WikiLeaks Document Release February 2, 2009 Congressional Research Service Report RS21396 Iraq: Map Sources Hannah Fischer and Kim Walker Klarman, Knowledge Services Group November 20, 2007 Abstract. This report identifies selected websites for maps of Iraq, including government, library, and organizational websites. Maps of the Middle East, Iraq, facilities used by U.S. forces in the Gulf, and U.S. government humanitarian assistance and reconstruction activities in Iraq are also provided. Order Code RS21396 Updated November 20, 2007 Iraq: Map Sources Hannah Fischer and Kim Walker Klarman Information Research Specialists Knowledge Services Group Summary This report identifies online sources for maps of Iraq, including government, library, and organizational websites. These sources have been selected on the basis of their authoritativeness and the range, quality, and uniqueness of the maps they provide. Some sources provide up-to-the-minute maps; others have been selected for their collection of historical maps. Maps of the Iraq, the Middle East, the state of Al Qaeda in Iraq, and the movement of refugees in Iraq are provided. This report will be updated as needed. Map Sources Links to basic static maps (non-interactive, printable image files) of Iraq and the Middle East region are provided below. Map resources are arranged in alphabetical order, with the exception of the Perry-Castaņeda Library website. The Perry-Castaņeda Library website description has been placed first because of the exceptional breadth of Iraq maps and links to Iraq maps offered by the Library's website. Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection: Iraq Maps [] The University of Texas Website offers a variety of maps, including many maps from the CIA. It has many historical maps and provides links to Iraq maps on other websites. Center for Strategic and International Studies [] The Center for Strategic and International Studies report, Political, Military and Economic Dynamics in Iraq: A Graphic Overview, includes such maps as "Ethno- Sectarian Violence" in Baghdad (page 12) and "Sunni Response in Anbar" (page 17). Central Intelligence Agency Maps [] The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) creates maps of various parts of the world and makes some available for viewing by the general public on the Internet. Purchase information is provided at this site. CRS-2 Global Security [] Global Security is an online resource that provides background information and news on defense, space, intelligence, WMD, and homeland security issues. Maps found on this website cover administrative, demographic, political, and military topics (including many maps from Department of Defense briefings in 2003 of early Operation Iraqi Freedom military operations). HIC Humanitarian Information Center for Iraq: Security Maps [] These U.N. maps are arranged into two sections -- Geographic and Thematic -- and can be searched for specific products through the Map Catalogue. National Geographic Map Machine [] National Geographic has created a wide array of thematic maps, including satellite, weather, population density, and weather maps. This website offers a large variety of geographic information on nations of the world. New York Times [ UP_MAIN_GRAPHIC.html#] The New York Times has put together an interactive map of post-surge Baghdad neighborhoods, with information on the makeup and outlook of various neighborhoods. ReliefWeb [] The Relief Website is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and offers information and maps on areas of the world requiring humanitarian relief. Maps of Iraq located on this website, dated 2001 through 2007, include "Health Implications of the Influx of Displaced Persons From Iraq," "Iraq Situation Map," and other maps of general interest. Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq [] General Petraeus' September 2007 report to Congress includes a number of maps of Iraq, including "State of Al Qaeda Iraq" on page 20. Special Report: War in Iraq [] This Cable News Network (CNN) website offers many maps on Iraq, including former weapons of mass destruction (WMD) sites, Iraqi military sites, Iraqi regional divisions map, terrain, population, oil fields, a regional map of the Middle East, palace sites, and a map showing the positions of U.S. and coalition forces before the start of the Iraq War. United Nations [] This website provides the UN reference maps of Iraq in a one-page PDF. CRS-3 Figure 1. Map of Iraq Source: CIA maps, provided by the Perry-Castaņeda Library, at []. CRS-4 Figure 2. Map of Middle East Source: CIA maps, provided by the Perry-Castaņeda Library, at []. CRS-5 Figure 3. State of Al Qaeda Iraq Source: General Petraeus, September 2007, "Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq," pg. 20, at []. CRS-6 Figure 4. Iraq Situation Map Source: ReliefWeb at [ LPAA-75TP82?OpenDocument&rc=3&cc=irq], posted August 6, 2007 and reflects the situation as of July 2007. This map shows Iraqi refugee movement in Iraq and its neighboring countries.