WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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88! Heil yours comrades! I want take interview with you or commander Jeff Shoep for our web-page and zine in the future. If it ok, please answer some guestions by the e-mail! 1. Hi, comrade tell us about you and NSM.

        2. What you think about Adolf Hitler?

        3. What you think about communism and Stalin?

        4. Do you know about russians SS divisions and what you think about them?

        5. What you think about Ian Stuart, Blood and Honour, Hammerskins?

        6. What your favorite music band?

        7. What you think about russian skinheads?

        8. Do you know any about russian skinheads music bands?

        9. Have you ever been in Russia?

        10.Please say some words to the all ns/wp russian and all slavoniks comrades.

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