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Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Ted Pike

Is the Kabbalah that Hollywood stars follow different from the Kabbalah that orthodox Jews follow? Why would Jews want goyim to become part of this Kabbalah movement? What is the Zohar?

Click the links below for the MP3 audio files

Hour_1, from Feb 1, 2006
Hour_2, from Feb 1, 2006

An earlier interview about the history of Zionism
Hour_1, from Jan 6, 2006
Hour_2, from Jan 6, 2006

If the above links don't work, try these:
Hour_1, from Feb 1, 2006
Hour_2, from Feb 1, 2006

Hour_1, from Jan 6, 2006
Hour_2, from Jan 6, 2006

For additional information, please listen to this speech from ex-Zionist, Benjamin Freedman:

Benjamin Freedman's speech

Freedman's speech is the most powerful 40 minutes of audio you will ever listen to. Please listen to it. 

All of the above audio files are a must listen if you are to understand the dangers our world presently faces.

Click your right mouse and select download. Then play it, post it on your site, or burn it to CD and share with everyone who has ears.

GCN sells CD ROMs packed with the French Connection shows.