- "Not one of the judges responsible for the arraignment,
prosecution and imprisonment of Ernst Zundel is a legal office-holder under
true German constitutional law. They are fakes. They are entitled to practise
federal law no more and no less than a teenage student flipping hamburgers
at McDonald's."
- Those struggling to come to terms with Germany's absurd
"holocaust denial" laws must first understand that they really
have nothing to do with the alleged Jewish holocaust and the affirmation
or refutation thereof. If that were the case, there would be no reason
to use them, since the truth, being self-evident and requiring neither
proof nor vast armies of supporting lawyers and judges, would stand on
its own merits and win the day.
- These statutes, which also require that a defendant charged
with such "crimes" be represented by a lawyer who is expressly
forbidden under the same punitive laws from introducing in court evidence
that would support his client's arguments, fly in the face of basic human
intelligence and make a mockery of the rule of law in the so-called age
of reason.
- Ostensibly designed to protect a controversial and hotly
disputed post-war narrative written against the backdrop of contrary findings
established by the Red Cross and British and American occupation tribunals,
these ridiculous impositions on intellectual inquiry and the resultant
show trial of the historian and patriot Ernst Zundel are now, despite an
almost total nationwide media blackout, having the effect of exciting the
curiosity of younger Germans who simply refuse to be told what to think
without the benefit of a free and open public debate.
- Ironically, Ernst Zundel has never denied that thousands
or possibly millions of European non-ethnic Jews, together with communists,
Gypsies and others out of favour with the regime, were persecuted and murdered
by the fascist state.
- His argument that the mysteriously magic, sacred occult
number of six million is simply untenable is supported not only by Jewish
academics such as Norman Finkelstein, it has been confirmed, albeit without
fanfare, by the German government itself. The dramatic downward revision
of the number of European non-ethnic Jews alleged to have died at Auschwitz
and other detention centres is a case in point. I am mightily impressed
by government statistics: 6 million minus 2 million still makes 6 million.
Now, who could argue with that kind of logic - and not go to jail?
- If statistics can be trained to sing "Puppet on
a String" while leaping through rings of fire, why the hysteria and
the recent police-state crackdown on professors of history, journalists
and biographers? Such actions, unprecedented in any society that likes
to think of itself as progressive, liberal, democratic and free, are in
themselves clear evidence of blind panic and fear at the highest levels
of government and among the elite who own and control the German and European
mass media; for what is at stake here is surely more than the alleged iinfringement
of an eccentric statute: it is the very existence of the Federal Republic
itself and the despised European Union which its long-suffering taxpayers
are forced to subsidise.
- The cult of the Jewish holocaust is fundamental to Germany's
officially imposed state religion: legalistic, political Zionism, propagated
daily in the mass media and reinforced by a legion of judicious bureaucrats
and self-obsessed politicians. Whether Social Democrat or "Christian"
Democrat, neo-Marxist or neo-liberal, the government of the day is dutifully
trained to look first to Tel Aviv for its legitimacy. It is instructive
to note that, at least once a year, the incumbent German President or Chancellor
must stand in front of the Knesset in Israel and, with quivering lower
lip and a freshly peeled onion, throw his best Elizabeth Taylor act and
read from the same worn script stapled together with exhausted and sometimes
ludicrously inappropriate diplomatic cliches.
- This perennial ritual is always embarrassing, obsequious
and viciously humiliating to behold. Nonetheless, the German government
at least acknowledges publicly that it is wealthy, globalist Israelis and
their glove-puppets in the City of London who control Germany, not the
German people. And those who control Germany control the dark, towering
superstructure of the despised and hated European Union.
- In the eyes of this grubby little Mafia of international
criminals, which includes the uppermost doyens of the British and American
elites, the German people, already saddled with an unpopular currency and
wealth-destroying surcharges that only serve to pay the extortionate rates
of interest imposed on the nation's spiralling budget deficit, are easy
roadkill on the brave new highway to EU expansionism, globalisation and
"world governance": naive, trusting and good for only work, taxes
and blood-money.
- The holocaust denial laws were introduced as a social
experiment to see how far ordinary people could be pushed to accept outlandish
Catch-22 legislation, with the proviso that such laws would be adopted
into the main body of EU statutes in a process of creeping, scarcely articulated
gradualism. They will eventually apply to England, Scotland and Wales,
despite the opposition of the Freemasonic British-Israel movement, an occult
order patronised by royalty that believes Caucasian British people to be
the only real descendants of the biblical ethnic Jews. Political and economic
Zionism will then become the state ideology of the emerging European Soviet
and play a role commensurate to that of the former communist Soviet Union
under the auspices of the Bolshevik Politburo, which was in turn dominated
by European non-ethnic "Jews" who supervised the murder of 13-17
million Russian Christians, patriots, Cossacks and other "undesirables".
It remains the holocaust that dare not speak its name.
- Strange things happen to people who understand this clandestine
agenda and seek to expose it. Christian patriots in public life, men such
as the late Juergen Moellemann, who are brave enough to voice their criticism
of the state of Israel and its unremitting warmongering and continuing
genocide of the Palestinian people in the illegally occupied territories
have a strange habit of committing suicide without due cause or of leaving
this world in bizarre accidents that defy forensic science. Then their
reputations are trashed by means of scurrilous innuendos disseminated in
a series of unsubstantiated newspaper revelations that cease once the damage
has been caused.
- I'm sure my readers in the United States and in England
can think of many more fine men and women who have had their careers destroyed
or their lives snuffed-out for just one brave, defiant act of courage:
telling the truth in the Realm of Lies. Telling the truth, because the
moment you kiss the whip of their cruel deceptions or go along to get along,
comfortably partitioned from the outside world in the warmth of your living
room, you are no longer free, but a slave by default, a slave by choice.
Telling the truth, because it's the right thing to do. Telling the truth,
because there's no other way to live.
- Whoever hates genuine patriots and men of integrity,
hates them with a vengeance and a bloodthirsty viciousness that goes well
beyond the pathological and borders on the Satanic. The message is clear.
If you love your country, your family and the cultural values that nourish
and sustain the vitality and sovereignty of the society in which you live,
you are a target. If you oppose laws that penalise free-speech, you are
a de facto enemy of the European Union. If you believe that citizens should
have the right to discuss their history in a free and open debate and allow
all sides to bring their evidence to the table in a grown-up analysis of
the facts, you are a threat to the emerging European Soviet and a heretic
in the church of Zionist orthodoxy. And that, my friends, is what these
holocaust denial laws are all about.
- So now that we have the enemy, the master manipulators
behind the European Union, firmly in our sights, with which questions should
we pull the trigger? Would it not be true to say that if even one of the
signatories of the founding Treaty of Rome represented an unconstitutional
government, then the entire European project would be illegal, having no
substance in international and local law? Having spent many months studying
the German constitution and the framework governing its relations with
the rest of Europe, the United States and the United Nations, I can now
reveal an amazing little secret that the Zionists and architects of the
European Union don't want you to know.
- The modern Federal Republic of Germany is illegal. It
does not exist in real constitutional terms. It isn't even recognised by
international institutions as the legitimate nation state of Germany.
- On 5 June 1945, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary
Force (SHAEF) accepted Germany's declaration of defeat and quickly moved
to recognise the legitimacy of the Zweite Deutsche Reich (Second German
Reich), which had been illegally displaced by Hitler's Third Reich. The
SHAEF laws underpinned a treaty between the occupation authorities and
the Second German Reich, in which the latter was invested with full administrative
rights and governmental sovereignty throughout most of Berlin and in all
of the German states. A parallel state, founded by ambitious lawyers and
Zionist activists and still known as the Federal Republic of Germany (BRD),
competed with the Second German Reich for legitimacy but officially lost
its right to grant citizenship and issue passports in 1954, just as was
the case with East Germany (DDR) thirty-six years later. Technically, any
German with a passport issued by the BRD is now stateless: around 70 million
of them.
- Following the collapse of the DDR, a treaty known as
the "2 Plus 4" confirmed that only the Second German Reich, now
led by Reichskanzler (Prime Minister) Dr Wolfgang Gerhard Guenter Ebel,
represented the legitimate German State. In July 1990, the Secretary of
the US Department of State, James Baker, confirmed in writing to German
Chancellor Helmut Kohl that the BRD had come to the end of its lifetime
and should be dissolved. From that moment on, the United Nations destroyed
all of its stationery and placards that carried the words "Federal
Republic of Germany" or BRD and replaced them with use of the broader
term "Germany" in lieu of the anticipated "German Reich".
Almost everyone in diplomatic circles around the world expected the re-emergent
German Reich to take over where the BRD had left off. Yet the government
in Bonn, and later in Berlin, continued and still continues to act and
behave as if nothing really happened: a sort of disembodied ghost that
has no idea that its corpse perished many years ago.
- Despite this highly unusual situation, the Second German
Reich continues to issue its own passports and driving licences. Over the
last two or three years there has been a sharp increase in the number of
motorists who have been acquitted for speeding or parking offences, simply
on the strength of their having produced a German Reich driving licence.
The illegal German government in Berlin is so worried about the publicity,
it has leaned heavily on newspapers not to report on such matters and it
has instructed judges to dismiss cases where a defendant is likely to prove
that his citizenship of the German Reich permits him not to recognise the
BRD and its courts as legitimate administrative constructs. They are horrified
at the publicity each of these cases brings. Quite clearly, the Zionist
German elite and their fellow conspirators in Brussels and Tel Aviv and
in every major bank and insurance company in the western hemisphere are
terrified lest the people come to know the truth, for it would presage
the unravelling not only of a dogma reinforced by secular excommunication,
but of two major administrative constructs built on lies and subterfuge:
the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.
- The very real fact of the matter is this: Not one of
the judges responsible for the arraignment, prosecution and imprisonment
of Ernst Zundel is a legal office-holder under true constitutional German
law. They are fakes. They are entitled to practise federal law no more
and no less than a teenage student flipping hamburgers at McDonald's.
- Mr Zundel has every right to instruct his lawyers to
submit a deposition to the state attorney, outlining in clear language
his decision not to recognise the writ of the court on the grounds that
it has never had the constitutional authority to try domestic or foreign
citizens, ceased to exist as a constitutionally validated regulator of
citizenship in 1954 and became absolutely and irrevocably illegal on the
same day that the already unconstitutional Federal Republic of Germany
(formerly West Germany, BRD) merged with the German Democratic Republic
(East Germany, DDR), automatically reverting to its true constitutional
status as the Second German Reich under the legitimate Chancellorship of
Dr Wolfgang Gerhard Guenter Ebel.
- Zundel may also wish to point out that United Nations
protocols still define Germany as "the enemy state". That's because
no peace treaty was ever ratified between the Second German Reich and the
occupation authorities. The United Nations, by its own admission, thus
recognises the Federal Republic for what it was always meant to be: nothing
more than a temporary holding operation for the central banks and private
banking cartels until a competent body representing the Second German Reich
would be in a position to conclude a peace deal. The BRD was never granted
the constitutional instruments necessary to conclude a peace treaty, and
as long as it pretends to exist, Germany is still considered to be an occupied
nation at war with the "international community".
- On 31 July 1973, the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal
Constitutional Court) was forced to concede the following ruling in regard
to an upcoming treaty between the BRD and the communist DDR: "It remains
the case that the German Reich survived the collapse of 1945 and did not
cease to exist, neither through capitulation nor the exercise of foreign
power in Germany on the part of the allies; it possesses today, as it always
has, legal and judicial sovereignty, although as a State it is lacking
in organisation. The BRD is not the legal successor of the German Reich."
- Please allow me to re-state the ruling handed down by
the Federal Republic's own Supreme Constitutional Court in 1973. It deserves
to be written large and draped from every official building, monument and
- And here's the really nice part.
- Since the Second German Reich is not liable for the banking
debts accrued by the BRD or for any legislation enacted by the BRD, including
obligations attendant to every EEC and EU treaty signed by "government"
representatives of the BRD since 25 March 1957, the German people, if only
they would pay attention, are being offered a clean slate to start over:
free of debt, free of the United Nations, free of the European Union, free
of "reparations" to Israel and free of repressive Zionist legislation
such as the notorious "holocaust" laws. All they have to do is
learn about the fraudulent nature of the state in which they live and issue
an immediate Cease and Desist Order requiring the expeditious stand-down
of the illegal Berlin government. Incredible though that may sound, it
really is just that simple.
- Happily, more and more Germans are coming to learn about
their true constitutional rights and are renouncing citizenship of the
fictitious BRD in ever greater numbers. Year on year, the offices of the
Second German Reich are increasingly inundated with applications for Reich
passports and driving licences. With passports selling for 100 euros a
piece, some are being deliberately scammed by online pretenders. The Zionists
will make sure that those stories are given the widest publicity in the
press with the intention of discrediting by association Dr Wolfgang Gerhard
Guenter Ebel and the living reality of the Second German Reich. But their
mischief is driving curious minds to learn more about their secret, hidden
history and the wealth of opportunities that awaits them and their children
should they decide to bail out of the New World Order and its globalist
- A much better world is possible, and the more the Zionists
move against us, the more they will eventually lose. They are their own
worst enemies. Their holocaust laws are making ordinary people gasp in
shock and disbelief: "What are the authorities afraid of? What are
they trying to hide? What sort of a country puts a man on trial for his
scientific review of statistics and recorded history and then denies him
a lawyer who can provide the evidence that's been in the public domain
for years?" The Zionists have been caught wallowing in their own arrogance,
and the backlash is building.
- A frail old man is sitting in a prison cell all alone.
In the eyes of God he has committed no crime, yet those who hate him call
him a Nazi and a holocaust denier simply because he made the "mistake"
of translating his love of country and the German people into a passionate
search for the truth. When his supporters quote from the New Testament
and admonish, in the words of Jesus, those who hide in the dark "for
fear of the Jews", they are labelled as anti-Semites and Hitlerites,
which, by implication, would make God a Nazi. In Canada and Scandinavia,
Zionist lawyers and their allies in government and big business have very
nearly criminalised the New Testament as "hate literature". In
August 2000, two Zionist lawyers in Germany almost succeeded in winning
an injunction against publishers of the Bible in an attempt to redact the
words of Jesus because they regarded them as "anti-Semitic".
Family Minister Christian Bergmann eventually rejected their application
to have the Bible banned or placed on the "dangerous books" list.
- Yet millions of Christians send cash, guns and moral
support to the Zionist state of Israel each year because their ministers,
influenced by the heretical Scofield Bible, tell them that Jesus and his
followers do not represent the true Israel. They believe that Jesus' sacrifice
was insufficient, making him a failed Messiah, and that he must return
only to rescue a few million European non-ethnic "Jews" whose
forefathers were neither of Hebrew descent nor ever lived in the Middle
East, but hailed from Asia, converting to Judaism in AD 740 for financial
and strategic reasons.
- Many Christians are slowly waking up to this diabolical,
Satanic deception and are beginning to see that it was secular, political
Zionism that tricked them into believing these lies and distortions, finally
listening to our beloved Brother Judah - real ethnic Jews who read the
Torah daily and lament each and every hour that the God-forbidden state
of Israel exists. They are learning the truth about all the Zionist wars
and acts of terror that have wracked our little planet over the last century,
from the 1916 blackmail of the British establishment and the audaciously
premature claim that King Wilhelm of Germany had secretly murdered six
million Jews before 1914 to the financing of Hitler's rise to power through
banks in Wall Street and the City of London, from the complicity of the
Zionist Party of Germany in the persecution of their own kind to the Israeli
false flag attack on the USS liberty, from the Lavon Affair and the bombing
of the King David Hotel in 1948 to the possible involvement of Mossad and
their ad hoc "Urban Moving Company" in steering the horrific
events of September 11, 2001.
- They have the cleverest minds, the best weaponry and
all the money they need. They own the banks, the media, the telecoms, the
Christian church and the film industry. They own governments and treasuries
and have their hands on all the important levers of power. They retain
all the best lawyers and judges, and what they cannot win in any of the
courts they own they settle with an assassin's bullet. They make who they
please and break those who displease. They are the hidden hand in every
act of terror. They are ruthless and vicious and their evil and mischief
know no bounds.
- But they have neither God in their hearts nor the truth
on their lips, and therein lies their undoing.
- Open the door to your prison cell, Mr Zundel, and walk
away a free man. There is nothing and nobody to keep you there.
- __________
- Michael James is a British freelance journalist and translator,
resident in Germany for over 13 years and patiently awaiting the sound
of Zionist jackboots and the inevitable knock on the door at midnight.
- http://jewsagainstzionism.com