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[DIR]THE MYTHICAL HOLOCAUST - Michael Olteanu ++++++_files/ -
[IMG]iwm2zc. jpg.gif138K
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[TXT]THE MYTHICAL HOLOCAUST - Michael Olteanu ++++++.htm107K
[IMG]ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA of 1902 showing title page with date.jpg113K
[IMG]ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA of 1902 pg 482 - 6 million Jews being 'degraded' in Russia & Rumania.jpg823K
[IMG]1945 01 08 - New York Times.jpg 77K
[IMG]1938 01 09 - New York Times.jpg259K
[IMG]1919 10 31 - NYT - Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop.jpg293K
[IMG]1905 03 25 - New York Times - Russian 'Solution' of Jewish Question.jpg102K
[IMG]1900 06 11 - Rabbi Wise's Address.jpg154K
[TXT]236 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement ++++++.htm266K
[IMG]9b8wzm. jpg.gif173K
[IMG]6 Million Jews to be Exterminated in 1919.jpg176K