I'm confused about a lot of things which aren't really explained in the NSM website. I looked over the application and stuff and it asked questions that weren't quite covered by the site. I understand you can't put too much up online but I'll ask a few of the important ones:
One: all White, Aryan, male Americans, now even though it asks what your ethnic heritage is it doesn't specify 'white' very well. I'm German Dutch and Irish, but I'm black Irish (that's a mix of Spanish and Irish from the Anglo-Spanish war, I'm not a negroid of any sort). Will my 14th century Iberian/Celtic race-mixing ancestors effect my present day chances of joining the NSM? I do have natural dark blonde hair and blue eyes, I guess that means my genetic makeup is a high percentage of Aryan blood, but I'm quite dark in my skin tone. Maybe I'm over thinking it.
Two: Maryland Unit? Skinhead division? Stormtroopers? I shave my head and live in Maryland, if I join the Skinhead division what difference does it make? What makes it official? I can get other skinheads to join but what would make us different then the other Baltimore boneheads? How does paying a 10$ monthly fee and screwing around with my White Pride buddies benefit me, them, you, the Movement in any way other than financially?
Three: I read the 25 points of National Socialism, it outlines the America I want to create and live in. It pretty much supports everything I've believed in since I was 12. I would do anything to make it happen, I just really know what I would be expected to do, because as I said, I would do anything asked of me to bring white pride and culture back to my city and the U.S as a whole.
I guess basically what I'm trying to say is I need more convincing before I take this monumental step in my life; is there any literature you can send me? I really need to know more about what the NSM can do for me and my country.