To Get A Printed List Of A Folder Of Mp3 Songs --------------------------------------------------------------- Note: You'll be using DOS where spaces [or lack of] between letters are critical Slow, beginner's method --------------------------------- Go to: Start/all programs/accessories/command prompt press enter You'll get C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name> with a flashing cursor type d: (where D is the hard drive partition your folder is in) press enter to get D:\> type space cd space all articles to get D:\> cd all articles press enter to get D:\ALL ARTICLES> type space cd space ARTICLES BY AUTHOR to get D:\ALL ARTICLES> cd ARTICLES BY AUTHOR press enter to get D:\ALL ARTICLES\ARTICLES BY AUTHOR> etc to get D:\ALL ARTICLES\ARTICLES BY AUTHOR\DARYL BRADFORD SMITH> type dir press enter to get screen scrolling contents of final folder finishing with D:\ALL ARTICLES\ARTICLES BY AUTHOR\DARYL BRADFORD SMITH> type dir space > space list.txt to get D:\ALL ARTICLES\ARTICLES BY AUTHOR\DARYL BRADFORD SMITH>dir > list.txt [ 'list' being the name you've chosen to call your file/list ] press enter to get D:\ALL ARTICLES\ARTICLES BY AUTHOR\DARYL BRADFORD SMITH> your list will have been sent in notepad form to DARYL BRADFORD SMITH folder & titled 'list' Faster Method -------------------- Go to: Start/all programs/accessories/command prompt press enter type d: (where D is the hard drive partition your folder is in) press enter to get D:\> type whole folder path to get D:\> cd ALL ARTICLES\ARTICLES BY AUTHOR\DARYL BRADFORD SMITH Press Enter to get D:\ALL ARTICLES\ARTICLES BY AUTHOR\DARYL BRADFORD SMITH> type dir etc. as above