Sir- Matt Kenard from Columbia University interviewed me two days ago. It was fine and went well. He has called back twice requesting to speak with an NSM member who is also a veteran, preferably of the Iraqi conflict. This was the main point of the interview- the NSM and our viewpoint on the Iraq war. (I answered appropriately of course, no worries)
He is a very pleasant English gentlemen and I think it would be good for us to meet his request if possible. I found him to be very polite and genuinely decent. He is writing a paper for the university and I think it would be good publicity for us to acquiesse and allow him to contact any of our members who are Iraq-war veterans. I do not know if we have any members who fit the criteria, but I feel at the least I owe him one last call to let him know that we cannot meet his needs.
However, I do feel that this may be an opportunity for us to reach out to white liberals there and perhaps they will see us in a different light.
SS Probate Herring
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