Remarkable Nonsense about the Holocaust
Yet more human soap
Down military memory lane
El Paso museum offers glimpse at life of the U.S. soldier
By Associated Press
November 13, 2006,1299,DRMN_15_5139237,00.html
COLORADO SPRINGS - Mel Bernstein served two years in the military and spent about $3 million re-creating it. A hobby of restoring an Army jeep 20 years ago evolved into a 30,000-square-foot museum, with the most recent 16,000-foot expansion opening this week.
His Colorado Springs Historical Military Museum has 92 war vehicles, 1,400 uniforms, hundreds of weapons, and thousands of artifacts.
These aren't military props, these are real.
The "Holocaust Room" has gas cans used in Auschwitz concentration camps.
"There's the soap made out of human fat when they melted down the people," he said.
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