For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¢ ¢ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ ¢ Senate Rule XXVI spells out specific requirements for Senate committee procedures. In addition, all Senate committees are required to adopt rules that govern their organization and operation. Those committee rules then elaborate, within Senate rules, how the committee will handle its business. Rules adopted by a committee may "not be inconsistent with the Rules of the Senate" (Senate Rule XXVI, paragraph 2). Committees may add to the basic rules, but they may not add anything that is in conflict with Senate rules. This report first provides a brief overview of Senate rules as they pertain to committees. The report then compares the different approaches Senate committees have taken when adopting their rules. A committee's rules can be extensive and detailed or general and short. The tables at the end of this report compare selected, key features of the rules by committee. The tables, however, represent only a portion of each committee's rules. Provisions of the rules which are substantially similar to, or which are essentially restatements of, the Senate's standing rules are not included. This report will review the requirements contained in Senate rules pertaining to committees; it will then explore how each Senate committee addresses 11 specific issues: Meeting Day; Hearing and Meeting Notice Requirements; Scheduling of Witnesses; Hearing Quorum; Business Quorum; Amendment Filing Requirements; Proxy Voting; Polling; Nominations; Investigations; and Subpoenas. In addition, the report looks at the unique provisions some committees have included in their rules in the Miscellaneous category. This report will be updated during the first session of each Congress after all Senate committees have printed their rules in the Congressional Record. ¢ Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Standing Rules and Standing Orders of the Senate and Committees .............................................. 2 A Comparison of Select Committee Rules ...................................................................................... 4 Regular Meeting Day ................................................................................................................ 4 Hearing and Meeting Notice Requirements .............................................................................. 4 Scheduling of Witnesses ........................................................................................................... 4 Hearing Quorum........................................................................................................................ 5 Business Quorum ...................................................................................................................... 5 Amendment Filing Requirements ............................................................................................. 5 Proxy Voting.............................................................................................................................. 6 Polling of Committee ................................................................................................................ 6 Nominations .............................................................................................................................. 6 Investigations ............................................................................................................................ 7 Subpoenas ................................................................................................................................. 7 Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................ 8 Table 1. Meeting Day(s), Hearing and Meeting Notice Requirements, Scheduling of Witnesses...................................................................................................................................... 9 Table 2. Hearing Quorum, Business Quorum, Amendment Filing Requirements ........................ 12 Table 3. Proxy Voting, Polling of Committee, Nominations ......................................................... 17 Table 4. Investigations, Subpoenas, Miscellaneous ...................................................................... 22 Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 27 ¢ Senate Rule XXVI spells out specific requirements for Senate committee procedures. In addition, all Senate committees are required to adopt rules that govern their organization and operation. Those committee rules then elaborate, within Senate rules, how the committee will handle questions of order and procedure. A committee's rules may "not be inconsistent with the Rules of the Senate."1 Committees may add to the basic rules, but they may not add anything that is in conflict with Senate rules. Examining the rules for each committee can show how each approaches issues of comity and fairness in the conduct of its business. The rules also serve to illustrate how each committee handles the division of power and the allocation of responsibility within its membership. Several committees, for example, require that if the committee is conducting business with a quorum that is less than a majority of its members, a member from the minority party must be present. When issuing subpoenas or starting investigations, committees may take different approaches on how to give authority to the chair of the committee while still allowing the ranking minority member a role in the process. Some committees require the agreement of the ranking minority member, others require that he or she be notified before the subpoena is issued. The requirement that each committee must adopt its own set of rules dates back to the 1970 Legislative Reorganization Act (P.L. 91-510). That law built on the 1946 Legislative Reorganization Act (P.L. 79-601) which created a framework for most Senate committees by setting out some basic requirements that most committees must adhere to. Under the provisions of the1970 law, Senate committees must adopt their rules and have them printed in the Congressional Record not later than March 1 of the first year of a Congress. Typically, the Senate also publishes a compilation of the rules of all the committees each Congress, and some individual committees also publish their rules as a committee print.2 While committee rules govern the actions of Senators in committee proceedings, there is no means for the Senate to enforce rules on committee conduct if the requirement that a physical majority be present for reporting a measure or matter is met. There also is no means for the Senate to enforce committee rules which go beyond those set out in the Senate's standing rules. So, for example, if a committee's rules contained a provision requiring that a member of the minority party be present for a quorum, but the committee acts without regard to that provision, the minority could register their disapproval with the committee's actions, but there is no point of order that could be raised on the Senate floor. This report analyzes the different approaches Senate committees have taken with their rules, focusing on additions to the overall Senate committee rules structure or unique provisions. A committee's rules can be extensive and detailed or general and short. The tables at the end of this report compare key features of the rules by committee. The tables, however, represent only a portion of each committee's rules. Provisions of the rules which are substantially similar to or which are essentially restatements of the Senate's standing rules are not included. 1 Senate Rule XXVI, paragraph 2. 2 U.S. Congress, Senate, Authority and Rules of Senate Committees, 2005-2006, S.Doc. 109-8, 109th Cong., 1st sess., prepared by the Committee on Rules and Administration (Washington: GPO, 2005). ¢ This report will review the requirements contained in Senate rules for committees, then explore how each Senate committee handles 11 specific procedural issues: Meeting Day; Hearing and Meeting Notice Requirements; Scheduling of Witnesses; Hearing Quorum; Business Quorum; Amendment Requirements; Proxy Voting; Polling; Nominations; Investigations; and Subpoenas. Also, the report looks at unique provisions some committees have included in their rules in a "Miscellaneous" category. While there is some latitude for committees to set their own rules, the standing rules of the Senate set out the specific requirements that each committee must follow.3 The following provisions are taken from Rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate. Some committees reiterate these rules in their own rules, but even for those committees that do not, these restrictions apply.4 This is not an exhaustive explanation of Senate Rules and their impact on committees, rather this summary is intended to provide a background against which to understand each committee's individual rules. · Rules. Each committee must adopt rules; those rules must be published in the Congressional Record not later than March 1 of the first year of each Congress. If a committee adopts an amendment to its rules, that change only becomes effective when it is published in the Record. (Rule XXVI, paragraph 2) · Meetings. Committees and subcommittees are authorized to meet and to hold hearings when the Senate is in session and when it has recessed or adjourned. A committee may not meet on any day (1) after the Senate has been in session for two hours, or (2) after 2:00 p.m. when the Senate is in session.5 Each committee must designate a regular day on which to meet weekly, biweekly or monthly (this requirement does not apply to the Appropriations Committee). A committee is to announce the date, place, and subject of each hearing at least one week in advance, though any committee may waive this requirement for "good cause." (Rule XXVI, paragraph 5(a); Rule XXVI, paragraph 3) · Special meeting. Three members of a committee may make a written request to the chair to call a special meeting. The chair then has three calendar days in which to schedule the meeting, which is to take place within the next seven calendar days. If the chair fails to do so, a majority of the committee members can file a written motion to hold the meeting at a certain date and hour. (Rule XXVI, paragraph 3) 3 Detailed information on Senate rules comes from U.S. Congress, Senate, Senate Manual, S.Doc. 107-1, 107th Cong., st 1 sess., prepared by the Committee on Rules and Administration (Washington: GPO, 2002). Exceptions to the rules are noted in footnotes. 4 Portions of S.Res. 4 (95th Congress), a 1977 Standing Order, also apply to some Senate committees but those provisions are not discussed in this report. 5 This prohibition does not apply to the Appropriations and Budget Committees, and it can be waived for other committees by unanimous consent requests made on the Senate floor. It also may be waived by an agreement between the Majority and Minority Leaders or their designees. ¢ · Open meetings. Unless closed for reasons specified in Senate rules, such as a need to protect national security information, committee and subcommittee meetings, including hearings, are open to the public. When a committee or subcommittee schedules or cancels a meeting, it is required to provide that information, including the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, for inclusion in the Senate's computerized schedule information system. Any hearing that is open to the public also may be open to radio and television broadcasting, at the committee's discretion. Committees and subcommittees may adopt rules to govern how the media may broadcast the event. A vote by the committee in open session is required to close a meeting. (Rule XXVI, paragraph 5(b)) · Quorums. Committees may set a quorum for doing business that is not less than one-third of the membership. A majority of a committee must be physically present when the committee votes to order the reporting of any measure, matter, or recommendation. The motion to order the reporting of a measure or matter requires the support of a majority of the members who are present and, in turn, the members who are physically present must constitute a majority of the committee. Proxies cannot be used to constitute a quorum. (Rule XXVI, paragraph Rule XXVI, paragraph 7(a)(1)) · Proxy voting. A committee may adopt rules permitting proxy voting. A committee may not permit a proxy vote to be cast unless the absent Senator has been notified about the question to be decided and has requested that his or her vote be cast by proxy. A committee may prohibit the use of proxy votes on votes to report. (Rule XXVI, paragraph 7(a)(3)) · Investigations and subpoenas. Each standing committee and its subcommittees is empowered to investigate matters within its jurisdiction and to issue subpoenas for persons and papers. (Rule XXVI, paragraph 1) · Witnesses selected by the minority. During hearings on any measure or matter, the minority shall be allowed to select witnesses to testify on at least one day, when the chair receives such a request from a majority of the minority party members. This provision does not apply to the Appropriations Committee. (Rule XXVI, paragraph 4(d)) · Reporting. Senate committees may report original bills and resolutions, in addition to those that have been referred to the panel. As stated in the quorum requirement, a majority of the committee must be physically present for a measure or matter to be reported. Also, a majority of those present are required to order a measure or matter reported. A Senate Committee is not required to issue a written report to accompany a measure or matter it reports; if the committee does write such a report, Senate rules specify a series of required elements that must be included in the report. (Rule XXVI, paragraph 7(a)(3); Rule XXVI, paragraph 10(c); among others, see CRS Report 98-305, Senate Committee Reports: Required Contents, by Elizabeth Rybicki.) ¢ ¢ In their rules for the 110th Congress, no Senate Committee uses either Monday or Friday for its regular meeting day, and the committees are relatively evenly spread over the remaining three days: 5 committees chose Tuesdays, 7 committees selected Wednesdays, and 7 committees picked Thursdays as their regular meeting days (see Table 1). Two committees, Appropriations and Select Aging, meet at the call of the chair. Within those categories, some committees, including the Armed Services; Commerce, Science and Transportation; Foreign Relations; Indian Affairs; and Judiciary provide for meeting at least once a week. The other committees set the meetings at once or twice a month. Committees must, according to Senate Rules, provide one week's notice of their hearings and business meetings. The rule, however, allows shorter notice, if "the committee determines there is good cause" to hold a hearing or meeting with less notice. When it comes to the determination of what "good cause" is, Senate committees allocate the task of making that decision differently (see Table 1). The rules of the Armed Services Committee, for example, say it is the decision of the committee as a whole. Four committees, Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Finance; and Indian Affairs, give the chair of the panel the authority to schedule a hearing or meeting with less than a week's notice. Six committees require some type of cooperation between the chair and ranking member of the committee to meet with less than a week's notice. Four of those committees, Budget; Environment and Public Works; Judiciary; and Special Aging, require the chair to obtain the agreement of the ranking member to make the decision to hold a hearing or meeting with less than usual notice. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee gives the responsibility to the chair and the committee together, while the Foreign Relations Committee chair must consult with the ranking minority member on the committee. Several committees go beyond Senate requirements in their rules regarding scheduling of witnesses, giving greater opportunity to the minority to include witnesses of their choosing during a hearing (see Table 1). The Finance Committee calls on its staff to ensure there is a "balance of views" early on in a hearing, and allows each member of the committee to designate individuals to testify. The Foreign Relations Committee minority may request an equal number of witnesses as the majority, and the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee allows for an equal number of witnesses for the majority and minority unless there is to be just one administration witness. Similarly, if the Senate is evenly divided, the Budget Committee provides for equal numbers of witnesses for the majority and minority, with the same exception for a single administration witness. ¢ The Ethics and Select Intelligence committees' rules have provisions according an opportunity for an individual to testify before the committee if that person believes his or her reputation is at issue or if his or her name came up in previous testimony. For receiving testimony at hearings, most Senate committees reduce their quorum requirements to one or sometimes two Senators. One panel, the Armed Services Committee, requires that a member of the minority be present, unless the full committee orders otherwise. The "conduct of business" at a committee meeting typically refers to actions such as debating and voting on amendments, that allow the committee to proceed on measures up to the point of reporting the measure to the full Senate. For the conduct of business, the requirement that a member of the minority be present is a common feature of committee quorum rules. In order to report out a measure, Senate rules require that a majority of the committee be physically present. A dozen committees feature some kind of minority attendance requirement for the conduct of business during a committee business meeting (see Table 2). The Environment and Public Works Committee's business quorum requires two members of the minority and six members of the committee in total. The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship committees require the presence of one member of the minority, as do the Veterans' Affairs and Special Aging committees. The Veterans' Affairs Committee rules also contain a provision designed to make sure that the lack of a minority member cannot indefinitely delay action on a measure or matter. The Finance Committee requires one member from the majority and one member of the minority for its business quorum as do the Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; Foreign Relations and Ethics committees. The Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee requires that any business quorum that is less than a majority of the committee include a member of the minority. The Armed Services Committee sets a business quorum at eight members, which must include a member of the minority party. The Judiciary Committee also specifies a quorum of eight, with two members of the minority present. The Indian Affairs Committee has a rule stating that a quorum is presumed to be present unless the absence of a quorum is noted by a Member. Several committees require that Senators file any first degree amendments they may offer during a committee markup before the committee meets (see Table 2). This provision allows the chair and ranking member of the committee to see what kind of issues may come up at the markup, and also may allow them the opportunity to try to negotiate agreements with amendment sponsors before the formal markup session begins. It also provides an opportunity to Members to draft second degree amendments to possible first degree amendments before the markup begins. ¢ The Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs and Small Business and Entrepreneurship committees call for submitting such amendments two business days before the markup, if sufficient notice of the markup has been given. The Appropriations; Environment and Public Works; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; and Veterans' Affairs committees require 24 hours notice of first degree amendments. The Judiciary Committee requires that first degree amendments be filed with the committee by 5 p.m. of the day before the markup. All of these committees allow the full committee to waive this filing requirement and, in some cases, it is waived automatically if Senators were not given sufficient notice of the markup. ¡¢ Most Senate committees permit some form of proxy voting, where a Senator does not have to be physically present to record his or her position on a measure or matter before the committee (see Table 3). The Armed Services; Foreign Relations; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; Select Intelligence; Small Business and Entrepreneurship; and Veterans' Affairs committees require that proxies be executed in writing. The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee requires that the responsibility for voting the proxy be assigned to a Senator who is present at the markup. The Commerce, Science and Transportation; Environment and Public Works; and Judiciary committees allow several other methods of transmitting a Senator's proxy intentions, including telephone or personal instructions to another Member of the committee. Proxies cannot be used in any committee to count toward a quorum for reporting a measure or matter. The Budget Committee prohibits proxy voting during its annual markup of the budget resolution, and the Ethics Committee does not permit a Senator to vote by proxy on a motion to initiate an investigation. Polling is a method of taking a "vote" of the committee on a matter without the committee physically coming together. As such, it cannot be used to report out measure or matters (that would violate Senate rules which require a physical majority to be present to report a measure or matter). Polling can be used, however, for internal housekeeping matters before the committee, such as questions concerning staffing or perhaps how the committee ought to proceed on a measure or matter (see Table 3). Only five committees have provisions for polling in their rules: Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; Budget; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions; Homeland Security and Government Affairs; and Aging. Of those, all the committees except the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, allow a member to request that the matter being polled be formally voted on by the committee at the next business meeting. Many committees set out timetables in their rules for action on presidential nominations, and most committees also contain provisions allowing the timetables to be waived (see Table 3). The Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and Veterans' ¢ Affairs committees require a five-day layover between receipt of the nomination and committee action on it. The Foreign Relations Committee requires a six-day delay, the Armed Services Committee a seven-day delay and the Intelligence Committee calls for a fourteen-day waiting period before action on a nomination. In addition, the Intelligence panel rules require that the committee not act until seven days after the committee receives background and financial information on the nominee. The Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Budget and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees require that nominees testify before their committees under oath. The Energy and Natural Resources; Indian Affairs; and Veterans' Affairs committees have provisions requiring the nominee or someone testifying at a nomination hearing to testify under oath. The Finance Committee allows any member to request that the testimony from witnesses be taken under oath. Several committees require advance permission for staff or a Senator to launch an investigation (see Table 4). The Select Intelligence Committee, for example, prohibits investigations unless any five committee members request it. The Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee requires that either the full Senate, the full committee, or the chair and ranking member jointly authorize an investigation before it may begin. The Select Aging Committee authorizes its staff to initiate an investigation with the approval of the chair and ranking minority member and requires that all investigations be conducted in a bipartisan basis. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee requires that the full committee authorize any investigation, as does the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. The Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee requires full committee approval for any investigation involving subpoenas. Six Senate committees do not have a specific rules which set out how the panel will decide to issue subpoenas (see Table 4). The lack of a subpoena provision does not mean the committees cannot issue subpoenas, just that the process for doing so is not specified in the committee's written rules. Of the committees that do have rules on subpoenas, one, the Special Committee on Aging, grants the authority to issue the subpoena to the chair alone. Seven other committees, Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; Banking; Energy and Natural Resources; Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; Indian Affairs; Small Business and Entrepreneurship; and Veterans' Affairs, require that the chair seek the agreement, approval, concurrence, or consent of the ranking member before issuing a subpoena. In all seven instances, however, the chair also may gain approval for a subpoena from a majority of the committee. Four committees--Foreign Relations; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions; Ethics; and Select Intelligence--give the decision as to whether to issue a subpoena to the full committee as a whole. ¢ Some committees have unique provisions that are not included in other committee rules. The Budget Committee's rules limit the size and number of charts a Senator can display during debate on a subject. The Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee permits broadcasting of its proceedings only upon agreement by the chair and ranking member. The chair and ranking member of the Rules Committee are authorized to approve any rule or regulation which the committee must approve, and the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee allows any member to administer the oath to any witness testifying "as to fact." Both the Finance and the Judiciary committees allow the chair to call a vote on whether to end debate on a pending measure or matter. This ability to end debate on a measure or matter does not appear in any other committees' rules and may allow these committees to move controversial measure through their panels. The Foreign Relations Committee includes in its rules a provision stating that, as much as possible, the committee not "resort" to formal parliamentary procedure. That would seem to suggest a committee where Senators attempt to resolve controversial issues before the committee markup, rather than relying on parliamentary tools to push legislation or nominations through. Both the Veterans' Affairs and the Environment and Public Works committees are charged with naming certain federal facilities, so their rules provide guidance on how those names may be chosen. The rules of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee require that any measure seeking to give out the Congressional Gold Medal have 67 cosponsors to be considered. The Select Intelligence Committee gives direction to its staff director to ensure that covert programs are reviewed at least once per quarter. The Appropriations Committee rules empower any member of the committee who is managing an appropriations bill on the floor to make points of order against amendments being offered that would seem to violate Senate rules. The Armed Services Committee's rules reach out to the executive branch and call on the committee to obtain executive branch response to any measure referred to the committee. The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee requires that any report on a measure also include an evaluation of the regulatory impact of the measure. The Select Committee on Aging requires that investigative reports containing findings or recommendations may be published only with the approval of a majority of committee members. The Indian Affairs Committee urges its Members to disclose their finances in the same way in which they require nominees to presidentially appointed position to do. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee appears to allow any Member to place a measure or matter on the committee's agenda, if the Member does so at least one week in advance of the business meeting at which it will be considered. The Judiciary Committee allows any member to delay consideration for one week any item on its agenda. The Select Committee on Ethics also allows any member of the committee to postpone discussion of a pending matter until a majority of the committee is present. .rebmem gniknar dna riahc fo ecnerrucnoc htiw deviaw eb yam sihT .gniteem eht fo ecnavda ni sruoh 84 naht ssel ton krelc eettimmoc eht htiw delif neeb sah ti sselnu noituloser ro llib yna ot deecorp htnom noisivorp oN ot redro ni ton si ti ,gniteem ssenisub a tA hcae fo syadseuT dr3 dna 1ts noitatropsnarT dna ecneicS ,ecremmoC .deriuqer si ,adnega gnidulcni ,sgniteem ssenisub .laiciffo noitartsinimda eno tsuj eb ot rof eciton sruoh 84 .renoos nigeb ot si ereht sselnu ,riahc eht sa sessentiw "esuac doog" si ereht enimreted rebmem ynam sa llac yam rebmem gniknar gniknar dna riahc sselnu deriuqer si eht ,dedivid yllauqe si etaneS eht fI ,ecalp dna ,emit ,etad fo eciton s'keew enO htnom hcae fo yadsruhT 1 ts tegduB .reilrae ti dloh ot "secnatsmucric tnegixe" si ereht senimreted riahc eht sselnu gniteem ssenisub noisivorp oN a rof 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gniteeM eluR/eettimmoC ecitoN gniteeM & gniraeH .ssentiw eno dewolla si rebmem gniknar eht neht ,ssentiw noitartsinimda eno ylno si ereht sselnu .sgniraeh sessentiw noitartsinimda gnitnuoc dna sgniteem ssenisub htob rof ".elbacitcarp ton ,sessentiw fo rebmun lauqe na erehw" ecnavda ni syad ssenisub llac yam rebmem gniknar dna riahC evif dedivorp eb llahs eciton nettirW htnom hcae fo yadsendeW ts 1 pihsruenerpertnE dna ssenisuB llamS ".yllamron" ,ecnavda ni yad eno tnes si gniteem ssenisub rof adnega ehT ;sgniraeh rof deriuqer .m.a 01 ta htnom noisivorp oN si "yllamron" eciton nettirw s'keew enO hcae fo syadsendeW ht4 dna dn2 noitartsinimdA dna seluR .deriuqer si ,ssel ,rebmem ytironim gniknar fo tnesnoc htiw ,ro sgniteem ssenisub rof eciton syad eerhT .eciton ssel rof "esuac doog" si ereht senimreted rebmem gniknar fo tnesnoc htiw riahc sselnu ,deriuqer .m.a 03:9 ta noisses noisivorp oN si sgniraeh rof eciton syad radnelac neveS ni si etaneS eht yadsruhT hcaE yraiciduJ .eettimmoc fo etov ytirojam yb sselnu dehsilbup si ti retfa adnega na ot dedda eb yam meti oN .adnega na htiw ,sgniteem ssenisub rof eciton yad owt a si erehT .dewolla muminim eht si eciton sruoh 42 .serudecorp detidepxe eriuqer "secnatsmucric laiceps" taht ro laisrevortnoc-non si gniraeh eht sediced noisses noisivorp oN riahc sselnu ,deriuqer si eciton s'keew enO ni si ssergnoC nehw syadsruhT sriaffA naidnI .rucco "stnemeriuqer neesrofnu" fi ssel eb yam ecitoN .)syadiloh dna syadnuS ,syadrutaS gnidulcxe( ecnavda ni syad eerht sgniteem ssenisub rof adnega .sgniraeh nettirw a teg ot era srebmeM ".esuac fo yad eno tsael ta gnirud sessentiw doog" si ereht senimreted eettimmocbus ro llac yam ytironim eht fo ytirojam eettimmoc eht fi ssel eb yam eciton hguoht noisses ni si ssergnoC sriaffA a ,riahc eht ot tseuqer a nopU ,deriuqer si gniraeh rof eciton s'keew enO nehw htnom hcae fo yadsruhT 1 ts latnemnrevoG dna ytiruceS dnalemoH sessentiW fo gniludehcS stnemeriuqeR )s(yaD gniteeM eluR/eettimmoC ecitoN gniteeM & gniraeH rettam ro erusaem a tuo gnitroper naht rehto ssenisub tcudnoc ot ytrap hcae fo rebmem eno gnidulcni ,pihsrebmem noisivorp oN eettimmoc fo driht-enO ynomitset gnikat rof rebmeM enO yrtseroF dna noitirtuN ,erutlucirgA stnemeriuqeR gniliF tnemdnemA murouQ ssenisuB murouQ gniraeH eluR/eettimmoC stnemeriuqeR gniliF tnemdnemA ,murouQ ssenisuB ,murouQ gniraeH .2 elbaT .noitseuq ".esuac doog" si ereht senimreted ,rebmem ni gniraeh eht fo dne eht erofeb os gniknar eht fo ecnerrucnoc eht htiw od ot tseuqer eht ekam tsum yehT ,riahc eht fi eciton sruoh 42 no dellac eb .gniraeh a fo yad eno tsael ta gnirud yam rehtiE .gniteem rof eciton syad evif dna sessentiw llac yam ytironim ehT ,deriuqer si gniraeh a rof eciton s'keew enO riahc eht fo llaC gnigA no eettimmoC laicepS .lotipaC .ynomitset nwo reh eht edistuo gniteem a rof eciton sruoh ro sih tneserp ot ecnahc a tseuqer 84 dna "secnatsmucric yranidroartxe" ni yam gniraeh cilbup a ta detneserp tpecxe deriuqer si notgnihsaW ni sgniteem ecnedive yb degamad saw noitatuper rof eciton sruoh 42 tsael tA .deriuqer reh ro sih seveileb ohw nosrep A si sgniteem rof "eciton elbanosaeR" yadsendeW rehto yrevE ecnegilletnI no eettimmoC tceleS .tnemetats nrows a elif ro eettimmoc eht erofeb raeppa ot tseuqer yam noitatuper reh ro sih tceffa ylesrevda ot sdnet tnemetats eht taht seveileb ylbanosaer ohw dna ,lesnuoc edistuo ro ffats ,rebmem eettimmoc a yb edam stnemetats ro ynomitset .emit elbissop tseilrae ni ot derrefer esiwrehto ro deifitnedi eht ta eciton nevig eb lliw srebmem esac yllacificeps si ohw ro denoitnem hcihw ni ,reilrae ti dloh ot "esuac doog" si noisses ni si ssergnoC si eman esohw nosrep ynA ereht sselnu ,deriuqer si eciton s'keew enO elihw htnom hcae fo yadsruhT 1ts scihtE no eettimmoC tceleS .srebmem htiw "snaem etairporppa tsekciuq" yb etacinummoc llahs ffats ,ssenisub eettimmoc ro stnemeriuqer neesrofnu yb detneverp si eciton siht fI .syadiloh laredef ro syadnuS ,syadrutaS gnidulcxe ,ecnavda ni sruoh 27 dedivorp eb llahs ,adnega gnidulcni noisivorp oN ,gniteem eettimmoc a fo eciton nettirW htnom hcae fo yadsendeW ts 1 sriaffA 'snareteV sessentiW fo gniludehcS stnemeriuqeR )s(yaD gniteeM eluR/eettimmoC ecitoN gniteeM & gniraeH .noitanimon ro noituloser ,llib a gnitroper rof murouq a si ,ytironim eht fo rebmem eno tsael ta edulcni llahs hcihw ,srebmem eettimmoc fo ytirojam A .gnitroper rotaneS eno ,eettimmocbus naht rehto ,ssenisub fo tcudnoc eht a ro eettimmoc eht rof ynomitset noisivorp oN rof murouq a era srebmem thgiE nrows gnikat fo sesoprup eht roF noitatropsnarT dna ecneicS ,ecremmoC .rettam ro erusaem a gnitroper rof tpecxe ,ssenisub fo tcudnoc eht rof murouq a si eettimmoc rotaneS eno ,ynomitset nrowsnu noisivorp oN fo pihsrebmem eht fo driht-enO ro nrows gnikat fo esoprup eht roF tegduB .ecnavda ni delif eb ot evah ton seod noitces a ekirts ot noitom A .pukram a fo eciton syad ssenisub eerht nevig neeb evah srebmem nehw ylno seilppa sihT .rebmem gniknar dna riahc eht fo tnemeerga yb ro eettimmocbus ro eettimmoc eht fo etov ytirojam a yb deviaw eb yam tnemeriuqer sihT .seciffo eettimmoc ni pukram erofeb syad tneserp ecnedive gniviecer dna sessentiw ssenisub owt delif era seipoc 05 sselnu si eettimmoc eht fo ytirojam fo ni gniraews ,ynomitset gnikat redro ni era stnemdnema eerged tsrif oN a sselnu noisses evitucexe oN fo sesoprup eht rof rebmeM enO sriaffA nabrU dna gnisuoH ,gniknaB eettimmoc lluf eht ssenisub fo ytirojam a yb deredro esiwrehto fo noitcasnart rof eettimmoc eht sselnu ,rebmem ytrap ytironim eno fo ytirojam a ro rebmem ytironim gnidulcni ,eettimmoc eht fo srebmem noisivorp oN eno gnidulcni srebmem eniN eerht ,ynomitset nrows gnikat roF secivreS demrA .pukram ot roirp sruoh-42 rebmem gniknar dna riahc eettimmocbus etairporppa dna rebmem gniknar dna riahc eht eettimmocbus a rof rebmem ot nevig eb dluohs pukram eettimmoc lluf rettam eno dna eettimmoc lluf rof srebmem ta dereffo eb ot dednetni egaugnal troper ro erusaem a tuo gnitroper tub eerht ,ynomitset nrows rof ,ynomitset dna stnemdnema ,elbissop tnetxe eht oT lla rof eettimmoc eht fo driht-enO nrowsnu gnikat rof rebmem enO snoitairporppA stnemeriuqeR gniliF tnemdnemA murouQ ssenisuB murouQ gniraeH eluR/eettimmoC .ytironim rebmem ytironim .rebmem ytironim eht fo rebmem eno dna ytirojam gniknar dna riahc fo ecnerrucnoc gniknar eht fo ecnerrucnoc eht htiw eht fo rebmem eno tsael ta edulcni eht yb rebmem eno ot derewol ",secnatsmucric laiceps" teem ot elur siht llahs eettimmoc eht fo ytirojam eb yam ,ynomitset nrows rof dedeen yfidom yam riahc ehT .srebmem ot nevig a naht ssel fo desopmoc si hcihw srebmem eerht ,ynomitset nrows eb lliw delif stnemdnema llA .pukram murouq ynA .murouq ssenisub rof naht rehto sgniraeh tcudnoc yam a erofeb sruoh 42 tsael ta riahc eht htiw a si ,tneserp yllautca ,pihsrebmem rebmem eno ,riahc eettimmocbus delif eb tsum stnemdnema eerged tsriF eettimmoc eht fo driht-enO ro eettimmoc lluf fo lavorppa htiW snoisneP dna robaL ,noitacudE ,htlaeH .snoitanimon ro noitalsigel tuo gnitroper naht rehto ,ssenisub rof murouq a si ,ytrap hcae morf rebmem eno tsael ta gnidulcni ,pihsrebmem ynomitset noisivorp oN eettimmoc eht fo driht-enO gnikat fo sesoprup rof rotaneS enO snoitaleR ngieroF .rebmem ytironim eno dna rebmem ytirojam eno naht ssel ton dna srebmem eettimmoc eht fo driht-eno fo stsisnoc )gnitroper noisivorp oN rof tpecxe( murouq ssenisub A gniraeh a rof rotaneS enO ecnaniF .enildaed .noituloser eettimmoc gnilif eht retfa srebmem ot stnemdnema a gnivorppa ro aneopbus a fo lla etubirtsid yltpmorp llahs riahc ecnaussi eht gnivorppa fo esoprup ehT .gniteem ssenisub a erofeb sruoh eht rof dna gniteem ssenisub a 42 eettimmocbus ro eettimmoc eht htiw rof deriuqer era ,srebmem ytironim delif eb tsum stnemdnema eerged tsriF owt gnidulcni ,srebmem xiS gniraeh a rof rotaneS enO skroW cilbuP dna tnemnorivnE .gnitroper naht rehto ssenisub fo tcudnoc eht rof dedeen era srebmem thgiE .tneserp yllautca era srebmem rotaneS eettimmoc 21 sselnu detroper eno ynomitset gnikat ro gniraeh noisivorp oN eb llahs rettam ro erusaem oN a gnitcudnoc fo sesoprup eht roF secruoseR larutaN dna ygrenE stnemeriuqeR gniliF tnemdnemA murouQ ssenisuB murouQ gniraeH eluR/eettimmoC .gnilif ecnavda tuohtiw redro ni era ekirts ot snoitoM .rebmem ytironim gniknar dna riahc fo tnemeerga eht yb deviaw eb yam sihT .pukram eht fo trats eht erofeb yad eht .m.p 5 yb delif si ti sselnu redro ni eb llahs tnemdnema eerged tsrif on ,ecnavda ni syad .stnemdnema fo noitaredisnoc .nrowsnu evif osla elbaliava neeb sah noituloser gnidulcni ,ssenisub fo noitcasnart si ynomitset fi murouq a si rebmem ro llib desoporp fo txet eht dna adnega eht rof murouq eht si eettimmoc eno ;htao rednu ynomitset ekat fo eciton syad evif neeb sah ereht fI eht fo srebmem eht fo driht-enO yam eettimmoc eht fo srebmem owT noitartsinimdA dna seluR .gnilif ecnavda tuohtiw redro ni era ekirts ot snoitoM .rebmem ytironim gniknar dna riahc fo tnemeerga na yb deviaw eb yam sihT .gniteem eht fo trats eht erofeb yad eht .m.p 5 yb delif si ti sselnu redro ni eb llahs tnemdnema .ssenisub tcasnart ot tneserp eerged tsrif on ,ecnavda ni syad eb tsum ,ytironim eht fo srebmem neves osla elbaliava neeb sah noituloser owt gnidulcni ,srebmem thgie dna ro llib desoporp fo txet eht dna adnega ",ssenisub ssucsid" ot deriuqer era eht fo eciton syad neves neeb sah ereht fI ot eettimmoc eht fo srebmem xiS ynomitset nrows ekat ot rotaneS enO yraiciduJ .deriuqer eb llahs srebmem eht fo etov dedrocer a esac hcihw ni ,stcejbo rebmem a sselnu eettimmoc eht morf detroper eb yam erusaem A .rebmem a yb deton si murouq a fo ecnesba eht sselnu tneserp eb ot demuserp si murouq A .murouq ssenisub noisivorp oN a etutitsnoc srebmem fo ytirojam A rotaneS eno ,ynomitset gnikaT sriaffA naidnI .nevig neeb sah pukram fo eciton nettirw sruoh 27 nehw seilppa ylno tnemeriuqer sihT .tneserp esoht fo ytirojam a yb deviaw eb yam sihT .desoporp eb ot si tnemdnema eht hcihw ta gniteem eht erofeb sruoh 42 tsael ta eettimmocbus ro eettimmoc eht ot dedivorp neeb sah tnemdnema fo .murouq ssenisub ypoc nettirw a sselnu tnemdnema eerged a si ytironim eht fo rebmem tsrif a redisnoc ot eettimmocbus a ro eno tsael ta gnidulcni ,pihsrebmem .rotaneS eno ,ynomitset sriaffA eettimmoc eht rof redro ni eb ton llahs tI eettimmoc eht fo driht-enO nrowsnu ro nrows gnikat roF latnemnrevoG dna ytiruceS dnalemoH stnemeriuqeR gniliF tnemdnemA murouQ ssenisuB murouQ gniraeH eluR/eettimmoC .ytironim eht fo rebmem eno sedulcni ti dedivorp ,ssenisub tcudnoc ot deriuqer si pihsrebmem ynomitset fo gnikat dna ecnedive noisivorp oN eettimmoc eht fo driht-enO fo tpiecer eht rof rotaneS enO gnigA no eettimmoC laicepS .htao rednu .ssenisub ecnedive gniviecer dna ,ynomitset tcudnoc ot deriuqer si pihsrebmem nrows gnikat dna sessentiw gniraeh noisivorp oN eettimmoc fo driht-enO fo esoprup eht rof rotaneS enO ecnegilletnI no eettimmoC tceleS .rebmem ytironim eno dna rebmem ytirojam eno edulcni tsum taht dna ,ssenisub enituor rehto fo noitcasnart eht rof deriuqer era srebmem eerhT .tcudnocsim tuoba noitamrofni ro fo snoitagella ro ,stnialpmoc .ynomitset gnikat fo gnivlovni ssenisub rof deriuqer esoprup eht rof murouq a sa rebmun noisivorp oN si eettimmoc eht fo ytirojam A ressel a xif yam eettimmoc tceles ehT scihtE no eettimmoC tceleS .murouq "etairporppa" yb detcudnoc eb neht yam ssenisub ehT .yad radnelac eno revo yal lliw ssenisub eht ,tneserp ton si ytironim .gniteem eht fo eciton sruoh 27 eht fo rebmem a fI .ytironim saw ereht fi seilppa ylno ti dna eettimmoc eht fo rebmem eno seriuqer eht fo etov ytirojam a yb deviaw eb murouq a ,secnatsni eseht htob yam sihT .ecnavda ni sruoh 42 eettimmoc nI .rettam ro erusaem a troper eht fo rebmem hcae ot dereviled ot murouq a era srebmem thgie dna neeb sah ypoc nettirw a sselnu redro stnemdnema no ssenisub tcudnoc ni ton era stnemdnema eerged tsriF ot murouq a era srebmem eviF ynomitset gnikat rof rotaneS enO sriaffA 'snareteV .eettimmoc .stnemdnema eht fo etov ytirojam a yb ro rebmem no gnitov dna noitalsigel gniknar dna riahc eht fo tnemeerga fo noitaredisnoc eht sedulcni na yb deviaw eb yam sihT .gniteem erofeb sihT .ytironim eht fo rebmem eno syad ssenisub owt eettimmoc eht fo krelc tsael ta gnidulcni ,ssenisub enituor eht ot dedivorp era ti fo seipoc 03 sselnu rof deriuqer si eettimmoc eht redro ni si tnemdnema eerged tsrif oN fo pihsrebmem eht fo driht-enO ynomitset lla rof rotaneS enO pihsruenerpertnE dna ssenisuB llamS stnemeriuqeR gniliF tnemdnemA murouQ ssenisuB murouQ gniraeH eluR/eettimmoC .htao rednu yfitset tsum seenimon llA .gnitirw .eettimmoc eht fo etov ytirojam a yb ni nwardhtiw eb yam seixorP .yllat etov deviaw si siht sselnu ,eriannoitseuq htiw selif eettimmoc ni tpek eb ot era eettimmoc detelpmoc a fo tpiecer seixorP .dedrocer eb ot stnaw rotaneS retfa syad evif tsael ta eettimmoc eht eht woh no "raelc yltneiciffus" si yxorp yb deredisnoc eb lliw snoitanimoN noisivorp oN nehw dewolla eb llahs yxorp yb gnitoV sriaffA nabrU dna gnisuoH ,gniknaB .dedrocer .no detov os eb ot ksa dna etov eht yb dediced gnieb erofeb syad neves tsael ta eb lliw tahw wonk tsum rebmem eht dleh eb llahs snoitanimon ,eettimmoc ,gnitirw ni eb tsum yxorp A .srettam dna eht yb deredro esiwrehto sselnU noisivorp oN serusaem lla no dettimrep si gnitov yxorP secivreS demrA .stseuqer os ohw rebmem yna yb tsac eb yam noisivorp oN noisivorp oN gnitov yxorp ,llib a gnitroper rof tpecxE snoitairporppA .sllop lla fo drocer a peek llahs krelc feihc ehT .gniteem a rof dleh eb .eriannoitseuq yam dellop eb ot rettam yna ,stseuqer eettimmoc ot dednopser sah rebmem yna fI ?lasoporp eht esoppo eenimon retfa sruoh 84 litnu ecalp ro rovaf uoy oD )2( dna ;lasoporp ekat llahs gniraeh oN .htao rednu eht llop ot eergasid ro eerga yfitset llahs eenimon ehT .eerga uoy oD )1( :snoitseuq owt gniwollof rebmem ytironim gniknar dna riahc eht fo stsisnoc llop yreve dna eht sselnu gniraeh a sa yad emas dellop si rebmem yreve taht dedivorp eht no noitanimon a no rucco yam ,gniteem a gnisolc ro gnitroper .tneserp si murouq a revenehw dewolla gniteem ssenisub oN .snoitanimon naht rehto ,ssenisub eettimmoc fo eb llahs stcejbus ro sllib cificeps rof selur sredisnoc eettimmoc lluf ehT srettam yna llop yam eettimmoc ehT etaneS yb dezirohtua sa yxorp yb gnitoV yrtseroF dna noitirtuN ,erutlucirgA snoitanimoN eettimmoC fo gnilloP gnitoV yxorP eluR/eettimmoC snoitanimoN ,eettimmoC fo gnilloP ,gnitoV yxorP . 3 elbaT .etov rieht gnidrocer fo esoprup eht rof dellop eb yam etov yxorp a ezilitu ton did ohw dna gniteem .htao rednu yfitset ssenisub a gnirud detov gnivah ot deriuqer eb yam noitanimon sa dedrocer ton srebmem esoht .dettimrep si gnitov yxorp a no yfitset ot dellac sessentiW ,eettimmoc eht fo noitercsid eht tA ,IVXX elur etaneS yb detibihorp sa tpecxE ecnaniF .yad taht no ylno dilav si noitcurtsni lanosrep yb ro yllaro nevig yxorp ;dekover litnu dilav si gnitirw ni nevig yxorp A .snoitcurtsni lanosrep hguorht ro yllaro ,gnitirw ni yxorp yb etov yam srebmeM noisivorp oN noisivorp oN .srettam lla no dettimrep si gnitov yxorP skroW cilbuP dna tnemnorivnE .tnemetats erusolcsid laicnanif a timbus tsum seenimon llA .yad taht rof .htao rednu eb llahs ,ssentiw rehto adnega eht no dehsilbup smeti nopu dna yna ,rebmem yna fo tseuqer eht ta nevig etad eht no desu eb yam seixorP ,dna ,eenimon eht fo ynomitset ehT noisivorp oN .srettam lla no dettimrep si gnitov yxorP secruoseR larutaN dna ygrenE .snoitcurtsni lanosrep hguorht ro enohpelet yb ,gnitirw ni eciohc rieht etacidni yam noisivorp oN noisivorp oN rotaneS ehT .dettimrep si gnitov yxorP noitatropsnarT dna ecneicS ,ecremmoC .noisiced dellop eht no etov a rof llop a gniwollof gniteem .rebmem gniknar dna riahc eettimmoc eht ta evom yam rebmem eht ot nevig neeb sah ,detseuqer ynA .gniteem a rof revo dleh eb llahs eno fi ,ffats yb troper a dna rettam eht ,stseuqer rebmem yna fI eettimmoc eht htiw delif neeb sah .llop eht no timil emit eht dna dellop krowrepap deriuqer retfa sruoh 27 eb ot si tahw gniyficeps rebmem tsael ta litnu noitanimon eht no ecalp hcae ot steehs gnillop etalucric llahs .dedrocer os eb ot sksa ylevitamriffa ekat yam noitca oN .eettimmoc htiw riahc ehT .dellop eb ot detangised dna rettam gnidnep eht fo demrofni tnemetats laicnanif dna lacihpargoib sah eettimmoc eht ssenisub rehto dna neeb sah rebmem tnesba eht fi srettam elif ot deriuqer si eenimon ,)saneopbus gnidulcni( noitagitsevni rehto no dettimrep era setov yxorP A .eenimon no troper yam ffats ehT na ni spets ,srettam eettimmoc .noituloseR tegduB eht no snoitarebiled .htao rednu yfitset tsum eenimoN lanretni llop yam eettimmoc ehT gnirud yxorp yb etov yam rebmem oN tegduB snoitanimoN eettimmoC fo gnilloP gnitoV yxorP eluR/eettimmoC .ssenetelpmoc dna ycarucca sti ot raews lliw dna ,snoitacificeps s'eettimmoc eht ta ,tnemetats .yad laicnanif a timbus llahs seenimoN taht rof adnega dehsilbup eht ni deificeps .htao rednu eb llahs ,ssentiw rehto smeti eht nopu ylno dna deificeps yna ,rebmem yna fo tseuqer eht ta etad eht rof ylno desu eb yam yxorp A ,dna ,eenimon eht fo ynomitset ehT noisivorp oN .srettam lla no dettimrep si gnitov yxorP sriaffA naidnI .noisiced dellop eht no etov a rof llop a gniwollof gniteem eettimmoc eht ta evom yam rebmem ynA .gniteem a rof revo dleh eb llahs rettam eht ,stseuqer rebmem yna fI .llop .dedrocer eb ot stnaw rebmem .pukram a tcudnoc yam riahc yb detangised eht woh dna erusaem eht yfitnedi ot eht erofeb snoitacifilauq s'eenimon reffats ro rebmem eettimmoc noitamrofni niatnoc llahs dna gnitirw ni eb eht no noitatneserp laro na ekam a ro riahc eht ylnO .ssenisub llahs ,krelc eettimmoc feihc eht htiw delif yam ffatS .gniraeh a sa yad emas eettimmoc rehto dna ,noitagitsevni eb tsum yxorp ehT .dedrocer os eb ot eht no rucco ton yam pukram A na ni spets )2( ;tegdub dna sdrocer ksa ylevitamriffa dna noitaredisnoc rednu .htao rednu yfitset ot dellac eb llahs ,ffats gnidulcni ,srettam eettimmocbus si rettam eht tahw wonk tsum rebmem eenimon eht hcihw gnirud gniraeh ro eettimmoc lanretni )1( :llop yam eht ;noitisop s'rebmem a drocer ot ylelos sriaffA cilbup a tcudnoc llahs eettimmoc ehT seettimmocbus sti ro eettimmoc ehT desu eb yam troper ot etov a no seixorP latnemnrevoG dna ytiruceS dnalemoH ?lasoporp .noitamrofni tseretni eht esoppo ro rovaf uoy oD laicnanif dna dnuorgkcab timbus )2( dna ;lasoporp eht llop ot eergasid tsum seenimoN .rebmem gniknar ro eerga uoy oD )1( :snoitseuq eht fo ecnerrucnoc eht htiw riahc owt gniwollof eht fo stsisnoc llop yb deviaw eb yam siht ,eettimmoc yreve dna dellop si rebmem yreve .yxorp yb dedrocer eb ot yb deriuqer smrof stimbus taht dedivorp ,tnesnoc suominanu ksa ylevitamriffa dna noitaredisnoc rednu eenimon retfa syad evif litnu ecalp fo rettam a sa ssenisub eettimmoc fo si rettam eht tahw wonk tsum rebmem ekat yam noitanimon no noitca oN srettam yna llop yam eettimmoc ehT ehT .serusaem lla no dewolla era seixorP snoisneP dna robaL ,noitacudE ,htlaeH .eettimmoc eht htiw mrof erusolcsid laicnanif a gnilif dna ecnaraelc ytiruces a gniniatbo gnidulcni airetirc cificeps evif teem tsum noitanimon hcae ,etaneS eht ot detroper eb oT .noissimbus sti retfa .dengis dna gnitirw ni eb tsum syad radnelac xis litnu noitanimon yxorp A .yxorp yb dedrocer eb ot ksa a redisnoc ton lliw eettimmoc ylevitamriffa dna noitaredisnoc rednu si eht ,rebmem gniknar dna riahc tahw wonk tsum rebmem eht taht tpecxe eht yb detcerid esiwrehto sselnU noisivorp oN ,serusaem lla no dewolla era seixorP snoitaleR ngieroF snoitanimoN eettimmoC fo gnilloP gnitoV yxorP eluR/eettimmoC .dedrocer eb ot riahc eciv ro riahc eht ot dereviled eb llahs dna gnitirw ni eb llahs seixorP .seixorp drocer ot ro srebmem tnesba rof nepo dleh eb drocer eht redro yam eettimmoc eht ,srettam rehto nO .rettam a hcus no noitadnemmocer a fo ecnaussi eht ro weiver yrotacidujda na ro yriuqni yranimilerp a fo noitaunitnoc ro noitaitini eht gniredisnoc si eettimmoc noisivorp oN noisivorp oN eht nehw dewolla ton si gnitov yxorP scihtE no eettimmoC tceleS .rebmem gniknar fo ecnerrucnoc eht htiw riahc eht yb deviaw si siht sselnu ,noitamrofni laicnanif dna dnuorgkcab seviecer eettimmoc retfa syad evif litnu ecalp ekat yam eenimon no noitca oN .htao rednu eb llahs ,ssentiw .snoitcurtsni lanosrep rehto yna ,rebmem yna fo tseuqer niatnoc yam yehT .nevig yad eht rof eht ta ,dna ynomitset s'eenimoN noisivorp oN ylno dilav era dna nettirw eb tsum seixorP sriaffA 'snareteV .eciffo rof noitanimon reh ro sih .gniteem eht ta tneserp si ohw rebmem ot detaler srettam lla ni htao rednu rehtona ot etov ot thgir eht ngissa tsum yfitset ot dellac eb llahs eenimon ehT noisivorp oN rotaneS eht dna dengis eb tsum seixorP pihsruenerpertnE dna ssenisuB llamS .eettimmoc eht erofeb srettam noisivorp oN noisivorp oN dna serusaem lla no dewolla era seixorP noitartsinimdA dna seluR .cificeps eb tsum seixorP .snoitcurtsni .eettimmocbus fo tuo dellop eb yam lanosrep ro enohpelet yb ,gnitirw rettam yna ,tnesnoc eettimmocbus ni enod eb yam dna ,eettimmoc eht noisivorp oN a fo srebmem lla dedivorP erofeb gnihtyna no dettimrep era seixorP yraiciduJ snoitanimoN eettimmoC fo gnilloP gnitoV yxorP eluR/eettimmoC .noisiced dellop eht no etov a rof llop a gniwollof gniteem eettimmoc eht ta evom yam rebmem ynA .gniteem a rof revo dleh eb llahs rettam eht ,stseuqer rebmem yna fI .llop eht no timil emit eht dna dellop eb ot si tahw gniyficeps rebmem hcae ot steehs gnillop etalucric llahs riahc ehT .dellop eb ot detangised sah eettimmoc eht ssenisub rehto dna ,srettam eettimmoc noisivorp oN lanretni llop yam eettimmoc ehT noisivorp oN gnigA no eettimmoC laicepS .tnesnoc suominanu yb eettimmoc eht yb deviaw si siht sselnu ,eettimmoc ot nevig era gniraeh eht fo stpircsnart retfa sruoh 84 litnu noitanimon eht no etov eettimmoc oN .esiwrehto setov eettimmoc eht sselnu ,noitamrofni laicnanif dna dnuorgkcab s'eenimon a fo tpiecer s'eettimmoc eht retfa syad neves litnu .otereht stnemdnema dna rettam ro dleh eb yam gniraeh noitamrifnoc oN erusaem cificeps a ot detimil eb dna yxorp .etov eettimmoc erofeb syad 41 rof eht esicrexe ot rebmem eettimmoc a dleh eb llahs snoitanimon ,eettimmoc etangised ,gnitirw ni eb tsum yehT .rettam eht yb deredro esiwrehto sselnU noisivorp oN ro erusaem yna rof dewolla era seixorP ecnegilletnI no eettimmoC tceleS snoitanimoN eettimmoC fo gnilloP gnitoV yxorP eluR/eettimmoC .aneopbus eht ezirohtua yam osla eettimmocbus ro eettimmoc eht fo ytirojam .ti redisnoc lliw eettimmoc eht erofeb A .sessentiw rof saneopbus .ti dezirohtua yllacificeps noituloser ro llib nioc evitaromemmoc eussi yam ,rebmem ytironim evah ,rebmem gniknar dna riahc eht ro ro ladeM dloG lanoissergnoC gniknar eht fo tnemeerga eht htiw ,eettimmoc lluf eht ,etaneS eht sselnu yna rosnopsoc tsum srotaneS 76 tsael tA ,riahc eettimmocbus ro riahc ehT detaitini eb llahs snoitagitsevni oN sriaffA nabrU dna gnisuoH ,gniknaB .eettimmoc .noereht stroper rof tnemnrevog eht fo ytirojam a yb dezirohtua fo ycnega ro tnemtraped etairporppa nehw ylno tub rebmem ytironim eht ot eettimmoc eht fo krelc eht yb gniknar eht htiw noitatlusnoc derrefer eb llahs eettimmoc eht ot derrefer retfa eengised sih ro namriahc serusaem ,deredro esiwrehto sselnU eht yb deussi eb llahs saneopbuS noisivorp oN secivreS demrA .tnesnoc suominanu yb deviaw eb yam sihT .gniteem hcus ta deredisnoc gnieb rettam eht htiw detaicossa ytilibisnopser a evah ohw ffats eettimmoc eht fo srebmem esoht ot detimil eb llahs eettimmoc eht fo snoisses desolc ta srebmem ffats fo ecnadnettA .seluR etaneS fo noitaloiv ni roolf eht no dereffo stnemdnema tsniaga redro fo stniop ekam yam llib snoitairporppa na rof reganam roolf eht si ohw eettimmoc eht fo rebmem ynA noisivorp oN noisivorp oN snoitairporppA .sruoh 27 nihtiw rebmem gniknar eht morf esnopser on neeb sah ereht fi ,rebmem gniknar eht fo lavorppa tuohtiw aneopbus eussi yam riahc ehT .ti ezirohtua yam eettimmoc eht fo ytirojam a ,evorppa ton seod rebmem ytironim gniknar eht fI .noitagitsevni dezirohtua na .gniteem ssenisub a ta eettimmoc htiw noitcennoc ni saneopbus eussi lluf eht fo ytirojam a yb dezirohtua yam ,rebmem ytironim gniknar eb tsum saneopbus ro snoitisoped eht fo lavorppa eht htiw ,riahc ehT gnivlovni snoitagitsevni ynA yrtseroF dna noitirtuN ,erutlucirgA suoenallecsiM saneopbuS snoitagitsevnI eluR/eettimmoC suoenallecsiM ,saneopbuS ,snoitagitsevnI .4 elbaT .ega fo sraey 57 era dna sutats roines nekat evah ro ,ega fo sraey 57 revo dna deriter ylluf era ohw segduJ laredeF ro ega fo sraey 07 revo truoC emerpuS setatS detinU eht fo secitsuJ remrof ro ,ega fo sraey 07 revo ssergnoC fo srebmeM remrof ,stnediserP eciV remrof ro stnediserP remrof tpecxe ,nosrep gnivil yna rof ytilicaf ro erutcurts ,gnidliub a eman ton yam eettimmoc ehT noisivorp oN noisivorp oN skroW cilbuP dna tnemnorivnE .noitagitsevni .gniteem hcus eht fo epocs eht nihtiw saneopbus ot roirp keew eno tsael ta eettimmocbus eussi ot ,rebmem gniknar eht ro eettimmoc eht fo riahc eht htiw fo ecnerrucnoc eht htiw ,riahc eht delif neeb sah noisulcni hcus rof tseuqer gnirewopme noitagitsevni na gnirud nettirw a fi eettimmocbus ro eettimmoc lluf noituloser a stpoda eettimmoc eht fo gniteem ssenisub gniwollof txen eht eht sselnu ,stnemucod ro sessentiw .ti dezirohtua yllacificeps sah fo adnega eht no dedulcni eb llahs rettam rof aneopbus a eussi ot deriuqer eettimmoc lluf eht fo ytirojam a sselnu rehto ro noitanimon ,erusaem evitalsigel A si eettimmoc eht fo ytirojam A detaitini eb llahs snoitagitsevni oN secruoseR larutaN dna ygrenE .eettimmoc lluf eht fo rebmem ytironim gniknar eht dna riahc eht yb dezirohtua nehw ylno desivelet eb llahs eettimmocbus yna ro eettimmoc lluf eht fo sgniraeh cilbuP noisivorp oN noisivorp oN noitatropsnarT dna ecneicS ,ecremmoC .emit eno ta deyalpsid eb yam owt naht erom on )4( dna ;gnikaeps si rebmem eht emit eht ta deyalpsid eb ylno nac )3( ;moor eettimmoc eht fo raer eht ta ro taes s'rebmem eht ot txen lesae na no eb tsum )2( ;sehcni 84 yb sehcni 63 naht regral eb tonnac sgniredner ro shpargotohp ,strahc )1( :gniwollof eht ot detimil era eettimmoc eht fo sgniraeh ro gniteem yna gnirud desu syalpsid scihparG noisivorp oN noisivorp oN tegduB suoenallecsiM saneopbuS snoitagitsevnI eluR/eettimmoC .noitagitsevni na rof detov sah eettimmoc eht .rettam ro erusaem troper fo ytirojam a erehw sesac ni deussi ot etov yam tneserp yllautca srebmem eb ylno yam saneopbuS .deifiton eb eettimmocbus fo ytirojam a ,tem ton llits llahs ,eb ot serised ohw rebmem si murouq eht fI .yad eno revo seil rettam rehto yna ro rebmem ytironim eht neht ,rebmem ytironim a fo ecnesba gniknar eht ,aneopbus a fo ecnaussi eht fo esuaceb tem ton si murouq siht ot roirP .saneopbus eussi ot fI .rebmem eettimmocbus si ohw ytironim sriahc eht yb detangised rebmem eht fo rebmem eno sedulcni taht tneserp yna ro riahc eettimmocbus si ytirojam a sselnu eettimmocbus a morf ro riahc eht wolla etov .noitagitsevni na nigeb ot deriuqer si detroper eb yam rettam ro erusaem oN ytirojam yb yam eettimmoc ehT eettimmoc lluf eht fo etov ytirojam A snoisneP dna robaL ,noitacudE ,htlaeH .eettimmoc eht yb srettam ralucitrap fo noitaredisnoc eht nrevog ot serudecorp laiceps esoporp osla yam ,rebmem ytironim gniknar eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni ,riahc ehT .rebmem ytironim gniknar eht htiw noitatlusnoc .eettimmoc eht fo gniteem ni ,riahc eht morf noisiced a yb devloser a ta ylno saneopbus ezirohtua eb llahs emit ot emit morf esira yam hcihw eettimmoc eht taht tseuqer erudecorp fo seussI .srebmem lla fo sweiv yam rebmem ynA .saneopbus eht rof drager eud htiw dna erudecorp eussi ot ytirohtua eht evah llahs yratnemailrap fo seitilamrof eht ot troser eettimmoc eht fo etov ytirojam tuohtiw detcudnoc eb lliw eettimmoc a yb dezirohtua ecno eettimmoc eht fo sgnideecorp ,elbissop sa rafosnI eht fo rebmem yna ro riahc A noisivorp oN snoitaleR ngieroF .etabed tuohtiw nekat eb llahs tnemdnema ro noitom yna no etabed eunitnoc ot noitom a no etov ehT .eb yam esac eht sa ,noitseuq ro noitom hcus no etabed eunitnoc ot setov eettimmoc eht sselnu ,nekat eb neht llahs etov eht dna ,tnemdnema ro noitom .eettimmoc eht fo etov ytirojam hcus no etov a rof llac yam ehs ro eh a yb ro rebmem ytironim gniknar ,detabed yletauqeda neeb sah tnemdnema eht fo tnemeerga eht htiw riahc ro noitom a taht senimreted riahc eht fI eht yb deussi eb yam aneopbus A noisivorp oN ecnaniF suoenallecsiM saneopbuS snoitagitsevnI eluR/eettimmoC srebmem eettimmoc ot nevig si eciton decnavda dedivorp ,deriuqer si lavorppa s'eettimmoc eht hcihw rof noitaluger ro elur yna eettimmoc eht rof evorppa ot dezirohtua era yltnioj gnitca rebmem ytironim gniknar dna riahc ehT noisivorp oN noisivorp oN noitartsinimdA dna seluR .deeccus ot ,ytironim eht fo rebmem eno gnidulcni ,setov 01 seriuqer noitom ehT .etov a ot eettimmoc eht erofeb rettam a gnirb ot noitom elbatabed-non a niatretne llahs riahc ehT .retal si revehcihw ,gniteem eettimmoc txen eht litnu ro keew eno rof revo tup eb adnega na no meti na taht ksa yam rebmem ynA noisivorp oN noisivorp oN yraiciduJ .seenimon laitnediserP fo esac eht .saneopbus fo ecnaussi ni deriuqer rennam emas eht ni eettimmoc ezirohtua yam etov ytirojam eht yb detcefrep eb ot smrof no stseretni yb eettimmoc eht ro )rebmem laicnanif rieht fo erusolcsid cilbup a ekam ytironim gniknar( riahc eciv eht ot degru era eettimmoc eht fo srebmeM fo tnemeerga eht htiw ,riahc ehT noisivorp oN sriaffA naidnI .ti ezirohtua yam srebmem eettimmoc fo etov a ,rebmem gniknar eht yb devorppasid si aneopbus eht fI .tseuqer aneopbus fo deifiton gnieb retfa )syadnuS ro syadrutaS gnidulcxe( sruoh 27 .noituloser tnioj ro llib eht tuo nihtiw dednopser ton sah rebmem gniyrrac ni derrucni eb dluow hcihw tcapmi ytironim gniknar fi aneopbus yrotaluger eht fo eettimmoc eht yb edam eussi yam riahC .saneopbus noitaulave na edulcni tsum snoituloser eussi yam ,rebmem gniknar sriaffA tnioj ro sllib gniynapmocca stropeR eht fo lavorppa eht htiw ,riahc ehT noisivorp oN latnemnrevoG dna ytiruceS dnalemoH suoenallecsiM saneopbuS snoitagitsevnI eluR/eettimmoC .srebmem eettimmoc fo ytirojam .rebmem gniknar dna riahc a fo lavorppa eht htiw ylno detnirp eb yam .aneopbus fo stnetnoc tuoba fo lavorppa nopu ,ffats yb detaitini eb noitagitsevni na no desab snoitadnemmocer deifiton eb llahs rebmem gniknaR yam dna ffats yb sisab nasitrapib a no ro sgnidnif gniniatnoc stroper evitagitsevnI .riahc yb deussi eb llahs saneopbuS detcudnoc eb llahs snoitagitsevni llA gnigA no eettimmoC laicepS .retrauq a ecno tsael ta eettimmoc .riahc eht yb detangised .ti eht yb "noitaredisnoc etairporppa eviecer" enoyna ro riahc eciv ,riahc detseuqer yllacificeps evah eettimmoc tnemnrevog .S.U eht fo smargorp noitca yb deussi eb yam dna eettimmoc eht fo srebmem evif sselnu riahc trevoc taht erusne llahs rotcerid ffats ehT eht yb dezirohtua era saneopbuS eht yb detrats eb llahs noitagitsevni oN ecnegilletnI no eettimmoC tceleS .rettam fo weiver yrotacidujda .tneserp era eettimmoC tceleS na nigeb lliw eettimmoc eht ,esuac eht fo srebmem eht fo ytirojam a sa emit laitnatsbus swohs yriuqni yranimilerp hcus litnu rettam gnidnep a fo noissucsid a fI .etaneS eht fo eeyolpme ro rehtruf enoptsop ot thgir eht evah .yltnioj reciffo ,rebmem a tuoba noitamrofni llahs murouq eht gnitutitsnoc eettimmoC gnitca riahc eciv eht dna riahc eht ro noitagella rehto ro tnialpmoc nrows tceleS eht fo rebmem yna ",ssenisub ro eettimmoc eht fo etov ytirojam a fo tpiecer nopu yriuqni yranimilerp enituor" fo noitcasnart eht gniruD a yb deussi eb yam saneopbuS a etaitini llahs eettimmoC tceleS ehT scihtE no eettimmoC tceleS .gnitirw ni eerga tsum 000,05 tsael ta fo pihsrebmem .emas eussi yam lanoitan htiw snoitazinagro snaretev fo riahc )syadiloh laredef dna ,syadnuS sretpahc etats eht fo ytirojam a dna ,gnitirw ,syadrutaS gnidulcxe( aneopbus ni gniman eht ot eerga tsum noitageled tuoba deksa gnieb fo sruoh lanoissergnoc s'etats eht fo srebmem 84 nihtiw tcejbo ton seod rebmem llA .stnemeriuqer ytilibigile ruof fo gniknar eht fI .saneopbus eussi eno teem dna ,desaeced eb tsum slaudividnI yam ,eettimmoc fo etov ytirojam .retfa deman eb yam seitilicaf sriaffA yb ro rebmem ytironim gniknar snareteV fo tnemtrapeD ohw timil seluR eht fo ecnerrucnoc htiw ,riahc ehT noisivorp oN sriaffA 'snareteV .tseuqer aneopbus eht fo deifiton gnieb retfa )syadiloh dna syadnuS ,syadrutaS gnidulcni ton( sruoh 27 nihtiw dednopser ton sah rebmem ytironim gniknar fi aneopbus a eussi yam riahc ehT .gnitirw ni eb tsum tub gniteem a tuohtiw nevig eb yam tnesnoC .eettimmoc eht fo ytirojam a fo .tcaf ot sa gniyfitset ssentiw tnesnoc eht ro rebmem ytironim yna ot htao eht retsinimda ot derewopme gniknar eht fo tnesnoc eht htiw eb llahs eettimmoc eht fo rebmem ynA aneopbus a eussi yam riahc ehT noisivorp oN pihsruenerpertnE dna ssenisuB llamS suoenallecsiM saneopbuS snoitagitsevnI eluR/eettimmoC ¢ Betsy Palmer Analyst on the Congress and Legislative Process, 7-0381 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