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Re: NSM staff Fwd: Conversations on National Socialism

I am leaving for my court date in MN. in a couple minutes. Call me on my cell in about 2 hours or anytime in the next day or 2. We have not failed and the reason most of the other groups hate us only started after the kikes started calling us the largest WP group in America. That is it pure and simple jealousy, anyone who says different is a liar. The NSM was well liked even with the uniforms when we were a smaller group. Yes, the uniform change will bring us more support, and yes we still are and will continue to be the largest WP group, but groveling to the weaker groups will not make them our friends again, their excuses for inaction are due to cowardice in some cases, but most often self centeredness. The NSM or any successfull Movement in our struggle must grow on its own. If others help us, thats great and tthey are welcome, but will we grovel or beg for their help? Fuck no!!! My constant calls for Unity over the years have been looked on in the past as weak, or begging for help. Piss on these so-called Racialists if they refuse to take a stand over what they claim is a uniform, or watch now it will be the black is too militant, or well you guys still wave a swastika, or some other faggotty excuse. I have been doing this for a long time and have seen all the weak ass excuses from these ass clowns. Their cowardice and lack of any action beyond bbq's, showing up for a concert, or hanging out for beers is what has killed the American Movement for years and years. The WP/NS in Europe love the NSM, but laugh their asses off at most of the groups here and the infighting. They loved that we marched on DC, but when the Europeans march they attract 5 to 10 times our number cuz they have activists in their ranks and will beat the asses of the fags that are only Social Skins, or BBQ Socialites. That is where the problem is, not with us nor our allies that will actually hit the streets, but the weak ass bitches that make up 100's of excuse why their candy asses won't fucking march. Grrrrr, yeah I guess I am a little grumpy today, need to hop in the shower and hit the road, long drive today, so later this afternnoon would be a good time to call me if you want to chat. 88

On 5/2/08, William Herring <> wrote:
Sir- This man is a goldmine! If you carefully read his letter, you will see that this man is the type of American we are reaching out to, the "closet nazi", if you will. I believe that there are millions just like him, and his words ring true. I think that if the NSM is to move forward and remain relevant, we must listen to guys like this. Your idea of changing our uniforms was an example of this, and brilliant, although it should have been done long ago.
In order for National Socialism to take it's proper and much needed place in todays society, we must make drastic changes in our approach. I want to speak with you further on this before I respond to this man. I do believe the NSM has the potential not only to further itself, but also has the power to unite many Aryans in a common cause. In all due respect Commander, perhaps the time has come for the NSM to step back for just a moment and redefine ourselves and honestly discuss intelligent ways to reach the common man. Obviously we have not been doing this successfully. Granted, we get new member applications all the time, but pulling in 5 or 10 people a month is not going to cut it.
As part of my duties to the NSM, I am all over the internet. I am on at least 4 different forums speaking with thousands of WNs and taking their criticism and suggestions to heart. One of the main contentions between the NSM and other groups was the uniform, and you have taken care of that. But that is only the first step. There is so much more that we can do to unify more of these individuals and groups.
White Americans are swayed not by logic and reason, but by emotion. I have to leave for work in a few minutes, but I wanted to take the time to contact you. When I get home this afternoon I will call you and further discuss what we can do to bring the NSM back into the limelight, but in an entirely different direction. Obviously Sir, we have failed in our approach. Your idea to change our uniforms was merely the first step amongst many that must be implemented. We will succeed, but there is much to be done.
                                                                                   SS Probate Herring

Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 17:57:06 -0400
Subject: NSM staff Fwd: Conversations on National Socialism

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Horst Wessel <>
Date: Apr 24, 2008 1:43 AM
Subject: Conversations on National Socialism

Greetings, obviously, I am not Horst Wessel, but I assume and hope, you know who Horst was, or actually what he was made to stand for. 
I have been looking through the numerous web sites as well as watching hours of you tube in an effort to evaluate the current state of National Socialism.
First, let me state, I am a National Socialist.  I have been for quite some time, however I have not been able to be so publicly.  I feel much like the werewolf's in Germany after 1945.
I am what you would call "Aryan", actually of German decent with a very much Aryan family, many children, all blond and blue eyes.  We have our own secret family ceremony's, I will be presenting my wife with the Golden Mothers Cross with a copy of Hitlers "Mutter & Child 1910" this weekend, she is very much a National Socialist and would be one publicly, if not for me.
I am not harmed at all by the present "system", in fact I have done very well and make a very good living that allows my family to live well and my wife to stay home.  We want for nothing, yet I am revolted at the decadence and the lack of pride and discipline.  In short, I am one of those establishment types that the Fuhrer sought out and needed to solidify, and yes, I am a National Socialist.
My cause of concern is on of viability.  I want a National Socialist Party that is credible. 
American National Socialism is and must be fundamentally different than German National Socialism for a large number of reason, culture being first and for most.  Americans are not prone to uniforms and ultra nationalism as my German decedents were.
I submit to you that if the NASDAP were still in power today, 70 years after January 30, 1933, they would be fundamentally different. 
What we American National Socialist need is a " Vienna Period", I'm sure you know the significance of that term.  It is reflection.
We need to to take account as Hitler did in Lands berg.
Just prior to 1933, Goebbels made the following statements as guidelines:
10 Commandments
for National-Socialists

Your country is the mainspring of your life; remember this always!

Germany is your Fatherland; love it above all, and more in deeds than in words.

Germany's enemies are your enemies; hate them with all your heart.

3. Every national comrade, even the lowliest, is part of
Germany; love him as you love yourself.

4. Demand only duties for yourself; then
Germany will also regain rights and privileges.

5. Be proud of
Germany; you have a right to take pride in a Fatherland for which millions gave their lives.

6. He who abuses
Germany abuses you and your deceased; repay him with your fists!

7. Repay like with like and then some. If you are denied your just rights, remember: you can secure them again only through your own political movement.

8. Do not be a hooligan anti-Semite--but beware of the Berliner Tageblatt! (1)

9. Live your life in such a way that one day you will not need to stand ashamed before a new

10. Have faith in the future; only thus will you win it.

Please look at the (3) I have underlined.  The NSDAP in Germany in the 1920's mandated that all Party Members review a book they printed entitled, " Discipline and Order: Foundations of National Socialist Ethics".
Please do not consider my comments as any form of mockery or attack.  Quite the opposite, as a National Socialist, I want to see a Party day on the scale of Nuremberg.
By the way, have you watched the unedited videos of those Party days, of what they actually did other then the official speeches??  It gives you a unique insight of how to build a political party.
Issues, Issues, Issues.......
The current economic times mirror what was happening in Germany, i.e, the time is ripe for National Socialism, what we are lacking is Focus, Mission, Discipline, Priority, Sacrifice, Evolution, and Timing.
I watched the Washington March, I have been watching for sometime. 
There are groups of untapped potential that are ripe for recruitment, but will require much different outreach.
Do you recall how Hitler finally got Hindenburg to warm to him??  He held a ceremony in Potsdam and honored German Traditionn essentially married the traditional German culture and traditions with National Socialism.  We must do the same, in a different manner.
Look at the Mormons as an example of how to build organization in the face of public consternation,  The NSDAP in Germany built their organization much the same way.
In the end, Hitler came out of Landberg having gone through another "Vienna Period", of reflection.  he had the courage of conviction to know that if Party was to obtain power, it would have to evolve and change, so willing to do so, he sacrificed Roehm.
There are LOTS of people like me, LOTS of National Socialists who want to come out of the wood work.
There is a lot of talent and resources National Socialist talent and resources that is not being tapped.
I would like to engage in some discussion of issue development as a fundamentalist National Socialist, perhaps I can help you from afar.
Ich Kampfe
Horst Wessel

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is  unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or  omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your  possession and notify:

Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger. IM anytime you're online.

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is  unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or  omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your  possession and notify:
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