Heil my Aryan brother!
thank you for your reply well maybe I should start one
here myself,how much are the t- shirts wholesale price cause I may need some
Hitler T-shirts at work for the boys and maybe start selling them from
my house you reckon that's a good idea ,put an add in the paper?.I take
Mein Kampf that I purchased from you guys to work and read passages from it
to the boys they all listen while they have their lunch nobody tells me to shut
up.They all hated me at first when I told them what I am and after 6 months on
this new job they all respect me and salute me all 27 of them, and I return
the salute saying'' Heil Victory, courage and willpower, our time will
come''.And to convince them to listen to me I once said.No people are more
hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely beleive they are free.It attracts
their attention.thanks again for your reply waiting to hear from you about the
wholesale price of the T-shirts please.88 Comrade
John Portelli
Steve was more popular in the US than here,we have many
like him,But he had his style great man indeed.