Jewish Ritual Murder

von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.


a Historical Investigation

a translation by R. Belser of

Der jüdische Ritualmord
Eine historische Untersuchung

Xanten: footnotes

[1] Der Xantener Knabenmord vor dem Schwurgericht zu Kleve, 4.-14. Juni 1892. Vollständiger stenographischer Bericht Berlin, 1893.

[The Xanten Boy-Murder before the Jury-Court at Cleves, 4-14 June 1892. Complete stenographic report].

[2] See p. 260 and following pages.

[3] According to statements of Commissar Wolff before the jury-court at Cleves on 6 July 1892, a Jewish mediator spoke in the Berlin police praesidium and proposed the sending of a crime commissar, "since the child-murder would be blamed on the Jews, who would be in great distress."

On 25 September Wolff departed from Berlin in his official capacity, after his being sent had been financed by the Jewish side! These matters brought Stoecker, among others, to speak in the Prussian House of Deputies on 9 February 1892:

"...then the Jewish press itself tells that the Crime Commissar Wolff was paid with 700 Marks -- something which is incomprehensible according to my view of things, but which I will only believe if the Herr Minister admits that this is the case."

In the same session Jutstice Minister von Schelling replied:

"The synagogue congregation at Xanten arranged the despatch of crime commissars first with the President of the government and then later with the Minister of the Interior, and if I am informed correctly, the synagogue congregation has even provided the financial means at disposal [of the government] for the sending of this crime commissar, and it well might be the 700 Marks of which the Deputy Stoecker has spoken."

(a lively hear! hear! [reaction of audience])

[4] What is referred to is the chief state's attorney Hamm in Cologne!

[5] Most are bank-Jews! Manché, as "Court Jew" and "cabinet chief" of Kaiser Wilhelm I, had been accused of fraudulent trading in orders and titles, but had been acquitted!

[6] See Appendix, page 428 and following page.

[7] Crime Commissar Wolff, who had questioned Buschhoff several times in the preliminary investigation, characterized this hardness of hearing at his questioning on the third day in the following way:

"Buschhoff already had trouble hearing then, particularly in such matters as involved ticklish questions; it was difficult to communicate with him..."

[8] Already in 1884, Buschhoff had been charged with fraud, but was acquitted in Cleves! (From the indictment).

[9] A. Fern: Jüdische Moral und Blutmysterium [ Jewish Morality and Blood-Mystery], p. 12.

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