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Daryl Bradford Smith
interviews Chuck Butler
Senior Vice President of EverBank World Markets, he has a free daily e-letter on financial issues. He speaks with Smith about the rising prices in gold, the loss of manufacturing in the USA, and the potential economic disaster we are facing due to the deterioration of the US economy.
Click your right mouse button and select download.
Smith's commentary, April 19, 2006   1.5 mb

Chuck Butler, April 19, 2006    2.4 mb

Some issues Smith brings up:
Mathaba is one of the few news sites that will help those of us who talk about Zionism:

Help us force people to discuss 9-11 and Zionism. At the moment Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Charlie Sheen, and virtually every other "truth seeker" is ignoring or dismissing the role of the Zionists in the 9/11 and other crimes.

We need your help in counteracting the propaganda. The liars get the attention in the media, not us. Why? Because the media is involved in the crimes! Please learn about this!

Put pressure on the liars by telling your friends about us. Every few days you could e-mail a link to one of our articles or interviews, such as:

Some "truth seekers" are discussing Zionism, such as Jeff Rense ( and Mike Rivero (, but they lie about other issues, and they are trying their best to ignore all of our interviews and articles. Since Rense promotes UFOs, tell Rense to deal with this:

Since Mike Rivero and Alex Jones regard NASA as an honest agency, tell him to deal with this:

Most of the truth seekers also ignore blackmail and pedophilia. Have you listened to our interview with John DeCamp? You should at least read the description and play the short segment of Alex Jones so you understand how the "truth seekers" are deceiving us:

Please find the time to learn about how the criminal network uses deception to confuse you, send you in the wrong direction, and fool you into helping them spread false information.

We are not dividing the 9/11 movement when we bring evidence that the truth seekers are liars. Our site has lots of articles about this. For example:

Ben Freedman's speech has helped thousands of other people understand the complaints about Zionism. Demand that Alex Jones, Webster Tarpley, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and all of the other truth seekers deal with this speech: