For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress ¢ This report contains data on votes for Speaker of the House for the 94th through 110th Congresses and elections in party conferences or caucuses for major leaders within each party for the 94th through 111th Congresses. It reflects actual balloting on the House floor for Speaker and in the Democratic Caucus and Republican Conference for other positions. Table 1 identifies the votes for Speaker. Tables 2-14 provide the names and states of the candidates for each of the major party offices, the Congress(es) in which they ran, and the votes they received. Also noted are Members elected with no opposition. Although most caucus or conference balloting for leadership positions took place prior to the convening of a new Congress, in some cases leadership elections were held to fill vacancies during a Congress. The 14 tables herein provide data on the individuals receiving votes for Speaker and the party elections for the following positions: · House Democratic Floor Leader, · House Republican Floor Leader, · House Democratic Whip, · House Republican Whip, · House Democratic Caucus Chairman, · House Republican Conference Chairman, · House Democratic Caucus Secretaries/Vice Chairman, · House Republican Conference Vice Chairman, · House Republican Conference Secretary, · House Republican Policy Committee Chairman, · House Republican Research Committee Chairman, · House National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman, and · House Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman. Since 1974, there have been no formal contests within either party for the election of the Speaker of the House. Where there were contested races for other positions, most were decided after one ballot. In a few races, two ballots were needed. Three ballots were necessary before a Democratic floor leader was elected for the 95th Congress, before a Republican leader was elected for the 106th Congress, and for the election of the chair of the House Republican Conference in the 110th Congress. The data do not include notices of announced candidacies that were abandoned before caucus or conference voting took place. This report will be updated as necessary. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Table 1. Speaker of the House Elections ......................................................................................... 2 Table 2. House Democratic Floor Leader Elections........................................................................ 4 Table 3. House Republican Floor Leader Elections ........................................................................ 5 Table 4. House Democratic Whip Elections.................................................................................... 7 Table 5. House Republican Whip Elections .................................................................................... 8 Table 6. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Elections ................................................................ 9 Table 7. House Republican Conference Chairman Elections........................................................ 10 Table 8. House Democratic Caucus Secretary/Vice Chairman Elections.......................................11 Table 9. House Republican Conference Vice Chairman Elections................................................ 13 Table 10. House Republican Conference Secretary Elections....................................................... 14 Table 11. House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Elections............................................ 16 Table 12. House Republican Research Committee Chairman Elections....................................... 17 Table 13. House National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Elections ................ 18 Table 14. House Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Appointments ............................................................................................................................. 19 Author Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 20 This report contains data on votes for Speaker of the House for the 94th through the 110th Congress and elections in party conferences or caucuses for major leaders within each party for the 94th through 111th Congresses. It reflects actual balloting on the House floor for Speakers and in the Democratic Caucus and Republican Conference for other positions. Table 1 identifies the votes for Speaker. Tables 2-14 provide the names and states of the candidates for each of the major party offices, the Congress(es) in which they ran, and the votes they received. Also noted are Members elected with no opposition. Although most caucus or conference balloting for leadership positions took place prior to the convening of a new Congress, in some cases leadership elections were held to fill vacancies during a Congress. The 14 tables herein provide data on the individuals receiving votes for Speaker and the party elections for the following positions: · House Democratic Floor Leader, · House Republican Floor Leader, · House Democratic Whip, · House Republican Whip, · House Democratic Caucus Chairman, · House Republican Conference Chairman, · House Democratic Caucus Secretaries/Vice Chairman, · House Republican Conference Vice Chairman, · House Republican Conference Secretary, · House Republican Policy Committee Chairman, · House Republican Research Committee Chairman, · House National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman, and · House Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman. Since 1974, there have been no formal contests within either party for the election of the Speaker of the House. Where there were contested races for other positions, most were decided after one ballot. In a few races, two ballots were needed. Three ballots were necessary before a Democratic floor leader was elected for the 95th Congress, before a Republican leader was elected for the 106th Congress, and for the chair of the House Republican Conference in the 110th Congress. In many of the Congresses, at least one leader was selected without opposition or by acclamation. In those instances where published accounts did not mention a contest for a particular office or provide vote totals, a candidate is listed as having been selected without opposition. In a few instances, published sources did not provide data on votes cast in a particular contest. The data also do not include notices of announced candidacies that were abandoned before caucus or conference voting took place. .9891 ,6 enuJ no esuoH eht fo rekaepS sa dengiser thgirW evitatneserpeR .a .scilati ni setadidnac detcelE :etoN .sraey evitcepser eht rof yrotceriD lanoissergnoC eht morf nekat era snoitangised ytraP .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ :ecruoS -- -- 202 HO renheoB .A nhoJ 332 AC disoleP ycnaN ht011 1 AP-D ahtruM .P nhoJ 622 LI tretsaH sinneD 991 AC isoleP ycnaN ht901 1 AP-D ahtruM .P nhoJ 822 LI tretsaH sinneD 102 AC isoleP ycnaN ht801 1 AP-D ahtruM .P nhoJ 222 LI tretsaH sinneD 602 OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht701 -- 022 LI ctretsaH sinneD 502 OM tdrahpeG drahciR 601 ht 1 b reklaW treboR 1 b lehciM treboR -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 AI-R hcaeL semaJ 612 AG hcirgniG tweN 502 OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht 501 -- -- 822 AG hcirgniG tweN 202 OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht401 -- -- 471 LI lehciM .H treboR 552 AW yeloF .S samohT dr301 -- -- 561 LI lehciM .H treboR 262 AW yeloF .S samohT dn 201 -- -- 461 LI lehciM .H treboR 152 AW yeloF .S samohT 9891 ,6 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR -- -- 071 LI lehciM .H treboR 352 XT a thgirW miJ noitcelE laitinI ts101 -- -- 371 LI lehciM .H treboR 452 XT thgirW miJ ht001 -- -- 571 LI lehciM .H treboR 742 AM llieN'O .P samohT ht 99 -- -- 551 LI lehciM .H treboR 062 AM llieN'O .P samohT ht89 -- -- 381 LI lehciM .H treboR 332 AM llieN"O .P samohT ht79 -- -- 251 ZA sedohR .J nhoJ 862 AM llieN'O .P samohT ht69 -- -- 241 ZA sedohR .J nhoJ 092 AM llieN'O .P samohT ht59 -- -- 341 ZA sedohR .J nhoJ 782 KO treblA .B lraC ht49 setoV etatS/ytraP setoV gnivieceR srehtO setoV etatS eenimoN nacilbupeR setoV etatS eenimoN citarcomeD ssergnoC snoitcelE esuoH eht fo rekaepS .1 elbaT .)9002 ,6 yrarunaJ( ssergnoC ht111 eht fo yad gninepo eht no noitisop emas eht ot detceleer eb ot detcepxe si isoleP rekaepS .d .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht yb ssergnoC ht601 eht fo yad tsrif eht no detcele saw dna rekaepS eb ot ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR eht yb detanimon saw tretsaH evitatneserpeR ,yltneuqesbuS .9991 ,1 hcraM evitceffe ,noitangiser sih decnuonna notsgniviL evitatneserpeR ,ssergnoC ht501 eht fo dne eht erofeb ,revewoH .rekaepS rof eenimon sti sa )AL-D( notsgniviL treboR evitatneserpeR detceles ylsuominanu ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH ehT .ssergnoC ht601 eht rof rekaepS rof etadidnac a ton saw dna ssergnoC ht501 eht fo dne eht ta esuoH eht morf ngiser ot noitnetni sih decnuonna hcirgniG rekaepS .c .emit eht ta esuoH eht fo rebmem a toN .b setov 92 NT droF dloraH setov 771 AC isoleP ycnaN ht801 noitisoppo on OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht701 noitisoppo on OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht601 noitisoppo on OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht501 setov 05 CN esoR selrahC setov 051 OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht401 noitisoppo on OM tdrahpeG drahciR dr301 noitisoppo on OM tdrahpeG drahciR dn 201 etov ni-etirw eno NI notlimaH eeL setov 67 AG snikneJ dE setov 181 OM tdrahpeG drahciR 9891 ,41 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on AW a yeloF .S samohT noitcelE laitinI ts101 noitisoppo on AW yeloF .S samohT ht001 noitisoppo on XT thgirW miJ ht99 noitisoppo on XT thgirW miJ ht89 noitisoppo on XT thgirW miJ ht79 noitisoppo on XT thgirW miJ ht 69 setov 741 AC notruB pillihP setov 841 XT thgirW miJ tollaB dr3 setov 39 OM gnilloB drahciR setov 59 XT thgirW miJ setov 701 AC notruB pillihP tollaB dn2 setov 13 AC llaFcM nhoJ setov 77 XT thgirW miJ setov 18 OM gnilloB drahciR setov 601 AC notruB pillihP tollaB ts 1 ht 59 noitisoppo on AM llieN'O .P samohT ht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE redaeL roolF citarcomeD esuoH . 2 elbaT noitisoppo on XT yemrA drahciR 701 ht setov 59 KO tnegraL evetS setov 721 XT yemrA drahciR tollaB dr3 setov 94 AW nnuD refinneJ setov 37 KO tnegraL evetS setov 99 XT yemrA drahciR tollaB dn2 setov 81 LI atretsaH sinneD setov 54 AW nnuD refinneJ setov 85 KO tnegraL evetS setov 001 XT yemrA drahciR tollaB ts 1 ht601 noitisoppo on XT yemrA drahciR ht501 noitisoppo on XT yemrA drahciR ht401 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR dr301 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR dn201 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR ts101 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR ht001 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR ht 99 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR ht 89 setov 78 IM tgaJ rednaV yuG setov 301 LI lehciM treboR ht79 noitisoppo on ZA sedohR nhoJ ht69 noitisoppo on ZA sedohR nhoJ ht59 noitisoppo on ZA sedohR nhoJ ht49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE redaeL roolF nacilbupeR esuoH .3 elbaT .9891 ,6 enuJ no sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo rekaepS detcele saw yeloF evitatneserpeR .a sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS noitsoppo on DM reyoH .H ynetS ht111 setov 68 AP ahtruM .P nhoJ setov 941 DM reyoH .H ynetS ht011 noitisoppo on AC isoleP ycnaN ht901 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC .decnuonna ton saw etov eht tub ,ssergnoC ht111 eht rof redaeL nacilbupeR esuoH detceleer saw renheoB evitatneserpeR .c .redaeL )ytirojaM( nacilbupeR esuoH detcele saw renheoB nhoJ evitatneserpeR ,6002 ,2 yraurbeF nO .boj dlo sih mialcer ot ton dediced yaleD evitatneserpeR ,6002 ,7 yraunaJ nO .redaeL ytirojaM gnitca emaceb tnulB yoR evitatneserpeR dna ,redaeL ytirojaM esuoH sa edisa deppets yaleD moT evitatneserpeR ,5002 ,82 rebmetpeS nO .b .9991 ,6 yraunaJ ,ssergnoC ht601 eht fo yad gninepo eht no esuoH eht fo rekaepS detcele saw tretsaH evitatneserpeR dna ssergnoC taht gnirud ngiser dluow eh decnuonna notsgniviL evitatneserpeR ,ssergnoC ht601 eht fo gninepo eht ot roirp ,yltneuqesbuS .esuoH eht fo rekaepS wen eht eb dluow notsgniviL treboR evitatneserpeR taht deraeppa ti nehw ssergnoC ht601 eht rof redaeL ytirojaM esuoH rof nar yllaitini tretsaH sinneD evitatneserpeR .a sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna ,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS -- AC cnergdnuL .E leinaD -- HO crenheoB .A nhoJ ht111 etov 1 XT notraB eoJ setov 72 NI ecneP ekiM setov 861 HO renheoB nhoJ ht011 setov 901 OM tnulB yoR setov 221 HO renheoB .A nhoJ tollaB dn2 - 6002 ,2 yraurbeF fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR setov 2 EN nuyR miJ setov 04 ZA ggedahS nhoJ setov 97 HO renheoB .A nhoJ setov 011 OM tnulB yoR ts tollaB 1 -6002 ,2 yraurbeF fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR AN OM btnulB yoR noitisoppo on XT b yaleD moT noitcelE laitinI ht901 noitisoppo on XT yaleD moT ht801 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC .2002 ,51 yraunaJ no evitceffe emaceb pihw citarcomeD eht sa noitcele isoleP evitatneserpeR .f .2002 ,51 yraunaJ evitceffe ,pihw citarcomeD sa ngiser ot snalp decnuonna roinoB evitatneserpeR .e .1991 ,11 rebmetpeS litnu noitisop taht emussa ton did tub ,1991 ,11 yluJ no pihw citarcomeD detcele saw roinoB evitatneserpeR .d .1991 ,11 rebmetpeS no esuoH eht morf dengiser yarG evitatneserpeR .c .9891 ,51 enuJ no esuoH eht morf dengiser olheoC evitatneserpeR .b .detnioppa erew spihw citarcomeD ,ssergnoC ht001 eht ot roirP .detcele neeb evah spihw citarcomeD esuoH ,ssergnoC ht001 eht rof noitazinagro eht htiw gninnigeB .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS ht noitisoppo on CS nrubylC .E semaJ 111 ht noitisoppo on CS nrubylC .E semaJ 011 ht noitisoppo on DM reyoH .H ynetS 901 ht noitisoppo on DM reyoH .H ynetS 801 setov 59 DM reyoH .H ynetS setov 811 AC f isoleP ycnaN 1002 ,01 rebotcO fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR ht noitisoppo on IM eroinoB divaD 701 noitisoppo on IM roinoB divaD ht 601 noitisoppo on IM roinoB divaD ht 501 setov 85 XT mlohnetS selrahC setov 541 IM roinoB divaD ht401 noitisoppo on IM roinoB divaD dr301 setov 901 DM reyoH .H ynetS setov 061 IM droinoB divaD 1991 ,11 yluJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on AP c yarG mailliW noitcelE laitinI dn 201 setov 03 KA ynohtnA lyreB setov 79 IM roinoB divaD setov 431 AP yarG mailliW 9891 ,41 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on AC b olheoC ynoT noitcelE laitinI ts 101 setov 51 CN renfeH )lliB( .G.W setov 87 YN legnaR selrahC setov 761 AC olheoC ynoT ht001 setoV etatS asetadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE pihW citarcomeD esuoH . 4 elbaT .6002 ,2 yraurbeF ot ,5002 ,82 rebmetpeS morf redaeL nacilbupeR esuoH gnitca sa devres tnulB evitatneserpeR .c .9891 ,22 hcraM no pihw nacilbupeR sa yenehC evitatneserpeR ecalper ot detcele saw hcirgniG evitatneserpeR .b .9891 ,71 hcraM no ssergnoC morf dengiser yenehC evitatneserpeR .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS noitisoppo on AV rotnaC cirE ht111 75 ZA ggedahS nhoJ 731 OM tnulB yoR ht011 noitisoppo on OM ctnulB yoR ht901 noitisoppo on OM tnulB yoR ht801 noitisoppo on XT yaLeD moT ht701 noitisoppo on XT yaLeD moT ht601 noitisoppo on XT yaLeD moT ht501 setov 82 LF mulloCcM lliB setov 08 AP reklaW treboR setov 911 XT yaLeD moT ht401 noitisoppo on AG hcirgniG tweN dr301 noitisoppo on AG hcirgniG tweN dn201 setov 58 LI nagidaM drawdE setov 78 AG bhcirgniG tweN 9891 ,22 hcraM fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on YW ayenehC drahciR noitcelE laitinI ts101 noitisoppo on SM ttoL tnerT ht001 noitisoppo on SM ttoL tnerT ht99 noitisoppo on SM ttoL tnerT ht89 setov 09 AP retsuhS duB setov 69 SM ttoL tnerT ht79 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR ht69 noitisoppo on LI lehciM treboR ht59 setov 22 LI nrobnelrE nhoJ setov 83 AC sitteP yrreJ setov 57 LI lehciM treboR ht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE pihW nacilbupeR esuoH .5 elbaT .tsop sucuac sih dengiser dna ,9891 ,41 enuJ no pihw citarcomeD detcele saw yarG evitatneserpeR .b .5-802 saw pihsnamriahc eht rof tollab terces eht ,ssergnoC ht99 eht ni noitisoppo on dah tdrahpeG evitatneserpeR hguohtlA .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS noiitisoppo on TC nosraL .B nhoJ ht111 noitisoppo on LI leunamE mhaR ht011 noitisoppo on CS enrubylC .E semaJ noitisoppo on JN dzedneneM treboR 901 ht setov 301 TC oruaLeD asoR setov 401 JN zedneneM treboR ht801 noitisoppo on XT tsorF nitraM ht701 setov 79 TC orualeD asoR setov 801 XT tsorF nitraM ht601 noitisoppo on AC oizaF ciV ht501 setov 75 DM emufM isiewK setov 941 AC oizaF ciV ht401 noitisoppo on DM reyoH ynetS dr301 noitisoppo on DM reyoH ynetS dn 201 setov 28 TC yllenneK arabraB setov 561 DM creyoH ynetS 9891 ,12 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR setov 33 KO ranyS ekiM setov 08 HO rakaO esoR yraM setov 641 AP b yarG mailliW noitcelE laitinI ts101 noitisoppo on OM tdrahpeG drahciR ht001 noitisoppo on OM atdrahpeG drahciR ht 99 noitisoppo on AL gnoL silliG ht 89 setov 14 YN hguHcM wehttaM setov 35 CN esoR eilrahC setov 641 AL gnoL silliG ht79 noitisoppo on AW yeloF samohT ht69 setov 69 YN mlohsihC yelrihS setov 491 AW yeloF .S samohT ht 59 setov 11 AC ksiS .F.B setov 261 AC notruB pillihP ht 49 setoV etatS setadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE namriahC sucuaC citarcomeD esuoH . 6 elbaT setov 88 XT yemrA drahciR dr 301 setov 46 IM llesruP lraC setov 89 AC siweL yrreJ dn 201 setov 28 LI nitraM nnyL setov 58 AC siweL yrreJ tollaB dn2 setov 7 AC reyemennaD mailliW setov 97 LI nitraM nnyL setov 18 AC siweL yrreJ tollaB ts 1 ts 101 noitisoppo on YW dyenehC drahciR 7891 ,4 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on YN c pmeK kcaJ noitcelE laitinI ht001 noitisoppo on YN pmeK kcaJ ht 99 noitisoppo on YN pmeK kcaJ ht 89 setov 77 AC tolessuoR nhoJ setov 701 YN pmeK kcaJ ht 79 setov 27 LI edyH yrneH setov 57 HO beniveD leumaS tollaB dn2 - 9791 ,02 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR setov 23 LI iksniwreD drawdE setov 74 LI edyH yrneH setov 96 HO eniveD leumaS ts tollaB 1 - 9791 ,02 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR setov 55 HO ssendniK samohT setov 78 LI anosrednA nhoJ noitcelE laitinI ht69 noitisoppo on LI nosrednA nhoJ ht59 setov 25 AC sniggiW selrahC setov 58 LI nosrednA nhoJ ht 49 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE namriahC ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH . 7 elbaT .6002 ,81 yraunaJ evitceffe ,5002 ,61 rebmeceD no sucuaC citarcomeD esuoH eht fo namriahC detceles saw nrubylC evitatneserpeR .e .etaneS eht ot detnioppa saw eh retfa esuoH eht morf dengiser zedneneM evitatneserpeR ,6002 ,61 yraunaJ nO .d .pihw citarcomeD sa noitcele s'yarG evitatneserpeR yb desuac ycnacav eht llif ot ,9891 ,12 enuJ no sucuaC citarcomeD esuoH eht fo namriahc detcele saw reyoH evitatneserpeR .c noitisoppo on YN orarreF enidlareG ht79 noitisoppo on YN mlohsihC yelrihS ht69 noitisoppo on YN mlohsihC yelrihS ht59 noitisoppo on IH kniM ystaP ht49 setoV etatS aetadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE namriahC eciV/yraterceS sucuaC citarcomeD esuoH .8 elbaT .noitisoppo tuohtiw namriahc ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR detcele saw yenehC evitatneserpeR ,dengiser pmeK evitatneserpeR taht yad emas ehT .d .7891 ,4 enuJ no namriahc ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR sa dengiser pmeK evitatneserpeR .c .9791 ,02 enuJ no ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR eht fo namriahc detcele saw eniveD evitatneserpeR .b .9791 ,8 enuJ no ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH eht fo namriahc sa dengiser nosrednA evitatneserpeR .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS noitisoppo on NI ecneP ekiM 111 ht setov 19 AG notsgniK kcaJ setov 001 LF mantuP .H madA tollaB dr3 setov 03 NT nrubkcalB ahsraM setov 47 AG notsgniK kcaJ setov 98 LF mantuP .H madA tollaB dn2 setov 92 AC nergnuL naD setov 13 NT nrubkcalB ahsraM setov 85 AG notsgniK kcaJ setov 18 LF mantuP .H madA tollaB ts 1 011 ht noitisoppo on HO ecyrP harobeD 901 ht setov 82 SK nuyR miJ setov 16 ZA htrowyaH .D.J setov 331 HO ecyrP harobeD ht801 noitisoppo on KO sttaW .C.J ht701 setov 39 HO renheoB nhoJ setov 121 KO sttaW .C.J ht601 noitisoppo on HO renheoB nhoJ ht501 setov 201 AC retnuH nacnuD setov 221 HO renheoB nhoJ 401 ht setov 48 AC siweL yrreJ setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC 611 TC nosraL .B nhoJ tollaB dn2 - 6002 ,1 yraurbeF fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR 55 LI ykswokahcS naJ 66 TC nosraL .B nhoJ 97 YN yelworC hpesoJ ts tollaB 1 -6002 ,1 yraurbeF fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on CS dnrubylC .E semaJ ht901 35 AC nergfoL eoZ 65 YN skeeM yrogerG 59 CS cnrubylC .E semaJ ht 801 noitisoppo on JN zedneneM treboR ht 701 setov 18 AC yelooD nivlaC setov 421 JN zedneneM treboR tollaB dn2 setov 05 DM nnyW treblA setov 56 AC yelooD nivlaC setov 29 JN zedneneM treboR tollaB ts 1 ht 601 noitisoppo on TC yllenneK arabraB ht 501 setov 09 YN rethgualS esiuoL setov 39 TC yllenneK arabraB ht401 noitisoppo on AC oizaF ciV dr301 noitisoppo on AC oizaF ciV dn 201 setov 23 HO rutpaK ycraM setov 47 XT tsorF nitraM setov 741 AC oizaF ciV tollaB dn2 - 9891 ,22 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR setov 43 LI nibruD drahciR setov 73 HO rutpaK ycraM setov 96 XT tsorF nitraM setov 311 AC oizaF ciV ts tollaB 1 - 9891 ,22 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on DM breyoH ynetS noitcelE laitinI ts 101 noitisoppo on HO rakaO esoR yraM ht001 noitisoppo on HO rakaO esoR yraM ht99 noitisoppo on YN orarreF enidlareG ht89 setoV etatS aetadidnaC ssergnoC setov 001 LF snraetS ffilC setov 421 YN iraniloM nasuS ht401 noitisoppo on LF mulloCcM lliB dr301 noitisoppo on LF mulloCcM lliB dn201 decnuonna ton etov AC onisramogaL treboR detcele-decnuonna ton etov LF bmulloCcM lliB ts101 noitisoppo on LI nitraM nnyL ht001 noitisoppo on LI nitraM nnyL ht99 noitisoppo on LA sdrawdE kcaJ ht 89 noitisoppo on LA sdrawdE kcaJ ht 79 noitisoppo on LA sdrawdE kcaJ 9791 ,02 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on HO a eniveD leumaS noitcelE laitinI ht69 noitisoppo on HO eniveD leumaS ht 59 noitisoppo on HO eniveD leumaS ht 49 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE namriahC eciV ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH .9 elbaT .6002 ,81 yraunaJ evitceffe ,5002 ,61 rebmeceD no sucuaC citarcomeD esuoH eht fo namriahC detceles saw nrubylC evitatneserpeR .d .noitamalcca yb detcele saw nrubylC evitatneserpeR dna werdhtiw nergfoL dna skeeM sevitatneserpeR ,tollab tsrif eht retfA .c .oizaF evitatneserpeR yb sucuac eht fo namriahc eciv sa dedeeccus saw dna ,9891 ,12 enuJ no sucuaC citarcomeD eht fo namriahc detcele saw reyoH evitatneserpeR .b .sucuaC citarcomeD esuoH eht fo namriahc eciv sa nwonk neeb sah noitisop yraterces sucuac eht ,)9891-7891( ssergnoC ht001 eht ecniS .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS 76 HO rutpaK ycraM 571 AC arreceB reivaX ssergnoC ht111 noitisoppo on TC nosraL .B nhoJ ssergnoC ht011 78 YN yelworC hpesoJ setoV etatS aetadidnaC ssergnoC noitisoppo on AC renegruB rialC ht 79 noitisoppo on AC renegruB rialC 9791 ,02 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on LA a sdrawdE kcaJ noitcelE laitinI ht69 noitisoppo on LA sdrawdE kcaJ ht59 noitisoppo on LA sdrawdE kcaJ ht49 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE y raterceS ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH .01 elbaT .namriahc eciv sa reh ecalper ot detcele saw nnuD evitatneserpeR ,7991 ,61 yluJ nO .7991 ,1 tsuguA no evitceffe ,esuoH eht morf dengiser iraniloM evitatneserpeR .c .decnuonna ton saw etov eht tub ,9891 ni ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR eht fo namriahc eciv detcele saw mulloCcM evitatneserpeR .b .9791 ,02 enuJ no ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH eht fo namriahc detcele saw eniveD evitatneserpeR .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS noitisoppo on AW sregoR sirroMcM yhtaK ht 111 setov 36 MN ecraeP evetS setov 421 XT regnarG yaK ht 011 noitisoppo on AG notsgniK kcaJ ht 901 setov 65 AP traH .A assileM setov 951 AG notsgniK kcaJ ht801 noitisoppo on HO ecyrP harobeD ht701 setov 24 IM artskeoH reteP setov 85 YK puhtroN nnA setov 801 LF relwoF eilliT tollaB dn2 setov 83 CS kciryM euS setov 93 IM artskeoH reteP setov 34 YK puhtroN nnA setov 09 LF relwoF eilliT tollaB ts 1 ht 601 setov 58 AI elssuN miJ setov 921 AW nnuD refinneJ 7991 ,61 yluJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on YN ciraniloM nasuS noitcelE laitinI ht 501 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC .yad emas eht ecyrP evitatneserpeR yb yraterces sa dedeeccus saw dna ,7991 ,61 yluJ no ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR eht fo namriahc eciv detcele saw nnuD evitatneserpeR .b .yad emas eht renegruB evitatneserpeR yb yraterces sa dedeeccus saw dna ,9791 ,02 enuJ no ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH eht fo namriahc eciv detcele saw sdrawdE evitatneserpeR .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS notisoppo on XT retraC nhoJ ht111 noitsoppo on XT retraC nhoJ ht011 noitisoppo on AC elttilooD .T nhoJ ht901 noitisoppo on AC elttilooD .T nhoJ ht801 67 LI treggiB yduJ 321 YW nibuC arabraB ht701 noitisoppo on HO ecyrP harobeD ht601 setov 24 AW mahgninnuC )ekuD( ydnaR setov 56 CN kciryM euS setov 011 HO ecyrP harobeD tollaB dn2 - 7991 ,61 yluJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR ht501 decnuonna ton etov LI relleW yrreJ decnuonna ton etov AW mahgninnuC )ekuD( ydnaR decnuonna ton etov CN kciryM euS decnuonna ton etov HO ecyrP harobeD b tollaB ts 1 - 7991 ,61 yluJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on AW nnuD refinneJ noitcelE laitinI ht501 setov 09 RA nosnihctuH miT setov 831 VN hcivonacuV arabraB ht401 setov 17 HO nosidarG silliW setov 59 XT yaLeD moT dr301 noitisoppo on NM rebeW niV dn201 decnuonna ton etov AP edaDcM hpesoJ detcele-decnuonna ton etov NM rebeW niV ts101 noitisoppo on AC onisramogaL treboR ht001 noitisoppo on AC onisramogaL treboR ht99 noitisoppo on AC renegruB rialC ht89 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC 22 AC assI llerraD 57 IM rettoCcM .E sueddahT 811 LF mantuP madA ttollaB dn2 -6002 ,2 yraurbeF fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR 1 AV rotnaC cirE 1 ZA ggedahS nhoJ 42 AG yergniG lihP 04 AC assI llerraD 85 IM rettoCcM sueddahT 59 LF mantuP madA ts tollaB 1 -6002 ,2 yraurbeF fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on ZA bggedahS nhoJ ht901 noitisoppo on AC xoC rehpotsirhC ht801 noitisoppo on AC xoC rehpotsirhC ht701 noitisoppo on AC xoC rehpotsirhC ht601 noitisoppo on AC xoC rehpotsirhC ht501 setov 77 ZA ebloK miJ setov 841 AC xoC rehpotsirhC ht401 noitisoppo on LI edyH yrneH dr301 noitisoppo on KO sdrawdE yekciM dn201 noitisoppo on KO sdrawdE yekciM ts101 setov 28 AC retnuH nacnuD setov 88 AC siweL yrreJ 7891 ,4 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on YW ayenehC drahci R noitcelE laitinI ht001 noitisoppo on YW yenehC drahciR ht99 noitisoppo on YW yenehC drahciR ht 89 setov 86 DM tloH eirojraM setov 99 YW yenehC drahciR ht 79 setov 55 NM leznerF lliB setov 08 AP retsuhS duB ht 69 setov 36 LF yerF siuoL setov 17 AC noswalC leD ht 59 noitisoppo on YN elbanoC rebraB ht 49 etoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE namriahC eettimmoC yciloP nacilbupeR esuoH . 11 elbaT detcele-decnuonna ton etov AC retnuH nacnuD ts 101 setov 17 XT tteltraB evetS setov 39 KO sdrawdE yekciM dn tollaB 2 - 9891 ,4 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR setov 24 IW nosrednuG evetS setov 75 XT tteltraB evetS setov 27 KO sdrawdE yekciM ts tollaB 1 - 9891 ,4 enuJ fo noitcelE tnemecalpeR noitisoppo on AC a siweL yrreJ noitcelE laitinI ht001 noitisoppo on AC siweL yrreJ ht99 noitisoppo on CN nitraM semaJ ht89 decnuonna ton etov AP reklaW treboR detcele-decnuonna ton etov LI nagidaM drawdE ht 79 decnuonna ton etov HO nosidarG silliW decnuonna ton etov AP nilhguoC ecnerwaL detcele-decnuonna ton etov SM ttoL tnerT ht 69 setov 35 DM tloH eirojraM setov 77 NM leznerF lliB ht59 noitisoppo on LF yerF siuoL ht49 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE namriahC eettimmoC hcraeseR nacilbupeR esuoH .21 elbaT .decnuonna ton saw etov eht tub ,ssergnoC ht111 eht rof eettimmoC yciloP nacilbupeR esuoH eht fo riahc detceleer saw rettoCcM evitatneserpeR .c .redaeL )ytirojaM( nacilbupeR esuoH rof nur ot redro ni ,6002 ,31 yraunaJ no eettimmoC yciloP nacilbupeR esuoH eht fo namriahc sa dengiser ggedahS evitatneserpeR ,yltneuqebuS .noitisop pihsredael detcele na ni dna eettimmoc gnidnats a fo namriahc eht gnieb ylsuoenatlumis morf srebmeM tibihorp selur ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR .eettimmoC ytiruceS dnalemoH esuoH eht fo namriahc eht emaceb xoC rehpotsirhC evitatneserpeR retfa ,5002 ,62 yraunaJ no ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH eht yb devorppa ylsuominanu saw ggedahS evitatneserpeR .b .yad emas eht siweL yrreJ evitatneserpeR yb eettimmoC yciloP nacilbupeR esuoH eht fo namriahc sa dedeeccus saw dna ,7891 ,4 enuJ no ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR esuoH eht fo namriahc detcele saw yenehC evitatneserpeR .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS -- XT ssegruB .C leahciM -- IM crettoCcM .E sueddahT ht 111 36 AC assI llerraD 231 IM rettoCcM .E sueddahT ht 011 etoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC noitisoppo on XT snoisseS eteP ht111 setov 18 XT snoisseS eteP setov 201 KO eloC moT tollaB dn2 setov 23 AP hsilgnE lihP setov 37 XT snoisseS eteP setov 08 KO eloC moT tollaB ts 1 011 ht noitisoppo on YN sdlonyeR .M samohT 901 ht setov 09 LI relleW yrreJ setov 911 YN sdlonyeR .M samohT ht801 noitisoppo on AV sivaD .M samohT ht701 setov 77 AG redniL .E nhoJ setov 031 AV csivaD .M samohT ht601 -- AG bredniL .E nhoJ ht501 noitisoppo on YN noxaP )lliB( mailliW noeL ht401 noitisoppo on YN noxaP )lliB( mailliW noeL dr301 setov 66 NT tsiuqdnuS .K dlanoD setov 89 IM tgaJ rednaV yuG dn201 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ts101 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ht001 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ht99 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ht89 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ht79 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ht 69 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ht 59 noitisoppo on IM tgaJ rednaV yuG ht49 setoV etatS aetadidnaC ssergnoC snoitcelE namriahC eettimmoC lanoissergnoC nacilbupeR lanoitaN esuoH . 31 elbaT .yad emas eht sdrawdE evitatneserpeR yb namriahc eettimmoC hcraeseR nacilbupeR esuoH sa dedeeccus saw dna ,9891 ,4 enuJ no eettimmoC yciloP nacilbupeR eht fo namriahc detcele saw siweL evitatneserpeR .a .ssergnoC dr301 eht retfa dehsiloba saw eettimmoc ehT :etoN .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS noitisoppo on AC retnuH nacnuD dr 301 noitisoppo on AC retnuH nacnuD dn 201 decnuonna ton etov XT tteltraB evetS setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC .pihsredael citarcomeD esuoH eht yb detnioppa neeb syawla evah eettimmoC ngiapmaC lanoissergnoC citarcomeD esuoH eht fo nemriahc eht ,raf suhT :etoN .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS -- DM nelloH naV sirhC ht111 -- DM nelloH naV sirhC ht011 -- LI leunamE mhaR ht901 -- AC iustaM .T treboR ht801 -- YN yewoL atiN ht701 -- IR ydenneK .J kcirtaP ht601 -- XT tsorF nitraM ht501 -- XT tsorF nitraM ht401 -- AC .rJ ,oizaF .H ciV dr301 -- AC .rJ ,oizaF .H ciV dn201 -- RA .rJ ,ynohtnA .F lyreB ts101 -- RA .rJ ,ynohtnA .F lyreB ht001 -- AC ohleoC )ynoT( .L ynohtnA ht99 -- AC ohleoC )ynoT( .L ynohtnA ht89 -- AC ohleoC )ynoT( .L ynohtnA ht79 -- AC namroC .C semaJ ht69 -- AC namroC .C semaJ ht59 -- HO syaH .L enyaW ht49 setoV etatS etadidnaC ssergnoC stnemtnioppA namriahC eettimmoC ngiapmaC lanoissergnoC citarcomeD esuoH .41 elbaT .)6613 .p ,8991 ,12 .voN ,65 .lov ,tropeR ylkeeW ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC ",noituloveR toN ,msilaeR sI drowhctaW 'sredaeL POG weN" ,ytrehoD .J llorraC dna ztaK .L yerffeJ eeS( eno detnioppa na naht rehtar noitisop detcele na eettimmoc eht fo pihsnamriahc eht ekam ot selur sti degnahc ecnerefnoC nacilbupeR eht ,ssergnoC 601 eht rof sgniteem lanoitazinagro sti gnirud ,8991 rebmevoN nI ht .c .)7723 .p ,6991 ,61 .voN ,45 .lov ,tropeR ylkeeW ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC ",regnellahC suoireS oN saH hcirgniG ,sgnilbmuR etipseD" ,kuzczsoK eikcaJ eeS( hcirgniG tweN ,esuoH eht fo rekaepS yb detnioppa saw eettimmoC lanoissergnoC nacilbupeR lanoitaN esuoH eht fo namriahc eht ,ssergnoC ht501 eht rof sgniteem lanoitazinagro eht gnirud ,6991 rebmevoN nI .b .sredael esuoH yb detnioppa erew eettimmoC lanoissergnoC nacilbupeR lanoitaN esuoH eht fo nemriahc eht ,ssergnoC ht001 eht hguorht ht49 eht morF .a .sevitatneserpeR fo esuoH eht fo slanruoJ dna ,seirotceriD ffatS lanoissergnoC ,droceR lanoissergnoC eht fo snoitide suoirav dna,.cnI ,ylretrauQ lanoissergnoC fo snoitacilbup suoiraV :ecruoS, 7-8304 Specialist on the Congress Mildred Amer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see