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Fwd: Giving it to the jews
Jim Ramm is collaborating with the ADL, here is the proof below in his own words and e-mail to me. For anyone that cares, the NSM has owned the nukeisrael site for the last couple of years, and Jim Ramm was its webmaster until recently when he put up an open call for genocide aganinst all non-Whites. Openly calling for genocide is a crime, and the NSM does not endorse illegal activity, so we re-directed our website away from its former webmaster, who obviously was attempting to harm our Party and its members. At the time we had no idea why he (Jim Ramm) would use a Party owned website to make such claims, however his own admission to being in contact with the jewish ADL below tells us all we ever needed to know. For the Record, the ADL cannot sue us no matter what papers he signs over to his jewish masters. The site has been under NSM ownership for a long time. The jews do not have a magical pass to come and and claim our sites. 88 Commander Schoep
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Commander Schoep <>
Date: Oct 18, 2007 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: Giving it to the jews
On 10/18/07, Jim Ramm <
> wrote:
Alys dad has plenty of guns so go ahead and post her address.
Hey asshole, if you want to get hardcore I have talked to the ADL and would love to receive nukeisrael as a donation. I will get the papers tomorrow and sign the site over to the jews which means their lawyers will sue the living shit out of you, the NSM and john!
You want to fuck around asshole?
I would rather see the jews own the site than you thieves steal it!
Commander Schoep <> wrote:
Hello Jim,
I am not playing around with you anymore. You have now posted the address of one of our Computer Techs on-line for all the crazy's, anti's and jews to see. If you do not remove that, and cease attacks on our Party within 24 hours, we may think about doing the exact same thing to you, and those close to you.
Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
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