WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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Racial greetings, by now most of you reading this are aware of the popular on-line Social Networking Community "New Saxon"  (sponsored by NSM Records ). The webteam has just added a new feature to New Saxon "flash chat", so all members of the New Saxon Community can now access the flash chat feature to talk live to other members if they wish to use it. We are also discussing and looking into the possibility of using/adding video software to the system.

Haven't joined New Saxon yet? What are you waiting for, its just like myspace except jew free, and Pro-White only. Meet people, network, advertise events/shows, bands, and much, much more.

88 Commander Schoep/ NSM and on behalf of the New Saxon Project


Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Café.
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