation is not the carrier for remote viewing. Experiments have been done with shielded rooms, where remote viewers try to look at distant locations, even though all electromagnetic radiation is blocked out. It has been found that these shielded rooms offer no impediment to remote viewing. Something other than electromagnetic radiation must be involved in remote viewing. TIME TRAVEL Travelling backwards and forwards in time was practised by all the U.S. remote viewers. McMoneagle has remotely viewed Christ, while Morehouse has used remote viewing to look at the Ark of the Covenant. According to an article in Nexus magazine, after that particular remote viewing session, Mel Riley told Morehouse, that the Ark of the Covenant was a part of the Israelites temple that they carried into the wilderness. The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the inner sanctum of the great temple in Jerusalem. Priests who went into the inner sanctuary, tied ropes around their ankles so they would not be pulled into the dimensional doorway the relic created. 68 REMOTE VIEWING "It was the conclusion of the remote-viewing community that this was in fact a conductor or convector of some sort. It was something that channelled power to form some sort of a portal or opening into a four-dimensional world which is where the creator dwelt. The high priest was stepping through the portal into the four-dimensional world," states Morehouse. ELECTRONIC ENHANCEMENT OF RV One can also use remote viewing to enter facilities protected by metal Faraday-like cages. As an experiment, the author built a Faraday Cage room, from which to carry out remote viewing experiments. It was found to have no negative effect, in fact it seems to boost remote viewing by blocking out extraneous signals. Russian remote viewers regularly visited US facilities armed with EM flytrap field generators such as deployed in Dulce (a miles deep super-secret U.S. base associated with aliens and their technology) and Cheyenne Mountain home of Strategic Air Command, which were supposed to block out remote viewing. All of these phenomena indicate something beyond the simple mental radio concept, where EM is used as the radio wave, is acting as the carrier for remote viewing. Ed Dames on a U.S. TV show alluded to electronic enhancement of remote viewing. Perhaps U.S. researchers into remote viewers' capabilities have learnt to manipulate EM field effects for their remote viewing experiments, using electronic enhancement of Psi- effects. This methodology could be the basis for US experiments into synthetic telepathy, the electronic means to read peoples' minds by use of sophisticated microwave lasers and state-of the art computers. Russian researchers as we have seen, used magnetic fields and psychotronic generators, to boost latent Psi-activity to the level where it was useful. My research seems to indicate that they are only scratching the surface of the remote viewing envelope. What is interesting to note from Dr. Ross Adey's research, a leading light in the Pandora project which looked at ways to influence behaviour 69 REMOTE VIEWING by means of microwave beams, is that a 6-20 Hz frequency is needed to effect the brain. This frequency seems to stimulate the release of calcium ions in the neurones that act as the connections in the brain. The scientific term for this is calcium efflux. BRAIN RHYTHMS Normal people are entrained to function in a state of consciousness called beta (Fig 3: Brain rhythms), which pushes their EEG measured brain wave frequency above the 20 Hz threshold of beta. This means that normal people have no contact with calcium efflux events, which intimately effect brain function by controlling the neuronal connections. If these events are, as I believe, an integral part of remote viewing and other Psi operations, the general public will be Psi-damped, not exhibiting parapsychological talents to any marked degree. Since the general public operate in beta, their normal consciousness acts as a barrier to contacting their own brain. In day to day life, their thoughts have no conscious effect on what goes on in their own brains. People have a mental computer which they can use, but which they cannot reprogram. Remote viewing can be seen as new programming that does not conform to what our parents or teachers have filled our brains with. So to learn this new type of programming, or set of memes, we need to be able to directly input our own brains, so we can alter the programming. Alpha training, that teaches people to work in the 7-14 Hz range, seems to open up Psi abilities. If neuronal calcium efflux events are crucial to Psi-operation, we can begin to see a reason why simple techniques of alpha entrainment and biofeedback, bring on paranormal functioning in humans. Major Ed Dames (ret), has stated that military remote viewers operate in theta. This is a brain wave frequency of 4-7 Hz. It may be that lower frequencies in the 6-20 Hz window, are more powerful for Psi-activity. Since the energy of the EM wave is related to frequency, if we lower the frequency of the brain waves, we can think with less 70 REMOTE VIEWING energy, and more energy is available for remote viewing, which is therefore more efficient. As we shall see, theta consciousness is the doorway to remote viewing and Psi. QUANTUM REALITY To understand what is really going on beyond the EM bandwidth of remote viewing events, we need to look at a reappraisal of physics. In the early part of this century, Edward Schrodinger and, Werner Heisenberg formulated the basic laws of quantum mechanics. This theory describes the physics of the subatomic world. It was found that in the world of quantum mechanics, subatomic entities such as the electron, could behave not only as a particle, but also as a wave (see Fig 4: Wave Particle Duality). These strange quantum effects are supposed to disappear as the entities get bigger, so that in the normal world they are non-existent. What if the biophysical fields used for remote viewing are not EM radiation, but a new form of quantum fields? If this were so, then these large-scale quantum mechanical events could explain how the biophysical field can be in two places at once; over the target site and over the remote viewer. By this method information can be passed from the remote viewing site to the brain of the observer. In effect the biophysical field can be in two places at once and be able to 'know: what each state is perceiving. Dr. Bell developed the famous theorem of quantum mechanics named after him, which shows that a subatomic particle or photon which splits in two, is forever linked; so each separate particle, which was at one time a unity, shares the same characteristics. Bell's theorem and the innate connection between paired quantum particles, has enabled scientists to use this for transmitting secure information, which if tampered with can be detected immediately. If the biophysical body is a quantum field, then when it splits into two for remote viewing, each component part would know what the other paired biophysical field was perceiving. Quantum transmission of information could explain how remote viewing information is passed from remote viewing site to remote viewer. 71 REMOTE VIEWING SCHROEDINGER'S CAT In quantum mechanics, the notion that an entity can be in two different states at the same time is common place and is called superimposition of states. The dual nature of reality has been written about in many books. The most famous example of this phenomena is Schroedinger's Cat, where a living cat is sealed in an airtight container. In the container is a poison gas canister that is activated by the radioactive decay of an isotope, whose half life is the time period the cat is to be incarcerated. Since there is a fifty-fifty chance of the radioactive isotope decaying and sending the lethal signal to release the poison gas, the cat has a fifty-fifty chance of surviving. But according to quantum mechanics, the cat is composed of a wave function that until observed, is smeared out, making the cat both dead and alive until an observer opens the container and collapses the quantum field of the cat - which is now linked with that of the radioactive decay of the isotope. This shows how subatomic quantum effects can indeed have real world effects (see Fig 5: Shroedinger's Cat). No quantum mechanicist has truly solved this problem to date. In quantum mechanics the whole theory is dependent on something called Schroedinger's wave equation. Developed from wave theory, this mathematical equation was discovered by Ernst Schroedinger, one of the early pioneers of quantum mechanics. In this mathematical relation, the probability of finding a particle is given by a function that follows wave mechanical principles. So instead of a particle being localised, it is smeared across space and one can only give a probability of finding it until it is properly observed. This equation states that quantum events are non-localised, many potential, possibilities. The observer collapses the quantum wave function to produce an event. It is as if the act of observation deflates the many potential quantum wave function and forces it to manifest in only one specific fashion. This would mean that in theory, while remote viewing, the biophysical field of the remote viewer travelling to the target site, may in fact be a quantum wave function which may get smeared out into many possible 72 REMOTE VIEWING states. Upon arriving at the target site, the remote viewer's biophysical body may have difficulty manifesting - like dreamers trying to wake up in a dream. This could be the reason that remote viewing is hit and miss, until one is adequately trained. In a process similar to learning to wake up in ones dreams, the so called lucid dreaming. It may also explain why remote viewing information is patchy, then suddenly there can be bilocation, where it seems as if the remote viewer is actually at that distant location. A DUALISTIC REALITY Could remote viewing be a biophysical field moving in this parallel reality. If so, our knowledge of the nature of reality may be so limited that we are completely blind to this second reality, which is contiguous with our own and only makes itself known to us in the quantum realm. This parallel reality is seen in lucid dreaming and OBEs and is glimpsed in daydreaming states. Australian aborigines have a whole body of knowledge about this dream time reality. Remote viewers are relearning abilities that our ancestors had direct knowledge of millennia ago. In my research, this quantum reality, overlays the physical world. When you shut your eyes and imagine yourself in the place you are sitting, looking at what is around you, the biophysical field which you possess, is beginning to become aware of the quantum reality which is the shadow pair to our own. My research has led me to believe that this dream time reality is not electromagnetic in nature, but is composed of a new set of field effects. These field effects are the basis of: biophysical, biotronic and bioplasmic phenomena. The electronic side of psychotronics used by governments for mind control devices and related weapon systems, mimics these field effects. In physics the concept of duality is proving useful in making the difficult equations that physicists use to describe reality, the so called Theory of Everything (T.O.E.), produce sensible answers that do not involve infinities. A shadow reality which overlays our own and which is composed of biophysical fields would enable Psi phenomena, since 73 REMOTE VIEWING these are a function of this quantum reality. Becoming aware of this quantum reality seems to be the difficulty. If man is born deaf, dumb and blind to this reality, caused by the memes, mental ideas that uphold the mechanistic physical world view, it would take the entry of new memes that describe this quantum world to make Man become aware of the world of Psi. A quantum reality that overlays our own and only makes itself visible to the physical world at the subatomic level, would be difficult to comprehend until the development of remote viewing and Psi-warfare which uses this world. LEARNING REMOTE VIEWING Projection of awareness outside ones body, has up until now, been a subjective phenomena. If my theory is correct, it would explain why paranormal phenomena by their nature are quixotic and hard to pin down, like the quantum world from which they derive. With an understanding of the nature of remote viewing, a scientific rationale which explains this phenomena allows one to make predictions of how the remote viewing biophysical field should behave. It also gives pointers on how to optimise the remote viewing effect to train novices more quickly and effectively than was thought possible. In this book we will show you how to self-programme your biological hardware (brain) to enable remote viewing. To do this one must debug the operating systems (memes, mental viruses which are habitual ways of acting) which you have acquired since birth. It is also possible to upgrade this bio-software so that you can achieve your full potential with respect to remote viewing abilities. To this end, the various tools you will need to interface with your biophysical vehicle need to be elucidated, so that remote viewing capability becomes possible. A thorough understanding of the biophysical field which act as the conduit for remote viewing information is also needed, so that the reader can become aware of the other quantum reality, which modern man has blinded himself to. 74 REMOTE VIEWING BIOLOGICAL FIELDS In remote viewing, the latent biophysical field (called the morphogenetic field by cell developmental biologists), must be developed to the point where it can become aware of its surroundings. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, with his ideas of biological fields around organisms has produced the theory of morphic resonance. In this theory, morphogenetic fields mediate and control the development and evolution of living creatures and enable characteristics to be passed on to progeny. If one could somehow make this morphogenetic field aware of its surroundings, the basis for remote viewing would be established. This state of self awareness is call Primary Consciousness. The U.S. remote viewng courses which do not understand these biophysical processes, took twelve hours a day, seven days a week, for eighteen months, to inculcate this self awareness in the biophysical fields needed for remote viewing. Understanding the processes involved, the author has developed more efficient ways of elevating the natural biophysical field, to the state where it can be aware of what is around it. At this point, the biophysical field can be dispatched from the operator to examine distant locations. Remote viewing is possible. THE EVOLUTION OF REMOTE VIEWING Remote viewing, the ability to see things far from ones physical body, would have been of great use to our hunter gatherer ancestors. Hunters who could find game, would by natural selection, have been more likely to breed. This would mean that any Psi-genes would have been selected. Throughout our hunter gatherer past, Psi-genes would have increased, as those people carrying these genes would be more likely to survive. With the onset of agriculture, this selective pressure would have ceased to be so important. This would mean that highly 'developed' cultures, such as our own, would have lost the Psi-genes, while hunter gatherers such as the aborigines of Australia or the Kalahari bushman, would still have remote viewing capabilities at large in the population. 75 REMOTE VIEWING The widespread burning and persecution of witches in Europe would have deselected Psi-genes, making them much rarer. Only cultures which have not persecuted paranormal ability would have kept a high level of Psi-genes. The North American Indians venerated paranormal abilities, so they would have been a repository of these genes, had not Europeans slaughtered them. PSI-GENES The former Soviet Union has been researching Psi-genes for decades. KGB operatives were told to pick up people displaying paranormal abilities for use in their vast parapsychological research projects. As we saw in chapter two, in the 1960's, the Americans only tacitly began to research the subject: "because the communists were doing it." Their research was based on gifted psychics, new age phenomena and methodology. This meant the Americans were much slower in achieving any breakthroughs in the science of Psi, hampered as they were by the Western fad for new age thinking, at the expense of the scientific method. In comparison, the Russians have studied the parapsychological field with the full resources of at least twenty or more scientific institutes. By a systematic evaluation of Psi-phenomena, the Russians began to unravel the secrets of paranormal science. The Psi-genes in the genome of the people taking remote viewing courses will affect the ability of those people to remotely view. Joe McMoneagle was never happy with Ingo Swann's systematised way of carrying out remote viewing. McMoneagle thought the latent Psi-ability of people was a much more effective factor in achieving high remote viewing performance. From the author's research it does seem that some people can display significant remote viewing capabilities. This would seem to indicate that man had a long history as a hunter gatherer and the period since agriculture took hold, has not deselected all the Psi-genes from the population It does seem that western women have had a number of the Psi-genes removed from their genomes, by the selective pressure of burning any woman in the middle ages that 76 REMOTE VIEWING showed paranormal ability. Or social ostracism of women in Victorian times, who did not follow convention, making them ineligible for marriage My research seems to indicate the European men would score significantly better at remote viewing than women. Other cultures that have not persecuted their females may have remote viewing performance enhanced in the women of their populations, as their appears to be significant sex related Psi-amplification in females. The so called female intuition. The World Wars in Europe would have acted on any males in combat as a considerable selective pressure to choose for those individuals carrying Psi-genes, as probabilistically, they would be more likely to survive. This would have meant the progeny of Europeans who fought in the wars would have more Psi-genes in the population than they would normally have had, had it been peacetime. The magazine Fortune, has stated that the 'top 500' CEOs, have greater than normal Psi-intuition and gut-feeling symptomatic precognitive reactions. Research carried out seems to indicate that there are secondary and primary Psi-genes. The secondary Psi-genes are those that facilitate biophysical integration with the organism and which code for richer and higher function neural networks to interface with the biophysical energy. In plain words, it makes it easier for the biophysical field to communicate information to the brain. These secondary Psi-genes make a clearer channel between brain and energy body. Primary Psi-genes are those that give enhanced remote viewing capability by the specific nature of the proteins they code for, which act as psychotronic amplifiers, biophysical batteries, and other more obscure phenomena which are involved with biophysical processing, storage and utilisation. It appears that some peoples' bodies act as natural Psychotronic Generators, storing Psi-energy. The more of these Primary Psi-genes you possess, the more biophysical energy is available for remote viewing. Some people are natural power houses of energy and are born 77 REMOTE VIEWING with 'animal magnetism'Anton Mesmer, explored this phenomena and then exploited it, in his hypnotism and natural magnetism audiences in the eighteenth century. The high basal stress levels of western man release a torrent of neurohormonal and electrical stimuli that appears to switch off the Psi-genes. Instead this over stimulation switches on the oncagenes (cancer causing genes) that cause cancer. This means that paranormal phenomena are rare in the general population and lack the repeatability needed for scientific verification. In effect stress keeps us 'normal'. ACTIVATING REMOTE VIEWING Switching on latent remote viewing abilities in people was important to the military of both superpowers. Since stress interferes with the mechanism of remote viewing. It is vital that the stress related neurohormones and electrical over stimulation that switch of Psi-genes are lowered to the point where they cannot inhibit remote viewing activity. How could stress interfere with remote viewing? It has been found that the brain is directly connected with the immune system. When we are highly stressed, the brain through its nerve connections and by hormonal routes, causes a variety of stress related proteins to be released into the body, some of which inhibit Psi-gene activity. More importantly, the high state of anxiety keeps the person out of the theta state, which as we will see is the doorway to the paranormal and hence remote viewing. It is also necessary to learn new mental software, memes, to run remote viewing programmes to increase the signal to noise ratio of Psi-phenomena. Ingo Swann spent many years trying to increase the signal to noise ration, which in normal people he posited was a mere 15% accuracy rate, in the context of remote viewing. Learning new memes, mental habits, to switch off the negative feedback cycle that keeps people in a state of anxiety is also vital to initiating remote viewing. By learning these new ways of acting it enables the remote viewing trainee to enter theta much more quickly and effectively. Simple new habits 78 REMOTE VIEWING and software (memes), that people can use at work to inculcate remote viewing ability also amplify the process of remote viewing initiation. Since we all get highly stressed at work, learning a state-of-the-art stress management system as described in chapter 4, can by itself, begin the remote viewing process in people. It also develops a deep intuition which borders on the paranormal. Built into this methodology are techniques to free up biophysical energy and develop remote viewing abilities. This was done with the knowledge that people expend most of their biophysical energy at work. An effective system of remote viewing training must bring in peoples' working habits and training and show them that enhancing their effectiveness at work by use of Psi-enabling memes, will invariably open up paranormal abilities. The rational behind this is, if you are more effective at work, you have more biophysical energy left over at the end of the day for use in building up your biophysical field for remote viewing. By including your normal day-to-day work memes and incorporating them into remote viewing training, people will automatically be practising the preliminary stages of remote viewing. The net effect of this is tremendous improvement in their remote viewing abilities as well as increased stamina and boosted intelligence. THE CINEMA METHOD The Cinema Method of clearing ones mind, using remote viewing as the moving pictures, is a fundamental next step, and is the subject of chapter 5. When watching the cinema screen, we all stop talking to ourselves. This switches off the internal dialogue, the incessant mental conversation that we have inside our heads. Mental silence is the second major initiator of remote viewing (the first being habitually relaxed, by using Psi-enabling stress management techniques). DIRECTED ATTENTION Clearing the mind by focusing Directed Attention on mental imagery is the most powerful way of developing remote viewing. Directed Attention is the guided use of perception and mental imagery to study 79 REMOTE VIEWING remote viewing. The ability of Directed Attention is akin to a mental laser, that focuses your awareness into a coherent beam, that can fully utilise the information brought to it by the biophysical body while remotely viewing. Once Directed Attention has been set up, it can be used for remote viewing of distant locations. First practice is on known locations, then more obscure sights. A discussion of ways of improving the remote viewing abilities are discussed at length in chapter 7. NEURAL DARWINISM The next factor the author looked at, was the phenomena of being able to be aware of two places at once. This is the quantum superimposition of states we talked about previously. Physical perception of our physical bodies and remote viewing carried out by our biophysical body, can occur simultaneously. A process which can be practised at the same time. This has dramatic implications, for it means that our brains and our biophysical field can be aware, separately from one another. Dr Edelman, a leading neurophysiologist, has formulated the theory of Neural Darwinism. This postulates that neurones, which are the connections between brain cells, compete with each other by natural selection. It is as if each brain cell and each connection, fight each other for survival. Only the fittest survive. In the case of the brain, only those connections which are frequently used. In the process neuronal group selection forms neural networks which have the capability of primary consciousness, the ability to be aware of your surroundings. Or in plain language the connections make a pattern of brain cells called a neural network, that can be aware of what is going on around it through the senses. This pattern is the result of all the brain cells and their connections fighting to survive. It is also a pattern based on the actions we carry out such as walking and talking. As the process is repeated, High-Order Consciousness (being self aware) develops, leading to sapience in man (see Fig 6: Neural Darwinism). All those patterns of 80 REMOTE VIEWING neural networks join up to build extensive three dimensional patterns which compete with each other. The end result is a person who knows he exists and can think to himself, this is High-Order Consciousness. BIOPHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS -THE SPIRIT IN THE MACHINE Connecting this work with that of the research done by the Russians and the author's own work, indicates that the brain can think without the biophysical field, but this field through its link with the brain and its neurones, can influence the brain as the mind and psyche. Research into remote viewing and OBEs indicates that the biophysical field can also think separately from the body and can when developed become self aware (High-Order Consciousness). This enables lucid dreaming, astral travel and the perception of looking down on oneself after a near death experience. The mechanism by which the biophysical body begins to develop the ability to think separate from the physical body (High-Order Consciousness) develops in a similar manner to Darwinian Selection. In which those memes, ideas and actions which are habitually acted upon become the basis for the morphogenetic fields which compose the biophysical body (see Fig 7: Memes and the biophysical body). By practising remote viewing, the biophysical body is developed from a latent state, to one in which it has a mind of its own. Spontaneous remote viewing then occurs. MORPHOGENETIC FIELDS -LIFE SHAPING ENERGY FIELDS It is known by cell developmental biologists, that the human genome does not contain enough information to turn the clump of fertilised egg cells called a blastocyst, into an embryo. Morphogenetic fields are needed to switch on specific gene groupings dependant on their position in the blastocyst (small clump of fertilised cells) in the womb. These biophysical morphogenetic fields switch on specific genes and turn off other genes, all based upon their location in the clump of cells. If they are near the top axis, they become eye and gullet cells, at the bottom 81 REMOTE VIEWING axis, an anal opening, in the centre of the blastocyst the gut tube, on the surface, skin cells... Something tells these identical cells to be different. Biophysical fields hold the information to tell each identical cell to be different depending upon position. This was a profound revelation to the author, who realised that the biophysical field contains large amounts of information not held in the genome (the chromosomes that make up our genetic material). Further to this, the biophysical field can control gene expression. It did not take me long to realise that a natural consequence of remote viewing was the development in remote viewing practitioners of an evolution in their morphogenetic fields. Like the neurones effected by neural Darwinism, morphogenetic fields could evolve through Primary Consciousness to High-Order Consciousness. In effect, by exercising the biophysical body by using remote viewing techniques, the morphogenetic fields of which it is composed, evolve and become aware (Primary Consciousness). Then with long practise, these fields become self aware (High-Order-Consciousness). This process enables powerful remote viewing abilities, but more importantly, it could lead to the Psi-able operator being able to switch his genes on and off. The health and gerontology (science of age extension) implications of this, are far reaching. The author has developed Paranormal-Psycho-Neural-Immunology (PPNI), the use of remote viewing, remote sensing and remote influencing, to raise morphogenetic fields to High-Order Consciousness. With the discovery that a gene changed naturally into a normal version in a patient suffering from lethal genetic diseases, it appears our genome can be changed in the body. Remote viewing in its guise of PPNI, can be used to change our own genetic material by consciousness. In a similar fashion to the Russian Psi-adepts who can make people ill, or kill them - all by the power of thought. 82 REMOTE VIEWING EXTENDING HUMAN LIFE SPAN It seems that by entering the theta state, an ability which occurs in remote viewers who use ERV habitually, may enable them to rewrite their own DNA. By its very nature, remote viewing leads on to remote influencing, but not just of other people, but of oneself. This line of research when developed, may enable the remote viewing expert to increase the telomeres on the end of his chromosomes by selective stimulation of telomerase enzymes in the nucleus. Since telomeres are at the end of chromosomes, and are nibbled away every time the cell divides, the cell then stopping cell division when the telomere has been eaten away, loss is associated with ageing (see Fig 8: Telomeres and Ageing). This may boost longevity without the risks associated with the U.S. drug rejuvenation programmes, being developed by American corporations for the rich. In this research, a telomerase substitute is being tried to stimulate cell rejuvenation. Without the morphogenetic fields to tell the cell when and when not to divide, cancer will ensue, so this drug based fountain of youth might give the person trying it cancer. PSYCHIC MIND CONTROL - REMOTE INFLUENCING As was described in the first chapter on Russian remote viewing, a technique known as 'Sleep-Wake Hypnosis' allowed a hypnotist to transfer hypnotic commands telepathically to a subject, whether they were a few feet, or even a thousand mile away. A Ukrainian, Albert Ignatenko demonstrated on British television that he could raise or lower the pulse rate of a person who was in another room. This was a dramatic demonstration of remote influencing. Remote influencing is the basis of hypnosis. My research would seem to indicate that remote viewing of other people, can enable the Psi-able operator to effect the brain and neurones of another person, rather like the electronic microwave mind control machines. The use of remote influencing could therefore be used to effect the money markets, by working on the brains' of the market makers. Planting suggestions and hypnotic commands in the key players in a specific market might enable 83 REMOTE VIEWING the remote influencing expert to control the movement of a stock or share. As has been seen, Sony bought a large amount of psychotronic research from the Russians, while the Chinese have research centres dedicated to remote influencing. Since the biophysical field resides in us all, it would seem probable that remote influencing will be seen as a threat to the decision makers. In the future inner space arms race, these key movers and shakers will be on the front-line. Their thoughts not their own, as remote influencing is used by the Chinese and others to control western policies. At present remote influencing is not thought possible, because the Russian military have almost exclusive use of the science upon which it is based. Unfortunately China and Japan are making significant inroads in this area. With the burgeoning of small individual companies in the remote viewing field (all run by 'retired' US military personnel, one can be sure that effective remote influencing will leak into the public domain in a slow and safe manner. Unfortunately the military remote influencing being developed in the Far East, will pose a significant threat to economic, political and military decision makers. Some aspects of alternative healing can be thought of as a crude common usage of remote influencing. The ability of the remote viewing attention to effect the body and those of other people, could have tremendous implications for healing and the health of the nation. The remote influencing effect is the scientific basis of the mind over matter phenomena, such as the laying on of hands and absent healing. With the morphogenetic fields of the biophysical body being able to effect all aspects of the cell and its genetic structure, biophysical based medicine will produce the wonder cures of the twenty first century. Remote influencing may also enable the operator to significantly extend his or her life span. A theoretical limit of six hundred has been postulated. This comes about because there is a small chance of any person dying because of accident. By the age of six hundred it can be statistically proved that accidents will have killed everyone off -unless one can alter reality using psychotronics - which the Russians 84 REMOTE VIEWING have developed. Though one can see by the state of Russia today, that freeing that country from communism had a very large price. Chapter 8, covers the subject of remote influencing in detail. THE DOORWAY TO PSI - THE THETA STATE In remote viewing, the need to remain in theta whilst carrying out remote viewing, means that advanced methodologies need to be used to place the trainee remote viewer in that state. Since Western man is in a perpetual state of stress, which is thought normal, this is not an easy task. Why is the theta state so important? Paranormal phenomena are very strong. They are extremely rare in the general population. How could such a strong force like Psi-fields be made so weak? In modern society, the entire population has a defined view of what is real and what is not real. A world view which is carefully tailored by the UK establishment through its control over the mass media. The summation of everyones belief in the world view is amplified by their group Psi-fields and the six billion people on the planet produce a very powerful Psi-field that effectively banishes paranormal phenomena. This is the Psi-Damping-Field (PDF) that covers the planet and makes paranormal abilities so weak in remote viewing operators who wish to use their talents. All six billion people have a summated biophysical field, the group consciousness' biophysical field, that amplifies the consciousness of humanity, with respect to making some phenomena possible and others impossible. It is as if everyone had mind over matter powers and used them to subconsciously destroy these self same powers and any event which might show they exist.. This means that going down to the shops and buying a new outfit on your credit card is reality, while levitating up into the clouds is ferociously repressed by the power of the group consciousness' PDF. This PDF effectively ruins our health by making cancer possible and the remote influencing (self-psychic healing) of our tumours, improbable. Spontaneous remission of cancer does occur, but is unpredictable, like the untrained use of paranormal phenomena. 85 REMOTE VIEWING The theta state is important in that it allows the normal person imprisoned in consensus reality, to escape the shackles of the so called 'real world'. To do this, the PDF generated by 'small-minded' humanity must be disrupted. Sceptics being centres of PDF generation can influence paranormal events negatively. Researchers in parapsychology have for a long time known that if the experimenter is open-minded and positive, Psi-phenomena manifest. If that person is a sceptic, the Psi-phenomena disappear. In some cases less than chance would predict. Powerful projectors of the PDF such as sceptics, can literally use paranormal powers to damp out paranormal powers in others. By this means, paranormal phenomena become very rare and quixotic. Witches have always had a golden rule about not telling anyone else what spell they have cast. This is because once it is known, so called normal people can use their tremendous belief in what is possible, to erase what is not thought possible. In chapter 5 on memes, we will discuss the spread of ideas and the means by which rogue ideas are stamped out. In order to escape consensus reality and practise' impossible' paranormal phenomena such as remote viewing, the Psi-operator must attune his biophysical body with the Earth's biophysical field. By this means, the much larger biophysical field of the Earth can erase the effects of the much smaller PDF generated by humanity, which keeps the real world real. Theta is the gateway to the paranormal, in that it allows the remote viewing operator to resonate with the biophysical field of the planet. This boosts the biophysical field of the Psi-operator to the extent that paranormal phenomena can become possible. The Earth resonates with a frequency of about 7.82 HZ, the so called Schumann Resonance, the natural frequency of the planet. Theta begins at this frequency, so remote viewing at this frequency will allow remote viewing to become possible. It is as if the biophysical body of the remote viewing person in the theta state resonates with the planet's biophysical field at the magic 7.8 Hz. The biophysical field of the remote viewing operator merges with that of the planet at this Schumann frequency and enables the remote viewing operator to escape the effect of the PDF. 86 REMOTE VIEWING GROUP AUGMENTATION OF RV To enter this state it is even better if their are a group of you, as there is an amplification which is much greater than the sum of the group. The group's biophysical fields join together when remote viewing is carried out in unison. This merged group consciousness boosts the remote viewing capacity of all the remote viewers in the group. By working in teams there is a synergistic amplification of remote viewing potential in all the individual members of the group. The military groups in the U.S. used the group effect to boost their remote viewing. Russians being the world leaders in the scientific study of biophysics, have developed stratagems to dramatically boost the paranormal capabilities of their remote viewing operators. They have experimented with groups of remote viewers and ESP experts working in unison with the added amplification of psychotronic generators. Using this approach, the remote viewing and the remote sensing abilities of all the people in the group have been raised to a high order. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF HUMAN GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS Reprogramming the brain is necessary if the remote viewing trainee is to emulate the Russian Psi-masters in existence. If you wish to carry out self healing you must also reach this level of proficiency. This is because the PDF generated by humanity switches on oncagenes (cancer inducing genes) in the general population, elevates the brain stress system to insane levels, damages the telomeres, causes genetic cell damage, and errors in replication... The PDF is composed of the totality of human morphogenetic fields which have field matched and coalesced into a gigantic biophysical thought form. A thought form which not only controls what is possible and what is not possible, but blocks all entry into paranormal reality, using it morphogenetic nature to make possible the genetic illness and the concomitant damage that this creates like: cancer, accelerated ageing, fragility to pathogens and 87 REMOTE VIEWING stressors... It is as if all the negative ideas of humanity have coalesced into a giant malign thought form, which acts like the biblical devil in promoting evil in human reality. One can see that the PDF concept takes us much farther down the road of suffering the human condition than we need suffer, if the human PDF did not exist. Since the Psi-field phenomena are the strongest of all the forces available to man, the unconscious melding of all our morphogenetic fields into one colossal summation of all our biophysical fields, defines and reinforces the human condition. Since almost all of us believe cancer is a dreaded killer and paranormal healing does not exist, we weaken our own immune systems to the extent that they only display a fraction of their true potential. Once you are in the theta state, the Earth's biophysical field swamps out the human PDF and enables your body to cure itself of damage that would kill a normal person. It also enables you to absently heal anyone you wish. This will be discussed in chapter 8 on remote influencing. To my knowledge, the PDF is first alluded to in the books of Carlos Castaneda, where the effect of the common consensus is described in depth by the shaman don Juan. It was first made public in the author's lectures at the Mensa paranormal conference in 1997 and at the Fortean Times Unconvention April 1997. By practising biophysical remote viewing technology, the knock-on effect is huge, boosting longevity and resistance to disease. This primarily occurs because the Psi-operator frees her/himself from the evil intents of the human PDF biophysical thought form, that causes untrained people to age at a vastly accelerated rate, blocks all their paranormal abilities, and makes them totally vulnerable to disease - as well as causing mental illness. REMOTE VIEWING LIFE FORCE The energy that powers the biophysical field is called adaptive energy. Hans Seyle, a medical doctor and friend of Albert Einstein, coined this term adaptive energy, which is the life force that makes things grow and keeps them in an ordered state. Entropy is the scientific term for chaos. In nature, things run down and a chaotic state ensues. Negative entropy makes things ordered and makes them grow. A term we can use for adaptive energy. If adaptive energy exists as Seyle postulated, then he proposed we are born with a limited amount which is used in our development to an adult and to fight disease and ageing. People give off adaptive energy which can be seen as the level of life in that person and their personal magnetism and charisma. This adaptive energy is embedded with memes and intents which programme this energy. The memes can be seen as commands on how to use this adaptive energy that empowers man. The intents of the common consensus can be seen as parasitic or negative in its use of this energy field of man. Within this model, one can see the PDF field around man, feeding of this energy field and linking that person with other people he or she knows. By this mechanism, we are all connected to each other on the adaptive energy level. The adaptive energy of people coalesces into a larger field which envelopes the environment of these people. This energy field is the PDF phenomena, which by dint of its vast size, swamps out the paranormal abilities of people. It makes all the intents and memes carried by its constituent parts a reality. The PDF makes all other memes and intents carried by individuals and not in consensus with the group, improbable and unreal.The writer Colin Wilson named this the 'Nanny Effect'. A force that imposes rules and limits on our being and our reality. By using this model of reality, one can see that even if paranormal phenomena were very strong, the effect of untutored usage would be the development of a PDF. In effect the PDF makes paranormal abilities and phenomena so difficult to manifest, that they become quixotic and unrepeatable. If the PDF model is correct, the sceptics are correct about 89 REMOTE VIEWING paranormal phenomena being non-existent, but for the wrong reasons. It is not that the paranormal does not exist, but that its effects are so strong that mankind uses them to uphold his or her own view of reality. PRECOGNITION PROVED Remote viewing is an important phenomena in that it is the one paranormal phenomena that had been thoroughly demonstrated to exist by both superpowers. Since one only needs to prove one paranormal phenomena exists to shatter the parodyne of the sceptics, that no paranormal phenomena could ever be proved, then the PDF model best fits the result. American research showing that people hooked up to sophisticated lie detector-like devices show an elevation in physical responses when shown nude pictures, in a pack of pastoral pictures, five seconds before they pick the pornographic picture up, has successfully demonstrated precognition. Precognition would be very useful in avoiding danger, such as not getting on a plane that is about to crash. Airline records show that planes that are about to have fatal crashes have an abnormally large number of cancellations prior to take off. The ability to foresee danger before it occurred by precognitive means, would have a high survival value for the ancestors of man beset by dangers on every side. If a gene or set of genes existed for precognition, like remote viewing, they would be selected for by evolution. Those not having the precognitive gene would be more likely to die, than those who possessed this gene or set of genes. REMOTE VIEWING AS A MENTAL VIRUS, A MEME Remote viewing can be seen to be a new meme, that since it was supported by both superpowers, was forced into being against the negative effect of the PDF. With the world wide spread of remote viewing, the PDF becomes weaker as people lose their steadfast belief in the impossibility of paranormal events. Surveys in newspapers show a large proportion of the UK population now believe in the reality of the paranormal. One can show how when one tries remote viewing, the PDF field actively suppresses remote viewing in that person by pushing 90 REMOTE VIEWING on their biophysical body in such a way as to make remote viewing unreal and tenuous. When that person slips into theta, this negative effect becomes much less. With more and more of the population believing in the paranormal, the effect of the PDF becomes drasticaly reduced. The ability to remotely view as if you were part of a very large group, amplifies your remote viewing ability. As you use the theta state your biophysical body enhanced by the Earth's field, enables remote viewing to occur and increases its resolution. Remember as we saw in the first chapter on Russian remote viewing, that the more energy you have access to, the greater your paranormal potential. In the case of the Russians, they used psychotronic amplification. U.S. remote viewing, under the auspices of the CIA, used large groups of people working in tandem to remotely view. This is because the biophysical fields of the individual remote viewers merged into a larger biophysical field, that was greater than the sum of its constituent parts. This group biophysical field could locally overcome the PDF and thus allowed much enhanced remote viewing. David Morehouse in his book Psychic Warrior, quotes an 80% accuracy in military remote viewing. This higher accuracy level comes about because of the group augmentation effect discussed above. By linking in with the gigantic field of the Earth, you are in effect linking your biophysical field up with an extremely large group effect enhancement of paranormal abilities. One can imagine what might become possible when sufficient people who believe in the paranormal learn the Psi-technology talked about in this book. They could literally change the world. ANCIENT EGYPT In Egyptian times, knowledge of biophysical field phenomena was very well developed. The ancient Egyptians knew about the ka, or biophysical body that survived death. Their magicians/sorcerer priests, looked for ways of keeping the ka in existence. Normally, this aspect of the biophysical field attenuates to a mere revenant after a few months. 91 REMOTE VIEWING By mummifying the physical body of the pharaoh, they found that the adaptive energy latent in the body could be used by the ka to prolong its existence. By building a giant pyramid, they found that the rate of decay of the ka could be slowed to almost nothing. By furnishing the interior of the pyramid with the pharaoh's possessions and by using their knowledge of what was to become known as psychotronics, the pharaoh's physical reality could be mirrored in the biophysical plane, so that the pharaoh's ka inhabited an artificial biophysical reality that was of his own making. The Pharaoh's own separate reality. In the process the ancient Egyptian sorcerers discovered ways of prolonging the life of the pharaohs' biophysical fields so they did not 'die', when they died. Instead they can continue being aware of reality even when deceased by transferring their awareness to their biophysical vehicle. The opening of Tutenkamen's tomb released his awareness which was the source of the famous curse that killed Lord Caernarfon, who was the man behind the project. ANCIENT POWER SITES Stonehenge, Avebury and other Neolithic sites, can be seen in a new light, as ways that our ancestors endeavoured to boost their interaction with the planet's biophysical field to amplify paranormal abilities such as remote viewing. The UK is criss-crossed with these power sites and their associated ley lines. A network of psychotronic generators to enable our ancestors to communicate using ESP and to develop remote viewing with precognition. It is ironic that the superpowers in their quest for domination over each other should stumble on age old knowledge that had fallen out of common usage. Russian research into the paranormal convinced the USSR of its military use. US researchers followed the Russian lead and are no coming to terms with the inner space arms race. In the next chapter on paranormal science, the author will explore in some depth the scientific bridges that need to be built to link the paranormal with mainstream science. 92 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 4: PARANORMAL SCIENCE Paranormal Science, is the scientific study of Psi. To bring Psi within the domain of science we need to bridge the gap between the paranormal and science. Until recently this was impossible. With new developments in cell developmental biology, the biophysical fields that are needed for Psi have sprung from the study of morphogenetic fields. If these are but a subset of a general set of new biophysical fields, then we have a basis for paranormal phenomena. Incorporating the quantum reality that they must exist within into the theory of paranormal science, enables a general theory of Psi, that can explain many paranormal phenomena and is the basis of remote viewing. This is the branch of science behind the inner space arms race waged between the superpowers. An arms race that has now filtered down to lesser nations and the corporate world. THE BASIS OF BIOPHYSICAL FIELDS Biophysical fields originate from the morphogenetic field we are all born with. The field that organisms use to order and differentiate developing cells into a fully grown adult. These latent biophysical fields can be developed in paranormal remote viewing experts, so that they may be projected to distant locations. Imagine an energy field around yourself that you can learn to manipulate and project outside of your body to distant locations. With training you can teach this field to be aware of its surroundings. Once this occurs it can communicate the details of this distant location back to your brain. This is the mechanism that underlies remote viewing. New research into quantum computers, has shown that quantum computing is the next step in building a new generation of super computers. Biophysical fields are also quantum files and have a quantum 93 REMOTE VIEWING computing capacity. Knowledge of the quantum computer abilities of these fields, which enables them to store information and to download this information to the brain of the remote viewer, so perception of distant locations may take place, has enabled the author to develop paranormal science. By means of paranormal science, mainstream science can be connected with the paranormal, so that remote viewing (which has been proven to exist by Dr Jessica Utts, a statistician at Stanford University) just becomes another branch of science. MIND READING Throughout recorded history, there has been evidence that the reading of minds and clairvoyant images of distant locations, was possible - be it a fleeting phenomena. We all have had moments where we knew what was in the other person's mind, though the telepathic episodes are not repeatable to order and fleeting in their nature. As a scientist who specialises in developing remote viewing and remote sensing in students, I have been looking at the biological basis of remote viewing, telepathy and ESP. The military have long been interested in remote viewing and ESP. The ability to telepathically read the enemy's minds, has tremendous strategic as well as tactical value. The experiments that were undertaken within the US to demonstrate ESP and telepathy, had an ulterior military intent which was never revealed. In military jargon, telepathy is called scanning. Pathetic snippets of information about ESP phenomena filter into the scientific community, but the leading parapsychological institutes in the UK and Europe, are nothing more than glorified social scientists who mistakenly think psychology will open up ESP - if it exists at all - to scientific analysis. THE SECRET INNER SPACE ARMS RACE Research in Russia is decades ahead of anything available in the UK, whilst the U.S. government is desperately trying to bridge the gap, that is opening between it and the invidious Chinese and Japanese Psi-research. Most of America's NATO allies are still floundering in the dark when it comes to knowledge about the real world of remote 94 REMOTE VIEWING viewing and ESP. Of late, there has been mention of the UK secret service trying to obtain information from the Russians on among other things, the area of paranormal weapons research. The Aum sect, through their network of 50,000 Russian converts, stole much psychotronic research. Since this sect was involved in the nerve gas attack on the Tokyo underground and the suspected testing of psychotronic weapons in Australia, it appears that criminal elements have obtained some of this technology. It appears also that the Aum sect had links with the right wing cabal that rules Japan and which is waging covert war upon the USA by means of remote influencing and psychotronic devices. Weapons tests of mysterious Tesla death rays in the Australian desert, near land owned by the Aum sect, as detailed in Nexus magazine, indicates a top secret Japanese development program of psychotronic weapons including Tesla-like plasma weapons, that have the destructive power of nuclear weapons. As mentioned, Sony are developing psychotronics in their Tokyo institute. The corporate world has now been introduced to this super-advanced Russian paranormal and mind control technology. British intelligence agents being caught red-handed, by the Russian security services, spying in Moscow in 1996, may be also be connected. ELECTRONIC MIND READING While remote viewing, telepathy and ESP, like UFOs, do not exist to the civilian western scientific community, insiders in the U.S. secret government have long known these phenomena are for real. In Russia, the military uses of remote viewing, telepathy and ESP, have been well researched - as mentioned in the first chapter. Deployment of these telepathic and telekinetic paranormal and electronic psychotronic weapon systems has been going on since the sixties. Failure by the U.S. government to duplicate the Russians in the biophysical field, led them to develop synthetic telepathy. This was the electronic scanning of victims brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the (P300) brain waves (a specific set of brain rhythms as measured on an EEG), to read 95 REMOTE VIEWING the victim's sub vocalised thoughts by use of masers and high power computers. A Fortean Times Article by David Guyatt, on mind control, related how: Major General Sidney Schacknow, in a speech he gave at the John F Kennedy Special Warfare Course and School, at Fort Bragg North Carolina, gave an overview of synthetic telepathy and its uses for Psy-ops by special forces. Psychotronics has now been taken up by the U.S. military. Sony have also been researching into mind reading machines and has for five years ploughed millions of yen into researching ESP and telepathy. If these phenomena do not exist, why are the big players spending fortunes on research and why is all the meaningful research classified? The answer to that being that the Soviet Union wished to use this psychotronic research for military purposes and for civilian control. It is such a powerful technology that the UK establishment would rather not have their own population knowing about such things. Especially since they are using microwave and UHF mind control weapons, originally developed by the Soviets on their own population. With the high-profile of the ex-major David Morehouse, the cat has been let out of the bag. Now remote viewing is public domain. Psychotronics is sure to follow. In the world of psychotronics, mind control, ESP, scanning, remote viewing and remote influencing, are no longer science fiction but real world phenomena, with a long history of actual deployment by the USSR Psychotronics needs to be explained as these paranormal and black-science technologies, undermine the mechanistic world view. They also make the world a much more dangerous place. Chinese research and deployment of remote influencing, means that every major western politician could be subtly influenced by Chinese paranormal warfare experts. It is no wonder that the Russian leaders are protected by exotic psychic shields. In the UK, British intelligence has tried to emulate this research but instead they have got into a fearful mess. 96 REMOTE VIEWING THE SCIENCE OF RV As an independent scientist researching in this field, I have concentrated my efforts on discovering how these paranormal phenomena could possibly take place. The following is a cutting-edge analysis of how remote viewing, telepathy and ESP, might work. To begin my story of the Paranormal Science of remote viewing, telepathy and ESP, I choose to start the discussion with the more prosaic subject of language. A strange place to start you make ask? Language is an acquired talent that gives many clues as to how remote viewing might work in human brains. The leading authority on language is Noam Chomsky, who has put forward the idea that: "the language organ was not an adaptation, but... a mystery, or a hopeful monster. It was something that perhaps would be illuminated some day by physics, but not by biology." Chomsky proposed that the structure of language is primarily fixed in the form of innately specified rules and all the human baby does to learn language is to reroute a few neuronal pathways, that make that person into a Spanish speaker, rather than an English speaker. According to Chomsky, the baby is not a General Problem Solver, who must learn all the aspects of language from scratch. Instead the baby is born with the equipment to express language and merely has to rule out a few possible neuronal pathways and rule in a few others. It is as if children have the programme for language already in place in their brains. The great man goes further and states, it is easy for even 'slow: children to learn a language. They are not really learning anything. A few developmental triggers set the language-acquisition process in effect and a few environmental factors guide the process into shaping of whatever country's language is spoken, for example in the form of speaking English with an Australian accent. My theory is that learning remote viewing follows the same process. It seems that babies are born with the ability to speak, and given the correct stimulus, this innate characteristic just develops. How could 97 REMOTE VIEWING language be hardwired into the brain and if it is not, what information storage system facilitates rapid learning of language in infants? It is common knowledge that the neurones in the brain are evolving by competitive pathways and many of these neurones die. If language was hardwired into the brain, it would have to be in very deep ancient parts of the brain. The older parts of the brain such as the limbic and reptilian brain centres, came into being long before language. So to attribute hardwired language neuronal networks being placed in these older parts of the brain, is not a good idea. Animals do not speak. OUR BIOPHYSICAL FIELDS STORE INFORMATION To fully answer this question, we must realise that organisms are conceived with not enough information in their genomes to organise development of the fertilised egg into a foetus. Developmental biologists have had to make recourse to field effects that guide the morphological development of the blastocyst (small clump of fertilised cells) into a baby. These fields shape the amorphous clump of egg cells into a fully differentiated baby. To do this they must be able to store a massive amount of information extragenetically. The arch-heretic, Rupert Sheldrake, postulated morphogenetic fields, which carry the information and help direct development of the blastocyst into a foetus. Could a morphogenetic field also carry the information for language development? This would be a biophysical field and would therefore 'be explained by physics, but not by biology', as Chomsky had previously proposed. This biophysical field could also act as the mechanism for remote viewing. If biophysical fields contain the seminal information for language, then these fields could also control the development of language in a baby. Could they also carry the information for remote viewing? The acquisition of language would therefore be as natural as a seal learning to swim; an innate pre-programmed quasi-instinctual ability, that only needed practise to perfect. Once the biophysical field had been activated, it sets the neuronal pathways in Broca's body and other 98 REMOTE VIEWING speech centres in the brain (see Fig 9: Speech Centres in the Brain), into conformations dedicated to language. Since neuronal pathways grow by selected competitive cell death, once these pathways had been set, they would remain. This might explain why it is so difficult to learn new languages in later life, after the biophysical fields have been activated and completed their programme of hardwiring neuronal pathways into the speech centres. In a similar manner the brain has to be rewired to enable remote viewing. This would explain the amount of time it takes to develop the ability. IDEAS HELD BY THE SPIRIT IN THE MACHINE The idea that there is a higher reality containing the intents of all things, is an ancient theory. Eternal Platonic Fixed Points, the notion that there are the seminal ideas for everything in creation, could be applied to language. If the seminal intents for language existed in the biophysical field, then they would naturally hold the information for language acquisition, extra genetically. Could biophysical fields act as carriers of information? Morphogenetic fields have been postulated to carry the information for cell development. Many great thinkers throughout history have put forward the notion that ideas exist in a reality of their own. This reality has been put forward as the other side, in the dualism theory. Dualism postulates that there exists another reality where the mind has its residence. The biophysical field within and around the physical body. Since this reality is made up of 'mind stuff, it would naturally contain the ideas for everything, including language. HOW THE GHOST WITHIN THE MACHINE CONTROLS THE BODY As a scientist, I would have to ask the questions, what is the physical nature of this second reality and how does it interact with the physical reality ? To answer my own question, I would answer, it is made up of biophysical, bioplasmic and biotronic fields. To explain this new 99 REMOTE VIEWING generation of field is outside the scope of the book as it brings in new concepts of unified field theory. A most bizarre theory, in which the world is a duality of the physical world and a quantum realm, which incorporates biophysical fields into a separate reality where remote viewing and Psi exist. These fields can effect the brain. Fields which can interact with the neurones in the brain by effecting the rate of calcium absorbed or released at these sites. Since calcium release (efflux) in the neurones is intimately connected with short and long term potentiation (activation) of these sites for memory, it is the way biophysical fields can input and output memories in the brain and intimately control the state of excitation and potential excitation in the neurones of the brain (see Fig 10: Neuronal Calcium Efflux). By this mechanism of calcium control, the morphogenetic field can control the brain, and access memories. By biophysical interaction and mediation of calcium flow in the neurones, natural biophysical fields, that comprise the mind, can synergistically reside in the totality of the organism. The famous parapsychologist, Arthur Koestler, who put forward the idea of 'the Ghost in the Machine', now has a biological basis for his theory that bodies have a spirit inside them. In this case the spirit and soul is the biophysical field. THE BIOPHYSICAL BASIS FOR RV AND ESP Unlike earlier researchers in this area, my findings suggest that the brain and the biophysical field, can both be conscious, independently of one another. When they work together, there is a synergistic amplification of function and a reduction in chaotic processes. Humans possessing biophysical fields that have the potential to be conscious, explains OOBEs, dreaming, doppel-gangers, and a host of other paranormal phenomena. If conscious biophysical fields can leave our physical bodies, then knowledge at a distance may be possible. Rupert Sheldrake has posited that if we are influenced by morphogenetic fields from particular individuals that we are linked to, then it is possible 100 REMOTE VIEWING that we might pick up thoughts, images and feelings from them, while we are waking or dreaming, even though they may be thousands of miles away. In controlled ESP, the operator sends his biophysical field to interact with the person being scanned. In spontaneous telepathy, other peoples' biophysical fields might impinge on our own, causing their ideas to enter our heads. This for example may be as prosaic as knowing someone is going to ring or visit us, just before the event occurs. Or it may be the remote viewer looking inside the monitor's brain to see the target to be remotely viewed. Since our biophysical fields are latent and their awareness of our surroundings is blocked out by the brain, and these fields almost never approach self awareness, the so called High-Order Consciousness, these spontaneous remote viewing, ESP or paranormal phenomena, will be rare. THE NATURE OF REALITY The question may be asked, why does reality need to have a dualistic nature? Why should there be a physical and a biophysical reality? Recently, physicists have discovered that duality, when incorporated into new unified field theories, seems to offer ways of cancelling out the infinities that appear when trying to cancel out these infinities (renormalising), many of the field equations that are dealt with in TOEs and GUTs (Grand Unified Field Theories). My research into a physics of the paranormal, also needs dualistic field effects to establish meaningful results. The world has a dual nature, the physical realm and a biophysical reality which is composed of energy fields and obeys quantum mechanical laws. The world of soul and spirit would in these scientific terms be filled with morphognetic fields and be a place of luminous biophysical quantum reality. A reality scientists only glimpse in the subatomic realm of electrons and nuclear particles. SEEING INTO THE FUTURE If a biophysical field resides around humans, and this effect comprises the mind and the psyche, then it means that we all have access to a realm where ideas have a reality. Mind stuff, of a nature only mystics have 101 REMOTE VIEWING alluded to, may in fact be merely biophysical fields. These biophysical fields contain massive amounts of information from the past, and by learning to tap into them, ESP trained operators can see into the past. Remote viewers, such as Joe McMoneagle and Ingo Swann, have looked at the past using remote viewing. They have also looked at the future. Joe McMoneagle in an article he wrote for The Anomalist magazine posits the idea that the famous science fiction writer Jules Verne, may have been a remote viewer. His stories of nuclear submarines, or man journeying to the moon might have been prompted by his remote viewings. His unpublished manuscript: Paris in the Twentieth Century, which was not released because Verne's publisher warned that it would be a disaster for his name, gives evidence of his precognitive remote viewing. McMoneagle's article mentions in this context: " Travel by subway, gas driven cars. Communication by fax and telephone. The use of calculators and computers. And, electric concerts providing entertainment. A world where everyone can read, but no one reads books. Latin and Greek are no longer taught in schools, and the French language has been filled with 'disagreeable' English words. Society is dominated by money, and the homeless walk the streets. It is a police-state run by bureaucrats. He imagined streets overrun with lights and electronic advertisements. He even predicted the invention of the electric chair." It is no surprise that Joe McMoneagle, one of America's finest remote viewers should see the connection. My research into the use of microwave weapons by the intelligence services seems to back Verne's police-state vision of the future, run by bureaucrats such as MI5 from behind the scenes. A recent survey in the Daily Mirror shows that 98% of people surveyed believe that MI5 and French intelligence assassinated Princess Diana. Only a police-state could plan the murder of an innocent such as Princess Diana in cold blood. Verne's precognitive ability would suggest that the biophysical fields are not limited to time. 102 REMOTE VIEWING PAST LIVES If this is so, then biophysical fields from the past could effect the future, and we have a pathway by which information from past lives could effect people who are alive today. This would also explain the phenomena of ghosts. Biophysical fields do not die when the physical body does so. The ancient Egyptians had a word for an aspect of these human biophysical field effects, which they called the ka. After death, the ka was supposed to exist for another six months before it passed on. My research into afterlife biophysical field effects, seems to indicate that the higher the energy field of the person who was killed, the longer their biophysical field can survive after death. Young people killed in the prime of life may have the potential to remain as biophysical revenants for long periods of time after their death, leading to the phenomena of ghosts. We may also have alien biophysical field effects from other dimensions impinging on our biophysical fields, or casting the rightful human biophysical field out off the physical body. This mechanism may underlie the phenomena of possession and some types of alien abduction where people are pulled through the walls of their houses. This is a form of, according to alien abduction from our own continuum, where the biophysical fields are removed and alien fields implanted. U.S. research in this area appears to be going on at Dulce New Mexico, according to the book Cosmic Top Secret, by William Hamilton III. This may tie-in with the U.S. military remote viewer who was retired, when he became convinced that there was a Martian colony below the New Mexico Desert. The author cannot agree with such speculation, but almost all US remote viewers are convinced about the 'alien question', according to Jim Marrs in his book Alien Agenda. Jim Marrs is a writer who researched the first book on remote viewing in conjunction with David Morehouse and Ed Dames, which was subsequently withdrawn due to alleged legal wrangles with Ed Dames. 103 REMOTE VIEWING THE MECHANISM FOR RV AND ESP. Returning to our discussion of remote viewing, ESP and telepathy and its links with the way language develops in children. If the intents for language reside in biophysical fields that we inherit from our parents and these fields mirror what we are thinking in our minds, or are part of the process of mentation, then the biophysical interaction between different peoples' minds, we have discussed previously, give us a method by which remote viewing and telepathy can function. To become a remote viewer or controlled telepath, the biophysical fields that comprise our mind, would have to evolve to Primary Consciousness, the state of being aware of its surroundings, to High-Order Consciousness, where the biophysical field is self aware. A process which is analogous to the development of consciousness by the neuronal selection process in our own brains. In this process of neuronal Darwinian selection (see Fig 11: Neural Darwinism), the neurones compete with each other and the failures in this process die, producing a hardwired neuronal network in our brains. This network can evolve by competitive cell death throughout our lives, leading to a labile hardwired brain that can grow new neural pathways in response to stimuli. If our biophysical fields are capable of an analogous process of biophysical Darwinian selection, then this would mean it would be possible to consciously control these fields to make them evolve from morphogenetic fields (their latent state), to become aware of what is around them (Primary Consciousness) and hence to becoming self aware (High-Order Consciousness). In this initial state, remote viewing, remote sensing, remote influencing, ESP and telepathy would become possible. Memes, mental viruses, also compete by this mechanism so ideas arise in human populations then die out again. Examples could be that the Earth was the centre of the universe, or a more prosaic idea that women had to wear corsets and men had to wear a hat in public. We have the Darwinian selection processes in remote viewing, so those people who keep practising remote viewing, eventually, by the above processes, become Psi-able. Psi-genes play their part, so that those individuals 104 REMOTE VIEWING better endowed with Psi-genes achieve remote viewing, while those without these genes have to use more advanced methods than are on the market at present. One thing is clear, everyone will eventually be able to remotely view, given the developments in biophysics which the author has researched. EVOLVING FOR RV To achieve this evolution of the psyche, would mean that we would have to train our biophysical fields to become fully aware, an example would be making dreams become lucid or learning remote viewing. Raising the consciousness of biophysical fields is made very difficult because we are programmed from birth to believe they do not exist. When children mention their awareness of this biophysical world, they are told to stop daydreaming and become adults. By this method of adult social control, biophysical awareness is suppressed and our mind and psyche remain stunted. A human brought up by wolves would never achieve his or her full potential, likewise the human biophysical body never achieves its full potential, unless the person undertakes paranormal training such as learning remote viewing. What we think is our mind, is in fact the brain, which is fully conscious independent of biophysical field phenomena. The psyche and real mind lie in the biophysical arena, and we normally touch upon them in dreams and daydreaming states. Remote viewers, have to develop their biophysical fields to become aware of their surroundings, the so called primary consciousness, which enables them to become aware of information from distant locations. This takes time and practise. It would be a simple process if we did not live in modern society, but rather we lived in a primitive culture that believed in another area of awareness which is of a biophysical nature, like the aborigines do. To them, dream time, is more real than the physical world. Remote viewing also develops the biophysical field to the point where it can become detached from the body and roams where it wants. 105 REMOTE VIEWING It could be postulated that the biophysical field by becoming aware and able to scan its surroundings, can independently access information not only when the remote viewer is remote viewing, but also spontaneously. This would explain the spontaneous remote viewing imagery that practised remote viewers talk about. QUANTUM COMPUTING If the biophysical body is in fact a carrier of information, how does this information get processed and stored. In the previous chapter we discussed the quantum mechanical nature of the biophysical body. The author theorises that the biophysical field is a quantum field. As a quantum field it would display characteristics not found in physical matter in the macroscopic world. In quantum mechanics, the quantum field is in all possible states it can inhabit, until an observer collapses the quantum wave function, It could be in every possible state it wished to be all at the same time. Every potential state the biophysical field could be in, it would be in When a remote viewer tunes in to his biophysical body, he or she perceives it in a state of flux and imagery is garbled. With the protocols developed to learn remote viewing, the trainee does not only open up channels to his or her biophysical awareness, but collapses the quantum states of the biophysical body into one particular state where remote viewing is possible. Assuming the biophysical body used for remote viewing is indeed a quantum mechanical entity, we can use standard quantum mechanics to postulate what properties it might have. One of the most exciting areas of computer technology is the development of quantum computers. In a normal computer a set of commands to carry out an operation is programmed into the hardware. This set of commands is called an algorithm. When you wish to get a computer to carry out a task, such as calculating you tax liability; every mathematical operation must be translated into machine code which the microprocessor can then use for command protocols. If one of these steps in the algorithm is wrong, then the programme will crash. With the development of sophisticated 106 REMOTE VIEWING programmes such as Microsoft Windows 98, the algorithms are so complex that they have to be written in separate units, then joined together later. If there are any mistakes in the hundreds of thousands of lines of programming, then the overall programme will contain glitches and will crash under certain conditions. Now if we consider the programming needed to be contained in the biophysical field, so that it can successfully turn the clump of fertilised egg cells into a normal adult human, the amount of information contained in the biophysical field must be immense. Any mistakes in the programming, if they were contained as algorithms, would cause the development of the human to crash with dire consequences. What nature needs is a better way of handling information than the algorithmic method used by computers. FUZZY LOGIC Fuzzy logic has been developed to enable computers to become more resistant to mistakes in programming and more able to adapt to change. Instead of having yes or no commands, the computer makes the best choices among the information given to it, set against the criteria it has been given for decision making. So even though the answer may be far from the mark, it is the best answer the computer can make. Humans use fuzzy logic to make the best decision from a number of less than perfect choices. None of us wish to spend all our lives in a tedious job, so we try and pick the best career. If our first choice is impossible, such as being a Hollywood movie star, we move on to second or third best choice. Biophysical bodies could use fuzzy logic, but human bodies are strikingly similar, so there is little leeway outside of genetic diversity. Computer scientists trying to develop artificial intelligence have come across this problem and have certain limits they cannot cross using conventional technology. Dr Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University, in his book The Emperor's New Clothes, has shown that algorithms cannot explain all of reality. He has shown that this step by step method of processing information, cannot explain non-algorithmic processing such as intuition. Since the biophysical body is 107 REMOTE VIEWING the repository of intuition and Psi-processing, this points to a markedly new way of processing information in the morphogenetic fields. Clues to what is occurring come from computer experts who are trying to use quantum mechanical technology to process information. Modern computing will come up against a brick wall in 2010 according to I.B.M and Intel. Microchip development costs are doubling with each new processor. Computer scientists are finding that as the speed of the processor increases they are running out of electrons to carry data flow, A solution is to use computers that work on quantum mechanical mechanism and which will allow faster processing speeds. A quantum computer would not process information algorithmically. Instead of processing the information in a systematic step by step ritual, a totally new kind of information processing would occur. CHAOS THEORY In a quantum mechanical system all possible states are explored and only when the quantum wave equation of that entity is collapsed, is one single state defined. A computer which followed these principles would have a superimposition of states which would describe all possible answers. In effect a quantum computer can carry out an infinite number of operations at once. Or it can produce an infinite number of answers, when asked to work out non-linear questions, which are dependent on the starting conditions. These non-linear processes are found in chaos theory and complexity. Chaos theory was a modern development of mathematics which Dr Feigenbaum, in 1975, found followed specific rules. Every chaotic scheme had within it clearly ordered rules that defines chaos. Initial conditions defined the final result and unless one could define these initial events perfectly, the outcome was impossible to predict. Many things going on in nature, such as the human heartbeat, were found to follow these rules of chaos. A development of this line of research was complexity. In this new science, extremely complex systems have very simple rules that underlie what is occurring. This 108 REMOTE VIEWING new theory of complexity was found to be very useful in describing biological systems. In both complexity and chaos theory, algorithmic programming was found to be ineffective because minute changes at the beginning produced widely diverging results. A NEW WAY OF COMPUTING To handle complexity and chaos theory, a new type of information processing is needed. Quantum computers fit the bill, as they can give all possible answers, even when the initial conditions have some leeway. By using quantum computing, every single outcome can be held in the computer as a superimposition of states. Dr Penrose believes that the mind, which he states is separate from the brain, uses non-algorithmic computing. Penrose believes the mind is a quantum computer. If he is correct, then the biophysical field is a very sophisticated quantum computer that carries out every possible operation, then looks for the best outcome, using fuzzy logic. A fuzzy logic enabled quantum computer would in effect, be able to solve any problem, by calculating every possible answer, then looking for the best solution to the problem. Cell processes which follow non-linear and complexity-like pathways can be controlled, not by trying to give the exact answer, which is impossible unless the cell is perfectly defined - impossible unless you are God - but by choosing the best outcome from an infinite number of answers. This is a completely different way at looking at problems than we are used to. In Paranormal Science a completely new mind set and set of memes are needed. With the biophysical field able to map out all possible answers, if one answer is taken out of the quantum computer, the quantum state collapses and all the other solutions are lost. To keep the quantum computer working, a statistical analysis is taken of all the possible solutions. So instead of taking one answer, you take the highest probability answer. Fuzzy logic deals with probabilities which are once removed from the 109 REMOTE VIEWING single specific answers, it does not deal with absolutes. In quantum mechanics this mechanism of looking at probabilities of the location of particles is a keystone of the theory. PROBABLE FUTURES If remote viewing works on this quantum computer principle, then the information one can get is a statistical analysis of the most probable target. Clear defined pictures can be had by this process, as this is how we look at normal reality. We do not perceive raw reality, but a statistical construct which is the best and most probable choice of how reality might be modelled. None of us perceive the true nature of things, as if we did we would be God. Having a perfect understanding of things, being omniscient - all knowing. When remote viewing our quantum computer presents us with an image that can be an exact representation of the target. When we call on the biophysical body to look at future events, problems begin. The future is dependent on knowing the initial starting conditions of the present perfectly. Events follow non-linear and complex pathways, which are so sensitive to initial conditions, that a butterfly flying over the Pacific can change reality. This so called Butterfly Effect, means that to predict the future you need to perfectly define the present. This is an impossible task. Our biophysical quantum computers can by using the superimposition of quantum states, be in all possible futures. When we use remote viewing to predict the future, we see the most statistically probable future. That is why remote viewers seldom agree about the future. THE GROUP MIND When we factor in the paranormal forces of each individual human on the planet, then each of us can have a massive effect on the future outcome of events, not even taking into account our physical actions. If we think of the future as a quantum mechanical event, then it can be in all possible states until it is collapsed by the act of observation. Since there are six billion human observers, and other non-human observers, the particular future that is manifested by the group, is dependent on 110 REMOTE VIEWING the Paranormal Damping Field. As the PDF defines what is possible and what is not possible, only a small subset of possible futures is ever revealed. Of these, only one becomes the proper future we all will live in. THE NATIONAL LOTTERY An example of this is the national lottery. Here, a large percentage of the UK population are willing with all their might, for their six numbers to come up. Many of these lottery players are in dead-end jobs or are unemployed, so for them, this is their only hope of a millionaire's future. This situation generates a lot of emotion, which as we have seen is conducive to generating paranormal phenomena. These people are using all their latent paranormal powers to telekinetically influence the balls, as well as to subconsciously remotely view the future numbers. U.S. researchers, such as Robert Jahn, have found that people can influence using telekinesis, the falling pattern of ball bearings, or the random counting of a computer. By generating such emotional desperation, the national lottery amplifies this telekinetic effect. A remote viewer trying to foresee the out come of events, has to look through a paranormal blizzard of conflicting telekinetic intents where tens of millions of people are subconsciously trying to influence the fall of the numbered balls in the lottery machine which is used.. The quantum field which is the future, is therefore pulled this way and that and a chaotic non-linear collapse of the quantum field takes place. As we have seen in non-linear events, the initial conditions must be known perfectly to predict the outcome. No remote viewer has the all-knowing ability of God, so this means that the remote viewing of the national lottery is invariably off the mark. To date, no remote viewer has won the jackpot on the lottery. Perhaps with new developments in our understanding of remote viewing, winning the lottery every week may be possible. The author is researching into the subject and when he can win the lottery every week, then you will know he has succeeded. On the Paranormal World of Paul McKenna, shown on ITV UK, the 111 REMOTE VIEWING audience were asked to remotely influence the lottery to obtain the six numbers that had been decided on. When the lottery was run, two of these numbers came up and the third came up as the bonus number. The National Lottery immediately changed its rules, so that if too many people got three numbers, it would not be obliged to pay them. A startling example of the establishment's fear of the paranormal - even though we are told it could not possibly exist - under any circumstances. REMOTE VIEWING THE FUTURE When it comes to predicting events which people are not consciously, or subconsciously, interfering with by use of their latent paranormal powers, then remote viewing of the future is very accurate. Dr Courtney Brown, a pupil of Ed Dames, has developed remote viewing protocols to look into the future for advanced technology. It is rumoured that the West German government has tried to purchase these remote viewing protocols. Looking into the future to see how history will progress, is much easier than choosing the six correct lottery numbers in the UK lottery. Why is this? The majority of people leave things to the government and the secret power-brokers behind the scenes, to decide world events. A common attitude is what can we do? We are only the little people... By programming your mind and therefore biophysical body with this set of ideas, which is a powerful meme, your latent paranormal powers are disconnected from remotely influencing major future events. As only a small group of people make the really important decisions, the collapse of the quantum field that will define the future, is a non chaotic event and can be predicted with some accuracy. U.S. remote viewers have long known about this, but in a purely subjective way. Remote viewing of the future one can see that there will eventually be a World War III. At present it is likely to be initiated by detonation of a small portable nuclear weapon in a major city, probably in Tel Aviv Israel, London, or in New York, USA, by Arab terrorists... 112 REMOTE VIEWING THE NATURE OF FATE None of the future events is too difficult to predict because in the case of non chaotic futures, the collapse of the quantum field follows much simpler laws. Think of everyone's personal wishes interfering with each other. Many of us would love to marry a super model, or movie star, but millions of other men are competing with us and therefore interfering with our wishes. Since we all have latent paranormal powers, the net effect is the woman marries the man she meets who has the most personal magnetism, or adaptive energy which is another name for paranormal power. In the case of the movers and shakers who shape the world, no one interferes with them. If they do get opposition, they have legions of followers to get rid of opposition: security services, police, army... An example being Saddam Hussein, who has been on the receiving end of U.S. remote influencers trying to depose or kill him, a Western public who loathe the tyrant, yet still he remained in power for years after the Gulf War. If the public had realised that their paranormal powers could eliminate Saddam Hussein, he would be gone in days. The public think they can influence the lottery balls by use of luck, so their biophysical bodies are subconsciously programmed to act on the lottery balls. This produces the paranormal blizzard of tens of millions of peoples' telekinetic intents, that makes remote viewing the lottery very difficult. In comparison the public do not believe they have any power over tyrants, as 'people are only small cogs in the machine'. By this method of brainwashing, they turn off their paranormal powers to remotely influence evil dictators. If people believed they could curse evil people, then millions upon millions of people could have disposed of evil tyrants like: Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler and the Chinese oligarchy that killed their own people in Tianemen Square - all by the power of mass remote influencing. Saddam Hussein would not have lasted long against such a fearsome paranormal barrage that the British regularly throw at the National Lottery every week. All this goes to show that if you think you are impotent, your biophysical body takes you literally 113 REMOTE VIEWING and switches off your latent paranormal powers. Or worse still makes them subservient to the PDF. Reinforce this with a PDF that defines what is possible and what is not and the result is the creation of a 'normal materialistic world', the sceptics demand is the one true reality. THE BRAIN AND RV The areas of the brain which are involved in remote viewing was studied by the U.S. scientist Hal Puthoff at SRI, funded by the CIA. They found that the temporal cortex is active while a person is remote viewing. The cortex is used for visualisation and the occipital cortex is used to process visual information (see Fig 12: Brain Centres). The older limbic system which lies beneath the spongy grey matter we call the cortex, is used for decision making. All our decisions are taken on an emotional level and we intellectualise our decisions afterward. That is why emotion is such a key player in successful remote viewing. The limbic system mediates information processing, the hypothalamus being used for memory and the thalamus being used for attention, the reticulate gyrus is also concerned with information processing. Since emotional content plays a large part in remote viewing, the amygdala, a small structure in the limbic system, which is concerned with emotions and is the so called pleasure centre, also plays its part in remote viewing. My research in remote viewing seems to indicate that remote viewing information is transferred to the brain by quantum mechanical interactions between the biophysical body and the brain. At a higher level, memories from the biophysical body and from the brain are transferred by use of biophysical fields which effect the neurones and which is tied up with control of calcium concentrations in the brain. Cell developmental biologists have found that the morphogenetic fields which control cell activity, can change the calcium levels in the cells by use of field effects. These morphogentic fields enable the biophysical body to control cellular chemistry and what takes place in the cell nucleus (see Fig 13: The Cell). We have so many avenues of communication between biophysical body and brain, that the interaction 114 REMOTE VIEWING must be seen as hierarchical; in a similar manner to how competitive cell death establishes Primary and High-Order Consciousness in the brain by means of Darwinian Selection. At the top of the hierarchy in the brain is the temporal cortex, which combines the remote viewing data into the complex mental image that the remote viewer sees in his or her mind's eye. NEGATIVE FORCES In a normal person who does not believe in anything but his or her physical body, the biophysical body and its host of interactions with the physical body, are kept at a low level. This effectively suppresses remote viewing, OOBE, astral projection and lucid dreaming... Factor in the reinforcing effect of the human PDF and the suppression of awareness of biophysical phenomena is almost complete. If one adds to this the mental ideas, memes that we are bombarded with: make money, shop till you drop, my football team is better than yours... All of which occupy our brains with mental programmes which run us like robots. No wonder the sceptics only believe in the physical world. All of us have paranormal experiences but they are subjective and happen irregularly and at odd times, so they can be explained away by imagination or coincidence. With the superpowers' scientific development of paranormal warfare and remote viewing, the repeatability of the phenomena and their use in military endeavour, has brought the Psi-world out of the shadows. The UK establishment are terrified by this revelation as it unleashes information into the public domain which could transform docile impotent citizens into remote viewers capable of superhuman feats. MI5 would then be faced with a remote viewing public who could by psychic means uncover the web of secrecy which shrouds the UK like a black miasma. REMOTE VIEWING AWARENESS U.S. research into the areas of the brain concerned with remote viewing has given pointers as to how the brain processes remote viewing data. Biophysical information is transferred to the brain at the quantum level 115 REMOTE VIEWING and it cascades up in a hierarchical manner, which mimics the way the brain builds consciousness. So the raw data causes changes in neurones and the patterns of this change are recorded in a time synchronised manner by other groups of synapses. Information which is then passed to the brain centres which build this information into Primary Consciousness in the brain. Finally, High-order Consciousness, the self awareness facility in us all, is made aware of the remote viewing. There is a half a second delay between the self aware part of our brain being conscious of events and the actual brain activity. So in effect, we are all aware of the world, a half second behind the actual event. So in remote viewing, our awareness of the actual remote viewing event is delayed by this half second. Remote viewing does not use special parts of our brain, but in fact uses already developed subsystems which are just developed to become aware and self aware of biophysical phenomena so we can remotely view. The Primary and High-Order Consciousness we talked of before, in regard to biophysical and brain phenomena. Rewiring the neural network so that it can consciously be aware of biophysical information is the rate-determining step that causes the delay in learning remote viewing. The above may sound complicated but remote viewing can now be linked with brain activity and biophysical fields, which means it is a subject that can be looked at using the scientific method. HOW THE BRAIN SEES THE FUTURE For remote viewing used for looking into the future, the areas of the brain which enable precognition is an area little understood. To recap, U.S. experiments in showing people pornographic photographs, which are present in a larger pack of non-emotive pictures, such as those of the countryside, has shown an elevation in physical responses five seconds before the pornographic photo was observed. This has indicates that at a deep subconscious level, precognition of emotive events occurs. This would have high survival value, as the ability to know of danger in the future would allow it to be avoided. Precognition, if it is carried 116 REMOTE VIEWING by Psi- genes, would therefore be reinforced by Darwinian Selection. Those who could see into the future and avoid danger, would be more likely to live on and have children. In combat, this sixth sense of danger is heightened. Vietnam veterans had numerous paranormal experiences such as: remote viewing of mines, bullets being seen in flight, Vietcong traps being psychically sensed. A famous example is of a U.S. soldier psychically spotting a Vietcong soldier disguised as a peasant by the roadside, who had grenades hidden on his torso. Fighter pilots have to develop a sixth sense which is called situational awareness; a brain state where both hemispheres of the brain are working equally and in synchrony. An almost Zen-like state, where there is no chaos inherent in ones thinking and everything seems more real. Situational awareness, instinctively, taking in a wealth of information, evaluating it, and reacting correctly with a panoramic view of everything around the pilot, in his or her mind's eye. American fighter pilot call it 'having the clue', a state where they can fly their plane and have full visuo-spatial awareness (see diagram: 14 Brain hemispheres). If both hemispheres of the brain in synchrony, bring about almost precognitive vision around the fighter aircraft, it points to brain centre balancing being a key aspect of looking into the future. When the remote viewer enters theta, this balancing of brain hemispheres naturally takes place. Theta brain rhythms also enable more of the information we receive from the biophysical body being left unmolested. As we have seen, 90% of the information we receive is filtered out by the thalamus, which is in the limbic system of the brain. Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram of Stanford University, describes perceptive filtering as the Bowery Effect. The Bowery was an elevated railroad demolished in New York, after the late night service ended the police were inundated with phone calls of something strange happening at exactly the time the train would normally pass through that neighbourhood; this went 117 REMOTE VIEWING on for months after the railway had gone. People were subconsciously picking up on the lack of noise at the time they were expecting the train and panicking because they did not hear the train passing. Consciously they thought something was wrong, so they phoned the police. Information is normally filtered out by the limbic system. It is then run through software we use to tailor the world to a preconceived reality. This is a product of memes given to us by parents and peer groups throughout our lives. Theta enables us to unblock these mental filters that blinker us to remote viewing and other paranormal phenomena. For precognitive remote viewing, we have to look at how the brain hemispheres process information and how this may have bearing on psychically looking into the future. The biophysical body can travel through time, as it is not limited to the three dimensions of space and one of time, our physical body is constrained by. The left hemisphere of the brain deals with data and thoughts in a step by step manner. It runs through data in a linear fashion plodding from idea to idea such as: a to b to c.z. The right hemisphere deals with thought processes in the form of a mental map. Where the relationship between data, is as important as the data itself. Looking for patterns in data is one of the right hemispheres abilities. It carries out parallel processing. Ideas are connected by the right hemisphere to make a bigger picture, or linking notes to compose a symphony. In the human mind's eye whilst remotely viewing, perception for remote viewing the future appears to be processed by the right hemisphere. Since the right hemisphere is visually connected to the left eye and field of vision, future events which are remotely viewed can appear to glide into ones mental field of vision from the left hand side of ones awareness. The left hemisphere seems to process past events. It is connected to the right eye and field of vision. In ones mind's eye, events the left hemisphere processes can appear to come into the left field of vision 118 REMOTE VIEWING in ones mind's eye. When remote viewing the past, it can appear to the remote viewer's perception as if it the mental image form the past appears from the right hand field of our mind's eye. This apparent flow of mental images from the left hand field of our mind's eye, perception, which may be connected with future events, to the right hand field of our mind's eye, perception which may be connected with past events, can be explained by the different activities each hemisphere of the brain undertakes. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and since this part of the brain can handle patterns and parallel processing, it finds it easier to look at probabilistic data, which describes possible futures. This type of thought which evaluates probabilities, is a type of mental processing the right hemisphere uses when thinking about the future. The many possible scenarios we run through our heads before making important decisions, to try and evaluate the wisdom of our choices is mainly right hemisphere based. This type of probabilistic evaluation on possible futures is the mind set we run to forecast the future of our actions, which is also used by the right hemisphere of the brain for looking into the possible future using precognitive remote viewing. It is only a rough guide as the cortex as a whole, looks at the course of our future actions, or may be involved in processing them. While the left hemisphere of the brain processes data and ideas in a step by step manner, best suited to things which are well known, such as the past, where only one thing occurred. It handles data in the linear step by step, a-b-c-d-e...z, fashion. This part of the brain is therefore more practised in dealing with things which are definite, such as past events, known variables and data. It can therefore runs memories, ideas and pictures of past events which follow in an ordered step by step fashion. Which it then can rerun again and again like a computer to conform to the ordered mental programmes we all run. Since it controls the right side of the body, due to the hardwiring in the brain, past images may appear on the right side of our 'minds eye'. 119 REMOTE VIEWING When the left and right hemispheres are working in synchrony, then the person experiences being in the clue - as fighter pilots say - the proper term being situational awareness, a state of heightened awareness where visual spatial stimuli are directly integrated with intellect, instinct and memory. This state is conducive to remote viewing as it boost mental processing. There is some evidence to show that pilots may be naturally better at remote viewing. The theta brain state enables situational awareness, where the information can be quickly passed between right and left hemispheres for evaluation. Theta consciousness enables right hand dominant brain action such as dreaming to take place and therefore is the perfect state for remote viewing and precognitive remote viewing When remote viewing the future, the right hemisphere of the brain is better able to deal with the information being given to it by the biophysical field. Left handed people have brain hemispheres which work in an opposite manner. GROUP REMOTE VIEWING It was found by the U.S. remote viewers that the ability to remotely view as if you were part of a very large group, amplifies your remote viewing ability. As more remote viewers were tasked on a target, the Americans found that the remote viewing data increased in resolution. The more adaptive and biophysical energy the group had access to, the greater their paranormal potential. It was for this reason that Russian remote viewing used psychotronic generators to boost the energy field of the remote viewer. U.S. remote viewing under the auspices of the CIA, used large groups of people working in tandem to remotely view. This is because the biophysical fields of the individual remote viewers merged into a larger biophysical field that was greater than the sum of its constituent parts. This group biophysical field could locally overcome the restrictions of the PDF and thus allowed much enhanced remote viewing. David Morehouse in his book Psychic Warrior, quotes an 80% accuracy. This higher accuracy level comes about because of the group augmentation effect of using groups to remotely view. By 120 REMOTE VIEWING linking in with the others to remotely view, the U.S. remote viewers were in effect linking their biophysical fields up to produce a large group effect enhancement of paranormal abilities. It was found that as this group augmented remote viewing is continued, the accuracy of the remote viewing will go up. This is because the biophysical fields of the group increase the efficacy of the individual members remote viewing. This occurs because the biophysical fields of the individual members of the group coalesce into a unified group mind. This unified group biophysical field will automatically raise the individual members consciousness much more quickly than if they worked alone. Group augmented remote viewing raises the remote viewers' biophysical fields from its latent morphogenetic functioning, to awareness of its surroundings (Primary Consciousness), where remote viewing activity can take place. The principle of group augmented remote viewing is analogous to the combining of field orbitals in molecules. The individual biophysical fields come into close proximity, overlap, then merge, producing a much larger biophysical field, which by nature of the synergy of its constituent fields, boost the latent biophysical fields into awareness of what is going on around it (Primary Consciousness). This effect was used by military remote viewers to boost the efficiency of remote viewing in research projects such as 'Scan Gate'. When the individual members finished the session, their biophysical fields are elevated by the process, cutting down on the development time of remote viewers. Group augmented remote viewing was used by U.S. remote viewers in their spare time to psychically spy on UFOs and remote viewing to explore supposed alien sites on Earth and off world. For those of you interested in this area, as mentioned, Jim Marrs in his book: Alien Agenda, documents the U.S. remote viewers who used remote viewing for UFO investigation and related alien sites. LEARNING RV 121 REMOTE VIEWING To clearly explain how remote viewing can be used by any organisation as a research tool, let us go through the basic steps involved. Instead of switching off the brain stress system to inculcate the theta state of consciousness, (the method I use in training and which is mentioned in the next chapter), The much simpler technique of listening to classical baroque music to relax the brain can be used for remote viewing or telepathic operation. This baroque music technique was developed by the Bulgarians in their Suggestology Super Learning parapsychology training courses. They found that this type of music naturally entrained people in the alpha state. The ordered rhythmic nature of the music entrains alpha waves in the listener. Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, document this Suggestology training in their book: Superlearning. It is much less efficient than advanced ERV training, but for beginners it is relatively easy just to listen to baroque music and practise remote viewing or telepathy -remote sensing. It will be found that researchers using remote viewing to investigate suspected conspiracies - such as Princess Diana's death, or using ESP and telepathy to contact various aspects of the collective unconscious, need to work in groups. The group all choose one target, the site of the car crash, an alien planet, or military site, etc., and try to get remote viewing data on the target. This is done separately, so none of the remote viewers get a chance to talk over their findings while they are remote viewing. Once they have completed their remote viewing, they look at all the data the group has acquired. The common characteristics of what they remotely viewed, are the details they should concentrate on; as if all or many of the remote viewers saw the same thing, independently, it indicates their remote viewing is accurate. A similar method can be used by ESP/telepathic research groups, be they psychic questing, or tapping into hidden knowledge in the collective unconscious . By this method of statistical analysis of the groups' data, they can zero in on accurate remote viewing or ESP/telepathic episodes. Using this method for all the remote viewing research, they can get very meaningful results, even if their remote viewing or ESP/telepathy is 122 REMOTE VIEWING very inaccurate for the individual person concerned. Consequently, the success they achieve as a group will act as positive feedback and will improve their individual remote viewing by mechanisms that are analogous to the 'Hundredth Monkey' effect, the learning of new habits at a distance with no physical contact, more on this later. GROUP BOOSTING OF THE RV SIGNAL To explain this phenomena, let us return to the work of Dr Jessica Utts of Stanford University, who has shown that remote viewing is a definite phenomena, this was found by carrying out a statistical analysis of the results of some low-level U.S. military remote viewing she was allowed to see. She found the effect was slightly greater than chance. This survey was carried out with poor remote viewing data, not the top-notch remote viewing information; due to security reasons, it was not deemed wise to divulge this high-level remote viewing information. Since the European remote viewer is likely to be practising remote viewing using similar methods to the Americans, a method of filtering out the noise from the remote viewing signal is necessary. Remote viewing a target in groups, but in an independent manner, then going over the results as a group again, filters out a lot of the remote viewing noise. This amplifies the remote viewing accuracy by augmenting the signal to noise ratio, using multiple remote viewers to give a large data base, so non-correlated remote viewing noise can be cancelled out by cross correlating results and ignoring spurious data not seen by other members of the group; instead concentrating on details that everyone was remote viewing. The group concentrates on details of the remote viewing picture they all saw, ignoring anything only one person saw. This means that even though the remote viewing effect is only slightly greater than chance in untrained members of the general public (Ingo Swann states it is 15% for untrained remote viewers), meaningful results can be gleaned by using group augmented remote viewing. The drastic techniques the Russians used to augment remote 123 REMOTE VIEWING viewing or ESP/telepathy, dramatically improve remote viewing or ESP/telepathic efficiency of their group augmented remote viewing experiments. THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY EFFECT Secondly, my research has found that groups of people remote viewing the same site at the same time, amplify their remote viewing capabilities. There is a merging of the biophysical remote viewing quantum state functions of the field effects involved, that boost the remote viewing efficiency. We have mentioned the 'Hundredth Monkey' effect, where the more people practising a meme, or mental virus, ( habitual action, activity) the easier it becomes for the group. The knowledge of memes, information passed through the generations, may be of interest in this connection. It is a well known phenomena that there is a threshold of people or animals repeating the same meme, after which the meme becomes habitual to the race or species. The best example is the Japanese monkey that learned to wash the sand out of its wild rice by washing handfuls of this sandy rice in the sea. Other members of its troop copied this meme. Once a hundred or so, of its peers have learnt this action, the meme miraculously appeared in other monkey troops, on other islands, far removed from the original progenitor of this meme. This was even though the monkeys never came in contact with each other. The 'Hundredth Monkey' phenomena is a well known anecdote about the spreading of memes by remote influencing. My discussion of biophysical field effects and how they can interact with other members of the species, would seem to indicate that when a threshold number of biophysical fields belonging to a group have learnt a new meme, the intent for that meme is spread by spontaneous telepathy. This means that for the first people remote viewing it was very difficult, but as more people practise remote viewing, the easier it became. The first U.S. remote viewers spent twelve hours a day, seven days a week, for eighteen months, learning remote viewing. This time has now been cut to six months for this training. I am informed they are also more accurate than the original trainees. Remote viewing is becoming easier 124 REMOTE VIEWING to learn because of the 'Hundredth Monkey' effect. In the future, many moe people will be able to practise remote viewing and with greater accuracy. GROUP AMPLIFICATION OF PSI A similar effect can be had with ESP and telepathy. Group Augmented ESP and telepathy can dramatically boost latent Psi-talent in the individual. With the resulting change of a growth of paranormal abilities as the biophysical field of the individual merges with the group, and in the process is amplified. This amplification process of the individual's biophysical field is then carried over to the individual upon the return of the biophysical field to the single state. Group amplification of biophysical fields enables the individual biophysical field to develop from it latent state (morphogenetic functioning), through to being aware of its surroundings (Primary Consciousness) and much later it can become self aware (High-Order Consciousness), where remote viewing, ESP/telepathy is habitual. When the person's biophysical field leaves the group mind, it loses its amplified state ( Primary or High-Order Consciousness), but there is an augmentation of its natural consciousness. Continued practise of group augmented remote viewing and ESP/ telepathy, leads to an acceleration of this development, enhanced as it is by the group mind. In this way individuals can achieve the maximum capabilities of their Psi-genes in the order of months, rather than years. Further to this, the genome can be changed by biophysical field effects, so the group augmented biophysical field can be used to change the group's genetic material to develop new Psi-genes, or as the Soviets have done to remotely influence other people to make them ill. A technique that can be used to enhance the Psi-genes by using remote influencing on Psi-gene deficient people to change their genetic material. By this method, Psi-deficient trainees can be artificially augmented to full Psi-functioning. This technology means that everyone can share in remote viewing no matter what their genetic 125 REMOTE VIEWING makeup. It can also be used to enhance the health of the individual, and can thus be an aid to healthier longer lives for the members of the group. This is the first time these points have been mentioned outside of superpower military research facilities and the multinational research being undertaken by Sony. The above effects mean that any group of people can use remote viewing or ESP/telepathy as a tool in their research effort, or to cause physiological changes to benefit healing and longevity. During my research, I have become aware of how useful remote viewing can be in gaining information on topics that have proved impossible to analyse by any different method. Having developed basic do-it-yourself guides for beginners in the remote viewing field. It was found that using these simple methods, accuracy could prove to be a problem. The new methodology outlined in part two of this book will help people who are practising controlled remote viewing as espoused by the Americans, as well as teaching you American and a Russian-like version of ERV. The knowledge that you can study any event or phenomena by using remote viewing, and other aspects of the paranormal such as telepathy, could prove of interest. The following section is the first definitive users guide to remote viewing. 126 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 5: HOW TO TEACH YOURSELF REMOTE VIEWING INTRODUCTION In this section of the book, the author gives a complete guide to how to go about remote viewing. In the USA, where courses cost between $3000 to $7000 dollars per week, and the training can last six months or more, the need for written protocols to enable the general public to have access to remote viewing training, at a price that is affordable, is an untapped market. This book not only fulfils that need, by teaching simple scientific CRV, called Co-ordinate or Controlled Remote Viewing, by U.S. remote viewing teachers, it also goes further than any U.S. training system, by giving for the first time, the author's versions of Russian super-advanced extended remote viewing protocols. These to the author's knowledge are the most advanced remote viewing protocols on the market. Controlled remote viewing, the ability to gather information from distant locations by use of psychic spying, is the first simple version of remote viewing to be covered in this chapter. This method of remote viewing was taught by Ingo Swann to the U.S. military remote viewers. Unlike more advanced remote viewing, controlled remote viewing is carried out form the normal conscious state, called beta. Extended remote viewing, uses an altered state of consciousness usually found while dreaming, called the theta rhythm, to achieve amplified remote viewing. In this state, bilocation, the sense of actually being at the site being remotely viewed can be achieved. This book covers both CRV and ERV. It is the first training course in the world to show the public how to carry out the super-advanced ERV which normally required the use of sophisticated biofeedback suites filled with electronics. The book therefore is a much fuller account of the 127 REMOTE VIEWING actual methods used by the superpowers for remote viewing, covering more ground than any courses sold in the world. U.S. courses tend to concentrate on the simpler and less efficient CRV Thus, the reader is given training, in book form, that far outstrips anything given in the expensive American remote viewing course. The training protocols are based on Paranormal Management Systems (the remote viewing training company the author has set up) training manuals, Europe's first remote viewing training company and the only one in the world with advanced Russian-type ERV methodologies suitable for the public. ACTIVATING LATENT REMOTE VIEWING ABILITIES To begin this second section of the book, we shall cover the protocols needed to learn Co-ordinate Remote Viewing, after which the bulk of the training material will concentrate on Extended Remote Viewing. All remote viewing training companies teach CRV. My company, Paranormal Management Systems, uses a Russian-type of ERV system, which is the most advanced method of remote viewing in the West. Correspondence courses sold by the author's company covering this exotic ERV, teach the author's pupils how to reach the theta state of consciousness without recourse to biofeedback machinery - only using the power of the mind. In this book, we will explain to the reader how to carry out this advanced ERV. CO-ORDINATE REMOTE VIEWING CRV was developed by SRI and Ingo Swann. It opens a window from normal consciousness, the beta state, to the subconscious and unconscious, from which remote viewing can then become possible. Systematised protocols are needed to fixate the conscious mind on the biophysical body, which is actually carrying out remote viewing. Since the U.S. researchers had no idea that a biophysical body existed, it was a rather hit and miss method. Since the Paranormal Damping Field, is in full operation outside of the theta state, CRV is hampered by negative feedback form the common consensus of consciousness (PDF), which tries to exorcise the paranormal from reality. Ritualised 128 REMOTE VIEWING systematised protocols are therefore needed to keep the psychic window to the biophysical field open, against these adverse conditions. It is a far inferior method to ERV. This is because in CRV the remote viewer is constantly fighting the PDF, while in ERV, the effects of the PDF have been expunged by the Earth's biophysical field which the remote viewer is in resonance with. EXTENDED REMOTE VIEWING In ERV the remote viewer is trained to enter the theta state. In this state the PDF is swamped by the Earth's biophysical field. In the theta state the psychic window to the biophysical fields is blown wide open and becomes a doorway to the biophysical fields. U.S. military remote viewers such as David Morehouse and Joe McMoneagle used ERV to remotely view and to enable bilocation. This is a state of remote viewing where the remote viewer feels as if he or she is really at the target site, analogous to a waking lucid dream. In Russian ERV, because they were cognisant of the biophysical fields, they used psychotronics to amplify the energy body for amplified bilocation. This would be analogous to waking up in the dreaming body, actually existing as an energy field at some different location. Stepping into the biophysical body enables not only ERV, but remote sensing and more importantly remote influencing - which the Russians were obsessed with. The Russians are still world leaders in all areas of Psi. They are also the world's experts in remote killing. To begin our discussion of the protocols of remote viewing. The author will give you a simple version of CRV, which you can use before we delve into my 'cloned' version of Russian ERV. CRV TRAINING PROTOCOLS. To recap on the work of the great Ingo Swann, the American godfather of remote viewing, let us examine his CRV protocols. 129 REMOTE VIEWING Stage One: it was found that if one doodled the first thing that came into ones mind, after being given the co-ordinates of the remote viewing target, the essence of the target could be seen in this ideogram. As the session developed, visual imagery could be brought in and finally analytical information. Analytical information such as I think its... was to be strongly avoided, until the final part of the remote viewing session. To begin the Stage One protocol, get a blank piece of paper and pencil. Visualise yourself opening a psychic window in your mind's eye to the target, which is defined by map co-ordinates. A friend who can provide numbered photographs in sealed envelopes will be an easy alternative to map co-ordinates. When you have visualised this psychic window in your mind's eye, start sketching down lines on the paper. Draw lines or curves depending on how you feel. Don't think about the process, just sketch the first thing that comes into your mind. Do not rationalise. Stage Two: allows visual and sensory data into ones consciousness through the psychic window to the target. Discarding any analytical mental processes, the raw data of ones sensorium of remote viewing perceptions is to be beheld, with no conscious thought about what it may be, or may not be. Imagine yourself peeking through this psychic window you have opened up to the target. Through this psychic peephole, you will get glimpses of shapes and shadows, and odd sounds. Do not try to analyse these, but list the first: smells, tastes, tactile data... that you get impressions of. Then let the far stronger auditory cues enter your perception. Finally, let the strongest of the data, the visual cues, come into your mind's eye. They would swamp out the other information if allowed in first. Stage Three: involves 'dimensionals,' in which an overview of remote viewing perceptions are put into a bigger picture, which involve drawing numerous pictures of what one was remote viewing. 130 REMOTE VIEWING Imagine you are an artist sketching the target. Draw a series of simple drawings of what comes into your psychic window. As you draw, try and link them with the perceptual cues you gained in Stage Two. Stage Four: in which you make columns and lists of the emotional impact of things that had come from the remote viewing session. The aesthetic impact of things that had come from the remote viewing session. Then tangibles and intangibles, that one was aware of in the remote viewing target, such as 'wooden' and 'pastoral', respectively. Look at your list of perceptual cues and then your drawings of the 'dimensionals', then write down the feelings you get from these cues (as you access the biophysical field through your psychic window), next to them. Try to expand on you list of what the remote viewing target is like. Analytic information can then be brought in for the final 'analytical sketch', which is a coming together of all the information acquired in the remote viewing session. In this you write what you think you are seeing next to the perceptual cues and the 'dimensionals'. Stage Five: where ways of improving remote viewing resolution are looked at. In this practise you meditate on the psychic window and visualise yourself opening it up to produce a clearer channel to the target. You then imagine that fresh insights about what you are remotely viewing come flooding through this psychic window. These new insights allow you to develop Stage One, through to Stage Four data, with a fresh mind full of new insights. Stage Six: where the three dimensional representation of the target is explored, by making models of the remote viewing target. Use plasticine, or a sand pit, wire, whatever, feels most applicable to the target. In this way you can build a model of the actual target. 131 REMOTE VIEWING MONITORED REMOTE VIEWING In the next set of remote viewing protocols we look at monitored CRV. One person guides another, who takes the part of the remote viewer. The guide, or monitor, directs the remote viewer to the target and asks the remote viewer a series of questions. PROTOCOLS FOR SETTING UP MONITORED RV One person chooses to be the monitor, the other person the remote viewer. The monitor supplies a photograph, the remote viewer is not allowed to see, until the end of the remote viewing session. Relax. Use the relaxation protocols for remote viewing (found later in this chapter) to enter the relaxed state appropriate for remote viewing if you have difficulty relaxing. Answer the questions put to you by the monitor about the photograph. The monitor should not lead the remote viewer, but report exactly what they say. As you get more information from the remote viewer, the monitor can zero in on the area that is indicated for investigation. The monitor then asks a series of questions to tease out data from the remote viewer. SAMPLE LIST OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS a) Question (Q): Is the target light or dark? Answer (Al): This could be a night target. Answer for next remote viewing target (A2): A barren de sert landscape... b) (Q): Is the target surrounded by objects? 132 REMOTE VIEWING (Al): This could be a valley surrounded by hills. (A2): A room surrounded by walls... c) (Q): Is the target in a room or chamber? (Al):No.. (A2): An underground bunker... d) (Q): Are there any objects in the target? (Al): These could be cows in a field. (A2) There are computers in an underground bunker... e) (Q): Are their any graphic representations in the scene ? (Al): No. (A2): These could be military computer screens, signs flashing on them.. f) (Q): Is any part of the target moving? (Al): No. (A2): This could be a train moving into an underground tunnel, or machinery in a nuclear bomb factory such as ultracentrifuges in Iraq... g) (Q): What colours do you sense in the scene? (Al): This could be green grass in a pastoral scene. 133 REMOTE VIEWING (A2): Stainless steel coloured, grey metal containers. h) (Q): What sounds do you hear? (Al): Wind blowing through the trees in a forest.. (A2): This could be screams of infected animals in a biological warfare lab in the underground complex. i) (Q): What creatures do you see at the target scene? (Al): This could be cows and sheep in the fields. (A2): Scientists in a laboratory. J) (Q): Is the target manmade? (Al): No, it is a pastoral scene. (A2): Yes, it looks like a series of man made caves. k) (Q): Is the scene flat or are their tall objects dominating the scene? (Al): The scene seems to be in a valley. (A2): The underground complex is hidden under a mountain. 1) (Q): Are there many objects of the same sort in the scene? (Al): There are many trees and a lot of cows and sheep. (A2): This could be a series of nuclear, or biological missile silos, or the electric pylons I see running into the mountainside. 134 REMOTE VIEWING m) (Q): Are there any mechanical devices in the target scene? (Al): No. (A2): This could be Sukhoi 27 fighters at a nearby Chinese air base. Or the nuclear, or biological, processing facility underground. n) (Q): Are there straight lines, paths, roads or other landmarks in the target scene? (Al): No, just a river running into a small lake at the centre of the pastoral scene. (A2): There could be an airfield, road, long underground access tunnel, air vent tunnels... m) (Q): Does land dominate the scene? (Al): The scene is dominated by the central lake. (A2): This could be the mountains.. n) Is the target underground? (Al): No. (A2): This could be the underground complex, or missile silos.. o) (Q): Does flora or fauna dominate the scene? (Al): Grassland an woodland surround the lake. (A2): This could be desert like conditions around the mountains, beneath which is the underground complex. 135 REMOTE VIEWING P) (Q): If the scene is man-made, describe if it contains buildings? (A 1): It is not man made. (A2): This could be the massive underground complex for nuclear and biological warheads for Chinese intercontinental ballistic missiles aimed at the USA. q) (Q): If the scene is man-made enter the target and walk around within it reporting all you see? (Al): Negative. (A2): It is a Chinese underground nuclear and biological weapon facility... The remote viewer draws his remote viewing of the target, given by the photograph, on a blank piece of paper. In the above example, Al was a pastoral scene, with a central lake, surrounded by a field of cows, and another field of sheep, with a small wood between the fields. A2 was a Chinese underground military complex in mountainous territory. Review how successful the remote viewer was. Then repeat with another photograph, this time the monitor and remote viewer change roles. REDUCING STRESS LEVELS TO INITIATE RV It has been found that stress interferes with the mechanism of remote viewing. It is vital that stress levels are lowered to the point where they do not switch off the Psi genes; by this means one can become aware of the energy field used for remote viewing.. 136 REMOTE VIEWING In this chapter, a state-of-the-art stress management system is described that entrains the theta state of consciousness needed for extended remote viewing. To begin our discussion of lowering brain rhythms, the following is a simple set of relaxation protocols for remote viewing. RELAXATION PROTOCOLS FOR RV Lay down on the bed. Visualise your feet. Imagine that all the muscles in your feet are becoming limp. Visualise your ankles. Imagine that all the muscles in your ankles are becoming limp. Visualise your calves. Imagine that all the muscles in your calves are becoming limp. Visualise your knees and thighs. Imagine that all the muscles in your knees and thighs are becoming limp. Visualise your lower body. Imagine that all the muscles in your lower abdomen are becoming limp. Visualise your chest and back. Imagine that all the muscles in your chest and back are becoming limp. Visualise your arms. Imagine that all the muscles in your chest and back are becoming limp. 137 REMOTE VIEWING Visualise your neck. Imagine that all the muscles in your neck are becoming limp. Visualise your head. Imagine that all the muscles in your head are becoming limp. Now imagine yourself floating to a grassy meadow. Visualise the grass. Hear the birds sing. Feel the sun on your skin. The ground beneath your body. Smell the grass. 22. Visualise all your worries drifting from your body and evaporating in the sunlight. Feel the sunlight filling your body with energy that washes away the anxieties you have accumulated. Tell yourself that you feel better than you have ever felt in your life. Imagine your past experiences that caused you anxiety. See the black vapour of these old anxieties been expelled from your body, to be replaced with positive feelings. 27. Replace these old worries with these new positive feelings such as love. 28. Choose one new positive feelings, then a positive mental state at
a time, for each day you practise and visualise these new positive
emotions easing out the old anxiety inducing emotions. These
positive emotions will now become linked with your practise of
remote viewing. This will set up a positive feedback cycle, the
more you practise remote viewing the better you feel. When you begin to practise remote viewing in earnest, you will find that stress blocks out remote viewing. To see why the level of anxiety can effect remote viewing, let us look at the subject of stress, anxiety and peoples' mental states in some detail. 138 REMOTE VIEWING STRESS AND ITS EFFECT ON THE BODY. BRAIN AND RV Serious research into the implications of paranormal phenomena is still in its infancy in the West. Most scientists refuse to believe that the paranormal exists no matter what the evidence. While 92% of the general public believes in some sort of paranormal phenomena according to a survey by the UK press. The implications of the research the author has been undertaking, point to the conclusion that our health and life span can be radically improved by developments that originate from the paranormal warfare research, carried out by the superpowers. Much of the new health longevity research derives from my study of the biophysics behind remote viewing and its associated paranormal warfare techniques. Remote viewing is based on the premise that people can project their awareness outside their body. This runs counter to mainstream science which has stated that: 'no mind exists, and all thought and mentation are based purely on electrochemical processes in the brain'. A belief which goes against the massive paranormal research projects carried out in the USA and the former Soviet Union. MICROWAVE WEAPONS TO KILL OR DISABLE SUBVERSIVES' Top secret mind control programmes have now begun to effect the general public. There is also strong evidence to show that UK military intelligence, MI5, is now using mass produced microwave devices on a large scale, on middle class researchers, activists and public figures with an aim to electronically influencing behaviour, or disabling, or killing that person. Research which the Soviets discovered in the sixties and deployed against the Americans in the early seventies. It seems certain that British intelligence would have tried to emulate the Russian Psi-warfare project. Since Britain is obsessed with secrecy, this knowledge would be on a need to know basis. 139 REMOTE VIEWING The health promoting aspects of applied ELF modulated microwaves set up on excitation potentials for boosting immune activity, happiness and well being, have never been researched by any UK government's black projects. Ii is well known that EM radiation and magnetic fields can be health promoting in the right frequencies, amplitudes, or field strength. Instead, the life threatening, mind control aspects have been developed; in the U K under eighteen years of conservative government. There is an invidious microwave mind control programme in the UK, which uses the general public for guinea pigs, targets high-profile individuals, and is independent of any government control, run as it is by the establishment that use MI5 as their secret police. Are they using Psi-warfare on the public? THE SECRETS OF REMOTE VIEWING Ingo Swann, the finest proponent of remote viewing, has stated: 'remote viewing introduced us to a technology one hundred and fifty years before its time'. The Americans could use remote viewing, but they had no idea why it worked, for the science involved had not been discovered in the West. I have carried out this research into the field equations, effects and mechanisms upon which biophysical remote viewing is based, so that now they are well understood. Much of this research is known only to myself, but this book gives a very simplified introduction to the subject. Remote: viewing, sensing and influencing research has led me to the conclusion that the we are all capable of controlling our bodies to the extent that Psi-powers, age extension and boosted immunity to disease are now possible. After twenty years of research into the biological basis of Psi. It is my assertion that the biophysical fields that surround us are invisible to normal people. Nevertheless there are natural field effects that are going on in the brain and its surrounding biophysical energy body. A 140 REMOTE VIEWING detailed study of these natural phenomena has allowed the author to understand the field effects that underlie brain function, cell division and senescence. Rupert Sheldrake was the first mainstream scientist to postulate unknown biological field effects that controlled cell division in early embryonic development, which he called morphogenic fields. I have discovered a whole range of biological field effects, totally unknown to Western science - but well known to Russian researchers. Remote influencing, the use of these biophysical fields to alter behaviour in other people, is now the holy grail of Chinese, Czech, Japanese, Israeli and British, paranormal military research. Remote influencing can also be used to alter diseased tissues and boost immune response in ill people. This is the basis of absent healing. So not only does learning remote viewing enable the person to develop Psi-powers, it also enables profound improvements in health and longevity. When the author first learnt remote sensing, it was used as an adjunct to absent healing, which specialised in energy body alignment and chackra therapy. Chakras are energy centres found in the subtle energy bodies of man. The author's research into remote viewing has upgraded understanding of absent healing, so that the scientific basis of the whole process is now well understood. This book gives a basic introduction to some of the methods needed to manipulate these fields, to not only set up remote viewing, but to promote health and extended life span. MODERN LIVING DRIVES PEOPLE MAD AND SICK A World Health Organisation report states that by 2020, one quarter of the world's population will be insane. Our modern living is literally stressing our minds and bodies to destruction. All the people the author knows, complain of stress. Fortunately the author does not suffer from natural stress-overload. This is not the result of being a special person, but that rather to practise remote viewing, the author had to learn how to lower his stress levels so that paranormal abilities could become manifest. 141 REMOTE VIEWING Remote viewing is almost unknown in humans. This is because stress related phenomena, switch off the Psi-genes. Stress therefore interferes with the mechanism of remote viewing, it also interferes with our immune response and a host of other biological processes. New research, revealed in New Scientist, shows that stressed humans are at least a thousand times more susceptible to poisons, than non-stressed individuals. Gulf War Syndrome was exacerbated by the high stress levels ofthe soldiers, which allowed the organophosphorous insecticides and nerve gas antidote injections given to the troops, to pass through the body-brain barrier, with catastrophic neurological damage ensuing. It is therefore vital that the high levels of stress and anxiety found in the normal person, be lowered to avoid supersensitization to the modern chemicals we are surrounded by, which causes the wide variety of allergies, enhanced cancer rates and may even be related to ME. The process of activating remote viewing abilities reduces the high levels of neurohormones and the blizzard of electrical overstimulation ofthe nervous system, which blinds us to remote viewing; more importantly it makes us many times more resistant to the chemical toxins which we are exposed to. MAKING OURSELVES HEALTHIER It seems that to begin to be healthy, we must find a way to be relaxed throughout the day. Once this achieved, our body becomes highly resistant to not only chemical toxins, but electromagnetic pollution and ionising radiation. Remote viewing also becomes possible. So it seems that learning Russian-like, remote viewing protocols, have so many positive side effects, even people not interested in psychic spying can benefit. Ways of activating remote viewing abilities address ways of making the subject deeply relaxed. These methods in a modified form may be useful in self-healing and absent healing; methods of positive remote influencing of people to make them well. Many thousands of years ago, meditation was created to lower our basal stress level. This was done 142 REMOTE VIEWING because, by a method of trial and error, our predecessors discovered that stress interferes with all parapsychological activity. By this same method of trial and error, our ancestors learnt how to inculcate states of consciousness that were conducive to paranormal activity. In modern times, these ancient systems of meditation are still being used, for we have lacked modern techniques to bring about the same states. This begs the question, are there more efficient ways of developing relaxed stress resistant individuals.? Experienced remote viewers appear to be in the theta state of consciousness while they are carrying out remote viewing. If we could somehow cause the normal brain rhythms to drop into the theta state this would not only increase remote viewing capabilities, but would allow us the perfect stress management system. ESTABLISHING THE MIND STATE NEEDED FOR RV As mentioned previously, the U.S. military required eighteen months of continuous study and training to develop remote viewing capability in their operatives. This is because the brain took a long time to settle down into a basal theta state, with the primitive parapsychological technology at their disposal. The neural network in the brain is so conditioned by the common consensus, with its anti-Psi brainwashing, that eighteen months are needed to reconfigure the neural network in an appropriate manner for remote viewing. Accelerated learning of remote viewing therefore needs new stress management systems, to counter the epidemic of anxiety and mental illness in the world, which requires a scientific short cut to lowering brain rhythms. The author's research has led him to conclude that there are two main factors which elevate human stress levels. These are the over stimulation of the brain stress system (Fig 14: Schematic of Brain Stress System) and the acquisition of negative memes that degrade human performance. Research into ways of advancing our knowledge of remote viewing must address the stress management systems that are most effective, as well as dealing with the two factors mentioned, 143 REMOTE VIEWING so that the basal stress level of the anxious person is naturally reduced to the alpha or theta level. (Fig 15: The Brain and its Rhythms) By doing this, we will have therefore opened up a new pathway to an accelerated method of learning remote viewing. A welcome by-product of this practice of stress management developed for remote viewing, is a marked improvement in physiological and mental functioning in people using this training. This is because new augmented powers of mind over matter, are only allowed when the brain is in the quiescent state of theta, which is only normally found in deep meditative states, which are also optimal for boosting the immune system and suppressing psychosomatic disease. By switching off the body's habituated electrical storm of anxiety, with the concomitant sea of stress inducing neurochemicals, which induces: cancer, mental problems, heart disease and a whole range of psychosomatic disease, the brain state which comes about from remote viewing, using elevated consciousness in the biophysical field (normally only used for cell development), also boosts life span and makes the practitioner of biophysical augmented healing (be it on the self or sick people) much more resistant to disease. As explained in previous chapters, the biophysical fields can be raised from their latent state, to awareness of their surroundings (Primary Consciousness), where they can detect images distant from the body, onwards to becoming self aware (High-Order Consciousness), where in effect these biophysical fields are conscious and can be thought of as a second energy body. STRESSED-OUT ORGANISATIONS Even when this process has been initiated, large amounts of interference will still be noticed by the remote viewer. This is because our mental processes are locked into negative feedback cycles that severely degrade our ability to function appropriately. These negative (mental programmes) and memes that afflict humanity, are reinforced by the organisations we work within; for these communities of managers and staff endlessly externalise these negative memes in the work place. 144 REMOTE VIEWING Organisations therefore suffer from the human stress disease and all its associated memes, but on a grander scale. They infect us with their anxieties, as the individuals within them are afflicted by stress and pass it on to the company culture. All of which means that the person reading this book and wishing to begin remote viewing, is constantly conditioned at work to be in exactly the stressed-out state which will inhibit remote viewing. Our society is therefore designed not only to block out all demonstrable abilities of Psi- (a resultant of biophysical fields) activity, it also makes us perform poorly at work, ages us at an accelerated rate and makes us susceptible to psychosomatic disease. In fact 90% of all Western diseases are psychosomatically induced. Cancer is the most notorious disease caused by this effect. To back up this devastating effect of modern mans' milieu of anxiety and stress, is an accelerated rate of scientific and technical advancement that is leaving the person feeling inadequate and 'shell-shocked'. One result of this, is that more Americans die of cancer now, than they did in the seventies. This despite a concerted multi-billion dollar campaign by the U.S. government to cure cancer. We are now falling victim to cancers at an accelerated rate. Mortality from cancer is also up. Our modern milieu is a stress inducing, anxiety ridden world, where all of us are continually being forced beyond our physical and psychological limits. No wonder the ability to self-heal the body of major diseases is almost unknown in the general population. The high basal stress levels of Western man release a torrent of neurohormonal and electrical stimuli, that not only appears to switch off this natural self healing process, but this over stimulation switches on the oncagenes that cause cancer. This means that spontaneous remission, or cures of life threatening conditions, due to subconscious paranormal phenomena, or psychic healing, are rare in the general population and lack the repeatability needed for scientific verification. 145 REMOTE VIEWING STRESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS It is now clear why the author had to develop powerful techniques and methodology to inculcate lowered basal stress levels for remote viewing. The most powerful stress reduction systems are therefore needed to open the gateway to the biophysical fields needed for remote viewing, which can not only keep the body healthy, but can miraculously cure cancerous tissue by switching off the oncagenes (cancer genes) in the cells that are causing the tumour. This technology also leads to age reduction therapies . State-of-the-art stress reduction system developed to reduce the antagonistic stressors that make us frantic and diseased, can lead to biophysical developments that can release Psi-activity such as remote viewing, switch off the oncagenes and related genes that cause cancer and other genetic ailments. It also became apparent, that these techniques would be applicable to organisations and their managers and staff, who were driven into high states of anxiety by their jobs. A self-help stress reduction system not only enhances health and slows down ageing, it also enables marked increases in human performance which can boost profitability for Psi-able investors in the money markets.. MEMES - MENTAL VIRUSES Further to this, the author found it was necessary to optimise the memes (mental viruses) people had acquired and which made them ill. It was found a considerable number of the memes we had acquired throughout our lives degraded health, and mental and physical capacity and capability. Memes are acquired mental software which mould our neural networks in unique ways. Speaking a language, driving a car, table manners, these are all memes we learn which make us human. For healthy activity, a listing of all the negative memes is needed, so they can be eradicated, freeing up the biophysical energy needed to cure the body, keep it in shape and resist the ageing process. 146 REMOTE VIEWING Memes are highly contagious and resist being eradicated once they are in the person's consciousness. An example being giving up smoking - once it has become a habit it is hard work to stop. So these negative memes will resurface unless they are replaced by positive memes. A set of simple positive memes which enhance healthy usage of latent biophysical fields are given in the next chapter on memes. A knock on effect of utilising these positive memes, was that they enhanced human potential, enabling the person using them to better usage of their positive remote influencing abilities called Paranormal-psycho-neural-immunology (PPNI) and other latent abilities. These positive memes also reduced the basal level of the stress neurohormones and their associated electrical activity. This resulted in a technology that enabled the remote viewing operator to not only psychically spy, but to also control their reaction to stress, such that they could thrive in an environment that would make normal people physical and mental wrecks. RV PROTOCOLS TO BEGIN BASIC ERV Find a quiet room and relax in a comfortable chair. Begin by using the relaxation protocols which were listed earlier in this chapter. Once you are in a deeply relaxed state which occurs after you have run through the entire basic relaxation protocol, you can begin the set-up procedure for simple Russian-like ERV. The reader might like to tape the relaxation programme and further parts of this simple ERV protocols, so the reader can listen to the instructions with eyes closed. In your mind's eye visualise yourself repeating the following remote viewing memes. 147 REMOTE VIEWING THE AXIOMATIC MEMES OF RV THE GOAL IS TO MANIFEST THE TRUE POTENTIAL WITHIN YOURSELF. To accomplish this we need:- 1.1. The person's perception of her/himself is incomplete due to filtering
by the brain and imprinting by our environment of negative memes.
which compete with and warp proper perception. A REMOTE VIEWER SEES ONLY THE TOTAL REALITY OF HER/HIMSELF. It is a sad fact that we carry a number of memes (mental viruses) that specifically cut off all paranormal functioning. 1.2. Our perception effects reality and vice versa. A REMOTE VIEWER LIVES IN TOTAL REALITY: this being a state of perfect perception where reality is not compromised by negative memes and preconceptions about how you think you are. These negative memes reconfigure the neural networks in our brain to block out all paranormal phenomena. 1.3. Group consciousness defines group reality. A REMOTE VIEWER MUST STEP OUTSIDE OF GROUP PERCEPTION AND HENCE GROUP REALITY. Memes not only warp the neural networks, but reprogram the latent biophysical fields so that they are crippled. How we achieve this goal is what this book is all about. The author wishes to show you that the magic key to success is knowledge of biophysics. Once you can perceive unfiltered reality, with no preconceptions about what you can and cannot do, then you are able to leave the common consensus. Having stepped outside the flow of group consciousness, you can begin to appreciate hidden potentials. Remote viewing is then 148 REMOTE VIEWING available to the individual. To know the TRUE YOU and how you can use all your Psi-abilities, is the goal of remote viewing technology. 2. As an introductory exercise, you should relax. In your mind's eye, imagine your awareness fixated on your brain. Visualise the three different areas of the brain: cortex, limbic system, and 'reptilian' -brain stem areas, as three concentric circles, with the reptilian brain in the middle, joined to your spinal cord (see Fig 16: Brain Centres for RV). Visualise your biophysical field becoming stronger and 'soaking' into the brain, linking with the brain cells. This process primes the biophysical fields to interact with your brain on a higher level than morphogenic fields. Imagine a ghost-like biophysical field being sucked into your brain. The three concentric circles of your idealised brain becoming suffused with the energy of your biophysical field. You are putting the ghost in the machine. Visualise an energy field which overlays your body, the biophysical field that is contiguous with your physical being, becoming imprinted with these three axiomatic memes of remote viewing. In effect you are now programming the ghost in the machine. Intend this biophysical field commanding your brain centres to become compliant with these three axiomatic memes. Preparing your brain for remote viewing activity. You are programming the 'machine' for remote viewing. This technique of programming the biophysical field (ghost), is very important in that it is used to programme the specific brain (machine) centres for remote viewing, as described in later chapters. Biophysical fields carry information and they can be programmed just like a computer. A quantum computer that has to be programmed to command it to begin remote viewing. 149 REMOTE VIEWING 3. MECHANISM OF RV:- Once you have mastered the above exercises, it is time to send your biophysical awareness to a place you find of interest. Visualise yourself from this relaxed state, sending your biophysical body to the target of interest. This should be a target you know, as we are just training the biophysical body to follow your commands and get used to remote viewing. A good mental image is that of the energy body in the film Ghost, where Patrick Swayze is killed and finds himself in his biophysical field form. A ghost that can travel anywhere you wish and see what is occurring there. The first step in processing the information the biophysical field sends back to your brain, is to list the perceptual cues we get when we try and remotely view a site of interest, e.g. SENSE PERCEPTION TACTILE * wet sandy SOUNDS * roaring noise sound of wind VISUAL * sunny * blue sea Remember to list the non-visual data first as visual information dominates the attention once you fix your awareness upon it. Thus we can list the attributes of our remotely perceived site, so we can build a picture in our mind's eye of what it is. In the above case, the target was a sandy beach at Bournemouth, with a south easterly wind in the 150 REMOTE VIEWING summertime. You can use the monitored remote viewing protocols to help build up your perceptual cues, if you have a person available to guide you through basic ERV as a monitor. In the next exercise, imagine a place you know well. Keep repeating this distant visualisation of actual places. This exercise trains your biophysical awareness to become aware of distant locations. It also raises the biophysical awareness from its latent morphogenetic state to self awareness. In plain language, you are training your biophysical fields into becoming aware of the outside world. Visualise yourself walking around this place studying the details with your biophysical awareness. In this exercise, we start training our biophysical awareness to visualise distant locations which we know rather well - such as the office. We keep a log of our remote viewing, and begin to check on our remote viewing, asking people to put anomalous objects in the office, or home, so we can train our biophysical awareness to seek them out. By this means the student gets a gentle introduction to psychic viewing of a place which they have a well defined knowledge. In the next exercise, we look for people in their own homes. Once we have finished the exercise, we can ring them up to see whether we were correct. In carrying out this technique, the remote viewer looks for glowing shapes, which is the energy field given off by the person. Relax, send you biophysical awareness to that person's house and hunt through their rooms until you feel or see their presence. Once you find them, you can check by phone. You can also look for the person as an energy field. In this remote viewing practise you look for a blob of light in their house, rather than the physical image of that person. Compare which is the most efficient way of locating someone. This is a preliminary exercise which develops the bifunctional viewing capacity of our remote viewing biophysical fields. This means that our remote viewing perception can look at 151 REMOTE VIEWING things as physical objects, or can look at their energy field (biophysical or psychotronic aspects). In the realm of remote viewing, perception is a duality analogous to the particle-wave-duality, found in quantum mechanics. In chapters 2 and 3 we explored this concept in detail. A person has a physical and energy field to a remote viewer. Which one we look at depends on our psychic intent. 7. ATTENTION: - You will have found in these preliminary exercise, that accuracy can be a problem. To recap, Ingo Swann, the famous remote viewer, employed by the U.S. government, has stated that in untrained people, an accuracy of 15% is normal. In your remote viewing, if you improved on this accuracy, it shows you have a greater than normal complement of Psi-genes, or are undergoing remote viewing training. To improve accuracy we must address the problem of stress that interferes with the Psi-genes and the biophysical awareness of remote viewing. Stress causes chaotic attention, it destroys the remote viewing potential, as well as negating mental efficiency and increasing the entropy of the biophysical system. So important is the subject of stress control, that there is a whole section dedicated to the subject of the brain stress system and entrainement of theta brain rhythms. Body and mind are linked, chaos and separation in this interface causes disease and blocks all remote viewing. The first step is to optimise ones personal self image and to change ones reaction to environmental stimuli, to cut out chaos (entropic decay). 7.1. In this exercise, you relax, and visualise yourself in as accurate a fashion as you can imagine. In your mind's eye, begin to list your characteristics and emotional reactions to situations. 152 REMOTE VIEWING POSITIVE NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS Hard working * Stressed Reliable * Easily angered Modest * Over ambitious - bite off more than you can chew The above list is an imaginary person thinking about themselves in their mind's eye. This exercise is important because it makes you aware of yourself and begins to awaken your biophysical fields from morphogenic functioning to awareness of distant locations. In this process, these fields become aware of you. It is also vital that we become aware of the mental programmes in our heads, so you get used to cleansing your being of the numerous negative characteristics (memes or mental viruses) that make a human so limited in his/her capabilities - that we cannot even remotely view like our hunter-gatherer ancestors did - that we become aware of these memes so they can be optimised for remote viewing. 8. In this exercise, begin to reprogram yourself (with new memes, mental viruses and software) by intending what you wish to be and what you do not wish to be. A later chapter on memes will explore this in great detail. 153 REMOTE VIEWING WHAT I WISH TO BE WHAT I DO NOT WISH TO BE A remote viewer * Psychically blind Empathic * Unaware of what people are really feeling Intuitive * Not being able to read people The above list is an example of what a normal person my programme themselves with. 9. In the next exercise, begin to visualise in your mind's eye, that you have the ability to be aware using your biophysical fields. Visualise you ghost-like remote viewing field leaving your body and travelling to locations of your choosing. That you can project them outside your body. Visualise your ghostlike remote viewing field leaving your body and examining the room you are in from its point of view. That your biophysical fields will become aware of events at distant locations. Visualise your ghost-like remote viewing field leaving your body, going to a place of your choosing, then psychically viewing what is going on at that distant location. In later chapters we will see how these latent biophysical fields can be amplified to amplified awareness of distant locations, then how they can become self-aware ( Primary, then High-Order Consciousness respectively). 154 REMOTE VIEWING 10. In the next protocol, you should purchase - or go to the music
library and borrow - tapes or CDs, which have collections of
baroque music. This music was composed to a very rhythmic
beat, that entrains the brain automatically into the alpha state. The
Eastern Block parapsychological researchers into remote viewing
and Superlearning (as described in the book Superlearning, by Lyn
Schroeder, and Sheila Ostrander, which contains a list of suitable
baroque music) discovered that this slow repetitive rhythmic
music naturally brought the listener into the alpha state. In this
alpha state the brain functioned much more efficiently, the so
called Superlearning. By this method languages could be learnt in
six weeks. 10.1. Once you have these baroque music collections, play the music while you repeat protocols 1-10. Note how the efficiency of your remote viewing improves and it is easier to contact the biophysical fields. Baroque music entrainment develops neural networks which are alpha functioning and by a process of positive feedback, leads the remote viewing operator's brain to be hardwired in a way conducive to psychic viewing. It is as if the music moulds the brain to function in alpha. Enabling remote viewing to take place. RVRULE1: At this juncture, the author can now explain the first rule of remote viewing: the lower the brain waves which are present in the brain, the more efficient the functioning of the biophysical fields. This is because the lower the brain frequencies, the more biophysical energy that is available for remote viewing. 11. For a final exercise for this first set of simple ERV protocols; with
the baroque music being played in the background, entrainment of
an alpha state will ensue. This will facilitate your remote viewing
of any site of interest. By this methodology, we can begin to raise
the efficiency of remote viewing from the 15% average predicted
for untrained operators - as mentioned by Ingo Swann. 155 REMOTE VIEWING 11.1. Pick a place for remote viewing that interests you, and begin to look for anything that catches the attention of your biophysical awareness. By remote viewing places that interest you, your attention is kept at a high level which boosts your remote viewing efficiency. Keep a log of your remote viewing and see how it progresses as you learn more and more techniques to boost your remote viewing. Use the protocols in this chapter as a simple formula to follow when carrying out simple ERV. 12. For practise in simple ERV, first use remote viewing to find a person in their house, then phone them up to see how effective you were. Next, ask a friend to hide an object in their home and use remote viewing to find it. From there use remote viewing to travel to a distant location and look for details you can check up on when you drive to that site. Finally, remotely view strange phenomena, sites, or other such creatures, which interest you. In later chapters you will be shown how group remote viewing can be used to augment simple remote viewing and can be used to amplify basic remote viewing. There is also a chapter on how to use boost your biophysical field for advanced extended remote viewing. ADVANCED ERV To carry out advanced ERV, as practised by Russian military remote viewers, it is necessary to be in the theta state. Developing this deep level of relaxation takes special techniques. Both U.S. and Russian extended remote viewers use biofeedback and EEG monitoring to achieve this theta state. This state being the doorway to Psi. The author as the leading non-military expert on Psi in Europe, has developed a specialised technique to enable the remote viewer to enter the theta state without electronic biofeedback. 156 REMOTE VIEWING THE BRAIN STRESS SYSTEM Let us first look at the stress related processes going on within people that make alpha and theta relaxed states so difficult to achieve. (Fig 17: The Brain Stress System). Within the brain, old and new structures are incorporated into a mechanism by which the organism can respond to stress. Brain structure is linked to old reptilian structures in the brain stem. It is from these ancient neurological systems, that underpin our higher brain structure, that other more advanced areas have developed. The reptilian brain stem structures have evolved in such a way that they are now enclosed by the limbic system and surrounding this, the cortex. These three major brain structures are connected intimately to each other. Their interaction controls our state of stress. This system is activated by any stimulus that is seen to be threatening. New memes like learning a new job, have a similar effect on our brain stress system. There is an instinctive fear of change and the world milieu of uncertain futures (job insecurity), as they upset the ordered world view that we all cling to and which keeps us contented - for a time. How does this stress mediated physiological degradation of our physical, mental and biophysical, abilities occur? It begins with an ancient brain structure, the locus ceruleus, which is part of the brain stem, the so called reptilian brain. Ritualistic behaviour, adherence to the status quo, a rigid pecking order, submission by inferiors and dominance over them, are some of the chief factors that keep the reptilian brain from activating our brain stress system (the neural mechanism that keeps us in a state of stress); belief in ones leaders, the shared idea of the material world being the only reality and its ineffaceable nature, can also be included. The net effect of the above factors is to reduce over stimulation of the brain stress system (Fig 18: Anatomy of Brain Stress System). In our modern world, our milieu's uncertain nature undermines all the above factors, this reduces the amount of stimulation needed to activate 157 REMOTE VIEWING the locus ceruleus. Since this structure is intimately related with 'detonation' of the brain stress system, modern man is in a perpetual state of stress (Fig 19: What Detonates the Brain Stress System). One can now see the importance of enlarging the world view to include parapsychological phenomena as extensions of science, as this raises the threshold of the onset of stress within the person so effected. New phenomena when explained in a clear way, with the image of how they can better our lives, decreases stress levels by firing our imagination. Remote viewing and PPNI are such ideas. The notion that latent biophysical fields can be raised to consciousness and be used to interact with a distant location for psychic spying, to heal the body and retard or even reverse ageing, is an exciting idea to many, if not all of us. A scientific basis to the mind over matter self-healing we all know occurs, but which up till now has been unexplainable, is now a reality. An explanation of remote viewing is needed, not so people can understand the intricacies of the mechanisms involved, but so that their world view is not shattered (with the concomitant elevation of basal stress rates that shut down paranormal activity). Effective remote viewing must therefore augment the world view by extending the common consensus of what is possible, to include the Psi-viewing mediated by biophysical fields. DETONATORS OF THE BRAIN STRESS SYSTEM Science is the best tool for that purpose, as we can then include remote viewing phenomena as a branch of biophysics which we are now just beginning to understand. Conversely, to develop remote viewing, we must avoid things which activate the locus ceruleus. These stressors are:- 158 REMOTE VIEWING i) Poorly defined language and ideas, upon which the pupil finds it impossible to impose order, such that these new phenomena cannot be assimilated into their own mental concept of reality. A prime example of this is the subjective descriptions and the occult language that psychics use to describe paranormal phenomena. This non-scientific description of reality may or may not be based on fact, but scientists find it impossible to decode it, such that it is applicable to conventional science. This leads to scepticism. ii) Phenomena that the pupil sees conflict with common sense. An example of this might be the idea that witches fly on broomsticks - which we know have all the aerodynamic properties of a brick. iii) New ways of thinking that lower the persons' self-image of themselves by making her/him feel like an idiot. Many so called 'new age' techniques try to lower the self esteem of participants, so they can be brainwashed into accepting the tenets of the cult. These cults are therefore good means of shutting down remote viewing and Psi-phenomena in their followers; remote viewing and Psi would allow them to think for themselves and see through the mendacity and obfuscation of cult doctrine. 159 REMOTE VIEWING iv) The practice of remote viewing and Psi must be seen to enhance the self importance of the pupil by showing them that they have the potential to be superhuman. Self-importance is a technique which directly addresses the reptilian part of the brain. Dominance and pecking order are an integral part of the reptilian brain's programming. Anything which elevates the self importance of the person will reduce the brain stress system's anxiety and will therefore make the person feel good. If you stimulate people's self importance, by showing them they can experience all areas of remote viewing and Psi, this will cause a positive reaction in the person. Every time they remember remote viewing or Psi, they will relive this pleasing physical and mental state that was inculcated in them. This means there will be positive feedback when remote viewing is practised, which makes people willing and able to implement the things they learnt about in their remote viewing. v) Developing the goal to become a master of ones own mind and body and to develop remote viewing, reprograms the reptilian brain so that is becomes fixated on the goal of remote viewing; in this state the remote viewer ignores stressors that would normally put the person into a high state of anxiety. A good example of this goal fixation of the reptilian brain, being a crocodile which will attack you if you throw sticks and stones at it, or run away. If you tether a goat in front of a hungry crocodile, it will ignore harassment and attack the goat. vi) Naturally, these remote viewing memes can be passed through organisations by fellow workers copying assured and optimal behaviour, demonstrated by the remote viewing operator in the work place. This behaviour being designed to raise their self-importance. SELF IMPORTANCE These simple principles are as follows:- 160 REMOTE VIEWING Give deference to your superiors, make them feel they are higher up the pecking order, without being sycophantic. Treat your staff as equals, but at the same time let them know the final say is yours. Have regular meetings where at your insistence, your juniors can give valid feedback on the pros and cons of your ideas and where they are asked to help optimise your stratagems. This allows you to get realistic feedback, without your juniors feeling they would insult you if they told you the truth. You save face and gain respect because you are admitting your ideas are not perfect and are man/woman enough to ask their advice. Secondly, you are massaging their self-importance, as you are bringing them into management decisions. Thirdly once you have agreed upon a course of action it is more likely to be implemented as every one has been included. Inculcate this behaviour down the chain of command. Make it department and company policy to have feedback sessions from the highest to the lowest members of the organisation, as this builds team spirit. This is all standard management science, which many of the readers will be well aware of. The new idea in this, is that to develop remote viewing and PPNI skills, the work place must be used as a means to habitually inculcate new memes that lower the basal level of the brain stress system and therefore boost paranormal remote viewing and other Psi-abilities. We spend most of our productive time at work, so it is necessary to use the work place to habituate oneself to the remote viewing way of thinking, in the process one gets better at the job and leaves work feeling less tired. This biophysical energy can then be used to keep the body healthy and fight disease. Carrying out the above actions also means people will be more likely to follow ones ideas and carry out ones wishes. This cuts down on mental stress and leads to 161 REMOTE VIEWING better mental health. The end result of this is a capable remote viewer who excels at work, comes home full of energy, which he or she can then use for remote viewing. Continuing our discussion of the brain stress system, the locus ceruleus sends signals, chemical and neuroelectric, to the hypothalamus which is part of the limbic system. Emotional drives and urges are centred in the limbic system (this is the prime decision making area of the brain, so if you have problems here, your decision making goes to pot), as is the area of the brain called, the hippocampus, which controls memory, it is also intimately related with data retrieval and storage, and the thalamus which is posited as the organ of attention. Stress therefore destroys our ability to remember and concentrate on complex subjects - as all exam takers can testify. Anxiety and the level of activity of the Brain Stress System, therefore have an immense effect on the way remote viewing and associated material are attended to, and acted upon, then remembered and retrieved when needed. Anything which ameliorates the high levels of chemical and electrical over stimulation found in anxious people, will have profound effects on remote viewing, mentation and related data acquisition and retrieval in the person. It will also boost intelligence and memory in the remote viewer. In the next section, we deal with some of the fundamental principles of remote viewing that not only switch off stressed beta states, but turn on the theta and the positive healing states. PROTOCOLS FOR AMPLIFICATION OF ERV AND OTHER PARANORMAL ABILITIES. (See Fig 20: Schematic for Relaxing the Brain Stress System) 1. Relax by using the relaxation protocols mentioned earlier in this chapter. 162 REMOTE VIEWING Now visualise your attention focused on the thalamus part of the brain (refer to brain stress system diagram), which is in the limbic system. This part of the brain controls attention. The limbic system as a whole is in control of emotions, data processing, memory and decision making. Concentrate your attention in the thalamus, visualise yourself in this brain centre. The person that is you, standing in your mind's eye, in your thalamus. Visualise yourself in the thalamus picking up a laser beam gun which is the mental representation of your will activating the thalamus, which allows you to unleash this mental laser fired from your thalamus. 5. Visualise this mental laser being so powerful it ignites your thalamus, which bursts into a flashing ball of light and gives off a mental laser that illumines your entire brain in an explosion of light. This mental laser light is called Directed Attention and is epicentred in this brain area. Control your Directed Attention and focus this beam of mental laser light on your reptilian brain, directed at the locus ceruleus. Command the locus ceruleus to shut down detonating the brain stress system. So powerful is your mental laser, that its light can reprogram your brain centres, Reprogram the locus ceruleus to be totally goal fixated on remote viewing and to ignore all stressors unless they are actually life threatening by willing these thoughts down the mental laser beam at your reptilian brain.. Next, focus the mental laser of your Directed Attention on your limbic system. Zoom in on the hypothalamus, which you now command to lower its neurochemical and electrical stimulation of your brain stress system, so that you reach the theta state of consciousness. 163 REMOTE VIEWING 9. Reprogram the hypothalamus to ignore all stressors unless they are
actually life threatening. An example of how to programme these
non-language areas of the brain, is to visualise your state of stress as
a big bladder of air, which slowly deflates as you relax. 10. Next, let your Directed Attention mental laser beam travel to your pituitary gland and command this gland to shut down the stress-hormones that keep your brain and body in a heightened state of anxiety all through the day. Visualise yourself turning a tap, to close the flow of stress inducing chemicals. 11. Return to the pituitary gland again and follow the hormonal
pathways to the adrenal glands atop the kidneys. Fire your mental
laser at these glands and command your adrenal glands to shut
down the fight-or-flight hormonal response system and to boost
the feedback to shut down the brain stress system. Command
the whole hormonal system to shut down the brain stress system
response, the more your limbic system is flooded with positive
responses, by use of remote viewing, RI and RS. By this means a
very powerful feedback system is set up that lowers your bodies
stress levels every time you use remote viewing. The above protocols are the most advanced form of stress management on the planet, short of psychotronic means used by the Russians. Using the above set of protocols will have some dramatic side-effects on you body, mind and biophysical fields. The author has found that the energy that thoughts use in the brain and in the biophysical fields, is proportional to frequency. In the beta state the frequency can be around 28 HZ when anxious. In the theta state the frequency can be around 7 Hz (See Fig 21: Brain Rhythms). This means that by operating in theta, the person can think using one quarter of the energy that is used in the beta state. By having such an energy efficient mode of thinking, the person in theta has enough energy to think four times better. This can be four times faster, or four times more in content. Increasing intelligence and intuition enable this advanced 164 REMOTE VIEWING extended remote viewer to prosper in the business world. Psi can be used by the investor to increase the profits made on the money markets by using remote viewing to psychically see what is going to occur in the future of the market. The financial implications of remote viewing have yet to be fully tapped.. By using only one quarter of the energy you would use in the beta state of consciousness,, enables the Psi-operator to extend the time he can think and work by a factor of four. Increased stamina and endurance in mental and physical work means the Psi-trained person can outthink and outlast her/his competitor. This augmented intelligence and stamina can also be put to use for remote viewing. This new human Psi-activity requires energy for visualising the information coming from the biophysical fields. What is more, energy is required to open a link to the biophysical fields. This activation energy is quite high and needs to be overcome to allow the biophysical field to merge with the Earth's fields at the Schumann resonance frequency, upon which, it is freed from the PDF and remote viewing and then bilocation can take place. Rather like lighting a match to ignite a fire, the biophysical field needs energy to be released from the physical body, to resist the PDF and to merge with the Earth's field for bilocation. ERV The last step in ERV after inculcating the theta state, is to visualise the perceptual cues we get when we try and remotely view a site of interest, e.g. SENSE.. ..*.PERCEPTION TACTILE * hard * metallic. SOUNDS * rattle of cables * sound of wind 165 REMOTE VIEWING VISUAL * iron tower * columns of iron. Remember to zoom in with your remote viewing on the non-visual data first, as visual information dominates the attention once you fix your awareness upon it. Thus we can build a mental image of the attributes of our remotely perceived site, so we can build a complete picture in our minds eye of what it is. In the above case the target was the Eiffel Tower. You can use the monitored remote viewing protocols to build up your perceptual cues if you have a person available to guide you through advanced ERV Once you are in the theta state, you can repeat the simple ERV protocols and exercises, but now from this heightened state of consciousness. You will find that your remote viewing dramatically improves once you are in theta. It will take at least a month of practise before you can shorten the relaxation protocols to enter theta. As the months go by, the theta state will become more and more of a habitual state with the concomitant increase in Psi-ability, mental functioning and physical health. CHECKLIST OF PROTOCOLS TO BEGIN EXTENDED REMOTE VIEWING The theta state of mind is the first step in setting up extended remote viewing. Knowledge of the brain stress system mechanisms involved in lowering the frequency of brain rhythms is the vital second step. After which, developing focused thought processes, called Directed Attention, must ensue. 166 REMOTE VIEWING 4. This Directed Attention can be used to focus on the immune system to cure or ameliorate cancer; a method developed by Dr Carl Simonton, an American MD (a whole area of study I have named Paranormal Psycho-Neuro-Immunology). In extended remote viewing it is used to reprogram the brain stress system to drop brain frequency from the beta state into the theta state. 5. Awareness can also be projected out off the body, this being the basis of remote viewing. The theta state is the doorway to the biophysical realm. When in theta the biophysical field resonates with the Earth's Schumann Resonance. In this state the negative effect of the PDF is suppressed by the Earth's larger biophysical field. This enables the biophysical body to leave the body and begin extended remote viewing. When your consciousness awakes in the biophysical body, bilocation, the awareness of really being at the target begins. This is an analogous state to lucid dreaming. Check listing the sensory input one gets from remote viewing map co-ordinates can give useful information upon which to begin remote viewing. Directed Attention fixated on the biophysical field, which is sent to places you know, gives rise to remote viewing awareness. Repeated use of this awareness develops the remote viewing phenomena. Sending your biophysical awareness to remotely view places of interest is the next step. The more this technique is practised, the stronger ones remote viewing attention becomes. A useful development of which, is remotely viewing people you know or find of interest. This leads to remote sensing. 10. In advanced remote viewing as practised by the Russians, Directed Attention can then grow to the point where one can remotely view documents of interest and even access computer data by remote viewing. 167 REMOTE VIEWING SUPER ADVANCED ERV PROTOCOLS (only for the serious student) CONSCIOUS DECISION MAKING IN THE BRAIN The limbic system is thought to control volition in humans. We make decisions on the basis of emotional processing in the limbic system, then we rationalise how we came to make that decision using the cortex (the outer grey matter of the brain). Limbic brain centre processing controls human behaviour. Reprogramming this area is vital to all aspects of Psi-performance. PROTOCOLS FOR REPROGRAMMING THE LIMBIC BRAIN CENTRES FOR RV Focus your mental laser light of Directed Attention, which is fired from your thalamus brain centre on the rest of the limbic system and command the limbic system to ignore all stressors that are not life threatening. Visualise your will flowing down the mental laser beam reprogramming every brain centre it touches. The goal of this exercise is being able to inculcate a theta state in your waking state, so that the Psi-operator can resonate in sympathy with the Schumann frequency of the Earth's biophysical field. In this way the Psi-operator can display paranormal abilities, even when facing the withering blast of humanity's PDF. By constantly operating in the theta state the Psi-operator becomes more and more detached from humanity's PDF and displays larger and larger Psi-latency. Remote viewing being the first of these abilities, followed by remote sensing and then remote influencing... To programmed the limbic system: a) Reprogram the thalamus to boost your attention and produce the mental laser needed for Directed Attention. 168 REMOTE VIEWING Reprogram the hypothalamus to depress your basal brain stress level to theta by focusing your mental laser on this brain centre and willing it to shut down you anxious state. Reprogrammed the amygadala, your brain's pleasure centre, to activate your pleasure receptors every time you carry out remote viewing... So that your limbic system is flooded with positive emotions every time you practise remote viewing. By this means a positive feedback system is set up, by which your limbic system gets an emotional high every time you practise remote viewing. Since the limbic system control volitional decision making in humans. This will mean that you will motivate yourself to carry out more and more remote viewing, the more you practise it. In time you will so stimulate the limbic system, that every time you use your senses, remote viewing will be incorporated into your portfolio of senses. You will have developed a a permanent sixth sense. (See Fig 22: RV Functional Division of the Brain Hemispheres). Finally see the limbic system as a totality and see all its connections with the cortex and hind brain. Concentrate on the temporal lobes which are associated with remote viewing. Programme them to enable remote viewing. Through these connections flood the rest of the brain with positive emotional stimuli via neurochemical transmitters and neuroelectrical signals, to the point that the whole of your brain experiences an orgasmic-like trance condition every time you practise remote viewing... (See Fig 23: Connections to Brain Stress System) e) By this means the brain can be driven into lower levels of delta
that enable you to link into deeper and deeper shells of the Earth's
biophysical fields. In this way you can reach the elevated trance
like state of the Russian remote influencer who has Psi-power at
his or her fingertips or yogic master who has augmented control
over his body and the world around him/herself 169 REMOTE VIEWING 3. Reprogram your temporal cortex to run remote viewing simulations and processing of enormous complexity. Visualise yourself in this brain area and imagine yourself reprogramming this brain centre as if it was a computer to carry out any command you place into it. Open up all areas of your cortex to boost your data processing capacities to the Tesla-level, where you can visualise complete scenarios in your brain, circuit diagrams text... This level is named after Nicola Tesla, the electrical super genius, who could visualise complete circuits in his head, and devices in schematic form, accurate to a hundredth of an inch. He used to sit in an armchair close his eyes and design his electrical devices in his mind's eye. He had a large ball bearing in one hand, beneath which was a metal tray, so if he fell asleep, the ball bearing would fall on to the tray and wake him up with the loud clang. Tesla designed a whole new range of devices, including Tesla coils used for anti-RV devices, death rays now used by the U.S. government for strategic defence against incoming ballistic missiles and allegedly to shoot-down UFOs... When first using this advanced form of ERV, it may be helpful to get a tray positioned beneath your right hand, which holds a ball bearing. The ball bearing which will fall out of your hand if you fall asleep while entraining your brain for theta and ERV. Cortex reprogramming is necessary for ERV capabilities the Russians display, which include reading text and computer data. 170 REMOTE VIEWING Return your Directed Attention mental laser beam to your pituitary gland and command your gland to shut down the brain stress system, every time your cortex runs remote viewing simulations or data processing. Directed Attention is then focused on the limbic system, to command these brain centres to flood your brain with pleasurable emotions every time you use enhanced cortex capabilities. This action produces a positive feedback cycle to make this cortex enhancement permanent. This technique boosts your mind power in a way which is similar to psychotronic methods used by the Russians. Return your Directed Attention mental laser beam to your reptilian brain and command your biophysical remote viewing fields to take control of this brain stress system detonator, so that no matter what stressors you are subjected to, you never lose your link with your biophysical vehicle. So even though you may be under enormous stress levels, you will not display high brain wave activities because your biophysical vehicle has taken command of your brain stress system. 171 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 6: THE CINEMA METHOD The Cinema Method is a specialised method of developing remote viewing ability. In Psi-activities it is essential to stop the internal chatter. This is the internal conversation that we all have going on inside our heads. The specialised technique called the Cinema Method is so important because it is the means by which one can clear ones mind, using remote viewing as the moving pictures on a cinema screen. When watching the cinema screen, we all stop talking to ourselves. This switches off the internal dialogue, the incessant mental conversation that we have inside our heads. Mental silence is the second major initiator of remote viewing, the first being the theta state, the latter being achieved by using the brain stress system stress management protocols described in chapter 4. Why should clearing ones mind help remote viewing? If we imagine a remote viewer projecting his/her awareness at a target site, then the biophysical field transmits information back to the brain of the remote viewer. A remote viewer who is constantly thinking about other things will not be a clear receiver for the remote viewing information. A clear mind will act as a good receiver for remote viewing information where the signal to noise ratio is very good allowing accurate remote viewing. DIRECTED ATTENTION Clearing the mind of internal chatter is achieved by focusing ones attention, a method called Directed Attention. This technique of Directed Attention on remote viewing imagery, mimics the entrainment of watching a cinema or TV screen. By linking in with old habituated TV fixation, a most powerful way of developing remote viewing can be achieved. Directed Attention is the guided use of perception to enable 172 REMOTE VIEWING remote viewing. Once Directed Attention has been set up, it can be used to focus on the information the biophysical body uploads while remotely viewing. For a first exercise, try to stop thinking to yourself for ten seconds. You will find that internal mental silence is extremely difficult to achieve. The reason is, that the memes, the mental viruses, we are infected with from birth, condition us to talk to ourselves. Constantly reviewing our life and experiences by use of non-stop a mental dialogue is the norm in humans. Our parents and elders infect us with this meme. As we will see in the next chapter, memes reconfigure the neural networks in the brain, so the memetic programmes become hardwired into the patterning of synapses and brain cells within our brain. Literally, our brains force us to talk to ourselves in our mental world, blocking out the subtle paranormal signals we may be picking up HARNESSING THE HABIT OF WATCHING TV AND FILMS. As will be seen in the next chapter, this neural network conditioned by memes, interferes with remote viewing and all other Psi-activity. The Cinema method is such an important and powerful technique in that it uses the potent meme of watching television to eradicate the internal chatter meme. Since both memes are very powerful, they cancel each other out, thus enabling the mental silence needed to enable a clear link between the biophysical field and the physical body's brain. This link is opened by using CRV (or SRV), which then becomes a doorway when ERV is practised. Remote viewing is the most powerful initiator of Psi, because it is a visual dominated Psi-activity and engages the 'watching TV and films' meme. Most of us have watched hours of television from a baby. The author did not watch television until he was twelve, so this meme is much weakened, since the neural network in the brain is most labile from the age of birth, to about five years of age. Most younger people have been highly conditioned by television, 173 REMOTE VIEWING so this is the ultimate remote viewing learning technique for them. A technique that allows them to have a mental television in their mind's eye showing remote viewing pictures. When one learns remote viewing, it is difficult to get the mind-set needed for successful remote viewing because we are surrounded by people who deride the concept of Psi. In Russia they have a different mind-set that knows Psi exists, so all that is left, is to see how good one can become at remote viewing. The only caveat, is that this was purely a military activity in the USSR, so it was tightly controlled by the KGB and the GRU. Now Russia is a free market democracy, anything goes. PROTOCOLS OF THE CINEMA METHOD OF RV To begin the Cinema method, one has to construct a mental cinema screen in ones mind's eye. This cinema screen is drawn in a clockwise direction in blue fire by the mental laser of Directed Attention, just prior to sending the biophysical field to the target. The screen is filled in with blue fire, then becomes transparent when it is ready for remote viewing use. This may sound a little complex, but in effect what you are doing, is turning on a mental television in your brain, so that you can use the screen to watch the picture broadcast by your biophysical field which is at the target site, which you are remotely viewing. The mental television screen, of the Cinema Method, shows the pictures broadcast to it by your biophysical field which is transmitting the remote viewing information to your brain. It is the mental laser of Directed Attention which is used to construct the mental cinema screen. As Directed Attention is so important to the Cinema Method, let us look at it in detail. 174 REMOTE VIEWING DIRECTED ATTENTION This is the mental laser of your focused attention, which is used as a Psi-tool to increase the efficiency of remote viewing, the mind, the brain and the body. Directed Attention is defined by a state of awareness where the focus of attention is coherent and concentrated on one spot, rather like a laser. THE PRINCIPLES OF DIRECTED ATTENTION One of the fundamental techniques of remote viewing is Directed Attention. DIRECTED ATTENTION - a focused, relaxed state of mind, centred on one specific function. DIRECTED ATTENTION IS THE PRIME TOOL FOR SWITCHING OFF THE BRAIN STRESS SYSTEM to initiate theta states of consciousness (chapter 4). Bringing the biophysical fields and the brain interface into synchrony ( as well as using stress control for curing psychosomatic disease and extending life span) we use Directed Attention focused on the locus ceruleus (this is a part of the reptilian brain complex in the hindbrain located just above the termination of the spinal chord with the brain). Stress destroys efficiency, clear minds enhance efficiency and more importantly still, remote viewing. To this end, the first and most important use of Directed Attention, is to visualise the locus ceruleus part of the brain being commanded to stop detonating the brain stress system. To recap, a Dr Carl Simonton found he could extend the life span of terminally ill cancer patients by getting them to visualise their immune systems and to imagine the white corpuscles therein, gobbling up cancer cells. Similarly a remote viewing expert can get relaxed at will and enter the theta state while still awake; there are a series of biophysical techniques to augment this described in chapter 4. This theta induction is achieved by using Directed Attention on 175 REMOTE VIEWING the brain stress system, a methodology which supplants biofeedback using a computer, EEG monitoring device and VDU DIRECTED ATTENTION PROTOCOLS As a practical exercise, visualise yourself inside the locus ceruleus using the brain stress diagram as a rough map ( refer to Fig 24: Visualisation Diagram of Brain Stress System). Once you have focused Directed Attention inside your hindbrain, command the locus ceruleus to ignore everything which is not life threatening and has no bearing on your goals. Visualise all your goals as if you had completed them, do this in chronological order starting with your life's goal(s) and finishing with goals you need for the present. Add a caveat, that every time you are in this state, you can upgrade your goals as you learn and experience more. Feel the positive neurochemical state achieved by bringing the reptilian brain into synchrony with the rest of the brain stress system. Command yourself to feel this positive state every time you do something to achieve your goals and or practise remote viewing. As can be seen we are using positive feedback to help you achieve your goals and or use remote viewing, so you won't find them difficult but invigorating. Below are a series of techniques to help facilitate Directed Attention:- a) Diaphragm breathing: breathe in through your nose, this causes your diaphragm to drop, while your stomach rises. Breathe out through your nose, your diaphragm rises, while your stomach drops. This technique increases lung capacity, induces your heart rate to drop, while it stimulates nerve endings in your nose which are connected to the brain. This diaphragm breathing exercise links 176 REMOTE VIEWING your Directed Attention with that of your body, something we have learnt to ignore as we grow older. This bodily awareness is vital for remote sensing. Practise Directed Attention on one specific remote viewing site while listening to baroque music in a relaxed atmosphere. This stimulates alpha rhythms in the brain increasing learning potential and memory. It then connects Directed Attention with this feeling of relaxation, so your body craves the relaxing feel of Directed Attention which has been connected with the relaxed state. By this method of positive feedback, Directed attention is rapidly inculcated. You can also practise concentrating your Directed Attention on your pulse, or you can use a heart monitor to fixate your Directed Attention on your heart beat. By fixating Directed Attention on you pulse, you can will it to lower and learn to lower your heartbeat at will, thus linking Directed Attention up with this relaxed state of being. This exercise inculcates deep alpha states. This exercise is also vital for RS and RI when used to influence heart function in others by telepathic means. Slow pulse or heart beats (originally heard in your mother's in womb) have a profound effect on internal bodily states, automatically lowering brain wave rhythms. Conversely, loud chaotic sounds have a negative destabilising effect on ones mind. 7. Directed Attention is a tool to increase the efficiency of mind, brain and body to optimise remote viewing. It is useful to be in theta when you are out at work so you can access your Psi-powers.. Listed below is the general technique which you can use any time you need to be relaxed but highly alert as in remote viewing:- i) Focus your mind on your body, relax all your muscles from toes to head. This is the simple relaxation protocol given in chapter 4. 177 REMOTE VIEWING ii) Direct Attention focused on memory of positive emotion laden scenes causes a drop in stress levels. The brain is connected to the body by the nervous system. The brain fires nerve impulses which can cause production of neuropeptides, which are released to every part of body from nerve endings in close proximity to cells in all parts of your body, by monocytes. THIS MEANS THE STATE OF MIND YOU ARE IN IS MIRRORED IN EVERY PART OF BODY. Scientific American, in an article entitled: The Mind-Body Interaction in Disease, by Esther M. Sternberg and Philip W. Gold, show how the brain stress system is at the heart of the immune system. The methodology for controlling the brain stress system outlined in chapter 4 is the basis for a whole new approach to controlling the immune system. This is the basis of PPNI, the positive use of this remote influencing technology to boost immune response to new heights where cancer and other pathogens may be destroyed. THE CINEMA METHOD AS A WAY OF TALKING TO YOUR BODY The state of your brain stress system is therefore mirrored in not only your level of stress, but immune response and the state of your body. These monocytes are small corpuscles which transfer these neuropeptides to every cell. Each cell is therefore controlled by the brain. If you can control your brain function by means of Directed Attention, a whole variety of until now autonomic bodily functions can be controlled. Healing, ageing rate, metabolism, heart rate... all can be controlled by using Directed Attention fixated on brain centres. This mechanism explains why hypnotism can control pain, skin disorders and heart rate. A new technology of healing will be entered when remote influencing is used to control bodily functions. Remote influencing, remote sensing and remote viewing all depend on mastery of Directed Attention. Once Directed Attention has been set-up, the Cinema Method enables commands to be visually transferred to all areas of the body, where language is useless. In this way, the Cinema 178 REMOTE VIEWING Method can be seen as a universal translator, to enable your conscious mind to contact and control non-language areas of the brain and body by visual means - the so called auto visualisation techniques. DIRECTED ATTENTION START-UP PROTOCOLS 1. Fixate your Directed Attention on your brain, use the brain stress system diagram as a guide. Concentrate all your Directed Attention on the Thalamus, this being part of the limbic system of your brain which is associated with attention. The thalamus is the organ of attention in the brain. The originator of Directed Attention in the physical body. The brain is simplistically divided into three domains (see diagram of different brain areas). The most primitive area is clustered around the spinal cord and is called the brain stem, or the reptilian hindbrain. Around this is the limbic system. This part of the brain is associated with emotion, memory, and most importantly attention, which is linked with the thalamus. By fixating your Directed Attention on your thalamus, you can reprogram this part of the brain to alter your attention span and the quality thereof. Modern living and TV, have caused a diminution in our attention to the level where in some cases it can only digest twenty second sound bites. To progress in remote viewing, one must be able to fixate ones attention on the target, and improve the quality of ones attention until it reaches the coherent laser-like level of Directed Attention. The technique of Directed Attention enables the student of remote viewing to learn how to raise the biophysical fields from morphogenetic latency to becoming aware of its surroundings (Primary Consciousness), wherein their awareness can leave the body and remotely view distant sites. To do this, the quality of your attention must be raised. By visualising your thalamus brain centre, you can reprogram your brain to elevate your attention to Directed Attention. Analogous to changing a torch beam into a laser beam. 179 REMOTE VIEWING Visualise your mental self inside the thalamus. Get a mental broom out an metaphorically clean out all blockages and data filters in this, the organ of attention. Command the thalamus to let all sensory data through. Go systematically through all six senses (remote viewing/ESP being the sixth) and clean all the data channels. See your attention as a bright star epicentred in your thalamus (the epicentre of attention). Command the epicentre of attention to shine a bright white light of perception into the thalamus, that becomes coherent and focuses down into the mental laser light of Directed Attention. Command this mental laser to illume your entire thalamus and command your attention to focus as Directed attention on the goal of remote viewing. (i) Command your thalamus to give you an unlimited attention span. (ii) To eliminate all negative programmes that limit your attention. (iii) To engage all unused neurones and neuronal networks, so as to boost your attention to Directed Attention. (iv) Then to elevate this Directed Attention to fixate on remote viewing data being received by your biophysical vehicle. 5. (i) Now use this Directed Attention laser to inscribe a cinema screen
in lines of blue fire, drawn in a clockwise direction, in your mind's
eye. This is the cinema screen, upon which you will see the remote
viewing picture relayed to you by your biophysical field located at
the remotely viewed target site. (ii) Once you have drawn the cinema screen, with your mental laser of Directed Attention, fill in the screen with blue fire: see a blue screen of lambent energy which now faces your mental gaze. 180 REMOTE VIEWING 6. You can then visualise your Directed Attention travelling from your thalamus, through the cinema screen, which is the doorway into the biophysical realm. As this occurs, visualise the screen becoming transparent, a perfect medium for the information you will pick up from your biophysical fields. This practise initiates your biophysical consciousness to become aware of the outside world. The mental cinema screen can be thought of as the entrance to the world of Psi, simply by stepping through it, your attention can be transported to anywhere you wish to go. A magic doorway to the great beyond. 7. Next practise your remote viewing from this state of consciousness. Use this 'magic doorway' approach to remote viewing and project your awareness to the places you wish to psychically view. With practise, every time you engage Directed Attention on the cinema screen, your brain and biophysical fields will automatically engage this Cinema Method programme. By positive feedback, the practise of Directed Attention will make you more and more efficient at ERV. Use Directed Attention to inscribe the cinema screen and will your biophysical field to travel to the target to be remotely viewed. Use the mental laser light of Directed Attention as the cursor in the biophysical cyberspace of your paranormal world, to direct your biophysical field to the target. Once at the target site, command your biophysical field to transmit information, via its quantum computer link to your brain, to your cinema screen. Relax into the theta state by means of using the brain stress system relaxation protocols. The more relaxed you get, the better the picture you will get. Once you are in full theta, an image of the target site will appear. 10. This technique can be used to enter into remote viewing bilocation, where you actually feel you are at the target site, as if you were in a lucid dream. 181 REMOTE VIEWING David Morehouse describes bilocation as: "Its folding space, folding time and space. It's like bringing the event to you without ever going to the event, if you tap into it. It's omnipresent while traversing back and forth on the time-space continuum. What does it mean? It means you're everywhere at the same time. So the only way you can be everywhere at the same time is because everywhere is where you are. So folding space is the best analogy I can think of - like an accordion that folds in on itself, where you don't move. I was taught to believe that is was like the pages of a book, of an encyclopaedia. There are planes that are separated, yet they're connected by the spine of the book. The spine of the book corresponds to the unconscious." WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING? The biophysical body can travel in its own quantum reality. By this means it can quantum tunnel through space time. Rather like a cosmic wormhole, as seen in Star Trek, Deep Space Nine. The physical body can be at one end of this quantum reality wormhole, while the biophysical field can be at the target site, at the other end of this quantum reality wormhole. When bilocation occurs, this quantum reality wormhole is created. Quantum reality wormholes need energy. Where does this energy come from? It comes from the quantum vacuum (an endless sea of energy which underlies reality) which is accessed by using the Earth's biophysical field when the ERV adept is in theta. In different brain rhythms different levels of energy are available. I. Beta rhythms: stressed consciousness which is greater than 14 cycles
per second. In this state the person is blocked of from paranormal
reality by the PDF. II. Alpha rhythms: unstressed consciousness, the state you are in while
daydreaming which is 7-14 cycles per second; the most efficient waking
state. Lower levels are doorway to the subconscious. In this state a
window can be opened to the biophysical body but it lacks real energy. 182 REMOTE VIEWING III. Theta rhythms: 4-7 cycles per second; the dreaming state. Induced
by using Directed Attention and the Cinema Method. This is the interface with delta. Theta is the doorway to the unconscious. Theta is amplified by Directed Attention and initiated by brain stress system autovisualisation. In this state the ERV adept can merge his biophysical field with that of the Earth's and block out the negative effect of the PDF. In this state the quantum vacuum can be accessed to supply the energy for quantum reality wormholes for bilocation. IV. Delta rhythms: 4 cycles per second or less. In this state you are dead
to the world in deep dreamless sleep - when untrained. This state is
open to experienced ERV operators, this is the gateway to psychotronic
realms unknown in the West. In this state you can access the quantum
vacuum for telekinesis, remote influencing remote killing, reality
reconstruction... To see how useful Directed Attention can be, let us look at an application of Directed Attention. PROBLEM SOLVING PROTOCOLS:- Gather as much information as possible in your normal consciousness. Feed it into your subconscious via Directed Attention whilst in the alpha state. Forget the problem and come backto itlaterusing DirectedAttention. The solution will come (back) to you in a spark of inspiration, maybe weeks later. 5. Develop the idea while meditating to optimise it. An example is the
discovery of benzene by Kekule. He dreamt of a snake biting its own
tail, in a leap of inspiration, the chemist had a jump of awareness
from chain to ring structure in chemical compounds. Until that time
organic molecules were thought to only form in chains, not rings. 183 REMOTE VIEWING Archimedes came up with the idea to test whether the king's crown was made out of gold while daydreaming in the bath. The ancient Greek king thought his new gold crown had been doctored with silver. So he asked Archimedes to investigate. The Greek philosopher was at a loss to think of a way to determine if the king had been cheated. While in the bath, the idea cam to him and he ran out into the street stark naked shouting "eureka" -1 have found it. The Greek philosopher then had the crown weighed, he got an equal weight of gold. He then placed the crown in a basin of water and measured the high water mark. If the crown was pure gold, the equal weight of crude gold should displace the water to the same extent. When he tried this experiment with pure gold, he found that the water level did not rise as far. This proved the King's crown had been tainted with silver, which was less dense than gold and bulked up the volume of the crown. Since the crown was a larger volume than real gold, it displaced more water than it should have. The king's goldsmith was duly punished. USING DIRECTED ATTENTION DURING A BUSY DAY 'Wasted'time on trains, stations, airports and slack periods in the office, can be used for Directed Attention with eyes held open. As well as active breaks of Directed Attention while on the golf course or squash court visualising your body displaying optimum technique. In Russia, athletes visualised their entire performance in their mind's eye, prior to carrying out their athletic performance in real life. Use Directed Attention in ones mind's eye during the day to recharge ones 'batteries' by breaking negative memes that have slipped into your mind. Do this by using the blue laser light of your mental laser of Directed Attention to destroy these contagious memes you have contracted as a form of mental infection. Eliminate these negative memes that one has become fixated on and which drain ones energy, in the process releasing adaptive energy which one can use to open a window into the biophysical realm to enable remote viewing. This leads to a rule of remote viewing: 184 REMOTE VIEWING RULE 2: WE LEARN TO FIXATE OUR ATTENTION ON THINGS OTHER PEOPLE WANT US TO BE AWARE OF - WE CAN LEARN TO CENTRE OUR ATTENTION ON THINGS OF OUR CHOOSING, IN THE PROCESS SEEING THINGS AS THEY ARE, BECOMING FITTER MORE ENERGETIC AND EFFICIENT IN THE PROCESS. RULE3: A RV ADEPT CHOOSES HIS OWN GOALS WITHIN THE CONSTRAINTS LAID DOWN BY HER/HIMSELF AND PREVAILING WORLD CONDITIONS. PROTOCOL TO LINK RV WITH A POSITIVE EMOTIONAL STATE Focus Directed Attention on your brain. Then on your body, relax all muscles from toes to head using the relaxation protocols. Focus Directed Attention on a memory of a positive emotion laden scene. As mentioned previously, the brain is connected to the body by the nervous system, which causes production of neuropeptides which are transferred to every part of body by monocytes. Your state of mind is therefore mirrored in all parts of the body, especially the immune system. Now practise remote viewing of a place you know. The positive bodily state you induced preceding remote viewing, will now be automatically equated by your brain as being the result of remote viewing. This causes a positive feedback loop to occur which boosts your remote viewing potential. This leads to another law of remote viewing:- RULE 4: ONE CAN USE DIRECTED ATTENTION TO BREAK CHAOTIC HABITS OR MEMES BY FIXATING ON A POSITIVE MEMORY, SYMBOL OR PHRASE. THEN PRACTICE RV, 185 REMOTE VIEWING LINKING THE POSITIVE BODILY REACTION WITH THE PRACTICE OF RV THUS BY USING DIRECTED ATTENTION IN THIS WAY, YOU A NEW MENTAL HABITS OR MEMES THAT IS BASED ON THE PRACTICE OF RV. APPLICATIONS OF DIRECTED ATTENTION TO PROBLEM SOLVING BY USE OF RV PROTOCOLS :- Gather as much information as possible, by use of remote viewing, on the object of interest. Remote viewing data is fed by use of Directed Attention, into your subconscious. This is carried out by using Directed Attention in the theta state. Focus your mental laser of Directed Attention on your Hypothalamus, which is part of the limbic system of the brain. This area of the brain controls short term and long term memory. (Refer Fig 25: Directed Attention to reprogram brain function). Forget the problem and come back to it later, using Directed Attention on remote viewing the problem.. The solution will come (back) to you in a spark of inspiration. Develop the idea while using remote viewing to optimise it. Then focus your Directed Attention on the prefrontal lobes of the brain, where higher cognitive activity takes place, to fully develop the data into a workable mental model. The Prefrontal lobes of the brain are part of the cortex, where ideas are developed and creative sparks brought into the light of the conscious mind. We only use a tiny proportion of our brain power, estimates range from <10% to 0.2% (The lower estimate being that of Albert Einstein). We can use Directed Attention to open up our brain function to higher 186 REMOTE VIEWING operancy. In this way we can not only remotely view, but boost our intelligence to levels previously thought to be unobtainable, the super-genius state. By using Directed Attention and the Cinema Method, any part of the brain or body can be contacted and reprogrammed for remote viewing. Developing this methodology leads to the Psi-operator being able to control all aspects of their brain and bodily functioning. This leads to a whole new field of medicine, where autovisualisation is used to heal the body. RV PROTOCOLS FOR BUSINESS SITUATIONS To stimulate business contacts, interviews, sales strategies. Use Directed Attention to visualise the situation you are about to enter into. Rerun the scene on your cinema screen in your mind's eye until you get to the optimum successful outcome. In your mind's eye play out the event to come until it is successfully completed in your mind's eye. Then travel through time using remote viewing to reach the actual event and analyse what is happening. Use remote influencing to change the situation until it suits your requirements (see remote influencing chapter). This leads to another law of remote viewing technology:- RULE 5: THE ACT OF VISUALISING AND MENTAL SIMULATION (COGNITIVE INTERACTION) OPTIMISES YOUR RESPONSE AND INCREASES THE PROBABILITY OF THE FUTURE GOING AS YOU WISH. THIS LINKS IN WITH THE PRINCIPLE OF TOTAL ORDER [10] (see next chapter on memes), PRINCIPLE OF SYMPATHY OR ACAUSAL SYNCHRONICITY [3] and action at a distance, the PRINCIPLE OF CONNECTEDNESS 187 REMOTE VIEWING [9]. These principles are explained in detail in the next chapter on memes and memetic engineering. RV DURING THE WORKING DAY Have five minute breaks during work time in which you Direct Attention on a harmonious scene or memory. Then travel to the actual scene by using remote viewing. Amplify your remote viewing by using adaptive energy from the environment to boost your remote viewing awareness. Visualise a stream of energy flowing from the countryside into your biophysical fields swelling them in size and power. This leads to another law or remote viewing technology:- RULE 6: FEEDBACK LOOPS OF ATTENTION, MEMES, TAKE UP MORE AND MORE ENERGY THROUGHOUT THE DAY; THESE MEMES ARE DISPLACED FROM OUR ATTENTION BY SLEEP OR BY DIRECTED ATTENTION FOCUSED ON ANEW MEME SUCH AS REMOTE VIEWING (PARTIALLY DONE WHILE RELAXING OR HAVING A GIN AND TONIC). PRACTISING RV IS THE PERFECT WAY TO BREAK THESE NEGATIVE FIXATIONS ON MEMES. THIS FREES UP BIOPHYSICAL ENERGY WHICH CAN BE USED IN RV. RV PROTOCOLS TO DEVELOP PHYSICAL PROWESS AND INTUITION FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE Exercises carried out only as a mental simulation in the mind have a similar effect as real exercise on the body. You can use these five minute mental exercise breaks to improve your golf swing, squash stroke or tennis serve. Use your mental cinema screen to visualise every aspect of the golf swing... Repeat the visualisation until you get it right on your mental cinema screen. 188 REMOTE VIEWING 3. Practise the mental exercise on your cinema screen until the practise or meme becomes habituated in your brain and nervous system. This is a process analogous to downloading a computer programme. This exercise also makes one feel more energetic because it interrupts depleting cycles of attention on negative memes we can so easily slip in to. An example of this mental programming method is the story of an American prisoner of war who had a piano keyboard made from a piece of wood. When released he could play the piano perfectly even though he had never practised on an actual musical instrument in his long incarceration. Remote viewing of a golf course and a subsequent round of golf using ones biophysical fields in ones mind's eye on your mental cinema screen, is a good way to develop ones remote viewing awareness. Since the biophysical field is a quantum computer you can programme it like a computer to enable you to carry out any action. Use the five minute mental exercise break technique to actuate Directed Attention. Use this to activate biophysical remote viewing awareness. Do this by activating your mental cinema screen using Directed Attention. Visualising your biophysical fields as a ghost staring at you through the other side of the cinema screen. Once this has been enabled, let your Directed Attention focus on your biophysical field and command it to leave your physical body. Once detached from your body, let your biophysical field go where it wants. This method allows you to focus on unconscious intents you are not aware of and opportunities you may not have foreseen. By this method your biophysical field can broadcast back to your mental cinema screen images of a scene that will prove important to you, such as people discussing your future. APPLICATIONS OF DIRECTED ATTENTION AND RV Another law of remote viewing technology is:- RULE 7: OUR ATTENTION IS INTIMATELY RELATED TO 189 REMOTE VIEWING ONES SELF IMAGE (THE SUPRAMEME - THE SET OF MEMES THE INDIVIDUAL HOLDS) AND THE MEMES WE HAVE ACQUIRED SINCE BIRTH. THE SUPRAMEME IS BUILT FROM ALL THE MEMES WE HAVE BEEN INFECTED WITH. The way data is processed in our brains can be in a normal linear fashion. An example being two plus two equals four. This is analogous to linear programming in computers. It can also be lateral or holistic, analogous to parallel processing. Lateral thinking made popular by Edward de Bono fits into this category. Examples of this type of thinking are leaps of intuition, Zen poems which bring jumps of understanding and Archimedes-like sparks of inspiration. USING RV TO BOOST YOUR ENERGY AND VITALISE BUSINESS Fix ones Directed Attention on the cinema screen in the mind's eye. Let the biophysical field come into view on the mental cinema screen. Focus your Directed Attention on the centre of the biophysical field and send it to remotely view a country site, such as Stonehenge. 3. Remotely view Stonehenge and empower the biophysical field with
adaptive energy from this sacred site by visualising energy flowing
from Stonehenge into your biophysical field. You can energise your
biophysical field in a similar manner to Russian psychotronic experts
by commanding your biophysical field to absorb energy from power
sources such as the countryside or power spots such as Stonehenge. 4. By remotely viewing different locations, imagine your remote
viewing biophysical field picking up adaptive energy from its
surroundings to 'flesh out' the biophysical body. In this manner you
can energise the biophysical field to make extended remote viewing
more 'real' on your mental cinema screen. 190 REMOTE VIEWING From remote viewing one can begin to change oneself and others by reprogramming the Suprameme (self image), and memes. This remote sensing of your own memes in your mind, frees up biophysical energy and enhances brain function, so the remote viewing operator can make use of her/his biophysical field in a better manner. Editing memes from the brain and biophysical fields frees up energy and enables the quantum computer in the energy body to run more efficiently. This means the mental cinema screen gets a more accurate picture from the biophysical field which is giving the data for the remote viewing imagery. Remote viewing of the person one is going to meet for a business meeting or for a date, and sending her/him adaptive energy creates a positive emotional stimulus which charges your actual meeting with a positive dynamic charge. USING REMOTE INFLUENCING FOR BUSINESS This gives us another law of remote viewing technology:- RULE 8: ONE CAN ALWAYS DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE AS LONG AS YOU CONTACT THEIR TRUE BEING WITH RIGHT INTENT. CONVINCE THAT PERSON THAT THERE IS SOMETHING IN IT FOR THEM. YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS CONNECTED TO THEIRS. SO IF ONE SIMULATES THIS MEETING OF MINDS TO THE POINT WHERE YOU FELT IT HAD BEEN A SUCCESS, THEN THE ACTUAL MEETING WILL BE INFLUENCED TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT IT WILL INVARIABLY GO TO A POSITIVE OUTCOME. PROTOCOLS FOR BUSINESS RI 1. On your mental cinema screen visualise the forthcoming meeting with the person you are going to see. 191 REMOTE VIEWING Send your biophysical field to that person and telepathically talk to them. In your mind's eye speak to that person as if you were having a normal conversation. Rerun the conversation until it goes the way you wish. Use your biophysical field to programme this ideal meeting into that person's biophysical field and their brain. Have the actual meeting and stick to the rehearsed conversation. Remote sensing and influencing of the person makes the probability of the real meeting going to plan much higher, than if you had not telepathically pre-programmed it beforehand. THE SIXTH SENSE DIRECTED ATTENTION AND THE CINEMA METHOD CAN BE EXPANDED TO ENCOMPASS SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. As mentioned previously, this is a brain state where both hemispheres of the brain are working equally and in synchrony. Their is no chaos inherent in ones thinking and everything seems more real PROTOCOLS FOR DEVELOPING A SIXTH SENSE.. Use Directed Attention to create the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye. On this cinema screen broadcast the sensory impressions your biophysical field is getting while it remains over your body. In this way you can practise remote viewing techniques while your biophysical body is over your physical form. In this way you can develop your sixth sense and have 'eyes in the back of your head'. This technique enables you to know when people are staring at you. Rupert Sheldrake has done research into the sixth sense of people knowing when they are being stared at. He has found that over fifty percent of people know when they are being stared at, and register 192 REMOTE VIEWING subliminal signals showing that their subconscious is aware of them being in the field of gaze of someone else. This psychic sixth sense has survival benefits, since our ancestors who were aware of being stared at by wolves or other predators, would have been more likely to survive. A powerful Darwinian selection would have chosen for these Psi-able people and their would have been selection for this Psi-gene in humans. Since males went on hunting parties and were more likely to be the victim of sudden attack by predators, this gene would have been concentrated in the population by the males who survived and passed on this Psi-gene, The males who did not have this sixth sense would have died out and this would have increased the number of Psi-genes in the population. Situational awareness is the scientific name for this expanded field of awareness and is common in male fighter pilots, a legacy of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. THE BRAIN HEMISPHERES NATURE OF HARDWARE -WIRING IN BRAIN: To recap, the left hemisphere deals with linear data-thoughts, it is a linear processor plodding from a to b to c... The right hemisphere deals with lateral, non linear thought processes, carries out parallel processing e.g. a to z to b to y. The human mind's eye is likely to see the future to the left hand side of the picture, on the mental cinema screen Images of the past appear to the right hand side of the mental cinema screen. This is due to the wiring arrangement in the brain. The flow of images is from the left side (future) to the right side (past), on the mental cinema screen, is explained by the right side of the brain controlling the left side of the body and since this part of the brain can handle parallel processing, it runs probabilistic non-linear thought which is used for thinking about the many variabled probabilities we need to visualise to forecast the future. 193 REMOTE VIEWING Whilst the left hemisphere of the brain is a linear processor, (a-b-c-d-e-etc) and hence deals with known variables and data, it therefore runs simulations of past events as well as rerunning past programmes. Since it controls the right side of the body, due to the 'hardwiring' in the brain past images are fixated on the right side of our 'minds eye: mental cinema screen. Left handed people are 'hardwired' in the opposite way. When the left and right hemispheres are working in synchrony, then the person experiences being in the clue - as fighter pilots say, its proper term is being situational awareness: a state of heightened awareness where visual spatial stimuli are directly integrated with intellect, instinct and memory. Protocols for mental biofeedback through visualisation: Visualise mental screen. Bring in the cursor of Directed Attention from left side (fiiture) of the mental cinema screen and move it to the right hand side (past) of the cinema screen. The Directed Attention cursor can be visualised as a point of light such as would be cast by a laser pointer pen used for lectures. Visualise a positive harmonious scene, or past memory when you where truly happy. Try to make the visualisation as real as possible, incorporating as many of the five senses as possible. This equalises left and right hemisphere activity which is a must for high efficiency mental operations such as remote viewing and relaxes while invigorating the body. MENTAL BIOFEEDBACK IS THE SIMPLE AND EASY WAY YOU CAN OPTIMISE BODY AND MIND A few simple protocols are listed below:- 194 REMOTE VIEWING 1 .To balance the hemispheres in brain, visualise left and right parts (hemispheres) of the brain being in harmony. The simple act of visualisation has great effect and balances the brain hemispheres, making you more efficient and enabling you to handle stress and increase remote viewing efficiency. Energy breaks frequently linking on your mental cinema screen imagery and sounds of harmony (landscape paintings, music, poems), balances the brain hemispheres. Activate at the same time the visualisation of a country scene or power spot having adaptive energy sucked out of it by using Directed Attention and focused on your body, charges you up when you are tired or you wish to remotely view. BASIC PROTOCOLS FOR PAST FUTURE RV 1. To journey into the future, begin by activating the Directed Attention start up procedure. Visualise your mental cinema screen. Next focus your Directed Attention on your biophysical remote viewing field. Imagine this remote viewing vehicle flowing out of your body and travelling to your left. The further it travels to your left in the time-stream, the further it travels into the future. At a point of your choosing collapse the time stream and enter the future. Remote viewing the future in this way and keep a log of your findings. To journey into the past, travel by use of your biophysical remote viewing field to the right in the time stream, (as above in all other respects). Journey back in time to past events and keep a log of your findings. In chapter 7 we will look at these principles more deeply. Another application of this type of remote viewing technologies is:- 195 REMOTE VIEWING FUTURE RV PROTOCOLS Directed Attention fixed on remote viewing of the future, for time management. Fitting everything needful into ones life by using fast-time remote viewing of what one is going to do that day, has proven to be very useful for students. Visualise yourself as being the comic book character the Flash, who can move at super speed on the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye. By this means 'Flash' through all the things you have to do that day. These protocols are best done just before one gets up as, you are naturally in the alpha state and in direct contact with ones subconscious as one awakes. Using Directed Attention to run the future on your mental cinema screen for the day to come, preprograms your subconscious to optimise your days activities, so throughout the day your subconscious will subtly compel you to follow this path. This technique will make you aware that we are all affected by negative memes in our subconscious, that have made us do, and follow things, that led to disaster, delays and stress (more on memes and remote viewing of the future in later sections of the book). We all live in our 'heads'. Use remote viewing of future events to become aware of negative and positive feedback from the 'experiment of life'. Evaluate courses of action so one can become a goal orientated leader. Exercising ones brain and remote viewing awareness like ones muscles. 196 REMOTE VIEWING 4. 'Wasted' time on trains, stations airports etc. and slack periods in office can be used for Directed Attention on future remote viewing of decision trees that life offers you. This remote viewing of the outcome of different decisions and how they effect your future, can be carried out on your mental cinema screen, by sending your biophysical field into each possible future that occurs when you make different decisions. This practise can be carried out during the day with ones eyes open. Remote viewing of the future can be carried out while walking to and from work, or on the golf course during the day. In this way you can see the actual future result of each decision you make in your life. By this means, silly mistakes can be avoided before you actually carry them out in actuality. Virtual RV decision making enables the Psi-adept to steer a course through the worst of times so that the remote viewer thrives while all around him or her fail. An interesting extension of this technique is to use future remote viewing to lead you into new, more promising futures, you would never have made the decision to enter if you had not remotely viewed future possibilities open to you. This leads to another law of remote viewing technology:- RULE 9: WE LEARN TO FIXATE OUR ATTENTION ON THINGS OTHER PEOPLE WANT US TO BE AWARE OF. WE CAN LEARN TO CENTRE OUR ATTENTION ON THINGS OF OUR CHOOSING. IN THE PROCESS SEEING THINGS AS THEY ARE AND BECOMING FITTER MORE ENERGETIC AND EFFICIENT. A RV ADEPT CHOOSES HIS/HER OWN GOALS WITHIN THE CONSTRAINTS LAID DOWN BY HIMSELF, THE COMPANY AND PREVAILING WORLD CONDITIONS. ON THIS BASIS THE RV ADEPT CHOOSES THE DECISION TREE THAT LEADS TO THE OPTIMUM FUTURE FOR THAT PERSON (see Fig 26: Decision Trees and remote viewing the Future) MEMORY 197 REMOTE VIEWING Their are two main types of memory. Declarative memory which is that type of recall where the information needs to be brought into ones conscious mind. An example of which is remembering telephone numbers, or peoples' names. The other kind is non declarative memory, where the memory is part of your repertoire and need not be recalled consciously. Examples are kicking a football, or hammering a nail. DECLARATIVE MEMORY Long term memory; one needs to intend the memory to conscious apprehension. There are different types of declarative memory:- SEMANTIC MEMORY, remembering names, words, etc. on demand. EPISODIC MEMORY, remembering specific events, episodes and chunks of our experience. NON DECLARATIVE MEMORY Long term memory one can use unconsciously. Examples arriving a bike, swimming etc. There are other types of memory such as:- CLASSICAL CONDITIONING: e.g. Pavlovian conditioning, site of this in cerebellum. Random shock treatment is less manageable by an organism and causes - free floating anxiety which can lead to depression and as it becomes chronic the person becomes irrational and divorced from reality. WORKING MEMORY Short term memory, this is the memory of a telephone number you remember for a short time, or memories of what a newspaper headline was... There are different types of short term memory:- 198 REMOTE VIEWING PHONOLOGICAL LOOP: remembering telephone numbers. VISUAL SPATIAL SCRATCH PAD: moving objects around in ones mind's eye. This is memory skill you need to develop for remote viewing CENTRAL EXECUTIVE, organises ideas in working memory into coherent patterns and orders. This is another part of your short term memory you need to train for remote viewing. PROTOCOLS FOR USING DIRECTED ATTENTION TO EXPLORE YOUR MEMORY SYSTEMS. 1. By use of Directed attention begin to explore the different types of memory you possess. Keep a log of your findings, This practise develops the neural nets in your hypothalamus and their connections with other parts of your brain. (See Fig: 27 Memory). This exercise also develops the biophysical fields to Primary Consciousness, the awareness of things going on outside the energy field of your body, which enables remote viewing. MEMORY PROTOCOLS Relax by using stress management protocols. Create your cinema screen by using Directed Attention. Focus your Directed Attention on each specific memory type and see what images come to you on the cinema screen in your mind's eye. Use this method to let memories slip into your mind's eye, so your biophysical field can upload memories it holds in its quantum computer to be broadcast on to your cinema screen. By this method you can look at the back-catalogue of memories stored in your biophysical field. Send your biophysical field to remotely view a target, then go about your normal activities. 199 REMOTE VIEWING 7. Command your biophysical field to return at a later date. Review these memories of the remote viewing it has been carrying while you were busy at work, rerunning the images it found, while out of your body, whilst carrying out your commands, on your mental cinema screen. This method allows you to remotely view anything you find of interest, even if you have not got the time to spend hours on remote viewing, by sending your biophysical field to automatically carry out remote viewing independently. After which you can review this remote viewing at your leisure. Once can think of this method as analogous to putting the TV video on to record a programme you wish to watch, only in this case it is a psychic viewing programme of your choosing. CHECKLIST OF PROTOCOLS FOR THE CINEMA METHOD Relax by using the stress management protocols. Intend the mental laser light of your Directed Attention to form in your thalamus. Directed Attention then fires out of this brain centre into your mind's eye and create the cinema screen. Remember to inscribe the cinema screen in your mind's eye in a clockwise direction with blue laser light from your mental laser, then fill in the screen with blue fire. Once the cinema screen is constructed, see your biophysical field staring at you through the cinema screen. Visualise the epicentre of attention, the I part of your mind, flowing from your thalamus, via the link of Directed Attention, into the centre of the biophysical field. Direct the biophysical field to the target site, command the biophysical field to broadcast the images and sensory data it is picking up to your cinema screen. 7. Watch your mental cinema screen and focus on the pictures being
sent to you from the target site you are remotely viewing. 200 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 7: MEMES: NEW MENTAL SOFTWARE TO OPERATE RV PROGRAMMES INTRODUCTION Ideas have a power to spread through a population rather like a virus. It was Dr Richard Dawkins, the eminent biologist, who first called these contagious ideas memes. They have also been called mental viruses. In remote viewing training we call positive memes used to inculcate the remote viewing state, new mental software or Success Software. These memes switch off the negative states that keep individuals in a state of anxiety that inhibits remote viewing. If you imagine a world full of infectious mental viruses which use humans as their carriers and in which they breed, and mutate, then are passed on to other humans by word of mouth, culture, the media, or by biophysical means, you can see how our world is shaped by memes. It is accurate to say that the whole of our society, is run by the memes it carries. MEMES Memes are ideas. Table manners, throwing Frisbees, wearing stacked shoes, these are all memes. Our culture is built up from a complex composite of memes that define who we are, what we think and what we do. They are pre-eminent in defining society. It might be thought that we all have free will and can do what ever we want. Unfortunately the situation is not so simple. People can only think and do what they know of. If they have no knowledge of an alternative reality available to them, then they will never think about it and therefore never carry out that new set of actions and ideas of these unknown memes. Until recently, remote viewing was top secret, now it has been made public. This new meme is now available to the general public so that they may now learn remote viewing. Until this disclosure, the very idea 201 REMOTE VIEWING that the superpowers used psychic spies, would have been scoffed at as ludicrous. The British establishment are terrified at this new turn of events, as the advent of Psi enables people to have the power to find out any secrets, change things as they wish and alter reality. Now the remote viewing meme is public knowledge, the whole set of ideas of Psi-warfare are now in the public domain. Memes are the lifeblood of human consciousness. It is a commonly held misconception that individuals thoughts and mind sets are unique to themselves. If we take the biophysical model of reality, which the author has postulated, as a better model of what is occurring than the present day mechanistic view, we arrive at an entirely new outlook of society and its nature. In this new reality, the physical body is surrounded by a biophysical field. This field is the repository of the mind and psyche. It also is in intimate connection with the brain and through the interaction of biophysical fields with the neurones and synaptic junctions of the brain's cells, a two way communication is set up. This interaction goes further, for the biophysical fields have the morphogenetic fields as a component. These morphogenetic fields control gene function and define how a cell will differentiate, becoming a brain cell, or glial cell, which outnumber the brain cells and act as helper cells... Memes must fit into this model if they are in fact a valid entity. In the author's model, memes are biophysical fields that are not localised to one particular physical body, but in fact can move around as independent entities. Viruses travel around in a similar manner, but depend on the host to provide the raw materials to make new viruses by highjacking the cell of the infected organism. Memes travel through the mode of language and culture, in an analogous manner to the virus which spreads via the air or by bodily liquids. When the meme is communicated to the human brain via language, culture or by the hundredth monkey effect, infection with the meme is resisted, rather like a virus is resisted by the immune system. When the immune system fails, the virus is free to infect the host. In the case of memes, the memes which are already in the person resist the new memes. 202 REMOTE VIEWING SCIENCE AS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF SOCIETY WHICH RESISTS NEW MEMES When learning remote viewing, this meme is resisted by the meme structure which is the PDF. A meme structure is a set of memes which are self consistent and give a description of reality that is at least partially able to fit the facts. The meme structure we live within is the set of notions that we all have a physical body, controlled by the brain, while reality is a purely mechanistic process perfectly defined by science. Remote viewing can not possibly fit into this model of reality, since there is no meme structure to explain how psychic spying could occur. In this book, an explanation of how remote viewing works is described which does not require the scientific model to be discarded, but instead expanded. This means that the memes that comprise the PDF cannot resist the remote viewing meme which slips into the meme structure we all uphold. Science is the key factor in the immune system of our culture. If new phenomena can be fitted into the scientific model, then they are readily accepted into our culture. Examples of this could be, flying, death rays, space travel, suspended animation, remote viewing... Memes are even more vital to the whole of human society in that they are biophysical fields that mould the brain's neural network. They mould our brains so that the ideas that are carried in the biophysical field of the meme is transferred into a patterning of the neural network of our brains. By this means, the memes that comprise our culture, are hard- wired into our brains. An outlook of reality that taken to its logical conclusion, means that people can only think about ideas that are present in the meme structure of their culture. This was a concept that Wittgenstein put forward in the 1920s, that we only think about idea structures that are present in our language. As explained in this book, language is a set of memes found in the biophysical field. Since these memes can be transferred via cultural interaction, they spread throughout the human population. In our information rich world, a new 203 REMOTE VIEWING meme can infect the world in weeks, in a similar fashion to the way a new flu virus is spread far and wide by air travel. Only this time the media and the Internet are the vectors of meme transmission. Until the release of this book, the meme of remote viewing and Psi-warfare could be resisted by the PDF and its meme structure which upholds the world view. Ludicrous new-age rubbish, which has no scientific grounding, is the key meme used by sceptics to define reality to their cosy set of paradigms. As long as the paranormal is couched in inane new age language, which has no meaning to science, the world of Psi can be written of as a bogus world of charlatanism. Unfortunately for the sceptics the superpowers have a vast amount of scientific research which shows that remote viewing and Psi-warfare works. With a scientific model of remote viewing and Psi, the entire meme structure of the mechanistic world becomes infected with a new scientific model which bridges Psi with the old world view. The worst nightmare of the sceptics. It is even more horrible for the UK establishment, which has kept this knowledge secret since the second world war and represses any disclosure of the scientific basis of Psi-warfare, while secretly developing its own remote viewers and remote influencers. OUR BRAINS ARE HARDWIRED BY MEMES. Since memes mould the neural networks of our brain, the old world view that Psi could not possibly exist, is hardwired into our brains. When we attempt to learn remote viewing, our brains are so configured by the meme structure that the hardwiring of our neural network cannot cope with psychic viewing. It is as if you programme a computer for parallel processing, when it is configured for the older slower linear processing. When the programme tries to run simultaneous programmes in a network of processors, the programme crashes. Similarly in remote viewing, when a Westerner tries to undertake psychic perception, the neural network in their brains cannot cope with the new remote viewing programme. If we are hamstrung by the memes, meme structures and the resulting neural networks in our brains, remote viewing and 204 REMOTE VIEWING Psi-activity become impossible. U.S. remote viewing courses got around this problem by long intensive training, which over a period of eighteen months of non-stop tuition, rewired the neural network of the remote viewing trainee. Faced with the same problem, non-military student of remote viewing have to reconfigure the hardwiring in their brains to enable remote viewing. To change the neural networks in our brains requires the non-stop practise of a new meme to override the old pattern of hardwiring, this is the method used by the U.S. remote viewers. There is another way. Memes automatically rewire the neural network. If we can infect our brains with remote viewing memes, then they will automatically reconfigure our brains to enable remote viewing. The scientific nature of these memes mean that they fit into the old meme structure and take it over like a virus. A critical number of people learning these new remote viewing memes causes the whole population to become able to remotely view in an analogous fashion to the hundredth monkey effect. The biophysical nature of memes means that they flit between people when they are sufficiently powerful. Where do they get their energy from? They get their energy from all the people who use that meme. In a similar way to the PDF which supports the old world view meme structure using all the energy in the human population to make: people age prematurely, get cancer, suppress remote viewing and Psi... In a similar manner, remote viewing memes infect the population with positive mental programmes that reconfigure the neural network for Psi-actvity. In the process they destroy the PDF which causes premature ageing and diseases such as cancer, making remote viewers live longer and in healthier state. To begin the practical section of this chapter, lets look at simple positive memes which displace negative memes and boost the ability of people to learn remote viewing by reconfiguring the neural network in the brain. 205 REMOTE VIEWING POSITIVE MEMES: PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS SOFTWARE Once one has become aware of negative memes they can be edited out by using Directed Attention and the cinema method. The protocols needed are:-. Relax by using the relaxation protocols given in the previous chapter. Centre your auto visualisation in your mind's eye. Locate your mind's eye in the thalamus portion of your brain. Intend that the mental laser of your Directed Attention, inscribes in your mind's eye, the cinema screen. On this cinema screen, visualise the negative memes you wish to eliminate. Examples of these negative memes could be premature ageing, developing cancer, remote viewing cannot possibly exist... Erase the image of this negative meme using the mental laser of your Directed Attention. 7. Replace these negative memes with images of what you wish yourself to be, positive memes given to you in the next section, the Principles of Success Software may be of aid in this context. NEGATIVE MEMES ARE ENERGY PARASITES It has been found from the author's experience with teaching remote viewing that negative memes and feedback loops in the remote viewing student, interfere with remote viewing development. This is because these memes are parasitic and take energy away from the biophysical field which is needed for remote viewing. They must be eliminated to also enable the brain to pick up information from the biophysical fields. To do this, use Directed Attention and the protocols above to erase them from your consciousness. Nature abhors a vacuum. So these negative memes will try to re-exert themselves, unless replaced by new memes that make this impossible. These new memes are needed 206 REMOTE VIEWING to boost remote viewing if they are to prove effective. The following list of memes has been found to be useful for inculcating the mind set needed for remote viewing. It is by no means comprehensive, but serves as a useful basis for the future. The remote viewing student can design her/his own memes for each specific goal to be achieved. PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS MEMES 1. EXPUNGEMENT: - eliminate every negative or obsolete meme to make space for success in remote viewing; any negative meme is a tremendous energy drain on the remote viewing student. Once expunged, the freed energy from the meme can he used for success in remote viewing. These memes can be thought of as parasites that feed of your adaptive energy and make you weak and sick. They also lock you into the consensus reality which defines for you what you can and cannot do. To be able to remotely view you must escape the grip of the common consensus reality, to accomplish this, it is vital to expunge all the negative memes in our biophysical field and brain. Since they are composed of biophysical fields, they suck adaptive energy from the biophysical field used for remote viewing. The memes also interfere with the brain, lowering the signal to noise ratio of remote viewing, so the signal gets swamped by the mental clutter and the incipient noise it causes in the brain. PROTOCOLS FOR MEME EXPUNGEMENT Analyse your problems by using Directed Attention on the Cinema Screen in your mind's eye. Command all your negative thoughts, idea sets, memes, to show themselves on this mental screen, one at a time. Pinpoint negative memes, accept that they are there. Then use Directed Attention to erase these negative memes. 207 REMOTE VIEWING E) Journey into the subconscious, (using Directed Attention and
the Cinema Method) which is filled with negative memes from
ones upbringing and environment, which can act as resistance
to achieving your goals. Visualise the mental cinema screen
showing you your subconscious, so you can edit it to your liking. F) List these negative memes' effects, as well as the negative
programming they carry out. G) Then erase these negative memes using the mental laser light of
your Directed Attention focused on your Cinema screen to blast
then into oblivion. 2. INTENT: In order to succeed, one must know ones goals, clearly define them and then write them down. Use remote viewing to input them into your biophysical field. THE ACT OF INTENTION ALIGNS YOU WITH THAT EVENT AND ALLOWS IT TO COME INTO YOUR AWARENESS AND THEN MANIFEST. Regular repetition of Directed Attention on ones goals and the use of remote viewing to see the future, remote sensing to scan the people involved in that future, and telepathic hypnosis (RI) to input your ideas into the people you will meet in the future, leads to success in achieving ones goals, with subsequent positive feedback that homes one into those goals. This also leads to the fixation of Directed Attention on goals by using the Cinema Method, which engages the subconscious and unconscious mind, that leads to achievement of goals by strange coincidences. Directed Attention can be at the use of the conscious mind, but with time, one finds the subconscious and unconscious mind make use of it also! It has then been inputted into the intent of the biophysical body which underlies these phenomena of consciousness. 208 REMOTE VIEWING PROTOCOLS TO TURN YOUR INTENTS INTO MEMES Decide what you really want in life. Picture the goals you wish to achieve, in this case to become an expert remote viewer. Use the relaxation protocols of chapter 4, to lower your brain rhythms into the theta state of consciousness. Centre the I part of your consciousness, the epicentre of attention, in the thalamus brain centre. Create the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye, using the mental laser light of your Directed Attention which emanates from the thalamus brain centre. E) On this mental cinema screen, use your Directed Attention to
project the goal you wish to achieve on to this screen. F) Move the image of your achieved goal from the mental screen
to the reptilian brain, to input it into your brain at an instinctive
level. Imagine the idea slipping into the hindbrain like a key
into a lock, switching the entire brain on to the goal you wish to
achieve. Visualise a key turning in a car ignition, but in this case
starting your Psi-powers. G) Next, input this image of the goal you want, which in your mind's
eye is already achieved, into the limbic brain. This part of your
brain controls your emotions and memories; it also is the decision
making centre of the brain, so inputting goals here, means that
you will take the actions needed to achieve your goal. In this
case, the goal is to become an expert remote viewer. F) The image of your achieved goal can then also be inputted into your Supplementary Motor Area, so that your programme yourself to carry out this goal The SMA lies on the top of the brain, under the soft spot in the skull, which lies in the centre portion of the top of your skull.. 209 REMOTE VIEWING 3. ACAUSAL SYNCHROMCITY. In this meme, the power of memes to attract memes which are similar to them, means that the knowledgeable Psi-operator can use this principle. It was Carl Jung who came up with the term acausal synchronicity, for a series of coincidences that were similar to each other and occurred to the same person. An example might be a series of people asking you for the time, or a significant event happening in your life on the same date every year... The knowledge that like events attracts each other is old as the human race. Examples of this knowledge are old sores: such as: money attracts money. What you give you get. As you sow, so shall you reap. You don't got something for nothing. Like attracts like. It is a universal principle that like action begets like action. PROTOCOLS FOR USING THE POWER OF ACAUSAL SYNCHRONICITY Therefore if you want to be given: success, contracts, business, money, sales, you must give everyone you meet something. In your normal life therefore, give praise to all who deserve it, this will be enough to get the principle started. For those important people in your life: boss, employees, business partners, spouses, children, Directed Attention on remote sensing of these people, which enables you to remotely sense there needs, which allows you to prosper. Then give them positive energy, as you input an image of yourself, and by telepathy the messages they crave to hear, broadcast into their mind's eye, will make people be attracted to you on a subliminal basis and leads to remote influencing. In your normal interactions, praise all positive things that people: do, look and wear. 210 REMOTE VIEWING E) Expunge all negative comments and use constructive criticism as a tool for improvement. Use the carrot rather than the stick as it is far more effective. This is one of the basic rules for setting up remote influencing. This meme of giving works by allowing your biophysical field, which stores data and energy, to interact using remote sensing, with all the people you meet, giving them the praise meme they crave and in the process boosting your empathy and RS of what makes them tick. By this method you can amplify your ability to win friends and influence people. 4. SIMULATION OF ACHIEVED GOALS As has been seen with the meme of intents, visualising your goals as if they are achieved enables the visualisation to be transformed into a meme. This is necessary if you wish your goal to become an idea with a life of its own. PROTOCOLS TO TURN GOALS INTO MEMES Visualise your goals as if they have already been achieved. Use remote viewing to look at future events in your life. Then shape these events using the mental laser of your Directed Attention to change them so you achieve your goal of remote viewing. Mould events to your will by use of this simple remote influencing technique. Go and look at the new acquisitions, properties and holdings you wish to have by use of Psi: RS, RI and remote viewing. Then look at the future events needed to bring you the house, car and holiday your heart desires. New found success in your life will bring more of the same into your life by the principle of acausal synchronicity. You will find your remote viewing can home in on futures where you have the trappings of success. Put up pictures and brochures of what you want and act as if your goal had already been achieved. 211 REMOTE VIEWING ACTING AS IF YOU WERE SUCCESSFUL BRINGS SUCCESS INTO YOUR LIFE. This ties in with principle of connectedness and acausal synchronicity. E) Using Directed Attention focused on the Cinema Method which
is reviewing images of your past successes causes similar events
to manifest in your life. This visualisation on positive memes
enhances your performance. F) Remote viewing actual situations to change them in a positive
fashion, before you actually carry them out, enhances your
performance by using simple remote influencing. Eastern block
athletes used mental simulation to enhance performance, before
their actual event, they visualised their performance as if they
had carried it out perfectly. This significantly raised the actual
performance in the athletic event. An American prisoner of war
in Vietnam, who practised typing on a crude wooden keyboards,
when released back to the USA, typed 80 words per minute
without any mistakes. This technique is based on the age old principle of sympathetic magic and programmes the biophysical field to manifest your goals. Since the biophysical body has mastery over remote influencing it can bring into being any goal you conceive if programmed properly. By remote viewing actual situations you will encounter, your biophysical field has time to use its innate power of remote influencing to change events to your benefit. 5. WILL The biophysical field can change events. This is the basis of magic. Memes are biophysical fields and can alter events so that the ideas they carry come to pass. Infectious memes can spread like wildfire, causing the humans that act as their vehicles, to display these meme. This is the basis of fashions and fads. Being up to date, and wearing the in thing, is an obsession in the yuppies that are infected by these memes. 212 REMOTE VIEWING Since biophysical fields such as memes can rewire neural networks in the brain, the ideas that memes carry can become incorporated into the hardwiring of the brain. By this means, memes become part of human culture and alter the way we think. PROTOCOLS FOR APPLYING WILL A) As you speak so shall it be. Never vocalise what you do not want
fact will become apparent the more you use remote viewing to
monitor possible futures. C) Use Directed attention to tell yourself just before awaking,
or sleeping, while shaving in front of mirror, etc., "I have the
contract. I have been promoted. All my ideas are successful. My
gut feelings and intuition are invariably right. I am an expert
remote viewer." Talk as if you have already achieved what you
want, recite your written intents as if they have already occurred.
This develops the unbending intent needed for remote viewing,
sensing and influencing. 213 REMOTE VIEWING E) Then practice focusing your Directed Attention on future events
depicted on your mental cinema screen. Use your Directed
Attention to change these events so that they come to pass how
you so wish. Remote influencing on your intents, in concert
with your previous simulations of your goals being achieved
successfully, increases the probability that they will actually
come to pass. This technique programmes your biophysical body
to carry out your intents. F) Edify, talk well about your bosses even if they make mistakes
they, always do something right! This is another basic stop to
developing empathy, RS and RI. G) Never pass negative memes (gossip, problems) down the chain to
your employees, only pass positive information and memes This
will aid your RS/RI. of the people under you. 6. IMMEDIACY:- DO IT NOW! If you have to do something, do not delay, but do it immediately. If you don't need to do it, then don't. PROTOCOLS FOR IMMEDIACY List your priorities on the mental cinema screen, tick of those you need to do in your mind's eye. Then use Directed Attention on remotely viewing of future events which will show you possible scenarios that may unfold in due course. Find the optimum time line that enables you to achieve your goals and the actions you need to take to achieve this future. 214 REMOTE VIEWING D) Programme your brain using Directed Attention to input the
images of you achieving the path that leads to the optimal future
timeline. Focus you mental laser on internal remote influencing
of your own brain Command yourself to carry out those actions
that lead to your success. E) Then let yourself do things as your intuition dictates, NOW! Don't
waste your time on what you should not do. Thus you act out the
path for your intents and expunge all acts that do not confirm with
your intents. There is a great amount of energy freed when you
do it now. If you leave what you have to do till later, it becomes
an energy drain, as this energy is parasitised into blockages and
negative feedback loops. 7. SELF DISCIPLINE DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES. Only make commitments you are willing to honour, once you have made them, always go through with them as long an they have to be done. This is a cornerstone of remote viewing technology You do not have energy to waste on non essentials. Human biophysical energy is so weakened by normal common concentual memes, that all remote viewing technology requires this self discipline. As a protocol, self discipline guarantees that you will not fail to learn remote viewing, as you will not give up practising, until you have achieved expertise in psychic viewing. In Psi-activities, it is important to never ever give up. This is because the PDF and the common consensus, constantly barrage us with negative memes when we wish to explore any activity outside of the norm. People are programmed to be frightened of anything strange. In the past, anyone practising Psi was burnt at the stake. The Vatican still have a special committee to oversee the paranormal and through their numerous contacts with intelligence agencies to make sure high-level paranormal information is suppressed. This committee dates back to the inquisition. Negative 215 REMOTE VIEWING memes bombard the Psi-novice and only self discipline guarantees that the trainee remote viewer will put in the time and effort to learn psychic viewing. 8. PERSEVERANCE:- (UNBENDING INTENT). Never ever give up. Spaced repetition of your intents should become habitual until you have carried them out. You can only fail if you give up! This is another lynch pin of remote viewing technology PROTOCOLS OF PERSEVERANCE Use Directed Attention to visualise daily your goals, on the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye. See that by remotely viewing these goals as if they have already occurred, they grow nearer day by day. In auto visualisation, programme your brain with the remote viewing protocols you have learnt in this book. Use positive events and your correct remote viewing as positive feedback to guide you along the path of self development. Use this positive feedback to motivate you toward your goal. F) Use negative events to show you that you are going in the wrong
direction and to erase the negative programming and memes it
brings to the surface. G) Finally, use remote viewing of your future self to monitor your
progress. This will show you that you have many potential
futures and only in a few do you achieve all the goals you have
set yourself. 9. CONNECTEDNESS: ALL THINGS ARE CONNECTED Action at a distance can occur between fields and particles. When fields and particles have been in association, when they are separated, there is still a subtle connection (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and Bell's 216 REMOTE VIEWING theorem); everything is made up of fields, once these fields have been in contact (which they have been since the Big Bang) they are subtly linked thereafter. This is especially true of biophysical fields. This subtle connection between biophysical fields, means we can remotely view, remotely influence and remotely sense other humans. Identical twins have an even stronger connection between their biophysical fields, due to their close proximity in their mother's womb and identical genetic makeup. PROTOCOLS OF CONNECTEDNESS A) SIMULATION OF EVENTS ONE WISHES TO MANIFEST,
OCCURRING IN THE FUTURE. By visualising events you wish to happen on the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye, produces a small feeble meme made from your own biophysical adaptive energy. This meme, can be then passed on to other people like a virus, and with time and people to feed it, this meme can change reality. Future remote viewing can show you how to make your own small meme part of consensus reality, which will then manifest your meme as an actual future event. B) PHYSICAL AND MENTAL LINKS WITH YOUR COMPANY
INTENTS OCCURRING. The biophysical basis of remote influencing depends on the subtle links between people and their biophysical fields, to act as a matrix for the transmission of telepathic commands used for remote influencing. Voodoo black magicians, take the hair, nail clippings and other parts of the victim to be remotely influenced. Once this is done, these physical links allow the black sorcerer to amplify the psychic link between 217 REMOTE VIEWING magician and victim, so the much more powerful biophysical field of the black magician can steal the soul of the victim. The soul is the biophysical field, which when taken from the victim enables the sorcerer to control the victim like a robot. This is the basis of occult remote influencing, which leads on to zombification where the victim's biophysical field is destroyed and their body put into a deathlike state by use of neurotoxins. Modern military remote influencing can be thought of as form of scientific voodoo. Only the superb Russian psychotronics experts have outstripped voodoo in terms of their power in remote influencing. Fortunately the two main factions in Russia are too busy trying to kill, or protect, President Yeltsin and his followers, to be concerned about influencing world events. This means that the West is safe from high-level remote influencing until Yeltsin is finally remotely killed, which should happen in the near future, as the anti-Yeltsin remote killers are in the ascendency. Once this occurs, the West could have a resurgent Russia wielding Psi to further its aims. 10. NEGATIVE ENTROPY -TOTAL ORDER In the biophysical field there is an energy that orders your mind and psyche, which keeps the body young and is used to fight disease. This energy was called adaptive energy by Dr.Hans Seyle. It is negative entropic, in that it turns chaos into order. A quality of living things is this ordering effect, which derives from the organism's adaptive energy. Some people cause chaos wherever they go, which is s sign of low adaptive energy. These psychic 'leeches', normally suck life-force out off the people they meet, making these people feel weak, or ill after the confrontation with the psychic vampire. PROTOCOLS FOR USING NEGATIVE ENTROPY A) Visualising positive energy, the so called adaptive energy, flowing into oneself from the countryside using Directed Attention and the mental cinema screen in ones mind's eye, charges your biophysical field with adaptive energy contained in the Earth's biophysical field. 218 REMOTE VIEWING B) Channelling this adaptive energy by use of Directed Attention fixated on images on ones mental cinema screen, which shows remote viewing imagery of ones: colleagues, clients, goals and intents, drives them away from chaotic attractors (strange attractors) and converts a situation from a non linear dynamical system into one that can be predicted. In layman's terms charging up people or future events with adaptive energy makes them less chaotic and more likely to have a positive outcome for yourself with relation to them. As an aid to memory this list of positive memes is given (see Fig 28: Principles of Success). THE BASIC MEMES OF BUSINESS WARFARE TO BE USED IN RV WHEN CONFRONTED BY CHAOTIC OR NEGATIVE CONDITIONS OR PEOPLE The remote viewing operator should be aware of the following memes or Basic Principles of Business Warfare: 1. Train to face the worst case scenario. If you expect to use remote viewing in your life, train your remote viewing abilities under circumstances you find stressful, so that your biophysical field learns how to remotely view when the events you are psychically viewing are of great importance to you emotionally. It is very easy to correctly remotely view events and people that have no bearing on you emotionally. When you are desperate to know the outcome of events, or for example, to find out if ones partner has been sleeping around, then remote viewing is likely to be blocked by your emotional state. 219 REMOTE VIEWING 2. When in doubt use all out Psi-deterrence. In a dangerous situation. such as when petty colleagues try to get you in trouble or sacked, use remote viewing to map the best path to avoid their snares. Then use remote influencing to make them unable to function at their jobs, thus eliminating your enemies who threaten your livelihood. 3. Priorities should mirror your circumstances not habits. Never think that your routine is such that you must follow it at all costs. The Psi-adept only does what he has to do, discarding nonessential activities to enable him or her to become the best remote viewer... If it works don't worry if it makes you appear foolish. In remote viewing, many sceptics will deride your abilities. They will say you are a gullible fool to believe in the paranormal as they obviously know everything that can or cannot exist. Use remote viewing to benefit yourself and you can use remote influencing on the sceptics to teach them a lesson - since the paranormal does not exist, they cannot possibly complain. Always respect the threat of an enemy . If an enemy is trying to harm you then you should immediately use remote viewing to study the effects of the evil individual(s) on your future. Travel into the future and correct the damage they have done to you. Then use remote influencing to render them harmless. Know when it is time to retreat. By using remote viewing it is easy to remotely view the outcome of your battles with enemies. When all your futures show that you have been defeated, it is wise to retreat and break of the battle. Concentrate on remote influencing to so weaken your enemy that they cannot think straight and lose future battles. 220 REMOTE VIEWING Always keep your actions simple. When remotely viewing the effect of your actions on the future make sure that you keep your actions simple. By carrying out small incremental simple actions, the full effect of them can be remotely viewed and each simple action evaluated. If you are up to your neck in negative events caused by your enemies you are in a war. When I started revealing the secrets of remote viewing, MI5 were desperate to keep this information from the public, so they started to attack me using numerous dirty tricks, including microwave radiation to try and damage my health - it was a profound reality shock. In Britain we are convinced that the country is a benevolent place. When people are trying to hurt you, it is time to respond with maximum force. Use remote influencing to drive them mad, give then cancer... Do not stop until they are destroyed. In a life and death situation their is only one winner. In my case the entire MI5 staff have lost their biophysical fields (souls) and have been remotely influenced in a number of particularly Biblical ways. Never trust anyone with your safety who is braver than yourself. When you are practising remote viewing beware of people who wish to use Psi for dangerous projects like contacting demons, or dead entities. The biophysical realm is more dangerous than the physical world, mistakes can follow you through many lifetimes and timelines. The worst malefic entities can erase you from the warp and weft of reality forever. This means you never incarnate again. To all intents and purposes you are dead, or worse. 10 A plan never survives the heat of battle. We all have had heated arguments and fights where our best laid plans fell apart. After the event we bitterly regretted not saying what we knew would turn the tide our way. With remote viewing one can look at future arguments and fights, then modify our reaction to the enemy to see how it effects the fight. By this method of future remote viewing you can optimise your plan so it withstands the heat of battle. 221 REMOTE VIEWING 11. Destroy the opposition; if this prove impossible, run away and so you can fight another day. In business as in life, we are faced with enemies who seek to destroy us. This can be petty tyrants who wish to get use sacked at work, or competitors who wish to ruin our business. By the use of remote viewing one can seek out the weak spots of the enemy, then capitalise on them. The reader will find that with remote viewing one can look at secret meetings of enemies and competitors and see what plans they have for us. Once you know what they are going to do you can take advantage of this information to destroy your enemy. As you will find in the later chapter on remote influencing, the Psi-able individual has an overwhelming advantage over his enemy who is fixed in the consensus world view. With remote influencing you can make your enemy do what will destroy them, make them ill, or impotent... If faced by overwhelming numbers of enemies, then retreat to a safe position and use remote influencing to destroy them at your leisure. As remote influencing is not limited to distance, you can be half a world away and still use Psi to neutralise your enemy. 12. Know your enemy. Use remote viewing to psychically spy on your enemy so you know their every plan. Remote sensing can be used on your enemy to scan their thoughts so you know what is in their brain. Remote influencing can be used to so scramble the neural network of your enemy that he cannot function and is rendered impotent. 13. Always have an escape route. The best laid plans of mice and men can avail to nought. It is wise to have an escape route so you can get your self out of tricky situations. By using remote viewing you should be able to avoid your enemies traps, but none of us are God, so we all will make mistakes and it is necessary to be able to flee from our enemies traps. 222 REMOTE VIEWING 14. Simple things can be the most difficult to achieve. How many of us have loved another but screwed up the whole relationship. These simple things prove the most difficult because we are desperate for them to work and our stress divorces us from the remote viewing faculty that would enable us to succeed. Similarly, there are a whole catalogue of our simple goals that we have failed to achieve. My two goals were to become rich and meet my soul mate. The money I am finally achieving, but the far simpler event of meeting my soul mate and marrying her have alluded me so far. even though I put decades of effort into the task. Which all goes to show the best laid plans of mice and men avail to nought. PROTOCOLS FOR BUSINESS WARFARE In constructing your battle plan you should be aware of the following points. By using Directed Attention on your mental cinema screen, you can simulate the business battlefield in your mind's eye. On the mental cinema screen you can run through the forthcoming business or emotional battle and the goals you wish to achieve. 223 REMOTE VIEWING A good plan will take all of them into account and like the physical basis of reality will be such that no matter what your enemy does, only one event scenario ever occurs - your victory. With remote viewing you can go backwards and forwards in time. Using remote influencing you can effect the past or future. This leads to the discussion of the nature of time in relation to man going back in time and remotely killing, his grandfather which immediately causes another man to take the place of his grandfather, so no paradox occurs - reality is malleable and resists paradox at any cost. This idea (without the remote killing, using a mundane gun) was discussed in New Scientist (26/31/992). Since the top Russian Psi-adept s are capable of remote killing, the use of this Psi-weapon to change the course of history, is an new field of discovery for the military. As more people practise Psi it will become easier, so in the future, lesser Psi-able people will be capable of remote influencing. With the Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Czechs and others busily developing remote influencing, the future will be unlike anything we ever envisaged, with the rich and famous the targets for remote influencing and remote killing. Use future looking remote viewing to explore timelines which develop from your plans. By this method you can begin to see the effect of your actions on the future. MEMETIC OF BUSINESS WARFARE Memetics is the science of memes. Since we are culture driven creatures, who serve as vehicles for the memes present in our culture, manipulating memes not only enables peoples' thoughts ideas and actions to be controlled, it also enables the culture to be influenced. So powerful is the science of memetics in influencing what people do, whole industries have been set up to manipulate them. Examples include the advertising industry, promotion and image making, information technology, the media, political parties, secret police (to 224 REMOTE VIEWING limit the memes in circulation)... With the new science of biophysics, the nature or memes can be elucidated. Not only are they simple ideas, they are also biophysical thought forms that contain these ideas as their software programmes. Memes, once they have reached the critical size, (the Hundredth Monkey effect) can take on a life of their own. Memetics can prove useful to the remote viewer who is trying to use Psi to win in business warfare. PROTOCOLS OF MEMETICS A. To win the battle business warfare, the following memetics are used
whilst in the Directed Attention mode, which is focused on the mental
cinema screen which is running simulations of your battle plan, to see
which version will enhance your chance of victory in business warfare. B. Use remote viewing to see what the future outcome of your battle
plan will be, whilst running that particular mental cinema screen
simulation in your mind's eye. C. This will further increase the probability of a successful outcome by
enabling you to zero in on the best possible course of action. Remote viewing operators choose their battlefield. They never go into a situation without knowing the surroundings. The master at business warfare, lures the enemy into an area that they do not know and which the remote viewer is master of. Luring a normal person into territory ruled by Psi, gives the remote viewer an overwhelming advantage. Discard all memes which are unnecessary. Whilst realising you should feed your enemies with false, trivial and misleading data to disguise and or improve the probability of your goal coming to fruition. Ones enemies are desperate to get information on you, so make sure the information they get is such that it leads them to the conclusions you want them to come to. 225 REMOTE VIEWING Aim at simple reactions to negative feedback. Apply all your concentration to the problem. Decide whether the battle is necessary. If it is, then you should fight till your last breath, or not at all, be willing and ready to make your last stand. If and only if, you have no choice but to fight. If you must fight, then hold back nothing. Make sure that you learn how to fight in the theta state. By doing this, you have access to increased stamina and intelligence, as well as Psi-abilities. When faced with odds that cannot be dealt with use the mental cinema screen. Remote viewing operators let their mental cinema screen show them all the possible ways they might come to harm, looking for the one avenue in which they defeat their enemies. Remote viewing operators run through all possible scenarios on the mental cinema screen in their mind's eye before they go into battle. Every scenario counts, at the crucial time in negotiations, knowledge of what might occur in the future for every business decision you make, gives you the advantage.. The remote viewing operator never pushes himself to the fore, he works through people. The wise business warrior, directs the battle behind the front men. Information is the ordinance of business warfare. Information is proportional to negative entropy, thus the more information you have on the battle, the less chaotic the situation, the more able you are to predict the outcome of the business battle, which if it is not imperative, do not enter into! Thus a remote viewing operator draws his: competitor, buyer, entrepreneur, on to a battleground of his choice, he forces himself to disregard what is not essential, whilst overloading your enemy with nonessentials, memes and disinformation, relax in order to enter the 226 REMOTE VIEWING theta state so you can outthink, outlast and access Psi, use remote viewing to see the outcome of your decisions and never push yourself to the fore. AT ALL TIMES USE DIRECTED ATTENTION TO MAXIMISE YOUR ABILITIES BY USING REMOTE VIEWING CENTRED ON THE MENTAL CINEMA SCREEN. Gain all the information about the situation you can gather by using remote viewing. Realise that your subconscious is constantly gathering in subliminal information by remote sensing, that enables you to know what is going on in your enemies' minds and by accessing your remote viewing ability of the unconscious, you can from the collective unconscious know what your business enemy wants to do. Use remote viewing in all this memetic technology to input memes of your choosing in your business competitors' head ' and scan these people you are dealing with, so you understand their hidden aims, how their minds work and their fears and weaknesses. THE REMOTE VIEWING OPERATOR Applying these memetic principles leads to the remote viewing operator: Realising the consensus reality is a sham that can be altered using Psi. With remote viewing you can see the outcome of your actions in the future. With remote sensing you can see what is going on in other peoples' heads. With remote influencing you can alter peoples' behaviour enabling your plans to come to full fruition. Learning to develop the habit of spaced repetition of remote viewing exercises until the Psi-ablity is developed.. 227 REMOTE VIEWING They learn to have an endless capacity find ways of using Psi to make their goals come to fruition. By use of remote viewing the operator is able to see what is going on anywhere in the world, the future effects of peoples' actions, and alternative futures that can be entered by changing events in the present. Further to the above points, the remote viewing operator realises that consciousness can and does alter reality, as quantum physicists have suspected since the turn of the century. Directed Attention amplifies your normal consciousness and the faculty of remote viewing, the more you use it the stronger your consciousness becomes. Constantly fixating Directed Attention on your mental cinema screen strengthens your remote viewing faculty making you more aware of this sixth sense in you and in the process it allows the remote viewing operator to integrate the whole persona into conscious control. This enables the remote viewer to explore their own subconscious and unconscious. This whole process makes your mind and body more powerful and gives it the ability to withstand tremendous stress levels. Likewise, the mental cinema screen when activated by Directed Attention can be used as a doorway to the biophysical realm, to enter your biophysical field so you can initiate remote viewing at will. Once this is done, the Software of Success memes should be studiously practised till they become habitual, from that time on, all negative memes will be so uncomfortable they will be discarded in oneself and bounced back to people who throw negativity at you. The character of the remote viewing operator will change to mirror the above enhancements, leading to a person that radiates success, has charisma and the magic touch. 228 REMOTE VIEWING The biophysical field has some remarkable attributes when used by the remote viewing operator, giving them an empathic knowledge of what is really going on and allowing their will to conquer all obstacles to their goals. The remote viewing operator does not look for a fight but when left no choice will ruthlessly apply the Art of War In Business memes and memetics to the problem, only fighting when after simulating all possible outcomes, using the memetic technology, the probability of events going the remote viewing operators way are as near unity (a statistical probability of one means that this event is the only possible outcome allowed) as possible. Once in the actual fight, use Directed Attention fixated on your mental cinema screen to visualise your battle plan and means of achieving your goals. In the process activate your own biophysical fields so you are immune to being coerced into the position your enemy wants you in, and charge up your energy levels at the same time, by linking your biophysical field into a power site such as Stonehenge. Once you have mastered this, you will find that at the end of a long meeting you are still charged up, whilst your enemy is tired and vulnerable to mistakes which you can capitalise upon, for victory . The remote viewing operator does not look for a fight but will ruthlessly apply the memes of the Art of War in Business to the problem, only fighting when after simulating all possible outcomes using the memes and memetics of the Tactics of Business War. Once in the actual fight, use Directed Attention fixated on your Cinema Screen to visualise your battle plan and goals. In this book you will have come across a whole new way of working with remote viewing in the memetic mode. The aim has been to teach you how to optimise your remote viewing so that you can apply all your expert knowledge to your own business. Continual repetition of 229 REMOTE VIEWING the above memetic material is needed until you get comfortable with it. Once this happens and you apply it rigorously, not only will you achieve your remote viewing goals, you will feel marvellous as well, being the psi-operator that is really you! THE DESTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK CYCLE This basic introduction to memes, memetics and meme structures, leads us on to the negative meme structure that we all partake of while at work. Meme structures are a series of interlocking memes which together build up a model of reality. In the case of the Destructive Feedback Cycle, this negative meme structure locks us all into the consensus reality that ages us prematurely, gives us cancer and drives us mad. The reality upheld by the PDF. If one can escape the effects of the Destructive Feedback Cycle at work, then the remote viewer trainee is halfway to saving all the energy that is needed for advanced ERV We can think of the biophysical field as battery that is run down by the Destructive Feedback cycle, so when we get home from work we are exhausted. If this draining effect of the Destructive Feedback Cycle can be eliminated, then our biophysical field is not run down when we return from work, so we can then use this surplus adaptive energy to enable remote viewing. To understand the Destructive Feedback Cycle and how it effects remote viewing, look at the diagram, which outlines the whole phenomena (Fig 29: The Destructive Feedback Cycle). Let us first address the principles that apply.. All remote viewing training material has to be processed through the brain. New remote viewing data is not dealt with in isolation, but instead, is incorporated with old material of a similar nature. The emotional content (the feelings and way you felt at the time of remote viewing) are also incorporated into the memory of the data gleaned by remote viewing and are then linked to similar feelings that you have felt in the past. 230 REMOTE VIEWING Learning new ways of using remote viewing are linked with previous memories of when you tried to change your habitual ways of acting. In most cases, this previously caused stress, so new material will have not only the stress it caused while it was being taught to you, but a whole gamut of previous similar situations imprinted with it on your memory. This means that when you try to implement this new material, you will get considerable negative feedback, most of which come from past stressful experiences which are related to this new material. This behaviour goes back to the indoctrination you were subject to at school, which has implanted negative memes that interfere with remote viewing. Such as ideas that remote viewing training must go against the common sense view of the world you have been trained to uphold. This causes negative feedback - which you feel as a stressful state every time you try and implement the new material, such as remote viewing of distant locations. This is why it is important to get feedback of the sites and people you are psychically viewing in the early part of the training. Since people feel ill at ease when they are working with this new material, it takes a real effort of will to carry it through to completion and tires them in the process. Thus the trainee will try and alleviate this stress by slowing down their implementation of this new material, or finding excuses not to carry it out. Therefore it is important that stress reduction systems be incorporated into remote viewing training at an early stage, so as to connect the feeling of relaxation and well being with remote viewing practise. 231 REMOTE VIEWING 5. Further exacerbating this situation is lack of feedback and communication with people who have no idea this technology exists but who try and uphold the world view that the paranormal does not exist - and if convinced by books such as this that it does exist, advise we should all leave well alone. It is important at this stage to have regular feedback from those who initiate these new working practises of remote viewing. In the worst case scenario, the remote viewing trainee will not have enough faith in their own abilities and will not see the use in these new remote viewing technologies. This is why it is important to read all the books and articles on the subject of remote viewing, to show that the US and Soviet military were having very great success with remote viewing. Since new remote viewing practises can cause stress if taught incorrectly, if you further add lack of confidence in their authors, then the end result is that the trainee will only pretend to change - in fact only going through the motions of implementation with no real commitment to applying these new remote viewing practises, The end result is a trainee that is stuck in a rut and is unable, because he/she is unwilling, to change. It is therefore very important not to begin remote viewing training using techniques from companies that do not understand how remote viewing really works. To avoid this problem, this book explains how remote viewing works and how with training you can switch off the stress response, as a natural adjunct to remote viewing training, thus bypassing the problem. We can do this because research has enabled the author to understand the mechanisms by which remote viewing. The above example was targeted toward learning remote viewing. Any new working practise that is introduced at work can take its place. What I am trying to show the reader is that general principles of the Destructive Feedback Cycle, apply to us all and constantly mire us in this negative meme structure. Which causes us to age prematurely, burn out from stress, or simply get ill. In the above case remote viewing can be substituted by: new accounting system, new contracts, new responsibilities, new boss, new job, new computer system... 232 REMOTE VIEWING 6. At the core of the Destructive Feedback Cycle which causes negative memes, avoidance behaviour, stress, mental befuddlement and a host of other problems, are two major factors:- The long term unpredictability of the future. Since top management must look at least three years into the future in order to make the changes needed, since the organisation needs at least three years to change, this puts impossible strain on the leadership. In a rapidly changing world it is not possible to predict accurately what the world and trading conditions will be. This means all the organisations we work within infect us with their company culture of anxiety, a meme which blocks our remote viewing abilities. Since we spend much of our active life in a milieu of anxiety, we are effectively blocked off from remote viewing by the environment we live in. Thus spontaneous remote viewing is very rare. While at work it is very important that we practise remote viewing technologies so we replace negative memes with remote viewing memes (The Software of Success) The remote viewing operator can use this technology to examine future probabilities and therefore second guess top management correctly. This means that organisations run by remote viewing trained leaders can run real-time organisations that react to change immediately. Change in organisations takes three years or more in companies run by paranormally blind leaders. Invariably these top managers will get something wrong, these mistakes will be remembered by the- work force and will cause a gradual erosion of confidence in the leadership which will amplify the negative feedback to change in the organisation the longer this situation goes on. The remote viewing trainee will thus be surrounded by people infected with negative memes and sources of anxiety. When learning advanced paranormal methodologies, the negative effect of the work place is easily overlooked. Unfortunately, this is the source of most of the negative memes and biophysical thought forms that degrade our abilities. This is why military personnel who lived and worked in a milieu dedicated to remote viewing learnt 233 REMOTE VIEWING the methodology so well, they were surrounded by people infected with positive memes, consciously developed biophysical fields, which had been positively effected by the group augmented remote viewing effects. Which effect amplifies remote viewing abilities by boosting the morphogenetic fields to primary consciousness, the conscious state needed for remote viewing. It is therefore important that the remote viewing operator can help to run his/her own department, or company, where by using future remote viewing, the Psi-operator can profit, while non paranormal trained and led companies flounder - such is the rate of change in the world that Psi gives the business person the advantage. RELAXATION PROTOCOLS FOR INPUTTING MEMES Lay down on the bed. Visualise your feet. Imagine that all the muscles in your feet are becoming limp. Visualise your ankles. Imagine that all the muscles in your ankles are becoming limp. Visualise your calves. Imagine that all the muscles in your calves are becoming limp. Visualise your knees and thighs. Imagine that, all the muscles in your knees and thighs are becoming limp. Visualise your lower body. Imagine that all the muscles in your lower abdomen are becoming limp. 12. Visualise your chest and back. 234 REMOTE VIEWING Imagine that all the muscles in your chest and back are becoming limp. Visualise your arms. Imagine that all the muscles in your chest and back are becoming limp. Visualise your neck. Imagine that all the muscles in your neck are becoming limp. Visualise your head. Imagine that all the muscles in your head are becoming limp. Now imagine yourself floating to a grassy meadow. Visualise the grass. Hear the birds sing. Feel the sun on your skin. The ground beneath your body. Smell the grass. 22. Visualise all your worries drifting from your body and evaporating in the sunlight. Feel the sunlight filling your body with energy that washes away the anxieties you have accumulated. Tell yourself that you feel better than you have ever felt in your life. Imagine your past experiences that caused your anxiety. See the black vapour of these old anxiety causing memes been expelled from your body, to be replaced with positives memes as listed in this chapter. Replace these old negative memes with these new positive memes. 235 REMOTE VIEWING Choose one memes at a time for each day you practise and visualise these new memes easing out the old anxiety inducing negative meme. These positive memes called The Software of Success, amplify your Psi abilities by freeing up energy in your biophysical field, which is then used for remote viewing. They are a set of positive memes you were introduced to earlier in this chapter. Next imagine your Directed Attention being fixated in your thalamus. as described in earlier protocols. Visualise this mental laser light expanding outward from you whole thalamus to encapsulate your whole brain with the intent of total relaxation. 30. Visualise this Directed Attention reprogramming your brain stress system to be in a theta state of relaxation whenever you practise remote viewing. 31. Next practise remote viewing of a site of interest. Link the feeling of relaxation with your remote viewing practise, so every time you remotely view a site, you naturally inculcate a relaxed state of mind in yourself. Thus by a process of positive feedback, you get more relaxed every time you practise remote viewing. IMPLICATIONS OF MEME PROGRAMMING AND RV A course of remote viewing training automatically lowers the brain rhythms of participants. So not only do the trainees have enhanced intuition and the ability to enter their competitors minds, but they also can outthink their foreign competitors. This enhanced mentation is a direct result of lowered basal EEG brain rhythms. Put simply, Psi-trained managers do not have their brains bathed in stress inducing neurohormonal chemicals that are more appropriate for the flight or flight response. Their brains are also free form the incessant buzz of electrical over-stimulation that degrades clear thinking and decision making. 236 REMOTE VIEWING Rather than putting remote viewing operators to sleep, this stress reduced mental environment described above, enables them to think with the use of less energy, so they have increased reserves of stamina and are not drained at the end of a long working day. Further to this, mentation that uses less energy, enables remote viewing trained managers to run much larger mental simulations of what is going on in their business, its environs and the world milieu; as well as enabling them to run much larger and more detailed remote viewing scanning of sites and persons of interest. Coupled with remote: viewing, sensing and influencing, this enables remote viewing trained managers, to work in real-time so they can instantly react to events, They can also increase the accuracy of their predictions, and home-in on micro climates of opportunity (new market niches). The net result of this is more efficient people who have paranormal abilities and can thrive in stress filled environments. THE CONTAGIOUS NATURE OF MEMES Memes, or mental viruses, as we have seen, are habitual ways of acting and functioning that are passed on as mental software. An example of a meme, is driving a car. An organisation that has remote viewing operators within it, will find after a time, that .all staff begin to copy the enhanced performance of remote viewing trained managers. Remote viewing operators infect all around them with positive memes that they use in their remote viewing training The company culture will become suffused with a whole new range of remote viewing memes, that will enable the company to work in real-time and enhance its profitability. Managers and staff will find they are fitter, suffer from less stress as they begin to enjoy their new enhanced efficiency. BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS Organisations that become the centre for these remote viewing memes, be they: increased mental powers, reduction in psychosomatic disease and stress, or remote sensing by managers to feel how best to motivate staff, will have a tremendous advantage over their competitors in the 237 REMOTE VIEWING market place. Managers, who can enter the mind set of staff, will recognise problems developing before they crop up and harm the efficiency of the organisation. They will also recognise their own failing by remotely sensing staffs' concern about their own performance. Motivational drives by managers will be successful if remote viewing is used to get into the mind set of the company culture and to really see what drives it and what holds it back. Knowledge of the destructive feedback cycle prevalent in all organisations and non remote viewing trained operators (saints and highly evolved individuals excluded) will enable this malign software and set of memes to be expunged from mental functions. Just eliminating the negative feedback cycle from an organisation and its human personnel will dramatically increase productivity. All your competitors will still be wasting time and energy on this parasitic mental software and sets of malign memes, remote viewing training also lowers the stress levels of staff, so they can out think and out last any competitor. As we have seen in chapter 4, the protocols to manipulate the brain stress system to enter the theta state for ERV, have a massive beneficial effect on the remote viewer. The end result of this can be almost miraculous improvements in company culture, staff and managerial performance and the development of an organisation that dominates all aspects of it core competency. PROTOCOLS FOR USING RV AT WORK. To implement this methodology:- Use the above relaxation programme to inculcate a theta state. Fixate your awareness on the thalamus and focus the mental laser light of your Directed Attention on producing a mental screen in your minds eye. Visualise your biophysical body being made manifest in front of your mind's eye on the mental cinema screen. 238 REMOTE VIEWING Intend the I part of your attention, the epicentre of your Directed Attention, entering your biophysical remote viewing vehicle. Intend your biophysical remote viewing vehicle leaving your body and travelling to your work place. Allow your biophysical remote viewing vehicle to scan all the personnel of interest and it will automatically sense what plans they have. Next remote viewing all future events connected with your career and business to see how these people influence your future. Remote viewing the future enables you to find the timeline where everything goes your way. Begin to use remote viewing to find how to get there, from your present timeline. ERASING THE DESTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK CYCLE To recap, the brain stress system is detonated by a small ancient structure in the hind brain called the locus ceruleus. This structure sends signals to the hypothalamus in the limbic system. After the limbic system the brain stress system is connected with the prefrontal lobes of the cortex that are associated with working memory. Working memory is that aspect of remembrance that keeps data in short term memory and allows you to rapidly pick up and store anything you are attentive to. Hence the importance of a receptive limbic system and more specifically the thalamus which is the organ of attention. A RELAXED STATE OF MIND IS MORE ATTENTIVE, CAN STORE MORE DATA AND CAN RETRIEVE MORE DATA ,THAN AN ANXIOUS MIND. Since a remote viewer picks up a vast amount of data transmitted to the psychics brain by their biophysical field, a relaxed state of mind is necessary for a good signal to noise ration in remote viewing. 239 REMOTE VIEWING Also, whenever you retrieve data inputted in a relaxed state of mind it make you feel good. So. instead of negative feedback, you get positive feedback from remembering and implementing new remote viewing material. The limbic system communicates with the pituitary gland via neuronal and chemical stimuli, and when the organism is stressed, this master endocrine gland releases a hormone called Cortisol that stimulates a flight or fight response in the body. This mechanism keeps us naturally in the beta state of consciousness and blocks of all remote viewing abilities. By using the Cinema Method and Directed Attention, to switch off the brain stress system's over stimulation of our bodies, we can naturally fall into theta every time we practise remote viewing. By linking remote viewing with this process, we can naturally be in theta every time we practise remote viewing and by positive feedback the process gets more efficient with time. The body linking the positive feeling with remote viewing, inculcating a desire in our bodies for the theta state. The end result of this is that the body learns to be in the theta as its natural state, making us Psi-able all day long. This is in direct contrast to the people in the working environment, managers and staff alike, who are in a stressed state, their bodies are filled with hormones that are telling their bodies to fight or flee. We get used to this state, but it is very wearing on the body and produces many catoxic by products that have a debilitating effect on the body, This causes among other things:- i) Lowering of the immune response which makes the person susceptible to disease. ii) Reduction in efficiency due to the rapid onset of fatigue, many people work in this fatigued state for large parts of their working life. 240 REMOTE VIEWING iii) Ninety per cent of disease is of a psychosomatic in nature, the constant stimulation of the brain stress system is a major contributory factor. In the UK 9 billion a year (1991-92) is lost due to absenteeism caused by psychosomatic disease. It can be seen that a reduction in the level of brain stress activity has a massive effect on reduction in disease and absenteeism, plus a concomitant increase in efficiency. Finally there is a negative feedback process in the brain stress system whereby high levels of blood Cortisol act on the pituitary and hypothalamus which causes these areas to switch off or lower the activity of the brain stress system. Unfortunately the locus ceruleus - a centre in the reptilian brain - is not in this feedback loop. This has important ramifications for remote viewing operators :- I) The first of these, is that within the working environment any disputes about dominance will constantly effect the brain stress system. II) Secondly, any change from the status quo, for example new
working practises and material, will constantly stimulate the
brain stress system. III) Thirdly, a working environment where people don't know exactly
what they are doing, will have a similar effect. This is because the
reptilian brain likes ordered ritualistic behaviour where it knows
what is going on. This leads us to another set of laws of remote viewing technology:- RULE 10: HAVE CLEARLY DEFINED PECKING ORDERS WITHIN THE IDEA SETS YOU DEVELOP ON THE CINEMA SCREEN, IN YOUR MIND'S EYE, WHEN PROGRAMMING RV 241 REMOTE VIEWING TECHNIQUES INTO YOUR BRAIN. RULE 11: FOR MEMETIC PROGRAMMING BE HIERARCHICAL IN YOU THINKING. INPUT THE MEMES IN AN ORDERED WAY. LINK THEM WITH LOTS OF RV FEEDBACK IN THE DESIRED RELAXED THETA STATE. RULE 12: INTRODUCE ALL NEW RV MATERIAL AS A CONTINUATION OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING ALREADY NOT AS SOMETHING RADICALLY NEW THAT WILL CAUSE A MASSIVE CHANGE AND HENCE IN YOUR PERCEPTION, DISRUPTION. THAT IS WHY THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF RV IS SO IMPORTANT. RULE 13: HAVE AN ORDERED RV ENVIRONMENT WHERE WORKING PRACTISES ARE SYSTEMATIC. INFORMATION IS PASSED AROUND IN AN ORDERED MANNER ON YOUR CINEMA SCREEN, IN YOUR MIND'S EYE . THERE IS AN EMOTIONAL CONTENT OF RELAXATION WHERE ALL PARTS OF YOUR AWARENESS KNOW THEY ARE PART OF AN ORGANISATIONAL HUMAN HIERARCHY THAT IS DEDICATED TO BECOMING A RV ADEPT AND THAT KNOWS WHERE IT IS GOING. IN SIMPLE TERMS KNOW THAT ALL PARTS OF YOU ARE JOINED BY RV IN COMMON PURPOSE TO BECOME A PSI-ADEPT RULE 14: SELF PROGRAMME YOUR BIOPHYSICAL VEHICLE IN THE SAME WAY. SINCE IT IS AN INFORMATION CARRIER IT CAN BE PROGRAMMED LIKE A COMPUTER. AS IT CAN CARRY OUT QUANTUM COMPUTING, IT IS FAR MORE ABLE IN POTENTIAL, THAN ANY COMPUTER THAT WILL EVER BE DEVELOPED USING ALGORITHMIC PROGRAMMING. USE IT 242 REMOTE VIEWING REGULARLY TO BOOST ITS POWER. All the above rules apply equally to any new material you are learning, you could substitute for remote viewing, new management initiatives, new computer systems, new codes of practise, learning a new job... PROTOCOLS FOR PROGRAMMING YOUR BIOPHYSICAL QUANTUM COMPUTER FOR RV As an exercise in programming your biophysical vehicle:- To implement this methodology:- Use the relaxation programme to inculcate a theta state. Fixate you awareness on the thalamus and focus the mental laser light of your Directed Attention on producing a mental cinema screen in your minds eye. Visualise your biophysical body being made manifest in front of your mind's eye on the mental cinema screen. Intend the I part of your attention, the epicentre of your Directed Attention entering your biophysical remote viewing fields, through the doorway into the biophysical realm of your Cinema Screen. Intend your biophysical remote viewing vehicle being programmed by your Directed Attention to carry out remote viewing in the specific ways you wish it to operate. Use the above memetic rules as an aid to programming. Since it is your biophysical vehicle, programme it with the abilities you wish it to display and the goals you wish to pursue as well as the sites and people you wish to remotely view. Allow your biophysical remote viewing vehicle to begin initiating your programming, scanning the sites and all the personnel of interest to you, it will automatically sense how to achieve your goals which will come to you as sparks of intuition. 243 REMOTE VIEWING Next remote viewing all future events connected with your career and business to see how this programming of your biophysical vehicle influences your future. Remote viewing the future you have created by your programming and begin to use remote viewing to find how to optimise it with respect to your present timeline. GOAL DIRECTION IN RV In remote viewing training it is important to incorporate these biophysical programmes or memes into your behaviour because they naturally switch off the over stimulation of the reptilian brain which detonates the brain stress system. Since the locus ceruleus is not switched off by the body, this centre of the brain constantly keeps the brain stress system in an activated state. It is up to the person to turn off this debilitating effect by introducing the above behaviour into their biophysical vehicle and more importantly to use one of the characteristics of the reptilian brain to switch off the brain stress system. This characteristic is the goal orientated nature of the reptilian brain, For example if you put a tethered goat in front of a crocodile it will ignore everything else its attention fixated on eating the goat, Similarly the remote viewing operator can learn to ignore all external stressors (things that cause the body stress) and fixate his/her attention on their goals. To do this she/he must first realise the mechanisms going on within staff, colleagues and her/him self. Secondly to clearly define long, medium and short term goals, to se how remote viewing can make these manifest. Thirdly to input these goals into his/her perception by use of Directed Attention focused on the Cinema Screen, so they become the centre 244 REMOTE VIEWING piece of the remote viewing operator's behaviour; inputting positive memes to boost goal achievement. Doing this causes the remote viewing operator to ignore petty confrontations and to ignore things which normally would have angered and irritated her/him, the manager only concentrates on her/his goals and in doing this lowers the activity of the brain stress system. This increases the efficiency and data acquisition of the manager allowing her/him to achieve their goals much more quickly. This also boosts remote viewing ability. This lead to another law of RVT- RULE 15: AN RV OPERATOR IS TOTALLY GOAL DIRECTED, IGNORING STRESSORS AND CONFLICTS THAT HAVE NO BEARING ON HER/HIS GOALS, Behaviour is copied by ones subordinates and colleagues, so spreading this optimal way of. acting throughout the organisation occurs naturally, without you having to explicitly teach them. They copy you because you get results, You have boundless energy and your health has improved. Further to this, you know how to motivate and lead people, gaining their acceptance, as you are not petty and ignore everything but the job at hand. Finally they feel comfortable and relaxed around you and doing what you require, thus piquing their interest as to what you know that they do not. Now can come explicit training in remote viewing training from whence you can repeat the above cycle again. But this time with a paranormal input. The Positive Feedback cycle has been inculcated in the remote viewing operator. PROTOCOLS FOR ACHIEVING GOALS BY USE OF RV Since the locus ceruleas is not switched off by the body, this centre of the brain constantly keeps the brain stress system in an activated state. It is up to the person to turn off this debilitating effect by introducing the above remote viewing optimised behaviour into their working environment and more importantly to use one of the characteristics of the reptilian brain to switch off the brain stress system. 245 REMOTE VIEWING This characteristic is the goal orientated nature of the reptilian brain and the biophysical body. The remote viewing operator can learn to ignore all external stressors (that cause the body stress) and fixate his attention on his remote viewing of how to obtain his goals. To do this she/he must first realise the mechanisms going on within staff, colleagues and her/him self. That relate to the remote viewing operators goals. As a first exercise remotely view the people who effect your goals and see how they will effect your goals in the future. Secondly remotely view your goals to clearly define them in your mind's eye, then to see how they evolve and grow in the long, medium and short term. Thirdly to input these goals into your perception so they become the centre piece of your behaviour; remote viewing how your behaviour effects the manifestation of your goals. Remote viewing how each behavioural change effects your future, goals and your reality. Make a list of all your behavioural traits, then remote viewing the future to see how each one effects your future reality. Then optimise your behavioural traits in the light of remote viewing data to optimise your future goals and the reality you wish to achieve. Doing this causes the remote viewing operator to ignore petty confrontations and to ignore things which normally would have angered and irritated her/him, remote viewing operators only concentrates on her/his goals and in doing this lowers activity of the brain stress system, This increases the efficiency and acquisition of the paranormal abilities allowing her/him to achieve their goals more quickly. PROTOCOLS FOR INPUTTING POSITIVE MEMES INTO 246 REMOTE VIEWING YOUR BRAIN. Relax by using remote viewing protocols given in the previous chapter. Centre your auto visualisation in your mind's eye. Locate your mind's eye in the thalamus portion of your brain. Intend that the mental laser of your Directed Attention inscribes in your mind's eye the Cinema Screen. On this cinema screen visualise the positive memes you wish to programme your brain with. Examples of these positive memes could be: The Software of Success, longevity, immunity to cancer, remote viewing protocols... Input the image of this positive meme using the mental laser of your Directed Attention. Replace negative memes with images of positive memes given to you in this section, the most important for your positive emotional state being the Principles of Success Software. At the end of this chapter you should have a clear idea that memes are mental viruses that shape our brains neural network and through the medium of our culture control everything we think and do. Being the vehicles for memes to propagate and evolve leaves us at the mercy of the ideas they convey. A new set of memes in this chapter enables the average person to step outside of consensus reality and become a remote viewer. SUMMARY OF THE BASIC PROTOCOLS FOR USING RV IN BUSINESS (for serious students) To implement this methodology:- 1. Use the relaxation programme to inculcate a theta state. 247 REMOTE VIEWING Fixate you awareness on the thalamus and focus the mental laser light of your Directed Attention on producing a mental cinema screen in your minds eye. Visualise your biophysical body being made manifest in front of your mind's eye on the mental cinema screen. Intend the I part of your attention, the epicentre of your Directed Attention entering your biophysical remote viewing vehicle, through the doorway of your Cinema Screen, in your mind's eye. Intend your biophysical remote viewing vehicle being programmed by your Directed Attention to carry out all the goals in the specific ways you wish it to operate.. Use the above memetic rules as an aid to programming. Since it is your biophysical vehicle programme it with the goal achievement programming you wish it to display and the remote viewing of goals you wish to pursue, as well as the site and people you wish to remotely view in pursuit of these goals. Allow your biophysical remote viewing vehicle to begin initiating your goal directed programming, scanning the sites and all the personnel of interest to your goals, it will automatically sense how to achieve your goals which will come to you as sparks of intuition and acausal synchronous events that allow your goals to be achieved giving you the timing you need to achieve your goals. Next remotely viewing all future events connected with your goals to see how this programming of your biophysical vehicle influences your achievement of these goals. Remote viewing the future achievement of these goals and see what new programming you need to know to achieve them. Begin to use remote viewing to find how to optimise the achievement of your goals with respect to your present timeline. 248 REMOTE VIEWING 9. As you can see this basic methodology can be adapted by the remote viewing student to his needs and can be optimised by the person for his specific intents. 10. The information in this chapter can be used to boost business
efficiency as well as learn remote viewing, to do this you must
alter the protocols as required. 249 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 8: REMOTE VIEWING OF DISTANT LOCATIONS, In controlled remote viewing, a window is opened up in normal consciousness, called the beta state, into the biophysical domain of remote viewing. As we have seen in chapter one, Ingo Swann developed protocols to develop controlled remote viewing. These were subdivided into six stages of CRV development. In chapter three, the basic protocols of CRV were given in detail. USRV The reader should be aware, that leading U.S. remote viewers, such as David Morehouse, Lyn Buchanan and Joe McMoneagle, teach a further development of Ingo Swann's methodology. As we have seen in basic CRV, there are six stages of training, which required, eight hours a day, seven days a week for eighteen months, teaching a variation of Ingo Swann's six stages. By adding autovisualisation, to get into a deeply relaxed state, the top U.S. remote viewers show their pupils how to get into a dreamlike level of consciousness, the alpha or even theta state. They use basic relaxation techniques such as visualising parts of the body becoming relaxed, as given in the basic relaxation protocols in this book. The Monroe Institute in the USA has done much research on relaxation exercises and specialised in promoting out of body experiences. This enables the six stages of Ingo Swann's protocols to be used in the theta state. This is called simple extended remote viewing and enables much more accurate remote viewing for the reasons given earlier in this book. A course normally covers one week. It is then up to the pupil to practise remote viewing until proficient. U.S. RV experts carry out this type of training programme. Anyone wishing to learn this type of U.S. remote viewing can do so from the following protocols given in this chapter for a fraction of the cost. 250 REMOTE VIEWING RUSSIAN RV For the much more advanced Russian ERV, which is based on the physics of Psi, the author is the only authority outside of Russia. Advanced relaxation techniques such as using autovisualisation on the brain stress sytem, is something the author has developed. A complete set of protocols for both types of ERV are enclosed so the reader can compare the different methodologies of the Americans and the Russians. The author prefers the Russian science of Psi, since it naturally leads into remote sensing and influencing, eventually allowing psychotronics to be achieved. To recap on Ingo Swann's protocols as developed by leading U.S. remote viewers for ERV- U.S. EXTENDED REMOTE VIEWING AUTO VISUALISATION PROTOCOLS Sit comfortably on a chair.. Relax your feet. Imagine that all the muscles in your feet are becoming limp. Relax your ankles. Imagine that all the muscles in your ankles are becoming limp. Relax your calves. Imagine that all the muscles in your calves are becoming limp. Relax your knees and thighs. Imagine that, all the muscles in your knees and thighs are becoming limp. Relax your lower body. Relax all the muscles in your lower abdomen which become limp. 251 REMOTE VIEWING Relax your chest and back. Visualise that all the muscles in your chest and back are becoming limp. Relax your arms. Visualise that all the muscles in your chest and back are becoming limp. 16 Relax your neck. Visualise that all the muscles in your neck are becoming limp. Relax your head. Visualise that all the muscles in your head are becoming limp. Imagine yourself floating to above your body.. Visualise the corners of the room. Look at your surroundings. The ground beneath your biophysical vehicle. Now look at your physical body resting on the chair.. 22 Visualise all your worries drifting from your body and evaporating in the air. See your physical body losing its negative cast. Tell yourself that you feel better than you have ever felt in your life. Imagine your biophysical field hovering over your physical body, ready to remotely view as you go through the six stages of U.S. remote viewing. STAGE ONE: Obtain the target site from your monitor. Feel your biophysical field flying to that spot and transmitting the information on that site back to your brain. Pick up a pencil and begin to draw any impressions you get form your remote viewing. Sketch the first things that enter your head and do not try and think about what you are 252 REMOTE VIEWING drawing. Imagine you are just doodling the first thing that comes in to your head. Ignore the urge to evaluate or think about the perceptions you are receiving. STAGE TWO: Let basic sense perceptions come to you. Imagine you can smell the target site. Then you can feel the target site. Then you can hear the target site. Then you can see the target site. Then you feel emotional vibes from the target site. List down your perceptions and feeling but under no circumstances do you try and analyse them. All you are doing is acting as a clear channel for the information, putting your brain in neutral. STAGE THREE: Information that begins to fill in your doodle and enables you to make it into a very rough sketch now comes to you. This dimensional information allows you to make a set of lines or curves which looks like the target site. Avoid at all cost thinking about what you are drawing. Any sort of intellectual analysis adds analytical overlay (AOLs) which means that your brain is coming up with spurious information, not acting as a clear channel for information from your biophysical field at the target site. Sketch a large overview of the target site. STAGE FOUR: In this exercise we look for the function and purpose of the target. Make a list of what sense perceptions you got.. Then list the dimensionals, the curves and lines that make up the target site. Tangibles, hard definite structures, such as steel beams, posts, towers, roadways... Then list the intangibles, these are the functions and concepts of the target site, such as military, research facility, biological weapons.... STAGE FIVE: In this stage microanalysis of the list above ensues, teasing fine details from the remote viewing information trying to improve the signal to noise ratio. In this case, look at the list of sense perceptions and try to expand on them. List these stage five details. Repeat his procedure with the dimensionals, teasing more fine detail for your sketch. Then micro-remotely view each of the tangibles you 253 REMOTE VIEWING have obtained. In this case, steel beams hold up an underground steel roof, posts hold up the metal ceiling in large underground chambers. Towers poke upwards from this underground complex, these being the lifts to the surface. Roadways link this site with other military bases. Then look at the intangibles and micro-remotely view them. In this example which you can verify for yourself, a Chinese military base, researching in gene specific bacteria and viruses that just kill white people. Biological weapons such as ebola, deng, flu and Rocky Mountain fever, gene modified for race specific lethality... The reader may now see why the military became so interested in remote viewing. With remote viewing you can psychically spy on secret military research complexes which are experimenting on new weapons that put national security at risk. The reader might like to validate by remote viewing that race specific biological weapons are being developed in the Far East ready for the advent of World War Three. STAGE SIX: In stage six, the person remotely viewing tries to look at the target as if he was at the site. Moving around the target site in three dimensional space. By letting the biophysical field move around the target site, the person remotely viewing can get the perception of actually crawling though, around, up, down and along the target. Building up a three dimensional mental model of the target site. STAGE SEVEN: Try to pick up the name of the target. One can do this by seeing which letters of the alphabet spring to mind and building on that. Once can also visualise written signs and text at the target site, so a catalogue of what is written down at the site can be developed over time. The monitor can then help the remote viewer zoom in on specific areas of interest, such as at the Chinese biological warfare centre, how toxic is their ebola virus to Americans, as compared to Chinese, what other viruses have they gene tailored to attack Americans, what new variations of antibiotic immune bubonic plague have they developed, have they got a respiratory spread form 254 REMOTE VIEWING of the aids virus yet..? RUSSIAN ERV In the Russian form of ERV, the whole thrust of the training is based on Soviet research into Psi-phenomena. The biophysical field is seen as the transmitter of information from the target site. Soviet research became fixated on the idea that extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation was used by the biophysical field to transmit this information back to the brain of the remote viewer. This form of radiation was chosen by the Soviets, who knew that ELF radiation would pass through the skull into the brain, while higher frequencies of EM radiation would not. The concept of mental radio was deep in their psyche due to their huge research into telepathy and ESP The Schumann Resonance, the natural vibration of the Earth, was in the ELF range, which is from 20 Hz downwards. The Schumann Resonance being at 7.82 Hz. The Russians postulated that the biophysical field of the remote viewer, telepath, could send ripples of ELF radiation around the Earth using the planet's electromagnetic aura as the matrix for this signal. Russian ESP and their version of remote viewing concentrated on getting the operator into the theta state so that the telepath could naturally send signals and receive signals, on the Earth's Schumann Resonance. 255 REMOTE VIEWING PROTOCOLS OF RUSSIAN PSI-SPYING 1. The first step was to lower the remote viewer into the theta state. Russian research was very advanced n auto visualisation of the brain. By concentrating their auto visualisation on the brain, they learnt how to reverse the front to back polarity of the brain, thus lowering the brain into a sleeping state. The author is a little reticent about teaching the public how to change electrical potentials in the brain as their can be a number of unpleasant side effects, including the inability to stay awake when the brain becomes habituated to the new polarity. Pinching of the blood supply to the cortex by auto visualisation is also a technique that is given by some Russians as a means of entering theta. Cutting the blood supply to the brain can cause brain damage since the arteries and capillaries can shrink in size under the influence of autovisualisation leading to atrophy of the cortex. Those readers wishing to emulate all aspects of Russian Psi-research should be aware that Soviet dictums held little regard for the safety of the Psi-warrior, only the effectiveness of the paranormal warfare. For the reader, who wishes to use this more advance form of ERV, the author recommends that the following preparatory exercises may be of use. MENTAL BIOFEEDBACK This can be used as we have seen to easily and safely enter theta .This methodology can be used to put you in the theta state by using Directed Attention focused on your mental cinema screen, which shows your brain stress system, to relax it into the theta state. This technique can be used on all parts of your body to optimise its function by use of Directed Attention. When psychically scanning, another person use the same technique to look for illness and disfunction in the person being medically scanned. 256 REMOTE VIEWING DIRECTED ATTENTION ALLOWS ONE TO CONTROL ALL BODILY FUNCTIONS USING THE MENTAL CINEMA SCREEN TO FOCUS ON YOUR BODY, OR THE BRAIN STRESS SYSTEM TO LOWER ITS ACTIVITY, SO ONE CAN ENTER THE THETA STATE. a). Focusing your Directed Attention on your fingertips using mental biofeedback, the image of your fingers on the mental Cinema Screen is used to control your own bodily functions. You can train your fingertips to become warm due to blood vessel dilation induced by visualising this on your mental cinema screen. This technique stops headaches and migraines by lowering blood pressure. To use this method:- i). Relax using simple relaxation protocols. ii). Visualise yourself inside your thalamus. iii). From this mental position, focus your Directed Attention on creating the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye. iv). Once this is done, visualise your fingertips glowing red on the cinema screen and blood being forced into them so they begin to swell like sausages. This will open up the capillaries in your wrists, hands and fingers, pooling blood in your extremities which lowers blood pressure and cools the blood. b) Do the same procedure with the stomach lining when you feel queasy, or have a nervous tummy flutter. This negates stress related stomach disorders :- (i). Visualise your stomach on your mental cinema screen. (ii). Adjust the stomach's acid content by toning down the colour and or brightness of the image till it fades from view, leaving your upset stomach realigned to optimum low acid activity. 257 REMOTE VIEWING (iii). When it reappears in your mind's eye, later under Directed Attention, you know it needs further attention. If it does not, you know your stomach is well.. You can also use autovisualisation to charge our immune system with killing the bacteria which lurks on the stomach lining and eats holes in the stomach lining causing ulcers. 2. Visualise the biophysical field swelling around your body from the psychotronic generator that is pumping your Psi-field with energy. In the West, Psychotronic generators, which charge you up with Psi-energy do not exist, so you will have to visualise yourself getting energy from Stonehenge, or another power spot that you favour. These power spots are filled with adaptive energy. This is the life force. Memes generated by our culture are adaptive energy parasites that feed of our energy getting larger in the process. Examples are: shopping till you drop, work all your life for a mortgage, paranormal phenomena do not exist, a person is defined by their: car, clothes, job, looks... By editing the memes out of your being, it means that when you pump you biophysical field with adaptive energy from power sites, it is not parasitised by memes in your being which would compel you to follow their ideas as they gained more energy from you, only making matters worse. Visualise your biophysical field on your mental cinema screen. Psychically see energy from Stonehenge flowing into your biophysical field, pumping it up until it explodes out of your physical body. 3.. Use Directed Attention to project your empowered biophysical field at the target site to be remotely viewed. 258 REMOTE VIEWING Once you are at the target site, let images from this place be broadcast on to your mental cinema screen. This is done by visualising the biophysical field flashing back to your brain downloading information on the remote viewing site, while it is still at the remotely viewed site. The icon which moves information form file to file on your computer when it uses Windows 95, is a good analogy to how this Russian biophysical remote viewing works. Since your biophysical field is a quantum mechanical entity and can be in two places at once, due to the quantum mechanical property of superimposition of states, the energy field acts as a broadcaster of information by means of Bell's Theorem. This states that two quantum mechanical entities that at an earlier date were united, share the same properties after being separated. In this case those properties are information on the remote viewing site, held in the quantum mechanical computer of the biophysical field. Unlike the U.S. remote viewing method, which depends on opening a window into the subconscious, which then acts as a channel for RV information, the more advanced Russian RV uses quantum mechanical coherence and allied properties. On your mental cinema screen begin to list the feelings you get from the remotely viewed site. Start with the non-visual information since this is the least powerful and will get swamped out by the visual information. When you have listed the feelings you get relax into deep theta. 259 REMOTE VIEWING See this information as images on your mental cinema screen. It is useful to imagine the information being broadcast from your biophysical field at the target site, being received by your brain and decoded into visual information in the occipital lobe which lays at the back of the brain. The biophysical field operates in a completely different way to the brain, in that it processes information in a quantum computer-like manner. Information is looked at in a multi-reality way which defies normal thinking. The difficulty for our brains is processing this quantum mechanical information. In Russian remote viewing the difficulty lies in translating the quantum world view into our limited physical world view which has nearly no bearing on actual reality. To decode this quantum mechanical remote viewing information, the remote viewer should command their biophysical field to decode the information into the linear one-reality version our brains can receive. This information should be then shown on our mental cinema screen. Spend some time looking at the target site to build up the remote viewing image on your mental cinema screen. With practise, the translation process between biophysical field and brain will improve causing an increase in the accuracy of remote viewing. To begin bilocation, this being the property of remote vexing where it appears you are really standing at the target site, you should command your biophysical field to focus its essence at the place being psychically observed. You then visualise on your mental cinema screen a quantum tunnel, or wormhole. This tunnel looks like a whirlwind turned on its side, connecting your physical body to the target site. Viewers of: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, will have seen numerous special effects of cosmic wormholes which connect two places in space, be they light years apart. Let your physical body get sucked into this remote viewing wormhole. Your perception will get sucked to the target site, whereupon you will find images of that place appearing around you as if you were actually standing there. 260 REMOTE VIEWING THE GENIUS FACTOR With remote viewing, you can send your awareness to distant locations, you can also send it to different people, the latter being called remote sensing. In Russian remote viewing, you can also use the faculty of Psi to boost your intelligence to the genius level. If we consider the biophysical field to be a quantum computer, then if we can access this processing power, we have at our disposal the most sophisticated computer on the planet. A computer that can carry out any computation, if we but know how to access and programme it. By this means, the remote viewer can have access to levels of consciousness that up until now were only postulated as being achievable by artificial intelligence super computers in science fiction books. PROTOCOLS FOR ACCESSING THE GENIUS FACTOR Use Directed Attention centred in your thalamus to access states of deep relaxation by focusing on the brain stress system and lowering its anxiety levels. In the next stage, focus your Directed Attention on your mental cinema screen. On your mental cinema screen visualise your conscious mind, see a doorway open in your mind's eye to enable you to enter your subconscious. In the subconscious see another doorway passing through the subconscious into the unconscious (see Fig 30: Geography of Attention). Step through these doorways and explore your subconscious and unconscious. Use Directed Attention to act as link to normal consciousness, so that conscious, unconscious, and subconscious are in ones Directed Attention. Colour code conscious white, subconscious black and unconscious blue. a) Gut feelings, intuition and hunches are correct when they come from the unconscious, which is a subset of the collective unconscious that holds the sum total of human knowledge. 261 REMOTE VIEWING Use Directed Attention to evaluate ideas you get, accessing quickly with this tool your subconscious and unconscious. As long as the thought, when psychically viewed on your mental cinema screen is tinged in blue, one knows the hunch is right, if it is tinged with black, you know it comes from the subconscious and therefore is of limited value, which must be backed by fact to have any value. Unconscious data is generally very creative, so if an idea set is colour coded blue, it may be of great interest. While remotely viewing it is useful to use these genius factor protocols. They boost your data processing capacity which improves remote viewing. By inculcating the genius level of consciousness in your being, the process of downloading data broadcast by the biophysical field from the target site is improved. This occurs because when you are in the genius level of consciousness, the ability to translate the biophysical fields quantum mechanical information into data suitable for the brain to comprehend as remote viewing imagery is greatly improved. The genius factor technique is one of the most effective methods for improving remote viewing accuracy since it opens the channel for psychic viewing information into a broad corridor. There are other applications of the genius factor that can be of use to the Psi-operator Using Directed Attention to switch of the data stream flowing through your brain, not thinking, leads to new ideas surfacing from the unconscious and the collective unconscious which is the repository of creative thought. Unlocking hidden potentials that one never knew one had. Relax using the protocols for this purpose. Direct Attention should then be focused on the mental cinema screen which is fixated on a specific meme, then you should let go of this idea and await the result. This method is useful for programming reality so events come to you. 262 REMOTE VIEWING 8. Directed Attention focused on the vestige of a forgotten memory
enables that memory to be recovered.. To retrieve a half forgotten
memory:- i) Relax using the brain stress system protocols so you can enter theta. ii) Focus your epicentre of attention in your thalamus. iii) Use the mental laser of Directed Attention which emanates from the thalamus to draw the mental cinema screen in a clockwise direction in your mind's eye. iv) Focus your Directed Attention on creating an image of this half forgotten memory. v) Let go of this half forgotten memory on you mental screen. vi) Await the memory which will come to you at a future date when you review your mental cinema screen, or are in normal consciousness. 9. Directed Attention focused on the hindbrain and thalamus can boost
your psychic powers by destroying mental blocks that stop your
biophysical field downloading remote viewing information. i) Relax using the brain stress system protocols so you can enter the theta state. ii) Focus your epicentre of attention in your thalamus. iii) Use the mental laser of Directed Attention which emanates from the thalamus to draw the mental cinema screen in a clockwise direction in your mind's eye. iv) The mental laser of your Directed Attention can be used to burn away software blocks shown on your mental screen. See the images of these blocks in your thalamus which block your Psi-perception. fading and dying. 263 REMOTE VIEWING v) Repeat this process for your hindbrain. vi) This debugging process leads to a massive increase in data flow to the cerebral cortex and your consciousness, this information contains among other things :- Visual clues as to other peoples true mental state (from subtle clues in their body language among other things), thus one knows if one is being lied to. An increase in ones empathic abilities, so you can get into the 'head's your colleagues, staff and competitors. Ill Ideas will pop into your mind's eye which give you an almost precognitive view of the world, due to the unfiltered data which our forebrain can now process to give us enhanced perception. This can then be developed into full blown precognitive remote viewing. IMPROVING THE SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO IN REMOTE VIEWING The remote viewing of underground sites, or military facilities, was the original intent of the US remote viewing programme. Ingo Swann, the leading US clairvoyant of his time, was used to train American military personnel to receive operational anomalous cognition. This form of cognition was used to describe the RV phenomena. In plain language, this meant remote viewing, the ability to see distant locations clairvoyantly. In the intelligence scenario, a near perfect description of a foreign site may be of little value, because the information is well known by use of satellite data or such like. While a poor anomalous cognition (AC), that would not score well in a laboratory trial may provide vital information to the intelligence community, unavailable by any other method. This means that the use of multiple remote viewers, using AC 264 REMOTE VIEWING simultaneously, may be of especial use when remotely viewing sites of interest which are so secret no information is available as to their real nature and function. In this matter their are some especial topics of interest:- Managing the target pool. Make sure that you look for clearly defined targets, then only later broaden the scope of your RV. In the case of foreign sites, the first thing to look for is the presence of life forms. From there, one can look at the tunnel complexes, then the equipment that fills these chambers; targeted RV makes the AC recognition much easier than looking at everything and then getting swamped by data and losing ones way in the mental farrago. Bandwidth. Keeping a focused train of attention is vital. It is easy to lose ones RV by letting the mind wander. Directed Attention on areas of the site you find of especial interest is necessary to keep your RV fixated on the target. RV efficiency declines rapidly when you remotely view areas you find of little interest. Describing endless trivial tests of RV's to sceptical researchers is a sure way to lose bandwidth by boring oneself stupid fixing your attention on RV things you don't find interesting. If you wish to show off your remote viewing ability to other people, remotely view things you find of intense interest to keep accuracy levels high. This works by using goal direction to switch off the brain stress system. Similarly when you get bored, the brain stress system becomes activated and you enter the beta state which blocks remote viewing activity. Therefore in remote viewing activity, always look at things you find of intense interest, which dampens down the brain stress system and links this relaxed state with remote viewing, therefore causing a positive feedback effect which amplifies RV in future. 265 REMOTE VIEWING c) Signal to noise ratio. Ingo Swann has stated that untrained people can display a fifteen percent accuracy rate in remote viewing. Highly trained personnel display much higher levels of accuracy. To increase the signal to noise ratio, it is vital to reduce the stress levels of the remote viewer so they can enter the theta state, the so called doorway to Psi. Switch off the internal chatter in the mind by using the Cinema Method which is obtained by using Directed Attention. APPLICATIONS OF THE CINEMA METHOD As an exercise in programming your ability to use the Cinema Method-To implement this methodology:- Use the relaxation programme to inculcate a theta state. Fixate you awareness on the thalamus and focus the mental laser light of your Directed Attention on producing a mental cinema screen in your minds eye. This is the cinema screen used to view you remotely viewed data which is passed down from your biophysical field 3. Visualise your biophysical field being made manifest in front of your mind's eye on the mental screen. A good image for the biophysical field is the spectre-like body seen in the film Ghost. When you can enter this biophysical body, you can begin to use it for guided extended remote viewing. 4. Intend the I part of your attention, the epicentre of your Directed
Attention, entering your biophysical RV vehicle through the mental
cinema screen in your mind's eye.. 266 REMOTE VIEWING Intend your biophysical RV vehicle being programmed by your Directed Attention to remotely view the place or person of interest. Your biophysical vehicle will travel to the target, after which it will then begin to project the visual data into your brain , (via quantum mechanical effects) which can then be seen on your mental cinema screen. Command you biophysical vehicle to put on the cinema screen what data your Directed Attention wishes to display and the remotely viewed site or subject of interest. You can then use your remote viewing to follow the timeline on the site or people, you have remotely viewed, in pursuit of achieving any goals that may be of interest, to see what bearing they have on your future. Boosting the biophysical RV body by using the Russian remote viewing protocols will 'flesh out' your biophysical body which will boost the signal to noise ratio of your remote viewing. Group mind augmentation can be used to boost your remote viewing. This entails remotely viewing in groups the same target and then sharing your data after the remote viewing session. Feedback on the actual site will enable you to build up your accuracy level and improve your signal to noise ratio with respect to your remote viewing. Group augmentation of remote viewing works by entraining the biophysical mind into High-order consciousness, a state where it is self aware. The group of biophysical fields meld together when remotely viewing the same site and boost their potential, an effect which lasts after the session and rapidly advances the biophysical fields remote viewing ability, a so it can quickly learn remote viewing and from there can be developed to the state where remote sensing and influencing become possible. This was why military remote viewers worked in groups. 267 REMOTE VIEWING d) Noise reduction. This occurs when the brain rhythms are lowered by use of advanced stress management protocols and memetic biophysical enhancement systems, which have been given in this book. Further to this, the use of Group Augmented RV, can be used filter out noise so, that the fifteen percent accuracy rate of untrained individuals, may be of use in using remote viewing for the gleaning of information from foreign sites. This occurs because the group that remotely view the same specific site will all see glimpses of the same thing. Even though in untrained individuals the accuracy rate may be around fifteen percent, the entire group all see shards of the actual target site. When they come together as a group, the same similarities in their remote viewings will be easy to pick out of the noise, which will be different for everyone. Only the actual target information will be similar. This self-similarity in the signal can be used to suppress the noise, as protocols can be developed to ignore any data which does not agree with the group, since this is likely to be noise. This type of procedure is used to filter out noise in electronic circuits and the mathematics is very well understood. The effects of Group Augmented RV have a lasting effect the individual, after he/she leaves the group, by the permanent raising biophysical field effects to Primary or High-order consciousness, this effect significantly reduces noise in remote viewing. For this reason military remote viewing was done by groups of personnel to boost the remote viewing signal at the expense of the background noise generated by the PDF. 268 REMOTE VIEWING e) Use of Paranormal Management Systems' engineered biophysical field forms, which are available only to the author's personal pupils, (the Paranormal Windows System ) can enable the protection of the remote viewer from all known RV defence mechanisms in world wide foreign sites - thus making remote viewing safe for my personal trainees. This technology is therefore not available to a remote viewer trainee who just reads this book. We strongly recommend the interested reader should contact the author for a correspondence course on remote viewing, or sensing, which will show the trainee not only how to comprehensively protect him/her/self, but covers advance remote viewing protocols such as stealth, advanced time travel, dimensional and timeline remote viewing, not covered in this book. ADVANCED REMOTE VTEWTNG IISTNG THE SUPPLEMENTARY MOTOR AREA DIRECTED ATTENTION FIXATED IN THE SUPPLEMENTARY MOTOR AREA, USING THE MENTAL CINEMA SCREEN, STIMULATES THE MIND BODY TO PERFORM ACTIONS SUCH AS RV PROGRAMMED INTO IT BY YOUR DIRECTED ATTENTION. The remote viewing effect is a very easy Psi-ability to learn and one which we have a long history of use, with the concomitant Psi-genes. Unfortunately our race are stunted by the PDF which causes humans to use their powerful Psi-abilities to remotely influence each other to enter the consensus reality. A reality in which remote viewing is impossible, and we lead short unhealthy lives with a quarter of us going mad in the process. Remote viewing is important, not in that is allows you to psychically spy on Pamela Anderson or Keanu Reeves, lookalikes, but that it enables the individual to shatter the consensus reality that holds them like a fly in amber. Unable to psychically move. 269 REMOTE VIEWING The remote viewing effect can be boosted by programming your brain to carry out remote viewing, no matter what negativity is put in your way to block out you Psi-abilities. If you programme the supplementary motor area to amplify your remote viewing, you will learn psychic viewing no matter what happens. The Supplementary Motor Area is found on the top section of the brain, in the top centre of the spongy cortex, this area is heavily associated with volitional action and seems to be a key agent in decision making. This occurs because every time you make, the conscious decision to do something and you carry it out, the Supplementary Motor Area fires. By using Direct Attention and the mental cinema screen, you can do the same, thus getting yourself to do things you know you have to do, but could not up until then, get yourself to do. Self activation of the Supplementary Motor Area is the best means of self motivation and if done correctly is invariable successful. This technique can be used to boost remote viewing capability. As an exercise in programming your SMA for RV- To implement this methodology:- Use the relaxation programme to inculcate a theta state. Fixate you awareness on the thalamus and focus the mental laser light of your Directed Attention on producing a mental cinema screen in your minds eye. Visualise your SMA being made manifest in front of your mind's eye on the mental cinema screen. 4. Intend the I part of your attention, the epicentre of your Directed
Attention, entering your SMA. 270 REMOTE VIEWING Intend your SMA being programmed by your Directed Attention to become a modem for transferring RV data from your biophysical body to your brain. Command your SMA to programme your brain to carry out all the goals in the specific ways you wish it to operate to enhance your remote viewing. Use the above rules as an aid to programming. Since it is your brain, programme it with the goal achievement programming you wish it to display and the ability to remotely view the goals you wish to pursue, as well as the site and people you wish to remotely view in pursuit of these goals. Now visualise your SMA area of the brain programming your biophysical body to carry out this remote viewing programming. In this way, your own brain can begin to link with your biophysical body to develop the synergy needed for proper remote viewing. APPLICATIONS OF THESE PROTOCOLS Relax into a deep state of theta by using the relaxation protocols. Focus your Directed Attention on your thalamus. Now direct the mental laser of Directed Attention on the supplementary motor area. Command your brain to switch off the brain stress system every time you practise remote viewing. Programme the intent of accurate remote viewing of any site you wish, every time you focus your Directed Attention on the Supplementary Motor Area. Using the same set of protocols, sales staff can be motivated to go out and sell using this technique. Office staff can use mental simulation of an actual event on the mental cinema screen, such as word processing, telephone-sales, office procedures, etc. to increase their efficiency by inputting these commands into their SMA A consequence of this is enhanced performance, whilst 271 REMOTE VIEWING they surfer less stress from their job and can therefore be healthier and have less days of work, as well as being happier and better at their job. Management can also self-motivate themselves using this technique. Using the SMA, one can rerun positive situations from your past successes on your mental cinema screen to enhance your performance. Simulate actual situations to come in positive light before you actually do them. This enhances performance. Another useful exercise:- Direct your attention on your own SMA using Directed Attention fixed on you mental cinema screen. Show on your mental cinema screen images of what you wish to do. Activate the SMA by downloading these intents of the thing you are going to do, such as RV practise ( or in the business situation, selling more etc.), strengthening you and therefore having a positive feedback effect on you every time you remotely view and then act upon that information.. PSI AS THE NEW SCIENCE OF THE 21st CENTURY As can be seen, knowledge of how the brain works can be used to amplify not only our physical and mental functioning, but remote viewing. Up until the advent of superpower research into Psi, the scientific discipline, with the concomitant resources to match had never been applied to this field. The paranormal could never be researched by reputable scientists in the West until very recently. Russians were not crippled by this meme, and after Stalin's death used their superb intellects to unravel the secrets of Psi. brain research, which they developed called pychotronics which was used to boost the Psi effect. The West took on board the electronic mind control technology when the U.S. embassy was micro waved by the Soviets. Microwave mind control devices are now used in the U.K. as normal practise by MI5 to render their enemies mad, or to kill, or make them seriously ill. The 272 REMOTE VIEWING author has first hand experience of the secret evil that lays hidden like a viper in the UK, and controls the government by means of obfuscation and state institutionalised mendacity. To recap recent research by the U.S. has shown that Psi exists. A concept which the Russian scientific community have known for years. Research by Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne, Professors at Princeton , whose engineering anomalous research, has looked into the effects of Psi on equipment, has borne fruit. In their experiments they have looked at the way the human mind can influence a number of mechanical devices and random number generators. They have found that the movement of ball bearings, the numbers coming out of a random number generator and various other devices, can be slightly influenced by the effect of students concentrating on the devices. The effect at present is small. Of the order of one in a thousand, but their is now hard evidence Psi exists in the super-sceptical Western scientific community, where to utter the word Psi is to risk ridicule and loss of tenure. The one in a thousand figure, will drop to one in a hundred, as the PDF is destroyed by more and more people practising remote viewing. Eventually the figure will drop to one in ten, then it will eventually become unity and reality as we know it will vanish. Many prophecies predict a change of reality around 2013. THE MANY WORLDS THEORY The latest research by quantum mechanists postulates that the many-world version of reality may be true. In this many-worlds version of reality, decisions we make lead to alternative timeline and different realities. The famous example of Schrodinger's Cat, which is trapped in a cell with a lethal gas canister, which will release the poison, when a radioactive detonator is activated, with a fifty-fifty chance of exploding before the cat is released, has a remarkable consequence in quantum mechanics. It means that according to quantum mechanics, the cat is neither dead or alive but in a superimposition of states, until the windowless cell is opened. According to the many-worlds reality 273 REMOTE VIEWING theory of physics, the cat is both dead and alive even when the cell is opened. In one reality it is dead, in another it is alive. Using remote viewing, the author has explore the many worlds reality and found that indeed their are a multiplicity of worlds where alternative events have changed history. As reported in New Scientist, one physicist has come up with the extreme experiment to prove to himself that the many worlds theory is true. In his experiment he has a gun aimed at his head, which is controlled by an electronic trigger activated by a quantum event, such as a single photon passing through a double slit, one pathway causes the gun to fire, the other means it does not fire. The logical outcome of this would be a fifty fifty chance that the physicist gets his head blown off. The physicist is a brave soul, so in his experiment he intends to repeat the experiment many times. The logical conclusion is that he has a vanishing chance of survival. According to the many worlds theory though, the physicist never dies in the experiment, rather like Schroedinger's Cat, the physicist is turned into a quantum mechanical event by the experiment and undergoes a superimposition of states. So that one reality always exists in which he survives and the gun never goes off. Unfortunately the other researchers in the experiment see him die again and again, so in the majority of cases they see him die. This weird science of quantum mechanics shows that our cosy everyday view of consensus reality is being shaken by the latest research from hidebound Western physicists. With remote viewing, the multiplicity of worlds and their possibilities can be explored, the old name for this being magic. SUMMARY OF RV PROTOCOLS USERV Enter the theta state by using auto visualisation to self hypnotise yourself. 274 REMOTE VIEWING STAGE ONE: Get the target site from your monitor. STAGE TWO: Let basic sense perceptions come to you. STAGE THREE: Dimensional information that begins to fill in your doodle and make it into a very rough sketch now comes to you. STAGE FOUR: In this exercise we look for the function and purpose of the target. STAGE FIVE: Would be microanalysis of the list above teasing fine details from the remote viewing information trying to improve the signal to noise ratio. STAGE SIX: In stage six, the person remotely viewing tries to look at the target as if he was at the site. STAGE SEVEN: Try to pick up the name of the target Then to read files, computers and documents.. RUSSIAN ERV Enter theta by changing brain function, the safest way is using the author's brain stress system relaxation protocols. Pump up your biophysical field by psychotronic amplification. Direct your biophysical field to the target site. Set up the mental cinema screen. Let your biophysical field broadcast remote viewing information back to your mental cinema screen. See visual imagery develop from the preliminary list of remote viewing data. Increase the resolution of the imagery. Begin the process of bilocation so you actually see the remotely viewed site as if you were there. 275 REMOTE VIEWING ADVANCED ERV PROTOCOLS (for the serious student) As an exercise in programming boosting your biophysical vehicle using the following protocols may be of use:- PROTOCOLS FOR BOOSTED RV To implement this methodology:- Use the relaxation programme to inculcate a theta state. Fixate you awareness on the thalamus and focus the mental laser light of your Directed Attention on producing a mental cinema screen in your minds eye. Visualise your biophysical body being made manifest in front of your mind's eye on the mental cinema screen. Intend the I part of your attention, the epicentre of your Directed Attention entering your biophysical RV vehicle through the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye.. Intend your biophysical RV vehicle being programmed by your Directed Attention to carry out all the goals in the specific ways you wish it to operate.. Use the memetic rules, given in chapter six, as an aid to programming. Since it is your biophysical vehicle, made from your biophysical fields, programme it with the goal achievement programming you wish it to display and the remotely viewed goals you wish to pursue, as well as the site and people you wish to remotely view in pursuit of these goals. Allow your biophysical RV vehicle to begin initiating your goal directed programming scanning the sites and all the personnel of interest to your goals. It will automatically sense how to achieve your goals, which will come to you as sparks of intuition and acausal synchronous events that allow your goals to be achieved, giving you the near miraculous timing you need to achieve your goals. 276 REMOTE VIEWING 7. A next step is remotely viewing all the future events connected with your goals, to see how this programming of your biophysical vehicle influences your achievement of these goals. Remote viewing the future achievement to see how these goals develop and to see what new programming you need to achieve them by use of remote viewing. Begin to use remote viewing to find how to optimise the achievement of your goals with respect to your present timeline. As you can see this basic methodology can be adapted by the student remote viewer to his needs and can be optimised by the person for his specific intents. PROTOCOLS FOR SMA BOOSTED RV As an exercise in programming your biophysical vehicle using the SMA:- To implement this methodology:- Use the relaxation programme to inculcate a theta state. Fixate you awareness on the thalamus and focus the mental laser light of your Directed Attention on producing a mental cinema screen in your minds eye. Visualise your biophysical body being made manifest in front of your mind's eye on the mental screen. Intend the I part of your attention, the epicentre of your Directed Attention entering your biophysical RV vehicle through the mental cinema screen in your mind's eye. See this as a bright star of light travelling from your brain, to the mid-centre of the biophysical field, which you have now developed into the biophysical body. 277 REMOTE VIEWING 5. Intend your biophysical RV vehicle being programmed by your
Directed Attention to carry out all the goals in the specific ways you
wish it to operate. Use the memetic rules in chapter six, as an aid
to programming. Since it is your biophysical vehicle programme it
with the goal achievement programming you wish it to display and
remotely viewing the goals you wish to pursue, as well as the site
and people you wish to remotely view in pursuit of these goals. 6. Now visualise you biophysical vehicle programming your SMA area of the brain to carry out this programming. Visualise the mental laser of Directed Attention being fired from the centre of you biophysical field to the crown of you physical body's head entering the SMA in the brain. Will the SMA to carry out your wishes, enabling you to remotely view. In this way your own biophysical body can begin to link with your brain to develop the synergy needed for proper remote viewing. This is an example of your biophysical field remotely influencing your own body. In the next chapter on remote influencing we can see how the mechanics of remote influencing works. Allow your biophysical RV vehicle to begin initiating your goal directed programming, scanning the sites and all the personnel of interest to your goals. It will automatically sense how to achieve your goals which will come to you as sparks of intuition and acausal synchronous events that allow your goals to be achieved, giving you the perfect timing you need to achieve your goals. The next step is remote viewing of all future events connected with your goals, to see how this programming of your biophysical vehicle influences your achievement of these goals. Remote viewing the future achievement of these goals and seeing what new programming you need to achieve them, is a useful next step. Begin to use remote viewing to find how to optimise the achievement of your goals with respect to your present timeline. 278 REMOTE VIEWING 10. As you can see, this basic methodology can be adapted by the RV student to his needs and can be optimised by the person for his specific intents. 279 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 9: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN X-FILE PARANORMAL TECHNOLOGY In the final part of our history of remote viewing,: new developments in X-File paranormal technology are explored in depth. The new developments in remote viewing, which the author has discovered and researched, such a inter-dimensional remote viewing, timeline remote viewing and hypnotic remote viewing are talked about and put in context. We will find that remote vexing has been developed to now incorporate remote sensing, the ability to remotely view peoples' minds. With remote sensing the ability to scan other people's minds is beginning to become a possibility. Remote sensing can also be used to explore the universal unconscious, the repository of the human race's psyche. In the final chapter in this book we look at the latest top-secret remote influencing research the author has undertaken. British intelligence have deployed all their resources, including microwave weapons, to stop the author divulging this information, for it has far reaching implications they wish to suppress. Research which has enabled military Psi-adept to deploy tactical and strategic mind control, that can by telepathic hypnosis, plant suggestions in the minds of key decision makers such as politicians. World events and the future history of mankind may be strongly influenced by Psi-research carried out by the superpowers. REMOTE VIEWING TODAY UNRAVELLING THE NATURE OF REALITY Remote viewing today has developed from co-ordinate remote viewing (CRV) to extended remote viewing (ERV) and hypnotic remote viewing. In our discussion of where remote viewing stands at the end of the twentieth century, we now look at modern developments of remote 280 REMOTE VIEWING viewing which enable us to explore the true nature of reality, such as inter-dimensional remote viewing and timeline remote viewing. State-of-the-art remote viewing such as hypnotic remote viewing is also looked at to see how it may work. We then progress into the mechanism behind remote sensing, which then leads us on to the final chapter on remote influencing. With remote viewing we can explore reality. To understand the wonders remote viewing can show us, we need to first have an appreciation of the nature of reality. We are all aware that our planet is travelling around the sun, which exists in the universe. Up until recently, the universe was thought of as the largest region of space-time that exists in reality. Modern physics has now postulated that the universe may be only one of many universes that exist, analogous to bubbles in a mass of soap suds. Our universe has life within it because the laws of physics are conducive to life in our specific universe. This concept of the universe being designed so that life can come into existence is called the Cosmic Anthropic Principle. My research into the basis of paranormal phenomena has led me to believe that the universe is more structured than modern theorists would imagine. The problem that one faces as a theorist when trying to unravel the nature of reality, is that the physics upon which reality is based is poorly understood. Leading-edge theories that try to explain the nature of reality are called TOEs (theory of everything [s]). Physicists are enamoured at present with superstring theory. This theory postulates that the smallest constituent of reality are subatomic strings. These may either be open or closed strings. According to eminent physicists, the theory reaches its zenith with the concept of (heterotic) cosmic superstrings. Suffice to say these cosmic strings have two different waves travelling around them in different directions when they join ends to make loops. A clockwise moving wave of ten dimensions, and a twenty six dimensional wave travelling in an anticlockwise direction. This theory though mathematically elegant, 281 REMOTE VIEWING leads to such sophisticated mathematics that conceptual knowledge becomes lost. Physicists have ended up with a theory that is so complicated that it gives them a multitude of answers, but since they don't understand how the theory applies to the real world, they are at a loss how to use the theory to ask real world questions, that they should be asking to use this theory in practise. Confused as to why they bother? Join the club. Many of the leading theoretical physicists are. Up until recently, physics was an experimentally based science where theories were developed to explain experimental data. In recent times more and more complex theories have been developed, but no experimental work has been carried out because the high energies involved require particle accelerators that the U.S. government refused to fund because of the cost. The next twenty years will therefore be full of more and more complex mathematical physical theories, which to all intents and purposes are unprovable by experiment. Physicists have in effect become highly educated science fiction writers, until the time they can experimentally prove their super-complex superstring theories, which seem bizarre to many scientists. USING REMOTE VIEWING TO EXPLORE REALITY As a scientist searching for the physics of the paranormal, the use of remote viewing to serve as an experimental tool to examine the nature of reality has been my prime imperative. In the book: The Fire Within, by Carlos Casteneda, the shamen Don Juan uses a form of remote viewing to explore the nature of reality. The author has found that remote viewing can serve as a useful experimental tool in researching new theories of physics and biophysics. In my research into remote viewing, the ability of trained and naturally clairvoyant people to see things distant from their person, termed anomalous cognition by U.S. scientists such as Russel Targ and Hal Puthoff, their 1979 paper on experimental Psi research: implications for physics, forced me to reappraise the nature of reality, to begin to come to terms with how remote viewing could possibly work. 282 REMOTE VIEWING Science has overlooked the major parodyne shift the reality of remote viewing imposes on the nature of physical reality. Dr Jessica Utts, the statistician at Stanford, who has proved that remote viewing actually exists, has shattered the cosy mechanistic parodyne of reality that forbade Psi. David Morehouse, in his book Psychic Warrior, outlines how the U.S. government is actively developing military psychics not only to remotely view, as they have been doing since 1970, but the development of remote influencers and manipulators who will give the US government the ability to use ESP for mind control. The only fly in the ointment is that according to physics and biology, remote viewing could not possibly work. Such notable sceptics as the Great Randi, a conjurer who is used to debunk all paranormal phenomena and science, should be employed to scrutinise the U.S. secret paranormal warfare programme. Of course he won't be employed to debunk the military, because they already know remote viewing works. If remote viewing and other paranormal warfare techniques work, we are faced with a major problem. Conventional physics cannot explain how remote viewing works and it does not seem likely that within the next twenty years physicists, biologists or social scientists - who proclaim to be parapsychologists - will adequately explain how remote viewing and its associated biophysical technologies work. In the next section of this book, the reader will be given an introduction to the physics of paranormal science. It will be shown that theories which lead us to a fuller understanding of Psi-phenomena are possible. All that is needed is an open mind. None of these theories are the definitive truth, but they give us a structural framework within which to understand the scientific basis of Psi. THE MEGAVERSE As a practitioner of remote viewing, the author has had much experimental data upon which to base a theory of the physics of the paranormal. This theory inevitably leads to a realisation that the universe is only a small subset of a much larger entity, called the 283 REMOTE VIEWING Megaverse. Imagine that the universe is an image on a movie film, and that the whole length of film contains other images of our universe. This introduces the concept of different dimensions. Taken as a whole, all these dimensions of the universe are called the Multiverse. Now if we make another movie, events will be different, this is the concept of different timelines where history unfolded differently, for example Hitler discovered nuclear weapons and with his V2 rockets as weapon carriers, conquered the world. We can have any number of movies, which taken as a whole set of different universes where history is different to ours, gives us the Megaverse. This is only a theory at present, but remote viewing has begun to unravel how the Megaverse is composed. Think of our universe as stretching from its creation, at the Big Bang explosion at the beginning of time, through to the Big Crunch at the end of time. Time begins with the Big Bang, a giant eruption of not only energy and matter, but also space and time. The Big Bang can be thought of as a white hole. A white hole is the opposite of a black hole. Instead of sucking in matter to a singularity, a point of no dimensions, a white hole spews out matter. An overview of the universe and how time is linked with the nature of reality, would see time beginning at a white hole with the Big Bang. The end would come with the Big crunch, when the universe is sucked back into a black hole to end time. A scenario which will only come about if there is enough mass in the universe to make it closed. We are trapped between these two events. It could be postulated we are in a black hole, bounded by the event horizon of its gravity. An event horizon is the area around a black hole where gravity is so strong, not even light can escape - hence the name. In this book we are going to expand on these ideas and look at other dimensions. Imagine that the universe is one of many, but instead of being a chaotic mass, each universe is a different level of a greater reality called the Multiverse. Like pearls on a string, each universe 284 REMOTE VIEWING is in a chain of universes that spread up and down, through different dimensions. Each universe is therefore abutting on to another two universes, which like some giant cosmic string stretch away into limbo. THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT There is much data that other dimensions actually exist. The alleged Philadelphia experiment, in which a U.S. destroyer was rigged with electronic devices, to create around the warship an electromagnetic bottle, is well documented in books such as: The Montauk Project, by Preston B Nichols and Peter Moon. This is uncorroborated, and should be taken as only what these authors presume, I have to disagree with the authors until the time definite proof is revealed by the US government. What is certain is that the leading American minds of the 1940s such as Albert Einstein, Tesla and Von Neumann were involved in a major research project involving high energy electronic equipment. It seems that according to the authors, when an object is enclosed by an electromagnetic bottle, it begins to drift out of space-time and phase in again at another time and place. The U.S.S. Elridge, on August 12th 1943, was seen to slip outside our time stream. Horrific injuries were caused to the crew, but the U.S. authorities renewed the research, under the great scientist Von Neumann. He discovered that humans are born with two individual time reference points. One of these is physical, the other is biophysical. It is this biophysical body that is used for remote viewing. If the incident is indeed true, the crew of the U.S.S. Elridge in the Philadelphia experiment, had been so badly injured because the EM bottle had literally ripped the physical form from the biophysical body, thus tearing the people in two. Energies were released by this process which caused horrific burns in the victims, or caused translocations that caused their physical bodies to materialise within the hull. Research continued at the Montauk air force base sited at Long Island New York. This Phoenix project was developed to the point where EM bottles were purportedly used to move people through time - like the old time tunnel programme. To avoid injury, a giant Sage radar was 285 REMOTE VIEWING used to amplify the thoughts of a military psychic Duncan Cameron, who moved time travellers biophysical vehicles, together with their physical bodies through the space-time continuum. MIND CONTROL Strange as this may seem, the Sage radar which uses 450 Megahertz radiation, is exactly the frequency Dr Ross Adey, one of the architects of U.S. electronic mind control, used in his preliminary experiments on effecting brain function remotely with radio-frequency/microwave and millimetre wave radiation. This research was to lead to the devastating arsenal of electronic mind control weapons the intelligence agencies and military now possess and euphemistically calls Non Lethal Weapons. The British Police have been allocated this frequency, the author's research shows they regularly use this microwave frequency for dispersing vagrants from public places. MI5 use this frequency of microwave to harass Psi researchers and to cause physical harm - so there may be some truth in the Philadelphia Experiment. HYPERSPACE These EM bottle technologies are purported to also be used to enter different levels of the multiverse, the so called multidimensional travel. Exploring the physics of the process by use of remote viewing, it seems that our universe is surrounded by hyper space. One can use hyperspace to travel between star systems, or one can use hyperspace to travel between dimensions. It seems that EM-bottle technology is the first step in developing means of entering hyperspace. Hyperspace is the continuum the biophysical body can enter so that it may travel backwards and forwards in time. It can also travel to distant star systems using hyperspace. The remote viewer can also enter other dimensions by the same means For the past few years, the author has been using remote viewing to explore the Megaverse. The concept of the Megaverse is not a new idea, Michael Moorcock, the famous British science fiction writer, has used 286 REMOTE VIEWING this concept in many of his books. The bare bones of the Megaverse idea, supposes that not only does the universe have a past and a future, but there are also other dimensions parallel to our own. It is as if the universe has many different levels. Travelling through hyperspace (the fifth dimension), one can therefore not only travel interstellar distances, but by altering the direction of travel in hyperspace, by the imaginary number i (the square root of -1), one can move inter-dimensionally. The imaginary number I can be thought of as a right angle turn in hyper space. One can think of corridors in hyperspace. By turning down different corridors at right angles to each other, one can steer ones remote viewing to enter into a different dimension. In imaginary numbers, the operation of multiplying by i, is like turning through ninety degrees. In this case, the operation is turning ninety degrees in higher dimensional space (hyperspace) to enter another dimension of reality. It seems that once advanced cultures can enter hyperspace, they can not only bridge interstellar distances, but they can also travel between different layers of the Megaverse. This would mean that if alien visitors really exist, they may not be from our universe, but from a different dimension. That would explain the ability of UFOs to flash in and out of our reality and it would also mean they would lack the reality of objects from our own dimension. The Megaverse concept would also give a reason why some types of alien described by researchers, need to be believed in to exist. QUANTUM MECHANICS In quantum mechanics the whole theory is dependent on Schroedinger 's wave equation. A development of wave theory, this mathematical equation was discovered by Ernst Schroedinger, one of the early pioneers of quantum mechanics. In this mathematical relation, reality is taken as a wave function. The probability of finding a particle is given by a wave function. This function follows wave mechanical principles. So instead of a particle being localised, it is smeared across space and one can only give a probability of finding it, until it is properly observed. 287 REMOTE VIEWING In quantum mechanics, things are fuzzy. Only when an observer sees the object, does it collapse into a specific entity that can be pinned down - be it uncertainly. This wave equation states that quantum events are non-localised, multi-potential, possibilities; biophysical bodies, which might be used for remote viewing would therefore have these properties if they are large scale quantum field effects. The observer collapses the quantum wave function to produce an event. It is as if the act of observation deflates the many potential quantum wave function and forces it to manifest in only one specific fashion. This would mean that in theory, while travelling between dimensions, the quantum wave function of any biophysical body which is the energy field of the remote viewer. Upon arriving in another location or continuum, the remote viewer may have difficulty manifesting - like dreamers trying to wake up in a dream. This might be why remote viewing is not one hundred percent accurate. Hal Puthoff estimated it was fifty percent effective, while Dvid Morehouse has stated it is eighty percent accurate. When travelling between different dimensions, it may be important for the remote viewer, to initiate contact to collapse their quantum wave functions to exist in the reality they find themselves in, to manifest remote viewing perception, to be able to maintain a stable remote viewing image. Taking this concept further afield, alien remote viewers could have similar problems This could be why strange ghostlike entities are common in folk law, or why UFO's show themselves to observers, such as the recent mass events of UFO sightings in Mexico and Belgium. BRIGHTON THE BIRTHPLACE OF PSYCHOTRONICS The belief in fairies, sylphs and other devic entities was very strong in the eighteenth century. Pope and other noted metaphysicians of the day postulated that these were creatures from another reality. Historical records show these ideas were considered by the high-culture of the day to be the best explanation of sylphs and such like. A separate reality which was apart from the physical world, was considered by Pope and 288 REMOTE VIEWING others to be the leading-edge theory of reality. The Prince Regent was so taken by this idea that he decided to build his own separate reality, where creatures such as sylphs could manifest and magic could be the norm. To this end he built a strange Chinese-Indian-like palace in Brighton called the Pavilion. A giant psychotronic generator was built in the largest dome of the pavilion, where he spent time charging himself up with vril, adaptive energy. An iron beam runs from his private room for this purpose, which is within one of the domes of the pavilion, down into the salt water pipes which allowed the Prince to have his salt water baths. Wilhelm Reich used iron pipes connected to water to channel orgone, the life force he stated which flowed along the earth. The Prince Regent and his court actively practised these techniques hundreds of years before Reich. Sea water bathing was meant to reinvigorate the subtle bodies of man and strengthen the constitution by acting on the heart, which was the centre of man's energy system. Research by Dr Alan Watkins a research fellow at Southampton University, discussed in the Observer, on the 25th of January, describes how modern research has found that the heart is the key electromagnetic organ in the body, its field entraining the brain. It appears the Prince Regent was not an ignorant buffoon, but instead well versed in biophysics. Druidic stones were placed at key points around Brighton and the South Downs, which form a natural cup, with the sea to the south, which were so placed to channel earth energy into this 'cup'. In the process building a high-energy separate reality where sylphs and such like could manifest. Brighton was used for an experiment in using the eighteenth century version of psychotronics to build a magical reality. Aleister Crowley was attracted to the area and undertook a number of magical rituals in the vicinity of Brighton. We think the concepts of psychotronics and reality modification to enable inter-dimensional entities to manifest in our world, is far fetched. Pope, the Prince Regent and the intellectuals of the eighteenth century English court, were so taken by these ideas that they decided to build their own magical reality. The author was born in Brighton and has lived here 289 REMOTE VIEWING all his life, so feels echoes of the doorways and magic our eighteenth century ancestors invoked. Remote viewing and psychotronics are just modern day rediscoveries of metaphysical principles that were part of British culture in the eighteenth century. STRANGERS FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION It may be possible that inter-dimensional entities need large numbers of people to observe them, to collapse the quantum wave function of their biophysical field, so they can manifest fully in our reality. This would also explain the unreality around remote viewing and UFO events, and the strange quantum-like events: such as time travelling at different rates, electrical systems failing to work and perceptual dreamlike states in abductees and observers of UFOs. Being from another dimension, it is almost certain that if extra-dimensional-aliens exist, they developed with different parameters of the physical laws. Perhaps they can move in and out of reality at will, enabling them to abduct people from locked rooms. It could be that they need to abduct people not only for biological samples, but to obtain access to humans' biophysical fields to collapse their own quantum wave functions, so that they can remain in our reality. Our biophysical fields may also be a food source for energy beings, the so called transcendental entities described by U.S. remote viewers. This may sound off-the-wall. We do have countless subjective evidence of these phenomena throughout history. By their quantum nature these inter-dimensional events will lack the solidity of normal events. A fact that enables them to be discounted as hallucinations. The science of biophysical fields and their associated reality, has up until now been the sole domain of the Russian military, who have made astounding discoveries. U.S. attempts to explore this realm have ventured into the field of building EM bottles and transporting personnel and equipment by use of controlled electrical, magnetic, EM and time reversed EM fields to enter other realities, time lines... This 290 REMOTE VIEWING research is well documented in the Philadelphia experiment and the Montauk Project. It may or may not be true, it is certainly a fascinating story. INTER-DIMENSIONAL REMOTE VIEWING Using remote viewing, one can travel through hyperspace. By bending the remote viewing awareness through the imaginary axes of i (the square root of -1), the psychic explorer can venture into different dimensions. This method of dimensional travel has been well described by authors such as Carlos Casteneda in his many books about the Yaqui sorcerer don Juan. When one first tries this type of remote viewing, it is difficult to get imagery from these other dimensions as they have slightly different physical laws. With practise these other dimensions can be brought into view. To put this research in a nutshell, the Megaverse consists of many layers of different universes. Each one lies in another dimension. To travel between them you must enter hyperspace, the fifth dimension described by many authors, but most correctly defined by the Theodore Kaluza. A contemporary of Einstein, it was Kaluza who found that General Relativity (the famous theory of gravity by Albert Einstein) could also include electromagnetism, if instead of four dimensions, one had five dimensional space-time. This fifth dimension would be the hyperspace alluded to by any number of science fiction writers. In travelling between dimensions, it appears the biophysical body used for remote viewing, would have to enter hyperspace, where the totality of the biophysical body used for remote viewing is reformed as a quantum wave function. This means that when the biophysical body reaches another dimension, it must collapse its quantum wave function to become real again. In remote viewing of other dimensions, it is found that it can be very difficult focusing on that other reality because the biophysical field of the remote viewer has become spread out as a diffused quantum wave function phenomena. In fixating ones perception on other dimensions, one must collapse 291 REMOTE VIEWING the biophysical wave function to become localised in that reality. This is harder than it may seem, for the rules that fixate us in this reality we take for granted. There are a whole range of specific biophysical energy states needed to become corporeal in our reality. This process of fixating ones totality in another dimension is very well described in Carlos Castaneda's: Art of Dreaming. Shifting into other dimensions by means of a right angle turn in hyperspace (the i operation) may be technically feasible, but is certainly possible by biophysical means using remote viewing. The hard part is fixating ones being in that reality. If this is not done, the new dimensional reality is very vague, like a very poorly focused dream, which slips in and out of focus. INTER-REALITY REMOTE VIEWING If inter-dimensional remote viewing sounds incredible, then the ability of remote viewers to slip their awareness into different parallel histories where events have occurred differently, changing world history, is even stranger. Remote viewing can be developed to the point where inter-reality remote viewing can be used to explore the Megaverse. Space constraints stop me from going into the full details of the Megaverse. A simple picture is to think of the different universes stacked up to form the Multiverse. The Megaverse consists of copies of the Multiverse duplicated side by side. Rather like the photocopying process, each Multiverse in the Megaverse, is subtly changed. It is as if each copy contains different versions of the 'what if process? The Megaverse therefore has different versions of the Multiverse, where each displays alternate timelines where history developed differently. In one Multiverse, Hitler won the second world war, in another, the Soviet Union dominates the planet, while in another, the Catholic Church still holds sway. In Anthony Blunt's book: Utopia Revisited, a self-proclaimed Russian astronaut called Captain Raskainikoff stumbles across a 'mirror-world' version of Earth while on a top secret mission for the Soviet Union. If what he says is true, both superpowers are aware of the Megaverse and are trying to explore these mirror-worlds. 292 REMOTE VIEWING It is now becoming apparent that the universe is far larger in extent than we ever imagined. The extent of reality can be now seen to encompass: [universe]s* ******* [MULTIVERSE]s* ******** [MEGAVERSE] Exploring the Megaverse can be accomplished by remote viewing. The notion that remote viewing is only of use in psychically spying on military bases is outdated. The author has no interest in the goings on in military bases. Many readers though, will be fascinated by the abilities that lie dormant within all of us which enable our remote viewing awareness to soar outside of our physical bodies to explore the universe, the dimensions of the multiverse with its strange alien denizens and the alternate histories encompassed within the Megaverse. ADVANCES IN REMOTE VIEWING As Europe's leading non-military scientific expert on remote viewing and the paranormal, the author has been lucky enough to have access to the leading-edge of research which is going on in the USA American remote viewers are now developing their remote viewing from simple CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing) where the normal consciousness is used for remote viewing, to Extended Remote Viewing (ERV). In ERV, this much more advanced method, the theta state of consciousness is used for bilocation, the super accurate, as-if-you-were-there form of remote viewing. The author only teaches this, the most sophisticated form of remote viewing in his own courses, as the author has devoted much research to duplicating Russian ERV, which is the most exotic form of remote viewing in the world - or so was thought. A close confidante and leading US remote viewer, discussed with the author a new super advanced form of remote viewing called Hypnotic Remote Viewing (HRV), in HRV, the hypnotised remote viewer sees the target as if they were standing next to it bodily. Now remote viewing has come out of the umbrella of the DIA, the military trained remote viewers are using remote viewing to study the 'Alien Question?' More 293 REMOTE VIEWING specifically, they are making a scientific evaluation of alien abduction using remote viewing. Jim Marrs' book Alien Agenda gives the full story. In HRV the person who is going to do the remote viewing, is put into a hypnotic trance. Advanced techniques are used to put an abductee into a deep trance. By this means the hypnotised remote viewer can be placed not only in to the theta state, but the deeper delta state found in deep dreamless sleep. Once put in deep trance, the abductee is asked by the monitor (who is a trained remote viewer) to remotely view the target. Once at the target, bilocation of almost picture perfect clarity is claimed. This form of remote viewing, HRV seems to produce good enough data for information to be read from files. It may therefore be the best form of psychic spying in the Western world. In UFO research, the person put into the trance is an alleged abductee. The monitor asks this person to remotely view themselves being abducted. Since remote viewers can travel backwards or forwards in time with ease, the monitor, a trained remote viewer of high standing, can direct and guide the abductee in deep trance to remotely view the abduction. Like the author, you might not be willing to countenance aliens and UFOs, until solid proof is obtained, but with an open mind one must leave the door open for alien life to exist somewhere in the universe. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN PSYCHOTRONICS HRV is one of the gateways to psychotronics, where by the use of Psi, the entire spectrum of reality can be changed. If U.S. research by American remote viewers is correct, we are entering a Psi-age. An age in which Russian and American remote viewing and psychotronic technology will change reality. It is predicted that between 2010 and 2013, the entire nature of reality flips to another state. Widespread knowledge and usage of remote viewing and psychotronics, will inevitably bring 294 REMOTE VIEWING about this quantum leap in the nature of the reality we perceive. Ludwig Wittgenstein, in 1922 put forward the idea that we see reality through the use of language. We do not in fact see a clear picture of reality. Instead we see a construct of reality made up from language. If we add new memes to our language such as remote viewing and Psychotronics, then our language is extended to encompass paranormal phenomena. Once this has occurred, we can become aware of paranormal reality. By the 'Hundredth Monkey' effect, once a critical mass of humanity has learnt the memes (mental viruses, or ideas) of remote viewing and psychotronics, our reality will expand to make Psi part of human consciousness. The phase change in reality will occur once humanity as a whole becomes seeded by the Psi-memes of remote viewing and psychotronics. The industrial revolution was caused by a new set of memes, those of the steam engine and mechanisation. A Psi-revolution will inevitably occur because of the publicity, military trained remote viewers such as David Morehouse, have cast on the truth of superpower sponsored paranormal warfare. 295 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 10: REMOTE SENSING REMOTE SENSING EVIDENCE FOR PSI The ability to remotely view distant locations with a high degree of accuracy might amaze the reader, but the concept that the superpowers trained telepaths to psychically interrogate their enemies' brains will be even harder to imagine. That this information could have been kept from the general public, even though excellent books such as Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder's: Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain, revealed these facts in 1971, complete with hundreds of Russian and Eastern block references, shows the power of the disinformation system that controls what we are allowed to think. Since Western scientists have been preaching that Psi could not possibly exist, we have all taken this for the gospel truth. The Sunday Telegraph, on the 16th of November, 1997, revealed that Professor Robert Jahn, of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research project, have been experimenting with people trying to influence random number generators by use of telekinesis. Subjects are asked to concentrate on a display showing the output of a random number generator that produces a random sequence of ones and zeroes. In the long run, the random number generators should produce equal numbers of ones and zeroes. If telekinesis, mind over matter, exists, it should show itself as a bias away for the chance expectation of equal numbers of ones and zeroes. After twelve yeas of experiments, involving more than 100 subjects, in thousands of trials. Professor Jahn has proof, that electronic devices can be influenced by human telekinesis. This is a dramatic set of experiments as it underlies that fact that the Soviets carried out this research in the seventies. Showing that the Russians were at least twenty years ahead of the West in the area of Psi and biophysics. If telekinesis, the power of mind over matter exists, maybe the ESP research carried out by the USSR and the 296 REMOTE VIEWING teams of telepaths they trained may have some validity. The power to scan another person's mind would have tremendous implications for the future. Especially since the military are developing this technology. The questions one must ask is whose mind are they reading? READING PEOPLES' MINDS There are many applications of remote viewing such as remotely sensing of people. By this means remote viewing of people and their thoughts may take place. This technology was developed by the Russians to a high art. This method of using remote viewing to enter the brains of other people, is called remote sensing (RS). Remote sensing can be thought of as the honing of remote viewing to expand its domain to encompass ESP and telepathy, so that scanning, the military use of RS to read peoples' minds can take place. In Russia, they even learnt how to train a third telepath to listen in on a private telepathic conversation between two other telepaths. Psychic bugging had come of age. U.S. remote viewers used this technology to psychically interrogate not only Russians, but to use developments of this to allegedly psychically scan suspected Soviet spies during the cold war. HOW REMOTE SENSING WORKS To telepathically scan another human, one must first remotely views another person. In military telepathy, one scans the target by projecting the biophysical field used for remote viewing at the person of interest. In remote sensing, the Psi-operator learns how to mesh his biophysical fields with those of the target. In this way, the telepath's own biophysical field can interact with the undeveloped biophysical body of the target person. Biophysical fields are information rich since they are quantum computers. They hold all the information the brain carries and other non-algorithmic data, which enables us to mesh our awareness with the quantum reality, so we can remotely view... By attuning ones biophysical remote viewing body to that of the target, the easiest thing to pick up, is emotion. Empathic telepathic awareness is one of the easiest things to learn, in the training regimen of a telepath. Emotional 297 REMOTE VIEWING states resound through the fabric of peoples' biophysical fields and throughout the day we are picking up emotional emanations from the people around us. Telepathic developments of this normal instinctual awareness are the first steps in telepathic training. Pavel Naumov's: Methods of Training Telepathic Abilities, a paper presented at the Moscow Radio-Technology Institute in 1968, shows how advanced the Russians were, three decades ago in training telepaths. Numerous papers, released under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, show how concerned the CIA and DIA where at the threat of psychic scanning of America's top people. Development of the remote viewing biophysical field allows the Psi-operator's field to begin to scan the ideas contained in the target's biophysical field. Since the seminal intents of language are held in the biophysical field, telepaths can project their own biophysical field at the target and scan the language information contained in that person's biophysical field. Thoughts which are passing through the person's brain light up those specific language intents in the biophysical corona around the target. Telepaths can tune into this language information by merging their biophysical body with that of the target and uploading the information running through the target's biophysical fields. Processes such as this, involve quantum effects, so there can be inaccuracies in scanning. A clear idea of the core thoughts, the gist of what that person is thinking about, seems to be possible, using Russian scanning methods. Hypnotic RS appears to offer more complete accuracy in scanning. Once the information has been uploaded, the telepath's biophysical field can return to the physical body of the ESP operator. Downloading information which has been taken form the target, can them be used by the telepath to begin reading information held in the brain of the target. That person's thoughts can be read. These thought processes are common to each language group, so an English speaking telepath can use an English target, to supply the seminal language intents for his mind's and brain's thought trains. The end result of this, is that 298 REMOTE VIEWING the telepath begins to apprehend what is on the target's mind. Gradual development of this process, allows the telepath to become more accurate in the reading of the target's mind. Since remote viewing biophysical fields can travel instantaneously between target and telepath, this process can go on in a steady data stream. The telepath's remote viewing biophysical body goes to the target's biophysical field, uploads thoughts flitting through the biophysical corona of the target, then returns to the telepath's body. Downloading information into the telepath's brain, then the biophysical body returns to the target to continue the process. This backward and forward process can go on at such speed, that seamless telepathic input can occur in the trained ESP operator. Thoughts passing by the use of scanning from one person to that of the telepath. Telepathy becomes a little more difficult with foreign language speakers, but since all mankind shares the same archetypal seminal language intents, the telepath can learn to comprehend the mind of a foreigner. Accuracy is reduced, but with practice, meaningful thought streams can be comprehended. It was the Russian military, that developed this technology and have been honing the process ever since. The feeble discussions that western psychologists have about the veracity of even the simplest telepathic signals, and their hedging on whether telepathy really exists, is seen by the Russians as humorous. Edward Naumov and Larissa Vilenskaya: Bibliographies on Parapsychology (psychoenergetics and related subjects), shows how deeply the USSR researched into the matter of Psi and ESP. PSYCHIC BUGGING 'Russians are the only people we know of who tried bugging telepathy', stated American/Canadian psychic investigators, Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Shroeder. By introducing a third telepath, who knew when thoughts (biophysical information streams), flowed between two other telepaths, the Russians found these thoughts could not only be broken 299 REMOTE VIEWING into, but it could be changed by the third telepath, who could substitute new thoughts (language embedded biophysical fields). By this method, the Russians learnt how to hack into telepathic conversations and to then proceed to substitute fallacious messages and images. Developing this line of research led to Psi-able operators fusing their biophysical fields to form group minds. U.S. interest in this area was stimulated by information they received in 1973, aboutatop secret psychical research base, which lay to the north east of Leningrad. The Russian's advances in ESP and telekinesis seemed to be leading them toward the ability to cause physical effects. (As we have seen, research at Princeton by Robert Jahn, has shown that the human mind can telekinetically influence electrical equipment.) This frightened the U.S. missile command, as the ability of Russian psychics to disable US ballistic missiles in their silos, or in flight, could destroy the American deterrent capability. In 1975, a nuclear engineer called Thomas Bearden, was used by the U.S. army, to research into this area of Russian psychical research called Psychotronics. This area of group augmented telepathic telekinesis follows on from the merging of telepaths' minds; a large number of Russian telepaths could create thought-forms out of the collective unconscious and cause materialization. A SEPARATE REALITY The area of Psychotronics has been of especial interest to the author. Since biophysical fields mediate the transfer of thoughts (language embedded information) between telepaths, they potentially could transfer other types of information. As we have seen, information embedded in biophysical fields may be able to carry information from distant locations and different times, to the remote viewer. Biophysical fields, since they originate in a dualistic reality, in a realm contiguous with the physical world, may prove a mechanism by which spiritualistic phenomena such as ghosts and demonic possession may occur. If we take into account other levels of reality, alien visitors from other dimensions, can also be explained as transfers of alien biophysical energy into our realm, from other continuum. 300 REMOTE VIEWING Developing this theory of biophysical field phenomena in a contiguous reality, psychotronic phenomena can be explained. When more than one Russian telepath gets together, since their biophysical fields have reached self awareness (High-Order Consciousness), a melding of biophysical fields can take place. This is akin to the merging of energy orbitals when atoms combine to form molecules. This group mind has many more potentials than that of a single person, so access to reality altering states may become possible. TELEKINESIS In my research into telekinesis, I have found that the psychokinetic effect is analogous to the electromotive force. The electromotive effect is the mechanism by which electric motors work and generators produce power. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the electromotive force was described by Maxwell, in his famous equations. If the equation for electromotive force is analogous to that of telekinesis, we might be able to make some predictions of how telekinesis might work. If we use this equation for electromotive force and modify it for biophysical fields, we get: Telekinetic force is proportional to the strength of the Psi-operator's biophysical field. This biomagnetic field is the interesting biophysical field effect in telekinesis, in that movement of this field will amplify telekinetic effects. Since we have put forward a theory of telepathy in which biophysical fields move from telepath to subject, and the velocity of this interaction can be almost instantaneous, then it can be seen that development of self awareness in these fields can lead to marked telekinetic ability. In telekinetic training, the biophysical field is thrust at the target with extreme power, unlike telepathy, where the field oscillates between telepath and subject thus canceling out any psychokinetic effects. In simple terms one learns how to push on solid objects with ones remote viewing awareness. Both superpowers became interested in telekinesis due to its military implications. Telekinetic effects may be small at present, but it does not take much force to ruin a circuit board in a missile guidance system, 301 REMOTE VIEWING or tear open a capillary in the brain for remote killing. Rumors that the Russians can remotely kill targets up to a 1000 km away, as stated by Vladimir Zironovsky on British television documentary on the Russian politician (BBC2), may indeed be true. More about remote killing in section on remote influencing. NUCLEAR DAMPING FIELDS Russians use psychotronic generators to boost their biophysical fields. By this method it is possible to obtain macro-telekinetic effects. This has strategic implications for Russia. It was found that nuclear explosions have strange time-dependent yield effects. To put it simply, the force of a nuclear explosion changes depending upon time of the day and month of the year. A phenomena which is not only impossible by conventional physics, but also a top-secret. If it was known that the nuclear chain-reaction was a variable that depended on time, then nuclear weapons might fail to explode at the wrong time of the day. As a scientist this information seems to be obviously wrong. Russian paranormal warfare researchers found they could use Psi to change the probability of a chain reaction in a nuclear weapon. They found that by focusing telekinesis on a radioactive sample, the rate of a Geiger counter detecting the rate of decay of the sample, could be changed. Soviet research looked at ways of slowing down the nuclear decay of Uranium 235 and Plutonium, which are both used in atomic fission weapons and as detonators of hydrogen bombs. They found that Psi could slow down the chain reaction to such an extent that the weapon failed to go critical and therefore did not cause a nuclear explosion. Time variability in yield of nuclear weapons is a product of the effect of the Earth's, Sun's and other celestial fields, on the rate of nuclear chain reactions. The Psi effect appears to be much greater and can in effect alter the reality of a nuclear chain reaction. In twenty or more research institutes Soviet Psi research looked into producing a telekinetic effect that could stop nuclear weapons chain reaction so they failed to cause a nuclear explosion. U.S. DIA 302 REMOTE VIEWING defense evaluations of Soviet Psi in the 1970s, now released under the Freedom of Information Act, imply that Russian Psi-warriors could interfere with American nuclear weapons and missiles. The nuclear damping field effect of Psi was one of the top-secrets of Soviet Psi-research. Ingo Swann, was seen in chapter 1, to be able to remotely view nuclear explosions. It appears that Russian Psi-adepts hooked up to psychotronic generators can stop nuclear weapons detonating. One can see now why the U.S. Missile Command was so concerned. If this is indeed true, the advent of Psi means that nuclear weapons can be rendered less of a threat. Plutonium vapour released by a failed nuclear weapon detonation is still highly toxic. Micrograms of Plutonium causing lung cancer. The country that dominates Paranormal warfare will have an advantage in the wars to come in the next century. When Russia stops using Psi for its internal civil war, between rival factions in that great country, this new democracy will return to it superpower status in world affairs. Until that time, America as the sole democratic superpower, will have to fight Chinese military paranormal warfare and Japanese corporate Psi-warfare. Sale of Russian psychotronics to the Japanese is not helping the Americans. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU The force that is at the heart of telekinesis would explain psychotronic phenomena. Merging of telepaths into a group mind would amplify the telekinetic effect, if the effect is not simply additive, but of a higher order, then large scale telekinetic effects may be possible. My research has linked the telekinesis with the force that collapses the quantum state function to produce events. In this way, telekinesis could be used to collapse the universal quantum wave function and change the way events manifest. By this means the Psi-warrior could literally change reality. Telekinesis can also be used to collapse the biophysical fields in the other aspect of dualistic reality to form thought forms that can be manifested to produce specific effects. Creating thoughtforms out of biophysical fields is documented in thousands of books on the occult. Maybe the concept of magic is an arcane folly, but the effects of occult 303 REMOTE VIEWING rituals are part of our cultural heritage Telekinesis can be used to change reality. A phase change in human reality is predicted for circa 2013, Russian research has already shown how this may come about. If one thinks of natural biophysical field effects merging to form the Earth's biophysical biosphere, then in this sea of the collective unconscious, lesser groupings of human biophysical fields can coalesce to form racial archetypes, as postulated by Carl Jung. Groups of telepaths could theoretically use telekinesis to manifest thought-forms from the pool of archetypes in the collective unconscious and to then go further and manifest thought-forms from the collective unconscious. These thoughtforms can be thought of a new types of memes which can infect the population like a mental virus with new ways of thinking and acting. With populations being unaware of any paranormal dimension to reality, directed thought-forms, memes that effected the mental states of other nations, could be a useful weapon system or tool of realpolitik. Psychotronics therefore became one of the chief research interests of military paranormal research facilities both in Russia, China, Japan, The Czech Republic and the USA. STRANGE DENIZENS IN THE BIOPHYSICAL SEA OF LIFE We are surrounded by a sea of biophysical fields, the so called collective unconscious being a merging of human and other life forms' biophysical fields. In this biophysical biosphere, we may have revenants of dead peoples' biophysical fields, which channelers can contact and use as spirit guides. We may also have the different species' biophysical fields merging to form group minds of for example, the tiger or wolf. Shamans and witch doctors throughout history, have reported these phenomena, but until today, the scientific knowledge to comprehend what might be going on, has been absent. Aliens from other dimensions may gain access to our biophysical biosphere by tapping into human energy given off by sacrifices and black magic rituals, allowing malevolent aliens, the so called demonic entities into our realm. A study of these phenomena has linked them as one of the 304 REMOTE VIEWING causal paranormal effects that initiate world wars. Saddam Hussein has resisted all attempts to remotely influence him by U.S. paranormal warfare experts. If the tyrant has had his biophysical body replaced with a demonic entity, such a high-powered dark side being could easily shake of puny human influencing. Hitler is another famous tyrant who was obsessed with black magic and would have been a perfect vessel for possession by alien quantum computers - arch demons. It may be no coincidence that the Theosophysists and the Order of the Golden Dawn, in their systematic study of paranormal phenomena, could have tampered unknowingly, with forces that opened gateways to other dimensions, that enabled malevolent biophysical fields (demons) to enter our milieu. Once here, these malevolent demonic entities could easily enter the minds of the European leaders causing them to start the First World War, that would slay so many young men, releasing so much life force and negative emotion, which these beings could feed upon. U.S. research into electronic gateways to other dimensions, may also be enabling entities to enter our continuum, poisoning the conscious of humanity in preparation for war. Russian paranormal warfare research opened these gateways to other darker dimensions and allowed malefic forces to work through Soviet remote influencers to implode the USSR By means of Psi-warfare turned against itself, by alien entities hell bent on causing chaos. This so called Psi-geddon is the inevitable result of tampering with Psi-warfare, without dealing with entities from other dimensions that feed on negative emotion and the misery of war, famine, disease and social collapse. The group augmentation effect of biophysical fields can be seen in the context of the Soviet union to have enabled the thousands of Russian remote influencers group unconscious to be infiltrated and turned against their conscious wishes. Any group of paranormal researchers wishing to use the power of Psi as an aid to investigation should be wary of the pitfalls. DEMONS 305 REMOTE VIEWING David Morehouse, talks about these demons from the fourth dimension which tried to kill him or worse, steal his soul (biophysical body), in an interview he gave for Nexus magazine "I felt that on several occasions when I encountered what I call lesser beings or demons. They're people who look just like us. they are very friendly and they smile, they want to engage you in conversation, but the instant you realize what they are they attack you. In an incident described in my book: Psychic Warrior, I was held upside down by my ankles and I thought they were going to kill me. they clutched at me and pulled me back in the circle. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. "The next thing I remember, the monitor who was watching me was talking me back, bringing me back to the physical, but I feared for my life. I think there was a real danger in this attack at a fourth-dimensional level. They know what frightens you: they amplify your fears. I think there are elements of the dark side that exist for the express purpose of attempting to inhabit the physical. They want to possess the physical body, to take you over for a brief period of time.'' Research by the author indicates that Russian Psi-experts were attacked in a similar manner. Due to their greater power, the Russians attracted more powerful psychic predators. The resulting appropriation of the Russian Psi-experts biophysical bodies in 1987, led to a cadre of paranormal warfare experts who were possessed by archdemonic entities. Using the Russians to broadcast remote influencing, these alien entities from another dimensions, the dark side, caused the U.S.S.R. to implode. With the destruction of the U.S.S.R. came the inevitable spread of nuclear weapons. Russian black market operators have sold hundreds of suitcase-sized nuclear weapons for around 15 million dollars each to Arab and other terrorist groups. The fall of the U.S.S.R inevitably leads to detonation of one of these weapons in a major Western or Israeli city, beginning World War III. These demonic entities have precipitated both world wars this century. The 306 REMOTE VIEWING Armageddon of the Third World War, seems to have been carefully planned by these dark powers. 'Demons from the fourth-dimension', a Psi-connection disclosed by David Morehouse, may indeed be real. GEOGRAPHY OF ATTENTION When one begins to remotely view, it becomes apparent that there are different levels of consciousness. These different levels of consciousness have been explored by noted psychiatrists such as Carl Jung, who was a pupil of Sigmund Freud. The different levels of consciousness can be listed:- Conscious: the compartmentalized, separated, so called 'normal' attention. In our waking state the conscious mind is that area of our psyche concerned with the internal dialogue. To put it simply, it is that part of our mind we think with. Subconscious: that hidden area of consciousness that directs our attention moods and emotions. Our subconscious mind mirrors our hidden feelings and drives. It can be associated with the limbic part of our brain that controls our emotions and decision making. It is too simplistic to locate the subconscious mind in this brain area. The subconscious contains hidden thoughts and feelings we are not consciously aware of; some of these mental inputs may come from our biophysical fields and its quantum computer. Unconscious: the 'empty' void from which the intelligence that directs our bodies (morphogenetic fields) and from which creative ideas derive. The unconscious mind can be associated with old areas of the brain such as the hindbrain. More accurate location of the unconscious mind may put it in the biophysical field. If the unconscious mind is located in the biophysical field and its associated quantum computer, the process of remote viewing can be seen as a process of opening the window from our conscious mind to our unconscious mind; from the brain to the biophysical fields 307 REMOTE VIEWING Collective Unconscious: (term coined by Jung) the group consciousness of man which is the repository of the racial memory and from which we can access everything that is known by our competitors. This is the biophysical domain talked about by Jung when he described archetypes residing in a universal sea of consciousness. These universal archetypes can be thought of as biophysical fields which are the originators of basic characteristics of man, seminal memes. PROTOCOLS TO ACTIVATE REMOTE SENSING. In remote sensing we use the power of remote viewing not to explore target sites, but instead to examine other peoples' minds, consciousness and the biophysical realm and its denizens. Remote sensing is used to explore not the physical world, but the realm of inner space, 'mind stuff'. 1. You can use your new found power of Directed Attention to explore
these areas of consciousness. Use the startup protocols to enter
Directed Attention, then systematically map out the conscious
parts of your mind using this mental laser light of heightened
awareness. Visualize images from the conscious mind appearing
on the cinema screen of your mind's eye. By this method you can
explore memories in the same manner that hypnosis is used to open
out hidden memories, examples of which might be buried memories
of traumatic incidents in your life. 2. Next map out your subconscious mind. To do this, focus your
Directed Attention on the hidden shadows that lurk in the corners of
your mind. You can fire the mental laser of your Directed Attention
at different areas of the brain and see what pictures form on the
cinema screen of your mind's eye. By watching these daydream-like
episodes on your mental cinema screen in your mind's eye you can
begin to understand what is occurring in your subconscious mind. Keeping a written log of your findings enables you to build a picture of your subconscious mind. If you do the same thing for your dreams, 308 REMOTE VIEWING you can see how your cinema method images fit in with your dreams. By this means you can bring the subconscious mind into the conscious domain. By doing this, you open the mental window for remote viewing into a gaping chasm that enables you to optimize your remote viewing. The cinema screen of your mind's eye can become the clear channel to the biophysical fields and ERV. 3. Next use Directed Attention fixated on your unconscious to map out your minds totality. To carry out this operation visualize the Directed Attention issuing from your thalamus creating the mental screen. Then let your Directed Attention play over your reptilian brain. Study any images you get on your mental cinema screen. In the next exercise, let your Directed Attention flow through the cinema screen to strike the mid-centre of the ghost like biophysical field that is the repository of your unconscious mind. Visualize a ghostlike image of you staring at you through the cinema screen. Then let the biophysical fields broadcast images at your cinema screen that enables your brain to see what the biophysical fields are seeing. By this method you build a clear line of communication between your biophysical fields and your brain that is needed for ERV. Keep a log of your findings to build up an impression of the unconscious world. This technique of observing the biophysical field also stabilizes the quantum field of the biophysical entity, making the remote viewing more coherent and stable. Finally use RS to journey into the collective unconscious to view the archetypes and denizens of the sea of universal consciousness. To initiate this procedure, use Directed Attention centred in the thalamus to create the cinema screen in your mind's eye. Once this has been done, let your Directed Attention engage the midsection of the biophysical fields. 309 REMOTE VIEWING 8. Begin to let the biophysical fields broadcast images on to your mental cinema screen Once this has occurred, let the biophysical fields detach from your physical body and command it to enter the biophysical realm, not the physical world as in remote viewing. The biophysical field can then broadcast to you images from the biophysical realm and the denizens of inner space. Keep away from all its inhabitants, just remotely sense its geography and inhabitants from a distance. Do not channel or contact any of the entities at this juncture. In fact flee from them if they come toward you. This practice raises the morphogenic biophysical fields used in remote sensing to Primary Consciousness, the state where they are aware of their surroundings. Continued practice of these protocols begins to raise the biophysical fields to High Order Consciousness where they can think for themselves independently of the brain. This is the state that enables OOBE, and after death experiences. PATHWAYS OF ATTENTION The creative part of our mind is in the biophysical fields and the unconscious mind. This area has links with the collective unconscious, the biophysical realm, which knows all man's collective knowledge. This area is reached via the subconscious mind, which is accessible during dreaming, daydreaming and Directed Attention. The alpha state of mind is conducive to communication with these areas of mind (theta is much better, but more difficult to get to for the beginner). Remote viewing allows the experienced operator to access all areas of the geography of attention. This means that remote viewing operators can effect their own bodies and those of other people by using the unconscious and group unconscious respectively. 310 REMOTE VIEWING UNKNOWN POTENTIALS There are areas of awareness in the subconscious and unconscious that can be assimilated into ones consciousness, remote viewing develops these hidden areas of the subconscious and unconscious and bring them into our conscious being. This is a preface to a systematic study of biophysical fields. All we think we are, is not all we are; in fact our subconscious and unconscious are only such because we do have not the appropriate tools to assimilate them into conscious awareness. Learning and using remote viewing allows us to access all areas of awareness. Biophysical fields are being raised from morphogenetic latency to Primary Consciousness and beyond in this process. Once this is done we can access information not normally available: UNKNOWN POTENTIALS PROTOCOLS Past memories, all of which are stored in the brain like a hologram, but are normally inaccessible can be displayed on the mental cinema screen. Directed Attention attuned to an old memory can be used to broadcast the information from your biophysical field's quantum computer on to your mental cinema screen, to see what you can recall. Then visualize what part of your brain you are drawn to (should be in the neocortex or hippocampus) on the mental cinema screen of your own brain. 311 REMOTE VIEWING Empower this brain area with adaptive energy ( this is negative entropy which is an energy, which rather than cause disorder, brings order and consciousness into events, biophysical and physical being) from remote viewing of countryside scenes on your mental cinema screen and visualizing energy flowing from that pastoral spot along your Directed Attention into the brain area under scrutiny. See if the memory clarifies and project this old reconstituted memory on to your mental cinema screen. For memories you cannot access, fixate your Directed Attention on memories connected with the one you want to recall, then 'let go: and wait for the memory you want to appear in your consciousness. If the memory is not recalled, use Directed Attention to order you mind to find it and bring it to you, hours or days later while you are in normal consciousness it will surface. This technique is very useful for trauma councilors and UFO investigators researching alleged alien abductions. 312 REMOTE VIEWING CHAPTER 11: REMOTE INFLUENCING Telepathy and ESP leads on to remote influencing (remote influencing), the main subject of this chapter. The technique known as 'Sleep-Wake Hypnosis' discovered in the 1930s by the Russians allowed a hypnotist to transfer hypnotic commands telepathically to a subject, whether they were a few feet, or even a thousand mile away. As mentioned previously a Ukrainian, Albert Ignatenko, demonstrated on the Paranormal World of Paul McKenna, that he could raise or lower the pulse rate of people who were remote from him. This was a demonstration of remote influencing. Introducing remote influencing as the basis of hypnosis opens up a whole new field of study, which leads us on to its use for absent healing. On a darker note, remote influencing can be used for military operations such as psychically stunning or disabling politicians, foreign Psi-experts, generals, industrialists and it is alleged it may even be used on the public in certain circumstances. With the endemic use of microwave and UHF mind control and disabling weapon systems on the UK public by British intelligence, the thought that they might use Psi-weapons such as remote influencing on certain problem individuals seems highly likely. THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF ABSENT HEALING AND THE LAYING ON OF HANDS Alternative healing can be thought of as a common usage of remote influencing. The ability of the remote viewing attention to affect the body and those of other people, could have tremendous implications for healing and the health of the nation as well as leading to six hundred year life spans in humans. It has been shown that accidents will kill everyone by the age of six hundred, even if they no longer age. The remote influencing effect is the scientific basis of the mind over matter phenomena and as such leads on to telekinesis. 313 REMOTE VIEWING Mind over matter has now been demonstrated by remote influencing research in Russia. MILITARY USE OF RI The Soviet Union are the unparalleled masters of biophysical remote influencing. Developed in the sixties as the telepathic knockout, (the ability to put a person into deep trance from a distance), the Russian military became heavily involved in the use of remote viewing, ESP, telepathy and telekinesis, as a set of paranormal weapon systems. The former Soviet Union spent millions on parapsychological weapon research and they have made many discoveries that appear beyond belief to Western - so called - experts. Chief among these, with relevance to the political arena, is 'Sleep-Wake Hypnosis' or remote influencing. This allowed the trained Russian telepath, to transfer by use of ESP, mental commands to another person who was miles away. The Americans became aware of this and in declassified documents, the Director of the CIA's Mind Control Program, Sydney Gotlieb, testified that the Russians had used negative mind control to cause anxiety, depression and confusion in top level State visitors to the USSR. President Nixon complained of acute depression, confusion and anxiety when he visited the former Soviet Union. The US government desperately tried to match the Soviet Paranormal warfare capability. Major General Albert Stubblebine III, former head of US military intelligence and staunch advocate of paranormal warfare, told an audience at the 1992 International Symposium on UFO Research, how remote viewing was used by the US army to read the thoughts of others, and look at enemy installations. Project 'Grill Flame', confirmed information obtained by other methods, on many Russian installations. After leaving the army, Stubblebine became president of Psi Tech, a US firm which is rumoured to act as a commercial arm of U.S. military remote viewing and was used during the gulf war to locate scud missile launchers. U.S. remote viewers also tried to remotely influence and locate Saddam Hussein. 314 REMOTE VIEWING There is much anecdotal evidence to show that the superpowers developed remote influencers who had telepathic hypnotic abilities. Programs such as Millennium and the X-Files, use this paranormal slant to show how military trained telepaths and remote influencers can communicate telepathically and accelerate healing processes, or conversely, make people ill. If U.S. military agencies have trained remote influencers to match the Russian efforts, it is certain that they have come across new paranormal abilities unknown to modern man, such as: telepathy, ESP, psychokinesis, and precognition. Military men are very eclectic, such that not only would they use this new technology, but they would also try to engineer paranormal abilities in concert with electronics, which could be incorporated into a new breed of super warriors, flying thought controlled aircraft or remotely flying Psi-guided missiles. The ability to hypnotize people many miles away without even coming into contact with them is an effect well known to alien abductees from around the world, who are in a trance-like state around the Greys that experiment on them. Unlike the UFO fraternity, the author cannot back this set of assertions until hard evidence is uncovered about aliens. It is obvious from my research that a very strong interest in the 'alien question' pervades the top-secret echelons of the Russian and U.S. military. MIND OVER MATTER It is part of mans' cultural inheritance that we all have an ancient belief in the power of mind to effect matter. Our early hunter gatherer ancestors used shamans and witch doctors to cure the sick, carry out rituals to promote successful hunting, create love charms, chase away evil spirits and minister to the subtle bodies we all possess. As our civilization developed, humans began to use agriculture to grow food. The need for good weather conditions and the absence of blights and insect pests, led to an entrenching of the old shamanic witch doctor knowledge into well organized priesthoods that were funded by the state, or in fact ran 315 REMOTE VIEWING the state. Egyptian civilization was a high point of this metaphysical priesthood that oversaw a prosperous state, that lasted longer than any other nation, its history running into many thousands of years. It seems that a strong metaphysical basis to society inculcates great stability, but could there be more to it than that? Much of modern magic is derived from Egyptian ritual. Magic was the structured version of ancient knowledge which was designed to allow the operator the ability to exert the power of mind over matter. Scientists have denigrated the power of the mind, some such as Skinner, the arch advocate of behaviorism, refused to even allow the concept of the mind to exist. Carl Sagan in his last book before his death: The Demon-Haunted World, wrote a damning denunciation of peoples' so called belief in the paranormal. In the book he mentioned his fear that the lack of the publics' scientific grounding in science meant that they were unable to understand modern science and had turned to paranormal mumbo jumbo as a crutch to cover up for their ignorance. As a scientist, I feel the public has a better basic knowledge of reality than many in the UK establishment would believe. Despite a carefully laid disinformation campaign that seeks to show Psi could not possibly exist, constructed by establishment funded scientists in their government funded ivory towers, a growing number of the public are believing in the paranormal. Worse still, there is a case to be said for stating that governments are deliberately steering mainstream research away from paranormal research, while in secret expending considerable time and money in the pursuit of paranormal powers which are supposed not to exist. The vast amount of money both superpowers spent on Psi-warfare points to the real truth of the matter. That an inner cadre of the UK establishment know that Psi exists and they want it to be kept exclusively for their own people. The Helen Duncan case, reported in the Times on the 31st of January 1998, where during the second world war, a psychic was jailed for remotely viewing a British battleship that 316 REMOTE VIEWING was sunk, shows how the British establishment have known about Psi since the second world war. Are they using it on the public, or our politicians? MODERN DAY REMOTE INFLUENCING The scientific basis for remote influencing research has been carried out by the Russians. As a scientist wishing to recreate their research, the author has discovered how remote influencing works. The following is a description of how telepathic hypnosis works, which is the basis of remote influencing The brain and the energy body around it, the so called biophysical field, can both be conscious whilst independent of one another. Humans possessing biophysical fields that have the potential to be conscious, explains OOBEs, dreaming, doppel-gangers, and a host of other paranormal phenomena. If conscious biophysical fields can leave our physical bodies, then it may be possible to influence the brain, body or biophysical body of another person at a remote distance. This ability to hypnotize a person at a distant location, was developed by the Soviet military as the telepathic knockout. They may have picked up the idea for this ability from observing how animals could be put into a trance by, manual manipulation, eye contact and finally by force of mind. U.S. research into paranormal warfare research as mentioned in chapter one, is headed by Colonel John Alexander, America's leading paranormal warfare expert. The former Director of Non Lethal Weapons at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, who remains advisory head of NATO's Non Lethal Defense initiative, is the mastermind behind the U.S. program of Psi-defence that shields President Clinton and the command structure of America from enemy remote influencing. Alexander is a visionary and a true patriot, who is dedicated to the development of superhuman soldiers, he likens to Jedi Knights (Project JEDI) who will defend the USA from foreign Psi-attack. He is a leading member of the secret U.S. committee that is overseeing the paranormal warfare problem, UFO activity, and collects information 317 REMOTE VIEWING for the U.S. government agencies that oversees the 'alien question' and is allegedly involved with the back engineering of crashed UFOs. Their research is allegedly far developed in this field and numerous sightings of triangular U.S. military aircraft that do not cause sonic booms and which display antigravity capability are well known. One of these craft nearly collided with a jet over the UK The BBC was heavily D-noticed to keep this out of the news. Alexander is also Co-President of Psi-Tech the US firm which acts as a commercial arm of military remote viewing and was used during the gulf war to locate scud missile launchers, Saddam Hussein and various weapons of mass destruction. In the process of the conflict it is alleged that they also tried to remotely influence and locate Saddam Hussein. They failed because the dictator is protected by darker powers than the Americans realized. REMOTE INFLUENCING, SCIENTIFIC VOODOO Remote influencing is in essence the ability to exert the power of mind over matter. Remote influencing has evolved from the discovery made in the 1930s by the Russians that with Sleep-Wake hypnosis, researchers could hypnotize people at a distance. Once hypnotized, they could be made to act in ways alien to their nature. The ability to hypnotize people many miles away, without even coming into contact with them, is an ability well known to voodoo adepts and witch doctors from around the world. Voodoo high-priest can cause the person they are remote influencing to get well. The dark adepts of voodoo can make a person ill. This is done with the infamous doll which contains nail clippings and hair of the victim. Remote killing of the victim is compounded in its horror. The soul (biophysical body) of the victim is taken by the voodoo adept. After this the person is put into a deathlike trance by a special powder which contains tetratoxin, the poison of the marine blowfish. This poison puts the victim into a deathlike trance. Once buried, the victim is then dug up from his grave and by controlling the person's 318 REMOTE VIEWING biophysical body by means of remote influencing, the poor tortured soul is converted into a zombie. Remote influencing for military research is used for similar purposes, to turn leading politicians and generals into mind-zombies that can be controlled by foreign powers. China leads the way in deploying this remote influencing technology. Were it not for the efforts of unsung heroes like Colonel Alexander and his team of U.S. Psi-ops remote influencers, President Clinton and his team of decision makers would have ideas planted in their brains against their will, or even far worse things could happen to them in a similar fashion to what occurred to President Yeltsin. Tony Blair and the Labour government are protected in a more comprehensive fashion by advanced biophysical augmented intelligence paranormal weapon systems, designed by the author - even though they are unaware of the danger paranormal warfare poses to them. Chinese and Japanese research into remote influencing is going on apace, if they succeed it will enable the development of a mind over matter technology that will enable a military mind control program that could effectively brainwash the western leadership using remote influencing and applied psychotronics. The U.S. military are therefore very interested in the military use of paranormal abilities and the development of countermeasures to remote influencing, with its associated mind control technology which is based on microwave radiation. This research as mentioned before, is now being carried out in America by Colonel Alexander, who heads up multimillionaire R Biglow's Nevada based National Institute for Discovery Science. Biglow is recruiting leading researchers in UFOs, remote viewing and other fringe sciences, with an aim to developing a paranormal research program to look into this matter of not only human remote influencing but that of aliens and UFO phenomena. 319 REMOTE VIEWING STRANGE INFLUENCES The military use of mind over matter also led to the development of extensive Soviet research programs into telekinesis, (the ability to move things with the mind) which led to the science of psychotronics, where the power of the mind was used to alter reality in conformation with the paranormal warfare experts will. We may also have alien biophysical field effects from other dimensions impinging on our biophysical fields, or casting the rightful human biophysical field out of the physical body. This mechanism may underlie the phenomena of possession. Akin to this, there may also be a form of alien abduction from our own continuum, where the biophysical fields are removed and alien field effects implanted. U.S. research in this area appears to be going on at Dulce, New Mexico. Dulce is the deepest underground base in the USA The shaft-like base goes down many miles. In the book, Cosmic Top Secret, William Hamilton the Third, describes Dulce. Level 1 and 2 contain the garage and maintenance areas. Level 4 does research on human auras as well as all aspect of telepathy, ESP, hypnosis and dreams. The book describes how the alien/human experimenters know how to separate the biophysical or bioplasmic body, from the physical body, and place an 'alien entity' life-force-matrix within a human body, after removing the 'soul' life-force-matrix of the human. Many remote viewers have mentioned that they have seen aliens in U.S. underground bases. This ties-in with the U.S. military remote viewer who was forcibly retired, when he became convinced that there was a Martian colony below the New Mexico Desert. It is well known by Psi-researchers that biophysical energy fields run through and above the planet, this was thought to be a magnetic force that runs through and on the Earth. This is the so called ley energy, or vril energy that Neolithic man harnessed and amplified by use of Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury... Thus it is no coincidence that the New World Order Illuminati, will be in the Great Pyramid in Egypt to 320 REMOTE VIEWING greet the dawn of the new millennia, so they can soak up this vril force (adaptive energy) that will be amplified by the pyramid at the start of the 2000 AD. Perhaps, the New world Order Illuminati learnt their paranormal technology from ancient alchemical texts, such as the one that enabled the Czech Robert Pavlita to build the first psychotronic generator, the so called Psi-battery, or they may have discovered these principles form their own paranormal warfare research. As one of Europe's leading expert in the scientific study of paranormal - biophysics such as remote: viewing, sensing (ESP and Telepathy) and influencing, the following is an explanation of how the power of mind over matter works. David Morehouse, an erstwhile military remote viewer has written in his book called Psychic Warrior, how he was recruited from the military to take part in a paranormal warfare course which entailed him learning how to remotely view. He was shown documents which had been taken from Russian sources which showed that they had an advanced research program developing remote influencing and remote manipulators (a euphemism for killing people at a distance by use of the power of mind over matter). It is well known that witch doctors, voodoo high priests and black magicians can kill or cause illness to people they curse. Demons may be sent to afflict the victim. Could these demons be in fact alien entities from another more malefic dimension. Conversely, white witches, magicians witch doctors, shamans and voodoo high priests can cause miraculous cures in the ill people they treat. MIND CONTROL ENDEMIC IN THE UK It is alleged by many researchers that the UK establishment have access to paranormal technology, and electronic technology, of a high order which they use to mind control humans and to telepathically plant images and words within victim's minds. The ability to psychically control people as if they are robots is called remote manipulation and this has become the subtle means by which shadowy power groups within the UK establishment are purported to use paranormal warfare 321 REMOTE VIEWING for covert conquest. The author has hard evidence of the use of UHF and Microwave mind control in the UK for civilian suppression and mass mind control of the British public. Remote viewing experts have a knowledge of electronic microwave mind control, David Morehouse was going to be trained as a non lethal weapons expert in the U.S. army after his remote viewing stint. The author has uncovered a whole web of mind control used on the Brighton population, probably as a test ground for the mass use of microwave, UHF and VHF mind control on the masses, concealed from the public on the grounds of national security. Frequencies such as: 453, 456, 466, 853 and 853, MHz have been used for mind control experiments on the public in the Brighton area, mundane UHF and Microwave beams transformed into lethal weapons by the simple addition of a ELF signal on to this carrier wave. To show how this form of electronic remote influencing works, we have to go back to research begun in the 1960's by the CIA. Project Pandora was a CIA research program looking into the effect of electromagnetic radiation on brain function. The CIA were concerned about the Soviet research in this area, the microwaving of the U.S. Moscow embassy in the 1970s showed how astute the CIA were. Half the staff developed a rare form of cancer of their white blood cells, one third eventually died. These microwave weapons are extremely dangerous, giving the victim cancer and chronic brain and nervous system damage. One of the leading lights in the Pandora project was a Dr Ross Adey. His research at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California has shown that there is a biological reaction in the brain to EM radiation. This reaction was found to be dependent on the frequency, amplitude and dose of the UHF or microwave radiation used. This meant that carefully modulated microwave beams could be used to remotely control brain function. By the 1980s Dr Ross Adey, had performed some crucial experiments using microwave carrier waves modulated with extremely low frequency (ELF) modulations to modify brain tissue responses. He carried out experiments with cat brain tissue, showing that the binding 322 REMOTE VIEWING of calcium ions to neuronal sites was affected by weak EM fields. These fields were of a frequency and amplitude which was similar to fields produced in mammalian bodies and detected on electroencephalographs (EEG). Dr Adey demonstrated how a 147 MHz field, which at tissue level had an intensity of 0.8mW/cm2, caused a release of calcium ions which flowed from this irradiated brain tissue. This response only occurred when the ELF modulation of the microwave carrier wave had an amplitude modulated at 6-20 Hz. This is the brain frequency found in relaxed human brain rhythms. He found that these radio frequency waves could mimic these natural brain frequencies and overwrite the normal brain rhythms with the ones broadcast by the mind control device. Maximum stimulation of the neurons took place at 16 Hz; to either side of this frequency range parameter, there was no effect. In effect, Adey had discovered that a mental state, such as aversion, panic, suicide, paranoid schitzoprenia, mania, manic depression, and a host of other pathological behavior could be induced with the flick of a switch. This duplicated Russian research which showed they could make laboratory animals manic, panic... all at the flick of a switch on their UHF, or microwave mind control device. In Isvestia, in 1997, the Russians stated that during the cold war they developed satellites that could change the behavior of an entire country by blanketing that country from space with UHF or microwave mind control beams, The author has been carrying out research to see if this technology is being deployed in the UK. In Lewes is the headquarters of the East Sussex police. A two hundred foot antennae rises from the middle of the East Susses police headquarters. All around this complex is a council estate filled with mainly working class residences. A nearby hill, would be the perfect place for a communication antennae and a short land line to the headquarters would suffice. Meter readings the author has taken show that the antennae gives of a powerful 147 MHz field. This constant radiation could at these power levels cause a constant leakage of calcium ions from the nerve and brain cells. The effect of this might be mental befuddlement, lethargy, no energy for aggressive action, 323 REMOTE VIEWING or active difficult thought. This would make the irradiated people less likely to cause trouble or be a problem as they would lack the mental energy or brainpower to raise themselves form the EM mind control induced lethargy. Since calcium flow out of brain cells effects memory and other thought processes a decrease in intelligence can be caused at the flick of a switch. Research by Australian researchers, written up in New Scientist, in May 1997, has shown that the safest microwave phones give significant numbers of laboratory mice cancer, when exposed to this level or irradiation. One wonders of the long term health implications of mass irradiation of the population. Microwaves of a similar wave form were used by researcher C S Blackman, in a US research facility. He noted a set of narrow field intensity parameters of microwave irradiation effects that was greatest at 0.75 mW/cm2; this caused the neurons to release calcium ions to the greatest extent. The author has tested many microwave phones and has found that this is around the intensity given off by the earpiece of these cellular phones. It seems likely that regular use of the mobile phone not only may give you cancer, but causes the brain to release calcium ions which may you mentally tires, and decreases memory, intelligence and the will to do things which require mental effort. By superimposing an ELF signature of a specific brain state, the establishment in the UK can at the flick of a switch change the behavior of every mobile phone user. In times of mass civil disturbance the mobile phone users can be made docile and compliant by mass mind control through their mobile phones. They can also be kept docile in normal times, so they do not create problems for the small group of landowning elite who run the UK from behind the scenes, using MI5 as their enforcers. Adey repeated Blackman's experiments and confirmed a microwave intensity parametric area, between 0.1 and lmW/cm2. This used a 450 MHz microwave carrier wave amplitude modulated by an ELF of 16 Hz. It was found this set of EM parameters caused the largest calcium release in the neurons. When other EM parameters were used this caused no response. The 450 MHz frequency band is now used by 324 REMOTE VIEWING UK intelligence agencies to change the behavior of the target victim by directing microwave beams at the target's home. The 850 through to 1000 MHz, is used by MI5 to literally cook their victims, as this is the frequency of some types of microwave oven. The body is heated in the eyes, causing blindness due to subcorneal cataracts, bile damage due to this organ being unable to dissipate heat because of a poor blood supply and massive damage to the brain and nervous system. Chronic headaches and nausea ensue. Microwaves radiation can pass through brick, or concrete. Millimeter wave scanners can see through brick or concrete, so the precise targeting of a victim in his home, is relatively easy. In comparison, ELF modulated microwave radiation, in the 6-20 Hz range at field intensities lower by several orders of magnitude than the above, caused a decrease of calcium ion efflux in the neurons. This type of microwave irradiation could drive the target manic as they would have a surplus of nervous energy. It is alleged that David Icke, was the victim of this type of attack by MI5. A useful observation was that the frequency and amplitude of the response of the neuronal brain tissue, was the same whether it was stimulated or damped. There was a consistency in the magnitude of the response, this being a 10-15% increase in calcium ion efflux using the higher intensities and an identical reduction using the lower intensities described above. This means that by use of carefully modulated microwaves, all aspects of human behavior can be controlled remotely by intelligence agencies. Victims can also be made ill, or even killed by use of microwave devices. MICROWAVE WEAPONS AND THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES Research into the use of microwave weapons began in the 1970s when the news that the Russians were micro waving the US embassy in Moscow came to light. One third of the staff eventually died of cancer form the microwave irradiation. Greenham Common was the first time that microwaves were used on groups of the general public. Equipment 325 REMOTE VIEWING showed that the women peace protesters were subject to high levels of microwave radiation, some of them have subsequently died from cancer. It is alleged that Marconi put this microwave technology into full scale production, and around thirty scientists and military personnel on the project who began to ask questions committed 'suicide'. Some of these suicide victims allegedly drowned themselves in a few inches of water, garroted themselves, or stuck rubber hoses from their car exhaust down their throats. My research has found that microwave weapons are targeted on UK citizens, generally middle class troublemakers and researchers who cause problems for the establishment. Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with specific brain patterns change behavior at the flick of a switch. It is alleged that MI5 use the 450 MHz frequency used for this research (only legally allowed to be used by the police) for behavioral control as the central nervous system acts as an antennae at this frequency. A police van, parked outside the Brighton Pavilion was used to beam microwaves at vagrants to clear them from the area. Rowan Dore of The Evening Argus, the Brighton newspaper, asked the police if this was their van, they replied it was one of their 'surveillance' vehicles. On Wednesday, the 4th of February I was passing Brighton Police station with my frequency counter, and I detected a 453 MHz microwave beam being directed at two young offenders sitting on a wall opposite the station. I confronted the police with the reading, Robert Galloway, spokesperson for the police stated, "they were not interested in microwaves even if they were a danger to health." My research shows widespread use of microwave weapons in Brighton by the police and MI5 as a test program to clear vagrants from the city center. Contacting the National Radiological Protection Board, they stated there were no laws protecting the public from microwave or UHF. So if MI5 decide to irradiate your home with the same frequency as is used by a microwave oven, there is nothing you can legally do, 326 REMOTE VIEWING except take out a private prosecution where the onus is on you to prove that this radiation is being used and that it is dangerous. The author found to his dismay that since writing this book, his home has a microwave beam of this type being aimed at it. It appears the British Establishment do not want a book explaining how to carry out remote viewing going on sale. Contacting researchers in this field they all complain of microwave-like symptoms, headache, nausea, giddiness, eye damage, ear problems... Readings I have taken show that the 750-1000 MHz range is used by the intelligence services for inducing nervous and physical collapse. Microwave ovens give of 1000 MHz. This frequency was recorded in my living room. I do not possess a microwave oven. The author appeared on the Channel 4 program, For the Love of, in march 1998 where, during the program on the New World Order, the author revealed on the television for the first time, the UK establishment's use of UHF and Microwave mind control on the general public. Brighton Police subsequently arrested the author and confiscated his recording equipment. What have they to hide? As the foremost nonmilitary expert on remote viewing and Psi-warfare, I became aware of the microwave problem when I was targeted to this book on remote viewing being released. The author's research has found that large areas of Brighton are blanketed by 450 MHz UHF radiation. It seems the town has numerous hot spots of this radiation. Brighton police headquarters sits atop a hug underground bunker. Recordings of a ground level 450 MHz signal fired at vagrants in Brighton areas where they congregate has driven them form their favorite haunts. In 1998 the author was shocked to record large areas of Brighton blanketed by this 450 MHz signal. As well as causing mental confusion, lethargy and behavioral changes, depending on the ELF signal attached, the cancer inducing properties of this radiation are just coming to light. Since the UK police are allowed to use this frequency, there does appear to be a secret establishment 327 REMOTE VIEWING program of total policing which is being carried out in Brighton. Use of this mind control technology is useful for the establishment as, unless you have the right equipment, it is impossible to detect. Even then, there is no law to protect you from its misuse. 450 MHz is exactly the frequency used by the old radar installations and led to the concept of mass mind control of entire populations by electronic means. The British Tavistock Institute, which researches in psychiatric matters, appears to be the organization that developed these microwave weapons. Since the British invented radar, the applied use of microwaves, and the Tavistock institute has been looking for ways to influence human behavior without recourse to drugs, a pattern is developing. The submission behavior to dominant members of monkeys, apes and humans, has a specific brain frequency. The Tavistock institute became interested in this behavior in the 1930s and looked at ways of making people by products, and ways of controlling them. By placing the signal for submissive behavior to people in authority, a microwave or UHF signal, can make a country easy to govern. That the entire London conurbation is blanketed with this frequency of UHF and microwave signal, may be a coincidence. UK police have use of this frequency. Microwave mind control has been developed and deployed throughout the UK With such widespread use of mind control weapons by British Intelligence, the chances that they might be using it on the general population for psycho-civilising, to keep people in a docile compliant mood, especially during times of trouble, is a worrying development. To look at the world experts in mind control we yet again return to Soviet research. The world's most powerful network of transmitters in the Ukraine, were designed for the purpose of broadcasting mind control transmissions to the entire Western population to change their behavior. As described in chapter one, this Soviet 'Woodpecker' device was so powerful it could target the mind control broadcasts directly into your living room. Pulse modulated microwaves are now used in the latest non lethal weapons used by intelligence agencies around the 328 REMOTE VIEWING globe. Pulse modulated microwaves are perfect for mind control because they pass through the skull directly into the brain. Hand held devices which look like video cameras are standard equipment for British intelligence, and use the 453, 456, and 853 MHz frequencies and are easily concealed in rucksacks. These microwave devices could at short notice be used to mind control the civilian population in times of social disorder because the frequency and amplitude modulation needed for mind control is old knowledge, researched by the superpowers in the sixties. It is now terrorist groups like the Aum sect who were building these devices. REMOTE INFLUENCING TECHNOLOGY David Morehouse, was training to be a non lethal weapons expert in the U.S. Army, His next book is about these 'less' than lethal weapons which underpin Western scientific research into remote influencing. Morehouse was forced to leave the U.S. military for disclosing classified information about the DIA and CIA remote viewing programs. When he decided to write a book about his experiences, he had a nervous breakdown and was placed in a mental hospital and the army Major was forced to leave the military in disgrace, amidst rumors of behavior unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. He claims the U.S. authorities were pursuing a secret paranormal warfare course to develop remote influencers and remote manipulators, experiences of which they might have gleaned from the Russians. Rumor has it that the military were not best pleased at one of their number stating in writing, that remote viewing was very effective. For if it was so effective, why had the U.S. military given up remote viewing and paranormal warfare? The truth might be assumed to be in that case, that they had not given up paranormal warfare research, but as Morehouse states in his book, advanced the training from remote viewing, to remote influencing and manipulation. If this was the case, the mere whiff, that the U.S. military was developing paranormal warfare operators with the ability to hypnotize, make people ill, or psychically kill, would make the public demand this research be ended. This might explain the attempts 329 REMOTE VIEWING on Morehouse's life to shut him up. Personally, the author does not agree with Morehouse, as the advent of unfriendly countries like China deploying military remote influencing, while Japan has a massive commercial remote influencing operation, means the U.S. military are duty bound to protect the country from this paranormal menace. With the advent of the British establishment backing moves to destabilize the USA by a campaign of discrediting President Clinton, using their media network, business and political interests and British military intelligence remote influencers, to exacerbate the situation. A covert war against the USA is being run by the British establishment from behind the scenes. The American concept of a middle class society run by consensus is and anathema to the British establishment which wishes to run a feudal type society with an few of the aristocracy running the entire country like barons of old. America is therefore beset by both old enemies and former friends. It appears from the numerous papers on the psychotronic technology developed by the Soviets, that it is not only physical but psychical. This would explain the dreamlike states in needed to operate these advanced Psi-enabled mind control devices. The hypnotic-like state induced by psychotronic devices goes one step beyond simple electronic microwave mind control, developed by UK research groups such as the Tavistock Institute. Russian Psychotronic devices enabled the Soviets to boost Psi-derived remote influencing. Since there has been an alleged exchange of technology between the Russians and the Sony corporation since the end of the cold war, it seems obvious that the American researchers would want to duplicate this type of Psi-based technology, on grounds of national security. REMOTE VIEWING 'ALIENS' In order to mask their true intent, the U.S, authorities would have to disengage themselves from the publicly known remote viewing 'Grill Flame' project, then in a carefully phased manner leave remote viewing to publicity seeking nonmihtary trained remote viewers. Many of this 330 REMOTE VIEWING new breed of remote viewers are obsessed with UFOs and aliens and this would naturally deflect public interest in continuing paranormal warfare projects. Once the remote viewing project had been made public by numerous press releases, the next phase would be to totally disengage from military remote viewing, and leave the stage open for showman-like remote viewing gurus who would muddy the waters by spending all their time remote viewing aliens and UFOs. Since the author agrees with other scientists that there is no hard evidence for UFOs, these showman-like UFOs would naturally lower remote viewing into a sort of stage show in their pursuit of aliens, thus lowering the credibility of military remote viewing. Dr. Courtney Brown is a famous remote viewer who runs the Farsight Institute, where he and his colleagues run remote viewing courses. Courtney Brown purports to have an 80% accuracy rate and as such is a leading spokesman for remote viewing. Brown stated he had a contact, who is stated to be one of the top ten scientists in his field, who approached Courtney Brown and showed him some photos of the Hale-Bopp comet that revealed a planetary body moving in the wake of the comet. This was purported to be an alien artifact. Courtney Brown and some of his fellow remote viewers used remote viewing to observe this object in the wake of the comet. Brown then revealed to Art Bell, host of the Coast to Coast, top rated paranormal/UFO radio show, and Whitley Strieber, famous abductee and author of the book: Communion, his findings. These were that the Saturn-like object in the comet's wake was a small planet-like ship peopled by reptilian beings who were heading this way to enlighten us. Earth governments, who as Brown stated, were Masonic enclaves, knew of the Reptoids and had planned to explain their ship as a dangerous alien weapon. 331 REMOTE VIEWING Independence Day, the Sierra's game Rama (based on Arthur C Clarke's novels of a giant alien ship entering the solar system), books such as the Kingmakers of Saturn and a host of new films and TV series were alleged to reinforce this view of imminent alien attack. Excited by this news, Art Bell and Whitley Streiber, went public on the Courtney Brown information on November 29th 1996, on the Coast to Coast show. When it was suddenly revealed that that the photographs shown to Courtney Brown were fakes, Art Bell became the center of a controversy in which Courtney Brown was remote viewing an object that was shown not to exist. Publicly humiliated and discredited, Courtney Brown refused to name his source, who had shown him the photographs in the first place. Enraged that Brown refused to name his top ten scientific source, Art Bell and Streiber had no choice but to join in the clamor against Courtney Brown and his Farsight Institute. From now on, people would not give credence to rumors of U.S. paranormal warfare black projects, thanks to the problems associated with the remote viewing of Courtney Brown, who had discredited his brand of UFO based remote viewing. U.S. paranormal warfare groups such as the JEDI project, or British run military remote viewers and influencers are not publicized. The alleged world of alien technology, and the use of remote viewing to uncover these so called aliens will inevitably muddy the waters to occlude real military Psi-projects now going on, in the same way that the dire sensational publicity has discredited the search for hard evidence on UFOs and aliens, which mask the militaries' development of next generation aircraft and spacecraft. THE SCIENCE OF REMOTE INFLUENCING My research has found that these microwave/RF electromagnetic radiation mimics naturally occurring biophysical fields we all possess. The military in their electronic mind control use a primitive technology, where as it is posited, that the Soviets developed and advanced amalgam 332 REMOTE VIEWING of advanced electronic and biophysical technologies, to produce their psychotronic weapons. The following is an attempt to understand how remote influencing, biophysical mind control technology works. In the process of developing mind over matter abilities the biophysical vehicle, which surrounds us all, needs to be developed to the point where it can work independently of the body. The long initiation and training period of witch doctors, shamans and magicians is needed to energize this biophysical field around the initiate. The teacher takes his pupil to many power spots where the neophyte's biophysical body acquires energy from these sacred spots and swells in size. This type of training is well documented in Carlos Castaneda's books about shamanism, in which his teacher, don Juan takes his pupil to sacred power spots all over Mexico, in the process, Castaneda's energy body (his biophysical vehicle) becomes energized and changes shape in conformation with its evolution. Combined with specific training to program this biophysical body, so it can become self aware and finally act independently as a conscious biophysical vehicle; we have a well developed methodology for developing mind over matter ability. Maybe it is modern western man who is primitive in the context of paranormal technology. The biophysical body can interact with the brain by modifying the concentration of calcium in brain cells, this process is called calcium efflux. Quantum mechanical effect take place at a subatomic level at the lower end of this hierarchy of communication between the biophysical body, the brain and the physical body. Such is the interaction, that the dualistic nature of physical and biophysical bodies cannot be separated; only ignored by skeptical science, which refuses to believe in the heresy of paranormal phenomena and the biophysical reality. Brain cells talk to each other by means of synapses. These are not simple on-off switches, but instead are highly sophisticated analogue logic gates that can vary their response (potentiation) in a broad spectrum. Rather like a dimmer switch on the lights allows you to alter 333 REMOTE VIEWING the intensity of the illumination and gives an almost infinite degree of variation, unlike a simple on-off switch. Since biophysical fields can effect calcium flow out of the cell membrane (efflux), they can alter the synapses all over the brain simultaneously. By this method of calcium efflux control, biophysical fields can intimately interact with the brain, altering every function in the brain. Since biophysical fields can also store information being quantum computers of high-power, they can upload information from the brain and file it away as parameters in the biophysical field intensity of the quantum computer. This biophysical field can therefore remember what happened to the physical body and download information it has picked up. In remote viewing, the paranormal operator develops his biophysical body in a way akin to the training shamans used to inculcate paranormal ability in their students. Once the biophysical body has been developed, it can be projected outside the body and can become self aware of its distant surroundings. Picking up information from its remote location, it can then return to the physical body and download this information to the brain by the calcium efflux mechanism and quantum mechanical effects postulated above. In this way the brain can become aware of what the biophysical body has seen at a distant location. This is the basis for remote viewing. So we see that clairvoyance (the old name for remote viewing) has a scientific explanation. The reader of this book has begun to see that all paranormal phenomena have a scientific answer, the problem lies in the primitive science we have at our disposal. Witch doctors and shamans know that the paranormal exists and is very useful, western man on the other hand uses science to convince himself that the paranormal cannot possibly exist. My research indicates that science can explain paranormal events but can be used to predict new paranormal phenomena not yet documented. Let us turn to the more esoteric mind over matter subject of remote influencing people at a distance. Remote sensing leads on to remote 334 REMOTE VIEWING influencing. The most commonly used form of this is used by healers; who use altered perception to diagnose illness in their patients, then try to correct that problem using healing energy. ESP and telepathy leads on to the ability to identify illnesses in the body of the person you are scanning. ESP of that structural problem in another person's body, allows the possibility of correcting that problem using remote influencing. Knowledge of basic human physiology aids accurate remote sensing, the use of ESP to see inside peoples' bodies and minds and develops remote influencing (this being the ability to affect physiological change in other people at a distance). With practice, one can learn to become very capable at absent healing. The knock on effect of this, is that healing abilities latent in man come to the fore. Remote influencing enables us to have very powerful healing abilities which can be used to help our fellow man. Conversely, remote influencing of brain centers enables people to develop remote suggestion. This ability is the scientific basis of hypnosis. In the more primitive versions of hypnosis, not all people are susceptible - which is a good thing! The same can be true of remote influencing but only if that person is properly protected from remote influencing as is now the case with President Yeltsin. Use of remote influencing can considerably enhance sales techniques and could therefore be of use to anyone who has to sell goods or ideas to critical customers. Maybe this is why Sony is so interested in the remote influencing phenomena. Understanding the mechanism behind hypnosis, allows people who have learnt remote influencing to enhance the capabilities of other people. An example of this is the use of hypnotists in boxing, to enhance a fighters performance. Chris Eubank complained bitterly when it was rumored the Steve Collins was being hypnotized to aid him in his world championship middle weight fight against the then champion. Eubank was so rattled that he lost the world championship. This shows the power of suggestion and psychological warfare. 335 REMOTE VIEWING Remote influencing as developed by the superpower military, has a darker side. 'Sleep-Wake Hypnosis' techniques developed into remote influencing, which was used to plant suggestions in the enemy's mind. It is alleged that paranormal adepts were hired by the U.S. government to remotely influence Gorbachev into dismantling the Soviet Union. There may be some truth in this. It is well known that Russian remote influencers are top of the tree, closely followed by Chinese and Czech operators, Japan is rapidly developing programs in this area run by Sony. The U.S. government is now trying to catch up on these developments - as mentioned previously. HOW REMOTE INFLUENCING WORKS Let us look at how remote influencing works. In this technique the biophysical vehicle which surrounds all normal people (not those subject to psychic attack, where it can be missing or badly damaged) can be developed to the point where it can act independently of the human body. The target can be remotely viewed. Information on how the target is to be controlled is then passed to the biophysical body by means of the calcium efflux mechanism, which transfers data from neuronal networks of the brain into biophysical fields which are interacting with them. In simple language, ideas from the brain are uploaded into the biophysical vehicle, rather like transferring files from one computer to another. The quantum computer being the biophysical body. The biophysical vehicle of the paranormal warfare operator then travels to the target and merges his biophysical field with that of the victim. Since the paranormal warfare expert has a more developed biophysical body, he or she can overpower the undeveloped victim's biophysical body. Similarly, the Psi-adept quantum computer is of such a high-power that is can easily subvert the latent quantum computer which is the untrained person's biophysical field. Taking over the victims biophysical body, the remote influencer's biophysical body can then upload the codes which are usedto interact with the victim's brain. Codes 336 REMOTE VIEWING which are the analogues of machine code for the quantum computer. By this method the remote influencer can then begin to operate the natural calcium efflux events in the victim's brain. At a deeper level, quantum mechanical melding between victim and Psi-adept enables the remote influencer to temporarily take over the person's mind and body. Next. the remote influencer transfers the sleep-wake hypnotic suggestion by means of downloading his mental program into the victim's quantum computer and thence to the victim's brain. The remote influencer's biophysical body operates the calcium efflux events in the victim's brain and downloads his quantum computer program into the victim's neural network. This quantum computer program is processed as if it came from the target's biophysical field and is acted upon like all other memes (mental viruses). Once the programming has been placed in the target, the remote influencer's biophysical body can return back to the paranormal warfare operator, leaving the target oblivious that he has been remotely influenced. THE SCIENCE OF BLACK MAGIC This mechanism explains much of the magic carried out over the centuries. In Voodoo, the priest makes a doll containing hair and nail clippings of the victim. These physical artifacts of the victim contain residual biophysical fields of the target. This enables the Voodoo priest's biophysical body to access the victim's biophysical body at a distance. Once this is done, the Voodoo priest can download information into the victim's mind. By this method the Voodoo priest can plant suggestions in the victim's mind. Itgoes further than that, forthe biophysical fields are the morphogenetic fields that switch genes on and off. By this method of remote influencing, the Voodoo priest can access the genetic material of the victim; switching on the oncagenes that cause cancer, or the genes in the area that cause the trauma and damage where the pins are placed. It may be sensible not to irritate your local Voodoo priest! 337 REMOTE VIEWING Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast, was one of the foremost black magicians of his time. He was rumored to be able to kill or disable his victims. By the use of remote influencing, his highly developed biophysical body was capable of effecting his victim. In his greatest ritual, Crowley invoked the god Pan. If we think of natural biophysical fields existing, it may be possible to call up these ancient biophysical fields that are of the planet. Since the god Pan did not have a brain for calcium efflux manipulation, and the ancient archetype had a vastly larger biophysical field than Crowley, it was the Great Beast who was remotely influenced and driven mad. In the process, his companion Mathers, was killed by Pan, showing that remote manipulation can be effected by non-human biophysical fields. This was well known in the past where demonic biophysical fields were called up and sent to kill the victim of the black magician's ritual. It is not reassuring to know that the Chinese military are hard at work developing remote influencing for secret warfare. It is rumored that the Russians have whole teams of remote influencers. Part of their training used to consist of stopping laboratory animal's hearts. Since the heart is controlled by the vagus nerve which can be remotely influenced by the medium of biophysical control of nerve cell calcium efflux, we have a mechanism for this heart stopping phenomena. At the end of the chapter we will discuss how President Yeltsin could have been remotely influenced into having his numerous heart attacks by disgruntled communist Psi-warfare experts. 'Sleep-Wake Hypnosis' allows a hypnotist to transfer hypnotic commands telepathically to a subject, so that pulse rate can be altered, or any other physiological function. It has been demonstrated by Ignatenko that remote influencing can raise or lower the pulse rate of people who were remote from him. This was a dramatic demonstration of remote influencing. It can be seen that the power of the biophysical field to effect the body of another person is indeed a demonstrable effect. 338 REMOTE VIEWING SEX MAGIC An example of using remote influencing to obtain sex might be visualizing a Pamela Anderson look alike with you in steamy hot sex scenes. When you release this meme, since it is a biophysical thought form it will travel to the most suitable blonde bombshell and will plant the idea in her head that when she meets you she should sleep with you. This form of remote influencing is used subconsciously by men and women who have the magic of attracting the other sex. As age old sex magic, the biophysical field is well equipped to remotely influence people you are attracted to, so that they sleep with you. Female versions of this meme are directed to make the male so besotted he stays with the female, so she can reproduce and bring up her child. Darwinian selection has ruthlessly promoted the Psi-genes that enable remote influencing of members of the opposite sex, this ability is called sexual magnetism, or animal attraction. Remote influencing is impossible to block if it is of this high order. Many men and women have been drawn to lovers they did not like at first glance. The remote influencing of the lover overcame their normal consciousness and planted the meme for sex deep within their biophysical field, where it grew like a virus until it overcame their own will. This form of remote influencing has been honed by millions of years of evolution. Mankind is sexually active at all times and the power of sexual memes and the sexual remote influencing is second to none in the hierarchy of Psi-abilities in humans. Many film stars and pop stars radiate this form of meme, which is fed in power by the adaptive energy of their devoted fans. These sexual icons become centres of these sexual memes and normally overload with sexual activity, having to use drugs to lower their libido before the sex meme fries their physical body by overloading it. For the normal male or female, bereft of the stunning looks of a film star or starlet, remote influencing can be used to coerce the man or women you are attracted to, so that they sleep with you. After which 339 REMOTE VIEWING it is child's play to so telepathically hypnotize them, that they become besotted with you. Beware though, because the power to remotely influence lovers soon makes you bored of them and the urge to find another conquest becomes all consuming. This inevitably leads to the remote influencer leaving the only person that would truly make them happy. The price of Psi-power is a high one to pay. For those of you wishing to use this form of sexual remote influencing the following protocols will prove of use. i) Relax into the theta state by using the advanced relaxation protocols for interacting with the brain stress system. ii) Place your epicentre of attention in the thalamus brain centre, the organ of attention in the limbic system. iii) Use the mental laser of Directed Attention to draw the mental cinema screen in a clockwise direction in your mind's eye. iv) Send your remote viewing biophysical field to the target male or female you wish to sexually entrance. v) Focus your biophysical field on the pleasure centre in their brain called the amygdala. vi) Pulse the image of your face and body at this brain centre in the target lover to be and command their brain to receive a sexual orgasm as the image of you is fed into their: conscious, subconscious and unconscious. vii) Visualize a meme which commands that person to become besotted with you, appearing on your mental screen. 340 REMOTE VIEWING viii) Broadcast this meme into the biophysical field of the target lover to be. At the same time, refocus your biophysical field on the pleasure centre in their brain called the amygdala, while you pulse the image of your face and body at this brain centre in the target lover to be, commanding their brain to receive a sexual orgasm as the image of you is fed into their: conscious, subconscious and unconscious. This enables your meme to access their sexual energy. Once it has locked on to their brain, biophysical field and adaptive energy, it will feed on their sexual energy flooding their mind with sexy images of you and the target lover to be, making passionate love. If your sex is even more steamy, make sure you input this programming into your meme. This meme will feed on their adaptive energy until it consumes them and makes them totally besotted to you. As more people learn the power of Psi, these techniques of remote influencing become more and more powerful as the PDF loses all vestiges of control over human reality. With sexual remote influencing, the PDF has little control because humans have developed the power to remotely influence perspective lovers, or die out. By sexual evolution, the best sexual remote influencers have bred , their children concentrating the sexual remote influencing genes. So powerful is this form of remote influencing that: presidents, generals, politicians, illuminati, industrialist and media moguls have all fallen to its power. A famous example being the media mogul who married a former sex goddess and boasted he was having the best sex of his life, in the process he donated a gigantic fortune to charity. His lover being a world leader in supporting the poor and downtrodden. Only Psi-masters are immune to this high level sexual remote influencing. Since the only Psi-masters outside the former Soviet Union are few and far between, this form of remote influencing will become the dominant form of telepathic hypnosis in the twenty first century. Humans are obsessed with sex. 341 REMOTE VIEWING ABSENT HEALING On the positive side, the remote influencing effect shows how absent healing works, the healer has developed his biophysical body to the point where it can leave his body and travel to the sick person. Once there, the healer's body can switch genes on and off in the chromosomes of the patient. Since cancer is caused by oncagenes, cancer causing genes being switched on by radiation, chemicals, viruses... The healer's biophysical body can be used to switch these oncagenes off. This then turns the cancerous cells off, stopping them dividing, so the cancer goes into remission. Again and again, healers have cured or put into remission the cancers of ill people, yet science has been used to disprove what actually occurred on the grounds that it could not happen - therefore it did not occur. As we have seen, there is a way that science can explain this positive remote influencing. Similarly, the genes that are causing the disease can be switched off by the healer, thus curing the patient. If we take this further and realize that remote influencing can be used to affect the genomes of bacteria and viruses that cause disease, switching them off or triggering their suicide genes, we see a way that absent healing by use of remote influencing can be used against infectious disease. MAD COWS AND ENGLISHMEN One of the most interesting areas of the author's latest research, is the use of biological fields to boost the immune system. The UK has been ravaged by Mad Cow Disease, the infamous Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). Anew disease mechanism that involves prions. The infamous mad cow disease, which had been found to be identical to new-Variant Creutzfeld Jacob disease (vCJD). A particularly nasty disease, vCJD attacks the brain cells and by crystallizing within them kills the brain of the suffer leading to depression, loss of memory, balance problems, blindness, coma then death. This new disease could have been be caused by the scrapie prion, found in sheep, being put into the cows' rumen. Cows have large stomachs called rumens. These 342 REMOTE VIEWING are biological digesters that strip food down to its basic constituents. The scrapie prion, when placed in this digestive environment, could have been changed to leave a new form of the indigestible protein called a prion (proteinious infective agent). This prion then migrates to the brain and nervous system of the cow (and humans), where it turns normal proteins into itself and the resulting plaques of needle like protein crystals punch holes in neurons and brain cells. Changes in the shape of normal brain protein are catalyzed by the v-CJD prion, killing the brain in the process. This causes the brain to become punctured all over, rather like a sponge. Latest research seems to indicate this vCJD prion was a special variety found in bovine stock. Unlike all other prion diseases this infectious protein spreads out from the brain and nervous system which makes all beef products including milk a potential risk factor. Human blood transfusions could pass this vCJD prion as it may lurk in human white blood cells. No known cure is available, and if Dr. Lacey's (a leading microbiologist at Leeds University) predictions are right, 5000-500,000, UK citizens will die per year from this disease after the year 2000. Having a twenty year incubation period, anyone who ate infected burgers, sausages, gravy stock, gelatin... in the period 1985 to 1993 may have a long lingering death awaiting them in 2005 to 2013. All the deaths so far have been of one specific genetic type, that appears to have a perfect match of one of their brain proteins with the lethal prion protein. Since over one quarter of the UK population are of this genetic type, vCJD deaths could theoretically approach fifteen million or more. PSYCHIC HEALING With the development of biophysical field technology, remote influencing can be used to boost the immune system, this branch of the author's studies being called Paranormal-psycho-neuro-immunology. As biophysical fields switch genes on and off, and the brain stress system used to inculcate the theta state in ERV controls the immune system, appreciable boosting of immune response may be possible with 343 REMOTE VIEWING RV-like training. Dr.Carl Simonton trained terminal cancer patients to visualize their white blood cells eating up their cancerous tissue. Since these terminal cancer patients had been irradiated with radiation and or subjected to highly toxic chemotherapy, it was surprising that not only could visualization boost their immune system to kill cancer cells, but that their immune systems, damaged by radiation and toxic chemicals, could function at all! Paranormal-psycho-neuro-immunology (PPNI) works with fully functioning healthy people, whose immune systems have not been damaged by the radiation or chemotherapy used by the medical profession. Using biological field effects and the techniques one needs to open the doorways to remote viewing, it may be possible to boost peoples' immune systems to the point where their own bodies can recognize these prions and render them harmless. As the vCJD prion is the isomer of an identical protein found in the brain, when the vCJD prion comes into contact with the normal brain protein it changes its shape to the rogue protein's conformation. Biophysical fields effect proteins and by remote influencing may be able to change the shape of the vCJD protein back to its normal isomeric conformation. It is still in the development stages, but PPNI could prove effective in people who have eaten infected beef products but who do not have any brain damage as yet. PPNI may also be effective in boosting the immune system to fight cancer and other diseases - as long as the immune system has not been compromised by radiation, chemical toxins or biological agents. Antibodies specific to v-CJD have already been developed by a Swiss company Prionics, to act as a test for carriers of vCJD. It may also be possible, using PPNI, to boost the antioxidant capabilities of the body, and cause changes in DNA, using biological field effects. According to an article in New Scientist, on the 26th of February, natural antioxidants have been found to change the way genes are expressed, leading to longer lives. Remote influencing might be used to amplify this effect. This would lead to extension of life span in healthy individuals. 344 REMOTE VIEWING Since PPNI, the use of remote influencing for healing, is still in the developmental stages, no guarantee of success can be assured. Yet if PPNI proves effective, it would enable individuals to live longer and be highly resistant to pathogens of many sorts. In the true spirit of swords into ploughshares, the author is experimenting with ways of using remote influencing, not to make people ill, but to use the considerable power of biophysical fields to heal people. Witch doctors, shamans and the like, have long been used by their tribes to cure disease. Maybe these primitive people were more advanced than ourselves in the power of mind over matter. It is certain that Russians are aware of this biophysical technology. Many cases of spontaneous remission of cancer seem to involve the removal of cancerous tissue by the use of spontaneous remote influencing by human biophysical fields, which can be activated subconsciously by the sufferer or a friend or relative. Miraculous cures have also been alleged after evangelical meetings, and healing sessions, it shows remote influencing can be used for the dark or the good. It is up to humans to develop this technology to counter the threat of the darkside of this force. One thing is for sure, the science of mind over matter is coming of age and will play a major part in the history of the twenty first century. MECHANISM OF REMOTE INFLUENCING How could remote influencing interact with the brain to plant hypnotic suggestions which are subconsciously acted upon by the victim. A brain structure which seems a likely candidate for the remote influencing effect of biophysical fields is the supplementary motor area (SMA). Researchers in this field have postulated the interface between mind and body is in the SMA. An area which lies in the top center of brain, underneath where the soft spot used to be (see fig 30: Supplementary Motor Area). When you decide to carry out any conscious action, the SMA is the first part of the brain to register an excitation potential. The 345 REMOTE VIEWING SMA excites as voluntary acts in brain pass to body. Every time you decided to do something this is the first area which generates electrical activity. The SMA was first found in the 1920's by the late Canadian neurophysiologist Wilder Penfield. This was a chance discovery in his search for the epileptic initiator in the brain. Neurophysiologists Robert Porter and Cobie Brinkman surgically placed micro electrodes in the SMA of a monkey. They found one tenth of a second before the monkey pulled a lever to obtain food, the brain cells in the monkey's SMA fired off electrical signals. SMA activity was well ahead of the cells in the motor cortex (the area of the brain concerned with muscular control, see fig 31: Motor Cortex). In the 1960's the neurophysiologists Luder Deeke and Hans Kornhuber discovered a method for measuring tiny electrical potentials that ran through their patients' scalps. They discovered a readiness potential, that nearly one second before carrying out a simple conscious action, the brain was found to generate a gentle increase in negative electrical potential. It was found that this negative electrical potential was the brain's means of preparing to make a conscious action, Deecke and Kornhuber found this potential was greatest in the SMA. A research group headed by neurophysiologists Per Roland and Nils Lassen of the University of Lund in Sweden, in the 1980s, used radioisotopic scanning to look at blood flow through the brain. It was found blood flow in a specific area of the brain which is in use, is proportional to brain activity. They dissevered SMA and motor area excitation during conscious action. It was when they carried out a variation of the motor sequence test, that they discovered their momentous and controversial results. In a slight modification of the experiment called the 'internal programming test', a patient was asked to perform the same difficult motor sequence test in his mind but with no physical action. When patients carried out this test, there was no increase in the blood flow through the motor area, in comparison the 346 REMOTE VIEWING SMA had as much increase in blood flow as if these actions had been carried out. When the action became habitual and could be carried out with no conscious thought, the increase in blood flow in the SMA vanished. This meant that the SMA had been pinpointed as the part of the brain that determined conscious action. If you told someone you were going to do something and your SMA did not fire, then you had no intention of carrying out that action. Similarly, if the SMA fired, you would carry out the action you had stated you would carry out. The SMA is the conscious intent beacon in the brain, which lights up every time you consciously will yourself to carry out an action. Sir John Eccles, a famous neurophysiologist, was excited by this discovery. He stated: "It is important to recognize that this burst of discharge of the observed SMA cell was not triggered by some other nerve cell of the SMA or elsewhere in the brain... So we have here an irrefutable demonstration that a mental act of intention initiates the burst of discharges of a nerve cell." Eccles concluded that it had been discovered that each conscious activity produced different excitation potentials in the SMA. A neurological code is being played through the SMA and that the nonphysical mind is actually using the 50 million or so neurons in the SMA region as if they were controls of some sort, rather like a pianist playing the keys of a piano. These learned sets of sequential neurological code Eccles believed are the process of a lifetime of learning physical action, and language. APPLICATIONS OF THE SMA AND RI Since we have found the quantum computer of the biophysical body has the information for language acquisition and movement, it seems the SMA mediates the flow of information between the biophysical body and the brain. This occurs because every time you make the conscious decision to do something and you carry it out the SMA fires. By using Directed Attention on your own SMA, you can program your brain to carry out actions you wish to do but always make excuses not to do. An example may be giving up smoking. Thus getting yourself 347 REMOTE VIEWING to do things you know you have to do, but could not up till then get yourself to do. Self activation of the SMA is the best means of self motivation and if done correctly is invariable successful. Sales staff can be motivated to go out and sell using this technique. Office staff can use active visualization of the actions of word processing, telesales, office procedures, etc., to increase their efficiency, so they suffer less from fear of failure and lack of motivation. Visualizing an action in your mind's eye has almost the same effect on your body as carrying that action out. Famous examples being athletes who go through their performance in their mind's eye to get into 'the Zone' of ultimate performance. Alpha and theta states have been found to be necessary forgetting into 'the Zone'. By programming your SMA while carrying out this procedure, the brain is programmed to carry out that action no matter what negative stimuli. Stress from ones job can be reduced by this self remote influencing method and one can therefore be healthier and have less days off work - as well as being happier and better at your job. Management can motivate themselves using this technique by using Directed Attention to download the Principles of Success memes (which were discussed in a previous chapter), into their minds, then programming their SMA to carry out these memes. With the result their brains carry out these memes so they radiate success and are centers of positive leadership in the company. Centers of company culture excellence. Remote influencing using this SMA method, can also improve the probability of people following commands inputted by Directed Attention of the Psi-adepts remote influencing focused on the target's SMA. Intending what you wish them to do and stimulating their SMA to fire by use of remote influencing, can cause people to follow your will. Or at least planting the idea of that action in their brains. Positive benefits of remote influencing abound the use of Psi for the Investor is virgin territory. The use of remote viewing and remote influencing in the financial market is an area where Psi will reap huge rewards. 348 REMOTE VIEWING REMOTE KILLING To conclude this chapter on remote influencing, we descend into the murky world of military remote killing and look at how remote influencing was used by communist Psi-adepts to cause President Yeltsin to have numerous near fatal heart attacks. President Yeltsin is a radical reformer and has been very unpopular among the ultra-nationalist groups in Russian for turning the former Soviet Union into a capitalist democracy. Communists in the Soviet Union are horrified by the loss of superpower status and the growing positive influence of the West. Yeltsin has been a thorn in their side. Since the failure of the communist coup and the destruction of anti-Yeltsin forces in the Russian parliament building, the military option of ousting the president has disappeared for the present, remote influencing to kill Yeltsin seems to have been the communist's last hope of riding them of their worst protagonist. Their loss in the presidential election, was a bitter blow to their chances of regaining control over Russia. Russia has the world's most able remote influencers. Decades of training have produced Psi-adepts who can remotely kill. As was mentioned in chapter one, KGB General Kalugin, stated on ABC television, in the United States, that around the time of the coup that brought down the Soviet Union, he received a call from someone in a Ukrainian military lab, telling him that Psi-generators were being used against Boris Yeltsin to undermine his health, affect his health and to kill him. "For the first time in my life I took it seriously," said Kalugin. What was he taking seriously? Remote influencing used for remote killing (RK). After the coup Yeltsin suffered a series of near lethal heart attacks. He is now protected by pro-democracy Psi-adepts such as Djuna Davitashali, and Russia's top healers. He also uses psychic scanners who use this military form of remote sensing to look for negative remote influencing, remote killing and more prosaic electronic bugs in the presidential offices. 349 REMOTE VIEWING How could this highly developed Soviet remote influencing and remote killing techniques have brought about Yeltsin's near fatal spate of heart attacks. Research by the author seems to indicate that remote influencing can be used to cause heart attacks. Canadian scientists Andrew King and David Cechetto, and colleagues at the University of Western Ontario, have found a region of the brain that controls the heart and blood vessels. Abnormalities in this region could cause hundreds of thousand of inexplicable cardiac arrests every year. The scientists asked five subject to carry out simple tasks that raised their blood pressure. They were told to squeeze a cylinder as hard as possible, take a very deep breath until they turned puce, or to hold their breath. Researchers monitored pulse and heart rate, then got the five guinea pigs to repeat the tasks, this time while their brains were monitored by a high-resolution functional magnetic resonance brain scanner. It was found by use of this scanner, that the areas of the brain that were activated on all occasions, was limited to only one area. A spot on the insular cortex, which is tucked inside a fold in the brain, which lies slightly above the ear level in the skull. The researchers postulate that the insular cortex controls the heart and blood vessels of the body. Cechetto has looked at a region of cardiovascular control in rat's brains in the past, which showed that by electrical stimulation of this region, he could affect the rat's heart rate. This mirrors the remote influencing demonstrated by Albert Ignatenko on ITV, which showed that he could raise or lower the pulse rate of an individual in another room by use of remote influencing. Cechetto's research also found that electrical stimulation of the insular cortex could bring about lethal cardiac arrhythmia in the rats. King and Cechetto have put forward the theory that unexplained heart attacks could be caused not just by known causes such as animal fat clogged arteries, but also by abnormalities in the brain's cardiovascular brain centers. "They may have a neural basis. There are people who run all the time, eat well, and yet end up dying," King told New Scientist -the UK's premier science journal. 350 REMOTE VIEWING Stroke patients have heart problems due to neurological damage in the brain, even though they had no previous history of heart conditions. King speculated that the stroke might damage the brain's cardiovascular site. Their discovery for the first time shows that higher brain function controls internal organs such as the heart. As we have seen with the brain stress system, the state of anxiety can have damaging effect on the body. We now have a pathway by which stress can cause heart attacks by affecting the insular cortex. Could remote influencing also effect the insular cortex. As we have seen the biophysical body is projected from the remote influencer to that of the victim. The biophysical body of the remote influencing expert because of its greater energy and development, then overwhelms the morphogenic field of the victim. After this occurs, the biophysical body of the remote influencer can use field effects to remote influencing the brain of the victim. To do this, the mental codes that allow interface between the victim's biophysical body and his physical body are subverted by the remote influencer's quantum computer, which resides in the remote influencer's biophysical body. It is then possible to input commands into the victim's brain to plant suggestions or control bodily functions like pulse rate. It is also possible to download biophysical logic bombs which disrupt brain activity to produce decremental loss of functioning, to produce mental problems, depression and paranoia, or to interfere with mentation to produce hallucination. By directly working on the insular cortex with remote influencing, the remote killer can cause cardiac arrhythmia. In the process the victim suffers a heart attack. One can also use micro-telekinesis to punch holes in the brain cells of the insular cortex, much like prions destroy the brain. By this method the communist remote influencers were able to give President Yeltsin a number of severe and near fatal heart attacks. Only when Yeltsin was protected by a biophysical psychic shield generated by pro-reform remote influencers, did his condition stabilize. 351 REMOTE VIEWING REMOTE INFLUENCING AT THE END OF THE MILLENNIUM The prospect of psychic warfare has now turned from the global superpower inner space arms race confrontations, to psychic civil war between remote influencers and killers in Russia. Given that these remote influencers were also trained to use remote influencing to switch on cancer genes in target victims, use telekinesis to cause embolisms in the brain by rupturing capillaries using psychokinetic force and to activate suicide genes in the cells of the person to be remotely killed, the prospect of these super-Psi- adepts fighting a civil war in inner space is not comforting. Given the UK's ignorance of advanced remote influencing and the strategic use of remote viewing and remote influencing by China to dominate the psyche of Western leaders, the prospects would be bleak. Yet U.S. remote influencing research carried out by Colonel Alexander and his team, offers some protection from the Chinese remote influencers. Sony's corporate development of psychotronics also shows that remote influencing will be used in the business world by the Japanese. The twenty first century will see remote influencing being used to dominate not only political, military decision makers, but the corporate heads of the multinationals that have more funds than most countries. Only the psychic civil war in Russian between pro-Communist and pro-reform remote influencers keeps this, the preeminent psychic-superpower from flexing its Psi-muscle. With the advent of ex-KGB led Mafia organizations, remote influencing will inevitably be used by these organizations to further their interest. 'What you don't believe in can't hurt you', they say. Don't believe it. Man has always used new technology. Already Chinese remote influencers are using remote influencing. Which is being used to influence world affairs. My prediction is that remote influencing will dominate the twenty first century. The use of remote influencing and remote killing raised ethical and moral issues that we never imagined existed. Members of the New World Order elite fear remote influencing and killing more than anything else, for single individuals at a stroke 352 REMOTE VIEWING can destroy the puppet masters, no matter how many police and army units they have around them to protect them. An empowerment of the individual, with the new advances in Psi has overturned the hierarchy. In future wars, covert, or World War III, the elite will be the first to die, struck down by remote killers using Psi. Russia having the vast majority of trained remote killers will prove pivotal in the future to come. The Russian Psi-masters have become the joker in the pack for those forces of the UK establishment, that conspire toward a psycho-civilised New World Order. Pandora's psychic box has been opened and the inner space arms race has escalated to encompass all areas of world affairs. 353 REMOTE VIEWING APPENDIX 1. DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DOCUMENT: CONTROLLED OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOUR - USSR, July 1972 Part ii - Parapsychology in the Soviet Union - 21 Section I - Background - 21 Section II - Significance of Parapsychology in the USSR -24 Section III - The Apport Technique - 27 Section IV - ESP and Psychokinesis - 31 Section V - Summary and Military Implications - 39 Part iii - Mental Suggestion and Controlled Behaviour - 41 Section I - Hypnosis - 41 Part B - Hypnosis and Controlled Behaviour - 43 Part C - Artificial Reincarnation Through Hypnosis - 45 Part D - Telepathic Hypnosis - 47 Appendix I - Personnel and Institutes -113 Parapsychology - USSR -116 Part A - Affiliation Known -116 Part B - Affiliation Unknown - 118 Mental Suggestion and Controlled Behaviour -118 Part A - Affiliation Known -118 Part B- Affiliation Unknown -119 References - 149 354 REMOTE VIEWING APPENDIX 2. DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DOCUMENT: SOVIET AND CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PARAPSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH - USSR, April 1975 Summary vii Part 1- Extrasensory Perception (ESP) 1 Section I - Background 1 Section II - Telepathy (Energy Transfer) In Animals 9 Section III - Telepathy (Energy Transfer) In Man 15 Part A Classical Theories and Experiments 15 Part B Current Soviet/Czech Theories and Research Objectives 20 Section IV Telepathic Behaviour Modification 29 Part A Basic Research 29 Part B Applied Research 29 Part II - Psychotronic Generator Research 31 Part III - Psychokinesis Research 41 Part IV - Out-Of-The-Body Phenomena 53 Section I Remote Viewing 53 Section II The Apport Technique 55 Part V Conclusions 57 Selected Bibliography 69 APPENDIX 3: SIX OZONE WORLD CONGRESS OF 355 REMOTE VIEWING INTERNATIONAL OZONE ASSOCIATION. APPENDIX4: THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF RV APPENDIX 6: DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (RADIOWAVES AND MICROWAVES) EURASIAN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES (U). These Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents show that microwave frequencies similar to those of the cellular phones can cause health problems in the following areas :- Blood. Cardiovascular System. Cells. Central Nervous System. Digestive System. Glands. Metabolism. Reproduction. Visual System. 10. Internal Sound Perception. Microwave phones use 900 MHz and 1800 MHz. Australian scientists found this caused cancer in mice exposed to radiation of this type. The documents show that similar frequencies and intensities as found in mobile phones were used as psychotronic weapons by the Soviets. 356 REMOTE VIEWING The DIA research dates from 1976 and shows the dangers were known about over twenty years ago. UK INTELLIGENCE FORCES AND MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL Microwave weapons that turn people into stressed, confused, submissive zombies are being used in Britain's inner cities. Developed by the communists, microwave weapons similar to microwave ovens have since the 1980s, been targeted on inner city council estates. These weapons transmit extremely low frequency (ELF) signals which mimic natural brain waves; at the flick of a switch, all the people around these microwave transmitters are turned into submissive zombies who cannot think clearly, become depressed, apathetic and want to lounge around all day doing nothing. The inner city malaise found on Britain's streets. With the advent of new ELF detectors designed by the author's research teams, the mass mind control of the metropolitan UK population can be proved. ELF signals are officially only found at nuclear submarine communication stations, so the researchers were shocked to find microwave and UHF, mind control signals in city centres, the author's flat, being sent through mobile phones, the BT telephones and from the numerous transmitters that dot the country. The massive increase in mobile phones has enabled the UK security forces to use this network of transmitters to beam mind control signals into the brains of anyone living near these transmitters. Microwave phones use pulse modulated microwaves of the correct intensity to pass through the skull into the brain and control behaviour. Microwave transmitters are therefore the perfect medium for the transmission of ELF signals to mind control the UK population. Researchers allege that the inner city riots of the early eighties forced the Thatcher regime to deploy ELF mind control devices developed in the 1970s to turn the working class housing estates into total policing zones. In these zones, ELF transmitters turned the inhabitants into docile zombies. So successful was this technology that it is alleged 357 REMOTE VIEWING it was expanded to cover all major towns. Mass mind control of the UK public to make them submissive and obey authority was expanded, hand-in-hand with the mobile phone network and military and police microwave transmitters. Now the entire London conurbation is covered by UHF and microwave carrying mind numbing ELF. Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one of Britain's leading psychiatric research establishments. The UK institute was researching into ways of mind controlling the British population without them knowing. The monkey submission response, whereby the dominant monkey caused submissive behaviour in the underlings, was the brain state of most interest to the British scientists. Having found this specific brain rhythm for docile submissive, zombie-like behaviour, it was then recorded and used as the template for the ELF signal beamed on UK microwave transmitters. Britain was the first discoverer of microwave technology, used for radar, in the 1940s and therefore had a commanding lead over everyone else in this field. The 1970s brought a darker side to the story, with the news that the Russians were microwaving the US embassy in Moscow. One third of the staff eventually died of cancer from this microwave irradiation. Australian scientists proved in 1997, that tiny amounts of microwave produced by the very safest mobile phones, cause cancer in mice, when exposed to this radiation. Greenham Common was the first time that the Ministry of Defence was involved in the offensive microwaving of women protesters, the so called Greenham Common Women. This event showed the UK security forces were willing to use lethal doses of microwave radiation on large groups of the general public. Equipment showed that the women peace protesters were subject to high levels of microwave radiation, some of them have subsequently died from cancer. Northern Ireland would have been a perfect proving ground for mass mind control technology. Research at the Tavistock institute enabled the Thatcher government to have the capability to put into large scale use, the frequency which causes submission in humans. 358 REMOTE VIEWING Radiating this ELF frequency on microwave transmitters, cellphones. BT phones and by use of other transmitters, the inner city population can be behaviourally controlled. My research group are designing ELF detectors, which can test all manner of UK transmitters to see if they are being used to mind control the population. Since ELF is not found naturally, and is only used for nuclear submarine communication, its presence proves mind control weapons are being used on the general public. The author also has access to scientific documents showing the devastating effects of ELF broadcast by microwave, UHF and VHF on humans. It is alleged that Marconi put this microwave technology into full scale production, and around thirty scientists and military personnel on the project who began to ask questions committed 'suicide' under mysterious circumstances. My research has found that microwave weapons are targeted on middle class troublemakers and researchers who cause problems for the establishment. Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns change the behaviour of the victim at the flick of a switch. It has been found that UK security police, such as MI5 use the 450 MHz frequency used for this research (legally allowed to be used by the police) for behavioural control. A vast catalogue of mind control frequencies in the MHz range, FM radio, TV and mobile phone frequencies, have been measured, which are used in the UK for mind control and killing or disabling victims: 147, 153, 197, 199, 447, 453, 456, 466, 853, 883, 884, 887... Symptoms can be depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behaviour, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer... An example was Brighton police van, parked outside the Brighton Pavilion which was used to beam UHF and microwaves at vagrants 359 REMOTE VIEWING to clear them from the area. All Brighton s city centres are bombarded with microwaves when vagrants congregate to make them so ill they have to flee. The Evening Argus newspaper asked the police if the white van which was parked in the Brighton Pavilion grounds for months, was their van, they replied it was one of their 'surveillance' vehicles. On Wednesday, 4th of February the author was pas sing Brighton Police station with a frequency counter which detects microwave weapons, and I detected a 452 MHz microwave beam being directed at two young offenders sitting on a wall opposite the station. I confronted the police with the reading, Robert Galloway, spokesperson for the police stated, "they were not interested in microwaves even if they were a danger to health. " The author has uncovered widespread use of microwave weapons in Brighton by the police and MI5 as a test programme to clear vagrants from the city centre. Contacting researchers in this field of enquiry, they all complain of microwave-like symptoms, headache, nausea, giddiness, eye damage, ear problems... Readings I have taken show that the 750-1000 MHz range is used by the intelligence services for inducing nervous and physical collapse. Microwave ovens give of 1000 MHz. On the Channel 4 programme, For the Love of, New World Order, shown on Monday night at 12pm, on April 6th, the author revealed some of these facts on television. The presenter, and researchers of this programme complained of severe headaches in the days preceding filming symptomatic of microwave attack. As a non-military expert on microwave weapons, remote viewing (psychic spying) and Psi-warfare, the author became aware of the microwave problem when he was targeted to stop his forthcoming book on remote viewing being released. This book on psychic spying, published by Century Books, is the first book by a scientist on the subject of Psi-warfare and the techniques the superpowers developed. Subsequent to the filming of the Channel 4 programme, I was arrested by Brighton Police on February 15th outside their building and my 360 REMOTE VIEWING frequency counter was confiscated to stop me recording the use of microwave weapons around the police station and in public places around the town. Even though no law was broken. It appears Brighton Police are worried that their use of microwave weapons on Brighton's vagrants is coming to light. The UK government has also bought up all the readily available frequency counters, these being the Watson FC-128 frequency counters, and the Optotronic devices, and the manufacturers now market a 'modified' model, which most probably has a digital filter so that the microwave weapon frequencies given above, cannot be shown. The author's frequency counter was returned in a damaged condition. With such high-level manipulation of events it seems that Microwave mind control is part of a secret policy which is being practised on the general public in this county. As part of a covert government policy of haras sing and disabling critics, this means of attack is not covered by the law and highly deniable, the perfect intelligence device for civilian control. My flat is targeted with a 900 MHz beam which seems to be designed to cause massive neurological damage and produce tumours. The BT phone network has the potential to be used for docihsation of the UK public. A 30-40 MHz signal is carried by the phone. When the earpiece is placed against the head, bone conduction carries the ELF component into the brain of the phone user. A ELF signal which can effect behaviour or health can therefore be passed into all BT phone users. It appears from experts I have consulted on the subject that the digital phones would have had to have been designed to carry this mind control carrier frequency. A mobile phone supplied to a friend of mine pumps out an 847 MHz signal at over 800 mW/cm2, this is equivalent to Soviet microwave weapons used to fry the brain of the victim. This means that mobile phones can potentially be used to kill or so disable a person they no longer become a problem to the establishment. UK safe levels for microwave ovens are 5 mW/cm2 - which are not held near the head. There are reports by military researchers that 1 mW/cm2 will cause swelling of nerve cells exposed to microwave. 361 REMOTE VIEWING It is obvious that there is the technology available for total policing of the population by means of UHF, VHF, and microwave EM radiation, which amongst other things can be used to keep the UK population in a docile and submissive mental state. Mental confusion can also be added to the signal for working class inner city areas to keep them docile and confused. A land of stultified zombies, who are mind controlled to make them docile and unable to think clearly. Subversives are habitually targeted with microwaves by British intelligence to drive them mad or make them fatally ill On July 4th 1976 seven giant transmitters in the Ukraine, powered by the Chernobyl nuclear facility, pumped a 100 megawatt radio frequency at the West, which contained a 10 Hz ELF mind control frequency. According to a US scientist, Dr. Andrija Puharich, MD, the soviet pulses covered the human brain frequencies. With a Dr. Bob Beck Andrija proved that the Soviet transmissions were a weapon. He found that a 6.66 Hz frequency would cause depression and an 11 Hz signal would cause manic and riotous behaviour. Transmissions could indeed entrain the human brain, and thereby induce behavioural modification - populations can be mind controlled enmasse by ELF transmissions. More importantly he found that an ELF signal could cause cancer at the flick of a switch. It did this by modifying the function of the RNA transferases so that amino acid sequences are scrambled and produce unnatural proteins. Margaret Thatcher was one of only three people in the world sent this classified document on March 13th 1977. The Prime Minister James Callaghan was not sent a copy. Thatcher, as a chemistry graduate would appreciate the true power of ELF mind control. Once she became the Conservative Prime Minister in 1979, she would have the opportunity to field test this ELF mind control technology. Produce rioting on demand and quell the riot when it had had its effect on the public through the media. ELF mind 362 REMOTE VIEWING control weapons could have enabled Margaret Thatcher to gain the power to mind control the entire UK population. Seventeen years of Tory rule had begun. Appendix 3 reveals the link between Thatcher and these classified reports which discuss the problem of ELF microwave mind control, how it works, and how it might be implemented to brainwash and subjugate entire populations. A spectrum analyser can be used to obtain the signatures of the ELF used in the UK and by contacting Swedish or Russian neurological institutes the programme makers can find out exactly what behaviour is being induced in the UK population by the use of ELF. With the transmitters easily defined, by use of ELF detectors, the programme makers can show which housing estates throughout the country may be targeted by these mind control devices. Are the House of Commons effected? Since ELF signals are never found in the UK, except around nuclear submarine communication stations, and then as pure ELF with no microwave, or UHF carrier signal it would be a simple matter to prove the UK population is being brainwashed by the mind control infrastructure developed and deployed by the Thatcher and Major Conservative governments if this is really true. Now we have a Labour government, this technology is employed by the security services and the 'Firm', the secret powerbrokers behind the scenes, which manipulate the British Government. APPENDIX 7: PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS USED IN THE UK: MIND CONTROL: Britain as the new centre of Soviet developed psychotronic weapons used on its own population. British intelligence have taken on board the use of electronic psychotronic weapons used for terrorising dissidents and driving mad or killing subversives, techniques created by the former Soviet Union. Covert torture using psychotronic weapons is alive and well in the UK. 363 REMOTE VIEWING MI5, the UK's secret police, regularly use Non Lethal Weapons on any dissidents. There A department, the technical side of the British secret police regularly use microwave weapons on anyone rasing their voice against the establishment and its aims. Since MI5 have a well documented history of hating the Labour Party, and were instrumental in bringing down the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, they naturally took to spying on, and discrediting, any group to the left of the right wing. When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of a right wing Conservative Government in 1979, she soon saw the power in recruiting MI5 to be her own secret police. During the Miners strike in the early eighties, Arthur Scargill and his National Union of Miners nearly brought the Conservative Government down, with their year long strike. Margaret Thatcher used MI5 to spy on the Miners and to discredit Arthur Scargill. Leading police officers argued against the use of MI5 on the civilian population, they were ignored or replaced - if they proved too vociferous. Margaret Thatcher was the first Prime Minister for many a year to sit in on the Joint Intelligence Committee's meetings on a regular basis. Thatcher, as a trained scientist, would have been well aware of the usefulness of microwave weapons. They are impossible to detect unless you have a detector, dissidents have no idea these weapons exist, and best of all, they are totally deniable. It may be that MI5 kept this research secret from Margaret Thatcher, but the resources the UK has put into these fearsome, so called non lethal weapons, is extensive. UK intelligence runs a fleet of psychotronic weapon carrying vans, as well as portable microwave weapons that can be deployed near the dissident's home. The vast expense can be disguised as communications equipment, for as we all know, microwave telephone communication is all the rage in our modern world. My research shows that the microwave telephone network also has the potential to be used as a major mind control weapon system to control the behaviour of the microwave phone users. 364 REMOTE VIEWING Developed under the Conservative government, which was in power from 1979-97. The UK secret, or 'black' government, has at its disposal a fearsome array of mind control weapons. These abhorrent devices are euphemistically called non lethal weapons by the UK military. In fact they kill you slowly by causing: nerve damage, cancers, mental collapse leading to suicides, or tissue failure, such as heart attacks due to the cooking effect of microwaves. Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Humans' behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they were able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. The massive number of microwave antennae that dot the country, some of which are used for the microwave phone network, all use pulse modulated microwaves, which makes their use for a strategic mind control device against the civilian population in times of trouble, or rioting, crucial to modifying the behaviour of the general population. In modern democracies it is no longer viable to shoot rioters, or torture dissidents by normal means, as the bad publicity is self defeating. Thus, microwave weapons have been developed by the UK's military intelligence as they leave no marks, or gaping wounds. This pulse modulated microwave carrier beam can then be used to carry signals. These signals are extremely low frequency recordings of brain electrical potentials, which have been recorded by neuro-medical researchers such as Dr Ross Adey. Dr Ross Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute ofthe University of California, was funded by the CIA. In their Pandora project a catalogue of different brain signals for specific actions, emotions and pathological states of mind were recorded. It was found that when microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims' brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, 365 REMOTE VIEWING the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology). It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each: mood, action and thought. These catalogues of excitation potentials are available from Russian neuro-medical research institutes, so any one with enough cash can have the same technology at their disposal, as UK military mind control groups (the psychological-enforcement arm of MI5). The Aum sect bought microwave weaponry via their 50,000 Russian converts. My own research team is building these weapons to demonstrate to the media how effective they are. Particular excitation potential, are then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger (11 Hz), suicide (6.66Hz), aversion (4.5Hz), hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust... Intelligence operatives in the UK regularly park microwave transmitters outside targets' houses and beam specific mood inducing excitation potentials at the victims. To aid them, they have sophisticated millimetre wave scanners to look through the victims' walls, so they can see the targets' in their homes. Pulse modulated microwaves are regularly directed at the victims' brains, while other people in their homes are oblivious of what is going on. A leading conspiracy researcher, who looks into GCHQ at Cheltenham, found one of these vans, with two spheres on its roof parked in his road. When he took the number plate and through contacts checked who owned it, he found it was an MOD van. Hopefully he has found the microwave weapon system before it has done him too much harm. These microwave weapons were developed allegedly at Marconi. When firing microwave beams through walls at one specific target, 366 REMOTE VIEWING every material in the way of the microwave beam attenuates or modifies the intensity and frequency of the beam. Since precise frequencies and intensities are needed for mind control, very sophisticated microwave arrays and computer programmes had to be developed so that the microwave beam could be changed in response to the materials which lay between the target and the weapon, as the victim moved around the house. To do this, the reflectivity and refractivity of the materials between victim and weapon had to be analysed in real-time and fed to a computer which could change the microwave array in concert with the changing environment between victim and weapon, as the target moved around his/her home. Secondly, there had to be an automatic interrupter if another person walked in front of the beam. The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled, without anyone else being aware that he or she was being targeted. The technology for this was very complex but eventually it was perfected. Twenty five or more scientists and military personnel, associated with the Marconi project, then died in mysterious circumstances. Intelligence personnel regularly kill people to keep them quiet. Maybe they killed the entire research team to keep such a diabolical weapon secret. For if it were made public, the scandal would bring down the government. Whatever the real story, by the mid to late eighties, all the problems had been ironed out and these new smart microwave weapons were deployed on the UK's streets. Northern Ireland would have proved the perfect place to test them out. Pulse modulated microwave weapons had now come of age. By this method, any mood or behavioural set, can be conditioned into the target's brain. Intelligence agents keep a log of the victim's behaviour to see if more intense 'treatment' is needed and as a guide for future mind control projects. It is alleged that by this method, dissidents, subversives and conspiracy researchers, are routinely driven to commit suicide, having the excitation potential for suicide (6.66Hz) beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in 367 REMOTE VIEWING the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves. Behavioural reinforcement is used in a synergistic way with the mind control. It was found that the effect of the microwave beams could be greatly enhanced by external reinforcement. Intelligence community personnel destroy the target's property, ruin their financial affairs, spread vicious rumour, make sexual peccadilloes public knowledge -such as wearing women's underwear, while checking oneself - with an orange in ones mouth. External reinforcement of pulse modulated microwave mind control technology was found to be very effective. Intelligence chiefs are now in seventh heaven; if some one becomes a problem, they get the 'suicide mind control team' parked outside their house. Within weeks, the victim kills himself. This is very pleasing to the intelligence mandarins, as suicides are easy to explain away - even if the victim was a highly placed politician or military man. If the military intelligence agency does not wish you to commit suicide, they can drive you mad. This is done by beaming the excitation potential of a particular pathological mental state at your brain while you are at home. To aid in this, the intelligence operatives can place sounds and speech in the target victim's brain using the Frey effect (see appendix on microwave weapons used in the Soviet Union). This inter cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the targets' brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practise. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam. Discrediting well known people who are causing problems for the shadowy elite, by driving them mad, seems to be standard operating 368 REMOTE VIEWING procedure for the intelligence community. Victims are subject to pulse modulated microwaves which carry different types of madness and behavioural aberrations, encoded as ELF excitation potentials. This makes the troublesome high profile person, display manic or insane behaviour that discredits them. Examples of this technique are allegedly: David Icke, Fergie, Princess Diana... Outside environmental reinforcement, by use of media agents in league with MI5, makes it assured that the high profile person's mind controlled madness, will be put in the worst possible light to discredit them. In this way, high profile subversives who cannot be wrongly imprisoned (unlike the Carl Bridgewater prisoners, Birmingham Six, Guilford Four...) in the normal way by Britain's police, or killed by assassination squads, such as the Pegasus group, are made to look ridiculous. Public humiliation is the finest weapon the authorities have, to make harmless, a potential well known figure, who is causing trouble. If the VIP needs to be made temporarily ill, microwave beams containing the signal the brain gives off during a vicious bout of flu can be fired at the victim. This causes the target to display all the symptoms of flu, even though they have not caught the virus. Major Ed Dames, the remote viewing specialist, who has close links with the US secret military, alluded to this device on a US TV programme. The intelligence agents can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical confusion that leads to illness and eventually death by cancer. Beaming microwaves at victims' makes them fatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that effects their thinking, and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature ageing, cancer and cataracts. Sussex Police regularly use this low level microwave to clear drunks from city centres. While researching this matter, I was subject to high levels of microwave >10mw/cm2 whenever I approached their headquarters, whilst MI5 irradiated my home continually with microwaves. It seems that I touched a raw nerve while researching mind control weapon usage in the UK. 369 REMOTE VIEWING Organisations that irritate the authorities have their building turned into a 'hot spot' by microwave transmitters, so the staff all suffer sick building syndrome caused by microwave damage. Or the staff of the target organisation have their behaviour changed to cause discord. UFO Reality, a leading UFO and conspiracy magazine have complained of mysterious health problems, while another New Age group complained of eye damage, nausea and headaches brought on whenever they had a meeting, which may have been caused by microwaves. Numerous people have complained to the author of alleged microwave harassment and attack ,but without equipment to detect the exact frequency of microwaves used it is impossible to prove that British intelligence are trying to harm you. Deniability is the first law of MI5 according to Peter Wright, author of Spy Catcher. Heating the victim to death, by microwave cooking is caused by increasing the field intensity of the radiation, to cause local hot spots in the victims' eyes and gall bladder, which have poor circulation, so cannot carry away the heat. This can be done with MASERS, microwave lasers, that fire a beam of microwave at the target rather like a ray gun. MI5 threatened to burn out the gall bladder of the author if the continued to publicise their microwave weapons. Irradiating the optic nerve of the victim with the same signal that is sent to the brain by this nerve, causes the nerve tissue to overload. In this way, subversives can be blinded by the intelligence community without them knowing what has occurred. An American researcher complained of this problem to me and warned me that this weapon system was being used on my person by MI5. Neurological research has found that the brain has specific frequencies for each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. When you pick up an object, there is a specific preparatory set for this action. By firing at your chest a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so called heart attack. In this way, high profile leaders of political parties, who 370 REMOTE VIEWING are prone to heart attacks, can be killed off -before they cause any trouble. Neil Kinnocks Labour government was allegedly cheated out of an election victory by postal vote rigging in twenty key marginal seats. When a new even more electable Labour leader was elected, it is rumoured that John Smith, the Labour leader, was prompted to have a fatal heart attack, while walking in the country with his family, by means of a concealed microwave device which operated on the Vagus nerve to bring about a massive heartattack. Since MI5 have a long history of naked hatred toward the Labour Party, there may be some truth in the above, though no hard evidence has yet been found. Paralysis can be induced in the target by use of this method of broadcasting preparatory sets encoded on microwave beams. A pulse modulated microwave beam, carrying an ELF signal, which is identical to the one in the motor neurone centre of the brain, is used to jam the victim's motor co-ordination. This is analogous to radar jamming, using a more powerful signal at the same frequency to swamp out the enemy's radar. Motor neurone preparatory set potentials are jammed by a bigger signal carried by a microwave carrier beam, that literally overloads the brain, so it cannot control the body. Pulse modulated microwave weapons which broadcast the ELF preparatory sets of the motor cortex at the victim, will paralyse the victim without killing them. Breathing and heartbeat are involuntary actions controlled by another set of frequencies in another part of the brain. This technique can be used to abduct people for secret government mind control experiments, under the guise of alien abduction. A microwave beam of this nature will paralyse the victim, so they can be bundled into a black helicopter and airlifted away for experimentation. Once the procedure is complete, hypnosis can be used to plant false memories of alien abduction. In this way, real alien abductions can be used by the authorities to enable them to obtain a limitless supply of guinea pigs for their mind control experiments. 371 REMOTE VIEWING Real memories of government involvement are erased electronically. This technique clears all short-term memories from the victim's consciousness by broadcasting microwave beams at the target which carry the signals used for memory retention. When you remember something, it is first stored in your short-term memory. After approximately twelve hours, this short-term memory is converted in the brain to long-term memory, after which you remember this information for the rest of your life. If this conversion from short-term memory to long-term memory does not occur, the data is lost. We all see details around us, but try to recall the decor in a restaurant you ate at some weeks ago and you will see how tenuous memory is. Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the transfer of memories from short to long-term memory. Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the synapses of the brain. By interfering with the connections between brain cells, memory of people can be disrupted. In this way, Seal special forces assassins can be brain wiped after a mission, so they have no idea of the target they killed. Using hypnosis, false memories can then be planted in the brain, so the gap left by the real memory is papered over. Microwave beams carrying a signal that interferes with delta sleep are commonly used on dissidents and means that they never get a good nights sleep, this weapon system was explained to the author by an MI5 agent who again threatened the author saying, "you will never sleep again.'' Developments of psychotronic technology use special types of microwave beams called MASERs. These are the laser equivalent of microwave beams. These MASER (Microwave Amplification by Stimulation of Emitted Radiation) beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read peoples' minds' from a distance. Electronic scanning of victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts. 372 REMOTE VIEWING Head of US Special Forces Major-General Schaknow, talked about synthetic telepathy during a lecture in July 1992 at Fort Bragg North Carolina. The US military is hard at work perfecting synthetic telepathy. In synthetic telepathy, the weak electromagnetic signals in the brain associated with subvocalised thought, are connected to a computer by use of electrodes, or in more advanced mechanisms by MASER beams. Sophisticated computer systems have learnt to read the subvocalised thoughts in the brain, by associating a specific brain excitation potential, with a particular word. In this case, only one specific language can be decoded, as each word in a language has a specific set of frequencies that must be discovered. Once the donkey work of finding the specific frequencies for all the words in a language has been programmed into a super computer, which can carry out massive parallel processing, fuzzy logic software is used to match this with real world excitation potential associated with subvocalised thought obtained from thousands of abductees, who are used to calibrate the synthetic telepathy devices. GCHQ Cheltenham, the intelligence gathering arm of MI5, possess the advanced computer systems needed for synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy detects the 15Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocalised thought. New technology, involving low frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim's head, would allow computer controlled targeting of specific brain centres in the victim's brain, even when he was walking around the house. The Maser is normally used to burn a hole in the blood brain barrier allowing toxins to leak into the brain causing brain damage and eventually a brain tumour, this means, dissidents and subversives are rendered neurologically damaged, and die of brain tumours, all from one nights work by MI5's A department. The author's research 373 REMOTE VIEWING team have built a weapon such as this and the circuit diagram and components are very easy to assemble. Mass produced torture death weapons are the stock in trade of the British intelligence organisations. To more sophisticated developments, that are being researched, a scan of the specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises using an array of pulsed frequency MASERs fired at the specific brain centres of the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By firing an array of ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim's ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulsed frequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts. If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level emissions in the victim's brain, the shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive's brain can be detected. A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim's brain can be read of. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking.. Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This enables UK synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find. 374 REMOTE VIEWING Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim's brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to programme them to commit suicide. My research has led me to uncover a truly nation wide mind control weapon system. Each UK police station is equipped with a vast array of microwave antennae. The Sussex Police headquarters has a two hundred foot antenna. The building is surrounded by a fence and is off-limits to the public. This microwave complex sits in the middle of a council housing estate, which means the people in this area are being bathed in low level microwaves. New research has shown that low level microwaves give mice cancer, since the emitters tested by the scientists, were the new ultra safe mobile phones which give of much smaller intensities than the police antennae, the Police microwave system is a serious health hazard. It seems that low level microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bonds in the cell and can interfere with meiosis. This causes cell division to go wrong, which leads to cancerous cells and hence tumours. Secondly, the police have been granted the use of the 147,450MHz and higher microwave frequency ranges. These are exactly the frequencies used by Dr Ross Adey and other CIA mind control expert, in his experiments on behavioural modification. It seems the police have just by chance use of this mind control frequency and a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over the country. Very useful for mass mind control in times of emergency. Adey found that by using 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 mHz, it was discovered that an ELF modulation could be used to control all aspects of human behaviour. The Sussex police headquarters is connected to CCTV, closed circuit television cameras throughout the town. Some of these cameras have microwave telemetry devices that could easily be used to broadcast this frequency. The large antennae that bracket the town could also be used. 375 REMOTE VIEWING The most insidious aspect of this, is that the entire mobile phone network could easily be used to control the behaviour of the phone users. By use of my microwave detector, I have found that mobile phones of the newer type, give off a pulse modulated microwave signal of around 0.75mW/cm2 at the earpiece. This may be coincidence, but it is exactly the intensity required form behavioural control as found by Dr Ross Adey, the pioneer of microwave mind control. So in theory, an ELF signal could be added to the microwave network to feed a precise behavioural pattern into every mobile phone user in the UK. If their were widespread riots, the ability to broadcast behavioural stimuli to mollify all the mobile phone users in the country would prove useful. Since mobile phone users are generally middle class, it means authority has a useful method of controlling the behaviour of the key voters. Microwave carrier beams are perfect for transmitting the excitation potential of docility to the phone user to keep them servile in times of trouble. When no ELF signal is broadcast the phone acts in a completely different manner on behaviour in humans. In this case the microwave phones causes the neurones to release calcium ions which makes the user tired irritable and when stresses likely to emotional outbursts such as road rage. In Brighton, the local MI5 headquarters has a large microwave array on its roof. Secret bunkers in the area also have large microwave arrays above them. It is child's play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the entire mobile phone network - if need be. By this means the entire mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified. At the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields. It seems strange that a few milliCuries of ionising radiation will get the National Radiological Protection Board excited, whilst high intensity cancer inducing non ionising microwave radiation, goes unchecked. So high are levels near transmitters, that litter the countryside, that light bulbs will explode near them. If the intelligence community is 376 REMOTE VIEWING using microwaves on a large scale as mass mind control weapons, then the NRPB's silence is easily explainable. To add to this, the numerous microwave detectors that were cheaply available to check leakage from microwave ovens are no longer made by any company in the country. It seems the UK authorities do not want the population to be able to detect when they are being microwave. In conclusion, it can be seen that the UK intelligence and police, have a dizzy array of high-tech mind control devices. They regularly target their own populations and thousands of people are made ill by microwave weapons. With the advent of synthetic telepathy, 'CCTV of the mind' becomes a reality. The British have taken over the mantle of Soviet electronic psychotronics and like the KGB of old use it on their own populations. It is likely that some of MI5's massive stock of microwave communication equipment is in fact microwave mind control weaponry. With the total secrecy the MI5 organisation operates under, one can be sure they will be mendacious as to how their £200 million pound budget is used to hone their leading edge microwave mind control torture weapons that are used on the public. Even more disturbing is the use of EMP and microwave weapons by the police on anyone researching into this area. With over £1 billion of tax payers money going to the intelligence community in Britain, it is a certainty that Britain will continue to be the centre of Soviet style psychotronic torture and mind control equipment well into the twenty first century. REFERENCES ELECTRONIC MIND CONTROL [1] Non-Lethality: John B Alexander, the Pentagon's Penguin, by Armen Victorian, Lobster June 1993. This is an excellent article on the US black government's 'hard-man' of the mind control world -recommended for those who really would like to know how these people think and work. 377 REMOTE VIEWING UFO Reality No 1-3, Jon King, Mind Control. Mind Control and UFO's, by Alex Constantine, Feb 1996. [2] UFO Reality No 4. [3] Enigma Vol 2, It's All In The Mind, T Rifat. [4] Ross W Adey: Neurophysiologic Effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol.55 No 11, Dec 1979; The Influences of Impressed Electrical Fields at EEG Frequencies on Brain and Behaviour, in Behaviour and Brain Electrical Activity, Burch, N and Altshuler, H.I., eds, Plenum press, 1975; Effects of Modulated Very High Frequency Fields on Specific Brain Rhythms in Cats, Brain Research, Vol 58, 1973; Spectral Analysis of Low Frequency Components in the Electrical Activity of the Hippocampus During Learning, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 23, 1967. Dr Ross Adey, formally of the Brain Research centre at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, now at Loma Linda University Medical School, Loma Linda, California. He worked on the CIA Pandora Project and was concerned with inducing specific behaviour modification by electromagnetic means as well as induction of calcium efflux events to interfere with brain function - the so called 'confusion weaponry'. C.S. Blackman is a researcher who worked in the US on theoretical research that underlies the electronic mind control devices now deployed world-wide. Electronics World and Wireless World: The healing face of electromagnetic fields; 1993. [5]. Martin Cannon, The Controllers. 378 REMOTE VIEWING [6]. Secret and Suppressed, Jim Keith. [7]. Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, Alex Constantine. [8]. Encounters, Vol 7, Psi Spies, Marie-Louise Small. Cosmic Top Secret: America's Secret UFO Program, 1992 William Hamilton III. [9] Encounters, Vol 10, Room with a Remote View, by Richard Forsyth. This is an article about the author.; Paranormal Management Systems' web site. For an information pack on RV/RI, send £3 plus a SAE to PMS, PO Box 2749, Brighton, BN2 2DR, UK. Correspondence and normal courses are available, phone 01273 690424 to book for courses. We also offer consultantcy on mind control problems. Nexus Vol 3 No 6, Remote Viewing: The ESP of Espionage, by T Rifat. Nexus Vol 4 No 1 The Esp of Espionage, Part 1, by T Rifat. Nexus Vol 4 No 2, The Esp of Espionage, by T Rifat. These three articles cover the theory of RV, RI and ESP in very great detail, recommended for the serious RV/RI student. For more information contact the author. Alien Encounters Nol 1 Alien and Government Mind control, T Rifat. Sightings No 12, Losing Your Mind! Mind control Technology, by T Rifat. UFO Reality No 8, Mind Control, Big Brother Is All In The Mind, T Rifat. Enigma 6, Mind Control, by T Rifat. Fortean Times 95, Police State of Mind, by David Guyatt. US Synthetic Telepathy info supplied by David Guyatt. 379 REMOTE VIEWING Guyatt, David. "Some Aspects of Antipersonnel Electromagnetic Weapons (paper prepared for ICRC Symposium for the medical profession. APPENDIX 8: CIA HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM: PARAPSYCHOLOGY IN INTELLIGENCE: A PERSONAL REVIEW AND CONCLUSIONS, BY DR. KENNETH A. KRESS, 1977. MIND CONTROL Torture is alive and well in the UK. MI5, the UK's secret police, regularly use Non Lethal Weapons on any dissidents. Since MI5 have a well documented history of hating the Labour Party, and were instrumental in bringing down the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, they naturally took to spying on, and discrediting, any group or person who did not follow their rabid right wing dogma. When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of a right wing Conservative Government in 1979, she soon saw the power in recruiting MI5 to be her own secret police. During the Miners strike in the early eighties, Arthur Scargill and his National Union of Miners nearly brought the Conservative Government down, with their year long strike. Margaret Thatcher used MI5 to spy on the Miners and to discredit Arthur Scargill. Leading police officers argued against the use of MI5 on the civilian population, they were ignored or replaced - if they proved too vociferous. Margaret Thatcher was the first Prime Minister for many a year to sit in on the Joint Intelligence Committee's meetings on a regular basis. Thatcher, as a trained scientist, would have been well aware of the usefulness of microwave weapons. They are impossible to detect unless you have a detector, dissidents have no idea these weapons exist, and best of all, they are totally deniable. It may be that MI5 kept this research secret from Margaret Thatcher, but the resources the UK has put into these fearsome, so called non lethal weapons, is extensive. UK intelligence runs a fleet of microwave weapon carrying vans, as well as portable microwave weapons that can be deployed 380 REMOTE VIEWING near the dissident's home. The vast expense can be disguised as communications equipment, for as we all know, microwave telephone communication is all the rage in our modern world. My research shows that the microwave telephone network also has the potential to be used as a major mind control weapon system to control the behaviour of the microwave phone users. Developed under the Conservative government, which was in power from 1979-97. The UK secret, or 'black' government, has at its disposal a fearsome array of mind control weapons. These abhorrent devices are euphemistically called non lethal weapons by the UK military. In fact they kill you slowly by causing: nerve damage, cancers, mental collapse leading to suicides, or tissue failure, such as heart attacks due to the cooking effect of microwaves. Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Humans' behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they were able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. The massive number of microwave antennae that dot the country, some of which are used for the microwave phone network, all use pulse modulated microwaves, which makes their use for a strategic mind control device against the civilian population in times of trouble, or rioting, crucial to modifying the behaviour of the general population. In modern democracies it is no longer viable to shoot rioters, or torture dissidents by normal means, as the bad publicity is self defeating. Thus, microwave weapons have been developed by the UK's military intelligence as they leave no marks, or gaping wounds. This pulse modulated microwave carrier beam can then be used to carry signals. These signals are extremely low frequency recordings of brain electrical potentials, which have been recorded by neuro-medical researchers such as Dr Ross Adey. 381 REMOTE VIEWING Dr Ross Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute ofthe University of California, was funded by the CIA. In their Pandora project a catalogue of different brain signals for specific actions, emotions and pathological states of mind were recorded. It was found that when microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims' brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology). It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each: mood, action and thought. These catalogues of excitation potentials are available from Russian neuro-medical research institutes, so any one with enough cash can have the same technology at their disposal, as UK military mind control groups (the psychological-enforcement arm of MI5). The Aum sect bought microwave weaponry via their 50,000 Russian converts. Particular excitation potential, are then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust... Intelligence operatives in the UK regularly park microwave transmitters outside targets' houses and beam specific mood inducing excitation potentials at the victims. To aid them, they have sophisticated millimetre wave scanners to look through the victims' walls, so they can see the targets' in their homes. Pulse modulated microwaves are regularly directed at the victims' brains, while other people in their homes are oblivious of what is going on. A leading conspiracy researcher, who looks into GCHQ at Cheltenham, found one of these vans, with two spheres on its roof parked in his road. When he took the 382 REMOTE VIEWING number plate and through contacts checked who owned it, he found it was an MOD van. Hopefully he has found the microwave weapon system before it has done him too much harm. These microwave weapons were developed allegedly at Marconi. When firing microwave beams through walls at one specific target, every material in the way of the microwave beam attenuates or modifies the intensity and frequency of the beam. Since precise frequencies and intensities are needed for mind control, very sophisticated microwave arrays and computer programmes had to be developed so that the microwave beam could be changed in response to the materials which lay between the target and the weapon, as the victim moved around the house. To do this, the reflectivity and refractivity of the materials between victim and weapon had to be analysed in real-time and fed to a computer which could change the microwave array in concert with the changing environment between victim and weapon, as the target moved around his/her home. Secondly, there had to be an automatic interrupter if another person walked in front of the beam. The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled, without anyone else being aware that he or she was being targeted. The technology for this was very complex but eventually it was perfected. Twenty five or more scientists and military personnel, associated with the Marconi project, then died in mysterious circumstances. Intelligence personnel regularly kill people to keep them quiet. Maybe they killed the entire research team to keep such a diabolical weapon secret. For if it were made public, the scandal would bring down the government. Whatever the real story, by the mid to late eighties, all the problems had been ironed out and these new smart microwave weapons were deployed on the UK's streets. Northern Ireland would have proved the perfect place to test them out. Pulse modulated microwave weapons had now come of age. By this method, any mood or behavioural set, can be conditioned into the target's brain. Intelligence agents keep a log of the victim's behaviour to see if more intense 'treatment' is needed and as a guide for future mind control projects. It is alleged that by this method, UFO 383 REMOTE VIEWING and conspiracy researchers, are routinely driven to commit suicide, having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves. Behavioural reinforcement is used in a synergistic way with the mind control. It was found that the effect of the microwave beams could be greatly enhanced by external reinforcement. Intelligence community personnel destroy the target's property, ruin their financial affairs, spread vicious rumour, make sexual peccadilloes public knowledge -such as wearing women's underwear, while checking oneself - with an orange in ones mouth. External reinforcement of pulse modulated microwave mind control technology was found to be very effective. Intelligence chiefs are now in seventh heaven; if some one becomes a problem, they get the 'suicide mind control team' parked outside their house. Within weeks, the victim kills himself. This is very pleasing to the intelligence mandarins, as suicides are easy to explain away - even if the victim was a highly placed politician or military man. If the military intelligence agency does not wish you to commit suicide, they can drive you mad. This is done by beaming the excitation potential of a particular pathological mental state at your brain while you are at home. To aid in this, the intelligence operatives can place sounds and speech in the target victim's brain. This inter cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the targets' brains using microwave carrier beams is 384 REMOTE VIEWING now common practise. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam. Discrediting well known people who are causing problems for the shadowy elite, by driving them mad, seems to be standard operating procedure for the intelligence community. Victims are subject to pulse modulated microwaves which carry different types of madness and behavioural aberrations, encoded as ELF excitation potentials. This makes the troublesome high profile person, display manic or insane behaviour that discredits them. Examples of this technique are allegedly: David Icke, Fergie, Princess Diana... Outside environmental reinforcement, by use of media agents in league with MI5, makes it assured that the high profile person's mind controlled madness, will be put in the worst possible light to discredit them. In this way, high profile subversives who cannot be wrongly imprisoned (unlike the Carl Bridgewater prisoners, Birmingham Six, Guilford Four...) in the normal way by Britain's police, or killed by assassination squads, such as the Pegasus group, are made to look ridiculous. Public humiliation is the finest weapon the authorities have, to make harmless, a potential well known figure, who is causing trouble. If the VIP needs to be made temporarily ill, microwave beams containing the signal the brain gives off during a vicious bout of flu can be fired at the victim. This causes the target to display all the symptoms of flu, even though they have not caught the virus. Major Ed Dames, the remote viewing specialist, who has close links with the US secret military, alluded to this device on a US TV programme. The intelligence agents can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical confusion that leads to illness. Beaming microwaves at victims' makes them fatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that effects their thinking, and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature ageing, cancer and cataracts. Sussex Police regularly use this low level microwave to clear drunks from 385 REMOTE VIEWING city centres. While researching this matter, I was subject to high levels of microwave >10mw/cm2 whenever I approached their headquarters, whilst MI5 irradiated my home continually with microwaves. It seems that I touched a raw nerve while researching mind control weapon usage in the UK. Organisations that irritate the authorities have their building turned into a 'hot spot' by microwave transmitters, so the staff all suffer sick building syndrome caused by microwave damage. Or the staff of the target organisation have their behaviour changed to cause discord. UFO Reality, a leading UFO and conspiracy magazine have complained of mysterious health problems, while another New Age group complained of eye damage, nausea and headaches brought on whenever they had a meeting, which may have been caused by microwaves. Heating the victim to death, by microwave cooking is caused by increasing the field intensity of the radiation, to cause local hot spots in the victims' eyes and gall bladder, which have poor circulation, so cannot carry away the heat. Irradiating the optic nerve of the victim with the same signal that is sent to the brain by this nerve, causes the nerve tissue to overload. In this way, subversives can be blinded by the intelligence community without them knowing what has occurred. An American researcher complained of this problem to me and warned me that this weapon system was being used on my person by MI5. Neurological research has found that the brain has specific frequencies for each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. When you pick up an object, there is a specific preparatory set for this action. By firing at your chest a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so called heart attack. In this way, high profile leaders of political parties, who are prone to heart attacks, can be killed off -before they cause any trouble. Neil Kinnocks Labour government was allegedly cheated out of an election victory by postal vote rigging in twenty key marginal 386 REMOTE VIEWING seats. When a new even more electable Labour leader was elected, it is rumoured that John Smith, the Labour leader, was prompted to have a fatal heart attack, while walking in the country with his family, by means of a concealed microwave device which operated on the Vagus nerve to bring about a massive heartattack. Since MI5 have a long history of naked hatred toward the Labour Party, there may be some truth in the above, though no hard evidence has yet been found. Paralysis can be induced in the target by use of this method of broadcasting preparatory sets encoded on microwave beams. A pulse modulated microwave beam, carrying an ELF signal, which is identical to the one in the motor neurone centre of the brain, is used to jam the victim's motor co-ordination. This is analogous to radar jamming, using a more powerful signal at the same frequency to swamp out the enemy's radar. Motor neurone preparatory set potentials are jammed by a bigger signal carried by a microwave carrier beam, that literally overloads the brain, so it cannot control the body. Pulse modulated microwave weapons which broadcast the ELF preparatory sets of the motor cortex at the victim, will paralyse the victim without killing them. Breathing and heartbeat are involuntary actions controlled by another set of frequencies in another part of the brain. This technique can be used to abduct people for secret government mind control experiments, under the guise of alien abduction. A microwave beam of this nature will paralyse the victim, so they can be bundled into a black helicopter and airlifted away for experimentation. Once the procedure is complete, hypnosis can be used to plant false memories of alien abduction. In this way, real alien abductions can be used by the authorities to enable them to obtain a limitless supply of guinea pigs for their mind control experiments. Real memories of government involvement are erased electronically. This technique clears all short-term memories from the victim's consciousness by broadcasting microwave beams at the target which carry the signals used for memory retention. When you remember 387 REMOTE VIEWING something, it is first stored in your short-term memory. After approximately twelve hours, this short-term memory is converted in the brain to long-term memory, after which you remember this information for the rest of your life. If this conversion from short-term memory to long-term memory does not occur, the data is lost. We all see details around us, but try to recall the decor in a restaurant you ate at some weeks ago and you will see how tenuous memory is. Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the transfer of memories from short to long-term memory. Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the synapses of the brain. By interfering with the connections between brain cells, memory of people can be disrupted. In this way, Seal special forces assassins can be brain wiped after a mission, so they have no idea of the target they killed. Using hypnosis, false memories can then be planted in the brain, so the gap left by the real memory is papered over. The latest advance in electronic mind control were discussed in my previous articles in Nexus, but for those who missed the ESP of Espionage, this equipment uses special types of microwave beams called MASERs. These are the laser equivalent of microwave beams. These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read peoples' minds' from a distance. Electronic scanning of victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts. Head of US Special Forces Major-General Schaknow, talked about synthetic telepathy during a lecture in July 1992 at Fort Bragg North Carolina. The US military is hard at work perfecting synthetic telepathy. In synthetic telepathy, the weak electromagnetic signals in the brain associated with subvocalised thought, are connected to a computer by use of electrodes, or in more advanced mechanisms by MASER beams. Sophisticated computer systems have learnt to read the subvocalised thoughts in the brain, by associating a specific brain excitation potential, 388 REMOTE VIEWING with a particular word. In this case, only one specific language can be decoded, as each word in a language has a specific set of frequencies that must be discovered. Once the donkey work of finding the specific frequencies for all the words in a language has been programmed into a super computer, which can carry out massive parallel processing, fuzzy logic software is used to match this with real world excitation potential associated with subvocahsed thought obtained from thousands of abductees, who are used to calibrate the synthetic telepathy devices. GCHQ Cheltenham, the intelligence gathering arm of MI5, possess the advanced computer systems needed for synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy detects the 15Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocahsed thought. New technology, involving low frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim's head, would allow computer controlled targeting of specific brain centres in the victim's brain, even when he was walking around the house. A scan of the specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises using an array of pulsed frequency MASERs fired at the specific brain centres of the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By firing an array of ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocahsed thought, interference effects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim's ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulsed frequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocahsed thoughts. If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level emissions in the victim's brain, the 389 REMOTE VIEWING shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive's brain can be detected. A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim's brain can be read of. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking.. Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This enables UK synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find. Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim's brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to programme them to commit suicide. My research has led me to uncover a truly nation wide mindcontrol weapon system. Each UK police station is equipped with a vast array of microwave antennae. The Sussex Police headquarters has a two hundred foot antenna. The building is surrounded by a fence and is off-limits to the public. This microwave complex sits in the middle of a council housing estate, which means the people in this area are being bathed in low level microwaves. New research has shown that low level microwaves give mice cancer, since the emitters tested by the scientists, were the new ultra safe mobile phones which give of much smaller intensities than the police antennae, the Police microwave system is a serious health hazard. It seems that low level microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bonds in the cell and can interfere with meiosis. This causes cell division to go wrong, which leads to cancerous cells and hence tumours. 390 REMOTE VIEWING Secondly, the police have been granted the exclusive use of the 450MHz microwave frequency range. This is exactly the frequency used by Dr Ross Adey, the CIA mind control expert, in his experiments on behavioural modification. It seems the police have the exclusive use of this mind control frequency and a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over the country. Very useful for mass mind control in times of emergency. Adey found that by using 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 mHz, it was discovered that an ELF modulation could be used to control all aspects of human behaviour. The Sussex police headquarters is connected to CCTV, closed circuit television cameras throughout the town. Some of these cameras have microwave telemetry devices that could easily be used to broadcast this frequency. The large antennae that bracket the town could also be used. The most insidious aspect of this, is that the entire mobile phone network could easily be used to control the behaviour of the phone users. By use of my microwave detector, I have found that mobile phones of the newer type, give off a pulse modulated microwave signal of around 0.75mW/cm2 at the earpiece. This may be coincidence, but it is exactly the intensity required form behavioural control as found by Dr Ross Adey, the pioneer of microwave mind control. So in theory, an ELF signal could be added to the microwave network to feed a precise behavioural pattern into every mobile phone user in the UK. If their were widespread riots, the ability to broadcast behavioural stimuli to mollify all the mobile phone users in the country would prove useful. Since mobile phone users are generally middle class, it means authority has a useful method of controlling the behaviour of the key voters. Microwave carrier beams are perfect for transmitting the excitation potential of docility to the phone user to keep them servile in times of trouble. When no ELF signal is broadcast the phone acts in a completely different manner on behaviour in humans. In this case the microwave 391 REMOTE VIEWING phones causes the neurones to release calcium ions which makes the user tired irritable and when stresses likely to emotional outbursts such as road rage. In Brighton, the local MI5 headquarters has a large microwave array on its roof. Secret bunkers in the area also have large microwave arrays above them. It is child's play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the entire mobile phone network - if need be. By this means the entire mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified. At the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields. It seems strange that a few milliCuries of ionising radiation will get the National Radiological Protection Board excited, whilst high intensity cancer inducing non ionising microwave radiation, goes unchecked. So high are levels near transmitters, that litter the countryside, that light bulbs will explode near them. If the intelligence community is using microwaves on a large scale as mass mind control weapons, then the NRPB's silence is easily explainable. To add to this, the numerous microwave detectors that were cheaply available to check leakage from microwave ovens are no longer made by any company in the country. It seems the UK authorities do not want the population to be able to detect when they are being microwave. In conclusion, it can be seen that the UK intelligence and police, have a dizzy array of high-tech mind control devices. They regularly target their own populations and thousands of people are made ill by microwave weapons. With the advent of synthetic telepathy, 'CCTV of the mind' becomes a reality. With the election of a New Labour government unaware of microwave weapons and untainted, as they had no part in their development and deployment, it is certain that Tony Blair's government will outlaw these abhorrent microwave weapons - as they have done land mines. The only problem will be convincing the Labour government that MI5 's 392 REMOTE VIEWING microwave communication equipment is in fact microwave mind control weaponry. With the total secrecy the MI5 organisation operates under, one can be sure they will be mendacious as to how their £200 million pound budget is used to hone their leading edge microwave mind control torture weapons that are used on the public. Even more disturbing is the use of EMP and microwave weapons by the police on anyone researching into this area. end of text.