I do think that the assault rifle approach would surely get attention, just not the right kind. Another major issue facing your organization as well as other similar groups, is the strong dislike of what they general public "think" you represent. For instance, the public has a very strong negative view of white robes and hoods, swastikas, etc. Those were some of the primary tools of some of history's "less favored" moments to most. I wonder what would happen, if a group were to try a different approach. Same beliefs, different methods. Instead of SA uniforms that so many associate with the Nazi's from WWII (we both know how popular they are to the majority), maybe a new uniform designed by a new modern generation of Aryans. Instead of carrying the Swastika flag, maybe design a new symbol that so many don't already know and hate. That wouldn't be hard either, Hitler didn't design the swastika after all. It's been a sign of happiness on Buddhist temples in We need to first change the way we are viewed by the people we are trying to reach. Then we need to show actual facts and statistics instead of the typical negative commentary that goes nowhere. We need the people to see that the Niggers are NOT equal. They are by nature, savages, criminals that think everything should be handed to them. Our prison, crime, drug, etc. statistics show this information. The blacks like to call it stereotyping, or singling them out. Then they use the race card that our weak government and judicial system caters to their constant complaining from fear of lawsuits. Now given back sixty years ago, in this very country, the blacks kept to themselves. It was rare to hear of blacks rioting, attacking a white woman, or committing crimes against whites in general. That's because we had segregation. The black had their place and we had ours and the two did not mix. The crime was mostly in the ghetto's and slums amongst the blacks themselves. They knew that if they crossed the line, they would have to answer for what they done. Nobody to complain to and get off free of any responsibility or punishment, and the crime was usually quickly followed with a whipping or hanging. We had strict and swift punishment then, and they stayed inline. The government screwed up when they gave them new freedom. They gave an inch, the blacks took a mile. They have started reverting back to their primitive ways and causing chaos in our society. Instead of the warring tribes of nation's workforce passed up for promotions or a job at all because they have to allow so many blacks to work there and so many blacks must be advanced to better jobs even though their skills, education, and qualification are inferior to their white counterparts. I do have a personal opinion of colored people though. I have worked with "Black People", and I have worked with "Niggers"! I think some blacks have started to evolve into a more civilized society. These are they ones that are not living on the taxpayer's dollar. They usually live outside the slums and ghettos, work everyday, stay out of trouble, finish school, raise their children in a civilized manner, etc. I have a degree of respect for them. If they work for what they have the same way that I do, then I have no problem with the man. The niggers on the other hand, are the ones that try and get out of as much work as they can pass on to their co-workers. Just their to draw a paycheck, usually the employer gets fed up and can't fire or discipline the nigger because he'll be sued for discrimination. Now, that's just the niggers just have jobs. The ones too stupid to go into illegal business. Such as drug dealing or theft rings. You may or may not agree with me on that. That's just my opinion though. I've ranted on long enough in this email. I hope you'll agree with me on most of it. I'm twenty seven years old, but I'd love to be able to see a change in my lifetime. For our future generation's sake anyway! DRM
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