Sir- Hate to be a pain in the ass about this, but Mr. Kennard has been very polite and patient and it seems as though the NSM has not taken even a moment to at least deny his request or respond to him at all. . . Mr. Kennard has stated that he will be coming to DC for our rally and Sgt. Connelly has suggested that we give Kennard an interview there. I feel that this is a situation of tremendous potential to bring our true message to the liberal college Mr. Kennard attends. This is a rather rare opportunity to be heard without the jewish filters altering our words. I do believe that Mr. Kennard is sincere and and has no ulterior motives; he is simply a curious college student who is trying to find facts and information about what we truly stand for and how we view the war in Iraq.
I do not wish to overstep my rank Commander, but I would strongly suggest that the NSM seriously look into this man's request and give him the most straightforward and honest answers we can. Is this not what we are doing..... trying to reach the public with honesty and sincerity? The benfits of this are without measure, in my opinion.
SS Probate William Herring
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