Broadcasters Rense, Jones promote the lie that there are honest Jews
13th January 1022
Are we going to let our world be destroyed so as not to offend a tiny
number of people who accuse us of anti-Semitism to cover up the crimes
they are committing against us? Count Cherep-Spirodovich, The Hidden Hand, 1925 (paraphrased)
It is a moral crime against all humanity to defend Jews, Judaism or
Jewishness in any way, because the Jewish religion commands its
followers to kill or enslave all the non Jewish inhabitants of the
world, according to its holy book, the Talmud. It also mandates its
adherents MUST lie to non Jews or suffer penalties from its rabbis.
There ARE no honest Jews. The Jewish religion FORBIDS Jews from being
honest with non Jews! Hundreds of quotes reinforcing this philosophy
in the Jewish psyche can be cited from the nasty books at the heart of
the Jewish religion, the Talmud and the Torah. And ample evidence of
this practice can be seen no matter which way we turn.
There ARE no honest Jews. Just look at the culture we have. Look at
the mass death accelerating all around us.
Those microscopic number of recovering Jews who have developed the
concept of conscience, chosen to become human beings and expose their
deadly heritage can be counted on virtually one hand — Benjamin
Freedman, Jack Bernstein, and more recently our beloved Brother
Nathanael Kapner, who is ostentatiously trying to warn us about the
nihilistic Judaic madness that is sucking the world into its poison
sewer — are just a few of the not very many more Jews who have seen
the light, and decided to be decent neighbors rather than the rabbis’
killer robots.
Of Jews who appear to have crossed the line into some kind of actual
human form, most of those, sad to say, are stealthily posing to gain
some advantage or awaiting an opportunity to commit sabotage on any
project that opposes the savage sadism of the Israeli monster, which
flaunts its pathological pride in the way it kills people and laughs
about it.
On today’s television channels, all the characters are venal and
solitary, each willing to betray the other in order to succeed in this
society the Jews have created for us on the screen. Today’s people are
just like the people you see on television, and that’s not good,
because they’re not real — and neither are we.
As an increasingly edgy earth population edges toward what appears to
be the portentous year of 2012 AD, confusion and deception reign
supreme, perhaps the way it has always been in a deteriorating world
that tried to support itself on the basis of graft and corruption,
which was a very dishonest thing to do to all those other people who
only wanted to live and love honestly but are now lying in the dust,
collateral damage in some bogus war or medical experiment.
All of this, you are beginning to realize, has been scripted for us by
very rich Jewish men, who always include a few goyim in the mix to
make them look demographically acceptable. The reason they have
succeeded is that they absolutely have no scruples, yet have created a
system that appears to be run by people with scruples — and suddenly
you see that their demoralization philosophy has succeeded, and we
have no place to turn but to the rabbi with the pills and the
Welcome to the French Revolution, people. It’s here, but you haven’t
realized it yet. Get used to being thin. It’s a Jewish production.
The brilliant British performer David Icke recently lied to his
millions of followers by speaking at length about the difference
between the good Jews and those nasty Zionists who are taking
advantage of everyone including the good Jews.
What a disingenuous crock of entertainment excrement! This is the same
thing that Alex Jones and Jeff Rense do, interviewing these Jewish
commentators (most of them pretending to be goyim of one exoteric
religious creed or another) and spinning their role into champions of
candor and antigovernment paranoia, while at the same time producing
no lesson of lasting value that helps us fight the creeping tyranny
that is strangling us.
There are no good Jews. Except for extraordinarily infrequent
exceptions, there ARE no good Jews. They take a vow every year never
to tell the truth. They believe other people are animals, and that
Jews can steal other people’s property with no penalty (as long as
they don’t get caught by a gullible goy lawman).
Judaism is a cynical criminal syndicate, not a religion. Any society
that pretends Judaism is a legitimate religion soon develops the
pallor of death as a nation, and shortly thereafter disintegrates,
sometimes by revolution, sometimes by disease, often by starvation.
All of these are on the immediate agenda of the United States of
America at the beginning of the fateful year of 2011.
Back only a few years ago, I always wanted to meet David Icke, embrace
him, and say to him, “David, if everyone in the world was just like
you, what a wonderful world this would be!” But I would not say that
David Icke knows better than to say Zionists are the problem and not
the Jews. He’s a brilliant historian who has lost the thread of his
mission in the numbers of the game he’s playing. Icke needs to
apologize to all the gullible goyim he has misled with his
pronouncement that the name we should pin on our elusive enemy is
“Rothschild Zionism.”
They’re Jews, David, and by mincing your words, you are pandering to
them, and as a result, abetting them in their constant and neverending
criminal activity.
But there’s no hope for Rense and Jones, who are dependent on Jewish
money for their survival. They are hopelessly compromised and infested
with deep cover Jewish deceivers. You expect them to constantly fawn
over those good Jews, and they do.
Too bad there is proof positive that good Jews don’t exist, and any
assertion that they do is a moral crime against humanity.
You want to prove it to yourself?
Name me a good Jew, preferably living. No matter who you name, he or
she believes in the Holocaust, that Arabs did 9/11, that Hitler killed
6 million Jews, that Israel is a legitimate country. These are all
Jewish lies, which Jews will defend to their dying day, even though
they are lies and most Jews know they’re lies. Jewish media has done
such a thorough job propagating these lies that most goyim believe
them, too. The real story — no gassings, Jews complicit in the
imprisonment of Jews — is one you really need to learn. Otherwise, you
will remain susceptible to this Jewish mindlock that stands reality on
its head, worships the deformed and the dark, and treats us like
expendable puppets, when we are really, when you stop and think about
it, a whole lot more than that.
That’s why Jews make such bad neighbors, because we’re only just
animals. But David Icke thinks that’s OK, as long as they’re “good
Jews.” Just ask the Lebanese, or anybody else in the Middle East. In
fact, travel industry polls show Israelis to be the most hated people
in the world.
Joe Lieberman. Alan Dershowitz. Abe Foxman. These are the Jews the
world knows. Nothing they say can be believed.
It’s really easy to catch a Jew in a lie. All you really need to do is
ask, “So, there, Gilad, what do you think about Israel?” and listen to
the fiction he will spin. It will sound a lot like what you hear on
TV. I expected more from David Icke, but, alas, did not get it.
Perhaps his decision was based on the fact that his audience is
substantially Jewish, and revels in cynical amusement at Icke’s
entertaining tales of reptiles instead of rabbis.
It is now and forever agreed upon by all the peoples of the world that
any person or group that insists it is better that everyone else is in
fact the very group of subhuman beasts that it alleges everyone else
to be. All in favor say ‘Aye!’ Opposed? The ‘Ayes’ have it, by an
extremely large majority.
This is the very power we need to invoke and mobilize to throw off
this tyranny busily eradicating all natural life on this planet. But
David Icke won’t be with us. He’ll be dazzling all those good Jews
with his intriguing expertise.
Jews control everything in this society; and if you don’t know that,
then you’re actually working for them, too, whether you realize it or
Honest Jews? Name one. I’ll reveal him as a liar with just a few
questions. Then you must forgive me as I laugh briefly at the
breathtaking stupidity of your naívete, and then get very sad knowing
that you have neither the tools nor the will to investigate the
probable cause of your own upcoming death.
Ask yourself this question, David Icke. How could anyone be a good
anything who came out of a system that is rotten to the core?
P.S.: To all those good Jews out there, I have this piece of advice:
make yourself known as soon as possible, denounce Judaism as the
terrific evil it is, and rejoin the human race, which has always
wanted you back. Already people don’t believe anything you say. So do
it soon so you don’t get swept away with the rest of those criminals
when the big light hits.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida
preaching the message that no problem in the world can be
authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by
Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of
human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly
derived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know what
it means.
250 N. McCall Rd.
#2, Englewood
FL 34223
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