"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable[.]
[***] The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them, devastate them and vanish them from this world[.]"
-- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, as quoted in BBC News, "Rabbi calls for annihilation of Arabs", www.news.bbc.co.uk,
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/1270038.stm, (10 April 2001).
Rabbi Yosef is one of the most powerful religious figures in Israel, He is known for his outspoken comments and has in the past referred to the Arabs as "vipers".
"When we come to the Babylonian Gemara, we are dealing with what most people understand when they speak or write of the Talmud. Its birthplace, Babylonia, was an autonomous Jewish centre for a longer period than any other land; namely, from soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year 1040 after the Christian era - 1626 years."
(Rabbi Hertz, English Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, the Soncino Talmud (1935), p. XXI, Rabbi Hertz).
The slogan of Karl Marx (Mordechai Levy, a descendant of rabbis):
"a world to be freed of Jews".
They have been taught so much deadly hatred against the Gentiles by their parents and Rabbis since their earliest youth and continue to feed their hate during all the years of their lives, and this hatred has saturated their very blood and flesh, fills the very marrow of their bones and has become inseparable from their whole being.
-- (Weimar 53, pgs. 482-483)
Their Talmud and their Rabbis teach them that a murder shall not be regarded as a sin whenever a Jew kills a Gentile, but only if a Jew murders a brother in Israel. Neither is it a sin to break an oath sworn to a Gentile...
The Jews of our days still keep to these doctrines and follow the example of their fathers, taking every opportunity to practice their deliberately false interpretation of the Lord's Word, their avariciousness, their usury, their thefts, their murders, and teaching their children to do likewise.
-- (Weimar 53, 489-490-91)
Maybe mild-hearted and gentle Christians will believe I am too rigorous and drastic against the poor, afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule them and treat them with such sarcasm. By my word, I am far too weak to be able to ridicule such a Satanic breed.
-- (Weimar 32, pg. 286)
As for the goyim... Zalman's attitude (was):
"Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever."
...If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA...
SOURCE: Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh quoting the founder of the Chabad movement Shneur Zalman of Liadi - Jewish Week - April 26, 1996
Regarded as one of the Lubovitcher sect's leading authorities on Jewish mysticism, the St. Louis born rabbi, who also has a graduate degree in mathematics, speaks freely of Jews' genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews.
It is a superiority that he asserts invests Jewish life with greater value in the eyes of the Torah.
"If you saw two people drowning, a Jew and a non-Jew, the Torah says you save the Jewish life first," Rabbi Ginsburgh told the Jewish Week.
"If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA."
Later, Rabbi Ginsburgh asked rhetorically:
"If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value," he explained.
"There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life."
-- Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.
SOURCE: Quotes from leading Chabadist, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh - "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" - Chapter 4: The National Religious Party and the Religious Settlers - By: Dr. Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky.
One of its primary religious authorities is Rabbi Simcha Cohen, who has an instructional Dear Abby-type column called Halachic Questions. Not long ago, Rabbi Cohen instructed his readers that the Talmud denotes Gentiles as "animals" (as outlined by Talmudic writings from Gemara Kiddushin 68a and Metzia 114b).
[The Jewish Press. (1988). Feb. 19. 10A.]
In another section he discusses how a Jewish woman is not designated as a prostitute if she has premarital sex with a Jew, but she is a whore if she has any sexual relations with a Gentile, even if she is married.
"Marriage to a Gentile can never be sanctified or condoned, such a liaison classifies the woman as a zona... common parlance interprets the term zona to refer to a prostitute..."
-- The Jewish Press. (1988). Feb. 19. 8C.
In 1977 Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld published a book called "The Holocaust Victims." Schonfeld confirmed the writings of Ben Hecht and wrote that the Zionist leadership was concerned only in the creation of the state of Israel, not with saving Jewish lives.
"Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet."
(Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn).
"We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people."
(Rabbi Reichorn, in Le Contemporain, July 1st, 1880)
"The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism."
(Statement by Rabbi Felix Mendlesohn, Chicago Sentinel, October 8, 1942).
"Some call it Marxism I call it Judaism."
(The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).
"Dear beloved brethren in Moses: We have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it; since you cannot do otherwise... As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs.
As for what you say about their attempts on your lives; make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian lives. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues; make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
As for the many other vexationsyou complain of: arrange that you sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power."
(Constantinople Elders of Jewry).
"Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same.
Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know.
I participated with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was the most prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world."
(Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden, 1924)
"I participated with Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was the most prominent figure at that first Jewish World Congress. He worked to achieve an object which had been fixed beforehand.
Just as Isaiah foresaw, decades before the event occurred, the victorious power of Cyrus before anyone else, so did Herzl foresee twenty years, before we experienced them, the revolutions brought about by the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was going to happen.
He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, and he foresaw that England would obtain control over Palestine. 'We may expect important developments in the world.' These were the words spoken by Herzl twenty years before the Great War.
He added that the events would offer the Jewish people fresh opportunities."
(The Judisk Tidskrift, No. 6, Aug. - Sept., 1929, written by Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden).
"We intend to remake the Gentiles what the Communists are doing in Russia."
(Rabbi Lewish Brown in How Odd of God, New York, 1924)
"The present program of palliative relief must give way to a program of fundamental reconstruction. American democracy must be socialized by subjecting industrial production and distribution to the will of the People's Congress.
The first step is to abolish the federal veto and to enlarge the express powers of the national government through immediate constitutional amendment. A gradual march in the direction of socialization will follow."
(Rabbi Victor Eppstein, Opinion April, 1937)
"I am not an American citizen of Jewish faith. I am a Jew. I have been an American for sixtythree years, but I have been a Jew for 4000 years."
(Rabbi Stephen S. Wise)
"I know I don't have to say this, but in bringing everybody under the Zionist banner we never forget that our goals are the safety and security of the state of Israel foremost.
Our goal will be realized in Yiddishkeit, in a Jewish life being lived every place in the world and our goals will have to be realized, not merely by what we impel others to do.
And here in this country it means frequently working through the umbrella of the President's Conference [of Jewish organizations], or it might be working in unison with other groups that feel as we do. But that, too, is part of what we think Zionism means and what our challenge is."
(Rabbi Israel Miller, The American Jewish Examiner, p. 14, On March 5, 1970)
"I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the nonideological blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of antinationalism to provide us with a new kind of society.
I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish."
(Rabbi Martin Siegel, New York Magazine, p. 32, January 18, 1972)
"I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the nonideological blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of antinationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish."
(Rabbi Martin Siegel, New York Magazine, p. 32, January 18, 1972).
The Rabbis of Judaism understand this just as do the leaders in the Christian movement.
Rabbi Moshe Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said in 1961 when the term Judeo-Christian was relatively new:
"There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other."
(National Jewish Information Service, 6412 W. Olympic Blvd. L.A. CA).
Rabbi Julius T. Loeb a Jewish Zionist leader in Washington was reported in "Who's Who in the Nation's Capital," 1929-1930, as referring to Jerusalem as "The Head Capital of the United States of the World."
"It is the Jew who lies when he swears allegiance to another faith; who becomes a danger to the world."
(Rabbi Stephen Wise, New York Tribune, March 2, 1920).
"When the Jew applies his thought, his whole soul to the cause of the workers and the despoiled, of the disinherited of this world, his fundamental quality is that he goes to the root of things.
In Germany he becomes a Marx and a Lasalle, a Haas and an Edward Bernstein; in Austria Victor Adler, Friedrich Adler; in Russia, Trotsky.
Compare for an instant the present situation in Germany and Russia: the revolution there has liberated creative forces, and admire the quantity of Jews who were there ready for active and immediate service.
Revolutionaries, Socialists, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks, Majority or Minority Socialists, whatever name one assigns to them, all are Jews and one finds them as the chiefs or the workers IN ALL REVOLUTIONARY PARTIES."
(Rabbi J.L. Manges, speaking in New York in 1919; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 128)
"The Talmud derives its authority from the position held by the ancient (Pharisee) academies. The teachers of those academies, both of Babylonia and of Palestine, were considered the rightful successors of the older Sanhedrin... At the present time, the Jewish people have no living central authority comparable in status to the ancient Sanhedrins or the later academies. Therefore, ANY DECISION REGARDING THE JEWISH RELIGION MUST BE BASED ON THE TALMUD AS THE FINAL RESUME OF THE TEACHING OF THOSE AUTHORITIES WHEN THEY EXISTED."
(The Jews - Their History, Culture, and Religion, by Rabbi Louis Finkelstein:
(November 11, 1959, New York Herald Tribune, based on The Talmud, by Herman Wouk).
"The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Judaises; he destroys the Catholic or Protestant Faith, he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals and of life upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of Christ."
(Rabbi Benamozegh, quoted in J. Creagh Scott's Hidden Government, page 58).
"My dear questioner, you are too curious, and want to know too much. We are not permitted to talk about these things. I am not allowed to say anything, and you are not supposed to know anything about the Protocols.
For God's sake be careful, or you will be putting your life in danger."
(Rabbi Grunfeld, in a reply to Rabbi Fleishman regarding the validity of the Protocols)
Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle the job. If I'd had charge of executing Christ, I'd have handled it differently. You see, what I'd have done WAS HAD HIM SHIPPED TO ROME AND FED HIM TO THE LIONS. THEY COULD NEVER HAVE MADE A SAVIOR OUT OF MINCEMEAT!"
(Rabbi Ben Hecht)
The Rabbis of Judaism understand this just as do the leaders in the Christian movement.
Rabbi Moshe Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said in 1961 when the term Judeo-Christian was relatively new:
"There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other."
(National Jewish Information Service).
JUDEO-CHRISTIAN HERITAGE A HOAX: It appears there is no need to belabor the absurdity and fallacy of the "Judeo-Christian heritage" fiction, which certainly is clear to all honest theologians.
That "Judeo-Christian dialogue" in this context is also absurd was well stated in the author-initiative religious journal, Judaism, Winter 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College when he wrote:
"As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism BECAUSE IT REJECTS CHRISTIANITY; and Christianity is Christianity BECAUSE IT REJECTS JUDAISM. What is usually referred to as the JEWISH- CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS EXISTS ONLY IN CHRISTIAN OR SECULARIST FANTASY."
"The Jewish people, Rabbi Judah Halevy (the famous medieval poet and philosopher) explains in his 'Kuzari,' constitutes a separate entity, a species unique in Creation, differing from nations in the same manner as man differs from the beast or the beast from the plant...
although Jews are physically similar to all other men, yet they are endowed [sic] with a 'second soul' that renders them a separate species."
(Zimmer, Uriel, Torah-Judaism and the State of Israel, Congregation Kehillath Yaakov, Inc., NY, 5732 (1972), p. 12)
Rabbi Bakker writes:
"This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians - that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is of course a fallacious impression."
A report from Europe carried the following speech of Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952:
"Greetings, my children; You have been called her to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years. [They did not precipitate World War III but they did instigate the Korean War when on June 25, 1950 they ordered the North Korean army to launch a surprise attack on South Korea. On June 26, the U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion as aggression and ordered withdrawal of the invading forces.
"Then on June 27, 1950, our Jewish American President Truman ordered air and naval units into action to enforce the U.N. order.
"Not achieving their full goals, they then instigated the overthrow of South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem, Premier under Bao Dai, who deposed the monarch in 1955 and established a republic with himself as President. Diem used strong U.S. backing to create an authoritarian regime, which soon grew into a fullscale war, with Jewish pressure escalating U.S. involvement].
"The goal for which we have striven so concertedly FOR THREE THOUSAND YEARS is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering).
"You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing antiGerman passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War.
"A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nation wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America.
"This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States.
"Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans.
"The failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections.
"The Russians, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of ANTISEMITISM, which worked so well in uniting the Americans against Germany.
"We are counting heavily on reports of antiSemitic outrages in Russia to whip up indignation in the United States and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet power.
"Simultaneously, to demonstrate to Americans the reality of antiSemitism, we will advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenly antiSemitic elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and WE SHALL STAGE ANTISEMITIC OUTBREAKS IN SEVERAL OF THEIR LARGEST CITIES.
"This will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in America, which then can be silenced, and of welding the United States into a devoted anti-Russian unit.
(Note: Protocol of Zion No. 9, para. 2, states that antiSemitism is controlled by them. At the time of this speech they had already commenced their campaign ofantiSemitism in Czechoslovakia).
"Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests.
"Israeli, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles.
I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out interracial tensions.
"FORBID THE WHITES TO MATE WITH WHITES. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women.
"We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world.
"Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples."
Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War?
"There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an afterlife would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us.
"We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us.
(Note: Protocol of Zion No. 17 para. 2, states:
'Now that freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere (as a result of their efforts they have previously stated) only years divide us from the moment of THE COMPLETE WRECKING OF THAT [Hated] CHRISTIAN RELIGION. As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty with them.')
"We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace.
"I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the DEATH OF A FEW THOUSAND JEWS in exchange for world leadership is indeed a SMALL PRICE TO PAY.
"To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons against him. HIS PRINTING PRESSES AND RADIOS are the MOUTHPIECES OF OUR DESIRES, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him.
"Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the POINT FOUR PROGRAM (viz. COLOMBO PLAN) for developing industry in backward areas of the world, so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the Whites can offer no resistance against the large masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority.
"And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israeli will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World."
(Note: Every statement made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in the "Protocols of Zion.")