Gentle Shepherd Ministries

Mind Control Seminar Information
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Gentle Shepherd Ministries  presents Steve Oglevie’s:

Mind Control Seminar

By Steve Oglevie

When all you know to do is not enough…

     This three (3) day course will focus on recognizing the presence of mind-control with a client.  Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists, and mental health practitioners working with DID clients and survivors of ritual abuse will learn to understand some of the barriers they are encountering.  While some of the obstructions are due to resolvable psychological issues, often the best therapy with the most motivated survivors is not enough.  Therapy may not resolve the unconscious personalities perceiving themselves inexorably trapped in programming or the carefully hidden program structures.

Pastors and ministry leaders will learn about Multi-generational fertility cults (witchcraft) and Trans-generational Satanism and how those within those groups are affected.  They will also come to have a new understanding of spiritual evil.

This course will also cover information regarding the various types of secretive groups that use programming and indicators to begin to properly diagnose the groups that have installed structures in the unconscious mind. 

A framework for understanding the body, brain, conscious and unconscious mind interaction will prepare participants to comprehend how mind-control itself works.



 SEPTEMBER 27, 28, & 29th 2007

 From Steve…

     “I am not a ritual abuse survivor, but I am privileged to work with those who are survivors.  Most of these have grown up in multigenerational cult families so their abuse and programming began very early in childhood.   

They have given me a very precious gift.  They have shown me how the mind-control system works so I can now explain to the survivor how they can be removed.  These mind-control systems are implanted in the mind while undergoing very systematic physical, medical, spiritual, and psychological abuse.

I have discovered that there are four basic elements to ritual abuse that need to be addressed in order for recovery to take place: 

  • Memories of Trauma
  • Dissociation/Multiplicity
  • Teaching and Training
  • Conditioning

These can all be resolved at the cognitive level, but all four can be controlled by a fifth element, that of mind-control programming of which the client may or may not be aware. 

This seminar spent the last twelve years removing mind-control systems in over 375 persons.  They have been my teachers and I am here to share with you what they have taught me.” 


  Day One:  The history of mind control and programming; Recognizing the presence of mind-control in a client; and Understanding how mind control is installed and how it works.

Day Two:  Recognizing programming with government and military agenda; Recognizing Trans-generational Satanism and programming; and Recognizing Multigenerational Fertility Cults. 

Day Three:  Recognizing Spiritual Evil; Recognizing Dissociated and Disembodied Foreign Human Spirits and “Installed Personalities; Understanding of Spiritual Evil and How it interferes in the Therapy process. 


Included Course Materials:

Mind Control: An Introduction

By Steve Oglevie

Over 300 pages of material 

Goal:  To introduce therapists and others to the complex world of mind control, not to attempt to give them tools to remove the mind control from their clients.


Date: September 27, 28, & 29, 2007                                         (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday)

Time:  9:00 am to 5:00 pm                                                                (Lunch from noon to 1:30 pm)                                                          


  • $300 for one ($250 for two or more when registering together)
  • $350 at the door

Location:                                                                                                  La Quinta Inn                                                                                       (1410 SE Washingt on Blvd [Hwy 75])                                              Bartlesville, OK 74996                                                                           For reservations call:  918-766-0900

Special Room Rate:                                                                                 Ask for the special Gentle Shepherd Ministries room rate of $55/night.

The Inn has an indoor pool, sauna, free hot breakfast, high speed internet, restaurant, exercise room, and more.

Directions from the Tulsa Airport                                       The Inn is an easy 50 minute drive from the Tulsa, Oklahoma airport.

  • Exit the airport taking OK-11 West.
  • Take the Bartlesville (Hwy 75 North) exit off OK-11.
  • The hotel is approximately 43 miles from the airport on the right hand side of the road. 



Office:  918-338-8978  Fax: 918-335-1617

Fax or email to 


Send Check to:

Gentle Shepherd Ministries

3400 E. Frank Phillips Blvd., Suite 402

Bartlesville, OK 74005



Payment may also be made via Pay Pal.


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September Seminar for 2007

Steve Oglevie

Mind Control/Programing Semianrs



Bartlesville, OK (September 27, 28, 29) Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Location: La Quinta Inn, 1410 SE Washington Blvd. (Hwy 75), Bartlesville, OK

Indoor pool, sauna, fitness room, free hot breakfast, restuarant.

Special room rate of $55+ tax for those who book a room prior to September 1st. 


Call:  918-766-0900 to make your room reservation.



To register send your registration fee to:

Gentle Shepherd Ministries, 3400 E Frank Phillips Blvd.

Suite 402

Bartlesville, OK 74003



Jim Musgrave  (918-338-8978)


This 24 hour course will focus on recognizing the presence of mind-control within a client. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists working with DID clients and survivors of ritual abuse will learn to understand some of the barriers they are encountering.  While some of the obstructions are due to resolvable psychological issues, often the best therapy with the most motivated survivors is not enough.  Therapy may not resolve the unconscious personalities perceiving themselves inexorably trapped in programming, or the carefully hidden program structures.  This course will also cover information regarding the various types of secretive groups that use programming and indicators to begin to properly diagnose the groups that have installed structures in the unconscious mind. A framework for understanding the body, brain, conscious and unconscious mind interaction will prepare participants to comprehend how mind-control itself works.

Statement by Steve Oglevie:

     “I am not a ritual abuse survivor, but I am privileged to work with those who are survivors. Most of these have grown up in multi-generational cult families so their abuse and programming began very early in childhood. They have given me a very precious gift. They have shown me how the mind-control system works so I can now explain to the survivor how they can be removed. These mind-control systems are implanted in the mind while undergoing very systematic physical, medical, spiritual, and psychological abuse.

     I have discovered that there are four basic elements to ritual abuse that need to be addressed in order for recovery to take place: 1) Memories of Trauma, 2) Dissociation/ Multiplicity, 3) Teaching and Training and 4) Conditioning.  These can all be resolved at the cognitive level but, all four can be controlled by a fifth element, that of mind-control programming of which the client may or may not be aware. This seminar will address this fifth element.              

     I have spent the last twelve years removing mind-control systems in over 375 persons.  They have been my teachers and I am here to share with you what they have taught me.”


Steve Oglevie

Course Description


Day One: The History of Mind Control and Programming, Recognizing the Presence of Mind Control in a Client, Differentiating between Satanic Cult Mind Control and the so-called “Government” Mind Control Systems.


     The therapist will be given a clear understanding of the history of mind control and the development of programming over the last 100 years. Since not all programming is installed using the same methods, the various methodologies will be examined as well as the steps necessary to remove the various forms of programming.


     The therapist will be introduced to Trans- generational Satanism, with a brief history, an understanding of basic theology, a demonstration model of a SRA mind control system, and some guidelines to recognize the presence of Satanism in a client.


     The therapist will be introduced to the three primary “Governmental” mind control groups, each with a brief history, the principle belief system, and some guidelines to recognize the presence of each of these three in a client.


Day Two: The History of Multigenerational Fertility Cults (MFC), the Domination of Personality, Recognizing the Presence of MFC in a Client, and Differentiating between MFC and SRA and “Government” Mind Control.


     The therapist will be introduced to MFC (also known as Witchcraft), with a brief history, an understanding of basic theology, typical control of personalities and some guidelines in recognizing MFC in a client. Since MFC is so much more complex than either SRA or “Government” systems, considerable material will be given concerning the domination of the personality and the necessary steps necessary to remove this domination from the individual personalities and the person as a whole. Differentiating between SRA and/or “Government” systems and MFC is necessary as often two or more systems may co-exist within the same client and must be handled differently.


Day Three: Practical Methods for a Therapist dealing with Spiritual Evil, Dissociated and Disembodied Foreign Human Spirits, “Installed” personalities and Genuine Personalities.


     The therapist will be presented with a diagnostic tool to distinguish between genuine human personalities, “installed” personalities, foreign human spirits, and spiritual evil.


     The therapist will be introduced to the very complex field of dissociated and disembodied foreign human spirits including their level of attachment to the client and ways in which they can be successfully disentangled from the true humanity and sent away.


     The arena of the interrelatedness of mind-control, spiritual evil, foreign human spirits, and human will must be understood by the therapist in order to successfully remove the systems so the client can gain control over his or her own life.



Goal: To introduce therapists to the complex world of mind control - not to attempt to give them the tools to remove the mind control from their clients.


Included: Course Material (over 300 pages)

Titie:  Mind Control: An Introduction, By Steve Oglevie

The Seminar may not be recorded or reproduced in any form.  Course materials will not be sold separately from conference attendance.

  Cancellation policy:  There will be no registration refunds.  Paid registration cannot be transferred to another person.


Email: for more information

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