NSM Ohio will conduct a book burning on March 1. Stand with us as we stand defiant against the avalanche of books defiling our race and our culture:
For too long we have tolerated politically correct, degenerate and perverted ideas. Too long have we watched as these ideas are put before our children in books, on TV and in schools. Did you say "Yes" to the violence and pornography? To the filth? To the garbage? Then stand together with us now to say "No!" Stand up and say "Enough!"
Join us as we gather peacefully, united by our belief in the preservation of our culture. Join us as we publicly express our contempt for the vile sleaze merchants. Join us in camaraderie and friendship to fight against the pollution of our children.
The meeting will take place March 1 at 4:00pm in Lewisburg, OH. We will carpool to a public awareness meeting and then on to a private location for the book burning. Afterwards, we will go to a meeting hall for food, drink and fellowship.
Contacts for the event:
Mark Martin (937) 558-1478; nsmwestoh@earthlink.net
Gary Robinson, Lewisburg Unit Leader: (937) 533-5008.
Together we can make a difference in this assault on our culture.
Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement www.nsm88.org
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