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LOGOS Pantheism
Title: LOGOS Pantheism
Dear White Nationalist:
You are no doubt sickened by the on-going destruction of our White heritage. Japan will always be Japanese, China always Chinese, India always Indian, Africa always Black, etc. but there is no White nation in the Western world today that will remain White. Even Sweden is now “multicultural,” and this destruction is thought “progressive” by our liberal elites.
Regardless of what we think of Christianity, multiculturalism got under way with breakdown of religion in the West. Coincidence? Not at all if we think of religion as social ideology. Society needs ideology. It gives a sense of community and collectivism, and suppresses individual self-indulgence. Without social ideology we are all individuals, and what is liberalism except exalting of the individual that makes him/her prey to all manner and sort of freedom mongering? That is the state of White society today. It is atomized and rotting. No wonder that the White race is on the road to extinction.
The answer, then, lies in religion. Not the Christian religion, to be sure, but one more enlightened on the Universe and Nature that will not break down under the intense glare of reason. Such a religion is LOGOS Pantheism, which you can learn about by visiting its website: ¾>. But do not expect a racist rant. To be viable a movement must outreach into the general White mainstream, which no racist approach can do. Instead, the intention with this religion is to grow into congregations, not a party or political ‘movement,’ formed by sifting the masses for Whites attracted to it. The current White masses are a write-off but we can and must salvage groups, which can again grow into a new White nation. The best of White stock will thereby be preserved with a religious ideology for survival, and those congregations can later separate from our decadent and hostile West into a new Nation. This is a religion with a strategy.
I have contacted you because you are a leader in the White nationalist cause. Religions in the past have spread by social contact, requiring centuries. LOGOS Pantheism is a religion for White survival. If it requires centuries to spread, the White race deprived of belief could become extinct. The modern era, however, is unlike past eras due to the Internet, and White interests are facilitated by the already existing White nationalist network that is worldwide. If you are one touched by this religion after reading its website, if you are truly interested in White survival and see the need for an outreach program, and especially if you are convinced of the futility of other approaches, LOGOS Pantheism is a religion you will want to consider.
Yours truly,
Wayne Macleod
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