How long are we going to permit this vicious
tomfoolery to continue?
Every time there's an
embarrassing incident, a charge of official malfeasance, or
some nasty revelation to cover up, the powers that be stage a
terrorist incident - randomly throw away the lives of an
arbitrary number of innocents - and then blame some fantasy
enemy as an excuse to further ratchet up the corrupt
oppression of ordinary people.
Notice how the accused
perpetrators are never caught - often, as with 9/11, never
even adequately identified - or if they are, they turn out to
be some brainwashed patsy like John Hinckley or Timothy
McVeigh, both of them (and all the assassin-type villains who
have been publicly caught and liquidated since JFK's public
murder) obviously incapable of carrying out the demonic deeds
they are so sensationalistically accused of - without some
serious assistance.
The London bombings remind me of
the Madrid, Istanbul, and Bali bombings. No one is ever
caught. Stereotypically rabid Arabs are blamed. And innocent
people everywhere suffer the consequences.
When are we
going to put together the pieces and see that this worldwide
terror threat that is so ballyhooed in the totally corrupt
establishment press is nothing more than stage-managed chaos
designed to further consolidate the profit-making power of the
super-rich, that all these senseless murders are nothing more
than anecdotal sacrifices to the financial plans of the
capitalist titans who control most of the world and covet the
rest of it?
Will we ever realize what this awful game
really is?
We've had plenty of chances, a
half-century's worth, at least.
And we've flubbed
every single one. We've failed to halt this demonic
progression of corporate totalitarianism every time. And as a
direct result, each new calculated terror gambit has been a
little bit worse.
Yes, plenty of people do see what
this demented game is, but they are not the powerful people.
It remains the eternal shame of the American people that not a
single person in the U.S. representative form of government
has had the courage to even acknowledge that serious questions
exist about the government-sponsored massacres on 9/11 in New
York City or on 4/19 in Oklahoma City.
Oh sure, a few
trendy liberals have dipped their toes in the water and
mentioned in a barely audible murmur that maybe the Iraq war -
which is surely the most cruel and irresponsible action the
U.S. government has ever taken (in a long, sorry list of
reckless actions taken that have used hollow lies as their
justification) - is not quite on the up and up, but even those
timid would-be patriots have received no support from the
mindlocked corporate media.
And as a result, people
are afraid to speak out, for fear of losing their jobs, or
even their families, or - in the cases of someone like Paul
Wellstone or Hunter S. Thompson - their lives.
So what
I want to know is how long we are all going to cower in fear,
and continue to make believe that the big U.S. newspapers and
TV networks are telling the truth, when it should be clear
(IMHO) that they are lying - just like their president and
Congress - about just about everything?
It should be
clear by now that if we continue to do this, they're going to
pick us off, one by one.
But who will have the courage
to stand up and say - Hey, wait a minute! This is our own
government doing these things to us at the behest of the
influential people who control them. How else could
Halliburton keep getting all those contracts as judges' heads
snap in the opposite direction whenever the subject is
mentioned? How else could all those pharmaceutical companies
get senators to legislate them immunity for putting poisons in
their medicines that create millions of vegetative children?
How much longer are we going to tolerate this
egregious level of corruption? Surely we must realize that
everything we thought we held dear has already been destroyed
by this kind of behavior. I mean, does everybody still
secretly harbor the fantasy they will turn into Kenneth Lay
and suddenly be able to bilk the public out of hundreds of
millions of dollars and then escape because they are protected
by their contributions to the Republican National Committee?
Is that the new American dream?
I was thinking about
these things one recent day as I was riding the train into New
York City and perusing its formidable skyline, which of course
is now forever missing those two tall square edged towers that
used to be the symbol of American fortitude. They are still
there, in my mind, ghost towers in the sad shadow of memory,
exuding horrifying memories of smoke and dust and little stick
figures forever falling into the uncaring abyss of time.
And I was thinking about why they weren't there
anymore, those two tall towers, and remembering some of the
things I'd said about that over these past three years, and
maybe I was reviewing how I should go on talking about them as
the train rattled down the the tracks toward Secaucus.
I have among other things said that the entire
Congress and thousands of people who work for the federal
government should be indicted as accomplices to mass murder
and treason for abetting all the horrible things that the
American government has done to the rest of the world - not to
even mention its own people - over these past few years, and I
began to think about that.
I've been one to advocate
not voting at all because the process has become so corrupted,
and I've insisted that in order to fix what is wrong with
America and the world the whole rotten system has to come
down. Ship everyone in Congress to Guantanamo and let all
those innocent Arabs and Afghanis go home to their families
where they belong.
But then I started to think about
what the system really is - people who rely on their
government for their disability checks in order to breathe and
eat for another day; millions of government employees at all
levels who raise families on their paychecks, worry about
medical bills, and try to get their kids into college;
millions of other who wouldn't even live more than a few days
should the whole system suddenly crash.
And yet, there
it was, staring me in the face, right where the ghost towers
stood. The system that made all these people's lives
(including mine) so palatable, so enjoyable, so viable, was
the same system that invented (with the help of Israeli
intelligence, British bankers and the Muslim brotherhood) the
al-Qaeda terror concept, and under the tutelage of the Mossad,
MI-5, and the CIA, was setting off all these bombs all over
the world and blaming them on fantasy Arabs so that sad
amputees could get on buses in Queens and news vendors could
hawk the venomous, hate-crime-advocating New York Post on oily
street corners in Manhattan and thereby feed their families
and find a little joy in their mundane little lives, which
were really not that different from mine.
And I
thought (as I have so many times), what a warped deal this
whole thing is. Do we really have to kill so many, and lie so
often, to get so little, even though we need every bit of it?
So then I turned off my mind and turned back to my
cuddly companion and thought how lucky I was to be in this
time and space, healthy and happy if a little overcritical and
Later I would think that we are each
one of us all alone in this world, and that if we didn't
insist on being honest and not killing people we didn't have
to kill, would the world fall apart because of that? In other
words, is all this dramatic killing necessary to enable we
Americans to live the bounteous lives we have become
accustomed to?
And if it is necessary - if George W.
Bush is really right about the way the world is - is this any
kind of world I would want to be a part of? I don't think so.
And yet, as a sometimes thoughtless American, I take part in
the bounty, I reap the dividends of (relative) affluence and
amusements that America affords me, and that everyone in the
world continues to covet.
So in that sense, I share in
the responsibility for the trauma America's war machine wreaks
around the world.
So if forced to make a choice, which
one would I choose? The powers that be are continuing to blow
up innocent people to make America a soft and sweet place to
live. Could it be such a place without the carnage? Without
the lies?
Is our dalliance with Super Bowls and Xanax
directly dependent on murdering people of color who happen to
be sitting on oil we desire?
Is why most of us don't
say anything about what our government does to innocent
bystanders because we are deep down the same kind of people as
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and can look the other way
when somebody has to be eliminated in order to provide us with
our creature comforts?
If we are that kind of person,
then we shouldn't be upset about 9/11, about our government's
killing 3,000 of our own citizens, or about blowing up a few
people in London, because it needed to be done so we could
play our iPods in peace.
But if we are not that kind
of person, isn't it about time we realized that the 9/11
massacre - just like the London bombing - is something that
will inevitably happen to us, because we have tolerated
violence in the name of profit for more than 200 years, and we
have profited mightily from it. Did you really think we could
live our whole lives without paying for what we have done to
the world?
You who are reading this right now -
pretend, just for argument's sake, you are an American. What
do you think is a fair price you should pay for what you have
done to the world?
And when the cops are really the
crooks, who will you turn to for help, that one fine day, when
the bomb the power elite put there to convince the public the
enemy is nearby, is ticking on YOUR bus?
John Kaminski is an internet essayist whose
stories have been seen on hundreds of websites around the
world. They have been collected into two anthologies titled
"America's Autopsy Report" and "The Perfect Enemy" and are for
sale on his website,,
as is the booklet "The Day America Died," written for those
who still believe the government's false story of what
happened on September 11, 2001.
this story to a friend
John Kaminski is the author of
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