4. The Revisionist claim: Official state policy towards the Jews in the Third Reich was emigration, not extermination.
It is true that Hitler Germany wanted to remove the Jews from the German
people's "sphere of influence." The country was at war - a war largely seen as
having been instigated by international banking Jewry, and Jews were seen as a
corroding influence, not only financially but also racially and culturally.
A common word then used was "parasites." (Know that, in America, a
National Socialist is commonly referred to as "scum bag". . . If you want to
know what modern persecution and demonization of unwanted people looks like, try
this cartoon.) http://www.web.apc.org/~ara/zundel_r.gif
Hitler Germany
was adamant in not wanting Jews to be part of Germany because they were held to
be harmful to the fabric of an ethnically cohesive society as it was woven by
Hitler. The Führer wanted Jews "out of his face." He was not fond of them.
But that is where the story stops. The Talmudic twists and gyrations
some of these people still go through, when "relocation" and "evacuation" of
Jews suddenly become code words for "extermination", is amazing.
All of
it was covered in the Zündel Trials in the minutest detail and has been laid to
rest forever in the transcripts of those trials, now permanent documents in the
Canadian judicial law libraries! A little basic research would have gone a long
way for Nizkor.
The Himmler Posen speech, to be even more specific, was
the subject of lengthy analysis in the two Toronto Zündel trials. Minute detail
can be gleaned in studying the testimony of German political scientist Udo
Walendy and Dr. Robert Faurisson in the 1985 trial and in the testimony of
Browning, Faurisson British historian David Irving and Mark Weber in the second,
1988, trial. (Again, the reference here is the Kulaszka book, Did Six Million
Really Die?)
Time and again, the Holocaust Promotion Lobby counts on the
naiveté: of the reader who is not likely to check on the facts and
fine-tune his thinking on what was meant by "evacuation" and "relocation."