Welcome to the “World Lending Library”

[DIR]Parent Directory -
[DIR]THE DARK SIDE OF THE ADL (Video series) (A++)/ -
[   ]Liberty Forum - ADL vs Cyberhate.mht795K
[   ]Leo Frank murders Mary Phagan - ADL formed - Judicial--Inc (A++++).mht323K
[DOC]ADL Seeks Closure Of Largest University In Ukraine And Imprisonment Of Hundreds Of Academics - Liberty Forum.doc277K
[   ]ADL - Portrait of a Hate Group.mht189K
[TXT]D.A. prosecuting Israeli critics says ADL 'represents the O.C. law enforcement'.htm114K
[   ]Cytations reform is happening ADL to Outlaw Parts of Gospel as Hate.mht 84K
[   ]Is Abe Foxman A Hate Criminal - Ted Pike (A+++).mht 75K
[TXT]2005 11 03 - FBI - Pro ADL Content of Director's Speech.htm 57K
[   ]Daryl Bradford Smith[a Satirical Dig At Zionism].mht 51K
[TXT]The Comparison That Ends the Conversation.htm 44K
[TXT]Radio Islam The ADL - Spy vs Spite - ADL keeps files on extremists & plugs its' Hate Filter' (A+).htm 42K
[TXT]Michel Chossudovsky's Website (globalresearch.ca) Attacked in Canada by B'nai Brith - Ottawa Citizen.htm 40K
[TXT]Holy Holocaust - by Edgar J Steele (A+++)copy.htm 36K
[TXT]The ADL America's Greatest Enemy - Kevin Alfred Strom, 1993 (A+++).htm 33K
[TXT]2005 08 25 - Bush Creates 'Dept Of Global Anti-Semitism' - Ted Pike (A++++).htm 33K
[TXT]Paul Grubach writes to the ADL, and receives a response from ADL-head Foxman (A+++).htm 25K
[TXT]Radio Islam Articles on ADL´s spying (A+).htm 25K
[TXT]WHAT IS THE REAL AGENDA OF THE ADL - Paul Grubach (A+++).htm 24K
[TXT]ADL's Foxman--Man Of Faith - Rev.Ted Pike (A+).htm 21K
[TXT]Fact Sheet on the ADL (A++++).htm 20K
[TXT]ADL - LA Court hands down Judgement in 1999 Surveillance Case (A).htm 17K
[TXT]Radio Islam Fact Sheet on the ADL.htm 16K
[TXT]ADL Pressured Media To Suppress Israeli 9-11 Connection - Mark Glenn (A+++).htm 13K
[   ]Thumbs.db 10K
[TXT]Anti-Defamation League Suffers Major Legal Defeat.htm 10K
[TXT]Russell Simmons Responds to Abraham Foxman (A++).htm7.6K
[IMG]Foxman_grasps - photo.JPG6.8K
[TXT]ADL fined $150 000 in 1993 San Francisco case.txt1.7K
[TXT]John Wilkes Booth links to B'Nai B'rith.txt1.6K
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