Pius XII and the Jews
Arthur R.
The following are what
I consider some important points in the behavior
of the wartime Pope Pius XII in relation to the
Nazi persecutions of the Jews. The rough
situation is that, while the Vatican aided Jews,
especially Italian Jews, Pius XII was relatively
silent about "extermination." My explanation for
this silence needs no lengthy
Despite the great
controversy, the role of Pius XII does need some
elucidation. [See also "Pope Pius XII During
the Second World War" in the Sept.-Oct. 1993
Journal.] This is not intended as a summary
of his papacy, or of his wartime behavior, or
even as a full treatment of his behavior in
relation to the persecutions of the Jews.
Rather, the emphasis here is on those facts
which I believe receive insufficient attention
in contemporary debate on this subject. Much,
though not all, of this material appears in
Appendix E of my book The Hoax of the
Twentieth Century. Much documentation is
given there or in other books I cite here, so
here only some of the most important sources are
Eugenio Pacelli, who
was to become Pope Pius XII in 1939, was Papal
Nuncio in Germany during the Twenties. In 1930
he returned to Rome as the newly appointed
Vatican Secretary of State under Pius XI. There
he played an important role in negotiating, with
the Hitler government, the 1933 Concordat
between the Roman Catholic Church and
He is also commonly
credited with authoring the 1937 papal
encyclical Mit Brerenender Sorge.
Released in German rather than the customary
Latin, it expressed the deep differences between
the Catholic Church and the Nazi movement, which
had been developing ever since the Concordat.
Youth education was a particularly contentious
issue. After Pius XI died early in 1939, Pacelli
became Pope Pius XII, six months before the
outbreak of war in Europe.
The Jewish
"extermination" claims started in a subdued form
in mid-1942. In his Christmas message for 1942,
Pius XII made a passing remark, without specific
reference to the Jews, to "the hundreds of
thousands who, through no fault of their own,
and solely because of their nation or race, have
been condemned to death or progressive
extinction." This is usually interpreted as a
reference to genocidal persecutions of Jews, and
that interpretation is arguable, but the context
in which the statement was made is very
As is clear from the
Vatican's published documents, the overriding
objective of Vatican diplomacy at the time was
the securing of an Allied pledge to not bomb
Rome. On December 14, 1942, the Vatican
Secretary of State, Cardinal Maglione, met with
the British Minister to the Vatican, F D'Arcy
Osborne, to this end. Maglione's notes on the
meeting present Osborne as suddenly changing the
subject from the possible bombing of Rome to
demanding that the Vatican "intervene to stop
the massacres of the Jews."1
In reading Maglione's
notes it is evident that the Pope's remark in
his Chriatmas message was made under duress;
Osborne made it seem to Maglione that the
alternative was bombs. It is probably not the
case that the Allied governments instructed
Osborne to propose such a deal; perhaps the
matter was on Osborne's mind only because an
Allied declaration on the Jews was soon to come
(on December 17). However, it is the case that
Maglione's notes indicate that he thought such a
deal was being proposed. This is the context of
the remarks in the Christmas 1942 message of
Pius XII. The Allies wanted something stronger,
and later urged Pius XII to endorse their
declaration of December 17, but he refused
because "he felt that there had been some
exaggeration for the purposes of
Pius XII made a remark,
similar to that in hie Christmas message, in a
long address on June 2, 1943. Rome was first
bombed on July 19, 1943, and I am not aware of
any repetition of the Christmas remark, or of
any like it, by Pius XII after Rome was bombed.
He even said nothing about exterminations of
Jews after the Germans had been driven out of
Rome, and there could have been no danger in
making such a declaration.
After the Nazis were
defeated, Pius XII made an address to the
College of Cardinals (June 2, 1945) in which he
condemned "applications of National Socialist
[that is, Nazi] teachings, which even
went so far as to use the most exquisite
scientific methods to torture or eliminate
people who were often innocent". However reading
further into the speech it becomes clear that
the Pope, like so many other people at the time,
was thinking of the catastrophic scenes found in
the German camps at the end of the war. The only
specific victims mentioned were the Catholic
priests who died at Dachau. There is nothing in
the address about extermination of any racial,
religious or national group.3
None of this is to
imply that the Vatican under Pope Pius XII
ignored the plight of the Jews. Its help to
Italian Jews during the German occupation is
well known. For example, several thousand Jews
were given refuge in the Vatican after the
Germans occupied Rome in 1943, and there were
many other ways the Vatican helped
In spring 1944, after
the Germans had been driven out of Rome, Jews
were able to come out of hiding. The joyous
American Jewish Committee arranged a special
broadcast, over a New York radio station, of a
thanksgiving service by the Chief Rabbi of Rome,
Israele Anton Zolli.5 I have no record of the
broadcast or service, but I assume that on this
occasion Zolli expressed the same sort of
gratitude to Pius XII, for helping Jews, that he
was loudly expressing at the time in other
Zolli was to go
further. Partly out of "his gratitude [to
Pius XII] on behalf of the Jewish community
for aid offered during the German occupation,"
Zolli, "the spiritual head of the oldest Jewish
community of Europe," converted to Roman
Catholicism in February 1945, taking the
baptismal name Eugenio, to honor the
Zolli was not isolated
in his gratitude. In November 1945 Jewish
survivors of Nazi concentration camps, received
by Pius XII, "thanked the pontiff for the
generosity he had manifested during the terrible
period of Nazi fascism." In March 1946 the
Italian Jewish communities, meeting in Rome,
"paid homage to the pope and expressed their
deepest gratitude" to the Catholic Church for
its help.8
These are some of the
facts that I believe are either absent from, or
whose implications are not grasped in, the
debates on the behavior of Pius XII. An eloquent
defense of Pius XII is to be found at the Web
site of the Catholic League for Religious and
Civil Rights (www.catholicleague.org).
This defense even mentions the Zolli conversion,
an episode sometimes considered too "sensitive"
to be mentioned. However such defenses do not
satisfactorily confront the heart of the
accusation: Pius XII did not speak up
forthrightly against "extermination." The only
exception that can be cited is an ambiguous
declaration which, my analysis shows, was made
under the threat of Allied bombs.
Nevertheless Pius XII
won the loudly expressed gratitude of
contemporaneous Jewish communities for what he
did do for the Jews, but the implications of
that fact are not grasped. For me, there are two
principal implications. First, under the
circumstances that Pius XII was in, there is no
reason why he would not have condemned
exterminations of Jews forthrightly and
unambiguously, if he had known of them. And if
they had happened, he would have known of
Second, it is suggested
that for those Jews the "extermination" was
understood to be hyperbole, of a rhetorical
substance not to be taken literally.
The defenders of Pius
XII will have a difficult time if they do not
understand these implications of the facts
easily available in the historical record, and
if they continue to sidestep the heart of the
Related matters are
taken up in my obituary of Robert A. Graham
(published in the March-April 1998 Journal, pp.
-June I6,
1. Actes et documents
du Saint Siège relatifs à la
seconde guerre mondiale, vol. 7, pp.
2. Martin Gilbert,
Auschwitz and The Allies (Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, 1981), pp. 104-105.
3. The New York Times,
June 3, 1945, p. 22.
4. Mark Aarons and John
Loftus, Unholy Trinity: How the Vatican's Nazi
Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the
Soviets (New York: St. Martin's, 1991), Ch.
5. The New York Times,
July 22, 1944, p. 11, and July 24, 1944, p. 15.
The second story transmits exultant remarks of
American Lt. Gen. Mark Clark, who does not
suggest that physical extermination of the Jews
was ever a factor.
6. The New York Times
June 17, 1944, p. 5; July 9, 1944, p. 18; July
27, 1944, p. 3.
7. The New York Times,
Feb. 15, 1945, p. 4; March 5, 1945, p. 17;
Robert G. Weisbord and Wallace P. Sillanpoa, The
Chief Rabbi, the Pope, and the Holocaust (New
Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1992), pp.
8. R. G. Weisbord and W
P. Sillanpoa, cited above, pp. 5f.