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Win WW3 vs. china/asia & 666 banksters: To: NAZIS

Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, says:  Those 666 atheist & communist chinese are going to pulll the rug out from under homeowners in the USA and other Western countries.  They OWN the homes that are currently in foreclosure!  Here's how to WIN the current economic  war waged against "We, the People" by the 666 talmudic-zionist banksters and their cohorts in crime, those 666 asians:
August/2007:  "Win World War 3 vs. china/asia & 666 banksters.......
references and a description of WW3 against the WEST." 
1/  2/ 
3/ "Another shot in currency fight; chinese threaten divestment" by Krissah WILLIAMS; August 9, 2007.  4/ "China's 'nuclear option' is real"; by Paul Craig Roberts; August 9, 2007 see:  
The 666 atheist orientals have bought up the so-called "debts" of the USA and many other Western nations, thanks to the 666 talmudic-zionist BANKSTERS & all of the 535 gutless 'congressmen' in Washington, D.C.
This began when henry (666 zionist) KISSINGER played THE CHINA CARD back in the early 1970's.  Today, OUR infernal & eternal enemises, the atheist asians & 666 banksters, literally own pension funds, bonds, securities and now the mortgages of hundreds of thousands of homes that Americans will lose in the FORECLOSURES caused by USURY and the 666 banksters!
This fraudulent "Paper Trip"  will cause a debt crisis worse than the United States "depression" of the 1930's (caused by the 666 banksters, Wall Street, and the gutless congressmen).
Win World War 3:  stand up against the orientals & banksters!
Here are the solutions:  1/  
Pass this on to all your family, friends & neighbors or you will live in slavery & bondage caused by the moneychangers, arbitragers & the satanic 666 elitists.  USURY is a capital offense!  Make sure that your preacher, pastor or minister stands up against this bomb in every nation (abomination):  THE DEBT BOMB. 
As OUR elders knew:  1/  Print & coin your own money; if you let the talmudic moneychangers handle money, you will always be in "debt"! 
2/ Use BARTER. 
3/  Stiff the I.R.S. (unconstitutional & confiscatory tax scam against "We, the People").
4/ Trust in GOD, not the damned banksters & their gutless minions: all 535 'congressmen'.
5/ Get a REAL educations:  a/  b/  c/  
Note:  With chaos, disorder and lawlessness during this coming FINANCIAL COLLAPSE, the 666 chinks, hindus, and other orientals will unleash the largest and most powerful armies, navies and air forces against every Western man, woman & child.  They have the most modern military equipment and can out-man and out-gun the Western nations because the West has been downsizing its military and closing military bases while the 666 asians are currently arming to the teeth! 
Additionally, millions of 666 asians have entered every Western nation to learn the road systems, harbors, buildings and infrastructure of every city and town.  The asian gangsters (triads, yakuza, hindus & mossad) have turned cities into crime zones of turf wars.  Solution:  for your own protection, move out and away from the West coast (a beach-head for chinks & hindus along with huge triad-controlled "china towns":  Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Francisco, Vancouver, etc.).  Move away and out of the north eastern seaboard states & big cities, particularly all cities north of Richmond, Virginia. 
In Canada, the chinks have set up shop in all the major cities, too.  They are not in the USA, Canada, or any other Western nations to "enrich OUR culture" or assimilate with Western, occidental humanity----they are OUR eternal enemies!  Pass this on and protect your family, friends & community:  
Sincerely,  El Kabong    In GOD I trust.

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