von David Icke
Eine der ersten Teile des Illuminati-Netzwerk, welches Forscher, die neu sind, entdecken, ist die Gruppe von Organisationen, welche in Verbindung stehen mit der britisch-basierten Geheimgesellschaft namens "The Round Table" (Der Runder Tisch).
Darunter sind die Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission und Club of Rome.
Dieses Netzwerk ist nicht der machtvollster Ausdruck der Illuminati. Es gibt noch viele elite Gruppen in Ihrem Netz, aber diese "Round Table "-Organisationen spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der tägliche Manipulation von Politik, Finanz, Wirtschaft, Militär (besonders NATO), "Bildung" und so weiter.
Das können Sie alles detailliert in meinen Bücher "...and the truth shall set you free" und "The Biggest Secret" lesen. Aber in Kürze, das Netz wurde geschaffen, um den Illuminati-Plan für die zentralisierte Kontrolle des Planeten Erde durch das 20. Jahrhundert hindurch und darüber hinaus zu befördern.
Der "Round Table" wurde in London (das Operationszentrum für die Illuminati) im späten 19. Jahrhundert gegründet. Der erste offizielle Vorsitzender war Cecil Rhodes, der das südliche Afrika gnadenlos manipulierte und die Länder der schwarzen Bevölkerung gestohlen hat. Theoretisch haben die schwarzen Menschen in Afrika die politischen Kontrolle wieder; die wirklichen Entscheide werden aber immer noch von der europäischen und amerikanischen Elite getroffen durch ihren schwarzen Marionetten-Präsidenten und -Führer. "Unabhängigkeit" ist eine Illusion.
Rhodes spielte die Stämme geschickt gegeneinander aus, bis sie sich im Krieg zerstörten, welches die Übernahme für Rhodes und die Briten ermöglichte. Dasselbe geschieht heute in den fortdauernden Kriegen in Afrika. Einzelheiten dazu finden Sie auf dieser Site. Rhodes sagte, das Ziel des Round Tables sei, eine Weltregierung zu erschaffen, unter der Kontrolle von Grossbritannien (die Illuminati, mit Sitz in Grossbritannien).
Als er starb, in 1902, hinterliess er Geld um die "Rhodes-Stipendien" zu finanzieren, wodurch Studenten aus der ganzen Welt ermöglicht wird, an der Oxford Universität zu studieren (das Zentrum der Illuminati für die Manipulation des "Erziehungswesen"). Der Anteil dieser "Rhodes-Studenten", die in ihre Länder zurückkehren, um Machtpositionen in der Politik, Wirtschaft und den Medien zu besetzen, ist riesig im Vergleich mit dem Rest der Studentenbevölkerung. Sie funktionieren als Illuminatiagenten. Der bekannteste "Rhodes-Schüler" heutzutage, übrigens, ist Bill Clinton, zweifacher Präsident der USA. Aber, während Rhodes der offizieller Vertreter des Round Tables war, waren und sind die wirklichen Leiter und Kapitalgeber das Haus Rothschild, (House of Rothschild), die Bankendynastie am Herzen von so viel der globalen Verschwörung. Das ist nicht eine anti-jüdische Bemerkung, nur weil die Rothschilds behaupten, sie seien jüdisch. Die Rothschilds haben jüdische Menschen mehr manipuliert als alle anderen!! [Was a Hitler a Rothschild]
Die innere Elite dieses "Round Table" in der USA und den UK waren die Schlüsselfiguren in den Kriegs-Verwaltungen Ihrer Regierungen, vor und während des ersten Weltkriegs. Wie Dokumente belegen, arbeiteten sie zusammen und konstruierten die Umstände, welche zu diesem globalen Konflikt führten. Durch ihre Taktik "ein Problem schaffen, um dann die Lösung anzubieten" wollten sie den globalen Status Quo mit diesem Krieg zerstören, wodurch sie die Gelegenheit bekämen, die Welt, Ihrem Sinnbild nach, neu zu zeichnen wenn der Konflikt vorbei ist. Genau das haben sie getan.
Nach dem Krieg lag die Macht in der Welt in viel weniger Händen als vorher, und dies wurde noch weiter gefördert, indem sie auch den zweiten Weltkrieg einfädelten. Bis zum heutigen Tag wird das fortgesetzt und in der Tat, es geht immer schneller voran.
In 1919 fand die Versailles-Friedenskonferenz in der Nähe von Paris statt, wo die Illuminati-Elite aus der USA und UK, Leute wie Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House und Bernard Baruch sich trafen, als offizielle Verhandlungsvertreter ihren Länder, um zu entscheiden, wie die Welt geändert werden würde, als Folge eines Krieges den sie selber erschaffen haben. Sie entschieden, dass Deutschland unmöglich hohe Wiedergutmachungsgelder auferlegt wurden, wodurch der Zerfall der Weimarer Republik inmitten unglaublichem finanziellen Zusammenbruchs verursacht wurde. So haben sie die Umstände geradezu geschaffen, die Hitler (ein Rothschild - siehe Artikel) zur Macht verholfen haben. Während der Zeit in Paris tagten diese Illuminatimitglieder auch privat. Im Hotel Majestic legten sie die Grundsteine für das Bilderberg-CFR-RIIA-Trilateral Commission Netzwerk. In Versailles wurde auch von allen entschieden, die Schaffung eines jüdischen Heimatstaates in Palästina zu unterstützen. Wie ich in meinen Büchern zeige, JEDER EINZELNE von ihnen stammte entweder direkt aus der Rothschild-Blutlinie, oder wurde von ihnen kontrolliert.
Der amerikanischen Präsident, Woodrow Wilson, wurde in Versailles von Colonel House und Bernard Baruch "beraten", beides Rothschildklone und Round Table-Führer in der USA. Die "Berater" des britischen Premierministers, Lloyd George, waren Alfred Milner, Rothschildangestellter und Round Table-Führer, und Sir Phillip Sassoon, ein direkter Nachkommen Mayer Amschel Rothschild, der Dynastie-Gründer. Der französische Premierminister, Georges Clemenceau, wurde von seinem Innenminister, Georges Mandel "beraten", dessen richtiger Name Jeroboam Rothschild war.
Wer, denken Sie, hat hier die Entscheidungen getroffen??
Resultierend aus ihren geheimen Sitzungen im Hotel Majestic wurde in 1920 die Royal Institute of International Affairs in London gegründet, dann das Council on Foreign Relations in 1921, dann kamen die Bilderberg Group (1954), Club of Rome (1968) und Trilateral Commission (1973). Diese werden von Rothschilds, Rockefellers und hohe Manipulatoren wie Henry Kissinger dominiert, die ihrerseits höhere Mächte in der Illuminati unterstellt sind.
Zu diesen Organisationen zählen die Spitzenleute in der Welt-Politik, -Wirtschaft, -Finanz, -Militär und -Medien, -Bildung, usw. Sie sind die Kanäle, durch welche die globalen politischen Grundsätze koordiniert werden, ohne das Wissen der Öffentlichkeit, von scheinbar unzusammenhängenden Länder, politischen Parteien und Institutionen. Die höhere Ebene von Geheimgesellschaften wie die Freimaurer, Malteserritter, usw. sind auch mit diesem Round-Table-Netz verbunden.
The Trilateral Commission:
"...ein Mittel für die multinationale Festigung von kommerziellen- und Banking-Interessen durch das Ergreifen der Kontrolle der politischen Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten"
Barry Goldwater
Here are some related articles on this site and other websites which focus on this particular aspect of the global Illuminati network:
NATO LEADERS CONTROLLED BY BILDERBERG Was a Hitler a Rothschild By David Icke BILBERBERG GROUP SECRET MINUTES REVEALED ~ comments by David Icke Description of the Illuminati ~ by David Icke Spiritual answers to Global Conspiracies ~ by David Icke The Global Elite by David Icke & Jeff Rense Unmasking the Grand Deception by David Icke The European Spider's Web! The New World Order ~ by David Icke The Biggest Secret ~ by David Icke Conspiracy at the Highest Levels ~ by Jason Dunlap Who's Controlling Who? The Global Elite Turning the Tide of World Events THE ROTHSCHILDS & THE GENOCIDE IN ARMENIA AND GERMANY THE ROTHSCHILDS & AND THE "NAZI" POPE YALE'S SKULL & BONES SOCIETY MEMBERS LIST OF FAMOUS SATANISTS, PAEDOPHILES, AND MIND CONTROLLERS ~ Compiled by David Icke OH MY GOD, NO! KISSINGER TO "ADVISE" INDONESIA ~ by David Icke Who is In Control Skull and Bones KINDERCARE AND THE CFR CONNECTION KRAVIS CONNECTIONS TO THE ILLUMINATI KINDERCARE OWNER ALSO A BILDERBERGER and SO IS HIS WIFE!
SLEAZE British Prime minister, Tony Blair, lies about Bilderbergers 3rd Way Socialism or the UK+US Plans to end Freedom Cecil Rhodes Scholarship in Action TAVISTOCK - THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN AMERICA George Soros and the Rothschilds Connection Microsoft and the Bavarian Illuminati List of Famous Masons Throughout History List of Council of Foreign Relations Officers, Staff, and Corporations HILLARY CLINTON, PINDAR'S CORNER, AND THE SUNY MEDICAL SCHOOL Iron Mountain Report Economic Conspiracies The Western Foundation The Socialist Organizations Just Good Friends - The Fabians and Labour The Legacy of Rhodes Scholars Congo - HERE WE GO. UNITED NATIONS SENDS 5,000 TROOPS TO THE CONGO. AFRICA'S "FIRST WORLD WAR" IS PART OF ILLUMINATI AGENDA. by David Icke - 2/24/00 Canada - ERROR? IS CANADA MOVING AWAY FROM STUPIDITY? - 02/29/00 Canada - TOTALITARIAN STATE? - 02/25/00 Canada - ECONOMIC SHOCKER - IS EVERYONE SLEEPING? WILL CANADA BE A 3rd WORLD NATION? OUR BANKS THINK SO. - 2/26/00
World Government, lots of links:
The High Priests of Globalisation. Excellent site on Bilderberg:
Information on Round Table organisations and related secret societies.
Bilderberg attendees, Toronto, 1996:
Bilderberg, Global Elites:
Council on Foreign Relations Official Site:
Trilateral Commission, includes names of members:
Trilateral Commission Official Site:
Trilateral Commission Bohemian Grove Western Elites - DANGEROUS LIASONS
Link URL for websites
Feel free to post this page URL anywhere!
Copyright(c) David Icke- Bridge of Love Publications
Permission granted to distribute this article freely in free-to-the-public media and publications
From Compton's OnLine Encyclopedia
House, Edward Mandell (1858-1938),
U.S. political leader, born in Houston, Tex.; confidential foreign agent of President Wilson; member American Peace Commission 1919.
Milner, Alfred, Viscount (1854-1925),
British statesman and colonial administrator; won international fame as high commissioner for South Africa 1897-1905, period that laid foundations of British rule there; an Imperialist and Conservative, he opposed famous Lloyd George budget of 1909, but joined coalition cabinet 1916 and except for Lloyd George took largest share in civilian war activities; secretary of state for colonies 1919.
BARUCH, Bernard
(1870-1965). Although he never ran for public office, Bernard Baruch was an adviser to American presidents on economic matters for more than 40 years. As a young man he had shown a remarkable ability to make money by investment.
Bernard Mannes Baruch was born on Aug. 19, 1870, at Camden, S.C. His family moved to New York City in 1881, and he attended City College there, graduating at the age of 19. In 1890 Baruch took a job as an office boy in a small New York City brokerage house. By 1897 he owned a one-eighth interest in the firm. He married Annie Griffin; they had three children.
Baruch bought a seat on the New York Stock Exchange and within a few years became a millionaire. By 1903 he had his own firm. His refusal to join any other financial house gave him the reputation as the "lone wolf of Wall Street."
Baruch supported Woodrow Wilson in the presidential campaign of 1912. In 1916 Wilson appointed him to the advisory commission of the Council of National Defense. In 1918 he became chairman of the War Industries Board.
Cecil Rhodes
(1853-1902). South Africa has long attracted men seeking wealth and power. In the 1880s and 1890s Cecil Rhodes found both. He made a fortune in diamonds and gold. As prime minister of Britain's colony at the Cape of Good Hope he was virtual dictator of all South Africa. Rhodes's ambition was not for himself but for his native Britain. He brought Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe) into the British Empire (see Zambia ; Zimbabwe ).
Cecil John Rhodes was born on July 5, 1853, in Bishop's Stortford, England. When he was 17, tuberculosis kept him from entering Oxford University. He went to South Africa and took part in the rush to the newly discovered Kimberley diamond fields. Within a few months he had made a fortune. The active life restored his health, and he continued his education. For eight years he alternated between study at Oxford and work in South Africa. In 1881, just before taking his degree, he was elected to the parliament of Cape Colony. In 1890 he became its prime minister.
Rhodes also controlled the huge companies that owned most of the gold and diamond fields. In 1893 he defeated the Matabele tribe and their king, Lobengula. Meanwhile he schemed against his political opponent Paul Kruger, leader of the Dutch settlers--the Boers--and president of the Transvaal Republic. In 1895 Leander Jameson, Rhodes's friend, raided the Transvaal, hoping to overthrow the Boer government. The raid failed. Rhodes was implicated and forced to resign as prime minister and as director of the British South Africa Company.
Rhodes moved to Matabeleland, planning to develop its natural resources. Soon he had the chance to show his statesmanship. The tribal people who lived in the area had revolted and could not be suppressed. Rhodes talked with the chiefs, heard their grievances, and promised relief. The rebellion ended. In 1898 Rhodes was again elected to the Cape Colony parliament. He had begun to regain his old power when the Boer War (1899-1902) began. He took part in the defense of Kimberley, but his health broke and he died on March 26, 1902, in Muizenberg.
Rhodes's dream of a South African Union came true in 1910. He left his Cape Town residence, Groote Schuur, to be the home of future prime ministers of the Union, now a republic. The University of Cape Town is also situated on his Groote Schuur estate.
The Rhodes Scholarships
Rhodes left most of his fortune to establish scholarships to Oxford University. Approximately 70 scholarships are awarded each year. They last for two years. The original grant for a scholarship-- 300 pounds--has been raised to more than 2,600 pounds a year.
Rhodes scholars are selected from the Commonwealth, Germany, and the United States. Until 1976 only men were eligible. In the United States 32 scholarships are offered each year. Four go to each of eight districts. Candidates must be 18 to 24 years old and must have a degree from a recognized college or university. Each school appoints up to five candidates. From these the state committees of selection nominate two candidates each. Awards are based on leadership, scholastic attainment, success in outdoor sports, and interviews. Scholarship winners may select any course of study at Oxford that they are qualified to pursue. In some cases the scholarship may be extended to cover a third year in postgraduate study.
For most of the 19th century, the House of Rothschild, a Jewish family of bankers, ruled the money markets of Europe. Many European nations borrowed money from them to pay debts, to wage wars, or to finance peacetime projects. The family name was derived from the red shield (rothen Schilde in German) used by an ancestor as a sign for his shop.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) laid the foundation of the family fortune. He was born in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. He became a tradesman and provided some banking services, such as exchanging currencies. An expert in rare coins, Mayer Amschel gained admittance to many wealthy homes, notably that of the elector William of Hesse-Kassel. Soon he was entrusted with some of the elector's major financial affairs. Mayer Amschel raised his five sons to work in the family business.
The Rothschilds owed their rise as international bankers largely to the Napoleonic Wars. Mayer Amschel's third son, Nathan Mayer (1777-1836), went to England in about 1800 and ran goods for the British through Napoleon's blockade. With his brothers' help, Nathan Mayer also transported gold through France to finance the British army in Spain. This action earned Nathan a post as agent of the British treasury. At the war's end the House of Rothschild was commissioned to handle loans to France and Austria.
Nathan' s brother Jacob, or James (1792-1868), established a bank in Paris, France, and his brother Salomon Mayer (1774-1855) set up a bank in Vienna, Austria. A bank in Naples, Italy, founded later by another brother, Karl Mayer (1788-1855), failed to thrive and was closed in about 1861. The oldest brother, Amschel Mayer (1773-1855), remained in charge of the financial business in Frankfurt.
The House of Rothschild financed railroads in Europe and America and provided loans to the United States. Nathan Mayer' s son Lionel Nathan (1808-79) in 1875 loaned Britain the money used by Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli to buy control of the Suez Canal. Lionel Nathan was the first Jew to be elected to the British Parliament, and his son Nathan Mayer (1840-1915) became the first Baron Rothschild.
The Rothschilds have received many honors. Members of the British and French families--the only ones still engaged in banking after the Nazis seized the Austrian house--have distinguished themselves as scientists and philanthropists.
(1863 -1945). At the age of 17, a small slender Welshman visited the British House of Commons. Afterward he recorded in his diary his hope for a political career. The Welshman, David Lloyd George, in time became the prime minister who guided Great Britain to victory over Germany in World War I.
David George was born on Jan. 17, 1863, in Manchester, England, where his Welsh father, William George, had gone to teach school. His father died in June 1864. Soon after, the family returned to Wales. David was educated by his uncle, Richard Lloyd, the village cobbler. In his honor the boy took the name Lloyd. At the age of 14 he began to study law and at 21 was admitted to practice as a solicitor. In 1890 he was elected to Parliament as a Liberal from the Welsh borough of Caernarvon. "The great little Welshman" held his seat in the Commons for 55 years.
(1841-1929). In 1917, near the end of World War I, Georges Clemenceau accepted the post of premier of France. His country seemed on the verge of losing the war; but the premier, a man of 77, guided his people to victory. After the war he presided at the peace conference.
Clemenceau founded a daily paper, L'Aurore, to aid the cause of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, convicted of selling French military secrets to Germany. Émile Zola's famous article in defense of Dreyfus, `J'Accuse' (I Accuse), was published in this paper in 1898. In 1913 Clemenceau founded L'Homme libre, meaning The Free Man, in which he warned of the danger of war with Germany. The paper was briefly suppressed in 1914 but reappeared as L'Homme enchaîné, (The Man in Chains).
In 1919, while presiding at the peace conference, Clemenceau was wounded by an anarchist. In 1922 he toured the United States to urge cooperation with Europe. He continued to write until his death in Paris on Nov. 24, 1929.