Jewish Ritual Murder

von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.


a Historical Investigation

a translation by R. Belser of

Der jüdische Ritualmord
Eine historische Untersuchung

Summary: footnotes

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[1] Ghillany, F. W.: Die Menschenopfer der alten Hebräer. [Human Sacrifice of the Ancient Hebrews] Nuremberg, 1842.

[2] J. Pohl: Talmudzensur [Talmud Censorship] in Die Judenfrage [The Jewish Question], VI, 3 (1942).

[3] A. v. Morell, Die arabischen Aktenstücke, die Ermordung des Paters Thomas betr. [The Arabic Documents concerning the Murder of Father Thomas] etc., 1843, p. 33.

[4] Deckert: Ein ritualmord aktenmäßig nachgewiesen [A Ritual-Murder Proven Documentarily] (1893, p. 26).

[5] E. Bischoff: Das Blut in jüdischem Schriftum und Brauch [Blood in Jewish Scripture and Custom]. Leipzig, 1929, p. 79.

[6] p. 170.

[7] Theodor Fritsch: Hammer, Nr.244, p. 424.

[8] Published again in revision by F. X. Schieferl, Dresden, 1893.

[9] Jacob Brafmann: Das Buch vom Kahal [The Book of the Kahal], German from S. Passarge, Leipzig, 1928, p. XLVIII.

[10] Isidor Scheftelowitz - Bonn: Das stellvertretende Huhnopfer [The Hen as Substitute Victim]-- Gießen, 1914, p. 33.

[11] The Schulchan aruch, "the prepared table," had as its author the Rabbi Josef Karo, born in 1488. This "revision of Jewish religious law," which appeared for the first time in Venice in the years 1564/65 without papal examination, contained four sections with over 1700 single paragraphs, which each could again be broken up into numerous -- up to 81 -- subsections! As a true son of the Talmud, the Schulchan aruch also adopts the ambiguous secret learning of the former. Like the Talmud itself, its offspring has the reputation of being "divine revelation," and Judaism sees in the Schulchan aruch, together with its authoritative commentaries, its religious law, which possesses canonical validity. According to the judgement of the Jewish Professor Graetz, "the Schulchan aruch -- and what belongs to it -- forms, right on down to the present day, for the German and Polish Jews, the religious norm, the official Judaism." -- Another Jewish Professor, Ellenberger, explains this elastic concept ("and what belongs to it") to us somewhat further; he writes plainly: "There are only Schulchan- aruch-Jews!"

"But every schulchan-aruch-Jew who still possesses a sense of shame, must blush when he contemplates his face in this mirror!" (Jacob Ecker: Judenspiegel [Mirror of the Jews], p. 126.

[12] A. Fern: p. 19/20 (according to H. Desportes, p. 43).

[13] Géza v. Ónody, 1883, p. 67.

[14] Janus, Critical bi-weekly for German (!) culture and politics, Munich, 2. Jahrg. 1912/13, Nr. 2.

[15] For those who, according to Graetz, "grasp the armament and flags of the enemy in order to all the more surely strike him and all the more emphatically annihilate him," thus those like Delitzsch, Wünsche, Pieritz, Neander, Veith, and numberless others, had already performed quite a bit of work! They belonged to the 500 pastors of Jewish origin in the Evangelical pulpits who were led into the field by their mission to the Jews so frequently and glady. (See in this regard Pastor Schaeffer: Materialien zur Judenfrage [Materials for the Jewish Question], p. 90: "From the most recent church history, only Professors August Neander and Caspari might be named, or it may be pointed out that presently from the Evangelical pulpits, more than 500 Jews who have become believers in Christ proclaim the Gospel of Christ. If one surveys these facts, it can be determined at once that this objection, that the Jews cannot be be converted on the inside [i.e., in their hearts, etc.], is wrongfully raised." -- Pastor Schaeffer was Director of the Mission to the Jews!)

[16] Oskar Goldberg: Die Wirklichkeit der Hebräer. Einleitung in das System des Pentateuch [The Reality of the Hebrews: Introduction to the System of the Pentateuch]

[17] Polemik und Menschenopfer [Polemics and Human Sacrifice], 1883, p. 98.

[18] According to D. Johann Eck: Ains Judenbuechlins verlegung [Publication of a little Jewish book], 1541.

[19] A. Rohling produces the Hebrew text of the prayer in his book Polemik und Menschenopfer (p. 101).

[20] See p. 273.

[21] Tisza-Eszlár, p. 51.

[22] See p. 28.

[23] From the speech of the State's Attorney Fischer, before the jury court in Kiev, 1913; see the Hammer.

[24] Masaryk: Die Bedeutung des Polnaer Verbrechens für den Ritualaberglauben, Berlin, 1900, p. 44/45. [The Significance of the Polna Crime for the Ritual-Superstition]

[25] Tentzel, Monatiliche Unterredungen [Monthly Talks], July 1693, p. 557.

[27] The Jew Vital, see G. V. Ónody, p. 147.

[28] Strack, Das Blut etc., p. 195.

[29] Jüdische Moral und Blut-Myseterien, p. 13. [Jewish Morality and Blood-Mysteries].

[30] Christliche Zeugnisse gegen die Blutbeschuldigung der Juden [Christian Testimonials againast the Blood-Accusation of the Jews], p. 48.

[31] G. v. Ónody, p. 82.

[32] Of all things, in this year Friedrich III had issued a sharply-worded letter for protection of the Jews! (E. Baumgarten: Die Blutbeschuldigungen usw., 1883 [The Blood-Accusations, etc.].

[33] See p. 41.

[34] 1812: On Corfu, two children ritually-slaughtered (Achille Laurent).

1824: Ritual-murder on Corfu (Stauf v. d. March, p. 216).

1840: On Rhodes, a boy disappears in the village of Triande (see p. 101, etc.).

1843: On Rhodes and Corfu, several children murdered by Jews. (Hamont, L'Égypte sous Méhémed Ali, Paris, 1843.).

[35] The Deputy Stoecker in the Prussian House of Deputies. 14th Session of 9 February 1892.

[36] Achille Laurent: Relation historique des affaires de Syrie, depuis 1840 jusqu'en 1842; II, 301 (see G. v. Ónody, p. 134).

[37] Dr. H. J. v. Freyenwald: Jüdische Antisemiten [Jewish Anti-Semites] (Weltkampf [World Struggle], August 1940, p. 199).

[38] Die Blutbeschuldigung gegen die Juden usw. [The Blood-Accusation Against the Jews], E. Baumgarten, Vienna, 1883.

[39] Tentzel: Monatl. Unterr., 1693, p. 533.

[40] "Nichtjude" ["non-Jew"]. -- See also the witty expositions of M. Bewers in his Gedanken [Thoughts] (Dresden, 1893), which in its time created the greatest excitement and brought the author a flood of calumny but also the highest recognition, among others from Bismarck.

[41] See p. 61.

[42] According to writings of the Catholic pastor Dr. Jos. Deckert (1893).

[43] See his highly interesting article in Weltkampf, Volume 187, 1939.

[44] Rabbi Güdemann: Geschichte des Erziehungswesens und der Kultur der Juden in Itlaien während des Mittelalters [History of the Educational System and the Culture of the Jews in Italy during the Middle Ages], Vienna, 1884.

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