For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ This report summarizes selected congressional votes related to instances in which U.S. Armed Forces have been sent abroad in potentially hostile situations. These votes reflect the type of congressional actions that observers maintain bear directly on issues affecting policy and the funding of troops abroad, often in the context of the War Powers Resolution, continued presence or withdrawal of troops, and the "use of force." The cases of Lebanon (1982-1983), Grenada (1983), Panama (1989), the Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), Somalia (1992-1995), Haiti (1993- 1996), Bosnia (1992-1998), Kosovo (1999), the terrorist attack against America (2001) (including the use of U.S. Armed Forces in Afghanistan), and the use of U.S. Armed Forces against Iraq (2002-present) are examined. The roll call votes that are available online (since 1990 in the House and 1989 in the Senate) are linked. This report will be updated as events or legislation warrant. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Report Content ................................................................................................................................ 1 Lebanon (1982-1983) ...................................................................................................................... 2 Grenada (1983)................................................................................................................................ 3 Panama (1989)................................................................................................................................. 4 Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)......................................................................................................... 4 Somalia (1992-1995) ....................................................................................................................... 5 Haiti (1993-1996) ............................................................................................................................ 9 Bosnia (1992-1998) ....................................................................................................................... 12 Kosovo (1999)............................................................................................................................... 19 Terrorist Attack Against America (2001)....................................................................................... 24 Use of Force Against Iraq (2002-2003)......................................................................................... 25 War in Iraq and Afghanistan (2003-present) ................................................................................. 27 Sources Consulted ......................................................................................................................... 43 Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 44 The President and Congress have historically played different roles when sending U.S. troops into hostile situations. The President has the power under Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution to use the armed forces to repel attacks. Congress under Article I, Section 8, has the power to declare war and raise and support the armed forces. The War Powers Resolution1 was enacted to ensure that the President and Congress share decisions where U.S. troops may become involved in hostilities. This sharing of power has often resulted in controversy, particularly when troops are sent into situations where there has not been a formal declaration of war. In most instances, Congress has used its legislative prerogatives through funding mechanisms or declarations of policy either to affirm or to place limits on presidential action. In three instances, Congress has authorized the use of military force in advance of hostilities: the Persian Gulf War (1991), military operations in Afghanistan (2001), and the "use of force against Iraq" resolution (2002). In each case, however, the President has maintained that while he may have sought congressional consultation and support, the President has the constitutional authority as Commander in Chief to use force, including the armed forces of the United States, to protect U.S. national security interests. This report describes the congressional debate that often surrounds the issue of employing the U.S. military abroad. Initially written in response to a congressional request for a list of votes on this topic from 1982-1992, this report has been updated as needed since that time. The votes included are those directly related to the use and funding of U.S. troops abroad, often in the context of the War Powers Resolution, or to their continued presence or withdrawal. The laws, bills, and resolutions below are listed in the chronological order of the votes that were held. Links to the actual roll call votes are provided, when available (since 1990 in the House and 1989 in the Senate). These links include each Member's yea or nay vote. In some cases, House or Senate votes are voice votes, and, thus, no roll call vote exists. Moreover, the ultimate disposition of amendments listed in the report (i.e., whether such amendments were incorporated into any final law) may not be self-evident. In other instances, only one chamber of Congress may have voted on a particular measure; for example, a House or Senate simple resolution is a nonlegislative measure that expresses nonbinding opinions on policies or issues and is effective only in the chamber in which it is proposed. It does not require concurrence by the other chamber or approval by the President. 1 P.L. 93-148, November 7, 1973. For more detailed contextual and legislative history information, see CRS Report RL32267, The War Powers Resolution: After Thirty-Four Years, by Richard F. Grimmett. .nonabeL )962# etov( ni secrof .S.U peek ot ytirohtua s'tnediserP eht noituloser 54-55 eht fo tnemtcane morf syad 06 rof gnidnetxe dna ,seitilitsoh 3891 ,92 gninrecnoc noituloseR srewoP raW eht fo )1()a(4 noitceS rednu rebmetpeS ssergnoC ot troper timbus ot tnediserP eht gniriuqer ,3891 etaneS ni ,92 tsuguA no seitilitsoh ni degagne emaceb nonabeL ni seniraM 951 .seR.J.S ot deergA .S.U taht gnitats tnemdnema dryB eht llik ot noitom rekaB ot 1322 .tdmA.S )472# etov( 64-45 3891 ,92 rebmetpeS etaneS dessap erusaeM )073# etov( 651-352 3891 ,92 .3891 noituloseR rebmetpeS ,92 tsuguA no lanoitarepo emaceb noituloseR srewoP raW eht nonabeL ni esuoH fo )1()a(4 noitceS fo stnemeriuqer eht taht senimreted ;shtnom ecroF lanoitanitluM dessap 81 rof ecrof gnipeekecaep lanoitanitlum a fo trap sa nonabeL )911-89 .L.P( erusaeM ni secroF demrA .S.U niatniam ot tnediserP eht sezirohtuA 951 .seR.J.S )063# etov( .tnemnrevog esenabeL fo esab eht nedaorb 272-851 ot snoitaitogen ni edam gnieb saw ssergorp tnacifingis taht dna 3891 ,82 ,seitrap lla yb devresbo gnieb dna tceffe ni saw erif-esaec a taht rebmetpeS ssergnoC ot seifitrec tnediserP sselnu ,retfaereht htnom yna fo esuoH dne eht ta ro ,rebmevoN fo dne eht yb noituloseR srewoP raW 463 .seR.J.H ni detcejeR eht ekovni ot tnediserP eht seriuqer tnemdnema etutitsbus gnoL ot 593 .tdmA.H )653# etov( 161-072 3891 ,82 rebmetpeS .tnemtcane noituloseR esuoH retfa shtnom 81 ot pu rof nonabeL ni ecrof gnipeekecaep nonabeL ni dessap lanoitanitlum eht ni noitapicitrap .S.U deunitnoc rof noituloseR ecroF lanoitanitluM erusaeM srewoP raW eht rednu ytirohtua yrotutats edivorp oT 463 .seR.J.H )351# etov( 67-672 3891 ,2 enuJ esuoH dessap erusaeM )etov eciov( 3891 3891 ,02 yaM fo tcA ecnatsissA etaneS .nonabeL ni ecrof gnipeekecaep ycnegremE nonabeL dessap lanoitanitlum eht ni noitapicitrap .S.U fo noisnapxe laitnatsbus )34-89 .L.P( erusaeM yna rof ytirohtua yrotutats kees ot tnediserP eht deriuqeR 936 .S ht89 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC 30, 1984, the mission had ended. multinational observer force to restore the sovereignty of the Lebanese government. By March On September 29, 1982, President Reagan deployed 1,200 marines to serve as part of a )734# etov( 32-304 3891 .adanerG ,1 rebmevoN otni decudortni erew secrof demra .S.U nehw ,3891 esuoH dessap ,52 rebotcO no evitarepo emaceb noituloseR srewoP raW erusaeM eht fo )1()a(4 noitceS fo stnemeriuqer eht taht deralceD 204 .seR.J.H )123# etov( tbed cilbup eht no timil 02-46 yrotutats eht gnisaercni 3891 noituloser tnioJ ,82 rebotcO )161-89 .L.P( etaneS .adanerG ni tnemevlovni yratilim naciremA ot tcepser htiw 803 .seR.J.H ni ot deergA noituloseR srewoP raW eht ekovni ot tnemdnema traH ot 2642 .tdmA.S ht89 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC Caribbean States. All U.S. troops were removed from Grenada by December 15, 1983. to protect American lives and restore law and order at the request of the Organization of Eastern On October 25, 1983, President Reagan sent U.S. Marines and Army troops to Grenada in order )144# etov( 4891YF 472-351 rof snoitairporppA 3891 ,2 esnefeD rebmevoN .4891 ,1 hcraM retfa nonabeL ni ecrof fo tnemtrapeD esuoH gnipeekecaep lanoitanitlum eht ni gnitapicitrap secroF demrA 5814 .R.H ni detcejeR .S.U fo tnemyolped rof sdnuf tibihorp ot tnemdnema gnoL ot 494 .tdmA.H )372# etov( .nonabeL morf secrof ngierof lla fo lavomer eruces 43-66 ot stroffe fo stluser eht no yllacidoirep ssergnoC ot troper 3891 ,92 ot tnediserP eht eriuqer dluow ;serusaem "evitcetorp" naht rebmetpeS rehtar nonabeL ni ecrof gnipeekecaep lanoitanitlum eht tcetorp etaneS ni ot "etairporppa eb yam sa serusaem evisnefed" hcus ekat 951 .seR.J.S ot deergA ot .S.U eht wolla ot tnemdnema notelgaE llik ot noitom rekaB ot 3322 .tdmA.S )272# etov( 54-45 3891 ,92 rebmetpeS .3891 ,92 tsuguA etaneS ni no nageb "secrof demra .S.U gnivlovni seitilitsoh tnenimmi 951 .seR.J.S ot deergA ro lautca" taht gnitats tnemdnema niveL eht llik ot noitom rekaB ot 0422 .tdmA.S )172# etov( 24-65 3891 ,92 ".yrotirret nwo sti revo lortnoc lluf erotser ot hcihw rebmetpeS morf aera eruces a niatniam" tnemnrevog esenabeL eht pleh etaneS ni ot saw nonabeL ni seniraM .S.U fo tnemyolped eht fo esoprup 951 .seR.J.S ot deergA a taht gnitats tnemdnema sagnosT eht llik ot noitom rekaB ot 9322 .tdmA.S )072# etov( 83-26 3891 ,92 rebmetpeS .81 fo daetsni etaneS ni shtnom xis lanoitidda na rof nonabeL ni niamer ot seniraM 951 .seR.J.S ot deergA .S.U eht ezirohtua ot tnemdnema lleP eht llik ot noitom rekaB ot 8222 .tdmA.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC On December 20, 1989, President George H.W. Bush deployed 14,000 U.S. military forces to Panama in order to protect American lives, restore Panamanian democracy, and apprehend General Manuel Noriega. Congress did not immediately react to the situation, as the 101st Congress, first session had ended on November 22, 1989; the second session of the 101st Congress did not begin until January 23, 1990. The 14,000 U.S. troops were removed from Panama by February 13, 1990. ssergnoC dna lliB stnemmoC dna noitpircseD setoV eltiT ts101 .seR.noC.H fo tluser a sa sevil 'sreidlos .S.U fo ssol eht revo ssendas sesserpxE erusaeM 262 ot stroffe sih rof tnediserP eht sdnemmoc dna esuaC tsuJ noitarepO ni ot deerga morf spoort .S.U gniniamer eht fo nruter ylrae eht rof edivorp esuoH .amanaP ,7 yraurbeF 0991 62-983 )21# etov( On August 2, 1990, Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait, seized its oil fields, ousted the Kuwaiti leadership, installed a new government in Kuwait City, and massed troops on the Saudi Arabian border. On August 9, President Bush reported that he had deployed U.S. troops to the region. Legislation in late 1990 (101st Congress, second session) focused on imposing sanctions against Iraq, in seeking the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from the area, and in supporting the President in carrying out the provisions of the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. On January 12, 1991 (102nd Congress, first session), the Congress authorized the "use of force" against Iraq in advance of the outbreak of hostilities with Iraq on January 16. eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC stnemmoC dna noitpircseD setoV ts101813 .seR.S ot tcepser htiw snoitca laitini sih rof tnediserP eht sdnemmoC erusaeM ot noituloseR snoitca laretalitlum lanoitidda ... kees ot tnediserP eht segrU .qarI ot deerga s'qarI nmednoc ro niatniam ot yrassecen sa secrof dnal ro ,aes ,ria gnivlovni etaneS ni tiawuK fo noisavni .ytiruces ro ecaep lanoitanretni erotser ,2 tsuguA 0991 0-79 etov( )112# 856 .seR.J.H fluG naisreP eht ot secrof demra .S.U fo tnemyolped eht stroppuS erusaeM yciloP setatS detinU .secrof hcus ot noitaicerppa sesserpxe dna noiger dessap noisserggA iqarI no esuoH noituloseR ,1 rebotcO 0991 92-083 etov( )493# environment for humanitarian relief operations in Somalia" and to provide military forces for the Secretary General to "use all necessary means to establish as soon as possible a secure on December 8, in response to United Nations Security Council Resolution 794, which authorized On December 10, 1992, President Bush reported that he had deployed U.S. troops into Somalia )2# etov( 4-25 1991 noituloseR ,21 yraunaJ qarI tsniagA ecroF etaneS yratiliM fo esU dessap .876 noituloseR licnuoC ytiruceS snoitaN detinU ot tnausrup rof noitazirohtuA erusaeM qarI tsniaga secrof demra .S.U esu ot tnediserP eht sezirohtuA 2 .seR.J.S )1# etov( .qarI tsniaga ecrof yratilim esu ot ytirohtua rof ro raw 35-64 fo noitaralced a rof tseuqer laitnediserp yna redisnoc ylsuoitidepxe 1991 lliw ssergnoC eht )2( dna ssergnoC eht ni raw eralced ,21 yraunaJ ot rewop lla stsev noitutitsnoC eht )1( taht seralceD .noiger eht etaneS ni secrof naciremA tcetorp dna ,kcatta iqarI tcerid morf aibarA yb detcejer iduaS dnefed ,qarI tsniaga ograbme cimonoce snoitaN detinU erusaeM eht ecrofne ot ecrof yratilim naciremA fo esu eht sezirohtuA 1 .seR.J.S .ecrof fo esu eht rof noitazirohtua lanoissergnoc rehto ro raw fo noitaralced a fo emit retal a ta tnemtcane eht )8# etov( tuo elur ton seod ssergnoC eht )2( dna secrof iqarI ro qarI tsniaga 052-381 raw gnigaw ro noitca yratilim evisneffo wen gnitaitini erofeb 1991 ssergnoC eht morf noitazirohtua niatbo ot tnediserP eht seriuqer ,21 yraunaJ noitutitsnoC eht )1( taht seralceD .noiger eht ni secrof naciremA esuoH tcetorp ot dna ,kcatta iqarI tcerid morf aibarA iduaS dnefed ni detcejer ot ,qarI tsniaga ograbme cimonoce snoitaN detinU eht ecrofne erusaeM ot ecrof yratilim naciremA fo esu deunitnoc eht sezirohtuA 33 .seR.noC.H )7# etov( 131-203 1991 ,21 yraunaJ esuoH ni .ssergnoC eht yb ecnavda ni devorppa ylticilpxe ot deerga eb tsum qarI tsniaga noitca evisneffo yna taht seralceD .ssergnoC erusaeM eht ni raw eralced ot rewop lla stsev noitutitsnoC eht taht sdniF 23 .seR.noC.H )9# etov( 381-052 noituloseR 1991 qarI tsniagA ecroF ,21 yraunaJ yratiliM fo esU esuoH .876 rof noitazirohtuA dessap noituloseR licnuoC ytiruceS snoitaN detinU ot tnausrup secrof )1-201 .L.P( erusaeM demra setatS detinU fo esu eht ezirohtua ot noituloser tnioJ 77 .seR.J.H dn 201 )852# etov( 3-69 0991 ,2 rebotcO etaneS ni .noiger ot deerga eht ni stseretni dna sevil naciremA tcetorp ot dna noissergga erusaeM iqarI reted ot tnediserP eht yb noitca deunitnoc stroppuS 741 .seR.noC.S ts101 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .tnemevlovni deunitnoc hcus ezirohtua ot deliaf ssergnoC fi etanimret )252# etov( dluow noitapicitrap .S.U ;3991 ,51 rebmevoN yb ailamoS 7-09 ni tnemyolped deunitnoc rof noitazirohtua lanoissergnoc eviecer 4991 raeY lacsiF rof 3991 ,9 dna rof ksa dluohs tnediserP ;3991 ,51 rebotcO yb ssergnoC tcA noitazirohtuA rebmetpeS ot troper dna ailamoS ni spoort .S.U fo tnemyolped fo noitarud esnefeD lanoitaN etaneS dna ,sevitcejbo ,slaog eniltuo dluohs tnediserP eht taht etaneS 8921 .S ni ot deergA fo esnes gnisserpxe tnemdnema dryB eht ot tnemdnema dryB ot 097 .tdmA.S )281# etov( 0-914 3991 .ailamoS ,52 yaM ni feiler nairatinamuh rof tnemnorivne eruces a gnihsilbatse rof esuoH secrof .S.U dnemmoc ot elohW eht fo eettimmoC ni nomoloS 54 .seR.J.S ni ot deergA yb detpoda tnemdnema no reklaW fo tseuqer ta etov etarapeS ot 86 .tdmA.H )181# etov( 0-524 3991 ,52 yaM .ailamoS esuoH ni feiler nairatinamuh rof tnemnorivne eruces a gnihsilbatse 54 .seR.J.S ni ot deergA rof secroF demrA .S.U dnemmoc ot tnemdnema nomoloS ot 86 .tdmA.H )081# etov( 992-721 3991 ,52 yaM esuoH .3991 ,03 enuJ no ailamoS ni dia laicnanif 54 .seR.J.S ni detcejeR dna noitazirohtua poort .S.U eht dne ot tnemdnema htoR ot 76 .tdmA.H )971# etov( 842-971 3991 ,52 yaM .noituloseR srewoP raW eht htiw gniylpmoc llib eht fo noitces esuoH eht eteled ot dna noitapicitrap .S.U rof noitazirohtua shtnom 54 .seR.J.S ni detcejeR xis ot raey eno morf ecuder ot tnemdnema etutitsbus namliG ot 66 .tdmA.H )381# etov( 971-342 3991 ,52 yaM esuoH dessap .ailamoS erusaeM ni ecrof del-snoitaN detinU eht fo noitaripxe )2( ro ;ssergnoC yb dednetxe sselnu tca eht fo tnemtcane fo etad morf raey )etov eciov( eno fo dne )1( fo reilrae eht ta noitazirohtua hcus detanimret 3991 tub ,noituloseR srewoP raW eht rednu spoort .S.U dezirohtua ,4 yraurbeF noisrev detroper esuoH ehT .ailamoS otni seilppus feiler etaneS reviled ot tnemnorivne eruces a rof gnidivorp 497 noituloseR dessap licnuoC ytiruceS snoitaN detinU ot tnausrup ailamoS ni secroF erusaeM demrA setatS detinU fo esu eht gnizirohtua noituloser tnioJ 54 .seR.J.S 301 dr setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC (UNOSOM) throughout 1993 and 1994, ending on March 3, 1995. accomplishing this. U.S. troops were deployed to assist United Nations Forces in Somalia )413# etov( 32-67 3991 .srednammoc .S.U fo dnammoc rednu eb ot secrof .S.U seriuqer ,51 rebotcO ;noisnetxe na sezirohtua ssergnoC dna stseuqer tnediserP eht etaneS fi sesoprup detimil rof tpecxe ,4991 ,13 hcraM retfa ailamoS ni 6113 .R.H ni ot deergA snoitarepo yratilim .S.U fo gnidnuf tibihorp ot tnemdnema dryB ot 2401 .tdmA.S )313# etov( 83-16 3991 ,51 rebotcO .spoort .S.U lla fo lawardhtiw rof etaneS tpecxe ailamoS ni snoitarepo yratilim .S.U fo gnidnuf tibihorp ot ni ot deergA )3401 .tdmA.S( tnemdnema niaCcM llik ot noitom dnomruhT )etov eciov( 4991YF 3991 rof snoitairporppA ,12 rebotcO esnefeD etaneS fo tnemtrapeD dessap )931-301 .L.P( erusaeM 6113 .R.H )374# etov( 832-291 .snoitaN detinU eht fo flaheb no lanoitan ngierof 3991 ,92 a fo lortnoc rednu spoort .S.U gnicalp erofeb stseretni lanoitan rebmetpeS .S.U tcetorp ot yrassecen dna lativ si ti taht yfitrec ot tnediserP esuoH eht gniriuqer tnemdnema htiw kcab troper ot snoitcurtsni ni detcejeR htiw secivreS demrA esuoH ot llib timmocer ot noitom ecnepS )274# etov( 32-504 3991 ,92 rebmetpeS esuoH .)evoba debircsed( elohW eht fo eettimmoC eht ni detpoda 1042 .R.H ni ot deergA tnemdnema tdrahpeG no reklaW fo tseuqer ta etov etarapeS ot 913 .tdmA.H )364# etov( .ailamoS ni 62-604 tnemyolped deunitnoc rof ,3991 ,51 rebmevoN yb noitazirohtua 3991 ,82 lanoissergnoc kees dluohs tnediserP eht taht ssergnoC fo rebmetpeS esnes gnisserpxe dna ailamoS ni secroF demrA .S.U fo noitarud esuoH dna ,sevitcejbo ,slaog no ,3991 ,51 rebotcO yb ssergnoC 1042 .R.H ni ot deergA ot troper ot tnediserP eht gniriuqer tnemdnema tdrahpeG ot 913 .tdmA.H )etov eciov( 3991 ,6 rebotcO etaneS dessap erusaeM )474# etov( 261-862 3991 ,92 4991YF rof rebmetpeS tcA noitazirohtuA esuoH esnefeD lanoitaN dessap )061-301 .L.P( erusaeM 1042 .R.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )282# etov( 41-68 5991YF 4991 rof snoitairporppA ,11 tsuguA esnefeD etaneS fo tnemtrapeD dessap )533-301 .L.P( erusaeM 0564 .R.H )04# etov( 67-91 4991 ,01 yraurbeF etaneS .itiaH dna ,qarI ,ainsoB ,ailamoS ni snoitarepo 9573 .R.H ni detcejeR gnipeekecaep rof noillib 2.1$ etanimile ot tnemdnema dlognieF ot 3541 .tdmA.S )8# etov( 062-851 4991 ,3 yraurbeF esuoH .itiaH dna ,qarI ,ainsoB ,ailamoS ni ecnatsissa nairatinamuh 9573 .R.H ni detcejeR dna gnipeekecaep rof noillib 2.1$ eteled ot tnemdnema knarF ot 424 .tdmA.H )54# etov( 01-58 4991 ,01 yraurbeF etaneS dessap erusaeM )31# etov( 47-733 4991YF rof 4991 tcA snoitairporppA ,3 yraurbeF latnemelppuS esuoH ycnegremE dessap )112-301 .L.P( erusaeM 9573 .R.H )655# etov( 3991 ,9 rebmevoN 102-622 .namliG yb detutitsbus esuoH ;4991 ,13 yraunaJ morf ,4991 ,13 hcraM ot kcab spoort .S.U fo 071 .seR.noC.H ni ot deergA lavomer rof enildaed egnahc ot tnemdnema etutitsbus notlimaH ot 583 .tdmA.H )555# etov( 3991 ,9 rebmevoN 302-422 esuoH .4991 ,13 yraunaJ ot ,4991 ,13 hcraM morf ailamoS ni spoort 071 .seR.noC.H ni ot deergA .S.U fo lavomer rof enildaed egnahc ot tnemdnema namliG ot483 .tdmA.H )etov eciov( 3991 ,9 rebmevoN esuoH .4991 ,13 yraunaJ yb ailamoS morf secroF demrA setatS ni ot deerga detinU evomer ot noituloseR srewoP raW eht fo )c(5 noitceS erusaeM ot tnausrup tnediserP eht gnitcerid noituloser tnerrucnoC 071 .seR.noC.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )54# etov( 01-58 4991 ,01 yraurbeF etaneS dessap erusaeM )31# etov( 47-733 4991YF 4991 rof tcA snoitairporppA ,3 yraurbeF latnemelppuS esuoH ycnegremE dessap )112-301 .L.P( erusaeM 9573 .R.H )223# etov( 2-89 .stseretni ytiruces 3991 lanoitan ot lativ si tnemyolped taht ro noitaucave dna ,12 rebotcO noitcetorp fo deen tnenimmi ni era snezitic .S.U sselnu itiaH etaneS ni snoitarepo yratilim .S.U lla ezirohtua dluohs ssergnoC 6113 ni ot deergA taht ssergnoC fo esnes gnisserpxe tnemdnema llehctiM .R.H ot 4701 .tdmA.S )123# etov( 18-91 3991 .regnad ni era snezitic ,12 rebotcO .S.U taht ssergnoC ot seifitrec tnediserP eht ro noitca hcus etaneS sezirohtua ylticilpxe ssergnoC sselnu itiaH ni snoitarepo 6113 ni detcejeR yratilim .S.U yna gnidnuf tibihorp ot tnemdnema smleH .R.H ot 2701 .tdmA.S )etov eciov( 3991 4991YF ,12 rebotcO rof snoitairporppA etaneS esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD dessap )931-301 .L.P( erusaeM 6113 .R.H dr301 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC personnel. U.S. troops ended their deployment to Haiti by April 17, 1996. Nations Multinational Force in Haiti. By September 21, 1995, they were reduced to under 2,500 March 21, 1995, U.S. troops were reduced to under 5,300 and incorporated into the United troops to Haiti to restore democracy; that level was ultimately increased to over 20,000. By Nations embargo against Haiti. On September 19, 1994, President Clinton had deployed 1,500 On October 20, 1993, President Clinton reported that U.S. ships had begun enforcing a United )872# etov( 44-45 4991 ,01 tsuguA .4991 ,03 etaneS rebmetpeS retfa ailamoS ni spoort .S.U fo ecneserp deunitnoc 0564 .R.H ni ot deergA eht gnitroppus morf sdnuf gnitibihorp tnemdnema enrohtpmeK ot 8352 .tdmA.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )271# etov( 56-43 4991 .stseretni ,92 enuJ ytiruces lanoitan rof snezitic .S.U tcetorp ot yrassecen etaneS ro ssergnoC yb ecnavda ni dezirohtua era snoitarepo eht 6244 ni detcejeR sselnu itiaH ni noitca yratilim tibihorp ot tnemdnema ggerG .R.H ot 7112 .tdmA.S 5991YF )302# etov( rof snoitairporppA 9-48 smargorP detaleR 4991 ,51 yluJ dna ,gnicnaniF tropxE etaneS ,snoitarepO ngieroF dessap )603-301 .L.P( erusaeM 6244 .R.H )422# etov( 622-591 4991 ,9 enuJ .evoba esuoH 791# etov llac llor ta no detov ylsuoiverp ,ssoG yb dereffo 1034 .R.H ni detcejeR tnemdnema eht no smulleD fo tseuqer ta etov etarapeS ot 475 .tdmA.H .setatS detinU eht ot regnad tneserp dna raelc a )791# etov( stneserp ti sselnu itiaH tsniaga noitca yratilim yna ekatrednu 102-322 ton dluohs tnediserP eht ;nrevog ot noitartsinimda naitiaH 4991 etamitigel hsilbatse ;avanoG al ed elI no seegufer naitiaH rof ,42 yaM nevah efas a hsilbatse dluohs snoitaN detinU eht dna )SAO( esuoH setatS naciremA fo noitazinagrO eht htiw setatS detinU 1034 .R.H ni ot deergA eht taht ssergnoC fo esnes gnisserpxe tnemdnema ssoG ot 475 .tdmA.H )691# etov( 632-191 4991 .regnad tneserp ,42 yaM dna raelc a fo esac a ni tpecxe itiaH kcatta ton dluohs esuoH .S.U eht taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sserpxe ot thguos 1034 ni detcejeR )woleb ees( tnemdnema ssoG eht ot tnemdnema etutitsbuS .R.H ot 575 .tdmA.H )622# etov( 851-062 4991 ,9 enuJ 5991YF esuoH rof tcA noitazirohtuA dessap esnefeD lanoitaN erusaeM 1034 .R.H )04# etov( 67-91 4991 ,01 yraurbeF etaneS .qarI dna ,ailamoS ,ainsoB ,itiaH ni snoitarepo gnipeekecaep 9573 .R.H ni detcejeR rof noillib 2.1$ gnitanimile tnemdnema dlognieF ot 3541 .tdmA.S )8# etov( 062-851 4991 ,3 yraurbeF esuoH .qarI dna ,ailamoS ,ainsoB ,itiaH ni ecnatsissa nairatinamuh 9573 .R.H ni detcejeR dna gnipeekecaep rof noillib 2.1$ gniteled tnemdnema knarF ot 424 .tdmA.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )etov eciov( 4991 ,7 rebotcO esuoH dessap erusaeM )323# etov( 8-19 4991 itiaH drawot ycilop ,6 rebotcO .itiaH ni noissim .S.U fo noitarud dna epocs eht no ssergnoC setatS detinU gnidrager etaneS ot stroper timbus ot tnediserP seriuqer ;elbissop sa noituloser tnioJ dessap noos sa itiaH morf secrof .S.U lla fo lawardhtiw ylredro dna )324-301 .L.P( erusaeM tpmorp a rof ssergnoC fo esnes gnisserpxe noituloser tnioJ 922 .seR.J.S )103# etov( 5-49 4991 ,12 .secrof .S.U lla fo lawardhtiw rebmetpeS ylredro dna tpmorp gnitroppus ;itiaH no snoitcnas etaneS cimonoce fo gnitfil gnitroppus ;retraC tnediserP remrof ni ot deerga yb del noitageled laiceps eht gnidnemmoc ;itiaH ni secrof erusaeM .S.U gnitroppus etaneS eht fo esnes gnisserpxe noituloseR 952 .seR.S )424# etov( 54-353 4991 ,91 rebmetpeS .elbissop sa noos esuoH sa secrof .S.U fo lawardhtiw ylredro na gnitroppus ;itiaH ni ot deerga ni secroF demrA .S.U gnitroppus ;itiaH ot noitageled laiceps erusaeM eht dna tnediserP eht gnidnemmoc noituloser tnerrucnoC 092 .seR.noC.H 5991YF )362# etov( rof snoitairporppA 13-36 .snezitic .S.U fo sevil tcetorp noitacudE dna ,secivreS 4991 ot ro ,stseretni ytiruces lanoitan ot lativ sselnu ,ssergnoC yb namuH dna htlaeH ,5 tsuguA dezirohtua sselnu tnemnrevog naitiaH detcele yletamitigel ,robaL fo stnemtrapeD etaneS erotser ot spoort .S.U gniyolped morf tnediserP eht gnirrab )333-301 .L.P{ ni ot deergA )0642 .tdmA.S( tnemdnema retcepS llik ot noitom niaCcM 6064 .R.H )452# etov( 0-001 4991 .noituloseR srewoP raW eht ro noitutitsnoC eht ,3 tsuguA rednu itiaH ni secrof .S.U fo tnemyolped rof noitazirohtua etaneS etutitsnoc ton did 049 noituloseR licnuoC ytiruceS snoitaN 4264 ni ot deergA detinU taht etaneS fo esnes gnisserpxe tnemdnema eloD .R.H ot 5442 .tdmA.S )262# etov( 9-68 4991 5991YF rof ,4 tsuguA snoitairporppA sriaffA etaneS snareteV fo tnemtrapeD dessap )723-301 .L.P( erusaeM 4264 .R.H )371# etov( 4-39 4991 .ytiruces lanoitan .S.U ot lativ si tnemyolped ro noitcetorp ,92 enuJ fo deen etaidemmi ni era snezitic .S.U sselnu itiaH etaneS ni snoitarepo yratilim .S.U lla ezirohtua dluohs ssergnoC 6244 ni ot deergA taht ssergnoC fo esnes gnisserpxe tnemdnema llehctiM .R.H ot 8112 .tdmA.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC authorized by Congress. The House did not act on the measure. With the signing of the Dayton which stated that no ground combat troops should be deployed to Bosnia unless previously unilaterally its arms embargo with Bosnia; the Senate also passed an amendment to S. 2042 In 1994, for example, the Senate passed S. 2042, which called for the United States to end greater congressional involvement in decisions. and United Nations peacekeeping missions. Consequently, leaders in Congress began calling for continued and escalated over the next several years, U.S. troops were sent to participate in NATO measures, including the use of force, to ensure humanitarian relief. As the conflict in Bosnia On the same day, the House passed H.Res. 554, which urged the Security Council to authorize objectives. said that no U.S. military personnel should be introduced into hostilities without clearly defined urged the President to work for such a resolution and pledged funds for participation, but also humanitarian assistance to Sarajevo. On August 11, 1992, the Senate passed S.Res. 330, which which called on all nations to take "all measures necessary" to facilitate the delivery of authorization. Beginning in 1992, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 770, participated in both United Nations and NATO actions without explicit congressional participation in various efforts over several years to halt the fighting. The United States The civil war in the former Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina resulted in U.S. military )994# etov( 893-72 .stseretni ytiruces lanoitan 4991 ot lativ ro snezitic .S.U tcetorp ot laitnesse si ecneserp ,7 rebotcO deunitnoc taht ssergnoC ot seifitrec dna senimreted esuoH tnediserP sselnu ,5991 ,1 hcraM litnu itiaH ni spoort 614 .seR.J.H ni detcejeR .S.U fo ecneserp eht gnizirohtua tnemdnema illeciroT ot 429 .tdmA.H .ereht noitautis no stroper rehto dna ycarcomeD dlohpU )894# etov( noitarepO fo sevitcejbo ytiruces lanoitan no tnemetats 761-852 a tnemtcane fo syad neves nihtiw ssergnoC ot timbus 4991 ot tnediserP seriuqer ;spoort gniyolped erofeb lavorppa ,6 rebotcO lanoissergnoc thguos evah dluohs tnediserP ;itiaH morf esuoH nwardhtiw ylredro dna yltpmorp eb dluohs spoort .S.U 614 .seR.J.H ni ot deergA lla taht ssergnoC fo esnes gnisserpxe tnemdnema smulleD ot 329 .tdmA.H .syad 03 nihtiw itiaH )794# etov( ni spoort .S.U fo esu deunitnoc tibihorp dluow ,detcane 522-502 fi hcihw ,5991 ,3 yraunaJ decudortni eb ot noituloser tnioj 4991 fo noitaredisnoc rof sedivorp ;secrof .S.U lla fo "lawardhtiw ,6 rebotcO ylredro dna efas" eht nigeb yletaidemmi dluohs dna itiaH esuoH ypucco ot spoort .S.U deredro evah ton dluohs tnediserP 614 .seR.J.H ni detcejeR taht ssergnoC fo esnes gnisserpxe tnemdnema namliG ot 229 .tdmA.H )005# etov( .tnemtcane fo syad neves 281-632 nihtiw ycarcomeD dlohpU noitarepO fo sevitcejbo ytiruces 4991 lanoitan fo tnemetats timbus ot tnediserP eht seriuqer noituloseR ,7 rebotcO ;spoort fo tnemyolped erofeb lavorppa lanoissergnoc itiaH ni ecroF del esuoH thguos evah dluohs tnediserP ;elbissop sa noos sa itiaH -setatS detinU eht rof dessap morf nwardhtiw ylredro dna yltpmorp eb dluohs spoort noitazirohtuA detimiL erusaeM .S.U lla taht ssergnoC fo esnes gnisserpxe noituloser tnioJ 614 .seR.J.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )863# etov( 9-88 3991 ,01 rebmevoN troper ecnerefnoc ot deerga etaneS )084# etov( 201-523 4991 3991 ,03 ,tcA snoitairporppA rebmetpeS esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD esuoH dessap .4991 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht )931-301 .L.P( erusaeM rof esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht rof snoitairporppa gnikaM 6113 .R.H dr 301 )581# etov( 31-28 .snoitaN 2991 detinU eht yb detadnam sa anivogezreH-ainsoB ni noitca ,11 tsuguA yratilim laretalitlum dna nairatinamuh ni noitapicitrap etaneS .S.U rof sdnuf yrassecen edivorp lliw setatS detinU eht taht 033 .seR.S ni ot deergA etaneS eht fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema snevetS ot 9292 .tdmA.S )481# etov( 5-09 2991 .sisirC ,01 tsuguA naklaB eht evloser pleh ot gnikat saw noitartsinimdA eht etaneS taht 6 tsuguA no dias hsuB tnediserP taht serusaem xis eht 033 .seR.S ni ot deergA rof troppus s'etaneS eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema renraW ot 5292 .tdmA.S )681# etov( 22-47 .spmac raw dna eegufer ot lennosrep 2991 ssorC deR lanoitanretnI dna .N.U eht rof ssecca niag ot ,11 tsuguA dna anivogezreH-ainsoB ni feiler nairatinamuh fo wolf eht etaneS erusne ot ,noitca yratilim lanoitanitlum gnidulcni ,snaem ni ot deerga lla ezirohtua ot snoitaN detinU eht nopu llac dluohs erusaeM tnediserP eht taht etaneS eht fo esnes eht sesserpxE 033 .seR.S dn 201 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC SFOR in Bosnia-Herzegovina were approximately 2,400 personnel. On July 22, 2002, President Bush reported to Congress that U.S. Armed Forces contributions to to Section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution. the President to remove U.S. Armed Forces from the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, pursuant example, the House defeated by a vote of 193-225 H.Con.Res. 227, which would have directed for the Bosnia operations or to bring the troops home did not succeed. On March 18, 1998, for Subsequent efforts by both the House and Senate to require the President to either limit funding termed the Stabilization Force (SFOR). provide up to 8,500 ground troops to participate in the NATO-led follow-on force in Bosnia Senate could not come to consensus on any single measure. In 1996, President Clinton agreed to 1995, Congress considered and voted on a number of bills and resolutions, but the House and combat troops were sent to Bosnia as part of the NATO-led peacekeeping force. In December UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force). Consequently, in late 1995, over 20,000 U.S. Peace Agreement for Bosnia on December 14, 1995, NATO took over the ground operation from .secrof .S.U fo tnemyolped eht rof noitazirohtua na sa deterpretni eb llahs tnemdnema eht ni gnihton taht setats osla tnemdnema ehT )111# etov( .hcnarb evitucexe eht yb smra lanoitnevnoc fo refsnart eht 94-05 htiw ecnerefretni tibihorp ot dna esnefed-fles fo thgir sti 4991 ,21 yaM ni ecnatsissa rof tnemnrevog taht morf tseuqer a fo tpiecer etaneS nopu anivogezreH-ainsoB fo ograbme smra .S.U eht 2402 ni ot deergA etanimret ot tnediserP eht eriuqer ot tnemdnema eloD .S ot 5961 .tdmA.S 301 dr .noitazirohtua lanoissergnoc tuohtiw secrof tabmoc dnuorg .S.U fo tnemyolped eht tibihorp tub ,secrof .N.U tcetorp ot dna senoz noisulcxe OTAN tnemelpmi ot rewop )011# etov( ria .S.U ezirohtua ... dna ograbme smra eht etanimret 94-05 ot noituloser licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U a kees ot tnediserP 4991 ,01 yaM eht tcerid ,anivogezreH-ainsoB tsniaga ograbme smra etaneS eht etanimret ot seilla OTAN fo tnemeerga etaidemmi 2402 ni ot deergA eht kees ot tnediserP eht tcerid ot tnemdnema llehctiM .S ot 6961 .tdmA.S )etov eciov( 4991 ,21 yaM etaneS dessap .anivogezreH-ainsoB fo tnemnrevog erusaeM eht fo ograbme smra setatS detinU eht evomer ot llib A 2402 .S )023# etov( 1-99 .3991 ,02 rebotcO 3991 erofeb detrats snoissim nairatinamuh rof tpecxe ,ssergnoC ,02 rebotcO yb dezirohtua sselnu anivogezreH-ainsoB ni spoort etaneS .S.U yolped ot desu eb dluohs llib eht ni sdnuf eht fo enon 6113 ni ot deergA taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema llehctiM .R.H ot 3701 .tdmA.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .ssergnoC yb dezirohtua eb dluohs tnemyolped )547# etov( yna taht dna ,spoort .S.U fo tnemyolped eht emussa 301-513 ton dluohs sklat ecaep ainsoB eht rof emoctuo lufsseccus 5991 a taht ... noituloser eht tpoda dna selur eht dnepsus ot ,03 rebotcO noitom namliG .tnemeerga ecaep a ecrofne ot anivogezreH esuoH -ainsoB fo cilbupeR eht fo yrotirret eht ni dnuorg ni ot deerga eht no secrof demra setatS detinU eht fo tnemyolped eht erusaeM ot sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo esnes eht sesserpxE 742 .seR.H )974# etov( .seilppus nairatinamuh edivorp ot ro ,snoitarepo eucser ria 2-49 ekatrednu ot ,regnad tnenimmi morf secrof gnipeekecaep 5991 ,92 .N.U etaucave ot yrassecen sa tnemyolped yraropmet rebmetpeS eht ro tnemyolped eht sevorppa ssergnoC sselnu etaneS anivogezreH-ainsoB ot deyolped eb ton dluohs spoort .S.U 6702 ni ot deergA taht etaneS eht fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema ggerG .R.H ot 2482 .tdmA.S 401 ht )4# etov( 951-042 6991 ,3 yraunaJ otev edirrevo ot deliaf esuoH 5991 ,91 rebmeceD tnediserP yb deoteV )195# etov( 84-05 5991 ,7 rebmeceD troper ecnerefnoc detpoda etaneS )148# etov( 661-652 5991 ,6 rebmeceD troper ecnerefnoc detpoda esuoH )etov eciov( 5991 ,92 rebmetpeS etaneS dessap erusaeM 6991 ,tcA snoitairporppA )585# etov( seicnegA detaleR 151-272 .sesoprup dna ,yraiciduJ eht ,etatS 5991 ,62 yluJ rehto rof dna ,6991 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht dna ,ecitsuJ ,ecremmoC esuoH dessap rof seicnega detaler dna ,yraiciduJ eht ,etatS dna ,ecitsuJ fo stnemtrapeD erusaeM ,ecremmoC fo stnemtrapeD eht rof snoitairporppa gnikaM 6702 .R.H ht401 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .ainsoB fo noitaredef eht gnimra yb ainsoB ni ecnalab yratilim a eveihca ot troffe lanoitanretni na edulcni dluow taht ainsoB morf ygetarts tixe na edivorp dna tnemeerga )306# etov( ecaep eht fo snoisivorp yratilim eht fo tnemecrofne 03-96 eht ot ainsoB ni spoort .S.U fo esu eht timil ot tnediserP 5991 ,41 eht eriuqer dna raey eno "yletamixorppa" ot tnemyolped rebmeceD eht timil osla dluow erusaem ehT .spoort hcus fo etaneS dessap tnemyolped eht tuoba snoitavreser gnisserpxe tub ,ainsoB erusaeM ni spoort .S.U rof troppus gnisserpxe noituloser tnioj A 44 .seR.J.S 401 ht )858# etov( 732-091 5991 ,41 .ereht gnivres era ohw secroF demrA .S.U eht fo nemow rebmeceD dna nem eht stroppus yllacoviuqenu esuoH eht ,ainsoB esuoH ot secroF demrA .S.U fo tnemyolped eht tuoba snrecnoc ni detcejer dna snoitseuq evah ssergnoC fo srebmeM emos elihw erusaeM taht sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo esnes eht gnisserpxE 603 .seR.H )206# etov( 25-74 .tnemeerga ecaep 5991 ,31 ainsoB eht tnemelpmi pleh ot tnediserP eht yb deredro rebmeceD spoort .S.U eht rof troppus lanoissergnoc gnisserpxe etaneS osla elihw ainsoB ot secrof dnuorg setatS detinU ni detcejer fo tnemyolped dennalp s'notnilC tnediserP ot ssergnoC erusaeM eht fo noitisoppo eht gnisserpxe noituloser tnerrucnoc A 53 .seR.noC.S .spoort .S.U fo ytefas eht erusne ot yrassecen sa tcilfnoc nainsoB )758# etov( eht ni seitrap lla htiw dednahneve dna laitrapmi eb dluohs 141-782 tnemnrevog .S.U eht taht dna ... ainsoB ot spoort dnuorg 5991 ,31 .S.U yolped ot ycilop s'tnediserP eht sesoppo dna snrecnoc rebmeceD suoires sah esuoH eht taht seralceD .tcilfnoc eht ot seitrap esuoH eht neewteb tnemeerga ecaep eht ecrofne ot anivogezreH ni ot deerga -ainsoB fo cilbupeR eht fo yrotirret eht dnuora dna erusaeM ni secroF demrA .S.U eht fo tnemyolped eht ot gnitaleR 203 .seR.H 401 ht )658# etov( 812-012 5991 ,31 .ecrof rebmeceD noitatnemelpmi yna fo trap sa ro ,snoitarepo gnipeekecaep esuoH yna fo trap sa anivogezreH-ainsoB fo cilbupeR ni detcejer eht ni secroF demrA .S.U fo dnuorg eht no tnemyolped erusaeM eht rof desu gnieb morf sdnuf laredef tibihorp oT 0772 .R.H )106# etov( 77-22 5991 ,31 rebmeceD etaneS ni detcejer erusaeM .wal yb detairporppa )418# etov( yllacificeps era tnemyolped hcus rof sdnuf sselnu ,ecrof 171-342 noitatnemelpmi yna fo trap sa ro ,snoitarepo gnipeekecaep 5991 ,71 yna fo trap sa anivogezreH-ainsoB fo cilbupeR rebmevoN eht ni secroF demrA .S.U fo dnuorg eht no tnemyolped esuoH dessap eht rof desu gnieb morf esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD erusaeM eht ot detairporppa sdnuf fo esu eht tibihorp oT 6062 .R.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )371# etov( 4-49 8991 raeY lacsiF 7991 ,11 yluJ rof tcA noitazirohtuA etaneS dessap .8991 ,03 enuJ yb ainsoB fo tuo llup esnefeD lanoitaN erusaeM dluohs spoort .S.U taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sesserpxE 639 .S )432# etov( 841-872 7991 ,42 enuJ esuoH .8991 ,03 enuJ retfa ainsoB ni spoort 9111 ni ot deergA dnuorg .S.U rof gnidnuf tibihorp ot tnemdnema reyuB .R.H ot 302 .tdmA.H .8991 ,03 enuJ litnu ro syad 081 lanoitidda na rof tnemyolped timrep dluow dna ssergnoC fo noituloser tnioj a yb devorppa eb ot noisnetxe eht eriuqer )332# etov( dluow tnemdnema yraelliH ehT .gnidnuf fo noisnetxe 132-691 na gnitseuqer ssergnoC ot troper a stimbus tnediserP 7991 ,42 enuJ eht sselnu ,7991 ,13 rebmeceD retfa ainsoB ni spoort .S.U esuoH fo tnemyolped dnuorg rof sdnuf fo noitagilbo eht tibihorp 9111 ni detcejeR ot tnemdnema reyuB eht ot tnemdnema etutitsbus yraelliH .R.H ot 402 .tdmA.H ht501 )692# etov( 01-09 7991 ,6 rebmevoN troper ecnerefnoc detpoda etaneS )435# etov( 321-682 7991 ,82 rebotcO troper ecnerefnoc detpoda esuoH )tnesnoc suominanu( 7991 ,11 yluJ etaneS dessap erusaeM )632# etov( 021-403 8991 raeY lacsiF 7991 ,52 enuJ rof tcA noitazirohtuA ,esuoH .sesoprup esnefeD lanoitaN dessap rehto rof dna ... esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht fo seitivitca )58-501 .L.P( erusaeM yratilim rof 8991YF rof snoitairporppa ezirohtua ot tca nA 9111 .R.H ht501 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC cilbupeR )011# etov( hcezC dna ,yragnuH 08-02 .ytaert noisnapxe OTAN eht seifitar setatS ,dnaloP fo noisseccA 8991 detinU eht erofeb ainsoB ni spoort .S.U fo tnemyolped no 9491 fo ytaerT ,03 lirpA deunitnoc eht gnizirohtua yllacificeps noitalsigel tcane ot OTAN eht ot slocotorP etaneS tnediserP eht dna ssergnoC eriuqer dluow taht noitacifitar 63-501 ytaerT ni detcejeR fo noituloser eht ot egaugnal dda ot tnemdnema giarC ot 6132 .tdmA.S )85# etov( 522-391 8991 ,81 hcraM esuoH .anivogezreH-ainsoB fo cilbupeR eht morf llib lavomeR poorT .S.U ni detcejer secroF demrA .S.U evomer ot ,noituloseR srewoP raW anivogezreH dna ainsoB erusaeM eht fo )c(5 noitceS ot tnausrup ,tnediserP eht detceriD 722 .seR.noC.H 7991 ,12 rebotcO tnediserP eht yb otev meti eniL 7991 ,8 rebotcO 65-501 .L.P emaceB )852# etov( 5-39 7991 ,52 rebmetpeS troper ecnerefnoc ot deerga etaneS )244# etov( 56-65 7991 ,52 rebmetpeS troper ecnerefnoc ot deerga esuoH )tnesnoc suominanu( 7991 ,92 yluJ etaneS dessap erusaeM )833# etov( .gnidnuf rehtruf tseuqer ot tnediserP eht timrep 8991 501-223 dluow tub ,8991 ,03 enuJ retfa ainsoB ni spoort .S.U rof ,tcA snoitairporppA 7991 ,92 yluJ gnidnuf ffo tuc dluow troper ecnerefnoc/llib ehT .sesoprup esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD esuoH dessap rehto rof dna ,8991 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht )65-501 .L.P( erusaeM rof esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht rof snoitairporppa gnikaM 6622 .R.H 501 ht setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC forces from Kosovo by June 20, 1999. On June 10, 1999, NATO air strikes were halted, and Yugoslav forces withdrew their military for withdrawal of Yugoslav forces from Kosovo to include an international peacekeeping force. Albanians in the province of Kosovo. On June 3, 1999, Yugoslavia agreed to a peace plan calling operation. The strike was ordered in response to Yugoslavia's campaign of violence against ethnic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in cooperation with the NATO-led On March 24, 1999, President Clinton ordered U.S. military forces to begin air strikes against the )942# etov( 13-86 .9991 ,1 rebotcO yb 000,5 yb dna 8991 ,03 yluJ ,9991 ,2 yraurbeF yb 005,6 ot ainsoB ni secrof tabmoc .S.U etaneS ecuder ot tnediserP eht eriuqer dluow taht )3143 .tdmA.S( ni ot deergA tnemdnema nosihctuH eht )llik( elbat ot noitom niaCcM )tnesnoc suominanu( 8991 ,03 yluJ 9991 etaneS eht .sesoprup rehto rof dna ,tcA snoitairporppA ni denoptsop ... 9991 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht rof esnefeD fo esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD yletinifednI tnemtrapeD eht rof snoitairporppa gnikam llib lanigiro nA 2312 .S 501 ht )171# etov( .ainsoB ni tnemyolped 13-56 deunitnoc ezirohtua dluow taht noitalsigel no ,9991 ,13 8991 ,42 enuJ hcraM yb etov ton od ssergnoC fo sesuoh htob fi ainsoB ni etaneS tnemyolped poort dnuorg .S.U rof gnidnuf tibihorp dluow 7502 ni ot deergA taht tnemdnema htimS eht )llik( elbat ot noitom niaCcM .S ot 7792 .tdmA.S )071# etov( ".emit fo doirep 5-09 elbanosaer a nihtiw" secrof .S.U wardhtiw ot OTAN 8991 ,42 enuJ htiw krow dluohs tnediserP eht taht dna ,yletinifedni etaneS ainsoB ni niamer ton dluohs secrof dnuorg .S.U taht 7502 ni ot deergA ssergnoC fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema dnomruhT .S ot 5792 .tdmA.S )181# etov( 4-88 9991 raeY lacsiF 8991 ,52 enuJ .sesoprup rehto rof tcA noitazirohtuA etaneS dessap rof dna ... esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht fo seitivitca yratilim esnefeD lanoitaN erusaeM rof 9991YF rof snoitairporppa ezirohtua ot llib lanigiro nA 7502 .S .secrof demra hcus fo tnemyolped eht sezirohtua ylticilpxe taht detcane neeb sah wal a sselnu ,8991 ,13 rebmeceD retfa anivogezreH-ainsoB 9991 raeY lacsiF )281# etov( fo cilbupeR eht ni secroF demrA .S.U fo tnemyolped rof tcA noitazirohtuA 152-761 eht rof desu eb yam 9991YF rof esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD esnefeD lanoitaN 8991 ,12 yaM eht rof detairporppa sdnuf on taht tnemdnema dnomruhT mortS esuoH na htiw kcab ti troper ot snoitcurtsni htiw eettimmoC )162-501 .L.P( ni detcejeR ytiruceS lanoitaN eht ot llib eht timmocer ot noitom knarF 6163 .R.H cilbupeR )611# etov( hcezC dna ,yragnuH 38-61 .ainsoB ot stnemyolped ,dnaloP fo noisseccA 8991 poort .S.U deunitnoc ezirohtua dluow taht ,noisnapxe no 9491 fo ytaerT ,03 lirpA OTAN fo noitacifitar ot roirp ,noitalsigel no etov OTAN eht ot slocotorP etaneS ot ssergnoC fo sesuoh htob eriuqer dluow taht noitacifitar 63-501 ytaerT ni detcejeR fo noituloser eht ot egaugnal dda ot tnemdnema htimS .B ot 8232 .tdmA.S ht501 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )etov eciov( 9991 ,32 hcraM etaneS dessap erusaeM .snoitarepo esoht fo tcudnoc eht rof wal ni snoitazirohtua cificeps stcane ssergnoC sselnu aivalsoguY ni snoitarepo )55# etov( yratilim rof sdnuf fo esu eht tibihorp ot )18 .tdmA.S( 44-55 tnemdnema nosihctuH eht ot )421 .tdmA.S( tnemdnema 9991 ,32 hcraM ttoL eht no )etabed gnitimil suht( noitom erutolC :9991 9991 raeY lacsiF rof etaneS ,32 hcraM .sesoprup rehto rof dna ,9991 ,03 rebmetpeS tcA snoitairporppA ni detcejer gnidne raey lacsif eht rof ,ecnatsissa ngierof dna ,sretsasid latnemelppuS noitom larutan morf yrevocer rof snoissicser dna snoitairporppa ycnegremE erutolC latnemelppus ycnegreme gnikam llib lanigiro nA 445 .S )84# etov( 732-871 .noitarepo 9991 ,11 hcraM gnipeekecaep OTAN a fo trap sa secrof dnuorg yolped esuoH ot tnediserP eht ezirohtua ton ot dna ovosoK ot secroF 24 .seR.noC.H ni detcejeR demrA .S.U fo tnemyolped eht timil ot tnemdnema relwoF ot52 .tdmA.H )94# etov( 191-912 9991 ,11 hcraM snoitatimil niatrec ot tcejbus ,tnemeerga ecaep noituloseR ovosoK esuoH ovosoK a gnitnemelpmi noitarepo gnipeekecaep OTAN ni snoitarepO ni ot deerga a fo trap sa ovosoK ot lennosrep secroF demrA .S.U gnipeekecaeP erusaeM yolped ot tnediserP eht gnizirohtua noituloser tnerrucnoc A 24 .seR.noC.H )64# etov( .301 .seR.H fo noitpoda no )tnemdnema 102-812 fo ytilibissop eht dna etabed gnidne suht( noitseuq 9991 ,11 hcraM suoiverp eht redro ot noitoM .tnemeerga ecaep ovosoK esuoH a gnitnemelpmi noitarepo gnipeekecaep OTAN a fo trap ni ot deerga sa secroF demrA .S.U fo esu eht gnidrager ,24 .seR.noC.H erusaeM ,noituloser tnerrucnoc eht fo noitaredisnoc rof sedivorP 301 .seR.H 601 ht setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC following legislation is representative of what was introduced and voted on in the 106th Congress. Kosovo and U.S. Policy: Background to Independence, by Julie Kim and Steven Woehrel. The Resolution: Presidential Compliance, by Richard F. Grimmett, and CRS Report RL31053, For more detailed contextual and legislative history, see CRS Report RL33532, War Powers sending U.S. military forces abroad. deployments in the region, declaration of war issues, and executive and congressional roles in Other House or Senate votes sent conflicting signals in addressing funding related to troop against Yugoslavia. However, the House later defeated the Senate resolution, on April 28, 1999. President was authorized to conduct military air operations in cooperation with NATO allies resolution (S.Con.Res. 21) on March 23, 1999, that expressed the sense of Congress that the authorized the President to send troops as peacekeepers; the Senate passed a non-binding peacekeeping in the Balkan region. The House adopted H.Con.Res. 42 on March 11, 1999, which voted on several legislative measures related to deployment of U.S. military forces for combat or Congress, while not authorizing directly, and in advance, this military action, introduced and )631# etov( 63-46 9991 ,02 yaM troper ecnerefnoc detpoda etaneS )331# etov( 851-962 9991 ,81 yaM troper ecnerefnoc detpoda esuoH )etov eciov( 9991 ,42 hcraM 445 .S fo ueil ni ,dednema sa ,etaneS dessap erusaeM .snaklaB )07# etov( eht ni snoitarepo nairatinamuh dna yratilim .S.U dna tcA snoitairporppA 112-022 ,ecnatsissa remraf .S.U ,nadroJ ot dia ,feiler nairatinamuh latnemelppuS 9991 ,42 hcraM naciremA lartneC rof noillib 51$ sedivorp--sesoprup ycnegremE 9991 esuoH dessap rehto rof dna ,9991 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht )13-601 .L.P( erusaeM rof snoitairporppa latnemelppus ycnegreme gnikam llib A 1411 .R.H )17# etov( 1-424 9991 ,42 hcraM esuoH .aivalsoguY tsniaga snoitarepo yratilim ni ot deerga ni degagne era ohw secroF demrA .S.U eht fo srebmem eht erusaeM rof sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo troppus eht sesserpxE 031 .seR.H )301# etov( 312-312 9991 ,82 lirpA esuoH ni detcejer erusaeM )75# etov( 14-85 9991 ,32 hcraM etaneS .aivalsoguY tsniaga sekirts ni ot deerga elissim dna snoitarepo ria yratilim tcudnoc ot setatS detinU erusaeM eht fo tnediserP eht gnizirohtua noituloser tnerrucnoc A 12 .seR.noC.S 601 ht setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .)1411 .R.H ni dedulcni dna noitalsigel siht morf devomer yletamitlu saw gnidnuf latnemelppus )021# etov( detaler-ovosoK( sesoprup rehto dna snoitarepo 501-113 ovosoK ot gnitaler noillib 1.31$ dedivorp--sesoprup llib snoitairporppA 9991 ,6 yaM rehto rof dna ,9991 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht rof latnemelppuS dednema sa ... ovosoK ni tcilfnoc eht ot gnitaler ecnatsissa nairatinamuh ycnegremE ovosoK esuoH dessap dna ,feiler eegufer ,snoitarepo yratilim rof snoitairporppa )15-601 .L.P( erusaeM latnemelppus ycnegreme gnikam )decudortni sa( llib A 4661 .R.H )611# etov( 171-352 .sesoprup rehto rof dna ,9991 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne 9991 ,6 yaM raey lacsif eht rof ... ovosoK ni tcilfnoc eht ot gnitaler esuoH ecnatsissa nairatinamuh dna ,feiler eegufer ,snoitarepo ni ot deerga yratilim rof snoitairporppa latnemelppus ycnegreme erusaeM gnikam )4661 .R.H( llib eht fo noitaredisnoc rof sedivorP 951 .seR.H )89# etov( 22-87 9991 ,4 yaM .aivalsoguY etaneS ni ni sevitcejbo OTAN dna .S.U hsilpmocca ot ,seilla ot deerga elbat .S.U eht htiw trecnoc ni ,snaem rehto dna ecrof yrassecen ot noitoM lla esu ot tnediserP eht gnizirohtua noituloser tnioj A 02 .seR.J.S )201# etov( 724-2 9991 ,82 lirpA esuoH ni detcejer aivalsoguY fo tnemnrevog eht dna setatS detinU erusaeM eht neewteb raw fo etats a gniralced noituloser tnioj A 44 .seR.J.H 601 ht )101# etov( 092-931 9991 ,82 lirpA .aivalsoguY tsniaga snoitarepo tneserp eht esuoH htiw noitcennoc ni snoitisop rieht morf secroF demrA .S.U ni detcejer evomer ot ,noituloseR srewoP raW eht fo )c(5 noitceS ot erusaeM tnausrup ,tnediserP eht gnitcerid noituloser tnerrucnoc A 28 .seR.noC.H 9991 )001# etov( .wal yb dezirohtua fo tcA noitatimiL 081-942 yllacificeps si tnemyolped taht sselnu aivalsoguY ni aivalsoguY fo 9991 ,82 lirpA secroF demrA .S.U eht fo stnemele dnuorg fo tnemyolped cilbupeR laredeF eht esuoH dessap eht rof desu gnieb morf esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD ni snoitarepO yratiliM erusaeM eht ot detairporppa sdnuf fo esu eht tibihorp ot llib A 9651 .R.H .aivalsoguY tsniaga sekirts elissim dna snoitarepo ria yratilim tcudnoc ot setatS detinU eht fo tnediserP eht gnizirohtua )12 .seR.noC.S( noituloser tnerrucnoc eht fo noitaredisnoc rof dna ;aivalsoguY fo tnemnrevoG eht dna setatS detinU eht neewteb raw fo etats a gniralced )44 .seR.J.H( noituloser tnioj eht fo noitaredisnoc rof ;aivalsoguY tsniaga snoitarepo tneserp eht htiw noitcennoc ni snoitisop rieht morf secroF demrA .S.U evomer ot ,noituloseR srewoP raW eht fo )c(5 noitceS ot tnausrup ,tnediserP eht gnitcerid )99# etov( )28 .seR.noC.H( noituloser tnerrucnoc eht fo noitaredisnoc 012-312 rof ;wal yb dezirohtua yllacificeps si tnemyolped 9991 ,82 lirpA taht sselnu aivalsoguY ni secroF demrA .S.U eht fo stnemele esuoH dnuorg fo tnemyolped eht rof desu gnieb morf esnefeD ni ot deerga fo tnemtrapeD eht ot detairporppa sdnuf fo esu eht erusaeM tibihorp ot )9651 .R.H( llib eht fo noitaredisnoc rof sedivorP 151 .seR.H 601 ht setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )191# etov( 85-563 0002 raeY lacsiF 9991 ,01 enuJ .sesoprup rehto rof dna rof tcA noitazirohtuA esuoH dessap ... esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht fo seitivitca yratilim rof 1002 esnefeD lanoitaN erusaeM dna 0002 sraey lacsif rof snoitairporppa ezirohtua ot llib A 1041 .R.H )151# etov( 12-77 9991 ,62 yaM .snoitarepo esoht fo tcudnoc etaneS ni eht rof wal ni noitazirohtua cificeps stcane ssergnoC ot deerga elbat sselnu aivalsoguY ni snoitarepo yratilim rof sdnuf fo esu eht 9501 ot noitoM ,9991 ,1 rebotcO evitceffe ,tibihorp ot tnemdnema htimS .B ot .S 604 .tdmA.S )541# etov( .dezirohtua eb ton lliw noitarepo 84-25 taht rof gnidnuf ro aivalsoguY tsniaga snoitarepo tneserp 9991 ,52 yaM eht htiw noitcennoc ni secroF demrA .S.U eht morf spoort etaneS ni dnuorg fo noitcudortni eht ot roirp ssergnoC morf lavorppa ot deerga elbat kees ot ,noituloseR srewoP raW eht dna noitutitsnoC .S.U 9501 ot noitoM eht ot tnausrup ,tnediserP eht tcerid ot tnemdnema retcepS ot .S 383 .tdmA.S )etov eciov( 9991 ,22 rebmetpeS troper ecnerefnoc detpoda etaneS )424# etov( 54-573 9991 ,51 rebmetpeS troper ecnerefnoc detpoda esuoH )etov eciov( 9991 ,41 enuJ 1041 .R.H fo ueil ni ,esuoH dessap erusaeM )451# etov( 3-29 0002 raeY lacsiF 9991 ,72 yaM rof tcA noitazirohtuA dednema sa .sesoprup rehto esnefeD lanoitaN etaneS dessap rof dna ... esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht fo seitivitca yratilim )56-601 .L.P( erusaeM rof 0002YF rof snoitairporppa ezirohtua ot llib lanigiro nA 9501 .S 601 ht )911# etov( 103-711 9991 ,6 yaM .raw fo emit ni tpecxe ,secrof dnuorg esuoH htiw aivalsoguY edavni ot nalp yna fo noitatnemelpmi 4661 ni detcejeR eht rof gnidnuf tibihorp ot tnemdnema kootsI .R.H ot 67 .tdmA.H )811# etov( 062-461 9991 ,6 yaM esuoH .cte ,ovosoK ni snoitarepo yratilim rof tseuqer 4661 ni detcejeR ot gnidnuf s'tnediserP eht edivorp ot tnemdnema yebO .R.H 86 .tdmA.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC stnemmoC dna noitpircseD setoV ot 061 .tdmA.H ht601 rof gnidnuf 0002YF yna tibihorp ot tnemdnema reduoS ni detcejeR 1041 .R.H .aivalsoguY ni snoitarepo yratilim esuoH 9991 ,01 enuJ 823-79 )781# etov( 161 .tdmA.H ot yna stibihorp hcihw egaugnal eteled ot tnemdnema notlekS ni ot deergA 1041 .R.H ni snoitarepo gnipeekecaep ro tabmoc rof gnidnuf esuoH hcihw egaugnal sniater ;9991 ,03 rebmetpeS retfa aivalsoguY 9991 ,01 enuJ latnemelppus tseuqer ot tnediserP eht seriuqer 551-072 gnipeekecaep ro tabmoc tcudnoc ot redro ni snoitairporppa )981# etov( .aivalsoguY ni snoitarepo On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States with a coordinated series of aircraft hijackings and suicide crashes into populated buildings. Two airplanes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing their complete destruction. Another airplane crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth airplane crashed in southwestern Pennsylvania (near Shanksville) after passengers attempted to take control of the aircraft in order to prevent it from crashing into an important symbol of democracy and freedom, perhaps in the Washington, D.C. area. Over 3,000 people lost their lives in these terrorist attacks. Consequently, on September 14, 2001, Congress passed a joint resolution, which "authorizes the President to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations, or persons." It further states that the act is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of the War Powers Resolution. President George W. Bush signed the joint resolution into law on September 18, 2001. On October 9, 2001, President Bush reported in a letter to Congress that U.S. Armed Forces had begun combat action in Afghanistan against the Al Qaeda terrorists and their Taliban supporters starting at 12:30 p.m. (EDT) on October 7, 2001. eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC stnemmoC dna noitpircseD setoV 46 .seR.J.H ht701 demra setatS detinU fo esu eht ezirohtua ot noituloser tnioJ erusaeM rof noitazirohtuA rebmetpeS( tnecer eht rof elbisnopser esoht tsniaga secrof esuoH dessap ecroF yratiliM fo esU .setatS detinU eht tsniaga dehcnual skcatta )1002 ,11 ,41 rebmetpeS 1002 1-024 )243# etov( 32 .seR.J.S demra setatS detinU fo esu eht ezirohtua ot noituloser tnioJ erusaeM a)04-701 .L.P( rebmetpeS( tnecer eht rof elbisnopser esoht tsniaga secrof etaneS dessap .setatS detinU eht tsniaga dehcnual skcatta )1002 ,11 ,41 rebmetpeS 1002 0-89 )182# etov( .a ni ecroF yratiliM fO esU roF noitazirohtuA ,75322SR tropeR SRC ees ,04-701 .L.P fo yrotsih evitalsigel a roF .ttemmirG .F drahciR yb ,yrotsiH evitalsigeL :)04-701 .L.P( skcattA 11/9 eht ot esnopseR On October 10, 2002, after several days of debate, the House passed H.J.Res. 114, which authorized the use of military force against Iraq. The Senate had considered its own measure, S.J.Res. 45, beginning on October 3, but indefinitely postponed it, and passed H.J.Res. 114 instead on October 11, 2002. As enacted into law, the joint resolution provides authorization for the use of military force against Iraq and expresses support for the President's efforts to (1) strictly enforce through the United Nations Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and (2) obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion, and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions. In addition, it authorizes the President to use the U.S. Armed Forces to (1) defend U.S. national security against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and (2) enforce all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq. It directs the President, prior to or as soon as possible (but no later than 48 hours) after exercising such authority, to make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that (1) reliance on further diplomatic or peaceful means alone will not achieve the above purposes; and (2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization for use of the armed forces, consistent with the requirements of the War Powers Resolution. Finally, it requires the President to report to Congress at least every 60 days on matters relevant to this resolution. The war with Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) began on March 19, 2003, with an aerial attack against a location where Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was suspected to be meeting with top Iraqi officials. U.S. and British troops entered Iraq on March 20, 2003, and while the invasion encountered resistance, particularly in its early stages, U.S. forces had largely gained control of Baghdad by April 9, 2003. The northern cities of Kirkuk and Mosul fell shortly afterward, and on April 14, 2003, U.S. troops entered Tikrit, Saddam's birthplace and the last major population center outside coalition control. On April 15, 2003, President Bush declared that "the regime of Saddam Hussein is no more." )232# etov( .noisnetxe eht fo gnivorppasid noituloser 6-13 tnioj a ssap ton seod ssergnoC dna yrassecen si noisnetxe 2002 na taht seifitrec tnediserP eht sselnu ,tnemtcane s'noituloser ,01 rebotcO eht retfa shtnom 21 ecrof fo esu eht fo noitazirohtua lanoissergnoc 54 .seR.J.S etaneS fo noitanimret eht rof edivorp dluow tnemdnema dryB ehT .)6584 ot 9684 ni detcejeR .tdmA.S( tnemdnema etutitsbus namrebeiL eht ot tnemdnema dryB .tdmA.S 701 ht .syad 06 yreve tsael ta ssergnoC ot troper ot deriuqer )132# etov( eb dluow tnediserP ehT .nugeb sah noitca retfa sruoh 84 naht retal 1-88 on detsuahxe neeb evah snoitpo citamolpid taht ssergnoC ot troper 2002 ot noitartsinimdA eht eriuqer dluow tI .snoitazinagro tsirorret ,9 rebotcO evif dna qarI tsniaga ecrof fo esu eht ezirohtua dluow tnemdnema etaneS maharG ehT .)6584 .tdmA.S( tnemdnema etutitsbus namrebeiL eht ni ot deergA ot )7584 .tdmA.S( tnemdnema maharG eht elbat ot noitom niaCcM )tnesnoc suominanu( 2002 ,11 rebotcO etaneS yb denoptsop .qarI tsniaga yletinifednI secroF demrA setatS detinU fo esu eht ezirohtua ot noituloser tnioJ 54 .seR.J.S )454# etov( .ytilibats lanoitanretni 523-101 dna ,snezitic iqarI ,ymonoce .S.U eht no tcapmi sti fo setamitse 2002 gnidulcni ,qarI htiw raw fo tceffe eht no ssergnoC ot troper ot ,01 rebotcO ,ecrof fo esu eht ot roirp ,tnediserP eht eriuqer dluow taht egaugnal esuoH htiw kcab detroper eb ti taht snoitcurtsni htiw eettimmoC snoitaleR ni detcejeR lanoitanretnI esuoH eht ot llib eht timmocer ot noitom hcinicuK )354# etov( .noituloser .N.U a hcus tuohtiw qarI tsniaga ecrof yratilim 072-551 gnisu erofeb ytirohtua lanoissergnoc kees ot deriuqer eb dluow 2002 tnediserP ehT .snopaew hcus gnicudorp fo snaem eht dna ,selissim ,01 rebotcO egnar-gnol ,noitcurtsed ssam fo snopaew s'qarI fo ,deriuqer fi ecrof 411 esuoH yb ,noitanimile eht sredro taht noituloser licnuoC ytiruceS .N.U .seR.J.H ot ni detcejeR wen yna troppus ot yratilim .S.U eht ezirohtua ot tnemdnema ttarpS 906 .tdmA.H 701 ht )254# etov( 553-27 2002 .snoitcepsni snopaew fo noitpmuser eht gnidulcni ,eussi eht ,01 rebotcO evloser ot snaem lufecaep fo esu eht egru ot dna ,noitcurtsed ssam 411 esuoH fo snopaew gnipoleved ton si qarI taht erusne ot snoitaN detinU eht .seR.J.H ot ni detcejeR hguorht krow ot tnediserP eht egru dluow taht tnemdnema eeL .B 806 .tdmA.H )732# etov( 32-77 2002 ,11 rebotcO etaneS dessap erusaeM )554# etov( 331-692 2002 ,01 rebotcO esuoH dessap .qarI tsniaga )342-701 .L.P( erusaeM secroF demrA setatS detinU fo esu eht ezirohtua ot noituloser tnioJ 411 .seR.J.H ht701 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC of its version, S. 762, by unanimous consent. 2003, provided $78.49 billion in funding for these purposes. The Senate passed H.R. 1559 in lieu homeland security were also included. H.R. 1559, enacted into law as P.L. 108-11 on April 16, war on terrorism. The cost of the continued U.S. presence in Afghanistan and additional funds for relief in Iraq, and international assistance to countries contributing to the war in Iraq or the global Supplemental for the ongoing military operations in Iraq, postwar occupation, reconstruction and On March 25, 2003, President Bush requested $74.8 billion in the FY2003 Emergency )38# etov( 11-293 3002 ,12 hcraM esuoH .modeerF iqarI noitarepO ni gnitapicitrap era ohw ni ot deerga secrof demra eht fo srebmem eht dna tnediserP eht rof noitan eht 401 erusaeM fo noitaicerppa dna troppus eht gnisserpxe noituloser tnerrucnoc A .seR.noC.H )16# etov( 0-99 3002 ,02 hcraM etaneS ni ot deerga .qarI tsniaga tcilfnoc eht ni aciremA fo setatS detinU eht erusaeM fo secrof demra eht dna tnediserP eht gnidnemmoc noituloser A 59 .seR.S ht801 )632# etov( 07-03 2002 .qarI yb "taerht gniunitnoc" a naht rehtar ,noitcurtsed ssam ,01 rebotcO fo snopaew s'qarI yb "taerht tnenimmi" na revoc ot ecrof yratilim 54 .seR.J.S etaneS fo esu eht ezirohtua dluow tnemdnema nibruD ehT .)6584 .tdmA.S( ot 5684 ni detcejeR tnemdnema etutitsbus namrebeiL eht ot tnemdnema nibruD .tdmA.S .noituloser a hcus tpoda ot deliaf .N.U eht fi qarI ot detaler slasoporp redisnoc yltpmorp ot emit )532# etov( yna ta noisses ot nruter dluoc ssergnoC .noituloser eht ecrofne 57-42 ot srebmem .N.U yb ecrof yratilim fo esu eht dezirohtua dna 2002 qarI ni srotcepsni snopaew .N.U rof ssecca detcirtsernu dednamed ,01 rebotcO taht noituloser .N.U wen a htiw ylpmoc ot deliaf ti fi qarI tsniaga 54 .seR.J.S etaneS ecrof fo esu eht ezirohtua dluow tnemdnema niveL ehT .)6584 ot 2684 ni detcejeR .tdmA.S( tnemdnema etutitsbus namrebeiL eht ot tnemdnema niveL .tdmA.S ht701 .ti sezirohtua ssergnoC sselnu tnediserP eht ot )432# etov( detnarg eb setatS detinU eht no kcatta tcerid dna ,neddus ,tnenimmi 68-41 fo taerht raelc a ot detaler yltcerid ton ytirohtua lanoitidda 2002 on taht yfiralc dluow osla tI .raw eralced ot ssergnoC fo ytirohtua ,01 rebotcO lanoitutitsnoc eht retla ton dluow qarI tsniaga ecrof fo esu eht 54 .seR.J.S etaneS fo noitazirohtua yna taht yfiralc dluow tnemdnema dryB ehT .)6584 ot 8684 ni detcejeR .tdmA.S( tnemdnema etutitsbus namrebeiL eht ot tnemdnema dryB .tdmA.S .syad 06 )332# etov( yreve tsael ta ssergnoC ot troper ssergorp a timbus ot deriuqer eb 52-57 dluow osla tnediserP ehT .nugeb sah noitca yratilim retfa sruoh 84 2002 naht retal on detsuahxe neeb evah snoitpo citamolpid taht ssergnoC ,01 rebotcO ot troper ot noitartsinimdA eht eriuqer dna qarI tsniaga ecrof fo etaneS esu eht ezirohtua dluow taht )6584 .tdmA.S( tnemdnema etutitsbus ni ot deergA namrebeiL eht no )etabed gnitimil suht( erutolc ekovni ot noitoM setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )421# etov( 62-76 3002 ,3 lirpA etaneS .qarI fo elpoep eht ot ecnatsissa ni ot deergA doof rof noillim 006$ etairporppa ot tnemdnema lhoK ot 267 .S 554 .tdmA.S .qarI htiw raw )121# etov( eht no tneps llib eht ni sdnuf eht tesffo ot seunever 81-97 esiar ot nalp a no eettimmoC ecnaniF etaneS eht 3002 ,3 lirpA ot troper a timbus dluohs tnediserP eht taht etaneS etaneS ni ot eht fo esnes eht sserpxe dluow taht)974 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema sgnilloH eht elbat ot noitom narhcoC 801 ht 3002 raeY lacsiF rof )521# etov( .sesoprup rehto qarI ni snoitarepO esnefeD 0-39 rof dna ,3002 ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht rof fo tnemtrapeD troppuS 3002 ,3 lirpA stroffe detaler dna ,ytiruceS dnalemoH fo tnemtrapeD ot tcA snoitairporppA etaneS ,qarI ni snoitarepo esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD troppus latnemelppuS dessap erusaeM ot snoitairporppa latnemelppus gnikam llib lanigiro nA 267 .S )tnesnoc suominanu( 3002 ,21 lirpA troper ecnerefnoc detpoda etaneS )etov eciov( 3002 ,21 lirpA troper ecnerefnoc detpoda esuoH )tnesnoc suominanu( 3002 ,7 lirpA 267 .S fo ueil ni etaneS dessap erusaeM )801# etov( 3002 ,tcA snoitairporppA 21-414 latnemelppuS 3002 ,3 lirpA .sesoprup rehto rof dna ,3002 ,03 emitraW ycnegremE esuoH rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht rof snoitairporppa )11-801 .L.P( dessap erusaeM latnemelppus emitraw ycnegreme gnikam llib A 9551 .R.H 801 ht setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC vitiated its passage and returned the bill to the Senate Calendar. on October 17, 2003, the Senate had approved its own version of the measure, S. 1689, but and the Senate approved the conference agreement by voice vote on November 3, 2003. Earlier, funding. The House approved the conference agreement by a roll call vote on October 31, 2003, terrorism) was enacted into law as P.L. 108-106 on November 6, 2003, providing $87.5 billion in H.R. 3289 (FY2004 supplemental appropriations for Iraq, Afghanistan, and the global war on ongoing military operations and for reconstruction assistance in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. On September 17, 2003, President Bush formally requested an additional $87 billion for the )945# etov( .dereffo era yeht erofeb stcartnoc "dib-on" 02-504 fo ssergnoC mrofni ot deriuqer eb dluow seicnega 3002 evitucexe ;secnatsmucric niatrec ni dedrawa neeb sah ,61 rebotcO tcartnoc eht retfa syad neves ssergnoC ot detroper esuoH eb ot stcartnoc evititepmocnon wolla dluow taht 9823 ni ot deergA llib eht fo noisivorp eht ekirts ot tnemdnema kriK ot .R.H 114 .tdmA.H )845# etov( 422-791 3002 ,61 rebotcO esuoH .noillim 052$ yb llib eht ni sdnuf 9823 ni detcejeR noitcurtsnocer iqarI ecuder ot tnemdnema namxaW .R.H ot 9014 .tdmA.H )745# etov( 612-902 3002 ,61 rebotcO .srebmem ecivres .S.U rof esuoH stnemecnahne efil fo ytilauq rof sdnuf noitcurtsnocer 9823 ni detcejeR qarI ni noillib 6.3$ refsnart ot tnemdnema yebO .R.H ot 704 .tdmA.H 801 ht )645# etov( 622-002 3002 ,61 rebotcO esuoH .snaol fo mrof eht ni eb qarI ot dia noitcurtsnocer 9823 ni detcejeR lla fo flah taht eriuqer ot tnemdnema yebO .R.H ot 904 .tdmA.H )etov eciov( 3002 ,3 rebmevoN troper ecnerefnoc detpoda etaneS )106# etov( 11-892 3002 ,13 rebotcO troper ecnerefnoc detpoda esuoH )tnesnoc suominanu( 3002 ,71 rebotcO tnemdnema na htiw etaneS dessap erusaeM 4002 ,natsinahgfA dna qarI fo noitcurtsnoceR )265# etov( eht rof dna esnefeD 521-303 rof tcA snoitairporppA 3002 .sesoprup rehto rof dna ,4002 latnemelppuS ycnegremE ,71 rebotcO ,03 rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht rof natsinahgfA esuoH dna qarI fo noitcurtsnocer eht rof dna esnefed rof )601-801 .L.P( dessap erusaeM snoitairporppa latnemelppus ycnegreme gnikam llib A 9823 .R.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )004# etov( 4002 21-78 ,tcA noitcurtsnoceR dna 3002 .sesoprup rehto rof dna ,4002 ,03 ytiruceS natsinahgfA dna ,71 rebotcO rebmetpeS gnidne raey lacsif eht rof noitcurtsnocer qarI rof snoitairporppA etaneS dna ytiruces natsinahgfA dna qarI rof snoitairporppa latnemelppuS ycnegremE dessap erusaeM latnemelppus ycnegreme gnikam llib lanigiro nA 9861 .S )006# etov( 122-891 .)sesoprup rehto rof dna( snaol fo mrof 3002 eht ni qarI ot dia noitcurtsnocer eht flah tup dluow ,13 rebotcO taht snoisivorp htiw esuoH eht ot kcab detroper esuoH eht ni eb ti taht snoitcurtsni htiw eettimmoc ecnerefnoc eht detcejer noitoM ot troper ecnerefnoc eht timmocer ot noitom yebO 9823 .R.H )765# etov( 931-772 .)sesoprup rehto rof dna( 3002 snoitidnoc niatrec ot tcejbus snaol fo mrof eht ni qarI ,12 rebotcO ot dia noitcurtsnocer ni noillib 3.02$ eht fo noillib esuoH ni ot 01$ erutcurts dluow taht llib etaneS eht ni snoisivorp deerga noitoM no tsisni ot seerefnoc esuoH tcurtsni ot noitom yebO 9823 .R.H 801 ht )755# etov( 971-842 3002 ,71 rebotcO .erutcurtsarfni lio s'qarI ot gnitaler esuoH stcartnoc tnemnrevog lla rof serudecorp gniddib 9823 ni ot deergA evititepmoc lamron eriuqer ot tnemdnema namrehS .R.H ot 134 .tdmA.H )455# etov( 312-312 3002 ,71 rebotcO .4002YF ni natsinahgfA dna qarI ni rebmem ecivres esuoH hcae rof sesunob 005,1$ revoc ot noillim 562$ yb 9823 ni detcejeR llib eht ni yap yratilim esaercni ot tnemdnema kaputS .R.H ot 324 .tdmA.H )355# etov( tneserP 1 ,762-651 3002 ,71 rebotcO esuoH .%05 yb llib eht ni qarI 9823 ni detcejeR rof sdnuf noitcurtsnocer ecuder ot tnemdnema dniK .R.H ot 224 .tdmA.H )255# etov( 592-821 3002 .ssergnoC ot noitacifiton roirp ,61 rebotcO tuohtiw qarI edistuo noillim 5.1$ fo ssecxe ni stcejorp esuoH noitcurtsnoc yratilim tuo gniyrrac morf esnefeD 9823 ni detcejeR fo yraterceS eht rab ot tnemdnema zehcnaS atteroL .R.H ot 124 .tdmA.H )155# etov( 652-961 3002 ,61 rebotcO esuoH .qarI otni stcudorp muelortep gnitropmi rof 9823 ni detcejeR llib eht morf noillim 009$ ekirts ot tnemdnema tloH .R.H ot 514 .tdmA.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )083# etov( .ytirohtuA ecnaniF noitcurtsnoceR qarI 93-75 na hsilbatse ot qarI ni ytirohtuA lanoisivorP noitilaoC 3002 eht fo daeh eht tcerid ot tnediserP eht eriuqer ,41 rebotcO dna sdnuf noitcurtsnocer iqarI rof snoitairporppa etaneS ni ot ni noillib 3.02$ ekirts dluow taht )6281 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema nagroD eht elbat ot noitom snevetS .ssecorp snoitairporppa dna tegdub 5002 lacsif eht gnirud noitcurtsnocer iqarI rof )973# etov( gnidnuf ni noillib 30.5$ lanoitidda na redisnoc dluohs 53-95 ssergnoC taht etaneS eht fo esnes eht sserpxe dluow 3002 oslA .smargorp citsemod rof gnidnuf taht tcerider ,41 rebotcO dna noillib 30.5$ yb noitcurtsnocer iqarI rof dedivorp etaneS ni ot tnuoma eht ecuder dluow taht )3281 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema wonebatS eht elbat ot noitom snevetS )873# etov( ".modeerF 84-74 iqarI noitarepO" htiw noitcennoc ni aisA tsewhtuoS 3002 ni secrof demra eht ni yticapac yna ni devres ohw ,41 rebotcO nosrep yna ot ladeM noitarebiL iqarI eht drawa ot etaneS tnemtrapeD esnefeD eht ezirohtua dluow taht )0381 ni detcejeR .tdmA.S( tnemdnema namagniB eht fo I noisiviD )673# etov( 73-94 .sdnuf noitcurtsnocer iqarI ni noitcuder a yb tesffo eb 3002 dluow yenom ehT .qarI ni spoort .S.U rof tnempiuqe ,2 rebotcO ytefas dna ecnaraelc dleifelttab no gnidneps s'llib etaneS ni ot eht ot noillim 223$ dda dluow taht )7181 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema ddoD eht elbat ot noitom snevetS )473# etov( .tnemtcane s'llib eht retfa 24-65 syad 06 nihtiw tnemtrapeD etatS eht fo noitcidsiruj 3002 eht rednu ti ecalp dna lortnoc tnemtrapeD ,2 rebotcO esnefeD morf qarI ni ytirohtuA lanoisivorP etaneS ni ot noitilaoC eht evomer dluow taht )3081 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema yhaeL eht elbat ot noitom snevetS )373# etov( 24-75 3002 .srenrae fo %1 pot eht rof 1002 ni detcane ,2 rebotcO stuc xat emocni gnitanimile yb stsoc noitcurtsnocer etaneS ni ot iqarI tesffo dluow taht )6971 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema nediB eht elbat ot noitom snevetS 9861 .S 801 ht )273# etov( 1-89 3002 .derujni ro dellik neeb evah ohw esoht fo ,2 rebotcO seilimaf eht ot secnelodnoc gnidnetxe dna natsinahgfA etaneS dna qarI ni gnivres spoort .S.U gniknaht etaneS eht ni ot deergA fo esnes eht sesserpxe taht tnemdnema llennoCcM 9861 .S ot 5971 .tdmA.S )173# etov( 95-83 .sesoprup ecitsuj dna 3002 ,ytiruces lanoitan ,tnemeriuqer ytefas cilbup gnidulcni ,1 rebotcO ,ytiruces rof desu eb dluow noillib 1.5$ gniniamer ehT etaneS .stroffe noitcurtsnocer iqarI rof detacolla noillib 3.02$ ni detcejeR eht fo noillib 2.51$ etanimile ot tnemdnema dryB 9861 .S ot 4971 .tdmA.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .elgaE elboN noitarepO )783# etov( dna ,modeerF gnirudnE noitarepO ,modeerF iqarI 1-79 noitarepO ni gnivres secrof demra eht fo srebmem 3002 ot ladeM msirorreT no raW labolG eht gnidrawa ,61 rebotcO nigeb dna tnemelpmi ot snoitaluger yrassecen etaneS eussi dluohs esnefeD fo yraterceS eht taht etaneS ni ot deergA eht fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema llennoCcM 9861 .S ot 4781 .tdmA.S .kcots fo serahs 000,1 naht erom esahcrup ot snoitpo sdloh laiciffo level-tenibaC ro ,tnediserP eciV ,tnediserP )683# etov( eht hcihw ni ytitne yna ro ,laiciffo level-tenibaC 43-56 a ro ,tnediserP eciV ,tnediserP eht ot noitasnepmoc 3002 derrefed syap taht ytitne na htiw tnemeerga ,61 rebotcO laicnanif ro tcatnoc yna rof sdnuf noitcurtsnocer etaneS ni ot iqarI fo esu eht tibihorp dluow taht )8681 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema grebnetuaL eht elbat ot noitom snevetS .spoort fo lawardhtiw eht dna elpoep iqarI eht ot ytngierevos fo refsnart eht rof eludehcs detamitse na sedulcni taht nalp noitcurtsnocer deliated a edivorp ot deriuqer eb osla dluow tnediserP ehT .noitcurtsnocer cimonoce dna lacitilop ni pihsredael .N.U htiw ,qarI ni pihsredael .S.U rednu ecrof yratilim lanoitanitlum a gnizirohtua noituloser wen a detpoda dah snoitaN detinU eht fi ylno tub--llib snoitairporppa )583# etov( etarapes a fo trap sa 1 lirpA retfa desaeler eb dluoc 24-75 gnidnuf noitcurtsnocer ni noillib 2.01$ gniniamer 3002 ehT .1 lirpA erofeb gnidnuf noitcurtsnocer iqarI rof ,61 rebotcO noillib 5$ ot pu dna yletaidemmi gnidnuf ytiruces ni etaneS ni ot noillib 1.5$ etairporppa dluow taht )8181 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema dryB eht elbat ot noitom snevetS 9861 .S )483# etov( 2-59 3002 .seilla .S.U rehto dna learsI ,51 rebotcO fo ytiruces eht decnahne sah niessuH maddaS rednu etaneS qarI fo tnemnrevog eht fo lavomer eht taht ssergnoC ni ot deergA fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema maharG 9861 .S ot 6081 .tdmA.S .qarI ni seitivitca ytiruces dna noitcurtsnocer eht etaulave ot ytirohtuA lanoisivorP )383# etov( noitilaoC eht fo tidua gniogno na tcudnoc ot lareneG 0-79 rellortpmoC eht eriuqer osla dluow tI .snoitazinagro 3002 lanoitanretni dna snoitan ngierof yb dedivorp eunever ,51 rebotcO eht dna seitivitca noitcurtsnocer ot detaler stsoc etaneS eht no ylretrauq ssergnoC ot troper ot ytirohtuA ni ot deergA lanoisivorP noitilaoC eht eriuqer ot tnemdnema dryB 9861 .S ot 6481 .tdmA.S .lennosrep lanoitidda eht dnuf ot dnuF modeerF iqarI eht morf elbaliava edam eb noillim 904$ taht eriuqer osla dluow tI .yrtnafni )283# etov( thgil dna ecilop yratilim sa hcus ytud yralubatsnoc 25-54 rof desu dna ,erutcurts ecrof etairporppa 3002 na otni detaroprocni ,deniart eb ot deriuqer eb dluow ,41 rebotcO lennosrep lanoitiddA .lennosrep ymrA ni 000,01 etaneS ni lanoitidda na ezirohtua dluow taht )4381 .tdmA.S( detcejer noitoM tnemdnema deeR eht elbat ot noitom snevetS setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .noissimmoc eht rof noillim 5$ ezirohtua )593# etov( dluow tnemdnema ehT .modeerF iqarI noitarepO dna 23-76 qarI ot detaler ecnegilletni fo esu dna tnempoleved 3002 eht ni srekam ycilop fo elor eht no troper ,71 rebotcO dna enimaxe ot noissimmoc nasitrapib ,tnednepedni etaneS ni ot rebmem-21 a hsilbatse dluow taht )2881 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema enizroC eht elbat ot noitom snevetS 9861 .S )393# etov( 0-99 3002 .1002 ,11 rebmetpeS ,71 rebotcO ecnis gniniart ro tabmoc ni elihw ssenlli ro seirujni etaneS fo tluser a sa dezilatipsoh elihw slaem rof diap ohw ni ot deergA srebmem ecivres esrubmier ot tnemdnema rexoB 9861 .S ot 3481 .tdmA.S .sevreser lio sti morf eunever erutuf gnizilaretalloc yb dna snaol dna seitiruces fo ecnaussi eht hguorht erutcurtsarfni )293# etov( s'qarI fo noitcurtsnocer eht rof gnicnanif 74-25 niatbo ot deriuqer eb dluow ytirohtuA ehT .ytirohtuA 3002 ecnaniF noitcurtsnoceR qarI na hsilbatse ot qarI ni ,71 rebotcO ytirohtuA lanoisivorP noitilaoC eht fo daeh eht tcerid etaneS ni ot ot tnediserP eht eriuqer dluow taht )9581 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema ueirdnaL eht elbat ot noitom snevetS 801 ht .setatS detinU eht fo stseretni ytiruces lanoitan eht ni si gnidnuf eht senimreted taht ssergnoC ot troper a )193# etov( sedivorp tnediserP eht fi deviaw eb dluoc tnemeriuqer 44-55 ehT .ytinummoc lanoitanretni eht yb snoitubirtnoc 3002 yb dedeecxe ro ot lauqe era llib eht ni tnuoma ,71 rebotcO eht deecxe hcihw snoitairporppa erutuf taht yfitrec etaneS ni ot ot tnediserP eht eriuqer dluow taht )4581 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema elhcsaD eht elbat ot noitom snevetS 9861 .S .ytud )093# etov( no elihw eviecer yeht secnawolla dna yap eht dna 3-69 yralas rieht neewteb ecnereffid eht rof desrubmier 3002 eb ,drauG lanoitaN eht ro ecivres demrofinu ,71 rebotcO eht fo rebmem a sa ecivres niatrec mrofrep etaneS ot redro ni yap tuohtiw evael sekat ohw eeyolpme ni ot deergA laredef a taht eriuqer ot tnemdnema nibruD 9861 .S ot 7381 .tdmA.S .)sesoprup detaler rehto rof dna( seirtnuoc rehto yb nevigrof neeb sah niessuH )983# etov( maddaS fo emiger iqarI remrof eht yb derrucni 74-15 tbed laretalib lla fo %09 fi tnarg a ot detrevnoc eb 3002 ot naol a sa derutcurts eb dluow noillib 01$ gniniamer ,61 rebotcO ehT .stsoc noitcurtsnocer rof noillib 2.5$ dna ytiruces etaneS rof noillib 1.5$ gnidulcni ,qarI dliuber ot tnarg a ni ot deergA sa noillib 3.01$ fo latot a edivorp ot tnemdnema hyaB 9861 .S ot 1781 .tdmA.S )883# etov( 0-89 3002 .tbed rieht evigrof ot degru ,61 rebotcO eb dluohs niessuH maddaS fo emiger iqarI remrof eht etaneS rof snaol morf tbed dloh taht seirtnuoc lla taht etaneS ni ot deergA eht fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema selkciN 9861 .S ot 6781 .tdmA.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )051# etov( 05-563 4002 ,6 yaM .modeerF iqarI noitarepO ni ,gnivres esuoH os era ro ,devres ylsselfles evah ohw secroF demrA ni ot deergA eht fo srebmem eht ot noitaicerppa peed sesserpxE 726 .seR.H )46# etov( tneserP 7 ,39-723 4002 ,71 hcraM .ecivres tnailav rieht rof edutitarg sti esuoH sesserpxe dna qarI gnitarebil rof secrof noitilaoC dna ni ot deergA secroF demrA .S.U eht fo srebmem eht sdnemmoC 755 .seR.H )993# etov( .)sesoprup 34-55 rehto rof dna( noillim 05$ yb sproC esnefeD 3002 liviC iqarI eht ot elbaliava tnuoma eht esaercni ,71 rebotcO dna noillim 006$ yb noitcurtsnocer iqarI rof llib eht etaneS ni ot ni tnuoma eht esaerced dluow taht )5881 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema kcabnworB eht elbat ot noitom snevetS )893# etov( .sllib snoitairporppa tneuqesbus ni 64-94 gnidnuf lanoitidda kees ot tnediserP eht eriuqer dluow 3002 taht noisivorp a tresni dna qarI fo noitcurtsnocer eht ,71 rebotcO rof sdnuf etacollaer ot tnediserP eht swolla taht llib etaneS ni ot eht ni noisivorp a ekirts dluow taht )8881 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema dryB eht elbat ot noitom snevetS .sraey )793# etov( xis tsap eht gnirud erom ro shtnom xis rof deyolped 51-28 yliratnulovni neeb evah ohw sevreseR dna drauG 3002 lanoitaN eht fo srebmem fo modeerF iqarI noitarepO ,71 rebotcO rof saesrevo tnemyolped yratnulovni eht rof llib eht ni etaneS ni ot sdnuf fo esu eht tibihorp dluow taht )6881 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema dryB eht elbat ot noitom snevetS .natsinahgfA ni noitcurtsnocer gnitarelecca )693# etov( dna qarI ni snopaew lanoitnevnoc gniyortsed sa hcus 74-15 ,sesoprup rehto ot sdnuf eht etacollaer dna ,noillib 3002 56.1$ yb gnidnuf noitcurtsnocer ecuder ,stcejorp ,71 rebotcO dna smargorp niatrec rof sdnuf noitcurtsnocer etaneS ni ot fo esu eht timil dluow taht )9181 .tdmA.S( deerga noitoM tnemdnema dryB eht elbat ot noitom snevetS setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .stca hcus ni htrof tes stnuocca cificeps ot snoitairporppa hguorht raey lacsif hcus rof stcA snoitairporppa ni dedivorp eb dluohs noitarepo yratilim a hcus rof dedivorp sdnuf )741# etov( yna taht dna ;tnediserP eht fo tegdub launna eht ni 9-98 dedulcni eb dluohs ,qarI dna natsinahgfA ni snoitarepo 4002 ,42 enuJ gnidulcni ,saesrevo noitarepo yratilim gniogno etaneS na rof raey lacsif a rof sdnuf rof tseuqer yna taht 3164 ni ot deergA etaneS eht fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema dryB .R.H ot 2053 .tdmA.S )361# etov( 0-69 4002 ,22 yluJ etaneS dessap erusaeM )814# etov( .)tnempiuqe 21-014 evreser dna drauG lanoitaN gnidulcni( tnemerucorp .5002 ,tcA snoitairporppA 4002 ,52 enuJ dna ,ecnanetniam dna noitarepo ,lennosrep esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD esuoH yratilim rof DOD ot ,snoitarepo ycnegnitnoc saesrevo )782-801 .L.P( dessap erusaeM rof detangised eb ot ,sdnuf lanoitidda setairporppA 3164 .R.H .srednammoc naciremA rieht fo lortnoc dna ytirohtua )913# etov( lluf eht rednu niamer lliw ,4002 ,03 enuJ retfa 75-253 qarI ni gnitarepo secrof demra .S.U eht taht smriffaer 4002 ,52 enuJ dna ;secrof demra .S.U eht ot troppus deunitnoc esuoH ni ot sreffo ;yrtnuoc rieht ot ecivres tnailav gniogno deerga erusaeM rieht rof secrof demra .S.U eht ot edutitarg sesserpxE 196 .seR.H )031# etov( 35-44 .sreyapxat 4002 ,71 enuJ laudividni rof etar xat emocni tsehgih eht ni noitcuder etaneS eht fo noitrop a gnidnepsus yb qarI fo noitazilibats dna yb detcejeR ytiruces eht rof sdnuf edivorp ot tnemdnema nediB 0042 .S ot 9733 .tdmA.S )601# etov( 0-59 .natsinahgfA 4002 ,2 enuJ dna qarI ni snoitarepo fo troppus ni seitivitca rof ylno etaneS elbaliava eb ot ,noillib 52$ ,5002YF rof DOD eht rof ni ot deergA detairporppa eb ot ezirohtua ot tnemdnema renraW 0042 .S ot 0623 .tdmA.S .sdnuf dezirohtua hcus fo esu eht no seettimmoc snoitairporppa dna esnefed eht ot ylhtnom troper ot yraterceS eht stceriD .stimil ytirohtua refsnart niatrec sedivorP .seirtnuoc hcus ni seitivitca troppus ot laitnesse dna ycnegreme na sa tnuoma detseuqer eht fo noitangised a sedulcni taht ssergnoC ot tnediserP eht morf dettimsnart si tseuqer tegdub a taht tnetxe eht ot ylno noitazirohtua hcus swollA .stnuocca ediw-esnefed dna tnemtraped yratilim deificeps gnoma sdnuf hcus setacollA .natsinahgfA dna qarI ni snoitarepo fo troppus ni seitivitca rof ylno elbaliava eb ot ,5002YF rof DOD rof noillib 52$ fo snoitairporppa latnemelppus sezirohtuA .esaercni hcus yna tcelfer ot dednema eb ot tegdub s'raey lacsif a seriuqeR .sevitcejbo .5002 raeY lacsiF )641# etov( noitazinagroer lanoitamrofsnart ymrA eveihca ot dna rof tcA noitazirohtuA 0-79 natsinahgfA dna qarI ni noissim lanoitarepo s'ymrA esnefeD lanoitaN 4002 ,32 enuJ eht troppus ot ymrA eht rof dezirohtua htgnerts dne nagaeR .W dlanoR etaneS eht 000,03 ot pu yb yrassecen sa esaercni ot ,9002 )573-801 .L.P( dessap erusaeM hguorht 5002YF gnirud ,yraterceS eht sezirohtuA 0042 .S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )623# etov( 0-89 5002 6002 raeY lacsiF ,51 rebmevoN .msirorret no raw labolg eht dna rof tcA noitazirohtuA etaneS ,natsinahgfA ,qarI ni snoitarepo rof 6002YF rof DOD esnefeD lanoitaN dessap erusaeM ot snoitairporppa latnemelppus ycnegreme sezirohtuA 2401 .S )834# etov( 0-624 .ytilibats dna modeerf s'qarI 5002 ,72 yluJ fo troppus ni stroffe gniogno rieht rof dna niessuH esuoH ni ot maddaS fo emiger evisserper eht morf elpoep iqarI deerga erusaeM eht gnitarebil rof secrof noitilaoc dna .S.U sdnemmoC 383 .seR.H 6002 raeY lacsiF )022# etov( .seettimmoc rof tcA noitazirohtuA 003-821 esnefed lanoissergnoc eht ot nalp siht timbus esnefeD lanoitaN 5002,52 yaM dna qarI morf secrof yratilim .S.U fo lawardhtiw eht esuoH rof nalp a poleved dluohs tnediserP eht taht ssergnoC 5181 ni detcejeR fo esnes eht sserpxe ot tnemdnema yeslooW .R.H ot 412 .tdmA.H )69# etov( .tegdub launna s'tnediserP eht ni dedulcni 13-16 eb dluohs ,qarI dna natsinahgfA ni snoitarepo gnidulcni 5002 ,81 lirpA ,saesrevo noitarepo yratilim gniogno na rof 6002YF etaneS eht retfa raey lacsif a rof sdnuf rof tseuqer yna taht etaneS 8621 ni ot deergA eht fo esnes eht si ti taht setats taht tnemdnema dryB .R.H ot 464 .tdmA.S .5002 ,tcA snoitairporppA esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD eht dna ,4002 ,natsinahgfA dna qarI fo noitcurtsnoceR eht rof dna esnefeD rof tcA snoitairporppA latnemelppuS ycnegremE eht htob rednu deriuqer stroper ni dedulcni eb ot ,modeerF )711# etov( iqarI dna modeerF gnirudnE snoitarepO gnidulcni 0-001 ,snoitarepo hcus gninrecnoc noitamrofni lanoitidda 5002 ,01 yaM seriuqeR .stnuocca cificeps ot snoitairporppa etaneS yb hguorht stcA snoitairporppa ni dedivorp eb dluohs detpoda troper sesoprup hcus rof sdnuf yna )3( dna ;snoitarepo ecnerefnoC hcus rof setamitse tsoc deliated htrof gnittes tegdub 6002 eht ot tnemdnema na ssergnoC ot timbus )161# etov( dluohs tnediserP eht )2( ;ssergnoC ot dettimbus .seitivitcA tneserP tnediserP eht fo tegdub launna eht ni dedulcni rehtO dna ,feileR 1 ,85-863 eb dluohs ,qarI dna natsinahgfA ni esoht gnidulcni imanusT ,natsinahgfA dna 5002 ,5 yaM ,saesrevo noitarepo yratilim gniogno na rof 6002 qarI rof snoitairporppA esuoH yb retfa raey lacsif a rof sdnuf rof tseuqer yna )1( taht latnemelppuS 5002YF detpoda troper etaneS eht fo esnes eht sesserpxE .natsinahgfA dna )31-901 .L.P( ecnerefnoC qarI ni snoitarepo yratilim gniogno rof sdnuf sedivorP 8621 .R.H 901 ht .natsinahgfA fo elpoep eht tsissa ot margorp ralimis a rof dna ,stnemeriuqer noitcurtsnocer dna feiler nairatinamuh tnegru ot dnopser ot qarI ni srednammoc yratilim gnilbane rof margorP esnopseR ycnegremE 'srednammoC eht rof sdnuf edivorp ot )825# etov( sdnuf M&O DOD morf noillim 003$ ot pu fo esu eht 5002 raeY lacsiF 41-953 ,5002YF gnirud ,sezirohtuA .natsinahgfA dna qarI ni rof tcA noitazirohtuA 4002 snoissim lanoitarepo troppus ot dezirohtua htgnerts esnefeD lanoitaN ,01 rebotcO dne eht ,sproC eniraM eht rof 000,9 dna ymrA nagaeR .W dlanoR esuoH eht rof 000,03 ot pu yb ,esaercni ot ,9002 hguorht )573-801 .L.P( dessap erusaeM 5002YF gnirud ,esnefeD fo yraterceS eht sezirohtuA 0024 .R.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )663# etov( 0-39 5002 ,12 rebmeceD etaneS ni ot deerga erusaeM .natsinahgfA dna qarI ni snoitarepo ytilibats dna yratilim gnitroppus secrof noitilaoc ot troppus )966# etov( lacitsigol rehto dna ,noitatropsnart ,secivres ,seilppus tneserP edivorp ot desu eb ot eltit siht ni detairporppa 2 ,601-803 sdnuf M&O swollA .selcihev deromra thgil dna 5002 yvaeh fo esahcrup eht rof desu eb ot natsinahgfA dna ,91 rebmeceD qarI ni snoitarepo rof stnuoma sezirohtuA .msirorret 6002 ,tcA snoitairporppA esuoH ni ot no raw labolg eht ot detaler snoitarepo ycnegnitnoc esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD deerga erusaeM rof detangised eb ot ,sdnuf lanoitidda setairporppA 3682 .R.H )846# etov( tneserP 43 ,901-972 5002 ,61 rebmeceD esuoH ni ot .qarI ni yrotciv gniveihca ot sevitatneserpeR deerga erusaeM fo esuoH eht fo tnemtimmoc eht sesserpxE 216 .seR.H )806# etov( tneserP 6 ,304-3 5002 ,81 rebmevoN esuoH .yletaidemmi detanimret ni detcejer eb qarI ni secrof .S.U fo tnemyolped eht taht erusaeM sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo esnes eht sesserpxE 175 .seR.H .yletinifedni qarI ni yats ton dluohs secrof yratilim setatS detinU taht dna ,qarI morf secrof setatS detinU fo tnemyolpeder desahp )223# etov( eht rof snoitidnoc eht gnitaerc ybereht ,qarI ngierevos 85-04 dna eerf a fo ytiruces eht rof dael eht gnikat secrof 5002 ytiruces iqarI htiw ,ytngierevos iqarI lluf ot noitisnart ,51 rebmevoN tnacifingis fo doirep a eb dluohs 6002 raey radnelac etaneS taht setatS .qarI no setatS detinU eht fo ycilop eht ot ni detcejeR segnahc dnemmocer dna yfiralc ot tnemdnema niveL ot 2401 .S 9152 .tdmA.S 901 ht .deriuqer naht regnol yna qarI ni yats ton dluohs secrof yratilim setatS detinU taht dna ,qarI morf secrof setatS detinU fo tnemyolpeder desahp eht rof snoitidnoc )323# etov( eht gnitaerc ybereht ,qarI ngierevos dna eerf 91-97 a fo ytiruces eht rof dael eht gnikat secrof ytiruces 5002 iqarI htiw ,ytngierevos iqarI lluf ot noitisnart tnacifingis ,51 rebmevoN fo doirep a eb dluohs 6002 raey radnelac taht setatS etaneS .qarI no setatS detinU eht fo ycilop eht ot segnahc ni ot deergA dnemmocer dna yfiralc ot tnemdnema renraW 2401 .S ot 8152 .tdmA.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )tnesnoc suominanu( 6002 ,03 rebmetpeS etaneS yb detpoda troper ecnerefnoC )015# etov( 32-893 6002 ,92 rebmetpeS esuoH yb detpoda troper ecnerefnoC )tnesnoc suominanu( 6002 ,22 enuJ )tnemdnema htiw( etaneS dessap erusaeM )541# etov( .modeerF gnirudnE 7002 raeY lacsiF 13-693 noitarepO dna modeerF iqarI noitarepO ot eud stsoc rof tcA noitazirohtuA 6002 ,11 yaM lanoitidda rof sdnuf edivorp ot 7002YF rof esnefeD esnefeD lanoitaN esuoH fo tnemtrapeD eht rof snoitairporppa latnemelppus )463-901 .L.P( dessap erusaeM ycnegreme erutuf detamitse sezirohtua VX eltiT 2215 .R.H )171# etov( 1-89 6002 ,51 enuJ )3131 .ceS( .stnuocca cificeps ot snoitairporppa troper hguorht stcA snoitairporppa ni dedivorp ecnerefnoc eb dluohs saesrevo snoitarepo yratilim gniogno rof detpoda etaneS raey lacsif a ni dedivorp sdnuf yna )3( dna ;sdnuf eht fo sesu detapicitna fo noitacifitsuj deliated a edulcni )752# etov( dluohs tseuqer hcus )2( ;ssergnoC ot dettimbus 76-153 tnediserP eht fo tegdub launna eht ni dedulcni 6002 ,31 enuJ eb dluohs qarI dna natsinahgfA ni snoitarepo yratilim troper gniogno rof 7002 retfa raey lacsif a rof sdnuf rof ecnerefnoc tseuqer yna )1( taht etaneS eht fo esnes eht sesserpxE detpoda esuoH .noitaulave dna tset )211# etov( ,tnempoleved ,hcraeser ;tnemerucorp ;dnuF taefeD 12-77 eciveD evisolpxE desivorpmI tnioJ eht ;dnuF modeerF 6002 ,4 yaM qarI eht ;dnuF secroF ytiruceS qarI eht ;dnuF secroF etaneS ytiruceS natsinahgfA eht ;ecnanetniam dna noitarepo dessap erusaeM ;lennosrep yratilim :rof esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD 6002 ,yrevoceR eht ot snoitairporppa latnemelppus ycnegreme sekaM enacirruH dna ,rorreT no )56# etov( raW labolG eht ,esnefeD 17-843 )4021 .ceS( rof tcA snoitairporppA 6002 ,61 hcraM .secruoser ro erutcurtsarfni lio iqarI revo lortnoc .S.U latnemelppuS ycnegremE esuoH esicrexe ot ro ,qarI ni sesab yratilim .S.U tnenamrep )432-901 .L.P( dessap erusaeM hsilbatse ot eltit siht rednu sdnuf fo esu eht stibihorP 9394 .R.H ht901 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .tnemevlovni setatS )51# etov( detinU hcus stroppus tnemnrevog nahgfA eht sa gnol 7002 821-992 sa spoort setatS detinU fo tnemyolped deunitnoc eht fo tcA snoitadnemmoceR 7002 ,9 yraunaJ dna ecnatsissa desaercni gnidivorp yb natsinahgfA fo noissimmoC esuoH ni ot tnemnrevog eht troppus ylsuorogiv ot setatS detinU 11/9 eht gnitnemelpmI deerga erusaeM eht fo ycilop eht eb llahs ti taht seralceD )1441 .ceS( 1 .R.H 011 ht )181# etov( 68-31 7002 raeY lacsiF 6002 ,22 enuJ rof tcA noitazirohtuA etaneS .7002 ,1 yluJ yb qarI morf secroF demrA setatS detinU esnefeD lanoitaN ni detcejeR fo tnemyolpeder eht eriuqer ot tnemdnema yrreK 6672 .S ot 2444 .tdmA.S )281# etov( 06-93 7002 raeY lacsiF 6002 ,22 enuJ .6002 ni qarI morf secrof setatS detinU fo rof tcA noitazirohtuA etaneS tnemyolpeder desahp nigeb dluohs tnediserP eht taht esnefeD lanoitaN ni detcejeR ssergnoC fo esnes eht gnisserpxe tnemdnema niveL 6672 .S ot 0234 .tdmA.S )882# etov( 351-652 .qarI morf secroF 6002 ,61 enuJ demrA setatS detinU fo tnemyolpeder ro lawardhtiw esuoH ni ot rof etad yrartibra na tes ot setatS detinU eht fo deerga erusaeM tseretni ytiruces lanoitan eht ni ton si ti taht seralceD 168 .seR.H )162# etov( 0-001 6002 ,92 rebmetpeS etaneS yb detpoda troper ecnerefnoC )684# etov( 22-493 6002 ,62 rebmetpeS esuoH yb detpoda troper ecnerefnoC )932# etov( 0-89 6002 ,7 rebmetpeS )dednema( etaneS dessap erusaeM )503# etov( 91-704 7002 ,tcA snoitairporppA 6002 ,02 enuJ .natsinahgfA dna qarI ni snoitarepo yratilim .S.U esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD esuoH troppus ot sdnuf ecnanetniaM & snoitarepO deificeps )982-901 .L.P( dessap erusaeM esu ot esnefeD fo yraterceS eht sezirohtua XI eltiT 1365 .R.H ht901 setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC )77# etov( 61-28 .dleif eht ni spoort rof sdnuf fo noitcuder 7002 ,51 hcraM ro noitanimile eht gnidulcni ,dleif eht ni secrof yratilim etaneS .S.U regnadne lliw taht noitca yna ekat ton dluohs ni ot deergA ssergnoC taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sesserpxE 02 .seR.noC.S )67# etov( 2-69 .dleif eht ni spoort rof troppus rehto dna ,tnempiuqe 7002 ,51 hcraM ,gniniart rof sdnuf yrassecen edivorp lliw dna etaneS ni ot ;secroF demrA .S.U regnadne lliw taht noitca yna ekat deerga erusaeM ton dluohs ssergnoC dna tnediserP eht taht seralceD 701 .seR.S 011 ht )57# etov( 05-84 .qarI morf 7002 ,51 hcraM secrof tabmoc .S.U lla ,8002 ,13 hcraM yb gniyolpeder etaneS fo laog eht htiw noituloser tnioj siht fo tnemtcane fo ni detcejer syad 021 nihtiw qarI morf secrof .S.U fo tnemyolpeder erusaeM desahp eht nigeb ot tnediserP eht stceriD 9 .seR.J.S )15# etov( .qarI ot spoort 43-65 tabmoc .S.U lanoitidda 000,02 naht erom yolped 7002 ot ,7002 ,01 yraunaJ no decnuonna noisiced s'hsuB ,71 yraurbeF tnediserP fo sevorppasid ssergnoC taht dna ;qarI ni etaneS ni gnivres era ohw srebmem secroF demrA .S.U tcetorp erutolc ekovni dna troppus ot eunitnoc lliw elpoep naciremA eht ot eruliaF dna ssergnoC taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sesserpxE 475 .S )99# etov( 281-642 7002 ,61 yraurbeF .qarI ot poort tabmoc setatS detinU lanoitidda 000,02 esuoH ni ot naht erom yolped ot ,7002 ,01 yraunaJ no decnuonna deerga erusaeM tnediserP eht fo noisiced eht fo gnivorppasiD 36 .seR.noC.H )44# etov( 74-94 7002 .dleif ,5 yraurbeF eht ni secrof yratilim .S.U regnadne lliw taht noitca etaneS ni yna ekat ton dluohs ssergnoC taht dna 005,12 yb erutolc ekovni qarI ni secrof ruo tnemgua ot nalp eht htiw seergasid ot eruliaF etaneS eht taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sesserpxE 074 .S )34# etov( 79-0 7002 ,1 yraurbeF .qarI ni ecneserp yratilim etaneS ni .S.U eht gnisaercni yb ylralucitrap ,qarI ni tnemevlovni erutolc ekovni yratilim sti nepeed ot tseretni lanoitan .S.U ot eruliaF eht ni ton si ti taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sesserpxE 2 .seR.noC.S setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC 7002/71/5 etov .qarI ni secroF demrA .S.U fo gninoitats tnenamrep eciov yb etaneS eht rof esab ro noitallatsni yratilim yna hsilbatse ot dessap erusaeM tnemnrevog .S.U eht yb dednepxe ro detagilbo gnieb 7002 ,tcA snoitairporppA morf sdnuf yna stibihorP .secroF .S.U fo tnemyolpeder ytilibatnuoccA )333# etov( a gnitcerid susnesnoc a hcaer tnemnrevog qarI dna ,yrevoceR 502-122 iqarI eht fo stnenopmoc eht fi qarI morf secrof anirtaK ,eraC 'snareteV 7002 ,01 yaM .S.U fo tnemyolpeder ylredro eht tcerid ot tnediserP ,ssenidaeR poorT .S.U esuoH eht seriuqeR .7002YF rof esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD )82-011 .L.P( dessap erusaeM eht rof snoitairporppa latnemelppus ycnegreme sekaM 6022 .R.H )033# etov( 552-171 .tnemyolpeder 7002 ,01 yaM eht fo noitelpmoc retfa qarI ot secrof .S.U esuoH yolped rehtruf ot desu gnieb morf sdnuf yna stibihorp ni egassap fo dna qarI ni deyolped secrof .S.U fo tnemyolpeder deliaf erusaeM eht ecnemmoc ot esnefeD fo yraterceS eht seriuqeR 7322 .R.H )611# etov( 05-84 7002 ,72 hcraM .qarI morf secrof .S.U fo lawardhtiw eht rof elbatemit etaneS yrartibra na gnisopmi yb feihC-ni-rednammoC 1951 .R.H ot ni detcejeR eht fo sdnah eht eit dluow taht egaugnal ekirts oT 346 .tdmA.S .tnemyolpeder ylredro dna efas a etucexe dna nalp ot elbaliava yletaidemmi sdnuf sekaM )672# etov( .syad 081 nihtiw tnemyolpeder taht gnitelpmoc fo laog tneserp a htiw ,7002 ,1 rebotcO naht retal on tnemyolpeder 1 ,302-222 hcus ecnemmoc llahs yraterceS eht ,snoitanimreted 7002 ,2 yaM hcus lla sekam tnediserP eht fi ,taht seriuqeR otev edirrevo .syad 081 nihtiw tnemyolpeder hcus gnitelpmoc ot deliaf esuoH fo laog a htiw ,etad hcus naht retal on qarI morf secroF demrA .S.U fo tnemyolpeder eht ecnemmoc )741# etov( llahs esnefeD fo yraterceS eht ,snoitanimreted 64-15 eht fo yna ekam ot sliaf tnediserP eht fi ,taht seriuqeR 7002 ,62 lirpA .7002 ,1 yluJ erofeb ro no ssergnoC ot tnediserP etaneS yb eht yb edam eb tsum taht ,qarI fo tnemnrevog eht fo detpoda troper snoitca ot gnitaler ,snoitanimreted deificeps seniltuO ecnerefnoC .syad 012 dnoyeb evreseR sproC )562# etov( eniraM ro sproC eniraM ro ;syad 563 dnoyeb drauG tneserp lanoitaN ymrA ro ,evreseR ymrA ,ymrA eht fo tinu 2 ,802-812 yna fo modeerF iqarI noitarepO rof tnemyolped eht 7002 ,52 lirpA gnidnetxe fo tceffe eht sah taht redro yna eunitnoc ro esuoH yb ,etucexe ,etaitini ot desu gnieb morf sdnuf stibihorP detpoda troper ecnerefnoC .elbapac noissim ylluf si tinu hcus taht deifitrec sah denrecnoc tnemtraped yratilim )621# etov( eht fo feihc eht sselnu qarI ot secroF demrA eht 74-15 fo tinu yna yolped ot desu gnieb morf sdnuf stibihorP 7002 ,92 hcraM etaneS .qarI ni secroF demrA .S.U dessap erusaeM fo gninoitats tnenamrep eht rof esab ro noitallatsni yratilim yna hsilbatse ot tnemnrevog .S.U eht yb )681# etov( dednepxe ro detagilbo gnieb morf sdnuf yna stibihorP 7002 ,tcA snoitairporppA tneserp ytilibatnuoccA 1 ,212-812 .rorret qarI dna ,yrevoceR 7002 ,32 hcraM no raw labolg eht ot detaler yltcerid snoitarepo anirtaK ,eraC 'snareteV esuoH ycnegnitnoc rof 7002YF rof esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD ,ssenidaeR poorT .S.U dessap erusaeM eht rof snoitairporppa latnemelppus ycnegreme sekaM 1951 .R.H setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC .tnemyolped suoiverp tnecer tsom eht fo doirep eht eciwt naht regnol ro ot lauqe eb dluohs stnemyolped hcus neewteb doirep muminim lamitpo )697# etov( eht taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sesserpxE .tnemyolped tneserp suoiverp tnecer tsom eht fo doirep eht naht regnol ro 3 ,491-922 ot lauqe si tnemyolped tneuqesbus a dna tnemyolped 7002 ,2 tsuguA suoiverp tnecer tsom eht neewteb doirep eht esuoH sselnu modeerF iqarI noitarepO rof deyolped gnieb dessap erusaeM morf secroF demrA raluger eht fo tinu yna stibihorP 9513 .R.H )717# etov( 42-993 .qarI 7002 ,52 yluJ ni secrof demra .S.U fo gninoitats tnenamrep eht rof esuoH gnidivorp esab ro noitallatsni yratilim yna hsilbatse ot dessap erusaeM ton setatS detinU eht fo ycilop eht si ti taht seralceD 9292 .R.H .8002 )426# etov( ,1 lirpA naht retal on yb qarI ni ecneserp detimil a ot 102-322 noitisnart dna noitcuder eht etelpmoc dna tcA siht fo 7002 ,21 yluJ tnemtcane eht retfa syad 021 naht retal on gninnigeb esuoH qarI ni secroF demrA fo rebmun eht fo noitcuder dessap erusaeM eht ecnemmoc ot esnefeD fo yraterceS eht stceriD 6592 .R.H 011 ht )252# etov( .8002 ,03 lirpA yb ... snoissim dna ecneserp 74-25 detimil a ot secrof setatS detinU fo noitisnart 7002 ,81 yluJ eht etelpmoc llahs dna ... tcA siht fo tnemtcane etaneS ni eht fo etad eht retfa syad 021 naht retal ton qarI erutolc ekovni ni secrof setatS detinU fo rebmun eht fo noitcuder 5851 .R.H ot ot eruliaF eht ecnemmoc llahs esnefeD fo yraterceS ehT 7802 .tdmA.S )442# etov( .secrof evreser rof 55-14 sraey 5 naht ssel on dna secrof raluger rof shtnom 21 7002 ,11 yluJ naht ssel on eb dluohs secroF demrA eht fo srebmem etaneS fo stnemyolped lanoitarepo dednetxe neewteb 5851 .R.H ot ni detcejeR emit llewd eht taht ssergnoC fo esnes eht sserpxe oT 8702 .tdmA.S )342# etov( 54-25 7002 ,11 yluJ etaneS .modeerF iqarI noitarepO rof decroF demrA 5851 .R.H ot ni detcejeR eht fo srebmem fo tnemyolped fo htgnel eht timil oT 2302 .tdmA.S )142# etov( 14-65 7002 ,11 yluJ .modeerF etaneS ni gnirudnE noitarepO dna modeerF iqarI noitarepO erutolc ekovni rof secroF demrA eht fo srebmem dna stinu 5851 .R.H ot ot eruliaF fo tnemyolped neewteb sdoirep muminim yficeps oT 2102 .tdmA.S )373# etov( .modeerF gnirudnE dna modeerF iqarI snoitarepO 72-793 rof sdnuf lanoitidda edivorp ot 8002YF rof DOD rof 8002 raeY lacsiF 7002 ,71 yaM snoitairporppa sezirohtuA .qarI ni snoitallatsni yratilim rof tcA noitazirohtuA esuoH tnenamrep fo tnemhsilbatse eht no noitibihorp esnefeD lanoitaN dessap erusaeM eht tnenamrep ekam ot tcA renraW eht sdnemA 5851 .R.H )761# etov( .8002 ,13 hcraM retfa secroF demrA setatS 76-92 detinU eht fo srebmem fo qarI ni tnemyolped eht 7002 fo tcA tnempoleveD 7002 ,61 yaM eunitnoc ot dednepxe ro detagilbo eb yam ... sdnuf secruoseR retaW etaneS ni oN .tcA siht fo tnemtcane eht fo etad eht retfa syad 5941 erutolc ekovni 021 naht retal ton ... qarI morf secrof setatS detinU .R.H ,7901 .tdmA.S ot ot eruliaF fo tnemyolpeder ... eht ecnemmoc llahs tnediserP ehT 8901 .tdmA.S 011 ht setoV stnemmoC dna noitpircseD eltiT dna lliB ssergnoC ssergnoC eltiT dna lliB stnemmoC dna noitpircseD setoV 2223 .R.H ro detairporppa sdnuf eht fo enoN )3018 .ceS( dessap erusaeM esnefeD fo tnemtrapeD tcA rehto yna ro siht yb elbaliava edam esiwrehto esuoH 8002 ,tcA snoitairporppA setatS detinU eht yb dednepxe ro detagilbo eb llahs 7002 ,5 tsuguA ro noitallatsni yratilim yna hsilbatse ot ... tnemnrevoG 31-593 tnenamrep eht rof gnidivorp fo esoprup eht rof esab )648# etov( .qarI ni secroF demrA setatS detinU fo gninoitats raey lacsif a rof sdnuf rof tseuqer ynA )6018 .ceS( noitarepo yratilim gniogno na rof 8002YF retfa ,qarI dna natsinahgfA ni snoitarepo gnidulcni ,saesrevo tnediserP eht fo tegdub launna eht ni dedulcni eb llahs ....ssergnoC ot dettimbus sa raey lacsif hcus rof Congressional Quarterly at Legislative Information System (LIS) of the U.S. Congress at Congressional Quarterly Almanac. Washington, CQ Press. Annual. CQ Weekly. Washington, CQ Press. Various issues. CRS Report RL33532, War Powers Resolution: Presidential Compliance, by Richard F. Grimmett. CRS Report RL32170, Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2007, by Richard F. Grimmett. CRS Report RL32267, The War Powers Resolution: After Thirty-Four Years, by Richard F. Grimmett. CRS Report RL31829, Supplemental Appropriations FY2003: Iraq Conflict, Afghanistan, Global War on Terrorism, and Homeland Security, by Amy Belasco and Larry Nowels. CRS Report RL32090, FY2004 Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terrorism: Military Operations & Reconstruction Assistance, by Stephen Daggett et al. CRS Report RL32783, FY2005 Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan, Tsunami Relief, and Other Activities, by Amy Belasco and Larry Nowels. Lisa Mages Information Research Specialist, 7-7452 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see