It appears Sir that I truly pissed you off this morning. I apologize Commander. Obviously this was the last thing on my to-do list today, "lets see here, well screw breakfast- I am going to say something that will really piss off Commander Schoep!"
I know that you are in the middle of getting your children back. You have a whole lot on your plate right now and it was insensitive of me to want to discuss policy and strategy with you at a time like this.
In retrospect, you have obviously taken this movement far, so it is apparent you know exactly what you are doing. I was in no way questioning you sir, just trying to make suggestions for you to think about. I have had the best year of my life with the NSM. It literally has changed my whole life. That is no exageration. Any decisions you make concerning this organization will be followed to the letter, without question. I want to do everything I can to help this thing become bigger and better.
Have a safe trip Commander, and good luck with your court hearing.
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