By Rev. Ted Pike
As Easter approaches, Christians should expect no more respect from
the Jewish media than they received last Christmas.
On December 20, 2005 CBS’ 48 Hours pondered the “mystery” of
Christ’s birth. Its producers weren’t interested in how
infinite God could love us enough to become finite man. It did not
ponder how the Creator of the universe could humble Himself to be born
in a barn and wearily walk, sometimes 40 miles a day, across the dusty
roads of Judea, inviting souls to spend eternity with Him. They didn’t
marvel that He allowed Himself to be mocked, spit upon, and finally
crucified by those He came to save.
No, this Jewish-owned network considered a mystery it found far more
intriguing: was Christ a bastard? CBS reporter Maureen Maher listened
with reverence as her carefully chosen “experts” expressed
their opinions:
“Prof. White: There later developed a counter-legend in Jewish
tradition that in fact Jesus was the product of an illicit liaison
between Mary and a Roman soldier by the name of Pantera.
“Maureen: In fact, archeologists have found the gravestone
of a Roman soldier inscribed with the name Pantera...
“Prof. Pagels: What you see in the earliest account of the
gospel of Mark is that Jesus is the son of Mary. There’s no mention
of a father there. Now it would be very unusual to talk about a Jewish
boy as the son of Mary if he had a legitimate father. So’s
an odd account.
“Maureen: Do you think that Jesus was illegitimate?
“Prof. Pagels: I think we don’t know. Um, but I do know
that there was something embarrassing or troubling about the birth
of Jesus that caused a lot of questions...It’s not a literal
truth that Jesus, um, was born from a mother impregnated by the spirit...
“Maureen: So it questions the entire concept of the virgin
“Prof. Pagels: Yes, what it does is suggest that it’’’s
a mistake to take literally the idea that Jesus was born from a woman
who hadn’t conceived from a man.”
Why Such Antagonism?
The “Jewish tradition” to which Prof. White alludes is
the Pharisees’ version of Christ’s birth, recorded in their
Babylonian Talmud. Today the Talmud is the highest religious and ethical
authority for observant Jews.
The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us Jesus was a bastard. 1 The Talmud
says Mary, mother of Jesus, was an adulteress who "played the
harlot with carpenters." 2 It says He was a fool who was excommunicated
for the thought of seducing a woman. In His ensuing grief and confusion
fell down and started worshipping a brick. 3 He was executed because
He was a sorcerer and apostate. 4 He is now in hell, wallowing amid
boiling hot excrement. 5 Jews are encouraged to denigrate the name
of Jesus and "lecture upon it to his disadvantage." 6 Such
clearly encourages the kind of anti-Christian propaganda emanating
from the Jewish media today.
Teaching Talmud at CBS
This is the sort of thing taught by Lawrence Tisch, a devout Jew
who took the reins at CBS in 1987. Tisch and his rabbi held weekly
Talmud studies for CBS execs. CBS was founded in 1928 by a Jew, William
S. Paley (Palinski). It’s been owned and controlled by Jews ever
since. Today, CBS is owned by Viacom, a media colossus headed by Sumner
Redstone (Murray Rothstein); Jews permeate every level of CBS management.
The malicious audacity of CBS to profane the Son of God -- at the
most sacred remembrance of His birth last December -- is staggering.
CBS presumes to teach Christian America what really happened 2,000
years ago. So does Sony, loaded with Jews in top management positions.
7 Sony Entertainment this year will release the movie version of the
blasphemous Da Vinci Code with a screenplay by Akiva Goldsman. Remember,
Sony helped produce NBC/Universal's the Book of
Daniel sacrilege last
These productions reveal the relentless determination of Jewish anti-Christian
activists to supplant Christian revelation with their own. This determination
is birthed and nurtured by the Talmud, which encourages Jews to deceive
Christians. 8
Unfortunately, we heard no chorus of indignation from Christians
last December. Unlike NBC’s subsequent production of the Book
of Daniel, this outrage went virtually unprotested.
That silence must be broken. Christian passivity only encourages
new assaults from Jewish media.
How Do We Fight Back?
What’s the best way to prevent such sacrilege this Easter?
You might phone or send messages to CBS, Sony Pictures, or their partners
in blasphemy. But that’s a little like trying to argue the fox
out of eating chickens. Massive protests, even boycotts, have been
tried for at least 40 years. Today, Jewish media is only more hostile
and blasphemous. It initiates; the church belatedly responds.
Another tactic is to respond intellectually. Christian apologists
today are marshaling against the Da Vinci Code, writing books and pamphlets
to refute the lies of the novel and upcoming film.
But even these good efforts will ultimately fail. No efforts can
succeed unless they include the whole truth about the racial and religious
agenda of our enemy. To end predations by the fox, we’ve got
to give him both barrels. Aimed directly at the fox (or Foxman), one
barrel shoots the whole, specific truth about the racial/religious
agenda of those destroying America. The other barrel projects the Biblical
fact of God’s love and destiny for the Jewish people. Even though
they languish in deep spiritual darkness, God has an unfinished spiritual
destiny for a remnant of Jews. Out of great tribulation they will finally
turn to Christ in true repentance and faith. Such an enlightened perspective,
supplied by Biblical revelation, assures us that there is a light at
the end of the tunnel. It also assures the world and church that we
do not hate Jews; we only hate the actions of their evil leaders. (See "Bible
Prophecy Made Simple")
Concerned Christians and conservatives must speak the whole truth
about those evil Jewish leaders on whatever platform we can find. Educate
yourself at our website, Forward my articles
to friends. Post blogs. Speak up in church. Call in to talk radio.
Show our dynamic videos to your church or civic group.
This double-barreled approach is as old as the Hebrew prophets. They
excoriated Jewish leaders for their sins, yet never forgot God’s
ultimate plan to reconcile a repentant Jewish remnant to Himself. Their
loving reproof had no resemblance to historic anti-Semitism, which
can be as satanic as those it attempts to curtail.
Love Enough to Rebuke
Today, worldwide Jewish leadership is free to attack Christianity
because virtually no one is speaking the whole truth in love.
Afraid of cursing God’s chosen people, evangelical Christians
have refused to speak or even see the whole truth. Instead, they cravenly
support Israel’s leaders, the vilest of men, and remain baffled
about why those evil Jewish leaders attack them. Their one-barreled
approach tries to give love but lacks the cleansing power of truth.
Having lost their Biblical "salt," it is little wonder that
Christians today are trodden under foot by the anti-Christian media
(Matt. 5:13).
Secular critics of Judaism, on the other hand, are usually accurate
in their denunciations of Jewish leaders and the Jewish religion. But
they lack the love and Biblical perspective that will commend their
message to a deeply brainwashed, skeptical church and world. Result:
They are doomed to fail.
The Biblically balanced approach has been neglected over the past
centuries. But it’s reviving today, as desperately needed as
when Christ presented it 2,000 years ago. I bring this approach to
hundreds of talk shows and many dozens of e-alerts. It played a powerful
role in persuading the ADL-dominated Philadelphia justice system to
free 11 persecuted Christians. It also seriously crippled ADL’s
attempts to pass its federal hate bill last fall. I also believe my
implied threat to alert hundreds of thousands of evangelical pastors
to the Jewish origins of the Book of Daniel may have played a part
in NBC’s cancellation of the show.
Also consider this: ADL is way behind schedule in reintroducing their
federal hate bill in Congress. Can it be that they fear another round
of national exposure on talk radio, as Rev. Ted Pike alerts millions
in the church, nation, and world concerning the racial and spiritual
identity of those behind freedom-stealing hate laws?
So, how should we respond this Easter as the Jewish media foxes sneaks
into the sacred garden of Christian truth?
Give ‘em both barrels!
1 Jewish
Encyclopedia article on Jesus, p. 170.
2 Sanhedrin 106B.
3 Sanhedrin 107B.
4 Gittin 56B.
5 Sanhedrin 106B.
6 Foxman, p. 72.
7 The president of Sony Corporation of America is Emily Susskind,
chairman and chief executive officer is Howard Stringer, and executive vice
president and chief financial officer is Robert Wiesenthal. Many more Jewish
names occupy lesser positions.
8 In my book, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma, available at,
I present a wide spectrum of legal, commercial, and ethical ways in which Jews
are encouraged to deceive or defraud Gentiles.