WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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1.Hello comrades! Tell us please about you and National-Socialist Movement.

2.What you think about Adolf Hitler?

3.What you think abour World War Two?

4.What you think about Russian national-socialists and Russian SS Generals like General Vlasov and Gaeneral Krasnov?

5.What you think about Stalin and communism?

6.What you think about modern national-socialism?

7.What you think about Ian Stuart Donaldson and Blood and Honour?

8.What you think about skinheads and skingirls?

9.Do you know any Russian R.A.C., NS/WP music bands?                                                                              10. What you think about Paganism?

11.Have you ever been in Russia?

12.Please tell some words to the Russian Comrades!

Thank you my dear comrades! 88!

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