D B SMITH interviews: ----------------------------- 1. 80-90% of jews are descended from the Khazars, a S.Russian tribe which converted to Judaism after 750 A.D. & thus have no historical claim to Israel.( Google search & Download THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE - by ARTHUR KOESTLER ) 2. The jewish neocons lied USA into the Iraq War, which was a war for Israel not America. 3. Israel is the only middle-Eastern country to commit terrorist attacks against USA (USS Liberty -- interview with a survivor; the Lavon affair) & major spying (Jason Pollard, recognised in Israel as a national hero) 4. Bird-flu scam (12th Jan 2006 interview) 5. Jewish role in the 1917 Russian revolution (they financed & organised & controlled it) With the exception of Lenin, most were New York jews, including Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein). More than 300 of the 384 Commissars were jewish. (10 of the 11 recent oligarchs are jewish) 6. Deliberate Dumbing down of USA in their education system 7. Israel knew of or planned 9-11 with US Government complicity (no jews killed although +4000 worked in the buildings; 200 Israeli 'art students' arrested then released; airforce stand-down; buildings brought down by explosives (including building WTC 7 which was not hit). Download video from www.iamthewitness.com 8. Christian biblical prophecy & Christian Zionism based on the Scofield bible (commissioned by jews) to con Christians into supporting Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, rebuilding of Solomon's temple etc. before Jesus returns, the coming jewish messiah ( I'm not a Christian but find this very interesting. Try the 2 Feb 2006 broadcast) 9. Jewish financing of French Revolution, World wars 1 & 2; negotiating the Balfour Declaration with England in 1916/17 (England promised them Palestine) in return for bringing America into the 1st World war on the side of the Allies by using their media influence & financing England & France (German jewish media & banks basically betrayed Germany, which helps understand Hitler's attitude to them, especially when world jewry 'declared war' on Germany in 1934 & called for a world boycott on German goods to try & oust Hitler). 10. How jewish bankers conned America in 1913 into accepting the Federal Reserve Bank to control the money supply of America (it is a privately owned bank, with no 'reserves' & prints worthless paper money on which the American taxpayer must pay interest. The debt is approaching $ 8 000 000 000 000 or $8 trillion & is backed only by the rest of the world's faith in the American economy. Japan & China together hold some $1.7 trillion of this potentially worthless paper money & they are losing faith! Watch the $ tumble... a good reason to invest in silver (see www.silverstockreport.com) & gold/gold mining shares. 11. He names numerous 'crypto jews' (jews pretending to be non-jews) throughout history including recently John Kerry & Senator McCain (both U S presidential candidates),Madeline Albright, President Eisenhower (jewish father), Winston Churchill (‘Cunning, no doubt, came to Churchill in the Jewish genes transmitted by his mother Lady Randolph Churchill , née Jenny Jacobson/Jerome.’ Moshe Kohn, Jerusalem Post ) possibly even George Bush. 70% of Bush's staff are jewish neocons, including 2 rabbis & many Israeli passport holders. Several of them wrote 'A Clean Break', a blueprint for Israel's middle-Eastern domination. 12. Jewish dominating role in: a) the original black slave trade b) the current drug trade c) Russian (actually jewish!) Mafia d) American Mafia (sorry, but the Italians are junior partners) e) world media & entertainment industry f) world pornography trade g) world slave trade since biblical times h) world white slave trade (current) To discover the disgusting stuff that jews are taught in their Talmud (their holy book which carries more weight than 'the Torah' or 'Old Testament' ) you can download the entire Babylonian Talmud in English from ear@come-and-hear.com Google search 'Truth about the Talmud' which should give you the www.radioislam.org article which lists some of the most offensive quotes eg: Balaam (Jesus) is in hell, being boiled in hot semen--Gittin 57a ; He commited bestiality with his ass--Sanhedrin 105a.; Sex with boys under 9 [Sanhedrin 54(b)] or girls under 3 [Kethuboth (11b)] is permitted.