For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¢ ¢ ¢ £ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ On January 8, 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, legislation to extend and revise the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), was signed into law as P.L. 107-110. This legislation extensively amended and reauthorized most federal elementary and secondary education aid programs. Major features of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 include the following: (a) states were required to implement standards-based assessments in reading and mathematics for pupils in each of grades 3-8 by the end of the 2005-2006 school year, and at three grade levels in science by the end of the 2007-2008 school year; (b) grants are provided to states for assessment development; (c) all states are required to participate in National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests in 4th and 8th grade reading and mathematics every second year; (d) states must annually apply adequate yearly progress (AYP) standards, incorporating a goal of all pupils reaching a proficient or higher level of achievement by the end of the 2013-14 school year, to each public school, local education agency (LEA), and the state overall; (e) a sequence of consequences, including public school choice and supplemental services options, must be implemented for schools and LEAs that fail to meet AYP standards for two or more consecutive years; (f) ESEA Title I-A allocation formulas have been modified to increase targeting on high-poverty LEAs and to move Puerto Rico toward parity with the states; (g) by the end of the 2005-06 school year, all paraprofessionals paid with Title I-A funds were to have completed at least two years of higher education or met a "rigorous standard of quality"; (h) several new programs aimed at improving reading instruction have been initiated; (i) teacher programs have been consolidated into a state grant authorizing a wide range of activities including teacher recruitment, professional development, and hiring; (j) states and LEAs participating in Title I-A were to ensure that teachers meet the act's definition of "highly qualified" by the end of the 2005-2006 school year; (k) almost all states and LEAs are authorized to transfer a portion of the funds they receive among several programs; (l) federal support of public school choice has been expanded in several respects; (m) several previous programs have been consolidated into a state grant supporting integration of technology into K-12 education; (n) the Bilingual and Emergency Immigrant Education Acts have been consolidated into a single formula grant, with previous limits on the share of grants for specific instructional approaches eliminated; and (o) the 21st Century Community Learning Center program has been converted into a formula grant with increased focus on after-school activities. ESEA programs are authorized through FY2008, and the 110th Congress is considering whether to amend and extend the ESEA. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Major Provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), P.L. 107-110....................... 3 Aggregate Structure and Funding Levels of the NCLB ............................................................ 3 Assessments, Adequate Yearly Progress Standards, and Outcome Accountability Under ESEA Title I, Part A .................................................................................................... 4 Teacher and Paraprofessional Programs and Qualification Requirements................................ 9 Reading Programs ................................................................................................................... 10 Special Flexibility Authorities..................................................................................................11 Education for Limited English Proficient Pupils .................................................................... 12 Other ESEA Title I Provisions ................................................................................................ 14 Other ESEA and Related Programs......................................................................................... 17 Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 25 The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), signed into law on January 8, 2002 (H.R. 1, P.L. 107-110), extended and amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). ESEA programs are authorized through FY2008, and the 110th Congress is considering whether to amend and extend the ESEA. This report outlines major highlights of the NCLB. Only the most basic provisions of this act are briefly described in this report; other CRS reports provide more specific and substantial analyses of the major provisions of the NCLB.1 Major features of the NCLB include the following: (a) states were required to implement standards-based assessments in reading and mathematics for pupils in each of grades 3-8 by the end of the 2005-2006 school year, and at three grade levels in science by the end of the 2007- 2008 school year;2 (b) grants are provided to states for assessment development; (c) all states are required to participate in National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests in 4th and 8th grade reading and mathematics every second year; (d) states must annually apply adequate yearly progress (AYP) standards, incorporating a goal of all pupils reaching a proficient or higher level of achievement by the end of the 2013-14 school year, to each public school, local education agency (LEA), and the state overall; (e) a sequence of consequences, including public school choice and supplemental services options, must be implemented for schools and LEAs that fail to meet AYP standards for two or more consecutive years; (f) ESEA Title I-A allocation formulas have been modified to increase targeting on high-poverty LEAs and to move Puerto Rico toward parity with the states; (g) by the end of the 2005-06 school year, all paraprofessionals paid with Title I-A funds were to have completed at least two years of higher education or met a "rigorous standard of quality"; (h) several new programs aimed at improving reading instruction have been initiated; (i) teacher programs have been consolidated into a state grant authorizing a wide range of activities including teacher recruitment, professional development, and hiring; (j) states and LEAs participating in Title I-A were to ensure that teachers meet the act's definition of "highly qualified" by the end of the 2005-2006 school year; (k) almost all states and LEAs are authorized to transfer a portion of the funds they receive among several programs; (l) federal support of public school choice has been expanded in several respects; (m) several previous programs have been consolidated into a state grant supporting integration of technology into K-12 education; (n) the Bilingual and Emergency Immigrant Education Acts have been consolidated into a single formula grant, with previous limits on the share of grants for specific instructional approaches eliminated; and (o) the 21st Century Community Learning Center program has been converted into a formula grant with increased focus on after-school activities. Major provisions that were in the House- or Senate-passed versions of H.R. 1 (107th Congress) but were not included in the final legislation include the Senate bill's provisions for mandatory funding at specified levels for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B grants to states, discipline provisions for children with disabilities, authorization for up to seven states to eliminate a wide range of program requirements in return for increased accountability in terms of pupil outcomes, and pest management in schools; and the provisions in both the House- and Senate-passed versions for aggregate (i.e., not program-specific) performance bonuses or sanctions, especially for states. 1 For current information on these reports, see 2 These requirements are in addition to an ongoing, previous requirement for assessments in reading and mathematics at three grade levels. Major features of the NCLB, as well as brief references to relevant provisions of previous law, are compared in the following table. deniater era eseht hguohtla( smargorp tcA seitinummoC dna sloohcS ts eerF-gurD dna efaS dna CLCC 12 eht htob sezirohtua VI eltiT )4( ;tnarg alumrof etats elgnis a otni ecnatsissa noitacude tnargimmi ycnegreme dna smargorp noitacude laugnilib lareves senibmoc III eltiT )3( ;seitivitca ygolonhcet rof stnarg dna ,smargorp ecneics dna htam sulp ,smargorp noitcudeR eziS ssalC dna tnempoleveD lanoisseforP rewohnesiE remrof eht gnitadilosnoc ,ecnatsissa rehcaet fo margorp daorb a sezirohtua II eltiT )2( ;ecnatsissa tuopord gnidivorp smargorp dna ,smargorp yrarbil loohcs ,smargorp gnidaer edulcni ot dednapxe saw ,BLCN yb dednema sa ,AESE fo I eltiT )1( dedulcni BLCN eht rednu ytirohtua AESE fo snoitazinagroer dna snoitadilosnoc rojaM .1002YF ni smargorp etarapes sa dednuf erew hcihw fo ynam ,seitivitca etarapes 51 rof snoitairporppa cificeps fo noitangised eht dedulcni EIF eht rof meti enil elgnis eht ,oslA .2002YF rof snoitairporppa fo snoitazirohtua 54 eht htiw dnopserroc yletelpmoc ton did smeti enil AESE 54 ehT .noillib 9.12$ fo noitairporppa AESE latot a rof ,seitivitca AESE rof smeti enil 54 dedulcni )tcA snoitairporppA seicnegA detaleR dna noitacudE ,secivreS namuH dna htlaeH ,robaL( 611-701 .L.P yb detcane snoitairporppa 2002YF ehT .snoitairporppa fo snoitazirohtua xis lanoitidda na sedulcni BLCN eht ,)AIB( sriaffA naidnI fo uaeruB eht yb detarepo seitivitca noitacude naidnI niatrec ro htuoY dna nerdlihC sselemoH rof noitacudE sa hcus ,AESE eht fo edistuo seitivitca noitacude 21-K roF .)EIF( noitacudE fo tnemevorpmI eht rof dnuF eht )4( dna ;smargorP evitavonnI A traP ,V eltiT )3( ;)CLCC( ts sretneC gninraeL ytinummoC yrutneC 12 B traP ,VI eltiT )2( ;sAEL ot stnarG A traP ,I eltiT )1(--raey hcae rof deificeps stnuoma rallod evah snoitpecxe ruof ehT .yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus rof era .1002YF ni dednuf ton erew taht dezirohtua ylsuoiverp snoitazirohtua ruof tub lla ,7002YF hguorht 3002YF doirep eht roF seitivitca AESE 42 erew ereht ,noitidda nI .noillib 6.81$ delatot slaeper .noillib 3.62$ delatot taht stnuoma cificeps rof erew snoitazirohtua hcihw ,1002YF ni seitivitca AESE rof snoitairporppa meti enil 75 erew dna snoitadilosnoc rojam 92 gniniamer eht ;yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus rof erew ereht ,gnidnuf fo smret nI .)APEG( tcA snoisivorP noitacudE lareneG ,slevel noitairporppa dna snoitazirohtua 54 fo tuo 61 ,2002YF roF .7002YF hguorht 2002YF eht rednu dedivorp noisnetxe citamotua raey-eno a sulp ,9991YF noitazirohtua etagergga ,seltit doirep eht rof si noitazirohtua hcaE .snoitairporppa fo snoitazirohtua hguorht 5991YF morf dezirohtua erew smargorp AESE ,lareneg dna smargorp fo rebmun 54 dna seltit enin fo stsisnoc AESE eht ,BLCN eht yb dednema sA nI .seltit 41 fo detsisnoc AESE eht ,stnemdnema BLCN eht ot roirP :AESE eht fo erutcurtS tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP dna gnidaer edarg ht8 dna ht4 ni stset )PEAN( ssergorP lanoitacudE fo tnemssessA lanoitaN ni etapicitrap ot deriuqer era setats gnitapicitrap llA .stnemeriuqer I eltiT teem ot setats yb desu seicilop ytilibatnuocca dna stnemssessa eht fo yduts a rof noitazinagro tnednepedni na htiw tcartnoc ot si tnemtrapeD ehT .stnemssessa decnahne fo tnempoleved eht rof dezirohtua era stnarg dna ",tcA ]siht[ rednu deriuqer esoprup hcae rof ytilauq lacinhcet etauqeda" fo eb tsum stnemssessA .slipup )PEL( tneiciforp hsilgnE detimil rieht fo ycneiciforp egaugnal hsilgnE eht ssessa yllaunna tsum setats dna ,hsilgnE ni )gnidaer rof( detset eb tsum sraey eerht tsael ta rof sloohcs .S.U ni neeb evah ohw slipuP .)60-2002YF fo hcae rof detairporppa neeb sah tnuoma muminim eht( esoprup siht rof detairporppa ton era stnuoma muminim taht raey hcae rof raey eno )evoba( stnemssessa .egatnavdasid cimonoce dna ,sutats ytilibasid ,sutats tnargim ,sutats dednapxe eht fo )tnempoleved ton tub( noitartsinimda yaled dluoc setats ycneiciforp hsilgnE ,spuorg cinhte dna laicar ,redneg yb detagerggasid dna ,dezirohtua era tnempoleved tnemssessa rof setats ot stnarg launnA stluser ecudorp dna ;slliks gnikniht redro rehgih ssessa ;sehcaorppa elpitlum evlovni ;raey eno tsael ta rof AEL eht ni sloohcs dednetta .raey loohcs evah ohw dessessa gnieb sedarg eht ni slipup lla edulcni ;21-01 dna ,9-6 ,5 8002-7002 eht fo dne eht yb ecneics ni slevel edarg eerht ta stnemssessa -3 sedarg fo eno tsael ta ni stneduts ot yllaunna deretsinimda eb ;sdradnats tnemelpmi dna poleved osla tsum setatS .raey loohcs 6002-5002 eht ecnamrofrep lipup dna tnetnoc etats htiw dengila eb ;stra egaugnal/gnidaer fo dne eht yb scitamehtam dna gnidaer ni 8-3 sedarg fo hcae ni slipup rof dna scitamehtam fo stcejbus eht tsael ta ni detpoda eb ot deriuqer stnemssessa desab-sdradnats tnemelpmi ot deriuqer erew I eltiT AESE erew )enildaed siht tem setats fo ytironim a ylno hguohtla ,1002-0002 ni gnitapicitrap setats lla ,stnemeriuqer tnemssessa suoiverp ot noitidda nI ni detnemelpmi eb ot eud erew hcihw( I eltiT AESE rednu stnemssessA stnemssessA tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP ¢ ¢ .tcA tnemevorpmI erutcurtsarfnI seitilicaF loohcS eht ,IIX eltiT remrof eht gnidulcni ,smargorp dednufnu ylsuoiverp fo rebmun a delaeper osla tI .noillib 2.1$ ta 1002YF ni dednuf tsrif ,noitavoneR dna riapeR loohcS--1002YF ni noitairporppa elbazis a dah taht margorp 21-K eno ylno delaeper BLCN eht ,slaeper rojam ot drager htiW .snoisivorp lareneg sniatnoc XI eltiT dna ,ytirohtua diA tcapmI eht sniamer IIIV eltiT ,smargorp naciremA evitaN sezirohtua IIV eltiT )7( dna ;smargorp noitacude larur dna stnarg tnemssessa etats sezirohtua IV eltiT )6( ;seitivitca ekil-margorp cificeps 12 rof ytirohtua sedivorp hcihw ,EIF eht dna ,sloohcs tengam ,sloohcs retrahc ,stnarg kcolb noitacude sedulcni V eltiT )5( ;)smargorp etarapes sa tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .dessessa eb tsum slipup tnaveler fo +%59 ,sdradnats PYA teem ot loohcs a roF ".rab mrofinu" eht teem ot liaf taht spuorg lipup rof raey esab eht dna %001 neewteb pag eht ni noitcuder %01 a secneirepxe ti fi PYA teem ot demeed eb llits yam stnemeriuqer PYA dradnats eht teem ton seod taht loohcs a ,noisivorp "robrah efas" a rednU .dewolla si sraey 3-2 revo serocs fo gnigarevA .)2002-1002( raey esab eht ni ediwetats sloohcs fo elitniuq gnimrofrep -tsewol eht rof egatnecrep dlohserht eht ro puorg lipup gniveihca -tsewol eht rof )slevel decnavda ro tneiciforp ta slipup fo( egatnecrep eht fo retaerg eht no desab eb ot si doirep laitini eht ni "rab mrofinu" eht rof level muminim ehT .sraey owt retfa desaercni eb tsum ti doirep laitini eht ni hguohtla ,sraey eerht yreve ecno desaercni eb yllareneg tsum "rab mrofinu" ehT .spuorgbus lipup lla ot elbacilppa si taht raey hcae )slevel decnavda ro tneiciforp ta slipup fo( egatnecrep dlohserht a tes ot era setats :deyolpme eb tsum hcaorppa "rab mrofinu" a ,lareneg nI .sdradnats rieht fo rogir tnerappa dna erutan eht ni setats gnoma noitairav ediw saw ereht ,ecitcarp nI .etad .raey loohcs erutuf cificeps yna yb tnemeveihca fo level tneiciforp a gnihcaer slipup 41-3102 eht fo dne eht yb tnemeveihca fo level decnavda ro tneiciforp lla fo laog a etaroprocni sdradnats eht taht tnemeriuqer on dna ;puorg a gnihcaer slipup lla fo laog a etaroprocni ot evah yehT .llarevo setats dna lipup rehto ro deen hgih yna no sucof cificeps a rof tnemeriuqer ticilpxe ,AEL ,loohcs cilbup hcae ni ,slipup lla sa llew sa ,spuorg cinhte dna laicar on saw erehT .eugav dna daorb ylevitaler erew sdradnats PYA gnidrager rojam ni slipup dna ,seitilibasid htiw slipup ,slipup )PEL( tneiciforp hsilgnE snoisivorp yrotutats suoiverp ehT .I eltiT yb devres slipup cificeps eht detimil ,slipup degatnavdasid yllacimonoce ot yllacificeps deilppa eb ot ot sdradnats eseht fo noitacilppa eht timil dluoc sAEL dna sloohcS .llarevo sdradnats evah won sdradnats hcuS .yticificeps dna epocs ni dednapxe yllaitnatsbus setats rof sdradnats PYA rof tnemeriuqer on saw ereht ;sloohcs dna )PYA( ssergorP neeb evah sdradnats PYA depoleved-etats rof stnemeriuqer suoiverP sAEL gnitapicitrap ot eseht ylppa dna sdradnats PYA tceles ot erew setatS ylraeY etauqedA .ycnega lanoitacude yna yb deyolpme ton era ohw stnerap eb tsum draoB gninrevoG tnemssessA lanoitaN eht fo srebmem owt tsael ta taht yficeps dna ;stset PEAN tuoba stnialpmoc fo weiver rof edivorp ;stnemssessa ro smargorp lanoitcurtsni AEL ro etats ecneulfni ot tnemnrevog laredef eht fo stnega yb stnemssessa PEAN fo esu eht tibihorp ;stset PEAN ni etapicitrap ot deriuqer eb ton yam sloohcs emoh ni slipup taht edivorp :ot dna ,stnemeriuqer BLCN eht htiw ycnetsisnoc ecnahne ot dednema erew PEAN gnizirohtua snoisivorp yrotutats eht ,noitidda nI .tnemnrevog laredef eht yb diap stsoc htiw ,sraey owt yreve deretsinimda eb ot scitamehtam tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP ,level loohcs eht ta ytirohtua tnemeganam gnisaerced ,mulucirruc wen a gnitnemelpmi ,ffats loohcs tnaveler gnicalper edulcni eseht ;sraey evitucesnoc 4 rof PYA teem ot liaf taht sloohcs ot tcepser htiw nekat eb tsum "snoitca evitcerroc" fo seires deificeps a fo erom ro enO .AEL a raen ro ni secivres hcus reffo sredivorp devorppa eht fo enon fi deviaw eb yam secivres latnemelppus edivorp ot tnemeriuqer ehT .slipup elbigile gniveihca-tsewol eht ot secivres timil yam sAEL ,noitpo siht esicrexe ot hsiw seilimaf esohw slipup elbigile lla rof secivres latnemelppus fo stsoc eht yap ot elbaliava era sdnuf tneiciffusni fI .stsoc secivres latnemelppus lanoitidda yap ot ,A-V eltiT rednu meht ot elbaliava sdnuf ro ,A-I eltiT rednu noitartsinimda ro tnemevorpmi margorp rof evreser yeht sdnuf esu ot dezirohtua osla era setatS .stsoc secivres latnemelppus lanoitidda yap ot )A-V eltiT AESE( stnarg smargorP evitavonnI esu ot dezirohtua era sAEL .%51 naht erom yb decuder eb ton yam gnirutcurtser ro noitca evitcerroc rof deifitnedi loohcs ralucitrap yna ot tnarg eht hguohtla ,stsoc secivres latnemelppus dna noitatropsnart rof sdnuf I eltiT rieht fo %02 ot pu esu ot era sAEL .noitpo eciohc loohcs cilbup eht gnizilitu slipup ot dedivorp eb tsum noitatropsnarT .)5002YF rof egareva no 004,1$ yletamixorppa( alumrof noitacolla lanoitan eht ni detnuoc dlihc rep tnarg A-I eltiT s'AEL eht ro secivres eht fo tsoc lautca eht fo ressel eht eb ot si secivres latnemelppus rof dlihc .tnemevorpmi gnideen sa deifitnedi rep tneps tnuoma ehT .edivorp yeht secivres eht fo ytilauq eht rotinom sloohcs gnidnetta slipup ot ,stimil nihtiw ,snoitpo eciohc loohcs cilbup dna ,smrif laicremmoc ro ,snoitazinagro tiforp-non ,sloohcs etavirp fo noisivorp eht deriuqer noitalsigel snoitairporppa 1002YF ,noitidda nI ro cilbup edulcni thgim hcihw ,secivres lanoitcurtsni latnemelppus hcus .I eltiT fo sredivorp devorppa fo stsil edivorp dna yfitnedi ot era setatS .eciohc AESE rednu stnemssessa dna sdradnats hsilbatse ot deliaf hcihw setats ot rieht fo redivorp a morf secivres lanoitcurtsni latnemelppus eviecer sdnuf evitartsinimda ecuder ot dezirohtua saw noitacudE fo yraterceS ehT ot ytinutroppo eht dereffo eb tsum seilimaf emocni-wol morf slipup ,sraey evitucesnoc 3 rof dradnats PYA etats eht teem ot sliaf loohcs a fI .srotacude dna sloohcs eseht ot sdrawer laicnanifnon edivorp osla dluoc sAEL .srotacude dna sloohcs hcus troppus ot tnemevorpmi margorp rof .snoitpo eciohc loohcs cilbup dednapxe reffo ot sAEL devreser sdnuf I eltiT esu ot dezirohtua erew ",srotacude dehsiugnitsid" rehto htiw stnemeerga evitarepooc hsilbatse ",elbacitcarp tnetxe eht ot dna "sloohcs dehsiugnitsid" lufsseccus yllaicepse yfitnedi ot erew setatS ,llahs" sAEL neht ,tnemevorpmi gnideen sa deifitnedi neeb evah refsnart thgim dlihc a hcihw ot AEL eht ni sloohcs cilbup lla fi ,revewoh ;AEL emas .tnemevorpmi eht nihtiw snoitpo eciohc loohcs cilbup reffo ot ylno deriuqer yllareneg margorp rof stnarg fo %5.0 ot pu evreser dluoc setatS .emit yna era sAEL .)wal etats yb detibihorp sselnu( raey loohcs txen eht yb ta nekat eb deen noitca evitcerroc cificeps on dna ,detnemelpmi ylluf erew slipup rieht ot dereffo eb tsum eciohc loohcs cilbup dna dedivorp eb ot stnemssessa dna sdradnats litnu nekat eb ton dluoc snoitca evitcerroc si ecnatsissa lacinhcet ;tnemevorpmi gnideen sa deifitnedi eb tsum sraey tsom ,revewoH .nekat eb ot erew--ffats loohcs fo noitutitsnocer )woleb evitucesnoc 2 rof sdradnats PYA teem ot liaf taht sloohcS .A-I eltiT AESE ro sdnuf fo ssol edulcni yam hcihw--snoitca evitcerroc ,noitacifitnedi "eciohc loohcS" rednu stnarg gniviecer sAEL dna sloohcs cilbup ot tcepser htiw ylno nekat gniwollof raey driht eht retfA .ecnatsissa lacinhcet eviecer ot erew sAEL osla ees( I eltiT AESE eb tsum snoitca fo yteirav a ,sAEL dna sloohcs cilbup lla ot sdradnats dna sloohcs hcuS .sraey evitucesnoc 2 rof sdradnats PYA teem ot deliaf rednu ytilibatnuocca PYA ylppa dna hsilbatse ot deriuqer era setats gnitapicitrap elihW hcihw ,sloohcs yfitnedi ot sAEL dna ,sAEL yfitnedi ot deriuqer erew setatS emoctuO tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .sraey evitucesnoc erom ro 2 rof sdradnats PYA deecxe hcihw ro ,slipup fo spuorg tnereffid gnoma spag level tnemeveihca esolc yltnacifingis hcihw sloohcs ot sdrawa tnemeveihca cimedaca edivorp ot era setatS .sraey evitucesnoc 2 rof slaog rieht teem ot liaf taht setats ot dedivorp eb ot si ecnatsissa lacinhcet dna ,ssergnoC ot troper launna na ni detsil eb ot era slaog rieht teem ot liaf taht setatS .slaog PYA ediwetats rieht tem evah setats rehtehw etaulave ot ssecorp weiver reep a hsilbatse ot deriuqer si DE .stnarg tnemevorpmi loohcs rof dedivorp era sdnuf fo noitazirohtua etarapes a dna )4002YF yb %4 ot yltnerruc %5.0 morf gnisir( noitavreser etats desaercni na htoB .stnemeriuqer PYA teem ot liaf taht sAEL ot ylppa sloohcs rof esoht ot suogolana serudecorP .ecnanrevog loohcs fo "gnirutcurtser rojam" rehto ro ,)wal etats rednu dettimrep fi( snoitarepo loohcs fo revoekat etats ,ffats loohcs tsom ro lla gnicalper ,loohcs retrahc a sa gninepoer :snoitca "ecnanrevog evitanretla" gniwollof eht fo erom ro eno gnitnemelpmi yb "derutcurtser" eb tsum sraey evitucesnoc 5 rof sdradnats PYA teem ot liaf taht sloohcS .loohcs eht fo erutcurts lanoitazinagro lanretni eht gnignahc ro ,raey ro yad loohcs eht gnidnetxe ,loohcs eht esivda ot trepxe edistuo na gnitnioppa tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .stnemeriuqer eseht teem ot deifidom eb yam sdrac troper gnitsixeerP .egral ta cilbup eht ot dna slipup loohcs cilbup fo stnerap ot detanimessid eb ot era sdrac troper loohcs dna AEL .ecneloiv loohcs fo ecnedicni eht ro ezis ssalc egareva sa hcus ,noitamrofni lanoitidda edulcni yam sdrac troper ehT .srehcaet fo snoitacifilauq eht no noitamrofni etagergga dna ,sdradnats PYA teem ot gniliaf sloohcs yna fo ytitnedi dna rebmun eht ,setar noitaudarg tneduts loohcs yradnoces sulp ,sdradnats PYA s'etats eht ni dedulcni srotacidni lanoitacude rehto yna gniteem drawot ssergorp lipup no noitamrofni edulcni osla tsum sdrac troper ehT .sutats egatnavdasid cimonoce dna ,ycneiciforp hsilgnE .llarevo etats eht dna ,AEL ,loohcs ,tnargim ,ytilibasid sa llew sa ,redneg dna ,yticinhte ,ecar yb detagerggasid hcae rof detroper eb ot erew ,sutats emocni-wol dna ,ytilibasid ,tnargim ecnamrofrep lipup no noitamrofni edulcni yllareneg tsum sdrac tropeR ,PEL sa llew sa ,yticinhte ro ecar ,redneg lipup yb detagerggasid ,atad .cilbup eht dna stnerap ot detroper eb tsum llarevo setats dna ,sAEL tnemeveihca "dnuos yllacitsitatS" .loohcs gnitapicitrap hcae rof sAEL yb ecnamrofrep metsys ,sloohcs cilbup laudividni rof atad rehto niatrec dna stluser tnemssessa detanimessid dna deraperp eb ot erew "seliforp ecnamrofrep laudividni" loohcs gnidrager lipup ,)secnatsmucric elballortnocnu ro lanoitpecxe rednu dezirohtua ,detnemelpmi ylluf erew smetsys tnemssessa dna sdradnats nehW .yllaunna cilbup eht dna reviaw raey-eno a htiw( raey loohcs 3002-2002 eht ni gninnigeB deweiver eb ot saw I eltiT AESE ni gnitapicitrap AEL dna loohcs hcaE stnerap ot stropeR .loohcs cilbup efas a ot refsnart ot dewolla eb ot ,loohcs ta elihw emirc tneloiv fo mitciv a emoceb ohw ro ,sloohcs suoregnad yltnetsisrep gnidnetta stneduts seriuqer won AESE eht ,yllaniF .AEL gnidnes eht yb dedivorp noitatropsnart htiw ,AEL rehtona ni loohcs lufsseccus a ot refsnart ot ytinutroppo eht dereffo eb AEL taht ni sloohcs gnidnetta stneduts taht eriuqer yam etats eht ,sraey evitucesnoc 4 rof PYA ekam ot sliaf AEL a fI .secivres latnemelppus sulp noitatropsnart hcus rof desu eb yam sdnuf A-I eltiT fo %02 ot pu dna ,snoitpo eciohc loohcs cilbup gnisicrexe slipup ot dedivorp eb tsum noitatropsnarT .ytiroirp eviecer tsum seilimaf emocni -wol morf nerdlihc gniveihca tsewol eht ,secnatsni hcus nI .secivres lairotut ro latnemelppus eviecer ot ytinutroppo eht osla dna eciohc loohcs dereffo eb ot eunitnoc tsum stneduts ,raey driht a rof sliaf loohcs eht fi ;AEL emas eht ni loohcs lufsseccus a ot refsnart ot ytinutroppo .smargorp eht dereffo eb tsum loohcs taht gnidnetta stneduts ,sraey evitucesnoc sloohcS retrahC cilbuP dna ,seigetartS margorP noitacudE evitavonnI 2 rof PYA ekam ot sliaf loohcs a fI .stnemssessa cimedaca etats ,ecnatsissA sloohcS tengaM eht rednu eciohc loohcs fo evitroppus stnarg no tneiciforp stneduts fo noitroporp eht gnisiar drawot PYA ekam ot liaf dezirohtua osla AESE ehT .)noitatropsnart rof desu eb dluoc sdnuf I eltiT sloohcs erehw secnatsni ni eciohc loohcs cilbup fo noisivorp yrotadnam on hguohtla( sloohcs I eltiT rehto ot detimil smargorp eciohc rof sdnuf eht rof sedivorp osla tI .smargorp eciohC loohcS cilbuP yratnuloV I eltiT fo esu eht dezirohtua AESE eht ,yllanoitiddA .eciohc loohcs cilbup wen eht rednu stnarg yranoitercsid gnizirohtua yb dna ;)margorp tcirtsidartni tnemevorpmi loohcs rof deifitnedi sloohcs gnidnetta stneduts sloohcS tengaM eht dna ,margorp sloohcS retrahC cilbuP eht ,smargorp reffo ot deriuqer erew sAEL ,)455-601 .L.P( noitalsigel snoitairporppa evitavonnI( eciohc loohcs fo noisivorp yratnulov eht fo evitroppus 1002YF eht rednU .stnemeriuqer PYA I eltiT teem ot deliaf taht sloohcs smargorp tnarg suoiverp gnidnema ro gniunitnoc yb seitinutroppo gnidnetta stneduts ot eciohc loohcs tcirtsidartni fo noitpo eht edivorp eciohc loohcs cilbup desaercni rof sedivorp ,dednema sa ,AESE ehT ot ,deriuqer ton tub ,dezirohtua erew sAEL dna setats ,AESE eht rednU eciohc loohcS tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .ekatrednu nac slanoisseforparap A-I eltiT seitilibisnopser fo sepyt eht setaeniled osla BLCN ehT .secivres tnemevlovni latnerap ro noitalsnart gnidivorp slanoisseforparap ot ylppa ton od stnemeriuqer esehT .stnemeriuqer emas esoht tem evah sdnuf A-I eltiT htiw diap slanoisseforparap lla ,raey loohcs 60-5002 eht fo dne eht yb ,taht erusne osla tsum AEL hcaE .stcejbus eseht ni noitcurtsni htiw pleh ot ytiliba eht dna )ssenidaer htam dna ,ssenidaer gnitirw ,ssenidaer gnidaer ro( htam dna ,gnitirw ,gnidaer fo egdelwonk evah yeht taht tnemssessa cimedaca lacol ro etats a hguorht wohs ot elba eb dna ",ytilauq fo dradnats suorogir" a tem htob evah tsum ro ,noitacude rehgih fo sraey owt tsael ta detelpmoc evah tsum rehtie 011-701 .L.P fo tnemtcane fo etad eht retfa sdnuf A-I eltiT htiw derih ylwen slanoisseforparap ro sedia lla taht erusne tsum gnidnuf A-I eltiT seviecer taht AEL hcae ,BLCN eht rednU .raey loohcs 6002-5002 eht fo dne eht yb deifilauq ylhgih era srehcaet lla taht erusne ot nalp a evah ot erew sdnuf A traP I eltiT gniviecer sAEL ,rehtruF .raey loohcs 6002-5002 eht fo dne eht naht retal on "deifilauq ylhgih" fo noitinifed s'llib eht teem lliw stcejbus cimedaca eroc ni ediwetats srehcaet loohcs cilbup lla taht gnidivorp snalp hsilbatse ot erew .derih gnieb fo sraey owt A-I eltiT ni gnitapicitrap setatS ".deifilauq ylhgih" era sdnuf A traP ,I eltiT nihtiw ycnelaviuqe ro amolpid loohcs hgih a denrae evah ot dah yllareneg stnemeriuqer ytilauq htiw derih ylwen srehcaet ,raey loohcs 30-2002 eht ni gninnigeb ,taht sdnuf I eltiT AESE htiw derih slanoisseforparap/sedia rehcaeT .ytilauq lanoisseforparap erusne ot A traP ,I eltiT AESE ni gnitapicitrap sAEL seriuqer BLCN ehT rehcaet gnidrager stnemeriuqer cificeps evah ton did AESE eht ,ylsuoiverP dna rehcaeT .)woleb ees( noitalsigel siht rednu deilppa ylwen era stnemeriuqer ytilibatnuocca ytilauq rehcaet ,noitidda nI .enilpicsid loohcs niatniam ot yticapac laiciffo ni nekat snoitca rof ytilibail lagel morf )srebmem draob loohcs dna ,srotartsinimda ,srehcaet gnidulcni( seeyolpme loohcs dleihs ot snoisivorp wen sedulcni BLCN ehT .ytilibom rehcaet yduts ot lenap lanoitan a dna ,srotacude doohdlihc ylrae rof tnempoleved lanoisseforp ,noitacifitrec decnavda rof troppus ,sngiapmac tnemtiurcer lapicnirp dna rehcaet lanoitan sa stroffe hcus edulcni dna dezirohtua yletarapes era seitivitca lanoitaN .mulucirruc .srehcaet wen fo gnirih dna tnemtiurcer eht hguorht sezis eht otni ygolonhcet etargetni ot gniniart dna ,gnitset rehcaet ,yap tirem ssalc gnicuder no desucof yllapicnirp margorp tnarg alumrof a saw rettal ehT ,mrofer erunet dna noitacifitrec sa seitivitca hcus edulcni dna ,noitcuder .srehcaet 21-K rof tnempoleved lanoisseforp gnitroppus yliramirp margorp ezis ssalc dna tnempoleved lanoisseforp dnoyeb dednapxe ylevitnatsbus tnarg alumrof a saw remrof ehT .smargorp )noitalsigel snoitairporppa erew sdnuf fo sesu dezirohtuA .margorp tnarg alumrof etats wen launna--RSC( noitcudeR eziS ssalC dna )II eltiT AESE( tnempoleveD a htiw smargorp RSC dna rewohnesiE eht decalper A traP ,II eltiT AESE lanoisseforP rewohnesiE eht hguorht dedivorp saw troppus laredeF smargorp rehcaeT tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .stnemnorivne hcir-erutaretil dna egaugnal ytilauq-hgih ot erusopxe erom htiw nerdlihc dega-loohcserp sedivorp dna gniniart lanoisseforp sdnuf margorp sihT .stnarg eseht rof ylppa yam ,foereht snoitanibmoc ro ,nerdlihc dega-loohcserp gnivres snoitazinagro etavirp ro cilbup dna ,stnarg tsriF gnidaeR rof elbigile sAEL .sraey evif deecxe ot ton sdrawa htiw margorp tnarg evititepmoc a si ,B traP ,I eltiT AESE fo 2 trapbuS ni dezirohtua margorp wen rehtona ,tsriF gnidaeR ylraE .smargorp ycaretil ylimaf dna ,smargorp ycaretil ylrae ,sloohcs gnoma noitanidrooc gninehtgnerts ;slairetam lanoitcurtsni evitceffe gnipoleved ro gnitceles ni ecnatsissa gnidivorp ;stnemssessa gnidaer lanoitcurtsni desab-moorssalc dna ,citsongaid ,gnineercs gniretsinimda ro gnitceles ni ecnatsissa gnidivorp ;gniniart lanoisseforp detaler-gnidaer gnidivorp ;3-K sedarg ni nerdlihc rof smargorp gnidaer desab yllacifitneics gnihsilbatse edulcni sdnuf fo sesu dezirohtuA .stnarg etats ecnatsissa detegrat rof devreser eb ot si ,ssel si revehcihw ,noillim 09$ ro ,noitairporppa 3002YF eht fo ssecxe ni sdnuf fo %01 ,4002YF ni gninnigeB .enil ytrevop eht woleb semocni htiw seilimaf morf ,71-5 dega ,nerdlihc fo rebmun .stroffe ycaretil ylimaf gnitroppus dna ;daer eht ot noitroporp ni ,setats ot stnarg alumrof sa detacolla eb ot erew ,snoitavreser ot gninrael pleh artxe dedeen ohw stneduts 3-K ot troppus gnidaer lanoitan retfa ,sdnuf fo %001 ,3002YF dna 2002YF roF .setats ot stnarg )evititepmoc( latnemelppus gnidivorp ;gniniart lanoisseforp dedulcni sdnuf AER fo ecnatsissa detegrat dna stnarg alumrof htob sezirohtua margorp tsriF gnidaeR sesu dezirohtuA .setats ot stnarg evititepmoc dedivorp ,AESE eht smargorp ehT .AER eht decalper ,B traP ,I eltiT AESE fo 1 trapbuS ni dezirohtua ,tsriF gnidaeR fo C traP ,II eltiT yb dezirohtua ,)AER( tcA ecnellecxE gnidaeR ehT gnidaeR tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .srehcaet ecneics dna htam rof smargorp gninrael ecnatsid dna ;alucirruc ecneics dna htam fo tnempoleved ;gnihcaet otni srojam gnireenigne ro ,ecneics ,htam fo tnemtiurcer ;spohskrow remmus ecneics dna htam ;egdelwonk tcejbus 'srehcaet ecneics dna htam evorpmi ot tnempoleved lanoisseforp :meht gnoma ,seitivitca suoirav rof sdnuf eviecer sAEL deen hgih dna ,snoitutitsni noitacude rehgih fo stnemtraped ecneics ro ,htam ,gnireenigne ,seicnega smargorp lanoitacude etats edulcni taht spihsrentrap elbigilE .)B traP ,II eltiT AESE( .tnempoleved lanoisseforp ecneics dna htam rof noitavreser gnidnuf noitacude ecneics margorp pihsrentraP ecneicS dna scitamehtaM a sezirohtua BLCN ehT a dah )II eltiT AESE( margorp tnempoleveD lanoisseforP rewohnesiE ehT dna scitamehtaM tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP yeht sdnuf esu setats eht ni sAEL lla hcihw rof sesoprup eht yficeps yam setats gnitapicitrap ,noitidda nI .woleb debircsed ytirohtua ytilibixelf lacol eht fo snoisivorp eht rednu sdnuf etadilosnoc yam hcihw ,)erom ro %02 fo setar ytrevop dlihc ega-loohcs evah tsum hcihw fo flah-eno tsael ta( sAEL 01-4 htiw stnemeerga ecnamrofrep lacol otni retne ot era setats detceles ehT .margorp AESE yna rednu dezirohtua esoprup yna rof desu eb nac sdnuf detadilosnoc ts ehT .smargorp tnarG kcolB smargorP evitavonnI dna ,CLCC 12 ,sloohcS eerF gurD dna efaS ,ygolonhceT ,srehcaeT ,tratS nevE ,tsriF gnidaeR ,A-I eltiT eht rednu sdnuf ytivitca etats dna noitartsinimda etats rieht fo lla etadilosnoc ot dezirohtua era ,sisab evititepmoc a no detceles ,setats neves ot pu ,)3 trapbuS ,A traP ,IV eltiT AESE( tcA noitartsnomeD ytilibixelF lacoL dna etatS a rednU ).4002YF fo dne eht ta deripxe setats ot ytirohtua xelF-dE tnarg ot DE rof ytirohtua ehT :etoN( .derrefsnart era yeht hcihw ot margorp eht fo stnemeriuqer eht fo lla htiw ecnadrocca ni desu eb tsum ts derrefsnart era taht sdnuF .margorp CLCC 12 eht sulp smargorp eseht fo ruof tsrif eht gnoma sdnuf ytivitca etats rieht fo %05 ot pu refsnart ot dewolla .sisab esac-yb-esac a no era setatS .sdradnats PYA teem ot eruliaf eht sserdda ot dednetni seitivitca stnemeriuqer AESE ynam eviaw ot noitacudE fo yraterceS eht dezirohtua VIX ot ylno dna ,smargorp eseht rednu stnarg rieht fo %03 ylno refsnart ot elba eltiT AESE remrof eht ,yllaniF .smargorp AESE detceles rednu sdnuf enibmoc era stnemeriuqer PYA etats teem ot gniliaf sa deifitnedi neeb evah taht sAEL ot ytirohtua detnarg erew sAEL larur ,llamS .seilimaf emocni-wol morf .A traP ,I eltiT AESE )morf ton tub( otni ro--tnarG kcolB smargorP evitavonnI erew slipup fo erom ro %05 erehw sloohcs ni deviaw eb ot smargorp laredef eht dna ,sloohcS eerF gurD dna efaS ,ygolonhceT ,srehcaeT--smargorp ruof tsom rednu stnemeriuqer ynam dewolla smargorp ediwloohcs A-I eltiT snoisivorp gnoma stnarg rieht fo %05 ot pu refsnart ot sAEL tsom swolla AESE desiver AESE .smargorp deretsinimda-etats rehto niatrec dna AESE rof stnemeriuqer ytilibixelf eht fo 1-A traP ,IV eltiT ,seitirohtua ytilibixelf laiceps suoiverp ot noitidda nI fo egnar ediw a eviaw ot setats gnitapicitrap dezirohtua )52-601 .L.P( xelF-dE laicepS tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP ¡¢ .3-A traP ,V eltiT AESE ni deniatnoc won ,smargorP evitavonnI lacoL rednu seitivitca dezirohtua lareves fo eno eb ot seunitnoc slairetam dna secivres yrarbil rof sAEL yb sdnuf fo esu ,noitidda nI .sruoh loohcsnon gnirud seirarbil loohcs ot ssecca htiw stneduts gnidivorp dna ;stsilaiceps aidem yrarbil loohcs rof tnempoleved lanoisseforp gnidivorp ;seirarbil dna sloohcs gnoma skrowten gnirahs ecruoser rehto dna sknil tenretnI gnitatilicaf ;ygolonhcet decnavda gnisu dna gniriuqca ;skoob gnidulcni ,secruoser aidem yrarbil loohcs etad-ot-pu gniriuqca edulcni sdnuf fo sesu dezirohtuA ).ylevititepmoc dedrawa neeb evah stnarg ,7002YF hguorhT( .sAEL elbigile ot noitacudE fo yraterceS eht morf tnarg evititepmoc a sa etarepo ot si margorp eht esiwrehto ;noillim 001$ deecxe snoitairporppa .smargorp smargorp fi ,A-I eltiT AESE rednu eviecer setats sdrawa ot noitroporp ni ,setats ot stnarg alumrof noitacudE evitavonnI lacoL--C traP ,IV eltiT AESE rednu sdnuf fo yrarbil sezirohtua ,B traP ,I eltiT AESE fo 4 trapbuS ,seirarbiL loohcS hguorhT ycaretiL gnivorpmI sesu dezirohtua lareves fo eno saw slairetam dna secivres yrarbiL loohcS tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP snoitalupop eseht rof setamitse tnemllorne etatS .stneduts )%02( tnargimmi ecnatsissa lanoitiddA .stnarg fo %52 ot detimil saw sehcaorppa lanoitcurtsni dna )sdnuf fo %08( PEL fo tnemllorne eht no desab setats ot detubirtsid laugnilib-non rof sdnuf AEB fo esu ehT .)PEIE( margorp noitacudE slipup era stnarG .)2002YF htiw gninnigeb raey hcae derrucco sah sa ,noillim tnargimmI ycnegremE eht rednu slipup tnargimmi tnecer fo noitacude )PEL( tneiciforp 056$ deecxe ro hcaer raey lacsif nevig a rof snoitairporppa fi( margorp tnarg eht rof stnarg alumrof dna )AEB( tcA noitacudE laugniliB eht rednu hsilgnE detimil alumrof elgnis a otni detadilosnoc neeb evah smargorp PEIE dna AEB ehT slipup PEL fo noitacude eht rof stnarg evititepmoc dedivorp AESE ehT rof noitacudE tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .stcirtsid esoht ni tnemllorne eht no desab setats ot sdnuf fo noitacolla eht sezirohtua dna )noitacol larur dna noitalupop tneduts emocni-wol yb denifed( stcirtsid fo tes rehtona seifitnedi ,wen si hcihw ,margorp dnoces ehT .wal .sAEL eseht ot stnarg etarapes rof )dednuf ton saw hcihw( roirp rednu dezirohtua margorp eht fo noisrev desiver a si margorp tsrif ehT ytirohtua raey-eno a dedulcni osla margorp ehT .seitirohtua AESE cificeps .margorp loohcS emocnI-woL dna laruR eht dna ,margorp tnemeveihcA loohcS rednu deviecer yeht sdnuf fo esu eht ni ytilibixelf htiw )tnemllorne llams htiw laruR ,llamS eht--smargorp etarapes owt sessapmocne taht )B traP ,IV eltiT stcirtsid larur( sAEL elbigile dedivorp margorp sihT .noitalsigel snoitairporppa noitacude AESE( margorp tnemeveihcA noitacudE laruR desiver a sniatnoc AESE ehT 1002YF yb AESE eht ot dedda saw margorp tnemeveihcA noitacudE laruR A laruR .D traP ,XI eltiT sa dednetxe si sisab esac-yb-esac a no stnemeriuqer margorp AESE fo yteirav a eviaw ot noitacudE fo yraterceS .S.U eht rof ytirohtua suoiverp eht ,yllaniF .%04 ot decuder si dlohserht ytilibigile margorp ediwloohcs A-I eltiT ehT .)woleb ,noitces "noitacude laruR" ees( stcirtsid loohcs larur roop rof gnidnuf ezirohtua ot dednapxe dna deunitnoc eb lliw stcirtsid loohcs larur llams rof ytilibixelf dna gnidnuf esaercni ot troffe laredef suoiverp ehT ).margorp "xelF lacoL" siht ni setapicitrap AEL on ,7002 rebmevoN fo sA( .deviaw eb ton yam--noitapicitrap rehcaet dna lipup loohcs etavirp dna ,ytilibatnuocca lacsif ,sthgir livic gnidrager esoht gnidulcni--stnemeriuqer fo sepyt deificeps lareves ,smargorp noitartsnomed ytilibixelf lacol dna etats eht htob rednU .sraey evitucesnoc 2 rof stnemeriuqer PYA etats teem ot liaf yeht fi ytirohtua eht esol lliw sAEL ;sraey evif fo doirep a rof detnarg eb ot si ytirohtua ehT .margorp AESE yna rednu dezirohtua esoprup yna rof sdnuf eseht esu ot dna ,smargorp tnarG kcolB smargorP evitavonnI dna ,sloohcS eerF gurD dna efaS ,ygolonhceT ,srehcaeT eht rednu sdnuf rieht fo lla etadilosnoc ot dewolla era ,evoba noitartsnomed ytilibixelf etats eht ni gnitapicitrap setats ni stnemeerga otni retne taht sAEL eht sulp ,)yllaitini etats rep eerht naht erom on( sAEL 08 ot pu ,rehtruF ).margorp "xelF etatS" siht ni setapicitrap etats on ,7002 rebmevoN fo sA( .sraey evitucesnoc 2 rof stnemeriuqer PYA etats teem ot liaf yeht fi ytirohtua eht esol lliw setats ;sraey evif fo doirep a rof detnarg eb lliw ytirohtua sihT .tnarg kcolb smargorP evitavonnI A-V eltiT AESE eht rednu eviecer tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .)woleb ees( noitacudE fo tnemevorpmI eht rof dnuF eht rednu seitivitca dezirohtua lareves fo eno sa dednetxe saw PALF ehT .AES eht yb decalper lennosrep tnaveler ro/dna ,nwardhtiw sdnuf rieht evah ,margorp noitcurtsni egaugnal rieht yfidom ot decrof eb nac sraey evitucesnoc 4 rof gniliaf eb ot dnuof sAEL .nalp tnemevorpmi na poleved ot ecnatsissa lacinhcet htiw AEL eht edivorp tsum sraey evitucesnoc 2 rof sevitcejbo eseht teem ot gniliaf sAEL dnif taht sAES .nerdlihc tnargimmi dna PEL fo rebmun eht ni sesaercni tnacifingis ecneirepxe taht sAEL rof edam eb nac sevitcejbo eseht ot snoitpecxE .stnemssessa stra egaugnal ro gnidaer rof sreviaw gniviecer stneduts fo egatnecrep ro rebmun eht )3( dna ;hsilgnE gninrael nerdlihc fo egatnecrep ro rebmun eht ni sesaercni launna )2( ;margorp noitcurtsni egaugnal a ni dellorne neeb sah dlihc laudividni na emit fo tnuoma eht )1( :tcelfer taht sevitcejbo tnemeveihca elbarusaem launna poleved tsum sAES .stnapicitrap margorp tsap fo tnemeveihca cimedaca tneuqesbus eht dna smargorp eseht ni gnitapicitrap stneduts PEL fo noitroporp dna rebmun eht no atad troper tsum noitaulave sihT .margorp eht fo tuo devom evah ohw esoht sa llew sa margorp eht ni stneduts yb edam ssergorp eht sezylana taht noitaulave margorp a AES rieht ot timbus tsum sAEL ,raey lacsif dnoces yreve fo dne eht tA .stnemeriuqer gnitroper dna snoisivorp ytilibatnuocca lareves ot tcejbus era sAES dna sAEL gnitapicitraP .000,01$ si )AEL na sa ylpmis ot derrefer retfaereh( ytitne elbigile na ot tnarg muminim ehT .ecnatsissa lacinhcet dna ,noitartsinimda ,noitaulave ,gninnalp ,tnempoleved lanoisseforp sa hcus seitivitca etats rof sdnuf fo %5 evreser nac sAES .nerdlihc tnargimmi fo sexulfni egral decneirepxe yltnecer evah taht sloohcs gniniatnoc--AES a ro ,noitazinagro desab -ytinummoc a ,noitacude rehgih fo noitutitsni na htiw noitaroballoc ni sAEL erom ro eno ro ,sAEL erom ro eno--seititne elbigile ot stnarg rof %51 ot pu evreser nac setats ,revewoH .sutats tnargimmi 'stneduts fo sseldrager ,ylno stneduts PEL fo tnemllorne eht no desab si sdnuf fo noitubirtsid etats-nihtiW .smargorp noitcurtsnI egaugnaL dna noitisiuqcA egaugnaL hsilgnE rof esuohgniraelC lanoitaN demaner eht fo gnidnuf deunitnoc dna tcejorP tnempoleveD lanoisseforP lanoitaN a rof troppus lanoitidda sedivorp edisa -tes %5.6 A .stnarg tnempoleved lanoisseforp dna secivres lanoitcurtsni AEB fo stneipicer tsap ot dedivorp neeb evah sdrawa noitaunitnoC .stnemtolla etats rof elbaliava latot eht fo %5.0 deecxe ton yam ociR otreuP ot tnarg eht dna 000,005$ naht ssel tnarg a eviecer ot si etats oN .etarucca tsom .slipup PEL dna srekaeps hsilgnE evitan sredisnoc yraterceS eht revehcihw ,sAES yb dettimbus dna detcelloc atad ot noitcurtsni egaugnal edivorp taht smargorp egaugnal yaw-owt rof stnarg ro susneC eht fo uaeruB eht hguorht elbaliava atad rehtie morf nekat eb nac )PALF( margorp ecnatsissA egaugnaL ngieroF hguorht dezirohtua saw tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .)setats nihtiw gnitegrat deriuqer fo eerged eht si retaerg eht ,seitirapsid eht retaerg eht( sAEL s'etats hcae gnoma lipup rep gnidneps ni seitirapsid fo erusaem a no desab segats eerht ni yrav lliw gnitegrat fo eerged eht taht tpecxe alumrof tnarG detegraT eht no tpecnoc ni desab si hcihw ,alumrof noitacolla etatsartni tcnitsid a sah won alumrof GIFE eht ,drihT .)%021 dna %08 naht rehtar egareva lanoitan eht fo %511 dna %58( sdnuob worran erom tahwemos htiw hguohtla ,alumrof GIFE eht ni dedulcni si salumrof A traP eerht rehto eht ni desu rotcaf erutidnepxe etats eht ,dnoceS .stnarG cisaB etaluclac ot desu nerdlihc rehto dna roop fo tnuoc emas eht ot nerdlihc ega-loohcs latot morf degnahc saw rotcaf noitalupop eht ,setats ot sdnuf fo noitacolla eht ni ,tsriF .alumrof GIFE eht ot edam erew segnahc rojaM .)4002YF htiw gninnigeb deilppa erew setadpu launna( raey dnoces yreve ,ylsuoiverp sa ,naht rehtar ,yllaunna detadpu si taht seilimaf roop ni nerdlihc ega-loohcs no atad noitalupop fo esu eht rof sedivorp BLCN ehT .level 1002YF eht evoba sdnuf detairporppa ot tcepser htiw ylno tub ,%53.0 ot pu ot wal tnerruc rednu %52.0 ot pu morf desaercni era stnarg muminim etatS .desiar yllanigram si ociR otreuP ot stnarG detegraT no pac a )b( dna ;)setats rof muminim eht fo %57 yletamixorppa saw ti 1002YF ni( 7002YF yb setats ot elbacilppa muminim eht htiw ytirap lluf ot segats ni desaercni eb lliw ociR otreuP rof rotcaf erutidnepxe muminim eht )a( :stnemdnema owt fo tluser a sa emit revo esaercni lliw ociR otreuP ot detacolla sdnuf fo erahs evitaler ehT .ylppa regnol on lliw sselmrah dloh eht neht ,sraey evisseccus 4 rof airetirc hcus teem ot sliaf AEL a fi taht tpecxe ,alumrof siht rof airetirc ytilibigile eht teem yltnerruc hcihw esoht tsuj ton ,sAEL lla ot seilppa noisivorp sselmrah dloh tnarG noitartnecnoC eht ,ralucitrap nI .salumrof noitacolla A traP ruof eht fo hcae ot seilppa won ,stnarG detegraT dna cisaB .salumrof tnarG )sdnuf fo %61( noitartnecnoC dna ot ylno elbacilppa ylsuoiverp ,)egatnecrep sselmrah dloh eht si rehgih eht )1002YF ni sdnuf fo %48( cisaB eht rednu detacolla erew sdnuf lla ,ecitcarp ,etar ytrevop dlihc s'AEL a rehgih eht( stnarg raey suoiverp fo %59-%58 fo ni ,dna salumrof owt eseht rof desu gnieb morf sdnuf yna detneverp stca etar sselmrah dloh A .alumrof GIFE ro tnarG detegraT eht rednu detacolla snoitairporppa ,2002YF litnu ,revewoH .salumrof )GIFE( tnarG evitnecnI eb ot era sesaercni yna dna ,salumrof tnarG noitartnecnoC dna cisaB ecnaniF noitacudE ro detegraT eht rednu detacolla eb ot erew level sAEL dna setats eht fo hcae rednu detacolla eb ot si noitairporppa 1002YF eht ot lauqe 5991YF eht evoba sdnuf lla taht dedivorp dna ,salumrof noitacolla tnereffid ot sdnuf A-I eltiT tnuoma na taht sedivorp BLCN eht ,sdnuf A-I eltiT fo noitacolla eht nI ruof dezirohtua etutats A-I eltiT eht ,sAEL ot sdnuf fo noitacolla eht nI AESE fo noitacollA tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .loohcs fo tuo gnippord fo ksir-ta htuoy osla tub ,smargorp yad ytinummoc ro tneuqniled eht rof snoitutitsni ni htuoy ylno ton evres yam .ssenevitceffe smargorp lacoL .htuoy dna nerdlihc elbigile fo snoitartnecnoc htiw sAEL ot margorp etaulave ot seuqinhcet fo tnempoleved dna ecnatsissa lacinhcet sisab evititepmoc ro alumrof a rehtie no detubirtsid eb yam sdnuf margorp rof sdnuf 1 trapbuS fo %5.2 ot pu evreser ot dezirohtua si yraterceS ehT lacoL .rotcaf erutidnepxe etats a dna etats eht ni htuoy dna nerdlihc .)setats rof muminim eht fo %57 yletamixorppa saw ti 1002YF ni( setats tneuqniled dna detcelgen fo rebmun eht no desab neeb evah stnarg ot elbacilppa muminim eht fo %58 ot ylno margorp siht rof tub ,segats alumroF .htuoy dna nerdlihc tneuqniled dna detcelgen ot secivres detaler ni desaercni gnieb si ociR otreuP rof rotcaf erutidnepxe muminim eht dna lanoitacude rof )2 trapbuS( sAEL dna )1 trapbuS( sAES ot stnarg smargorp tneuqniled ,stnarg A-I eltiT htiw sA .degnahcnu ylegral sniamer margorp D&N ehT dedivorp sah margorp )D&N( tneuqniled dna detcelgen I eltiT AESE ehT dna detcelgen I eltiT .noitacudE fo yraterceS .S.U eht ot elbaliava noitamrofni etarucca tsom eht yb denimreted sa ,stneduts emit -trap fo rebmun tnelaviuqe emit-lluf eht dna stneduts emit-lluf fo rebmun eht no desab erew alumrof eht ni desu setamitse tnemllorne ehT .stneduts yrotargim sa yfilauq osla yam ytivitca gnihsif lanosaes ni egagne ot selim erauqs 000,51 naht regral aera dnal htiw tcirtsid loohcs a nihtiw selim 02 naht erom levart ohw nerdlihC .shtnom 63 tsap eht ni tnemyolpme lanosaes ro yraropmet niatbo ot rehtona ot )aera evitartsinimda ro( tcirtsid loohcs eno morf devom sah ohw dna rekrow yriad ro larutlucirga yrotargim a ,si esuops ro tnerap esohw ro ,si ohw 12 dna 3 fo sega eht neewteb nosrep a sa denifed neeb sah dlihc yrotargim a ,PEM eht rednU .rotcaf .)setats rof muminim eht fo %57 yletamixorppa saw ti 1002YF erutidnepxe etats a yb deilpitlum loohcs ni dellorne nerdlihc yrotargim ni( setats ot elbacilppa muminim eht fo %58 ot ylno margorp siht rof tub fo erahs 'setats hcae no desab detubirtsid neeb evah stnarG .stneduts ,segats ni desaercni gnieb si ociR otreuP rof rotcaf erutidnepxe muminim tnargim ot detegrat smargorp fo tnempoleved eht rof sAES ot stnarg smargorp eht ,stnarg A-I eltiT htiw sA .degnahcnu ylegral sniamer PEM ehT alumrof dedivorp sah )PEM( margorp noitacudE tnargiM I eltiT AESE ehT tnargim I eltiT tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .secitcarp evitceffe no esuohgniraelc lanoitan a fo tnemhsilbatse dna ,ecnatsissa lacinhcet ,noitaulave sa seitivitca hcus rof level lanoitan eht ta desu eb ot era H traP rof snoitairporppa fo %01 ,noitidda nI .sloohcs hgih tuopord hgih hcus otni stneduts deef taht sloohcs elddim sa llew sa egareva etats eht evoba era taht setar tuopord launna evah dna 21-6 sedarg evres taht sloohcs ot stnarg stegrat margorp ehT .sAEL ot stnargbus evititepmoc htiw ,)stnarg A-I eltiT ot noitroporp ni( setats ot alumrof yb edam eb dluow stnarg ,noillim 052$ deecxe snoitairporppa fi ,yllaniF .sAEL ot stnargbus evititepmoc ekam neht dluow hcihw ,sAES ot stnarg evititepmoc ekam dluow DE ,noillim 052$ woleb era tub noillim 57$ deecxe snoitairporppa fI .DE yb yltcerid sAEL dna sAES ot ylevititepmoc dedrawa era stnarg ,)60-2002YF fo hcae rof esac eht neeb sah sa( noillim 57$ woleb era snoitairporppa fI .level noitairporppa launna eht no gnidneped yrav sdnuf gnitacolla rof serudecorp ehT .yrtneer egaruocne .5991YF ecnis ytirohtua rossecederp ro siht rof dedivorp neeb dah gnidnuf dna tuopord loohcs tneverp pleh taht seitivitca rof sAEL dna sAES on ,revewoH .seitivitca noitneverp tuopord rof spihsrentrap lanoitacude ot stnarg sezirohtua ,H-I eltiT AESE ,margorp noitneverP tuoporD ehT dna sAEL ot stnarg dezirohtua AESE eht fo C traP ,V eltiT suoiverp ehT smargorp tuoporD .tpoda yeht smargorp lanoitcurtsni eht etanimessid dna poleved hcihw snoitazinagro morf troppus lacinhcet deviecer evah osla dna ,sredivorp ecnatsissa lacinhcet fo seires a yb detroppus neeb evah PRSC eht ni gnitapicitrap sloohcS .sraey eerht ot pu rof elbawener ,raey rep 000,05$ tsael ta eb ot erew sloohcs laudividni ot stnarG .ecnatsissa lacinhcet dna ,noitaulave ,noitartsinimda rof stnarg .smrofer loohcs evisneherpmoc gnitceles fo %5 ot pu esu dluoc sAES .71-5 dega noitalupop rieht ot noitroporp dna gnitaulave ni snoisiced demrofni ekam sloohcs dna ,sAEL ,setats pleh ni setats ot detacolla saw noitrop A-X eltiT eht elihw ,stnarG cisaB A ot stroffe etavirp-cilbup gnidulcni ,sevitaitini ytilauq lanoitan rof devreser -I eltiT rieht ot noitroporp ni setats ot detacolla erew PRSC eht fo noitrop eb yam snoitairporppa fo %3 ot pU ".secitcarp evitceffe dna hcraeser I eltiT eht rof sdnuF .sisab evititepmoc a no sloohcs dna sAEL eetnarg desab yllacifitneics" no desab eb tsum smrofer loohcs detsissA .A-I eltiT detceles neht hcihw ,sAES ot alumrof yb detacolla erew stnarg PRSC rednu sdradnats PYA teem ot deliaf evah taht sloohcs gnitsissa no decalp si ytiroirp A .)"tnempoleved lanoisseforp ffats dna rehcaet suounitnoc .airetirc lareneg deificeps tem hcihw dna ytilauq hgih sedivorp" ,.g.e( debircsed era tibihxe tsum sledom mrofer ,smargorp depoleved yllacol gnidulcni ,seigetarts evitanretla esoporp dluoc loohcs evisneherpmoc elbigile hcihw scitsiretcarahc lareves ,revewoh stnacilppa hguohtla ,tnemelpmi ot stnarg PRSC kees thgim sloohcs hcihw ;sledom mrofer loohcs cificeps ot ecnerefer ticilpxe yna regnol on si erehT seigetarts lanoitacude cificeps detsil noitalsigel snoitairporppa 8991YF ehT .tcA snoitairporppA noitacudE fo tnemtrapeD 8991YF eht ni dedulcni ).A-X eltiT AESE rednu edam ylremrof erew margorp eht gninrevog snoisivorp eht fo tsom hguohtla ,AESE eht sa stnarg PRSC rof 2002YF rof noitairporppa noillim 57$ lanoitidda na fo ,A traP ,X eltiT dna ,2051 noitceS ,I eltiT ni snoitazirohtua ot deknil saw dedivorp 611-701 .L.P ,BLCN eht rednu dezirohtua ylticilpxe si margorp PRSC ehT .mrofer lanoitacude rof seigetarts evisneherpmoc gnitnemelpmi margorp eht fo noitrop I eltiT AESE remrof eht ylno elihW( .F traP ,I eltiT AESE sa fo stsoc laitini eht yap pleh ot ,sloohcs yradnoces ro yratnemele cilbup ot mrofeR loohcS ,segnahc laitnatsbus wef ylevitaler htiw ,dezirohtua ylticilpxe si PRSC ehT stnarg dedivorp sah )PRSC( margorp mrofeR loohcS evisneherpmoC ehT evisneherpmoC tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .tcA noitacudE rehgiH eht ot ygolonhceT esU ot srehcaeT s'worromoT gniraperP eht fo refsnart dna ;)woleb ees( noitacudE fo tnemevorpmI eht rof dnuF eht ni sretneC ygolonhceT ytinummoC eht dna ,)enilhtaM ylremrof( margorp hcaeT ot ydaeR ,margorp sloohcS ratS eht fo noisulcni ;margorp noisiveleT nraeL-ot-ydaeR eht rof noitazirohtua etarapes a fo noitaunitnoc :gniwollof eht era BLCN eht ni dezirohtua snoisivorp ygolonhcet rehto eht gnomA .smargorp ygolonhcet lanoitacude fo ssenevitceffe enimreted ot stnemerusaem ecnamrofrep fo tnempoleved dna ,noitisiuqca ygolonhcet rof sevitaitini etavirp-cilbup ,gninrael ecnatsid edulcni seitivitca etatS .ygolonhcet gniniatniam dna ,gniriaper ,gnitnemelpmi ,gnidnapxe ,gniriuqca dna ;sloohcs rieht ni sredael ygolonhcet sa evres ot srehcaet gniraperp ;stneduts dna stnerap htiw srehcaet dna sloohcs tcennoc ot ygolonhcet gnisu ;ygolonhcet ot ssecca gnisaercni edulcni sAEL rof seitivitca dezirohtua rehtO .noitcurtsni dna alucirruc otni seigolonhcet decnavda fo noitargetni eht ni tnempoleved lanoisseforp rof desu eb tsum gnidnuf s'AEL na fo %52 tsael tA .)alumrof yb sAEL ot dedrawa eb ot era sdnuf eseht fo flah( seititne lacol elbigile dna sAEL ot ,nrut ni ,dna setats ot alumrof yb sdnuf sdrawa ytirohtua wen sihT .dnuF egnellahC ycaretiL ygolonhceT eht dna stnarG egnellahC .ygolonhcet lanoitacude ,fo esu evitceffe noitavonnI ygolonhceT eht gnidulcni ,wal roirp rednu dezirohtua dna ,ot ssecca dnapxe ot )stnarG egnellahC noitavonnI ygolonhceT ,.g.e( smargorp ygolonhcet lareves detadilosnoc )D traP ,II eltiT smargorp tnarg yranoitercsid/evititepmoc lareves sulp )dnuF egnellahC AESE( 1002 fo tcA ygolonhceT hguorhT noitacudE gnicnahnE ehT ycaretiL ygolonhceT( tnarg alumrof etats a dezirohtua III eltiT AESE ygolonhcet lanoitacudE .tnemeveihca cimedaca tneduts ecnavda taht seitivitca loohcs retfa dna ts erofeb rof desu eb yam sdnuF .stnarg CLCC 12 dedrawa yltcerid eb ot ,)flaheb rieht no gnitarepo sAEL ro( sloohcs fo aitrosnoc ro sloohcs dettimrep ylno hcihw ,dezirohtua yllanigiro sa margorp eht morf egnahc a si sihT .sraey evif ot eerht fo doirep a rof )evoba eht fo erom ro eno fo aitrosnoc ro ,seititne etavirp ro cilbup rehto .ytinummoc lacol eht evres ot ,sOBC ,sAEL sa denifed( seititne lacol elbigile ot tnemtolla etats seitivitca laitnetop fo yarra daorb a fo tuo ruof tsael ta edulcni ot deriuqer rieht fo %59 tsael ta drawa tsum sAES .raey lacsif gnidecerp eht rof erew dna sraey eerht ot pu rof drawa na eviecer dluoc stneipicer tnarG A-I eltiT rednu deviecer setats sdrawa eht ot noitroporp ni ,setats .DE yb yltcerid detceles erew seetnarg lacoL .smargorp loohcs-retfa rehto ot margorp tnarg alumrof a sa derutcurts si margorp dezirohtuaer dna cimedaca rof sAEL ot stnarg evititepmoc dedivorp CLCC 12 ehT ts smargorp ehT .B traP ,VI eltiT AESE ni dezirohtuaer saw margorp ehT .AESE eht fo X eltiT fo I traP sa dezirohtua yllanigiro saw margorp sihT ts loohcs-retfA/CLCC 12 tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .tcirtsid loohcs lacol emas eht nihtiw ,loohcs retrahc cilbup a gnidulcni ,loohcs efas a ot refsnart ot dewolla si ytreporp loohcs no elihw )wal etats yb denimreted( emirc tneloiv a fo mitciv a semoceb ohw ro )AEL tnaveler eht htiw noitatlusnoc ni etats a yb denimreted sa( loohcs yradnoces ro yratnemele cilbup suoregnad yltnetsisrep a sdnetta ohw tneduts a ,BLCN eht fo noisivorp rehtona nI .loohcs ot nopaew a gnignirb tneduts yna raey eno rof lepxe ot wal a evah ot setats gniriuqer ACSFDS eht otni detaroprocni era tcA sloohcS eerF nuG eht fo snoisivorp yrotutatS .deen tsetaerg htiw nerdlihc rof smargorp gnirotnem gnitroppus dna gnitaerc ni tsissa ot seititne elbigile ot stnarg gnidrawa dna ;sloohcs yradnoces ni esuba lohocla ecuder ot smargorp tnemelpmi dna poleved ot sAEL gnilbane stnarg evititepmoc gnidivorp ;seitivitca ytefas loohcs rehto dna ,snoitatlusnoc ,seniltoh loohcs ,sesnopser ycnegreme rof ecitsuJ fo tnemtrapeD eht dna DE yb detroppus yltnioj eb ot ytefas loohcs rof retnec lanoitan a gnihsilbatse :sa hcus ,smargorp lanoitan rednu dezirohtua si seitivitca wen lareves rof gnidnuF .semirc etah yb detceffa yltcerid tsom seitilacol tsissa ot spuorg desab-ytinummoc dna sAEL rof dettimrep era stnarG .ecitsuJ fo tnemtrapeD eht dna ,)SHH( secivreS namuH dna htlaeH fo tnemtrapeD eht htiw dednuf yltnioj si hcihw ,evitaitini stnedutS yhtlaeH/sloohcS efaS eht eunitnoc ot dezirohtua era sdnuf dna ,margorp eht fo tcapmi lanoitan eht gnitaulave rof devreser eb ot si noillim 2$ ot pU .smelborp ecneloiv dna gurd elbaton htiw sloohcs ni srotanidrooc margorp ytefas loohcs dna noitneverp gurd niart dna ,erih ,tiurcer ot dia eunitnoc ot dezirohtua era smargorp lanoitaN .raey lacsif gnidecerp eht rof stnarG noitartnecnoC A-I eltiT AESE no desab %05 dna noitalupop ega-loohcs no desab %05 fo alumrof a yb setats eht ot detubirtsid era sdnuf gniniamer eht ,detubirtsid era htuoy naiiawaH evitan dna ,htuoy naidnI ,saera gniyltuo rof devreser sdnuf retfA .sgurd dna ,occabot ,lohocla fo esu lagelli eht dna sloohcs dnuora dna ni ecneloiv tneduts tneverp ot smargorp rof dednuf era stnarg lacol dna etatS .sloohcS yrutneC ts 12--VI eltiT fo A traP sa )ACSFDS( tcA seitinummoC dna .smargorp esuba gurd-itna dna ytefas loohcs sloohcS eerF-gurD dna efaS eht dednetxe dna dednema BLCN ehT rof stnarg evititepmoc dna stnarg alumrof etats dezirohtua VI eltiT AESE ytefas loohcS tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .seitilicaf citelhta rof ,elpmaxe rof ;detibihorp era sdnuf tnarg fo sesu niatreC .doirep raey-ruof yna gnirud noillim 4$ deecxe ton tsum dna snoitubirtnoc lacol yb dehctam eb tsum tnarg a ,stnemeriuqer ytilibigile eseht ot noitidda nI .)evoba( stnarg ycnegreme rof ytiroirp dnoces eht rednu esoht sa airetirc emas eht gniteem sAEL rof stnarg noitazinredom ,htruof dnA ".ytreporp laredeF fo noitisiuqca eht ro ,noitazitavirp gnisuoh ,seitivitca laredeF fo noisnapxe eht ot eud tnemllorne ni esaercni na ro ,ytreporp laredeF tpmexe -xat fo ecneserp eht ,nerdlihc detcennoc yllaredef fo tnemllorne eht sa hcus ,tnemnrevoG laredeF eht fo ecneserp eht morf gnitluser sdeen ytilicaf" evah dna stnemyap detcapmi ylivaeh eviecer ro noiretirc "yticapac detimil" ro",yticapac on" eht rehtie teem dna ecnatsissa diA tcapmI eviecer taht sAEL rof stnarg noitazinredom ,drihT .)yratilim eht ni stnerap fo nerdlihc ro sdnal naidnI no gnivil nerdlihc fo desopmoc tnemllorne fo %04 rehtie tsael ta ,.e.i( tcapmi laredef ssel tahwemos dna ytirohtua gniworrob erom tahwemos htiw sAEL rof stnarg ycnegreme ,dnoceS .sAEL detcapmi ylivaeh niatrec rof stnemyap rof yfilauq ro ",yticapac laminim" evah ",sdnob eussi ot yticapac lacitcarp on" evah rehtie taht dna ,)a(7008 noitceS rednu ecnatsissa tnarg noitcurtsnoc rof elbigile era taht ",drazah ytefas ro htlaeh a sesop taht ... ycnegreme ytilicaf loohcs a" htiw sAEL rof stnarg ycnegreme ,tsriF :swollof sa stnarg hcus rof seitiroirp tuo stes dna )sloohcs laudividni ot secnatsmucric .ycnegreme ytilicaf loohcs a gnivah dna ,tnemllorne latot rieht fo %05 tsael niatrec rednu dna( sAEL gniyfilauq ot 7008 noitceS rof dedivorp ta gnisirpmoc stnerap yratilim fo nerdlihc ro dnal naidnI no gnivil nerdlihc sdnuf fo %06 morf stnarg noitazinredom )b( dna ,ycnegreme gnivah ro ,egareva etats eht woleb tneduts rep eulav ytreporp dessessa )a( :ezirohtua ot deifidom yltnacifingis saw )b(7008 noitceS htiw esoht ,.e.i--)dnal fo pihsrenwo laredef rof stnemyap ot detaler( 2008 noitceS rednu sdnuf rof yfilauq ot dah dna ,)2()b(3008 noitceS .7002YF hguorht tca eht dezirohtua 011 rednu AEL 'detcapmi ylivaeh` a sa denifed eb ro sdnob eussi ot yticapac -701 .L.P yllaniF .)woleb dessucsid--)b(7008 noitceS rednu( sdeen on ro elttil evah ot dah sAEL elbigilE .7008 noitceS rof dedivorp sdnuf noitazinredom dna seicnegreme seitilicaf sserdda ot stnarg htiw fo %06 morf stnarg noitazinredom seitilicaf dezirohtua )b(7008 noitceS gnilaed snoisivorp deifidom tca eht ,noitidda nI .noitazilauqe etats dna ,stnemyap troppus cisab ,sdnal laredef htiw gnilaed snoitces .sdnal naidnI ni segnahc lacinhcet edam 011-701 .L.P .)1002 raeY lacsiF rof tcA no gnivil nerdlihc dna yratilim eht ni stnerap fo nerdlihc ,elpmaxe rof ;dnal noitazirohtuA esnefeD lanoitaN ecnepS .D dyolF( 893-601 .L.P fo laredef no evil ro/dna krow ohw stnerap fo nerdlihc fo sAEL ni tnemllorne )0002 fo tcA noitazirohtuaeR diA tcapmI eht( IIIVX eltiT yb )BLCN eht sa llew sa sdnal niatrec fo pihsrenwo laredef edulcni seitivitca eht ot suoiverp ,.e.i( ssergnoC ht601 eht gnirud dezirohtuaer dna esehT .seitivitca laredef morf gnitluser "nedrub laicnanif gniunitnoc desiver neeb dah diA tcapmI ,smargorp AESE rehto tsom ekilnU dna laitnatsbus" eht rof sAEL setasnepmoc )IIIV eltiT AESE( diA tcapmI diA tcapmI tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .tnemevorpmi tnemeveihca tneduts gnizirammus troper launna na ,stnemeriuqer rehto gnoma ,rof edivorp tsum snoitacilppa etatS .sisab elbatiuqe na no margorp siht fo stifeneb eht ni etapicitrap ot elbigile era sloohcs etavirp ni dellorne stnedutS .sdradnats tnemeveihca cimedaca hgih ot deit eb tsum gnidneps AEL .margorp eht rednu dezirohtua yllacificeps seitivitca ecnatsissa noitacude evitavonni 72 fo tsil a morf detceles sa ,sdeen lanoitacude denimreted yllacol teem ot stnarg rieht esu tsum sAEL .noitartsinimda etats rof desu eb yam sdnuf gniniamer eht fo %51 naht erom on tpecxe ,margorp siht fo sesoprup eht teem ot level etats eht ta desu eb yam sdnuf gniniameR .tnarg etats 2002YF sti fo ssecxe ni deviecer tnuoma yna fo %001 sAEL ot etubirtsid tsum etats hcae taht tpecxe ,sAEL ot tnarg sti fo %58 tsael ta etacolla tsum etats hcaE .wal suoiverp morf degnahcnu yllaitnesse erew ,sAEL ot noitacolla rof salumrof depoleved-etats rof snoisivorp eht dna ,setats ot sdnuf gnitacolla rof alumrof ehT .seitivitca ecnatsissa detegrat enin ot detimil erew sdnuf fo sesu .ecnamrofrep lanoitacude AEL .noitavreser level-etats %51 eht fo %52 saw noitacolla noitartsinimda evorpmi ot ecnatsissa dna ,stneduts lla fo sdeen lanoitacude etats mumixam ehT .srotcaf lareneg deificeps detaroprocni hcihw eht teem ot ecnatsissa ,tnemevorpmi dna noitavonni lanoitacude setats eht yb depoleved salumrof gnisu ,sAEL ot detubirtsid eb ot deriuqer fo troppus ,hcraeser desab yllacifitneics no desab smargorp saw tnarg etats eht fo %58 tsael tA .latot eht fo %1 fo flah-eno naht ssel tnemevorpmi dna mrofer fo noitatnemelpmi ,mrofer lanoitacude deviecer etats on taht tpecxe ,71-5 dega noitalupop latot no desab ,setats fo troppus edulcni sesoprup margorP ".tnarG kcolB noitacudE" eht ot detacolla erew stnarg alumroF .ytirohtua smargorP evitavonnI wen sa ot derrefer yllamrofni si hcihw ,margorp smargorP evitavonnI eht ot ralimis snoisivorp ynam htiw ,IV eltiT AESE rednu dezirohtua saw )tnarg eht sezirohtua ,A traP ,VI eltiT AESE ,BLCN yb dednema sA margorp seigetartS margorP noitacudE evitavonnI eht ,BLCN eht ot roirP kcolb( smargorp evitavonnI tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .sdeen noitcurtsnoc loohcs AIB no ssergnoC ot stroper eriuqer dna ,srettam suoirav ni ecneulfni labirt esaercni ,eciffo noitacude AIB eht ni secivres troppus detadilosnoc osla stnemdnema ehT .ycnega lanoiger ro etats a yb degdelwonkca si noitatidercca labirt eht sa gnol sa ,seicnega gnitidercca etats ro lanoiger sa llew sa labirt yb eb yam noitatiderccA .emit taht retfa detiderccanu llits era taht sloohcs rof ekat yam roiretnI eht fo yraterceS eht snoitca evitcerroc suoirav gnittes dna ,sraey owt nihtiw )noitatidercca rof etadidnac a eb ro( detidercca eb loohcs hcae taht gniriuqer ,sloohcs dednuf .snoitarepo lanoitacude rof ,stcartnoc fo daetsni ,stnarg AIB eviecer ot -AIB rof noisivorp ytilibatnuocca wen a etaerc ot tca remrof eht sloohcs dednuf-AIB gnitarepo sdraob loohcs labirt dna sebirt dezirohtua gnidnema ,792-001 .L.P dna 165-59 .L.P dezirohtuaer BLCN ehT )792-001 .L.P( 8891 fo tcA sloohcS dellortnoC yllabirT ehT .sloohcs dednuf-AIB rof smargorp rehto dna ,stnarg evitartsinimda ,salumrof .smargorp rewef otni smargorp naidnI lanoitidda noitubirtsid ,sdradnats dezirohtua ,B traP ,IX eltiT ,)165-59 .L.P( 8791 fo lareves dna ,evitaN aksalA ,naiiawaH evitaN eht setadilosnoc stnemdnemA noitacudE ehT .stluda dna nerdlihc naidnI rof tnemevorpmi dna ,nerdlihc naidnI rof eviecer yeht sdnuf laredef rehto htiw lanoitacude rof seititne fo egnar rediw a ot dna ,snoitazinagro lanoitacude sdnuf esoht etargetni ot stnarg alumrof gniviecer sloohcs dednuf evitaN aksalA dna naiiawaH evitaN ot stnarg yranoitercsid sa llew snaiiawaH -AIB dna sAEL gniwolla margorp noitartsnomed a setaerc ,IIV sa ,sloohcs dednuf )AIB( sriaffA naidnI fo uaeruB dna sAEL ot smargorp evitaN dna ,sevitaN eltiT sa ti setangiseder BLCN eht ,AESE fo XI eltiT gnizirohtuaer nI noitacude latnemelppus rof stnarg alumrof dezirohtua AESE eht fo XI eltiT aksalA ,snaidnI rof noitacudE .yletinifedni ,raey hcae rof yrassecen eb yam sa smus hcus dezirohtua J traP AIDDRE ,smargorp AESE rof snoitazirohtua raey-xis eht ekilnU .deripxe evah stcartnoc dna stnarg raeyitlum eht retfa sisab raey-ot-raey a no dednetxe saw ytirohtuA .BLCN eht fo tnemtcane eht erofeb yad eht tceffe ni erew taht stcartnoc dna stnarg raeyitlum hguorht dednuf neeb evah tsum smargorp eseht ,J traP rednu gnidnuf eunitnoc oT .)BLCN yb dednetxe .5991YF ton tub ,AESE fo 1413 noitceS ylremrof( aitrosnoC noitacudE ecnis dednuf neeb ton dah krowteN noisuffiD lanoitaN ehT .1002YF ni ygolonhceT lanoigeR eht sa llew sa ,aitrosnoC noitacudE ecneicS ni noillim 01$ ta dednuf saw margorp aitrosnoC noitacudE ni ygolonhceT dna scitamehtaM lanoigeR rewohnesiE dna sretneC ecnatsissA lanoigeR eht ,noitidda nI .aitrosnoC noitacudE ecneicS dna scitamehtaM lanoigeR evisneherpmoC rof gnidnuf eunitnoc ot yraterceS eht lanoigeR rewohnesiE rof noillim 51$ dna ,sretneC ecnatsissA lanoigeR dezirohtua ,stcartnoC dna stnarG raeyitluM niatreC ,AIDDRE fo evisneherpmoC rof noillim 82$--1002YF ni dednuf erew smargorp J traP wen A .)N traP( ecnatsissA lacinhceT desaB-ygolonhceT dna eseht fo owt dna ,stnarg yranoitercsid dezirohtua smargorp eerht rehto ;)M traP( aitrosnoC noitacudE ecneicS dna scitamehtaM lanoigeR ehT .AESE fo noitatnemelpmi dna noitartsinimda eht troppus ot yraterceS rewohnesiE ;)L traP( krowteN noisuffiD lanoitaN ;)AIDDRE fo K eht dezirohtua ti ,rehtar ;margorp tnarg a ton saw ecnatsissA lacinhceT traP( sretneC ecnatsissA lanoigeR evisneherpmoC dedulcni esehT desaB-ygolonhceT .D hguorht A straP ,IIIX eltiT AESE rednu dezirohtua .)722-301 .L.P eht fo XI eltiT--AIDDRE( 4991 fo tcA tnemevorpmI saw sredivorp ecnatsissA lacinhceT desaB-ygolonhceT dna ,aitrosnoC dna ,noitanimessiD ,tnempoleveD ,hcraeseR lanoitacudE noitacudE ecneicS dna scitamehtaM lanoigeR rewohnesiE ,krowteN eht ot )tnemdnema rojam tuohtiw( BLCN eht yb derrefsnart noisuffiD lanoitaN a ,sretneC ecnatsissA lanoigeR evisneherpmoC erew AESE eht yb dezirohtua ylremrof smargorp lareveS yb sloohcs dna ,sAEL ,sAES ot ecnatsissa lacinhcet fo noisivorP ecnatsissa lacinhceT tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .stca snoitairporppa launna ni ytirohtua daorb siht rednu dednuf neeb evah A-X eltiT AESE ni denoitnem esoht dnoyeb seitivitca noitacude 21-K rof stnarg fo rebmun a ,noitidda nI .tcejorp tolip noitacude retcarahc ni spihsrentrap a dna margorp noitartsnomed .snoitairporppa fo noitazirohtua elgnis a rednu lla ,strapbuS gnilesnuoc loohcs yratnemele na sa hcus ,smargorp lanoitacude dezirohtua 12 ni seitivitca lanoitacude cificeps fo troppus rof ytirohtua cificeps yllacificeps fo rebmun a rof stnarg dna ,noitacudE fo yraterceS .S.U sa llew sa ,noitercsid s'yraterceS eht ta stnarg rof ytirohtua daorb eht fo noitercsid eht ta detceles eb ot ,seitivitca lanoitacude "tnacifingis )EIF( noitacudE a sniater traP sihT .D traP ,V eltiT AESE sa dezirohtuaer si EIF ehT yllanoitan" fo yteirav ediw a rof stnarg htob dezirohtua A-X eltiT AESE fo tnemevorpmI rof dnuF .htuoy dna nerdlihc rehto dedivorp esoht ot elbarapmoc secivres niatbo dna llorne nac ,htuoy deinapmoccanu gnidulcni ,htuoy dna nerdlihc .0991YF ni margorp eht sselemoh taht erussa tsum sAEL dna setatS .anozirA ni ytnuoC rednu deviecer yeht tnuoma eht fo %001 ot pu level etats eht ta niater apociraM dna ,ainrofilaC ni seitnuoC ogeiD naS dna ,egnarO dluoc yeht taht tpecxe ,sAEL ot stnarg rieht fo %59 tsael ta etubirtsid ot ,niuqaoJ naS--seitnuoc deificeps ruof ni 0002YF ni noitarepo deriuqer erew setatS .stneduts sselemohnon dna sselemoh etargetni taht ni erew taht sloohcs etarapes rof gnidnuf fo noitaunitnoc eht swolla smsinahcem dna smargorp gnitsixe hguorht ",elbissop tnetxe mumixam esualc "rehtafdnarg" a ,revewoH .loohcs a nihtiw margorp etarapes eht ot" ,dna ,nerdlihc rehto ot dedivorp secivres ot elbarapmoc htuoy ro loohcs etarapes a rehtie rof sdnuf gnisu morf detibihorp era dna nerdlihc sselemoh ot secivres edivorp ot sdnuf esu ot deriuqer erew setats ,seicnegreme ytefas dna htlaeh rof snoitpecxe niatrec htiW sAEL "... tnemnorivne loohcs maertsniam eht morf stneduts etarapes ot nosaer tneiciffus a eb ton dluohs enola ssensselemoh ..." taht dias ycilop .level tnarg etats muminim eht ta dednuf si ti fi %05 fo tnemetats ehT .sselemoh eht rof smargorp ro sloohcs etarapes rof ot pu niater nac ti taht tpecxe ,sAEL ot tnarg sti fo %57 tsael ta sdnuf fo esu eht tibihorp ton did tub degaruocsid margorp suoiverp ehT etacolla tsum etats hcaE .1002YF ni deviecer etats eht tnuoma eht )c( dna ;noitairporppa latot eht fo %1 fo htruof-eno )b( ;000,051$ .htuoy dna nerdlihc sselemoh rof secivres lanoitacude dna tnemllorne )a( fo retaerg eht naht ssel eviecer llahs etats on taht tpecxe ,sAEL ot sreirrab gnitsixe evomer ot dna ,nerdlihc rehto ot dedivorp taht ot stnarg A traP ,I eltiT AESE rednu edam snoitacolla no desab ot lauqe noitacude etairporppa ,eerf a ot ssecca evah htuoy dna nerdlihc si alumrof tnarg etats ehT ".tnemnorivne loohcs maertsniam eht sselemoh taht erusne ot nalp etats a ot gnidrocca sdnuf esu ot deriuqer morf stneduts etarapes ot nosaer tneiciffus ton si enola ssensselemoh" erew setatS .sAEL ot stnarg A-I eltiT AESE ot noitroporp ni setats taht setats ycilop margorp yek eht ,ralucitrap nI .ecalp ni margorp ot edam erew stnarg alumroF .IIV eltiT fo B eltitbuS rednu margorp htuoY eht fo snoisivorp rojam eht fo tsom gnivael ,margorp htuoY dna nerdlihC sselemoH rof noitacudE eht dezirohtua ,)otneV-yenniKcM( htuoY dna nerdlihC dna nerdlihC sselemoH rof noitacudE eht sdnetxe BLCN ehT dednema sa 77-001 .L.P ,tcA ecnatsissA sselemoH otneV-yenniKcM ehT sselemoH rof noitacudE tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .)C-I eltiT AESE ,margorp noitacudE tnargiM eht rednu dezirohtua htuoy dna nerdlihc tnargim no esabatad eht naht rehto( "tcA siht rednu atad fo snoitcelloc rehto ro seiduts ni devlovni slaudividni no noitamrofni elbaifitnedi yllanosrep fo esabatad ediwnoitan a fo tnempoleved" eht stibihorp )f( dna ;"noitacifitrec lanoisseforparap ro rehcaet fo dohtem cificeps a tpoda ot sliaf ycnega lanoitacude lacol ro ycnega lanoitacude etatS eht fi ycnega lanoitacude lacol ro ycnega lanoitacude etatS yna morf sdnuf gnidlohhtiw" morf DE stibihorp dna ",noitacifitrec ro tset hcus fo noitartsinimda ro ,noitatnemelpmi ,tnempoleved ,gninnalp yna gnidulcni ,slanoisseforparap noitacude ro srehcaet fo noitacifitrec ro tset ediwnoitan yrotadnam a ot gnitaler esoprup" yna rof sdnuf AESE yna fo esu eht stibihorp )e( ;"wal yb dezirohtua ylticilpxe dna yllacificeps sselnu ,tcejbus rehto yna ro ,scitamehtam ,gnidaer ni tset lanoitan derosnops yllaredef yna etubirtsid ro ,retsinimda ,tnemelpmi ,tset dleif ,tset tolip ,poleved" ot sdnuf AESE yna fo esu eht stibihorp )d( ;AESE eht "rednu ecnatsissa eviecer ot redro ni ,tnemnrevoG laredeF eht yb deifitrec ro devorppa sdradnats tnemeveihca cimedaca tneduts ro tnetnoc cimedaca evah ot deriuqer eb llahs" etats on taht sedivorp )c( ;"loohcs yradnoces ro loohcs yratnemele na ni desu eb ot dengised mulucirruc yna noitcnas ro ,evorppa ,esrodne" ton yam DE taht sedivorp )b( ";tcA siht rednu rof diap ton stsoc yna rucni ro sdnuf yna dneps ot foereht noisividbus yna ro etatS a etadnam ro ,secruoser lacol ro etatS fo noitacolla ro ,noitcurtsni fo margorp ,mulucirruc s'loohcs ro a.ycilop noitacude 21-K fo stcepsa suoremun fo lortnoc ,ycnega lanoitacude lacol ,etatS a lortnoc ro ,tcerid ,etadnam" ton laredef detibihorp evah--)APEG( tcA snoisivorP noitacudE lareneG eht yam tnemnrevog laredef eht taht setats )a( :BLCN eht ,noitacude dna )AOED( tcA noitazinagrO noitacudE fo tnemtrapeD eht ylralucitrap lortnoc 21-K fo lortnoc laredef tsniaga snoitibihorp suoiverp ot noitidda nI --setutats rehto lareves dna AESE eht fo noisrev suoiverp eht htoB laredef+ tsniaga snoitibihorP tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP .)tcA desiver eht ni deunitnoc si hcihw ,noisivorp AESE suoiverp eht gnidulcni( BLCN eht fo tnemtcane retfa tceffe ni niamer snoisivorp eseht fo llA .smargorp AESE rednu dia yb rof diap ton stsoc yna rucni ot ro ,secruoser lacol dna etats fo noitacolla ro mulucirruc s'AEL ro etats a "lortnoc ro ,tcerid ,etadnam" ot tnemnrevog laredef eht ezirohtua ot deurtsnoc eb llahs AESE eht ni gnihton taht detats ,BLCN eht yb decalper won ,AESE eht fo noisrev tahT .BLCN eht fo tnemtcane erofeb AESE eht dednetxe dna dednema ylevisneherpmoc hcihw noitalsigel tnecer tsom eht ,)283-301 .L.P ,ASAI( tcA sloohcS s'aciremA gnivorpmI eht ni detpoda saw smetsys noitacude fo lortnoc laredef gnitibihorp egaugnal lellarap ,rehtruF .APEG eht ni deniatnoc era snoisivorp lacitnedi tsomlA .wal yb dezirohtua tnetxe eht ot tpecxe ,metsys loohcs ro noitutitsni lanoitacude yna yb slairetam lanoitcurtsni rehto ro ,skoobtxet ,secruoser yrarbil fo tnetnoc ro noitceles eht revo ro noitaicossa ro ycnega gnitidercca yna revo ,metsys loohcs ro loohcs ,noitutitsni lanoitacude yna fo lennosrep ro ,noitartsinimda ,noitcurtsni fo margorp ,mulucirruc eht revo lortnoc ro ,noisivrepus ,noitcerid yna esicrexe ot reciffo hcus yna ro yraterceS eht ezirohtua ot deurtsnoc eb llahs tnemtrapeD eht fo reciffo rehto yna yb ro yraterceS eht yb deretsinimda margorp a fo noisivorp oN )b( .setatS eht fo seitilatnemurtsni rehto dna smetsys loohcs lacol dna setatS eht ot devreser si hcihw noitacude rof ytilibisnopser eht hsinimid ro noitacude revo tnemnrevoG laredeF eht fo ytirohtua eht esaercni ton llahs noitacudE fo tnemtrapeD eht fo tnemhsilbatse ehT ... 301 noitceS taht sedivorp AOED ehT .ecneulfni ro lortnoc laredef no stimil ticilpxe decalp evah noitalsigel rehto dna AOED eht htoB .a .setats rof snoitcnas ro sesunob ecnamrofrep rojaM :snoisrev dessap-etaneS dna -esuoH eht htob morF .sloohcs ni tnemeganam tsep gnidrager stnemeriuqer dna ;semoctuo lipup fo smret noitalsigel ni ytilibatnuocca desaercni rof nruter ni stnemeriuqer margorp lanif eht ni dedulcni ton fo egnar ediw a etanimile ot setats neves ot pu rof noitazirohtua erew taht )ssergnoC ht701( ;seitilibasid htiw nerdlihc rof snoisivorp enilpicsid ;setats ot stnarg 1 .R.H fo snoisrev dessap B traP )AEDI( tcA noitacudE seitilibasiD htiw slaudividnI rof slevel -etaneS ro -esuoH eht deificeps ta gnidnuf yrotadnaM :noisrev dessap-etaneS eht morF elbacilppa toN fo snoisivorp rojam detceleS .sreyolpme evitcepsorp dna snoitutitsni lanoitacude yradnocestsop ot dedivorp sa stneduts loohcs yradnoces ot ssecca emas eht sretiurcer secivres demra ot edivorp tsum stnarg AESE gniviecer sAEL .noisivorp siht yb detceffa snoitazinagro rehto ro spoort tuocS yoB rosnops ot deriuqer ton era seicnega eetnarg ,emit emas eht tA .seitilicaf ro sesimerp loohcs ot ssecca lauqe gnidivorp ni ",)yteicos citoirtap a sa( edoC setatS detinU eht fo 63 eltiT ni detsil puorg htuoy rehto yna" ro ,aciremA fo stuocS yoB eht tsniaga setanimircsid hcihw dna ",murof cilbup detimil a ro murof nepo detangised a sah" hcihw loohcs ro ycnega lanoitacude lacol ro etats yna ot ecnatsissa laicnanif noitacudE fo tnemtrapeD fo noisivorp eht stibihorp 011-701 .L.P elbacilppa toN snoisivorp suoenallecsiM tcA dniheB tfeL dlihC oN waL suoiverP noisivorP Wayne C. Riddle, Coordinator Gail McCallion Specialist in Education Policy Specialist in Social Policy, 7-7382, 7-7758 Richard N. Apling David P. Smole Specialist in Education Policy, 7-0624 Jeffrey J. Kuenzi Roger Walke Specialist in Education Policy Specialist in American Indian Policy, 7-8645, 7-8641 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see