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Jews Want Diversity, but Not for their Tribe

September 20th, 2009 · Post your comment (No Comments)

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Why Can’t White Americans Oppose Diversity too?

by Ian Mosley

The Jews have endlessly demonized anyone who is pro-White as being a “mean, evil, hateful racist.” The average pro-White activist wants an all-White homeland, where his people can exist and control their own destiny. Curiously, the Jews stole the nation of Palestine from the former occupants, for this very same purpose for their people.

Funny how we are endlessly told that the Jewish state of Israel is “wonderful and good” while an equivalent White nation, dedicated to Whites would be “unthinkable, racist and Nazi.”

The Jews have always been very big on pushing diversity and assimilation and interracial mixing for other people, but especially for the hated White goyim. They even came up with a slogan: “eliminate racism by eliminating race.” But when it comes to their own little Jewish children, race-mixing is strictly forbidden!

According to Ha’aretz, the Israeli equivalent of the New York Times: “The Prime Minister’s Office and the Jewish Agency unveiled an aggressive advertisement campaign for the Masa project which is designed to strengthen Jewish identity among youths in the Diaspora and their bonds to Israel. One video clip likens Jews who marry outside of the religion to missing persons, with fake notices and pictures which drive home the point. As part of the campaign, similar ‘missing person’ notices will be plastered on walls around the country.”

Imagine White parents putting the picture of their 16 year old daughter on a milk carton as a missing person because she started dating a Black. Of course, we’re not allowed to shame race-mixers like that in the US, but in Israel, shaming race-mixers is state policy.

The Ha’aretz article goes on: “Masa hopes the campaign will spur the public to commit to the cause of preventing marriage to non-Jews, which Jewish Agency officials believe is tantamount to a strategic national threat. According to figures compiled by the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, over 50 percent of Jews in the Diaspora marry a non-Jewish partner.”

How is racial dilution a threat to Israel but no one else? Race-mixing has produced disastrous results for millions of White families. The US is steadily losing its technical competency thanks to an invasion of Third World bunglers. If the White people of America are race-mixed out of existence, America will quickly become nothing more than yet another Third World nation. How well could a future Third World USA defend itself against an increasingly well-armed Red China?

Ha’aretz goes on: “Studies show that Jews who participate in extensive programs in Israel deepen their Jewish identity and strengthen their bond to the country. Most of them marry Jews and send their children to Jewish schools and become politically and socially active on behalf of Israel-related causes. Some of them even immigrate to Israel. The head of the campaign, Motti Scharf, compared assimilation to the critical water shortage. ‘Even though this is an existential problem, the public in Israel is displaying apathy towards it because the process is slow and not dramatic, out of sight,’ he said. ‘The time has come to put the issue on the table.’ ”

I agree, Motti. But can we White people put the issue on the table? How about Whites who “racially assimilate”? Can we shame the White sluts who give their bodies to negroes in exchange for drugs, and the White men who get mail order brides from Asia?

Why are Jews the only people in the world who are to be allowed their own country and who are allowed to be free of the curse of Diversity? There is a big difference between White separatists and the Jews. A White Separatist wants his homeland to be all-White. He doesn’t want to enslave or abuse non-Whites. He simply wants the Third World people back in their countries while he lives in his.

The Israelis however seem to delight in torturing and subjugating the hapless Palestinians, who have nowhere else to go. A Swedish newspaper recently reported Israeli soldiers were shooting Palestinian children and then having rabbis sell their organs in New Jersey. I don’t think the Jews are in any position to dictate morality to anyone.

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