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Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Dr. Lorraine Day

Dr. Lorraine Day discusses health issues, the bird flu, Zionists, deception, and Ernst Zundel.

Click your right mouse button and select download.
Smith's intro, Mar 3, 2006  2.6 mb

Lorraine Day, Mar 3, 2006  6.6 mb

Then play them, post them on the Internet, or burn them to a CD and share it.

If the above links don't work, try these:

Smith's intro, Mar 3, 2006  2.6 mb

Lorraine Day, Mar 3, 2006  6.6 mb

Did you know that Lorraine Day will no longer appear on the Jeff Rense radio show?
Click here to read her explanation!

And click here for her complaints about Judy Andreas