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York Pennsylvania Refuses to Reform Ordinance!

York, Pennsylvania Refuses To Reform Ordinance
Richard Barrett Still Taking Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars From City

5/17/2008 11:33:08 AM

York, Pennsylvania -- Despite having paid nearly a quarter million dollars in damages for refusing to allow a nominal white nationalist to march in its town, the city of York, Pennsylvania has refused to change an unConstitutional ordinance that prohibits political demonstrations the city council disagrees with.
Richard Barrett, a professional "white nationalist" lawyer who makes his living with his one-man group, The Nationalist Movement, challenging city ordinances against marches, fought the city ordinance and has had several elements of it struck down as unConstitutional, with a challenge to several others still pending in an appeals court.
But despite the fact the ordinance is illegal an unenforceable, the city has refused to alter it, and is considering new language that would keep in place several unConstitutional requirements, like a requirement that protestors post an insurance bond.
Rioting broke out in York, Pennsylvania in 2001 when moslty Jewish anti- racist demonstrators and communists began attacking normal citizens with clubs, injuring two reporters for the Associate Press and several people with short haircuts that the protestors mistook for "skinheads".
In general, cities have limited power to regulate demonstrations that do not place demands on city services, and can only regulate such demonstrations as is required to safely implement such services. Many city's, though, attempt to ban "white supremacists" from engaging in any political activities, because they fear that Jewish organizations and Jewish led organizations will engage in violence against them. The so-called "heckler's veto" is illegal, but most local politicians so fear the power of the Jews that they make an effort, until they are overturned in courts. Local government have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into movement coffers from judgments that have been taken against them in these circumstances.


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