WikiLeaks Document Release February 2, 2009 Congressional Research Service Report RS22452 United States Military Casualty Statistics: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Hannah Fischer, Knowledge Services Group September 9, 2008 Abstract. This report presents difficult-to-find statistics regarding U.S. military casualties in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF, Afghanistan), including those concerning medical evacuations, amputations, and the demographics of casualties. Some of these statistics are publically available at the Department of Defense's (DOD's) website, whereas others have been obtained through contact with experts at DOD. Order Code RS22452 Updated September 9, 2008 United States Military Casualty Statistics: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Hannah Fischer Information Research Specialist Knowledge Services Group Summary This report presents difficult-to-find statistics regarding U.S. military casualties in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF, Afghanistan), including those concerning medical evacuations, amputations, and the demographics of casualties. Some of these statistics are publically available at the Department of Defense's (DOD's) website, whereas others have been obtained through contact with experts at DOD. Daily updates of total U.S. military casualties in OIF and OEF can be found at the DOD's website, at []. In addition, CRS Report RS21578, Iraq: U.S. Casualties is updated on a weekly basis. This report will be updated as needed. Table 1. Total U.S. Military Casualties in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Iraqi Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom Non-Hostile Deaths 778 211 Hostile Deaths 3,371 366 Total Deaths 4,149 577 Total Wounded in 30,568 2,409 Action Source: Department of Defense, []. Weekly updates of this information can be found in CRS Report RS21578, Iraq: U.S. Casualties, by JoAnne O'Bryant. Note: Current as of August 27, 2008. CRS-2 Rates of Amputation and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) for American Forces Amputation and TBI statistics are provided to CRS by the Army Office of the Surgeon General. Unless noted otherwise, all statistics include numbers from all services combined. These injuries may overlap, that is, a single soldier may experience both a TBI and an amputation. As of August 1, 2008, DOD reported 1,214 individuals who are amputees, of whom 877 have suffered major limb amputations. Of the 1,214 total amputees, 606 (49.9%) were wounded by improvised explosive devices. Also of the 1,214 amputees, 1,039 (85.3%) were wounded in OIF, 72 (6.0%) were wounded in OEF, and 103 (or 8.5%) were wounded in an unaffiliated conflict in the Global War on Terrorism or in training. Battle injuries were the most common cause of major limb amputations: 85% of the 877 major limb amputees sustained their injuries in battle, another 13% sustained non-battle injuries, 1% sustained their injuries due to disease, and the cause was not reported for another 1% of amputees. Of the 877 servicemembers with major limb loss, 586 have completed the Medical Evaluation Board process, and of those 586, 90 are either Continued on Active Duty (COAD), Continued in the Reserves (COAR), or Fit for Duty. As of July 2008, DOD reported a total of 8,089 servicemembers suffering from traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs. Of those, 5,792 (71.6%) sustained their injuries due to a blast, 916 (11.3%) sustained their injuries due to a fall, 495 (6.1%) sustained their injuries due to a vehicular incident, 401 (5.0%) sustained their injuries due to fragments, 190 (2.3%) sustained their injuries due to a bullet, and 295 (or 3.6%) sustained their injuries due to other causes. Of the 5,852 cases of TBI in the Army, 5,150 (88.0%) were counted as mild, 350 (6.0%) were counted as moderate, and 349 (6.0%) were counted as "severe" (an additional 3 cases were not recorded). Gender Distribution of Deaths Tables 2 and 3 provide statistics on the gender distribution of OIF and OEF casualties. All numbers are current as of August 2, 2008. Table 2. OIF Gender Distribution of Deaths Gender Military Deaths % of Total Deaths Male 4,023 97.6 Female 99 2.4 Total 4,122 100.0 Source: DOD, Operation Iraqi Freedom -- Military Deaths, at []. CRS-3 Table 3. OEF Gender Distribution of Deaths Gender Military Deaths % of Total Deaths Male 547 97.5 Female 14 2.5 Total 561 100.0 Source: DOD, Operation Enduring Freedom -- Military Deaths, at []. Race/Ethnicity Distribution of Deaths Tables 4 and 5 provide statistics on the race and ethnicity distribution of OIF and OEF casualties. All numbers are current as of August 2, 2008. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding. Table 4. OIF Race/ Ethnicity Distribution of Deaths Race/Ethnicity Military Deaths % of Total Deaths American Indian/Alaska Native 40 1.0 Asian 77 1.9 Black or African American 391 9.5 Hispanic or Latino 441 10.7 Multiple races, pending, or unknown 43 1.0 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 48 1.2 White 3,082 74.8 Total 4,122 100 Source: DOD, Operation Iraqi Freedom -- Military Deaths, at []. CRS-4 Table 5. OEF Race/Ethnicity Distribution of Deaths Race/Ethnicity Military Deaths % of Total Deaths American Indian or Alaska Native 8 1.4 Asian 6 1.1 Black or African American 46 8.2 Hispanic or Latino 48 8.6 Multiple races, pending or unknown 2 0.4 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 8 1.4 White 443 79.0 Total 561 100 Source: DOD, Operation Enduring Freedom -- Military Deaths, at []. Medical Evacuation Statistics for U.S. Military Personnel U.S. military personnel evacuation statistics from 2004 to January 2007 were provided to CRS by DOD's Deployment Health Support Directorate (DHSD) and the Army Office of the Surgeon General. The August 2008 numbers were found at DOD websites, at [] for OIF and at [] for OEF, both of which are updated on a regular basis. Operation Iraqi Freedom According to DOD, a total of 42,808 individuals were medically evacuated from OIF from March 19, 2003, to August 2, 2008. Of the total number of medical evacuations, 33,529 cases were non-hostile-related medical air transports, whereas the remaining 9,279 cases were of hostile-related wounded servicemembers with medical air transport required. CRS-5 Table 6. Medical Reasons for Evacuations (in percent) As of As of As of As of As of September February January March 1, August 30, 2004 27, 2006 12, 2007 2008 2, 2008 Wounded in Action 17 20 21 22 21.7 Non-Hostile Injuries 21 17 21 21 20.7 Disease 63 63 58 57 57.7 Source: Dep artment of Defense, Defense Manpower Data Center, []. Table 7. Distribution of Evacuations Among the Services (in percent) As of As of As of As of As of September February January March 1, August 2, 30, 2004 27, 2006 12, 2007 2008 2008 Army 83 83 81.6 81.9 81.9 Marines 8 12 12.0 11.5 11.3 Air Force 3 3 3.6 3.7 3.8 Navy 2 2 2.7 3.0 3.0 Source: Department of Defense, Defense Manpower Data Center, []. Note: Navy Totals Include Coast Guard. Navy totals were reported by Force Health Protection and Readiness. Operation Enduring Freedom According to DOD, a total of 8,271 individuals were medically evacuated from OEF from October 7, 2001, through August 2, 2008. Of the total number of medical evacuations, 7,037 cases were non-hostile-related medical air transports, whereas the remaining 1,234 cases were of hostile-related wounded servicemembers with medical air transport required. CRS-6 Table 8. Medical Reasons for Evacuation (in percent) As of As of As of As of As of September February January March 8, August 30, 2004 27, 2006 12, 2007 2008 2, 2008 Wounded in Action 8 9 11 14 14.9 Non-Hostile Injuries 28 18 24 23 22.3 Disease 64 73 65 64 62.8 Source: Dep ar tment o f Defense, Deployment Health Support Directo r ate, []. Table 9. Distribution of Evacuations Among the Services (in percent) As of As of As of As of As of September February January 12, March 1, August 2, 30, 2004 27, 2006 2007 2008 2008 Army 69 73 75.3 77.0 76.9 Marines 11 8 6.8 5.8 6.1 Air Force 15 16 14.3 13.1 12.7 Navy 4 3 3.6 4.1 4.2 Source: Dep ar tment o f Defense, Dep lo yment Health Support Directorate, []. Note: Navy Totals Include Coast Guard. Navy totals were reported by Force Health protection and Readiness.