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[DIR]Parent Directory -
[SND]2007 - Meersheimer & Walt hostile interview - BBC (Innocuous)(A+++).mp3 12M
[   ]2007 08 21 - Christians Zionists & Jews in Holy Land alliance - CNN_com (A+++++).mht1.2M
[PDF]2006 03 15 - Meirsheimer & Walt (Harvard) Report on Israeli Lobby (83pages).pdf1.2M
[   ]Abe Foxman's book--Excerpt - Jerusalem Post (A++++).mht399K
[   ]2007 03 25 - AIPAC and Why We Need a Public Campaign Financing Law - David Duke (A++++).mht281K
[   ]AIPAC, the religious right and American foreign policy - 1 Pravda_Ru.mht248K
[   ]2006 03 15 - Professors Walt & MearShiemer - Judicial-Inc (A++).mht174K
[   ]2006 03 30 - Judge hints he could dismiss AIPAC case (A+++).mht127K
[TXT]Sanction Policies and the Zionist Power Structure - Aletho News.htm 96K
[TXT]John Mearsheimerand Stephen Walt - The Israel Lobby.htm 89K
[TXT]The Influence of Israel and its American Lobby over US Middle East Policy (A+++++).txt 53K
[DOC]A Look at The 'Powerful Jewish Lobby' - Mark Weber, IHR (A+++).doc 50K
[TXT]2002 BBC transcript of 'A lobby To Reckon With' on Christian Zionist's power (A++++).htm 47K
[TXT]2006 08 06 - India Bans Arab TV Channels Under Pressure From Israel (A+++).htm 39K
[TXT]Iraq - A War For Israel - by Mark Weber.htm 35K
[TXT]And The Winner Is … The Israel lobby - Pepe Escobar (A++++).htm 33K
[TXT]AIPAC, the religious right and American foreign policy - 3 Pravda_Ru.htm 33K
[TXT]AIPAC, the religious right and American foreign policy - 2 Pravda_Ru.htm 32K
[TXT]AIPAC, the religious right and American foreign policy - 4 Pravda_Ru.htm 32K
[TXT]How Israel helps eavesdrop on US citizens +++++.htm 22K
[TXT]2006 07 06 - Silence Of The Poodles - Rep. Paul Findley (A++).htm 19K
[TXT]Helen Thomas Playboy Interview - Jews Run White House, Congress.htm 17K
[TXT]Disengaging America From The Israel Lobby.htm 15K
[TXT]Sharon to Peres 'We Control America', & Other Quotes (A+++++).htm7.9K
[TXT]Jewish treatment bellweather in S.America + 2 articles.txt3.6K
[TXT]2006 01 12 - USA threats after Norway's suggested Israeli Goods Boycott (A+).txt1.6K
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