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Tom <rekhi@netspace.net.au>Date: Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 2:54 AM
Subject: Australia needs help
Dear Sir...
I am a white..blue eyed aussie lass.. in her 30's....
I am at my wits end.. too many reasons to list but l am guessing you could guess what many of them are.... PLEASE... is there a following in Australia...?
Australia is losing it's identity FAST.. white aussies are treated badly and put on the back burner by DO GOODERS... the government etc... We need help... I can't fly my Australian Flag at my home as many peoples homes are being targeted and damaged by NON aussies for having a flag... An excessively high percentage of African/Sudanese men especially are on rape charges .... the list goes on....
Please.. do you have any body in Australia you can contact to let them know we need them... regards .. fed up blued eyed aussie lass