Jewish Ritual Murder

von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.


a Historical Investigation

a translation by R. Belser of

Der jüdische Ritualmord
Eine historische Untersuchung

Konitz: footnotes

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[1] Flier added in the Appendix. See page 434 etc.

[2] See further on, below!

[3] "Defense Statement of the Master Butcher Hoffmann in Konitz" (German National Publishing Institute in Berlin).

[4] See Polna!

[5] Their names were not given out in publication.

[6] See further on the chapter dealing with the Jewish blood trade!

[7] The property of the Hoffmann who was originally accused of the murder bordered on that of Levy.

[8] Leaflet 92 of the former Deutschnationale Buchhandlung und Verlagsanstalt [German National Book Dealer and Publishing Institute] Berlin NW 52, entitled: Jetzt, Herr Staatsanwalt (Settegast), walten Sie Ihres Amtes! -- Erkläung der Verteidiger im Meineidsprozeß" -- Now, Mr. Prosecutor (Seetegast), carry out the duties of your office! -- Explanation of the defense counsel in the Masloff perjury trial].

[9] Liebermann von Sonnenberg (died 18 September 1911 in Berlin) had been elected as leader and founder of the German Social Party in the Reichstag in 1890.

As chief anti-Semite, Dr. Otto Böckel, "the Hessian Peasant King" had entered the German Reichstag in 1887, after he had been elected by the Hessian farmers in Marburg -Kirchhain.

The Land of Hesse had just been exhaustively subjected to usury to such a terrible degree by Jews, that Bismarck had already brought up the matter in 1847 in the United Landstag.

Liebermann, also, had been chosen (election district Fritzlar-Homberg) in addition to some anti-Semites by Hessian farmers. His great goal was: politicization of the political parties and groups in the anti-Semitic sense. -- In 1893 sixteen anti-Semitic deputies had already entered the Reichstag.

Concerning the history of the anti-Semitic movement, the notes of an old contemporary champion, Willi Buch, which appeared in the German Volksverlag [People's publishing house], Munich, give valuable information: 50 Jahre antisemitische Bewegung [50 Years in the Anti-Semitic Movement], Munich, 1937.

-- Unfortunately, due to lack of space, we are not able on the occasion of the 30th return [i.e., anniversary] of the day of death of Liebermann von Sonnenberg, to find a place for even a short article in the great German press; but we have resolved to pay tribute to his tireless labor and his exemplary action in the struggle against the rank Jewish overgrowth later, in a special treatise.

[10] Nr. 215 (1 June 1911).

[11] Protocol 31 of 28 July 1899.

[12] Seneca, philosophy, ed. Bipont. 1782, Volume IV, p. 423.

[13] In order to avoid repetition and, on the other hand, not to pluck to pieces the arguments of Liebermann, which signify an historic document of the first rank, his speech should be added as an appendix in connection with omission only of passages which lead too far afield. But it is recommended that this speech be thoroughly read!

The complete text is accessible to anyone in the Stenographischen Berichten über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages -- X Legislaturperiode. II. Session. 1900/1902, Band II, Berlin, 1901

[Stenographic Reports about the Proceedings of the Reichstag ] -- Legislature Period X. II Session. 1900/1902, Volume II, Berlin 1901.

[14] See Appendix! p. 435 etc.

[15] A collection from the official criminal statistics shows that in Germany alone in the years 1890 to 1892, over 100 murders remained unpunished, i.e., the perpetrators could not be determined!

The Weltbund Kinderdank [Kinderdank World Alliance] in Berlin, which had made it its mission to search for the numerous children and youths, especially girls, who were constantly disappearing in the years after the World War [i.e., WW1], published at that time a list of not fewer than sixteen children and youths who had vanished around Easter of 1919, of whom later a perhaps seventeen-year-old girl was discovered as a corpse which showed the critical symptoms.

Theodor Fritsch wrote of this: "If individual cases also permit another explanation: does not the large number of disappearances of children within a narrow time frame -- around Easter -- compel [us to] the assumption of a uniform cause? If, further, one takes into consideration the influx of Eastern Jewish, fanatically religious elements, and added to that the evidence from earlier times, strongly incriminating material for suspicion exists!" -- "Not one Jew is judged [before the courts] any longer in the Century of Light" Athanasius Fern, a high Catholic dignitary, had already discovered. . .

[16] Hammer, Nr. 264 (1913), page 323.

[17] Hammer, Nr. 263 (1913), page 298.

[18] Hammer, Nr. 263, page 298.

[19] Hammer, Nr. 263, page 305: "Rätselhafte Morde und Verschwinden von Personen"["Puzzling Murder Cases and Disappearances of Persons"].

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