WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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RE: Your message

I'm sorry but I'm curious how someone in Fargo, North Dakota received my email.  I sent an email to the Commander and to the Denver, Colorado NSM.  I am glad to speak with you but the NSM website mentioned hoax emails.

Subject: Your message
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 05:12:15 -0400

My apologies in replying to your excellent email. (Computers are great when they are working, and a curse when they are not) I will call you at the number you supplied this weekend. I would enjoy speaking with you! It is 4 AM and I have finally gotten my service working correctly so I must go through dozens of unanswered messages. I will speak with you soon Comrade.

You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC. See how

You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC. See how

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