\ v J 111 1,M IV\ *i M» * 0D 340 Ml MAIN DO the ; m HIE LIBRARY OF HIE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN 28 - 528-002 rrilMtk" IN U ■ a ss%. rty of Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers' Party its General Conceptions by GOTTFRIED FEDER translated by E.T. S. Dugdale M4AV he Programme of the N.S.D.A.P. and its General Conceptions by Gottfried Feder translated by E.T.S. Dugdale Published by Frz. Eher Nachf., G.m.b.H., Munich 2 NO All rignts reserved, especially that of translation. Printed by J. G. WeiB’sche Bucbdruckerei, Munich Historical Account of the Rise of the N.S.D.A.P. with a Biographical Survey of the Career of Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was bom on April 20 th, 1889, at Braunau on the Inn, a village of the old Bavaria. His father was the orphaned child of a poor peasant and worked his way up to being a Customs Official. His mother came from a German peasant family. When he was 13 years old he lost his father, and four years later his mother. Adolf Hitler was then a scholar at the Real- s c h u 1 e at Linz on the Danube, after leaving the National School. It had been his father’s wish that he should become an official, but his own desire was to be an artist. His mother’s death obliged him without further delay to earn his own living. At IT years old Hitler went to Vienna, where he aimed to become an architect. He earned a living by his own efforts, first as a builder’s la¬ bourer, mixing the mortar, then as an architect’s draughtsman. At 18 years old he was already taking an interest in politics; he became anti-Marxist, but so far took no leading part. From his earliest youth Hitler had been passionately Nationalist, and his hope was to combine the social ex¬ periences of his working period with his nationalist convictions. For several years he lived in Vienna in extreme poverty. In 1912 he migrated to Munich, where he was a student. He had never known youthful enjoyments, but ever since the day when he left home with 50 kronen in his pocket, labour and privation had been his lot. In February, 1914, he succeeded in getting free from the obligation to serve in the Austrian Army. Six months later war broke out. He immediately volunteered for service in the German Army, and obtained, by a direct appeal to King Ludwig of Bavaria, permission to enter a Bavarian regiment as a volunteer for the war. On October 10 th, 1914, the new regiment marched forth. On December 2nd, 1914, the 25-years old volunteer was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd Class. In recognition of his bravery in the ataack on the ‘Bayernwald’ and in the other engagements near Wytschaete, he was ordered to take on duty as a despatch-carrier, which demanded especial courage and reliabi¬ lity, for reports had often to be carried across open ground under heavy fire. This quickly made his name known throughout the regiment beyond the narrow circle of his comrades. On October 7 th, 1916, he was wounded by a shell splinter. In March, 1917, he returned to his regiment. He received several other distinctions, 3 ■ including a Regiments-Diplom for special bravery in the fights near Fontaines, and finally the Iron Cross, Class I. 9 gm On October 1^ th, 1918 he was severely injured alonq with manu th^utiL 1 for^h r TTr by th , e 1 Mustard Gas w hich the British were then using for the first time, and he .was temporarily blinded Whilst he was in hospital the Revolution broke out. On this Hitler resolved to become a politician. In 1919 he joined with a small party consisting of 6 men and on it he founded the National ociahst German Workers’ Party. He drew up in outline the Programme of the new movement, and settled its character and aims. 9 The Nucleus: Seven Men. hp t l n JX embe ^ Adolf Hitler made his first speech to seven men- Q20 97 n , f S n d J Ud ‘ e t nCeS ° f “• 25 ’ in December 111; in JanuZ 1920, 270, and shortly afterwards 400. On November 14 th, 1920 he spoke at a mass-meeting of 1700. He now organised the propaganda of the f a ° t “" 9 . W n e u„f te . r a year's work numbered 64 members. A gear i„ m l 92 ° — * d , alread 9 reached 3000. Hitler’s propagandist activitu m Munich was such that he was finally addressing mass-raeetinqs three ‘XcXV Zt’Z d r ffl0 f f a as he carned on a course of TnstruXon He attacked first and foremost the folly of Versailles and denipri tho MHMhat Treaty th ® C . entre Part 9. etc - that it’was possible to rulhl that Treaty He pilloried the slogan of these Parties — “Give uo fhaf a a fter S ' a a r n m VhL 0t f erS ^ alS0 disarm ’’ He spoke on ‘he assumption arm if g ‘ Ve " " P bp us the rest would continue to ~ 1 f nat ™ th thGir °wn money, then with the millions wrung from od the m s Pn H nnd a r me f d T* " ati0 c n - Whilst °PP° s * n 9 the propaganda that th the S ^mr wn„M ? tre m faV a " r ? f Si9 " ing the Treat y- he Propheded tnat the Kuiir would be occupied, whatever we signed. 1921. . Thls year was marked by the foundation of the first local groups at Rosenheim and Landshut. Hitler organised the first body of men to protect the Party and began his fight against the Separatist movement CircusTn'Munkh. eadGr addressed a meetin 9 of over 5000 in the ho1n He meedn 9 s ^at fulfilment of the Treaty would not nrlcn aS f th - G S,P ‘ D ‘> CGntre a * d Volkspartei asserted, to build up German bound Gr fn 1 L Pea f C i e f and quiet ’ b , Ut that the result of that fooIish pohey was bound to be inflation on a large scale, involving immense injury to German industry. Hitler’s assertion that the black-red Government was ‘b^p n ^rpd°r dC ^A ah0n ff 1Se the State RaiIwa y s was declared to be a bare-faced he An attempt at a revolt within the Party was defeated. powers r3fted the n6W Constitution of the Par tyf which gave him dictatorial c o;?, c o ial Democr 3cy, which was unable to continue to ignore the name Hitler, now attempted to get rid of its bug-bear by methods of terrorism. There were sanguinary collisions at the meetings, in which our leader s iron nerves maintained the upper hand. An invincible body-guard 4 »•. formed in the course of them, which thenceforward was named the Morin Detachment’. 1922. Whilst the conquest of Munich was proceeding, the movement was i < giiming to spread throughout the rest of Bavaria. Hitler rejected all • \ pi lures, by way of compromise, to join up with other Parties. He; .uluallii destroyed all similar ‘nationalist’ party formations, and made tin- National Socialist movement supreme over them. In October, 1922, Hitler marched at the head of 800 men to Coburg, nnd in twice 24 hours for the first time utterly crushed the Red Terror in Hint town. Adolf Hitler declared then publicly that we were rushing headlong in Hip direction of inflation, which he had foreseen as the result of the l><>1 m i| of the black-red coalition. He became known as the most dangerous mid best hated enemy of the system. Social Democracy and the Centre b.n Hi teased defending themselves by argument, and adopted a policy of defamation. 1923. In January, 1923, the first great Party Conference was held, and the lirst banners of the Party were consecrated. The Storm Detachment was formally incorporated. The Party propaganda was exhaustively studied and improved, and 1 he permanent principles of the organisation were settled and established. Adherents gathered round Hitler in large numbers, the majority of whom are to-day his stedfast partners in the struggle. The attacks on him were meanwhile pursued with increasing determination; he found himself in prison for the first time on the charge of disturbing the meetings of his adversaries; he was constantly fined. Nevertheless he never for one moment ceased fighting against the system. During the summer of 1923 Adolf Hitler proceeded to break down the Red Terror in the majority af the towns in Bavaria; Ratisbon, Hof, Bayreuth, Nurenberg, Fiirth, Ingolstadt, Wurzburg, Schweinfurt, — often at the cost of bloodshed in street fights, in which he defeated the Social-democratic and Communist terrorist bands. His struggle against the incompetent Government of the Reich was accompanied by bitter accusations. He prophecied the ill-success of the Government’s feeble resistance in the matter of the Ruhr, and con¬ stantly attacked the stupid policy of an understanding with France, and that of fulfilment. He never failed to point out the necessity of an under¬ standing with England and Italy. In November, 1925, Adolf Hitler made his attempt to overthrow the system. The rising failed, and Hitler was arrested. 1924. The great Trial took place in Munich in March, 1924. Though found guilty on the facts, our leader achieved overwhelming moral justification. Hitler’s defence influenced the Court to such an extent, and his assumption of sole and exclusive responsibility was so convincing, that the speech of the counsel indicting him turned into a remarkable testimony to his 5 honourable motives. The Judge however condemned him to a period of The. National Socialist Party suffered by the loss of its leader. Its adversaries were convinced that the movement was done for and took courage to sign the infamous Dawes Pact, thus deliberately starting the system of the plundering of Germany which was brought to a head in the Young Plan. What a triumph for the Social Democrats and the Centre! ine objective of the enslavement of Germany was apparently achieved! In vain Hitler tried through his associates, who were at liberty to put up a fight against the Dawes Pact. In vain he made them declare in public that the assurances of the Centre Party, the S.P.D. and the Volkspartei, that the foreign loans under the Plan would increase national prosperity, that unemployment would cease, that wages would be raised and taxes reduced, that agriculture would be saved, were merely a de¬ ception of the nation. In vain he made them point out that the Dawes Pact was bound to increase poverty, since the interest on the loans would C f iP P f £ M^ dUStry ’ whllst the loans themselves merely served the purpose o ruifiLing the financial obligations under the Plan; bankruptcy and unemployment would increase, wages would sink, prices and taxation would rise still further, and the farmers would be faced with utter ruin and be forced to part with all they possessed. On December 20th Hitler quitted the fortress. 1925. By February 27 th, 1925, Adolf Hitler’s call for the re-birth of the Party went forth, and he made his first speech after his imprisonment be¬ fore an audience of 4000 persons. National Socialist movement had been broken up after the events ° f T 9th ’ and a11 its P r °Perty and money had been confiscated; so that Adolf Hitler now started with nothing in hand to rebuild the Party from its foundations. Vorwarts and Germania in Berlin made fun of his efforts and mocked at the “fool whom imprisonment had made mad”. Nevertheless the reconstruction of the Party proceeded with great rapidity under Hitler s leadership. The old leaders gathered faithfully round him once more. Hitler stimulated the Party press into fresh activity. By December, 1925, the Party numbered 27,000 members. The Centre and the Social Democrats in alarm decreed that the leader should not speak in public for two years. 1926. June of this year saw the first Conference of the Party since Hitler’s imprisonment. The bourgeois world were still convinced that the policy of fulfilment would save Germany and that the Dawes Pact would revive industry. The Marxists weie convinced that their domination was unshakable. President von Hindenburg separated from his supporters and marched off with the Centre and S.P.D. The Party carried on the struggle; by the end of the year it numbered 49,000 members. 1027, Hie order forbidding Hiller In .peak in public was withdrawn, since II was found impossible to enforce II. lie addressed numbers of mass meet bur. ihich month saw the Party more and more firmly consolidated. Developments all round proved with greater and greater force that I Idler had been right. The Dawes Pact was unmasked, and its con yuences were terrific. The Social Democrats and Centre Party attempt id to save what might be saved by means of lies and abuse. In August Hitler summoned a Party Conference at Nurenberg, which proved a great success. By the end of the year the Party numbered /.\000 members. 1928. Adolf Hitler led his Party in an intensified assault on the existing 11 l < iit. National Socialism was now the inexorable enemy of the de .i myers of Germany within and without. Hitler directed his attack espe (Killy against the senseless ruining of the farmers and middle classes, lie pmphecied the catastrophe which would fall upon the home markets. He declared at hundreds of meetings again and again that the policy of fulfilment was lunacy, and that its consequences would mean death mid ruin to German industry. The Social Democrats and Centre mocked mid jeered in their attempt to get their revenge. Their lies and abuse were directed at Hitler personally. By the end of the year the membership numbered 108,000, and 12 members of the Party sat in the Reichstag. 1929. Adolf Hitler continued his fight with the existing system willi untiring energy. The Press of the Party was perfected, the Storm De ¬ tachment increased, the SS formations strengthened, and the propa¬ ganda intensified. The doctrines of National Socialism began to penetrate deeply into the national consciousness. On August 4 th the second Party Conference took place at Nurenberg on a tremendous scale. Hitler attacked the black-red system with ever in¬ creasing energy and stood forth without a rival as the most powerful leader against all that was meant by ‘Democraty’. All attempts to oust him from the leadership of the Party were crushed. By the end of the year the Party numbered 178,000 members. 1930. The struggle against the Young Plan was in full swing. Hindenburg defended it with energy, asserting that by it Germany would be saved, that German industry would revive, that unemployment would be stemmed, that the farmers would breathe again, and that it would be possible to lighten taxation. Adolf Hitler described such views as unreal and fatal; he prophecied the contrary. His Party proceeded to enlighten the nation amidst severe fighting. The opponents replied with a stream of lies. 6 7 I he Elections to the Reichstag took place on September 14 th, 1930. The Party polled 6 V 2 million votes, and 107 members were elected Its internal organisation was stronger than ever. A few minor attempts at revolt, promoted from outside, were promptly crushed by Hitler and those who would not submit unconditionally were expelled. The Centre Party, which had now delivered itself into the hands of the S.P.D. for good or ill, began to excite the Church against Hitler. Bishops and Priests, belonging to the Centre Party, started a fanatical attack against the National Socialist movement, excommunicated its adherents, and even refused them Christian burial. Hitler held unshakably to his conviction that the Centre spelt ruin for Germany, and continued ms fight against it with even greater determination than before He sternly rejected any attempt to extort some modification of his opinions from him. By the end of the year the Party numbered 389,000 members. 1931. i he fight against the Young Plan continued. The consequences fore¬ seen by Hitler became a reality. The Government began to administrate by means of emergency mea- sures thinking thus to save industry. Sharp disputes followed, in which Adolf Hitler again pointed out the fatal consequences of that policy. In a few months — a few weeks even — he was proved right. Meanwhile numbers of National Socialist newspapers had starded into life and the central publishing office of the Party had gradually grown to be a vast enterprise. The organisation had become highly efficient, and the Storm Detachment had in course of time reached a hiqh stage of development. Our opponents wallowed in lies, and were allowing orders for qoods to be placed in France. By the end of the year 1931 the membership of the Hitler Party attained to 806,000, a month later to 862,000, and again a month later to I 920,000. On the day of the Election there were something like a million members, and untold millions of supporters at the Polls. The man who was once a poor worker and later a soldier at the front has thus in barely thirteen years built op the greatest political organisation which Germany has ever seen. The sole resources against this man which his oppenents can employ are lies and defamation. And be has always won so far in spite of all the lies, and this time he has come near to being elected President of the Reich. Has anyone in the whole history of Germany ever accomplished a similar achievement in twelve years, in face of opposition from Party, high finance, Capital, Press, public opinion, bureaucracy, lies, terrorism and persecution? This was no sheltered child; from his earliest years he has been a man in the highest sense of the word, relying solely on his own strength. 8 Preface Al Weimar in 1926 the Council of Hie Party decided to publish a series • •f pamphlets, dealing in a concise form with the fundamental questions ofieri lug every aspect of political life in Germany. Our intention was, and II, l<> present a consistent and complete picture of the attitude of National '.<•< mlism towards the various tasks of our public life, and of the means by ' hit'll it hopes to remove its errors arid defects. Our task is therefore to examine exhaustively how it stands, then i<* enquire scientifically whence it originated, and finally, with • unlive inspiration, to answer the fateful question, what then? The inqli aim of these pamphlets is to indicate new methods for the life of the ’►tali', for finance and economics; to set on high a ‘rocher de bronze’ in the midst of the chaos, to form a stock of clear knowledge by close •indy. \n that out of it all may emerge a united political will. Al Ihc great Meeting on August 31st, 1927, Adolf Hitler declared emphatically: “Questions of Programme do not affect the Council <■1 Administration; the Programme is fixed, and I shall never suffer Hiunges in the principles of the movement, as laid down in its Programme.” With this decisive pronouncement on the part of our Leader I associate myself whole-heartedly, for nothing is more dangerous to the life and striking force of a movement such as ours, than that, as time goes on, its fixed Programme should be subjected to negative criticism. No man who feels that he cannot go the whole way with us in the Jewish question, in our fight against high finance, the Dawes Pact and the pauperising policy, or in any other questions contained in our Programme, or is inclined to barter the liberty of the German nation through the League of Nations, the Locarno Pact, by compromise and cowardice, need apply to us; his place is outside the N.S.D.A.P. We utterly reject the ‘superior pri¬ vate knowledge’ which such as he are so ready to air in platform oratory and journalistic out-pourings. A man who agrees fundamentally with our principles may perhaps 1 mve scruples about a few minor details, for we cannot expect evergone to agree absolutely on all questions, especially in an aggressive political movement. It is, however, a different matter when political enemies make mince meat of some one Point by odious misrepresentation quite beside the point, as has indeed happened. In such a case an official commentary is necessary. (See p. 19: Point 17.) We refuse to vary our Programme for reasons of expediency, as other Parties do, to suit so-called altered conditions. We intend to make condi¬ tions suit our Programme, by mastering them. I have been commissioned by Adolf Hitler to issue this series of pamphlets, which are to form the official literature of the Party. 1 have included the official Manifesto of the Party of March 6 th, 1930; also my reply to ten questions (p. 14 et seq.) set us by the Deutsche T a . In the Reich, as we hope to see it, the rights of Land .hall he respected and there shall be an Agricultural Policy for Germany. There can be no hope of any sweeping improvement in the conditions nl poverty of the country population, or of a revival of agriculture, as long as the German Government is in fact controlled by the international m ihc organisations must also establish the class of farm labourers as |n>mi'l l . of the farming community by contracts which are just in the |n< i■ 1 1 * use. Supervision and arbitration in these matters will be the func- n hi nl the State. It must be made possible for good labourers to rise to in -.i.iius of farm-owners. The much called-for improvement in living con- (b) when — by a judgment of the Land Courts — it is held that itJ 1 ' 1 " 111 ’ :mc * wages of farm labourers will ensue as soon as the general owner, by bad farming, is not acting in the national interest; (c) for the purpose of settling independent farmers on it, when th owner is not cultivating it himself; (d) when it is required for special State purposes in the national intere (e. g., communications, national defence). . r .__ ___ __ _ v _ _ ? Land acquired illegally (according to German law) may be confiscateJngh schools for agriculture, with very favourable terms for youths with I inning situation improves. When these conditions take a turn for the m I irr. it will be no longer necessary to employ foreign labour on the land, in id this custom will in future be forbidden. '1. The national importance of the farming class requires that the State [.hall promote technical education in agriculture. (Juvenile institutions. without compensation. 9. It is the duty of the State to colonise land which has become avail-! able, by a scheme based on high considerations of a policy of population. The land shall be allotted to settlers as a hereditary possession under conditions which shall make a livelihood possible. Settlers shall be selected by examination as to their civic and professional suitability. Special favour shall be shown to sons of farmers who have not the right to inherit (see § 7)J Colonisation of the eastern frontiers is of extreme importance. In thi iilnit but no means.) Professional organisations cannot provide all the f.slslance required by the farming class; only the olilical movement of the N. S. D. A. P. for German liberty can do this. The country population are poor because the whole German nation is case the mere establishment of farms will not be sufficient but it' will bel. . 11 is an Grror to ima 9 ine that one sin 9 le class of workers can es- necessary to set up market towns in connection with the new branlcht ,,pit. 1 1 saved or inherited?” Answer. Has any farmer to-day an ‘unearned income’ out of demands lor interest, or can any landowner live on money saved from his rents? This means that there is anxiety among certain land-owners who still Live a little capital left, or else there is intentional mis-comprehension »r ignorance of that most essential demand of the National Socialist Programme. N. B. We mean literally “breaking down the thraldom of interest”. Mo one will describe small amounts of interest from savings or a mortgage ii a government loan, as the thraldom of interest. What we mean by l is when deliberate inflation has robbed us of all our savings, and the ,u mcr Inis to pay interest on fresh mortgages and short term credits at ah-, which ruin him. Those who favour of sticking to the present system of capitalism are iqainsl the true interests of the farmers, and in favour of allowing the I>.mks and their agents to batten on agriculture. For the rest I would refer readers to my pamphlets entitled D e r l, In at auf nationaler und sozialer Grundlage, and Das I'rogramm d e r N.S.D.A.P. I V * Our policy as regards taxation states clearly and consistently: To free the consumer from the burden of indirect taxation, and the producer [irom taxes which cramp his business. “Does the Party intend to remove import duties?” Answer. The Landbund ought to be aware that the National Socialist vote in the Reichstag went absolutely in favour of protective duties on agricultural produce, in accotdance with its principle — Pro¬ tection of the nation’s work in town and country. VI. The question of Profit-sharing. It is impossible here to deal with this wide and difficult subject. In my weekly journal. Die F1 a m m e, I have described our attitude in detail in n number of articles. 15 mmmmm - r r The article in the Deutsche Tageszeitung is misleading, sii„ it removes from their context the sentences which it quotes. I personal consider that profit-sharing in the general sense of the capitalist ar. Marxist schools of ideas is not the correct solution. On this subject ol P rogramme refers to workers in factories, and there is no point in attempt ing to clear up the question in a pamphlet dealing with agriculture. VII. Extension of Old Age Insurance Benefits. “How is it proposed to raise the funds for this purpose?” Answer. There is provision now for Old Age Insurance, but it is many cases insufficient, and is regarded as pauperisation. Once the burdc of taxation is removed, and those who are now unemployed but able tq work are restored to the economic sphere, there will be sufficient means fc providing ample Old Age benefits for those who are past work. VIII, IX, X. These are merely questions to do with Party tactics, and not with an principle. Being in opposition against a coalition which has brought unhappin^.. to Germany, we have naturally now and again to vote with the Communis (although a whole world divides us from them), just as the Germa National and the Christian National Farmers do. We allow no one to dictat to us where we get our adherents from, but we turn to all — worker bourgeois and farmers — who have a good German heart in their bodi and are men of good will, and desire to see an end of Parliamen mis-government and the wretched policy of fulfilment (of the Peao» Treaties). We do not consider that ‘social communication’ with other Par¬ ties is a proper method of freeing the German nation from Marxism anc Parliamentarianism, for that leads to political bargaining. Nothing bui dictatorial action and determined exercise of power can pull Germanu oul of the mud. The nation wants not fine words, but forcefulness; not bargaining, bu solid work for our poor, down-trodden nation. i 11 < altitude towards the permanent official class is surely a worthy »i«> Wt should not be such whole-hearted admirers of the great King if I'm . 1.1 if we were against this class. What the Army was abroad, a mm, in* or Tiiptible official class is for the State at home. Honour and duty iiit ii nun* again become essential qualities in our officials. The kind of Itli Inis, who are at the beck and call of the Reds and the Blacks, will ii'n,i-i" ar in the coming State; such Party wire-pullers have no use hi liminur and duty. i In- suggestion that the National Socialists are against the officials and nirml to reduce their pay and do away with pensions, is of the nature ,l ii political lie, which has been circulated by the Press of our opponents. On the contrary, we desire to grant to all members of the nation who him served Germany faithfully all their lives long, a pension of honour lu ll will relieve them of cares in their old age. It is only thus that 1 " ill nv.istance will be freed from the stigma of ‘pauperisation’. We must also refer to the extension of the pension idea to the indepen- li’iil hades and hand-workers. There is no need to worry about how we in lo raise funds for the purpose. When we cease paying thousands of Millions abroad each year, and still more to our own banking houses, a action of those sums will suffice to pay for Old Age Pensions. Assistance and Insurance. A full and clear account of the foregoing is given in No. 19 of th< National Socialist collection — Unser taglich Brot: Basic Ques¬ tions of German Agriculture; by Hermann Schneider, Eckert dorf, Kreis Namslau, regarding the whole policy of National Socialism witl respect to agriculture. It contains well conceived proposals for re-establish¬ ing the suffering farming class of Germany. No. 16, by Dr. Buchner, contains an excellent essay on the meaning and spirit of our economic policy. No. 12, by Colonel Hierl, describes our policy of national defence. We shall conclude with a few remarks on certain questions which our political enemies misrepresent spitefully and untruthfully in the hope of doing us an injury. vr II >1 Unemployment II is not, in itself, the affair of the State to support with State funds n< n who are able to work. Our attitude towards the present system of l i-.i'.lunco for those who cannot earn a living has never altered; we have ilwnys pressed in Parliament for better conditions for the workless. This do, not because we think it a right state of things, but because a ernrnent like the present one, whose idiotic foreign and domestic policy carried labour, food production and all commerce to the edge of the . .. i; in duty bound to let its policy go by the board. /\ State which is unable to reinstate in the economic world millions of him who can work, deserves to be swept away; so if it fails financially In meet the problem of assistance to unemployment, we merely shrug our [boulders. The various attacks on the system of the dole, even if justified when In i) refer to cases of abuse of this social assistance, fail to turn us 1*1111 the principle we believe in. Granted that, amongst nearly 3,000,000 nu iiiployed there may be 2 or 300,000 notorious scrimshankers who would rmlily return to work if the dole were removed — we must not forget lml there remain at least 2 V 2 million good workers, employes, engineers, (•clinicians, foremen, clerks, etc. seeking desperately for work and unable In IiikI it. It is owing to the failure of our thoroughly unsound State Imlii'ii that it is impossible to make any change in the miserable unemployed lulc. A I I ;icks on Religion and the Clergy. We cannot declare too often that the N.S.D.A.P. is not dreaming of 1 n.ichmg the Christian religion and its worthy servants. II is the corrupting policy of the Centre and the Bavarian People’s Marly which we attack; these lose no opportunity of crying “Church in 16 17 Danger” except when they are making common cause with the atheis cal, God-denying Social Democracy. It is because we have so high and holy an ideal of man’s relation wards his God that we hate to see religion besmirched with the dirt political conflict. 2. The 25 Points .. All citizens of the State shall be equal as regards rights and duties »' " must be the fi fod d u UtU The IndtduYTay Tot ....unity and be for the general good. We demand therefore: II Abolition of incomes unearned by work. Abolition of the Thraldom of interest ... view 0 f the enormous sacrifice of life and property demanded ;; r ;.,ded i0 as b a U S ag^Te°natt^^ ruthless .. . of all war gains. ,3 We demand nationalisation of all businesses which have been up II, e present formed into companies (Trusts). „ , _ we demand that the profits from wholesale trade shall The Programme of the German Workers’ Party is limited as to period^ | 1J|rt>( i ou ^ irsorWc bovo nn intpntion once the aims announced in it have been The National Socialist German Workers’ Party at a great massmeed on February 25th, 1920, in the Hofbrauhous-Festsaal in Munich announcl their Programme to the world. In section 2 of the Constitution of our Party this Programme declared to be inalterable. The Programme ine programme ui me ueimau vn«nmu ~ ■ , The leaders have no intention, once the aims announced, in it have-beet W e UKUiailu - ■ achieved, of setting up fresh ones, merely in order to increase the disl creation and maintenancc of a healthy middle class, content of the masses artificially, and so ensure the continued existence communalisat io n of wholesale hf^mP/cSerahon sZ 15. We demand extensive development of provision for old age. the Party! Immediate U aders and that extrme consideration shall 1. We demand the union of all Germans to form a Great Germany °r ,sl ; :i a cb ® ap u r ‘ * n purveyors to the State, district authorities and the basis of the right of the self-determination enjoyed by nations. • j£< 2. We demand equality of rights for the German People in its dealing! _ _ j _rirvann TropfiDQ nf VprsHillQS 311(31 I / Wg Clem , /. We demand land-reform suitable to our national requirements S” . ~~ )■•••••»'!« and prevention * We ^a^l^t^ry ^ies) ^ the nourishment of J&. .„„„ in _ 1, we aemanu equamy ui uyuw ~-- z - ... ~ with other nations, and abolition of the Peace Treaties of Versailles an St. Germain. sLm’SzrjmS: src-L.-*.** «. r .. a sjs^smx. — We demand ruthless J—on usurers', DUl UlUSe ui. uci iiiciii uluuu i - , ,. nation. No jew, therefore, may be a member of the nation. • I • _ . _ C ^ OIaIa tvinii litrn ir nation, ivo jew, iiituKiuiK, mciy ^ -7 . .*■ 5 Anyone who is not a citizen of the State may live in Germany onm.uv. „ T aw which serves the materialistic as a guest and must be regarded as being subject to foreign laws ■ 19 . W e demand that the Roman Law, 1 ^ ^ ^ Gemany fi The riaht of votinq on the State’s government and legislation tl wo rl1 education. The curriculum nractical life Comprehension .rough into line with the requirements of practical me. bomp „ -i igfu 109 s Adolf Hitler made the following declaration: ' 'I'fneSmTo ^.0 the Ms, interpretation on the part ot our opponents ot l-ohd 17 of the Programme of the N.b.U.n.t'. orooertu, it is obvious that Since life N.S.D.fl.P. admits ^rfmoensation’ merely refers to possible legal po- lliv expression ‘confiscation Wlth( ^^^XaaUu acquired or not administered in accor- vvr. to confiscate, if necessary, ^ ^ accordance with national welfare. It is r/, JH; | IkC hrst instarfee against the Jewish companies which speculate in land. /Wunldi, April 13th, 1928. (signed) Adolf Hitler. 18 of the State idea (State sociology) must be the school objective, beginm with the first dawn of intelligence in the pupil. We demand developn of the gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupat at the expence of the State. 21. The State must see to raising the standard of health in the nat by protecting mothers and infants, prohibiting child labour, increas bodily efficiency by obligatory gymnastics and sports laid down by h, and by extensive support of clubs engaged in the bodily development the young. 1 22 . We demand abolition of a paid army and formation of a natioi it it • H discussion at the General Meeting of members on May 22nd, ii i (••.olved that “This Programme is unalterable”. This does in 11 every word must stand unchanged, nor that anything cpen or develop the Programme is to be prohibited, but it ibsolute decision and unswerying clarity that the principles IHuliii'i ideas contained in it may not be tampered with. In ic i .m be no bending or twisting from considerations of expediency, 'Men Interference with very important — and for the present-day 11 infills in politics, society and economics, very unwelcome — lie Programme, no deviation of sentiment. in in II Miller prints its two main points in leaded type: The Common Interest before Self — the spirit of the Programme. Abolition of the Thraldom of Interest — the core of National Socialism. ()uce these two points are achieved, it means a victory of the ap- • "lulling universalist ordering of society in the ‘true State’ over the m m ill-day separation of State, nation and economics under the corrup- iitl Influence of the individualist theory of society as now constructed, uiianuauy m ur inriuencing uerman newspapers and that the penalt * mm State of to-day, oppressing the working classes and protecting for contravention of the law shall be suppression of any such newspapei 1,1 l ,ilillGd 9 ains of bankers and Stock Exchange speculators, is the arena and immediate deportation of the non-German concerned in it H H 1,1 reckless private enrichment and for the lowest political profiteering; It must be forbidden to publish papers which do not conduce to th< " v ‘ 1 ' 1 ° " ,ought f t0 “ S P“P le . provides no high moral bond of national welfare. We demand legal prosecution of all tendencies in a P ower . of money most ruthless of a powers, holds absolute and Uterature of a kind likely to disintegrate our life as a naUon a J '""T " ,,d f™ 25 “H-upting, destroying influence on State nation. -<•. a ... p c a uauuu, i| taxation and interest payment, menaced from below by the , 1111 > 1 111 < i *. of I lie submerged workers, they have bound themselves blindly ,, .pile controlled by capitalism, whilst the exploiters of the present m* sillier them to remain in power merely as slavedrivers over the ,,, 11 , i 1111 masses. Their fury is directed not against the lunacy of in simii. hul against the wearers of the Hooked Cross. They forget that; } mid we alone saw the tragedy of German economics approaching, ,,-Heed and showed how, if taken in time, Germany by her own strength uid 11 .lore the balance. Associations under every kind of name, reasonable in their basic ideas hopeless in the present chaos of public life, are seeking how to produce dcr. II is all in vain, for they are not in touch with the nation as a mil social whole. All are merely intent on snatching small advantages i their own caste; bare of any political or economic principle, they >l;i to each political party in turn. They bow to the existing system yuuu, simple woraer. i ne marxists nave lost their neads and are crowdirfliT |, i l() e ‘ RI1 poiiuuu pcuuy m mm. to join up with the plunderers of their own class, whilst they turn savagelf 1,1 kow-tow to the so-called supreme authority, against those who stand ready to rescue it. " ..... The Nationalist and other Parties are in the Government, or Then cost the German nation untold sums in payments to numberless ,imii'.udirectors and wire-pullers, but no one of them does the least fighting to get into it with those who have destroyed their national ideal 1 " m1 •'dhilioii — a criminal measure — robbed all classes, the thrifty, and lose thereby both honour and character. The defence association" 1,11,11 nl associations, artizans of their savings. Some new tax, straigit and lose thereby both honour and character. The defence association" 1,11,11 ()f associations, artizans of their savings. Some new tax, straig i are striving to penetrate ‘into the State’ — the State of Severing an mm ll,r 9 rGen table > destroys the hopes based on years or worK. /in Grzesinsky, — pacifists, internationalists and Jews, with whom they belien' iv, " 1,; " ,( ‘ ( J ained after numberless meetings, discussions, deputations M , i| U . Government, is usually annulled by to a rise in the cost of living, Grzesinsky, — pacifists, internationalists and Jews, with whom they belie they can run the government. They have gone off their heads! The so-called Rechtskrei fail to see that eagles and snakes, wolves and lambs, mankind and t cholera bacillus, cannot join in co-operation. They are putting forth rise or a fall in prices. Chaos and lunacy! How can a farmer live under such persecution? [low can the worker buy with prices rising all the time? What good their strength to give an appearance of ‘order’ to disorder, political chaol' 11 ,() n ! ise the pay ° f °? f ^fnoTin^tl^ir^crcduUt^ talpfrom political effeteness. But they set their faces against the National Socialists"'' ^ } v T g continues to nse. They loo AL A political effeteness. But they set their faces against the National Socialist, those ‘fanatics’, being filled with crazy fears that the latter might deprivi them of some of their former privileges and positions, — forgetting tha they lost all through the very people from whom they now demand share in the political loaves and fishes. The industrials, great or small, have but one end in view — profits only one longing — credits —, only one protest — against taxation; they fear and respect only one thing. — the banks; they shrug their shoulders over the National Socialist demand for breaking down the thraldom o interest. Their one desire is to ‘make debts’. The vast tribute extracted fronL , loans by the banks, without trouble or labour, they regard as perfecth H should be stated here that we regard as Order neither the apparent in order. They found parties of economy and vote for the Dawes Laws •
  • Which is not the ‘Father of the Nation’, but the tyrant and tax- itlirtor of the money despotism. So they turn again and again to the old Parties, say they dont care .1 politics and belong to no Party, and at the same time let the nvlelicd Party squabbles go on as before. The great task which National Socialism has set before it is a tin initiation to restore form, to despel the chaos, to set the world , / IN /, has departed from the old dispensations , in order again , and to mini that order — in the highest Platonic sense. II should be stated here that we regard as ‘Order’ neither the apparent , of a policed State, nor the robbery of finance hallowed by custom permitted by law, nor the conspiracies of syndicates, trusts, and other 22 23 organised measures of national betrayal, however well they ‘func Even a band of robbers has ‘order’, prisons have their ‘regulati But in the nation, taken as an organic whole, every aspect of our pi life shows pain, bondage, suppression, insincerity, and presents a chi picture of a struggle of all against all. Government against people, Party against Party, at the same concluding most unnatural alliances, employer against employe, mere... against producer and consumer, landlord against tenant, labourer agai farmer, officials against the public, worker against ‘bourgeoisie’, Chi against State, each blindly hitting out at his particular adversary thinking only of his own selfish interests, his advancement and money-bags. No one reflects that the other has a right to live, or tt pursuit of his own selfish ends means that someone else has to pay for' No one thinks of his neighbour’s welfare, or of his higher duties to 1. community. A breathless pursuit after personal gain. Elbow your neigi bour to get on, tramp on his body if you will get anything by it — wl care? That is modern business. Let us not deceive ourselves. We are in the midst of a great wo: change, and it is natural that simple souls, poor wandering spirits, see way out of the chaos, seek relief in suicide, or think the world is cornu] to an end and join in the race after the golden calf and rush blindly in the whirlpool. “Enjoy while you can — after us the deluge.” So terrible a blow to the morale of a nation is only possi and explicable when the whole intellectual foundation of society shaken or else false, — and in fact we see that Marxism, Capitalism, a the leaders of our public life all worship the same god — Individuali Personal interest is the sole incentive, — obtaining advantages for on own narrow class in life. Later on a further contribution to this series will appear, devoted a careful socialogical study of the construction of society. Here I shall only attempt shortly to show a comparative picture the difference between the organic errors in the State and politi economy of to-day and the essence of a National Socialist State. T present day doctrine is: Society is the sum of the individuals — t State at its best a convenient aggregation of individuals or associatio We may compare this doctrine of the construction of society to he a p of stones. The only real thing about it is the individual piec of stone. Its shape is a matter of chance; whether a stone is on to y underneath is indifferent. The result is neither more nor less than a hea of stones. By the same simile, the State which answers to our Nation Socialist doctrine of society and philosophy of the State is the h o u s Speaking mechanically, the house also consists of so many individual brict — sand, cement, joists, windows, doors, floors, etc. But any one can se that a house, a room, is a higher entity, something new and peculiar complete in itself, more than a mere sum total of bricks heaped togethe Any one can understand that a house does not come into being by pilin a number of single parts in a heap, but only by assembling these pa according to a deliberate plan. I in ii nil flSI ft I Ii ' ' MfO’ ill i I 11 nil illi a nation. Not until chaos has been organically, by, a ii. brought into order and gives place to form, not until a I. iwis been assembled out of the mass of parts, can the true . i )ii!y then will the component parts assume a purposeful i pann, formerly Rector of Vienna University, has explained i in Ills book, Der wall re Staat, and in his Gesell- hit lire the socialogical bases of the present day individualistic n|.pu\cd to the high ideal of universal order in a State founded on principles. National Socialists coined the phrase, which all men can com- I mini 11«I In in I The Community before the Individual. U ii only by serving the general interest as a member of the national in Mini ii I ii that the individual awakes to a higher life, each one in his i n plu< c. Only so will each one attain to the genuine Socialism, the inninn.il feeling, the true life, win consciousness of security, and realise nl < miIij under the domination of this idea can an organic, national eminent arise from the present day system of robbery, and be of "Hi in the community, and to each member of the community. In l our speakers, for instance, dare to attack this basic question,though • I of them feel how important it is; for one of our Party slogans is • ilil capital and the Stock Exchange”. But what the ‘thraldom of in-.1 ’ really is, how it bears on the life of the nation and the indi- ii.il. liow ‘finance’ has enslaved the population, and what the right I pi iclical methods are which must be adopted to break it, and what results of breaking it would be for the whole population — is suf- i ni Ip dear to very few to enable them to explain it in ther own words. In his great work, MEIN KAMPF, (Vol I, pp. 224—225) Adolf Hitler . indicated the vast importance of this question as follows: “As I rind to Gottfried Feder’s first lecture on breaking down the thraldom Inlcrcst in June, 1919, I knew at once that this was a theoretic truth immensely important for the future of the German nation ... The against international capital and finance has become the chief po the Programme for the German nation's straggle for independence liberty.” All serious National Socialists share this conviction, for the so! of this question implies solution of the Jewish question, — and much than that. Anti-semitism is in a way the foundation of the feeling underlying’ whole movement. Every National Socialist is an anti-semite, but every Semite need not be a National Socialist. Anti-semitism is negative; anti-semite recognises the carrier of the national plague-germ, but knowledge usually turns into hatred of the individual Jew and the succes! the Jews in the life of business. Then in the best event ainti-semi rises up to help in driving the Jew out of our State and 1 economic The anti-semite does not worry his head about How and What next. If, even after the Jew was driven out, there still remained principle of present-day Jewish domination — self-interest before gene interest — and the Jewish banking and credit system, there would still enough bastard Jews, or even ‘normal Germans’ of mixed race as rea to step into the Jews’ shoes and rage against their own race as are Jews to-day, and we should perhaps see plenty of ‘anti-semites’ sitt where the Jews once sat, Now National Socialism with its main demand. Breaking down Thraldom of Interest, is essentially constructive. It bites deeper, and consequences are far more all-embracing. In my essay, Das Herzstiick unseres Programms, (Nat Jahrbuch, 1927) I pointed to the peculiar position that demand gives us a all other Parties and associations. In all our other demands we find si and parallel aspirations in the Parties of the Right and Left. No o| Party but ourselves can show any counterpart of this one demand. We all know that neither the Left, with their false cry of “Do’ with Capitalism”, nor the Right with their phrases about the Fatherla are capable of starting a new world epoch, for neither the Marxists the reactionaries could alter anything in the nature of our economy would only destroy as the Communists in Russia do. They are incapabl construction — like the Communists in Russia. What do we mean by Thraldom of Interest? The condition of peoples under the money domination of the fin? of the world Jewry. Hp§t>U .ill u-iin must earn their bread by mental or bodily work, whilst |m|h iiiioiirit of their little interest was taken from them in the form [*• ifn, that we can easily afford to repay them in their old age IH uf Hf H lull earnings, which were taken away. I shall have more tmi nl m nit this later on. ii . Ilf necessity of breaking this thraldom is of such vast importance Mm Million and our race, that on it alone depends our nation’s hope i bill ii i up from its shame and slavery; in fact, the hope of recovering iplucw, prosperity and civilisation throughout the world. 1 1 /*. the pivot on which everything turns; it is far more than a mere , r of financial policy. Whilst its principles and consequences bite ■ mto political and economic life, it is a leading question for nunc study, and thus affects every single individual and demands a ■ ion from each one: — Service to the nation or unlimited private en- nt< nt. H means a solution of the Social Question.” \ll ’world-questions’ are capable of being described in one word, which . like a flame out of chaos; at the same time countless prophets and le. cannot exhaust all the questions which arise out of that word. We cun say no more at present on this vast basic principle of National mb ni. I have already thrown light on every essential side of the The land-owner is under this thraldom, who has to raise loans Mem in my pamphlets: Das Manifest zur Brechung der finance his farming operations, — loans at such high interest as almc i to eat up the results of his labour —, or who is forced to make debts a to drag the mortgages after him like so much weight of lead. , So is the worker, producing in shops and factories for a pittam whilst the shareholder draws dividends and bonuses which he has n worked for. Itnechtschaft — Munich 1926 (now out of print); Der » i I bankrott. Die Rettung — Jos. C. Huber, Diessen, 1919; kiunmende Steuerstreik — Diessen, 1921; and Der Deut- Staat auf nationaler und sozialer Grundlage — her Nachf., Munich, (all obtainable through the library of our Party Munich, Thierschstr. 11). So is the earning middle class, whose work goes almost entira inicuslve study is required to master the details of this problem, for to pay the interest on bank overdrafts. 4| practical economics of the last 50 years have followed the capitalistic 26 27 idea so closely, that all who have grown up with it need a coi change of orientation in order to get free from it. j A pamphlet on the subject is soon to appear, which will ai rmtionahst^tate 131811311011 0 ° ^ highIy im P ortant task of the . In ad(k tion to the two quite novel basic principles of our Proa given above, we must mention certain others in connection wl general policy of the State. The principle underlying our policy of the State is shortly as f The German Reich is the home of the Germans. It is the great principle for our whole foreign policy, and in rmany s political liberation, all the requirements of our racial polic the conditions of membership of the State. P nnm? r iT° miC prindpIe is: Th e duty of the national e nomy is to provide the necessities of life and no secure the highest possible profits for capital. nf M T f hiS ? r l ndpl , e of cconomic Policy embraces a fundamental att of National Socialism towards private property, and with regard tc various forms of business, from the very small to the very grea Syndicates, Trusts — and also to the great moral questions which be a living force m business, if the ‘national economics’ are not to profit ! 09 mere GXpl0itati0ri of the nation and to being run simply Our principle as regards finance is as follows: Finance shall exist for the benefit of the State; the fin magnates shall not form a State within the State . This principle involves a seismic change. It concerns the ore measures which will have to be taken to break the Thraldom of Interei - nationalisation of finance, control of the system of credit and banking system. Every one of these tasks is of the greatest importance from the of view of our Programme. They involve all tax legislation, wit ultimate - and seemingly impossible - aim of a State without tax Our principle as regards social subjects is as follows: The general welfare is the highestlaw ofall. This principle of ours is in direct opposition to present dau prac according to which every class, every profession, tries to advantages for its own particular group in social policy without re< to the general interest. We wish to make it possible for all to fir dwelling and for all to make a living, and to institute a general systei care for the aged. . re 9 a rds educational and moral progress it is our unchanqe principle: that all work in that direction is to be done from the sole p of view of German nationality. It cannot be by order or by force the moral and intellectual forces of our nation may introduce a i Renaissance, a new classic epoch in the arts. A stop will have to 28 I tjiti suffered by our German artistic and intellectual life at 1 !•! ih' Jewish dictatorship, especially through the poisoning of pi i ft ""i ilii*. important domain of public life there are, of course, y nf nllit i improvements to be considered. h I'h m Unit our system of Law will have to be modified to meet Hf'lli Hi in li institutions; that the scandal of election to Parliament Ml ih . . . idle vote will have to be removed, and that, following the • it"-, ,i |>i iiod of a Dictatorship, we shall have to decide on the • mi visible form of the State and the internal functions of the til Mule*. \in .-ill. however, we can see in this brief outline the vast dimensions t» < -i hi" lions when set face to face with the tremendous fundamental "I i" iim is — Germany’s re-birth to German liberty in the German I i li< misins to this aim are: lie political principle: The German Reich is the home of lie Germans. • i) in foreign policy: I Formation of a homogeneous national State, embracing all of (ierman race. ' Energetic representation of German interests abroad. I*) in racial policy: .f Dismissal of all Jews and non-Germans from all responsible positions in public life. 'I Prevention of immigration of Eastern Jews and other parasitic foreigners. Undesirable foreigners and Jews to be deported. • ) in internal policy: None but Germans who profess entire community with the spirit and destiny of Germany may exercise the rights of a citizen of the State. 29 6 . He who is not a German may only live in the Germt as a guest and is under foreign law. 7. The rights of Germans shall have the preference over citizens of foreign nations. II. Our economic principle: ThedutyoftheStateistopr the necessaries of life and not to secure the hi possible profits for capital. 8 . National Socialism recognises private property as a pi and protects it by law. 9. The national welfare however demands that a limit st set to the amassing of wealth in the hands of individuals 10. All Germans form a community for the promotion of the welfare and K u 11 u r. 11. Within the limits of the obligation of every German to the sanctity of private property being respected, every C_ is free to earn and to dispose of the results of his labour.) 12. The healthy combination of all forms of business, smalj large, in every domain of economic life, including agri( shall be encouraged. 13. All existing businesses which until now have been in the of companies shall be nationalised. 14. Usury and profiteering and personal enrichment at the ex] and to the injury of the nation shall be punished with deal 15. Introduction of a year’s obligation to work (for the incumbent on every German. ~ III. Our financial principle: Finance shall exist for the bj fit of the State; the financial magnates shall] form a State within the State. Hence our aim to bj the thraldom of interest. i"'III mil principle: The general welfare is M\v of all. the • •'•pmeiit on a large scale of Old Age Insurance by nationa- It tun ili« system of annuities. Every member of the German State ' b‘ assured of enough to live upon on attaining a certain hi. oi, il permanently disabled, before that age. M i*.ii il. Ipation by all engaged in productive enterprises in the }u.,riK according to efficiency and age. Responsibility will also i'« hared in fulfilling the task from a national point of view. ; i i me lor social purposes of all profits made out of the War 1 ih<* Revolution, not due to honest work, and of the fortunes • ■I usurers and money-grabbers. ■ i"Hel of the shortage of dwellings by extensive fresh con- .1 1 union throughout the Reich by the means suggested in No. 20 (a new national bank). <>iu cultural aim is that all the sciences and fine arts It al I flourish on the basis of a politically free, .. mi call y healthy State. The means of achieving this ill he: 2<». Training the young up to be healthy in body and free in mind, after the great traditions of German culture. /. Complete liberty of creed and conscience. 20 •penal protection for the Christian denominations. 20 Discouragement of dogmas, which are opposed to German moral Instincts and contain matter injurious to the State and the nation. .mi Discouragement of all evil influences in the press, in literature, Hi' sl.ige, the arts and the picture theatres. 31. l iberty of instruction in the German secondary schools; for¬ mation of a ruling class of high-minded men. 16. Relief of the State, and hence of the nation, from its debtedness to the great financial houses which lend on int< 17. Nationalisation of the Reichsbank and the issuing houses. 18. Provision of money for all great public objects (waterp- railroads, etc.), not by means of loans, but by granting interest bearing State bonds or without using ready m 19. Introduction of a fixed standard of currency on a secured 20. Creation of a national bank of business development (cur: reform) for granting non-interest bearing loans. 21 . Fundamental re-modelling of the system of taxation on sc economic principles. Relief of the consumer from the bi of indirect taxation, and of the producer from crippling tax (fiscal reform and relief from taxation). M I 111 a r y affairs. 32 To make the nation efficient by permitting every free German in serve and bear arms. 33 Abolition of the paid Army. 34 Creation of a national Army for national defence under the command of a highly trained corps of professional officers. • M her recommendations. ■ >. Press reform. Suppression of all journals which militate against l be national good. Strict responsibility for all untrue and inten¬ tionally falsified intelligence. 3<>. AAodification of the franchise laws so as to cut out the demo¬ ralising methods of election contests, and the immunity of those elected. 30 31 m 37. Formation of special Chambers for trades and professio 38. Judicial reform as regards the Land Laws — recognisation of the rights of pro land as a principle; no right to borrow from privat ces on the security of the land; the State to have tli of pre-emption, especially in the case of foreigners an the State to be empowered to administer estates in the of bad management on the part of the owner. Civil Law — grealty increased protection for personal li health, as opposed to the one-sided legal protection rights of property, which predominates at the present dn 39. State Law reform. The form of State most suitable to the German cha is sovereign control united in a central personal powe nation must decide later on whether this central p power shall be wielded by an elected monarch or a pr Federal character of the Reich. The constitution of the German nation out of a numb countries closely bound together by race and history n it necessary that each one of the States shall be very e sively independent in internal affairs. It is the affair of the Reich to 'represent the German abroad, and to provide for passports, customs, also f Army and Navy. There are three main obstacles to carrying out this national gramme of National Socialism: Marxism, the Parliamentary system, the capitalist magnates. 1. Our anti-Marxist campaign is directed against the disruptive trines of the Jew, Karl Marx — that of the class-war which splits u| nation, that of distruction of private property which makes business possible — and against the whole economic materialistic view of hi 2. Our campaign against parliaments is directed against the la responsibility of the so-called representatives of the people, who — immune — can never be summoned in practice to answer for the rc, of their decisions; also against all the evils which arise out of the s (moral corruption, nepotism, venality), all resulting in the final e a government which is dependent on such a parliament 3. Our campaign against Mammon, which ranks above the other is directed against the world-embracing power of money, i. e. the per exploitation of our nation by the great lending houses. It is also a tremendous struggle against the soul-killing, mate spirit of greed and rapacity with all its disruptive accompani throughout our public, commercial and cultural life. |iII Hi i h|)||b hilt i I I It'll I Ml i Minimal things, commercial, is chiefly represented by the ' .ilism, like anti-semitism, regards the Jewish-materhillstlc i l l cause of the evil; it knows however that this greatest in I m y must not stop short at merely destroying the Semitic ■ I*, why the great Programme of National Socialism goes far mli .cinitic desire to destroy, for it offers a positive con- i “• i mi. showing how the National Socialist State of labour and at (Might to appear when completed. i iitiuii til high aim is achieved the National Socialist Party will dissolve It'iii'ih' iilii; for National Socialism will then be the entire life of the H'li < '• • mi.mi nation. The N.S.D.A.P. is not a political Party in the ordinary n|tf (>i ill*- word, but is that section of the nation, which is confident it "I l lie future, which has gathered round strong and determined blei'M l<> deliver Germany from shame and impotence abroad and from Hi mi 1111 '«i 111 on at home, and to make her once again strong and respected . i, .ind morally and economically healthy at home. "The German Reich is the home of the German people.” i vein word of this principle of State policy is a cut with a lash, when ..Ider the miserable state of things to-day. Mi. ’< ifrmau Reich’ — where is there a German Reich to-day? Can M"mu Iny claim to be called an independent State? No! Not even the .pliii cut pundits in State Law could describe a country, such as now, as one in full enjoyment of all its rights of sovereignty. I In live most important rights of a State are: sovereignty over its ilni'ii, Ms army, its finances, its internal administration and communi- .11 . and lastly its justice. ..." have only to put the matter in this way to any layman without "i < planalion of a nation’s rights under International Law, and |. ne il with Germany’s position to-day, and it becomes clear that it is . 1 1>1“ lo maintain that a severeign ‘German Reich’ exists any longer. • »m control of our territory is a mockery, for whenever France chooses i mi seize upon German land without asking leave and without suffering ilii'ii. Czechs, Poles, Danes can venture on any inroad into German ill" 11 without fear of hindrance. The ‘accursed old regime’ put a very i. "I lulci pretation on the slightest breach of frontier. A military inroad . i.. imaii territory then implied a ‘state of war’. In protect its territorial sovereignty a nation needs an armed force iMe lo repelling any attack on its land, and therefore on the lives and I'"" . of its nationals. A free State cannot permit a foreign Power to two essentially differing structures — the spirit which has created aj creative and the unquiet, grasping spirit. The creative spirit, deep-r( but superior to the rest of the world in spiritual experience, is d ! mu M'i " ill 11 Oil. Mil" || VV Villi 1 III 1 ( II' 1 lll.l lo pr< Millie lo • plllt' NS ( ulliih It 1 i il piiu •hi. hi M i/m ill til • .I The main battle is one between two world-theories, represent®' " 11 ’ a dions, or f° have the right of deciding the strength, I"". "I. armaments, garrisons of its Army; if it does, it is certainly deign’; it cannot command its means of power; it has given up i il-. military forces. Germany has done this by giving in to the mainly by the Arian race; — The grabbing spirit, without roots anyvl ' ommissions for Disarmament and Control. 32 33 Policy of the State III) T h« (lertn an Reich shall be a home for the Ger- i"i jews, Russians (Communists), Social Democrats, who have ■ lied Germany (Crispien), nor for all the foreigners who • liorter stay on German soil in .harp and fundamental opposition to the Weimar Consti- *p«aks only of ‘German nationals’, but ignores the con- i i m.m’ in the national, or rather racial, sense. ■ •I llu* seven following theses has three separate aspects pi pnlU'ii, (1>) population, (c) citizenship. i 1 1 nine colony of Austria, and the States which succeeded to the old in I hi . demand however expressly excludes any tendency towards i iii .m. il i\ the simple and natural demand, which any strong natio- [ pul* lot-ward as its natural requirement. .Ii i m 111 representation of German interests abroad iii Hut mid necessary corollary of Point 1. I* H ii.illy 1 he best, most industrious and venturesome — engineers, ■ « . professors, merchants, doctors — who go into foreign lands, im i <.crman Kultur with them. They are members of the great hi nutli contempt will be the result. d b' n r i a l policy. I s elusion of Jews and all non-Germans from all .■ii l hie positions in public life. Ii iin demand is so natural to us National Socialists that no further nl Ion r. needed; but it is not possible to give convincing arguments •r in iliosc who fail to take in the principles of our racial doctrine. 34 35 Anyone wlio looks I 1 w T\:«° l u? 3 ^^^s^segrenJed State ° f the " ,8n r' e t0 4 or mnl P Zf e the tIle ""(Idle of a strawh tiat a cab bage which h* i°* ^ Is dern and. |Jf j strawberries could bemfJ "! was a strawber™'IT" by ^andll tliat a lion cub hj ? 9°‘ fr °m it, he would be £ 9plant - *<1 that goal a s t heep. A German wm?M 9 °1 “ amon 9 a flock nf It 9 35 if he thou* psSss SK SE us J Jewish bankers as well *" G1 * n State and that J^ at Evolution! immigrated into Germanu^ Jews froi n the East wl ,0 " g_estab hsheJ Germany. We have =7, U ’ have enriched thL i lW, ° hav e recent* ^t the time of s k ™ ™ ««*, mto holes. They starte/Tu • Wel1 iloused whilsl'r w ‘ ls 9'eat dearth of pearls, Persian ^nek 7^ dirt « businef bn„?„ C '' mans had to creep thousand mark notes P cAn dlam ° nds - gold, silver n 9 .-" P cver ything _ ' ator Company). They aZT,' 'T* literat «« Iheat.cs War L °™. °7“ - - 5"! SM ! *S w. „ tav , . 1,1 ™ G sense of the Th IS question doers bastardised’. nc Wlth the German nation uni.V^"^^^''^ , that But we can staf- n Gn ^ G ~ markable Tntfre^arTseF sfemmed't de ^ence “““ « » *- s a£-Sfr s .x-s 36 |.) As regards State e 11 i z e n •* li 1 p we demand I li a t none but G e r in n u w li o believe in G e r m a n lull ..I- and the com in on d e s I 1 n || ol nil Germans, shall Ei i i 11 1 | I li e ri g h t s of a citizen o l I li e State. i ii here limits must be drawn. People, who, even though German |||ii act consciously in a wnjj Injurious to the nation and the State, and pfci'i .md obey orders from abroad i. e. do not accept a share in the EHtnnnM destiny, may not be allowed the rights of citizenship; there are fa|t< i>iii to whom we shall have to deny the high honour of enjoying these 1111111 H» (>. Non-Germans may only dwell in the German State K| guests, and shall be regarded as being subject to foreign law. This is a necessary principle, calculated to put an end forever to the §b i imi obsequiousness towards the foreigner. But it does not mean that Vvi| hall not welcome citizens of a foreign country warmly and treat them w .’ll as guests so long as they conduct themselves properly; but 7. The rights and interests of Germans shall have preference over those of the subjects of a foreign n ,i t i o n. Our further requirements need not be included in our Programme in detail. For instance, the form assumed by the laws affecting foreigners will come on for settlement later, also the methods for excluding the Jews. /V Programme of principles cannot be expected to be a Programme of .u'lion, giving tactical details of how supremacy is to be secured, etc. I am opposed altogether to fixing our Programme too rigidly, for in this great struggle we must first determine the principles from which we shall never draw back, and not imitate the votecatching methods of the bourgeois and Socialist Parties. Economic Policy It is the duty of the National Government to provide the necessaries of life and not to secure the highest possible profits for Capital. It may occur to simple, plain-thinking men that to announce this obvious fact as a principle is superfluous. It is a common-place to the producer, the farmer, the artizan, the manufacturer, that what he makes is either used or consumed, — by himself or, as an article of commerce, by others. In his eyes business which is not concerned with production or con¬ sumption is ridiculous, impossible, against common sense. This brings us to one of the great intellectual difficulties in our recruiting work. Our fellow-countrymen are bound to say: — Of course your natural sentiment in thinking of the meanings and aims of labour 37 plunderers give a thoijrrhrT ey ~ Ienders and Profiteers? Dn tJ I t^r ^aged in creating valuT'd??^* of life? No^l for thems™ ta the e ~ie mer^fmass wla$9 wtHH°S ,credit '- h who have no home nf 1 au * — To the needu the ’ 321(1 to ™ £S!Lr^,r""^^'s arsus— c-ss swa r -»»sss whether the producers' they char S e interest Do^ht h* , natural Ze iHtfonrCth, n6CeS= « T ^ »«» earn? 4, “ “» 6 '"b W »!S"wKf i.»° sf «»««£' ffvsrsxT *s earninos to the' «• to* a? ifswSSrS. i sfSS^ssjs J°y of possession will fan* 1 ?* ^ now the lonqino for n 3 eating Private ownership s,ii fai to unc *erstand the im fo ‘ Possessions nor the fc preying typtof tn is' a?" has 110 ™o£2 !?“ °f recognising ‘o Possess, whilst fh» L J "' aflS envious, alwaus se!l U IS curious that modest in his ideas He w C ? an ’ the ^lid ma n of S , 0methitI 9 fr csh A workman does not u . nts no mor e than hr n* ' 1S abs olutelu he wants a nice little a t0 have a &ie ZTuhtyu get b « Ws work course of his iL n 1,ouse of his own not a ni he could never earn house costt bu1,d he B rt T pa “ ta a ^ or7ou r °7 m £ Wh f * ^ he tied to any plo ' t Ianrl } T’ tbe capitalist, -L 211 much as the niortqaoe rio D I p or Jana ; his ideal i<5 n m ~ 1g does not want tn other people’s mortcn pr( ) )missor y notes. Wealth rm^ • Stuffed with scrip =*3 £?R5-“Jss ff £ p ' 7 ”- 6 '™«-- sasV s aavs The welfare * •■aiii * 0 the amasti ° gt °^^^ it fetbe e cajitallt 9 s 0 y s d t e m 0 0 f loa^ 6 " 6 ^ 0 ^^^^^; them^ WeI1 SI " 9 lnt ° 3 CUrS6: itis robbery The'great masl'of G p Wealth from" a bfe£ mass of possessionless workers 40 i'Hi (lit indebted middle class arc »|« Mini Im 11 • • i and fiullici separated |i Mill the rich; countless small owner, hh • Ii linin'd upon lor debt, and the ■liter of the financiers, who know no IMlii 1 Imitl n»> home land, waxes mil more sinister, as they sit In lie n . 1 • 111 ». * I »l >« 1 Inn on castles, the hunt To meet this the National Mali h ill in II Hint : 10. All Germans shall be r o r in e d Into a com m 11 a i l y o I ■ nr It for the furtherance of Mr < o aim 011 welfare and M Mil u r. This idea of community of work iinpllc . 111 • economic overthrow of the Inlversalist conception of society. /\ll wink and production must be iu- lladed within the higher idea of servin' to Hie community. It is in no way Ipposcd to personal effort and industry, hut II means that individual pro Jjrr.s shall not be at the expence of one’s fellow men. Our No. 11 gives Hprcssion to this demand. //. Within the frame of the general duly of work attaching to every 1 i< fman, and with recognition of private ownership as a principle , every 1 ierman shall be free to earn in whatever manner he chooses , and lire to dispose of the results of his labour. The foregoing expressly rejects the socialising schemes of Marxism and also high finance. The State shall include the greatest possible number of free existences linked by the social idea of service.-It is nf course out of the question to run mines, blast-furnaces, rolling mills, hip-yards on a small scale, but a hundred thousand free and independent master-shoemakers are better than five monster shoe factories. The great landed estates in the North and East of Germany are more productive by being run on a large scale than if managed by small 1 reehold farmers. Small freeholds do best if within easy reach of towns aid villages. Our No. 12 demands that; 12. A healthy combination of businesses of all kinds, large and small, including farming, shall be main- la i n e d. 13. Great businesses (syndicates, trusts) are nationalised. This demand is consistent with our general struggle against the capitalistic idea. — The first aim of syndicates and trusts in any parti¬ cular branch of production is to unite with other similar businesses for the purpose of dictating prices. They are governed by no desire to distribute good wares at a cheap price. Such ‘rings’ are specially attracted by new businesses which are doing well. New firms in the same line of business are bought up and put out of the way, often at a very large price by way of compensation. Supply is regulated by pooling, by which means they are able to regulate prices in accordance with an apparently genuine ‘supply and demand’. That is what concerns the shareholders, who have no desire to see prices kept low by competition. New ideas and inventions are viewed with a hostile eye, and preferably suppressed if their adoption would endanger the paying capacity of older plants. Such businesses, run as huge trusts from a big central office, are clearly ‘ripe for socialisation’, i. e. they have ceased to fulfil any of the services 41 f rr ^hW*' «"oV. B h t lf, , ,T. ; u e ^;s:| of ma Sf r" r° tadividual p "*4 by the inflation. It was the firlt r • ° Se who Promoted and nrofitJ s^us nation was robbed the wh^ 3 .? iSt ° ry that a " “total? flahon on the vast scale as hap^^ed ln°Ge™^u bU 3 CTime of ^ robbery 6 . C^^n^cHmVto ° n W3S WOrse bighwaj parues than to any organised robber band Pr3CtiCeS ° f the ‘warcoj and shall have ^o hndTlegal fomnlalo Zh theSe things more in detail ^ lat or 9 an ised fraud against the nation’ But ever y° ne will agree more, severely than snLll theft TZnZo^rl^ ^ or ^Vltrftr C ete% O Germ 0 a b n U9atiOnal year ° f ^oa, the SuZfZVutyZlervicZl^ 9 WiU be the visible expression to Place before each German an example of rtf 3 ” 1 . ta be cdu ®«onal, and to one man together. It will show whoxe community workinq as ...» «„™, du# In Lo^Cg S |» 3 « Financial policy Breaking the thraldom of interest. second^hatef'Lrvvttat'oltes, S ° ful,y set down in the for achieving our objective in practice " hGre thG Weasures t^table its 1 i 5 ndeb?edn'e 0 s n s°a f nd e from te t’i and V! ° f thena tion from terest to the grat financial houses ,0a,ion to P a « In- Tbore fs T,," 0 to do *°- cont r r y oi n s°;L a ; d in tbea t ^J oan |kf * f ° rC " d “> cannot do! It did tWs in a Junatic f^, 0 " " b ' which private person to £ the me Wit l! the Rdntenmark, and the sam’c 7. ■ °? e • inf,ati °"- » did . The Statto^rmate^faTbltf ^ s °- caIled R Smark. ,tS C °' ltr01 . without the danger of inflation being tavolved!''- 3ut'o^y Ttst?"^’ ] 42 17. I hr Reichsbank and all /In- issuing bunks are nationalised, ami IS If there is provision of money for nil great public Objects w.tier power, railroads, etc.) not by means of toons, but by granting interest-bearing State bonds , or without using ready money. In oilier words: — Wanton printing of bank notes, without creating n» w values, means inflation. We all lived through it. But the correct i (inclusion is that an issue of non - interest - bearing bonds by the State i mmol produce inflation if new values are at the same time created. I he fact that to-day great economic enterprises cannot be set on fool without recourse to loans is sheer lunacy. Here is where reasonable ii of the State’s right to produce money which might produce most In nrficial results. It must be clear to anyone that, for instance, a great electrical plant ii my water-power might well be erected in the following unexceptional manner: The Government introduces a Bill in the legislative Council for ex¬ ploiting the water-power of Bavaria, Saxony, etc., by satisfying all economic requirements. The local Diet, or other body, decides on con- • i ruction, empowers the Finance Minister or the State Bank to issue a .iTies of bank notes, marked specially to show that they are fully covered by the new works under contemplation. These notes are supported by the combined credit of the State or the Reich. No one can show any objection on the score of inflation. Construction takes place on the additional credit granted by the Council representing the nation, and the notes become legal tender like the rest. When the work is completed, nitrates or electricity are supplied lo customers against this money, and in a few years the issue can be recalled and destroyed. Result: The State, the nation has instituted a new work, which secures to them a great new source of revenue, and the nation is the richer by it. To prove the folly of the present system let us compare the foregoing with what goes on now. A loan is taken up. A few capitalists do what the whole nation, even though Parliament may vote in favour of it, cannot do; they allow the State to borrow money from them. Instead of using its direct authority for the benefit of the nation, the State engages to pay per¬ manent interest for the sum required to complete certain work, thereby hanging a mill-stone round its neck. And, what is most costly of all, it issues bonds, thus creating ‘fresh purchasing capacity’. On the balance- sheet it makes no difference whether the new work is represented by new paper money or new bonds. But the community suffers injury be¬ cause the bonds imply that the new work is mortgaged to capital, which naturally makes itself quite secure, dictates prices, and takes the profits. Thus it is really the financiers who are the richer by the development of the nation’s water-power; they are indifferent about repayment; they like to have to such monopolies as permanent milking cows. The popu¬ lation are forced to pay dear for electric current or nitrates, and once again a part of the national property is converted in the interests of the financiers. 4a E S t 3 b 11 s h ni /) m i a p ^ 10 P m e n t and econo*,, f “ n6W natioaa l bank for d eve - isS§S"!»i» K ta ^ « ^FbHE^pc/ Las tiESnSS for ™ of a fully worked ^ut Th° ^ Bavarian Government in the with the idea: but once the 'experts' ^ aS at first much^ sum path u nto consultation, the Government rejected" •Feder’futol^ WMe drawa in the Landtag^there worked^":d" f Thurin 9 ia in February 1924 0 ur Pa von Kliichtzner, theflXMta 1 a bank and found section also were in sympata“*£’ ?^ t *° "-operate; thebS^Sb Government were empowered to establish ^ ^ V ?‘ e in the Landtag the - eTr-oT t h W e h S ft £ ft*“ carried out. 3 n k, forbade the will of the ^ ' banks Ve m a the'd n f f 0Umne introdac «< ia snort Session of the Dawes n* Si different States; in the ss thc Gov ™ nt *“*.«■*/ & ttLTTttTSS? “"e bU SrmIn h ! Reichsbank was expected to ’place°in °the" way° lh» “"possible to build in sufficient Every German with n home o! his own. A free people on unencumbered land. V Complete re-modelling of the system of taxation on social ft>li Ural economic principles. Deli eery of the consumer from the burden i<; indirect taxation , and the producer from taxes which gramp his hi fi 1 •Hies. Social Policy Social policy is the favorite motto of our present political cure-alls. 11 sounds so nice, makes them popular, and attracts votes for the Party which promises to make everything right. When every Party promises the official, for instance, an increase of pay, they call that Social Policy. It is the same when they promise to grant the wishes of the clerks • 'nd workers; or when they do a little to relieve people with small incomes, or war sufferers, or young teachers, or Germans abroad. And all the people run after these political rat-catchers when they play mi their ‘social’ flute 1 . It must first be made clear that Social Policy denotes, The public welfare the highest law, and that, as now understood, Social policy is really one of self-interest having no regard to the general wel¬ fare. All sorts of careless promises are made, and those who make them must know from the start that it is impossible to fulfil them. Now that Germany is so powerless politically, economically and finan¬ cially, — which finds expression first in the Dawes Laws and now in the Young Law, and in the so-called policy of fulfilment which has laid burdens on our nation, making life almost impossible — it is both false and ridiculous to talk about ‘Social Policy’. Now that German life is so cramped, when each man is treading on his neighbour and trying to get ahead of him and to shove him aside, when the different classes of the population are at variance, promises to favour one group at the expence of another are not ‘Social Policy for the general good’, but one of inciting one class against another. They know very well that a momentary ‘improvement’ is annulled by a higher cost of living and higher taxation. Social policy means something very different — a determination to solve the social problem. The out-of-luck, the exploited working classes believe that their just wages, their proper position in the social order is being withheld from them — hence class war. It is clear to all that our economic life is suffering from deep injuries, bitter injustice. And yet the conclusions drawn by Marxism with its ‘class war’ and its ‘social and economic demands’ of ‘expropriating the expropriator’ and ‘socialisation’ are utterly false, for that strikes at all the true requirements of a genuine social policy, whose highest law is the general welfare. 1 Rn allusion to the Pied Piper of Hameln. 45 hatrc 1 d h ®-Exp5riau!"" i of%he IxSoDf", ~ 3S a princi P le of policy - r=w?£ ait Once again National Socialism f; i ,, .’ 0n ^ a ^ e ap of ruins. cm ^- 1G soc ' a l — political theories ,„i,;„i mancial magnate. (Marxism, the war between ZIL7 *° be ‘^-capitalistic’ dnlP Th neC l SSari,y ca P«aIistic, for t Shari P t °h 09 35 underst °°d to-dau Capitalism and Marxism flro ^ J 1 Ggard to others, same intellectual stem There is o ° u G , 3ild the sameJ They grow on ft, 22 . Great d e v e 1 o n m „ . . W IS the yenera ' welfare. nationalising life-annuAies 1 ^ ° ld A9e Ins urance by man nation shall beass,.r.i , Ever “ member of the fler t a i n i n g a e e r t a i n age and o n *5" nently disabled. 9 ’ and bef ore that age if perma-" That is the solution of the social problem. t“s r- «**«-«««. anxiety T J 56 f,U " 9 on «■"’ ^ his social organisations of fee Ma^L^T^ 0 " 3 . t0 » togethii in sham- animosity between employer and e? r f n , Gap ' la ! lst l MP es and embitters the stmets on both sides, LZutTfl Sit £ «" basest L nmosity is the result. The worker’s 46 |,i 1 1 | ht aim in life fades away in Mu* •.!i in im 1 *' f<»' »• moinontary increase of vuinjes, and he never realises wlml 11 u* urcnl aim of social policy should' in proper provision for old n y c We note once again how the Stale discovered a good and commend- tihlc solution in the case of the official (’lass, by providing for them after Mirement. It is the proper and happy solution of the capitalist ideal ol jit!oine, namely to convert it into the true State’s ideal of provision, based on personal labour and efficiency. It will be the highest and noblest aim of National Socialism to realise standard of general welfare. 23. Profit-sharing for all. The N.S.D.A.P. identifies itself with this demand. It is in fact a purely mi ii lalist demand in the proper sense of the word; nevertheless it comes lo us as an attractive but corrupting present from capitalism. Sharing of profits arising out of the work of others comes under the lu id of the unearned income which is most sharply attacked by National Socialism. Sharing of the profits from a man’s own work is a demand so natural and socially so just, that nothing can be advanced against it as a principle. It is in the carrying of it out that the difficulty arises, that is, in limiting the amount of the share due to the production, skill and in¬ dustry of the worker, and of that due to the brainwork of the in¬ ventor, the accountant, the merchant, the management, and other circum- siances connected with the business. It is of course highly important that the parties who increase the value of a product should not be left out of consideration. Even under the present system some part of the booty which capital hopes to get out of a business could be recovered for the worker. We shall not discuss here the question of how later on the National Socialist State will solve the problem. I personally considered that a general lowering of prices, at the same lime maintaining wages at the present level, would be the better and more practical way to fulfil the demand for sharing out the profits of the whole of our national production. It is however possible that the National Socialist State will solve the problem in a far more comprehensive manner than is conceived to-day by brains with a -Marxist and capitalistic tendency. The present demand for profit-sharing springs either from a desire for profits (essentially capitalistic), or from envy (essentially Marxist). In the ideal State alone, as we conceive it, is it justified, because, when we come to solve it, we must avoid the capitalistic method -of granting a small share in the business, the sole object of which is to secure for the larger shareholders their right to their dividends, and also the Marxist idea of envy, for that debases the personal factor and in¬ jures the general public. 47 give a few examples for the sake of clarity. a few sliares°in 'the bustae^'or ^"sm^h^ 0 '’ 1 ' 61 ' 5 in 3 Sfl0e factor U to ‘I Price, if they have to pau iust as riJr f ^ mS or a P air of shoes at « drink, because the tailors bakers ani?^ 811 " shlrts ’ suits . socks, food a clothiers, bakeries and breweriesVtheirT". C ° t Ver the 9 reed of t Lowering of prices i s , b 7 Pr ° flt ' Sharin 9'- every member of the nation W rm which must giv national production. share in the profits Soci^'ltl/te^^ dau°abo ^ ° f , 3 genuine Natior transport-workers, hospital-workers 1 to n« " erS ’ , railwa y-™n, postmc labourers, miners, builders’ labourers ‘are to k" 9 3 , f T ~ a 9 ricu «w sharing, simply because these classes 7 excluded from profi Also of agriculture, (in which not merpln ?! G0 ' lt . ribute to increase valu< considered, but also the milling G y detaiIs of farming have to ] with it) it must b sa d tha t 'na,7 9a9ed ta ° ther busine «fs connect in the heavy industries also L ‘Xs oK h ~ is go! pressure of world competition 9 9 d a bare profit owing tl often engaged iTmosttap^rtant 1 'b^anchesTf'^d 8 ? nd ? mp, ° UGS ’ who ar the circumstances, cannot hope for a dircpt i, mdu . str U> hut who, owing less consideration than the nitons dasf® ! the pr ° fits ' are “> < washers-up or porters in a nightclub or a Tm V 7.° work perha Ps or chemical factory eniouino amZnZ. ? ^ urk,sh hath, or in an opti Are the latter to tharethe profits and* w i nd f , SU a Pl9in9 the whole w ° rl are they to make it more and more ill 1? « ° n luxur y Productic nation to attain to these advantages? P lb!e for the majority of tl presents oft on e y °po ulj t u 11 non ^ ! dividends > bonuses, Christmi splendid work 11“business or yeal'uch Wh ° h3Ve do " political nature need not be discussed 1 aspira “°ns of a socia general principles. The demand as thill „ d argued in this treatise c and one which should attract’ adherents Prof! 'd “ T° rtant dema "' general business situation and „„Tr , . , ts , de Pend mainly on th the management; failure ma y come throuah 1!! ^ salesmansh ip c mistake m calculations. HoweverTkflled The . ^ 9 construc *ion or industrious, they can have little or no i„f| V01 ters raa y he, howeve the year’s work, or on the gains1 losses Ti ll- ° n the results 0 m demanding a proper and' sufficientT™ fheiency justifies then economic grounds for their claimirm a ’ , )u * ierG are no moral oj quite rightly resist the suggest! Zt 7 pr ° fits ’ TllG 9 wo! business year out of their savinas- thp.° U d n 0V ? any Iossgs of th( expected to make up, by a lowering ’„f 9 W01 I d rightly resist beinc extravagant hving on the part nf 9 *hJ 7 9 “ s ’ f ° r bad mana gement or only justifiable if there is abilrtu and B “‘ ‘ pr ♦* but a capitalistic milking cow for the shareholders ol tin* I <• I nrbrulndustrie, and at the best, by raising prices, give n \lmir ol profits to their workers and officials? It will be the task of the Nuinmnl Socialist State to see that huge monopolist profits shall he placed at Hie general disposal by a most generous lowering of prices. It is obvious that the problem is not a question of Social policy, but is closely bound up with the present-day capitalistic social order (shareholders’s claims). We wish to apply these shortly expressed principles; and to be guided by them in our aim of realising profit-sharing as widely as possible in all businesses in which the profits go exclusively into the pockets of professional financiers. 24. Expropriation of all profits not made by honest work, but through the war, the Revolution — and further — the stabilisation and re-valuation of the mark; also the property of money-lenders and grabbers. This is a measure of punishment and justice, requiring no explanation under any principle. 25. Removal of the dearth of housing by extensive building throughout the Reich with the means provi¬ ded under No. 20 (the bank for development). This closes the list of social-political demands. On the technical financial question not much can be said in this pamphlet, for it is a very large special subject, and one which, it would seem, only financial minds understand and which actually will have to be carried out by them. Pamphlet 8 of the N. S. library deals fully with the subject. Religion and Art It is not possible to state on this subject more than a very few leading principles in the space of a programme. That has already been done. For the rest it must be our principle not to drag questions of religion into statements on general politics; although we may well treat the corrupting influence of the secret doctrines of Judaism as an object for public statements and attacks. Tue same applies to all the stupid attacks on Christianity. Ex¬ pressions such as “Christianity has only done harm” merely show that the man who says them has neither human nor political intelligence. One may well blame the Church for meddling in politics, and all good Christians will disapprove the cruelties practiced in the name of the Cross by the Inquisition, and trials for witch-craft, but it is wrong to abuse in general terms the greatest phenomenon in human history for the mistakes and depravities of individuals. The Christian religion has raised and edified millions and millions and brought them to God by the way of suffering. 4 49 culture Of flip n achievement, sacrifice, courageous^faith 0 ? 1 “ P ,n the si 9" of the Cross Christianitjj m froin ^the^rious^ortns" upon it in its passage through hi s To rH eXCreSCenCe which have appeared stian U ity PartB stands upon the basis of positive Chri t “ p/trAsrsrsi -svirt: 2- •> Si ttzvrF-"yfluraas Military and other Reforms »«‘~5' iVS““?» f life, that they cannot be dismissed in f V vast questions affecting public are set out in the Programme itself but , se f en t c es. The leading ideas them out and, above all, of oraftinn i h „ e as ! 0 flunking and workino Willie 31 Pr ° blem 0f the cond ng years when we? 6 ,list ° rical P«t will be will be ours, and when we shall have he hope that Political power Knowledge necessary for taking o ver the h,T PPed c With t,le f°'ce and Here we have a rich fiein r h buslness of tlle State. rtch held for research under National Socialism. leave??o Si t?rV?h? a ^ n ^1f Sm * ^ws by the fact that it entirely new foundation on which ^TuZVZm STafC 5. What we do not desire be well toVte short??wLf U’df Z fdLi?l ° Ur Pr ° 9ramme il will restore to°life*dynasties* 1 'wUdTfatted'“aw? 9 *,° tUr " backwa rds nor to themselves - through their own fault m cavin 9 ha rdiy a trace of classes that have been dethrnnpH ’ ^. or / 0 w e desire to set the beHp i0 fh Ti ' e ° ffiCer class and the P offSs' V h6ir , f , ormer Privileged better than any other professional class n sc r reaJI 9 no higher or with our idea of serving the nation first of all ^ ‘ ’ CU 3e nuinely work is not uniform or qold lace hnf n r We do not desire one-sided Dref JIn W " icb make a man. working class, nor any kind of proletarian?lici- , Jrtlb F ial elevation for the fumseif into believing that anu class min a orslll P- No nian mag talk oppressed in the past, assume a 7m fr0m ha ™9 been claim lo be giver, power. Such aspi- 50 rations, when translated into miliiir ., mit<(tlt»M|l|| l» *»• I l»> InilliU’ run equences, such as those which nnum|mnb'i Hi* '.tmh I idimific revolt nl November, 1918. So far it is not I lie ..I .rtllon ol the popu hilion which are on top, but a crow d <»| |m>Ii||« <,t wiiullii •, qm<||| udven hirers, profiteers, jabberers and fool., wlm hnve gnl pov.v.slon of the political machine and the adnilnisli nlinn I In pmmlwd diciulorship ol tlic proletariat has turned into The dictatorship ol the *i* i o I 11 a i i a I Even a new ordering of the Male nndei National Socialism could have no hope of succes unless it had at its disposal a very thoroughly trained staff of resolute men completely imbued vvilli the principles of our Programme, serious men of energy and experience. Even with us too many pure demagogues would elbow their way in and reap advantage under the new order. It is much easier to criticise the faults of a collapsing social order than to do constructive work on it. We require not merely a new Party, slowly obtaining a footing in Parliament and administration, and then perhaps accepting a post or two in a coalition Ministry, only to get its back broken in the end, — for Ihen our part in history would be played out, just as to-day Social Democracy is finished as a political and intellectual force in Germany. The same applies to the German Nationalists, who have already gone back on their main principles in order to get seats in the Government. We do not want Ministers who take office purely for the sake of the position or for power, but we shall consider any such position as a stage towards our great objective. Between ourselves and the rest there is always the flaming sword of our world theory. On the one side the State, or rather the sham State, of the Liberal- democratic-parliamentary stamp, forced by necessity to mask the tyranny of the financiers, and at its feet a seething mob of Jew camp-followers and place-hunters, fighting to make a living out of the system. On our side, the fight for the liberation and purification of our people, till we achieve the true State of social justice and national liberty. 6. Conclusion The task of this first pamphlet of the N. S. Library is to teach the National Socialist what he should know about the Party Programme. We have seen again and again the single main principle which is drawn through all our arguments like a scarlet thread: National Socialism is a theory of the world, standing in sharp opposition to the present-day world of capitalism and its Marxsist and bourgeois satellites. Our life is a struggle in the service of this mighty idea, a struggle for a new Germany. We National Socialists wave our storm-banner before the world. Ever young, shining and glittering in the sun, rises the Hooked Croos, the symbol of re-awakening life. 4 * 51