MISTRIAL DECLARED IN CASE OF ERNST ZUNDEL 11/18/2005 By any rational standard, who the hell cares what Zundel is saying, in so far as his innocence or guilt is concerned? He's saying it. He has the right to say it. He can say it from now until the cows come home. So far, I haven't found anything that really surprises me. I'm willing to be shown far as I can tell, the man is being prosecuted for stating what he believes to be facts. It also appears that his defense team in Germany is not permitted to offer evidence that Zundel's version of the Holocaust is accurate. "You're being prosecuted for saying X. And we will not allow proof that X is true. The crime is saying X. Shut up. There are people wandering around that insist Elvis is alive. There are people wandering around who believe they have met Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness monster. Nobody arrests these nut cases and throws them in jail for believing what they believe. People who think Elvis is alive don't get deported to Germany. There are no laws that punish people who deny the Apollo Moon Landings happened.Only in the case of the history of Germany during WW2 are there these incredible laws that make it a crime to ask questions, to want to see the actual facts and evidence, or even to mention the already exposed frauds. If Zundel were really as crazy as the people who see Elvis, Bigfoot, or pods on the 9 planes, who would pay attention to him? Who would bother even answering him. But because it is this one forbidden area of inquiry that he wrote about, Zundel sits in a German prison and two other authors researching the same part of history are similarly on their way to German courts for similar treatment. Even George Bush, much as he would like one, does not have a law making it a crime to ask if there really were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and as that particular lie proved, much of what we are told by TV and the newspapers is far less than accurate. Time makes ancient truth uncouth, and today's lies make doubt the proper course of action for all that we have been taught about the last century. More than anything else, it is the extreme measures taken against those who do ask questions in this one area that suggests that some great and terrible secret is being concealed.