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Re: Forum

SS Probate Herring,
Yes, contact RM in regards to forum duty.
Sorry to hear of your recent troubles and stress. Its like the saying goes, when it rains it pours. I read your Forum post, and have dealt with similar stress so I am with you on that. Sorry to hear you and your girl split.
Thanks for stepping up for the NSM once again Brother. 88

On 2/1/08, William Herring <> wrote:
So we are short on moderators? I see that Odinslass has dropped back into member status. Well Commander if that is what the Party needs, then I will step up to the plate and fill the void. I have been off on other sites lately having fun, but I can contain myself to our Forum.:) Should I contact Reichsmarschall? Just let me know what you need me to do and I'll be on top of it. By the way- your choice to put Connelly as the acting head of the SS was a GREAT  decision. That guy is on top of things! I am very impressed by his motivation and his dedication to his duty. He is very enthusiastic and focused. You couldn't have picked a better guy to run the SS. I just sent him back the personality tests he devised for discerning the strengths and personalities of prospective SS members. That test should be a requirement for all new members of the Party.
On another note sir- the last 30 days have truly tested my strength, courage and resolve. refer to my thread on the Forum-'Staying the Course" I have been through a true shitstorm. I have dealt with some truly horrible things in my life- trust me- I know what hard times are all about. But the last month has really kicked my ass. Angela and I are separated. It is not her fault in the slightest- its because I am an asshole. After she left, things rapidly fell apart. I also quit drinkng, and that was fucking wretched. As my leader, I can never lie to you. I have had a drinking problem since I was a teenager, and I have beaten that monster down many times. I see it as a weakness and a betrayal of my oath were I to go back to it. I just wanted to be honest with you. It shames me, but a man owns up to his shit and never lies to those he cares about.
It is because of the NSM and my oath that I have prevailed and stayed true. I lost my woman, my job, my family thinks I'm nuts for being a Nazi, I got strep throat a few weeks ago in the worst way and was nearly in tears with pain, I have shitty insurance, so I couldn't get decent treatment for it.... the list goes on. At my lowest point I recalled my oath and all the things I have said in public and private about being strong and staying the course no matter what. The strength of my comrades and my oath were what kept me from just giving up. I spent 8 years in a maximum security prison- if I made it through that fucking nightmare, I can take anything.
Thanks for everything Commander. And as for all these traitors and cowardly fuckers running their pie holes- let em rot. Its pretty easy to be a tough guy on a keyboard. I prefer to be strong in real life. I don't send people nasty e-mails like a bitch- I find them and put a boot to their skull. But as a moderator, if I am given that responsibilty, I will refrain from such terminology. HA!
                                                                                              SS Probate William Herring

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Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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